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章斯腾  陆欣  陆瑶  程亮  李满春  杨康 《遥感学报》2021,25(10):2142-2152
河流网络是地表水循环的重要组成部分,如何实现河流网络动态监测已成为河流遥感研究的热点。近年来,以PlanetScope为代表的CubeSat小卫星已具备了米级空间分辨率、1 d重访周期的优势,这为河流网络高时空分辨率动态监测提供了可能。本文以青藏高原长江源区的通天河流域(227 km2)为研究区,选取2017-05—2017-10 5期3 m空间分辨率CubeSat遥感影像,增强河流横纵剖面特征自动化提取了河流网络,研究了通天河流域河流网络动态变化,对比分析了3 m CubeSat与30 m Landsat 8、10 m Sentinel-2所提取的河流网络,以及5种现有水体数据集(GRWL,GSW,FROM-GLC 2017,OpenStreetMap,HydroSHEDS)。研究结果表明:(1)研究区内河流网络5月水系密度较低(0.38 km-1),7—8月河流网络进入丰水期,水系密度显著增加至0.61 km-1,9月河流网络进入平水期,水系密度趋于平稳(0.53 km-1),随后迅速退化并于10月开始冻结,水系密度迅速降低至0.37 km-1;(2)采用高空间分辨率CubeSat所提取的河流网络能够识别更多细小河流(河宽3—30 m),CubeSat所提取的河流总长分别为Landsat 8、Sentinel-2所提取河流总长的1.6倍和1.3倍;(3)CubeSat所提取的河流网络水系密度高于现有水体数据集(2.9—12.4倍),弥补了现有水体数据集无法反映细小河流的不足。  相似文献   

本文通过多时相遥感资料的动态对比解译,分析了神府-东胜地区48000km2(包括矿区2756km2)范围地区的地质环境特征及主要环境地质问题的现状和演变发展趋势,并对全区地质环境质量进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

西藏色林错湖面增长遥感信息动态分析   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
根据1972年陆地卫星MSS,1992年TM与1999年ETM+3个时相的遥感数据信息,对西藏色林错湖面增长进行动态分析后,发现近30a来湖面逐渐扩大,从1707km2增大到了1823km2.本文分别从气象学、构造地质学及高原隆升等方面分析了湖面扩大的原因.认为很有可能是由于温室效应,使得气温上升,冰雪、冰川融化和冻土软化释放水注入色林错,进而引起湖面增长.并就其所揭示的环境信息进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

拟议中的南水北调中线工程,南起长江三峡水库,横跨长江、淮河、黄河及海河流域,全长1600km,是一项跨流域远距离调水,改变祖国面貌的宏伟工程。自50年代起,该项工程就开始了规划,并对其可行性进行了多方面科学论证和研究。1984年地矿部地质遥感中心沿黄河至北京段进行了1:2万彩红外航空摄影,为河北段进行遥感解译试点工作提供了先决条件。本次工作选择河北段长470km,面积18,916km2进行遥感水文工程地质解译,取得了成功。  相似文献   

黄河下游黄泛平原是我国东部地震高发区之一,涉及地震Ⅶ级烈度区带48万km2,Ⅷ级烈度区带4.5万km2,历史地震统计资料表明,华北地区自1812年以来即进入地震活跃期,地震活动呈现出向华北南部黄泛区集中的趋势。京九铁路进入黄泛区以后,在山东聊城斜穿聊兰发震断裂带达200余km,在河南台前,横跨地上悬河——黄河现代河道,历史上该地曾有地震引发黄河决溢泛滥的记录,因此,地震活动及其诱发的黄河水患,是京九铁路及其沿线地区的不稳定因素之一。所以该地应以防御震害及水患为目的,加强防御体系的建设,避免二次灾害的发生。  相似文献   

洪水灾害模拟及评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对洪水灾害评估的特点,将GIS技术与RS技术相结合,根据数字高程模型DEM提供的三维数据和遥感影像数据,运用GIS的空间分析功能来预测、模拟显示红水河流域洪水淹没场景,并结合该流域水文站降雨量数据和各乡镇人口密度数据以及其他辅助数据进行洪水灾害评估。  相似文献   

蒋洪波  陈超 《测绘科学》2008,33(3):71-73
基于RS与GIS技术的土地利用变更图斑自动识别方法,即"以遥感正射影像图为基础,以地理信息和地物反射光谱为判别依据"的变更信息识别方法,能够尽量避免传统利用遥感影像分类技术进行地物变更识别存在的不足。本文通过对距离算法的改良,有效利用遥感数据的实时性和丰富性,在地理信息系统的支持下,提高了对地物变更地块的识别精度。  相似文献   

黑龙江省矿集区尾矿库遥感监测与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尾矿库是一个具有高势能的人造泥石流危险源,存在溃坝危险,一旦失事,容易造成重大或特大事故。尾矿库不仅占据了大量的土地资源、破坏土地植被,给环境安全带来隐患,同时尾矿中含有的各种重金属矿物和毒性物质经过淋滤和渗透,会严重污染尾矿库周边和下游的生态环境。为实现对尾矿库的遥感监测与分析,以黑龙江省重点矿集区尾矿库为研究对象,利用高分辨率遥感图像建立准确的遥感解译标志,对尾矿库进行遥感解译;利用GIS软件提取尾矿库的相关信息,摸清现有尾矿的基本类型、堆存数量、地理位置和有害因素等;同时了解和掌握尾矿堆放区的环境地质情况和生态状况,以期为尾矿库的监督和管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

随着遥感影像的分辨率不断提升,基于可见光遥感影像地物目标检测和轮廓提取的研究越来越受到关注。基于深度学习的方法提出一个利用遥感影像进行地物目标检测和轮廓提取的一体化模型,旨在解决遥感影像地物目标检测和轮廓提取中繁复的手工标注和传统算法效果不佳的难题。以船舶为研究对象,在HRSC2016遥感数据集上进行验证,单类目标检测精度可以达到79.50%,4类目标检测精度为63.45%,轮廓提取精度可以达到97.40%。结果证明,提出的模型可以实现基于遥感影像的自动化、智能化的船舶目标轮廓提取。  相似文献   

许晓聪  李冰洁  刘小平  黎夏  石茜 《遥感学报》2021,25(9):1896-1916
高时空分辨率的全球多类别土地覆盖数据对于地球系统的生物化学循环、气候变化等研究至关重要。目前公开的数据产品中,较高空间分辨率的全球多类别土地覆盖产品仅提供单一或短时期的数据,而全球逐年土地覆盖产品往往只有单一土地覆盖类型,难以从较长时间跨度上反映精细地物的年际变化。本文借助Google Earth Engine平台,利用现有多套全球土地覆盖产品、Landsat卫星系列影像、以及大量人工目视解译样本,结合多数据融合、时序变化检测和机器学习等的方法,研制了一套2000年—2015年全球30 m分辨率的逐年土地覆盖变化数据集AGLC-2000-2015(Annual Global Land Cover 2000-2015)。基于AGLC-2000-2015数据集,本文选择性分析了3个典型区域(中国珠江三角洲地区、青藏高原色林错湖区和亚马逊热带雨林区)的土地覆盖年际变化。结果显示,AGLC-2000-2015数据集达到了较高的精度水平:基准年份产品(AGLC-2015)的总体精度(OA)为76.10%,Kappa系数为0.72,显著优于现有30 m分辨率的全球土地覆盖产品Globeland 30(OA = 63.49%,Kappa = 0.58)、FROM-GLC(OA = 61.41%,Kappa = 0.55)和GLC-FCS30(OA = 63.46%,Kappa = 0.57);年际间分类模型的总体精度和Kappa系数分别为84.10%和0.81,在各大洲的平均总体精度均超过80.00%,表明该模型在全球多类别土地覆盖分类中表现良好。3个典型区域的土地覆盖变化分析显示,中国珠江三角洲地区城市扩张趋势明显(195.96 km2/a),其增量主要来源于耕地(84.88%);青藏高原色林错湖泊对于气候变暖响应明显,湖区面积呈扩大趋势(17.95 km2/a),湖面北岸扩张最为明显;亚马逊热带雨林南部区域毁林造田趋势明显,15 a间森林面积减少46356.53 km2,其中大部分转化为农田(39621.29 km2)。上述结果表明:AGLC-2000-2015数据集能够有效反映全球陆地区域在30 m空间分辨率下的地表覆盖分布及年际间的动态演化,为地表陆面过程研究和相关应用提供可靠的数据支撑。  相似文献   

The changes in the land use and land cover (LULC), above ground biomass (AGB) and the associated above ground carbon (AGC) stocks were assessed in Lidder Valley, Kashmir Himalaya using satellite data (1980–2013), allometric equations and phytosociological data. Change detection analysis of LULC, comprising of eight vegetation and five non-vegetation types, indicated that 6% (74.5 km2) of the dense evergreen forest has degraded. Degraded forest and settlement increased by 20 and 52.8 km2, respectively. Normalized difference vegetation index was assessed and correlated with the field-based biomass estimates to arrive at best-fit models for remotely sensed AGB estimates for 2005 and 2013. Total loss of 1.018 Megatons of AGB and 0.5 Megatons of AGC was estimated from the area during 33-year period which would have an adverse effect on the carbon sequestration potential of the area which is already facing the brunt of climate change.  相似文献   

Integrated and environmentally sustainable development strategies have become inevitable for micro-level planning these days. The usefulness of remotely sensed data from earth resource satellites for watershed management is discussed for an eastern Himalayan watershed covering 39.09 km2 area. The biophysical conditions were assessed based on field experience. The SPOT HRV-I MLA and PLA scenes were interpreted for land use/cover categories and associated characteristics. These parameters were found to be significant towards evolving the management priorities for development of agriculture, soil conservation, afforestation and rain water harvesting structures in ecologically fragile Himalayan region. The remote sensing inputs were important in deriving the relevant details faster and precisely.  相似文献   

Metropolitan Beijing is facing many environmental problems such as haze and urban heat island due to the rapid urbanization. Surface shortwave, longwave, and net radiations are key components of the surface-atmosphere radiation budget. Since megacities are affected by the thermal radiation of complex landscape structures and atmospheric environments, quantitative and spatially explicit retrieval from remotely sensed data remains a challenge. We collected the surface radiation fluxes from seven fixed sites representing different land-use types to calibrate the local parameters for remotely sensed retrieval of net radiation. We proposed a remote sensing–based surface radiation retrieval method by embedding the underlying land covers and integrating the observational data. The improved method is feasible to accurately retrieve surface radiation and delineate spatial characteristics in metropolitan areas. The accuracy evaluation indicated that the difference between remotely sensed and in situ observed net radiation ranged within 0~± 40 W· m?2. The root mean squared error of the estimated net surface radiation was 32.71 W· m?2. The strongly spatial heterogeneity of surface radiation components in metropolitan Beijing was closely related to land-cover patterns from urban area to outskirts. We also found that the surface net radiation had a decreasing trend from 1984 to 2014, and the net radiation in the urban area was lower than that in the outskirts. According to the surface radiation budgets, urbanization resulted in the cooling effect in net radiation flux in the daytime, which was stemmed from low atmospheric transmittances from massive aerosol concentration and high surface albedo from light building materials.  相似文献   

Tongyu County in Northeast China is highly prone to land degradation due to its fragile physical settings characterized by a flat topography, a semi-arid climate, and a shallow groundwater table. This study aims to determine the causes of land degradation through detecting the long-term trend of land cover changes. Degraded lands were mapped from satellite images recorded in 1992 and 2002. These land cover maps revealed that the area subject to land degradation in the form of soil salinization, waterlogging and desertification increased from 2400 to 4214 km2, in sharp contrast to most severely degraded land that decreased by 122.5 km2. Newly degraded land stems from productive farmland (263 km2), harvested farmland (551 km2), and grassland (468 km2). Therefore, the worsened degradation situation is attributed to excessive reclamation of grassland for farming, over cultivation, overgrazing, and deforestation. Mechanical, biological, ecological and engineering means should be adopted to rehabilitate the degraded land.  相似文献   

Sundarban, the largest single patch of mangrove forest of the world is shared by Bangladesh (~ 60 %) and India (~ 40 %). Loss of mangrove biomass and subsequent potential emission of carbon dioxide is reported from different parts of the world. We estimated the loss of above ground mangrove biomass and subsequent potential emission of carbon dioxide in the Indian part of the Sundarban during the last four decades. The loss of mangrove area has been estimated with the help of remotely sensed data and potential emission of carbon dioxide has been evaluated with the help of published above ground biomass data of Indian Sundarban. Total loss of mangrove area was found to be 107 km2 between the year 1975 and 2013. Amongst the total loss ~60 % was washed away in the water by erosion, ~ 23 % was converted into barren lands and the rest were anthropogenically transformed into other landforms. The potential carbon dioxide emission due to the degradation of above ground biomass was estimated to be 1567.98 ± 551.69 Gg during this period, which may account to 64.29 million $ in terms of the social cost of carbon. About three-forth of the total mangrove loss was found in the peripheral islands which are much more prone to erosion. Climate induced changes and anthropogenic land use change could be the major driving force behind this loss of ‘blue carbon’.  相似文献   

This study examined changes in urban expansion and land surface temperature in Beijing between 1990 and 2014 using multitemporal TM, ETM+, and OLI images, and evaluated the relationship between percent impervious surface area (%ISA) and relative mean annual surface temperature (RMAST). From 1990 to 2001, both internal land transformation and outward expansion were observed. In the central urban area, the high-density urban areas decreased by almost 7 km2, while the moderate- and high-density urban land areas increased by 250 and 90 km2, respectively, outside of the third ring road. From 2001 to 2014, high-density urban areas between the fifth and sixth ring roads experienced the greatest increase by more than 210 km2, and RMAST generally increased with %ISA. During 1990–2001 and 2001–2014, RMAST increased by more than 1.5 K between the south third and fifth ring roads, and %ISA increased by more than 50% outside of the fifth ring road. These trends in urban expansion and RMAST over the last two decades in Beijing can provide useful information for urban planning decisions.  相似文献   

Assessment of groundwater potential zones using GIS technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case study was conducted to find out the groundwater potential zones in Kattakulathur block, Tamil Nadu, India with an aerial extent of 360.60 km2. The thematic maps such as geology, geomorphology, soil hydrological group, land use / land cover and drainage map were prepared for the study area. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been generated from the 10 m interval contour lines (which is derived from SOI, Toposheet 1:25000 scale) and obtained the slope (%) of the study area. The groundwater potential zones were obtained by overlaying all the thematic maps in terms of weighted overlay methods using the spatial analysis tool in ArcGIS 9.2. During weighted overlay analysis, the ranking has been given for each individual parameter of each thematic map and weights were assigned according to the influence such as soil −25%, geomorphology − 25%, land use/land cover −25%, slope − 15%, lineament − 5% and drainage / streams − 5% and find out the potential zones in terms of good, moderate and poor zones with the area of 49.70 km2, 261.61 km2 and 46.04 km2 respectively. The potential zone wise study area was overlaid with village boundary map and the village wise groundwater potential zones with three categories such as good, moderate and poor zones were obtained. This GIS based output result was validated by conducting field survey by randomly selecting wells in different villages using GPS instruments. The coordinates of each well location were obtained by GPS and plotted in the GIS platform and it was clearly shown that the well coordinates were exactly seated with the classified zones.  相似文献   

舟山群岛-宁波深水港群遥感综合调查   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用TM/ETM+和SPOT开展港口现状、海岸类型和仓储场地的调查;利用ERS-2SAR调查探测锋面和内波等海洋环境要素;利用TM/ETM+和NOAA探测调查区的悬浮泥沙分布情况。最后,结合常规调查数据,对舟山群岛—宁波深水港群港口资源进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

Estimating tropical biomass is critical for establishment of conservation inventories and landscape monitoring. However, monitoring biomass in a complex and dynamic environment using traditional methods is challenging. Recently, biomass estimates based on remotely sensed data and ecological variables have shown great potential. The present study explored the utility of remotely sensed data and topo-edaphic factors to improve biomass estimation in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Twenty-nine vegetation indices were calculated from RapidEye data, while topo-edaphic factors were taken from field measurements. Results showed that using topo-edaphic variables or vegetation indices, biomass could be predicted with an R2 of 0.4. A combination of topo-edaphic variables and vegetation indices improved the prediction accuracy to an R2 of 0.6. Results further showed a decrease in biomass estimates from 1162 ton ha?1 in 1980 to 285.38 ton ha?1 in 2012. This study demonstrates the value of combining remotely sensed data with topo-edaphic variables in biomass estimation.  相似文献   

The studies on forest cover change can reveal the status of forests and facilitate for its conservation planning. Idukki is the largest district in the state of Kerala having a total geographical area of 5019 km2. The objectives of the present study are to map forest cover in Idukki district using multi-temporal remote sensing data (1975, 1990, 2001 and 2012) and topographical maps (1925), to analyze the trends in deforestation and land use changes. Overall statistics for the period of 1925 indicate that about 4675.7 km2 (93.2 %) of the landscape was under forest. The forest cover in 2012 was estimated as 2613.4 km2 (52.1 %). Recently, due to the implementation of policies and protection efforts, the rate of deforestation was greatly reduced. The commencement of hydroelectric projects during 1925–1990 responsible for an increase of area under water bodies by inundating other land uses. The long term analysis shows agricultural area been decreasing and commercial plantations been increasing in the district. There has been a significant increase in the area of plantations from 1236.2 km2 (1975) to 1317.3 km2 (2012).  相似文献   

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