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A series of expeditions undertaken over the last three years by a team of geologists from Kingston Polytechnic and the British Museum (Natural History) has increased our understanding of the Cretaceous and Tertiary palaeogeography of Central West Africa. The latest expedition discovered a dinosaur graveyard of Lower Cretaceous (Wealden) age. Studies of these and other fossils within the sedimentary rocks of the Iullemmeden Basin in Niger and Mali have shed new light on the Trans-Saharan Seaway migration route during the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods.  相似文献   

Post-Wealden dinosaur remains are rare in the UK, so any material from late Early or Late Cretaceous deposits is potentially of palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical significance. Four dinosaur specimens collected from the Woburn Sands Formation (Aptian) of Upware, Cambridgeshire were described briefly by Walter Keeping in 1883, but have not been reappraised since. These specimens are identified herein as a ?turiasaurian sauropod tooth and indeterminate iguanodontian ornithopod remains (a tooth, middle caudal vertebra, pollex ungual). Although collected from the Woburn Sands Formation, it is likely that all of these fossils were reworked from older (now absent) sediments and they have usually been regarded as either ‘Wealden’ or Neocomian in age, presumably due to previous identifications of some of these specimens as Iguanodon. However, consideration of UK dinosaur faunas and regional geology indicates that these fossils could potentially be older. Further work is needed on the derived terrestrial fossils of the Lower Greensand Group in order to constrain their ages more precisely so that they can be incorporated into broader studies of regional diversity and palaeoecology.  相似文献   

Non-marine strata of Early Cretaceous age ('Wealden facies') are found at outcrop in the type localities of the Wessex Basins, southern England (and adjacent subsurface) and in extensive and thick successions filling the North Celtic Sea Basin. Sedimentology, paleontology, petrology and geochemistry have traditionally been used as evidence in determining the climatic, tectonic and sea level controls on Wealden facies, sedimentary processes and stratigraphy. Analysis of seismic data, through seismic facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis, allows direct comparison of the Wealden in these basins and new interpretations to be made of the tectonic and depositional influences. In the north-eastern end of the North Celtic Sea Basin, tectonic controls on seismic facies can be demonstrated and are related to coarse-grained fan-delta horizons documented in core. In the south-western North Celtic Sea Basin, adjacent to the Cretaceous proto-Atlantic, tectonic controls are less apparent, and changes in relative sea level were probably more important in controlling the preservation of stratigraphic sequences. Where the non-marine Lower Cretaceous succession is imaged clearly, the stratigraphic similarity between parts of the North Celtic Sea and the Weald and Channel Basins suggests a wider control by relative sea-level fluctuations. However, important variations in seismic facies within the basins indicate localized, dominant tectonic control. The recognition of a very distinctive 'lower' Wealden seismic facies, observed as undulatory (?channelized) and downlapping reflections, is contrasted with either the parallel or synsedimentary fault-dominated 'upper' Wealden facies. These seismic characteristics reflect the previously recognized climatic/tectonic change from Hastings to Weald Clay Group environments. The debate on tectonics versus eustacy is further complicated: palaeoclimate appears to be a third process responsible for stratigraphic variation.  相似文献   

The Wealden Supergroup of south-east England has long been of interest to palaeontologists because of its diverse flora and fauna. The Supergroup is Early Cretaceous in age, occupying the time period immediately after the enigmatic end-Jurassic extinction. Wealden faunas therefore have the potential to be informative about the tempo and mode of post-extinction recovery, but due to lack of exposure in this densely populated part of southern England, are difficult to sample. In the summer of 2012, a number of ex situ fossiliferous blocks of sandstone, siltstone and limestone were discovered from building excavations at Ardingly College, near Haywards Heath in West Sussex. The sedimentology of the blocks indicates that they are from the Valanginian Hastings Group, and that Ardingly College is underlain by the Grinstead Clay Formation, rather than the Ardingly Sandstone Member. The blocks contain a diverse invertebrate fauna and flora, as well as vertebrate remains, which are found in a distinct sandstone horizon that probably represents the Top Lower Tunbridge Wells pebble bed. A tooth from an ornithschian dinosaur cannot be referred to any of the ornithischian taxa known from the Wealden Supergroup, and therefore represents a new taxon. Teeth of the crocodilian Theriosuchus extend the known range of this taxon in the Wealden, while teeth of an ornithocheird pterosaur confirm the presence of these animals in the skies above the Wealden sub-basins. Fusainized plant remains and the wing-case of a cupedid beatle indicate that wildfire was a ubiquitous feature of the Weald Sub-basin during the Valanginian.  相似文献   

The Wealden strata (non-marine Lower Cretaceous) of the Weald Sub-basin outcrop in the Weald district of south-east England; the Wealden type-area. The succession is made up of the mixed alluvial–lacustrine–lagoonal Hastings Beds Group below and the predominantly lacustrine–lagoonal Weald Clay Group above. Deposition was strongly influenced by tectonism amongst surrounding massifs, and the warm to hot, periodically wet Wealden climate. Geological Conservation Review sites within the Weald district are dominated by inland sites, but also include extensive coastal cliff and foreshore exposures near Hastings, East Sussex. The Wealden strata have been documented and interpreted since the earliest days of geological enquiry in Great Britain. Collectively, the selected sites demonstrate the key elements of a depositional model for the Wealden of the Weald, developed and published by Professor Percival Allen FRS (1917–2008) in these Proceedings (Allen, 1975). The sites are documented and interpreted, with special reference to research history, chronostratigraphy, structural context, palaeoenvironments, palaeobiology and palaeoclimatology. New directions for research are proposed, as applicable.  相似文献   

The Wealden Beds (non-marine Lower Cretaceous) of the Wessex Sub-basin, southern England, are exposed principally in coastal sections on the Isle of Wight and in Dorset. Geological Conservation Review sites within these strata have been extensively documented since the earliest days of geological enquiry in Great Britain. The succession is dominated by the alluvial Wessex Formation which demonstrates a broad east–west transition from meanderplain lithofacies to coarser-grained alluvial sediments, in relative proximity to the Cornubian source massif. The meanderplain sediments on the Isle of Wight are of international importance for their plant and animal fossils, the latter including many dinosaurs and their trackways. Upper Barremian transgression resulted in the spread of muddy lakes and coastal lagoons from the Weald Sub-basin into the eastern part of the Wessex Sub-basin, around or through the Purbeck–Isle of Wight structure. The resulting richly fossiliferous mudrock-dominated strata are now represented by the Vectis Formation on the Isle of Wight and in Swanage Bay, Dorset. The Geological Conservation Review sites in the Wessex Sub-basin are documented and interpreted, with particular reference to research history, chronostratigraphy, structural context, palaeoenvironments, palaeobiology and palaeoclimatology. New directions for research are proposed, as applicable.  相似文献   

A pellet-filled boring in fossil wood is described from the Early Cretaceous Wessex Formation (Barremian), Isle of Wight. The cylindrical boring, approximately 1 cm in diameter, is filled with carbonaceous pellets with a hexagonal shape, preserved within a matrix of pyrite. Features of the boring suggest that it was made by termites that bored into the wood, either when the tree was alive or in the early stages of decay on the forest floor. This evidence of termite activity complements previous records of termite wing fossils and faecal pellets in Wealden sediments and is evidence for social behaviour in Wealden insects. This is one of the oldest records of termite borings in wood.  相似文献   

Part 1 of 'A Wealden guide' ( Geology Today , 2006, v.22, n.3) provided an introduction to the non-marine Early Cretaceous Wealden strata of southern England, and an account of the succession that outcrops within the Weald Sub-basin. This second article focuses on the Wealden of the Wessex Sub-basin, exposed on the Isle of Wight and Dorset coasts of southern and south-west England.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》1988,9(2):171-179
The remains of phytoplankton occur at many horizons in the Wealden succession of southern England. Some of these are dinocysts that are identical to known marine Early Cretaceous species but the sedimentological and palaeontological associations of others indicate fresh-water origins. Species of the cyst genera Australisphaera, Ripea and several new forms are among the members of this group. They commonly occur together with the chlorococcalean algae Pediastrum, Scenedesmus, Tetraedron and Tetrastrum. The last of these has not had a fossil record hitherto, and both Scenedesmus and Tetraedron have hardly ever been reported previously from pre-Quaternary deposits. These findings contradict the widely held opinion that dinoflagellates did not occupy freshwater habitats until the beginning of the Cenozoic Era.  相似文献   

梅冥相 《现代地质》2008,22(1):129-142
天津蓟县剖面的中元古界高于庄组可以划分为4个段,其中第三段组成一个特别的非叠层石碳酸盐岩序列。在该非叠层石碳酸盐岩序列上部的隐晶质泥晶灰岩中,发育着还存在成因争议的臼齿状构造,与其伴生的是多种类型的实体宏观藻类化石。根据宏观形态特征,可以将这些宏观藻类化石暂时归为球状丘尔藻、椭球状寿县藻、带状塔乌藻和豆荚状荚藻、卵圆状卵圆藻、舌状舌藻等多种类型,以前二种居多,组成一个球状丘尔藻—椭球状寿县藻组合。这些宏观藻类化石,曾经被认为是臼齿状构造的一种而称为"球状臼齿状构造",或被简单地当作燧石结核、钙质结核等等。但是,由于其具有规则的宏观形态,其中的球形或次球形化石在常规岩石薄片下还显示出可能的原始多细胞组织分化和可能的细胞显微结构,与充填臼齿状构造的方解石微亮晶形成明显的区别,所以不应该将其定义为臼齿状构造,更不能解释为钙质结核和燧石结核,其以罕见的实体化石不同于多年来所描述的、以碳质压型化石的形式产出的宏观藻类化石。其规则多样的宏观形态所表明的多种化石类型,以及那些球状或次球状实体宏观藻类化石显示出可能的多细胞组织及相似的细胞显微结构,表明具明显的原始多细胞真核生物特征,这为探索前寒武纪真核生物的起源与演化提供了宝贵的实际材料。  相似文献   

陈孟莪 《地质科学》1999,34(4):525-527
岳昭与本格森(1997,1998)的论文发表后,寒武纪早期的古胚胎化石(作为生命暴炸式迅速演化辐射的证据之一)引起了广泛的注意,笔者最近对宁强与峨嵋的标本重新观察与研究,得到同样结论:1.代表囊胚的球体外层构造或装饰有多种。  相似文献   

The non-marine Lower Cretaceous Wealden strata of the Wessex-Weald Basin (southern England) are introduced, with reference to the depositional model developed by Professor Percival Allen FRS (Allen, 1975). To demonstrate this model and the development of Wealden palaeoenvironments through time, Wealden sites have been selected for the Geological Conservation Review programme. Site selection rationale is briefly outlined.  相似文献   

A new partial skeleton of the armoured ornithischian dinosaur Polacanthus found in the Wadhurst Clay Formation (Valanginian stage) of Bexhill, Sussex is the oldest recorded occurrence of this taxon. Previous discoveries suggested that at least two armoured ornithischians occur in the Wealden succession: Polacanthus, which was mostly restricted to the Barremian, and Hylaeosaurus, which was recorded as present only in the Valanginian. The new discovery extends the stratigraphic range of Polacanthus into the Valanginian. Although these two taxa appear to be closely similar anatomically, their osteology now suggests they are not synonymous. The new specimen includes the first known jugal as well as a comparatively rare polacanthid plate/spine (splate) which probably comes from the shoulder (pectoral) area of these animals.  相似文献   

The Tandilia Belt in northeast Argentina includes a Neoproterozoic sequence of sediments (Sierras Bayas Group), in which the Cerro Largo Formation, ca. 750 Ma in age, forms a siliciclastic, shallowing upward succession of subtidal nearshore to tidal flat deposits. Trace fossils Palaeophycus isp. and Didymaulichnus isp. have been described from the upper part of this succession. Specific sedimentary structures consisting of round-crested bulges, arranged in a reticulate pattern, and networks of curved cracks are associated with the trace fossils. These structures are considered to be related to epibenthic microbial mats that once colonized the sediment surface. They reflect stages of mat growth and mat destruction, if compared to analogous structures in modern cyanobacterial mats of peritidal, siliciclastic depositional systems. Also the trace fossils are interpreted as mat-related structures, partly forming components of networks of shrinkage cracks, partly representing the upturned and involute margins of shrinkage cracks or circular openings in desiccating and shrinking, thin microbial mats.

The definition of Didymaulichnus miettensis Young as a Terminal Proterozoic trace fossil is questioned, and it may be considered to interpret the ‘bilobate’ structure as the upturned, opposite margins of microbial shrinkage cracks which have been brought back into contact by compaction after burial.  相似文献   

Northeastern China contains widely distributed Jurassic terrestrial strata that have yielded many spectacular mammal and pterosaur fossils, in addition to feathered dinosaur fossils and more recent discoveries from Jianchang, particularly from western Liaoning. However, the fossil-bearing stratigraphic succession, regional correlation, and age estimates of the fossils found in Jianchang County and nearby areas have been contentious. Here, we report on the vertebrate fossil-bearing Jurassic stratigraphy from Linglongta, Jianchang County, western Liaoning, including a SHRIMP U-Pb zircon date unambiguously associated with the fossil horizons. The primary goal was to determine the vertebrate fossil-bearing succession. A further aim was to provide age estimations for the fossil-bearing horizon as well as the earliest appearance of feathered dinosaurs, the eutherian–placental clade, and transitional pterosaurs. Field investigations showed that the vertebrate fossil-bearing stratigraphic succession in Jianchang County mainly consists of basal andesites overlain by rhythmic tuffs and tuffaceous lacustrine sediments, with the upper intermediate or acidic lavas interbedded with laminated more or less tuffaceous lacustrine deposits. This sequence correlates well with the Middle Jurassic Lanqi/Tiaojishan Formation in northeastern China. Detailed and accurate field observations showed that the well-preserved vertebrate fossils were buried in either the middle or the upper fine-grained laminated lacustrine deposits. Previous and current SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dates provide an age estimation of 161–159 Myr for the fossil-bearing horizon and vertebrates. This indicates that the earliest appearance of feathered dinosaurs here was more than 159 Myr ago and unquestionably older than Archaeopteryx from Germany, making these the earliest known feathered dinosaurs in the world. Furthermore, the eutherian–placental clade and the known transitional pterosaurs first emerged no later than 161 Myr. The vertebrate assemblage unearthed recently from Linglongta and neighboring areas in Jianchang County belongs to the Daohugou Biota. In addition to feathered dinosaurs, this biota was characterized by mammals, primitive pterosaurs, insects, and plants and was present in Inner Mongolia, western Liaoning, and northern Hebei in northeastern China during the Middle–Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

首次在青海西宁盆地新近纪河湖相沉积地层中发现了三趾马、副板齿犀牙齿化石,对化石的基本特征和埋藏情况进行了描述,三趾马化石经鉴定为东乡三趾马。结合区域和前人资料认为,本次发现化石的岩石地层应该属于咸水河组或以上层位,时代为晚中新世早期。分析前人孢粉资料认为化石形成时的古植被为森林-草原,古气候环境为亚热带干旱气候环境。这一发现为西宁盆地晚新生代河湖相地层格架的建立,提供了古生物学依据,对西宁盆地中新世地层确立起到时序标尺的作用。为青藏高原东北缘盆地的环境演化、地层划分、时代厘定提供了新的资料,对深入研究青藏高原隆升环境效具有重要意义。同时,也为青藏高原东北缘、华北地区、青藏高原三趾马动物群进行对比研究,提供了基础材料。  相似文献   

贵州瓮安震旦纪陡山沱期磷酸盐化球状化石的新观察   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
尹崇玉  高林志等 《地质学报》2001,75(2):145-150,T001,T002
我国贵州瓮安陡山沱期磷块岩中的磷酸盐化球状化石是近年来受到广泛关注的一类微体化石。对于它们的生物亲缘认识,长期以来存在着动植物之争,特别是近年来一些学者发现,部分磷酸盐化球状化石内部保存了2、4、8、16等几何级数增长的细胞特征,根据化石的大小、细胞排列方式和表面纹饰可与现生甲壳类动物的胚胎比较,认为它们很可能是运动胚胎化石,但另一些学者却持截然不同的观点,认为它们不是动物胚胎化石的观察与研究,同时结合相同层位岩石薄片所发现的大量同类化石微细结构的对比。特别是把磷块岩中的化石与燧石中发现的化石详细比较,对一些磷酸盐化球状化石的归属和亲缘关系进行探讨,研究表明贵州瓮安陡山沱期燧石中发现的化石详细比较,对一些磷酸盐化球状化石的归属和亲缘关系进行探讨。研究表明贵州瓮安陡山沱期磷酸盐化微体化石群具有多样性特征,包含不同门类,是迄今为止全球保存最好的晚新元古代磷酸盐化的化石库。  相似文献   

Exceptionally preserved fossils,such as those from Cambrian Burgess Shale-type fossil-Lagerstatten are critical because of their unique contributions to knowledge of the phylogenetic radiation and palaeoecological expansion of metazoans during the Cambrian explosion.Critically,these deposits provide information that is usually unobtainable from shelly and skeletonized fossils alone.The Guanshan Biota(Cambrian Series 2,Stage 4)in the Yunnan Province of South China,has produced abundant and diverse,exquisitely preserved fossils that often retain soft tissues and organs.To date,most fossils from the Guanshan Biota have been collected from localities such as Gaoloufang and Gangtoucun,which have become inaccessible due to new urban expansions and constructions of residential buildings.Here we present the first report of soft bodied fossils from a new section at Kanfuqing,close to the Wulongqing village in Malong County,approximately 3 km east of the Wulongqing Formation stratotype section.Fossils retain soft morphology,and include brachiopods with delicate marginal setae,priapulids with well-preserved sclerites and vetulicolians with entire sections of body.In addition,this fauna includes rare occurrences of trilobites preserved with soft tissues replicated as pyrite pseudomorphs after weathering.This discovery represents an important palaeogeographical extension of soft-bodied fossils of the Guanshan fauna to the east of the Xiaojiang Fault(related to Tsinning tectonic movements ca.700 Ma).The fauna from the new Kanfuqing section is similar to that reported from the Wulongqing Formation west of the Xiaojiang Fault,and thus has significant implications for early Cambrian palaeogeography,faunal successions and palaeoenvironments of eastern Yunnan.  相似文献   

西藏阿里札达盆地上新统鼠兔类牙齿化石的发现   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
首次在西藏阿里札达盆地上新世河湖相沉积地层中发现了鼠兔类牙齿化石,对鼠兔类牙齿化石的基本特征进行了描述,并在同一层位中采集了大量孢粉、古动物和古植物化石。结合区域地质特征,产出鼠兔类牙齿化石地层的古地磁、ESR测年资料,沉积学特征等的简要分析,认为札达盆地鼠兔类的演化迁徙与上新世时气候由温暖湿润向寒冷潮湿-温和干旱的变化有关。显然,这一发现有助于认识青藏高原新近纪上新世的生物演化、气候变化和构造活动,并为研究青藏高原新近纪以来的生物进化、湖泊与河流演化、气候变化、古地理与古环境变迁和古近系、新近系、第四系地层划分等提供了新资料。  相似文献   

A new site has recently been discovered near Puebla, Mexico, at which fossils are found in a beautiful state of preservation in Cretaceous limestones. Most of the fossils are of new or little-known fish, but there is also a wide variety of invertebrates. The fossils have been found in a platy limestone that splits easily along the bedding planes containing the fossils. This type of preservation is very similar to that found at the world-famous fossil site at Solenhofen in Bavaria, Federal Republic of Germany, and may shed light on the community structure of this Cretaceous part of the geological column.  相似文献   

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