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This paper intends to assess Taiwan’s energy security situation under current and future development of global environment. We construct a static computable general equilibrium model for Taiwan to fulfill our purpose. The model is benchmarked in 2006 and includes detailed specification of power generation technology and renewable energy producing sectors. It also distinguishes sources of imported energy to reflect Taiwan’s current policy of diversifying sources of supply for energy. Simulations using the model have been focused on both changes in energy price and quantity of energy supply under specific specifications of the development of renewable energy technologies and CO2 emission reduction requirements. Our simulation results demonstrate that energy security and climate change mitigation interact each other, and under a specific emission reduction target, the effect of exogenous energy shocks on the economy will be partially absorbed by the internal adjustment mechanism of the economy.  相似文献   

Chinese central government made a commitment to achieve a 40–45% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) per unit of GDP by 2020 compared with 2005. This targeted reduction was allocated averagely among all the provinces rather than individually according to different situations of each province. Though some research has been done regarding this rough allocation, two shortcomings in previous studies exist: Firstly, CO2 marginal abatement cost (MAC) has been ignored as one of the CO2 emission reduction allocation indexes. Secondly, either subjective or objective method has been used rather than comprehensively of both subjective and objective method to calculate the weight of each index in the previous studies. In order to fill the gaps, this paper builds a two-stage Shapley information entropy model to allocate CO2 emission reduction quota among the Chinese provinces based on the equity and efficiency principles. Afterward, three CO2 emission reduction quota allocation scenarios have been proposed. The results show that the CO2 MAC is an indispensable index in CO2 emission reduction quota allocation, because its value of CO2 Shapley information entropy is the highest among five indexes. CO2 emission reduction quota of lower-MAC provinces should be allocated larger, while the quota of higher-MAC provinces should be allocated smaller. Therefore, two suggested policies have been proposed: First, differential CO2 emission reduction quota allocation should be proposed. Second, synergetic development should be promoted.  相似文献   

“双碳目标”已成为我国能源发展基本国策。如何开展这一大背景下的石油地质研究及如何推动能源多元化发展,是石油科技工作者面前的现实问题。本文对2000—2020年我国二氧化碳排放、油气能源消费、油气储量、产量等进行分析研究后认为,在“碳达峰”与“碳中和”应对全球气候变化的大背景之下,21世纪内石油和天然气仍将担任能源家族中的重要角色。我国石油工业要立足于理论和实践的自主创新,实现“万米级的超深层常规油气革命和纳米级超致密储层的非常规页岩油气革命”,实现超常规发展和低碳绿色转型发展。油田注水开发是我国提高采收率的核心技术,今后应大力推广注二氧化碳驱油技术,以达到增油与减排的双重目的,创新二氧化碳捕集与埋存技术以发展石油工业的减碳产业。21世纪为能源发展的多元化时代,水电、风能和太阳能等3类可再生能源开发利用是实现双碳目标的基本保障,地热能、生物质能和海洋能是重要推手;22世纪人类将建成一个由可再生能源和新能源保障的经济社会,氢能源将是未来最具发展潜力的新能源。  相似文献   

关锌 《城市地质》2012,7(2):6-8
地热能作为可再生新型能源,其勘查开发利用具有高风险高投资的特点,因此,地热产业的发展需要国家政策的支持。本文在介绍了我国地热产业现状和政策的基础上,提出完善我国地热能产业开发利用政策的建议,以推动地热产业的良好发展,促进我国节能减排目标的顺利实现。  相似文献   

中国的温室气体排放、减排措施与对策*   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
黄耀 《第四纪研究》2006,26(5):722-732
根据《中华人民共和国气候变化初始国家信息通报》,1994年中国温室气体排放总量约为3650×106t的CO2当量,其中CO2,CH4和N2O分别占73.1 % ,19.7 % 和7.2 % 。CO2排放主要来自能源活动,CH4排放主要来自农业活动和能源活动,N2O排放主要来自农业活动。在过去的20余年里,中国为减缓全球温室气体排放的增长速度做出了重要的贡献。对文献资料和大量研究结果的分析表明,中国可通过采取相关措施和制订相应政策进一步减少温室气体的排放。减少CO2排放的主要措施和对策包括:调整能源结构(降低煤炭消费比例、适度提高天然气比例和发展核能);提高能源生产、转化、分配和使用过程中的效率;开发利用水能、风能、太阳能和生物能等可再生能源;通过植树造林,推广秸秆还田、平衡施肥和少(免)耕等增加陆地生态系统的碳吸收。减少CH4排放的主要措施和对策包括:回收利用煤层气;改造生活垃圾填埋场地和筛选环境适应性强的CH4氧化菌并接种于填埋场;改善反刍动物的营养成分;稻田合理灌溉、提高水稻的收获指数、选育和种植CH4排放低的水稻品种等。减少农田N2O排放的主要措施和对策包括:提高氮肥利用率;推广施用长效肥和控释肥;施用生物抑制剂和实施微生物工程等。  相似文献   

为应对世界气候变化并丰富能源供给手段,实现碳中和目标,世界主要发达国家和地区均在2020年制定了本国的氢能战略,将发展氢能产业提升到国家能源战略的高度,旨在于2030—2050年间完成CO2减排目标。详细介绍了世界各国的氢能发展战略、发展氢能在解决能源安全和生态安全中起到的作用、氢能制取的技术路线以及发展氢能带来的经济效益和社会效益,并着重介绍了地质工作在国家氢能战略部署和实施中的作用,主要包括: ①要保证充足的制氢原材料供给,需要大力勘探开发天然气、页岩气等化石能源; ②为封存制氢过程中产生的CO2,地质工作者需要对储层和盖层开展详细的地质勘查; ③在发展大规模地质储氢中发挥作用,如地下盐穴储氢、废弃油藏储氢等。结合国情,我国应大力发展从煤气化制氢到CO2管道运输,再到CO2驱油及地质封存的一体化产业链,实现经济和社会的双收益。可为我国加速推进氢能战略部署提供借鉴。  相似文献   

浅层地温能资源开发利用发展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栾英波 《地质与勘探》2013,49(2):379-383
能源是人类生存、经济可持续发展和社会文明进步的重要物质保证和必要推动力,是关系国家经济命脉的重要战略物资。随着全球变暖、温室效应和能源紧缺等问题的日益严重,作为清洁可再生的浅层地温能资源逐渐得到各国政府高度重视,到2010年已有43个国家开发利用这种资源。近年来我国新能源和可再生能源得到了长足的发展,可再生能源利用的技术水平有了很大提高,产业已初具规模,特别是浅层地温能的开发利用,已从20世纪90年代的起步阶段步入快速发展期,据不完全统计,目前我国浅层地温能的服务面积已近2×108m2,成为建筑节能的主力军。本文对国内外浅层地温能资源的开发利用现状进行了概括,特别是热泵技术,有助于了解和掌握浅层地温能开发利用的发展动态,对开展浅层地温能资源评价和工程建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

国际温室气体减排情景方案比较分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在整理、介绍主要国际组织、国家、研究机构和一些学者所提出的温室气体减排情景方案、减排目标和设想的基础上,对当前国际上主要的温室气体减排情景方案的温室气体减排目标、大气温室气体浓度目标和温度控制目标进行了归纳、比较和综合分析。研究结果表明:①国际组织和主要国家对温度升高的控制目标总体以2℃为主,即到21世纪末,将大气温度控制在不高于工业革命前2℃的范围内;②国际组织和主要国家的温室气体减排方案一般都倾向于在2050年将大气温室气体浓度控制在450×10-6~550×10-6CO2e(二氧化碳当量)的范围内,但各个方案中有关具体的减排责任分配、减排措施和减排量分歧仍然较大;③在确定温室气体减排目标和减排配额时,国际组织和主要国家一般都按照“共同但有区别”的原则,倾向于为发达国家制定减排目标,但也有个别方案认为发展中国家也应承担量化的减排义务。  相似文献   

崔荣国 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1135-1140
随着全球经济的发展,能源消费不断增长。在全球的能源消费中,可再生能源占比不断提高,2017年占比为10.4%,成为能源消费的重要组成部分。全球可再生能源的利用中,水电处于主导地位,占6成以上;其次为风能,占比超过1成;太阳能和地热发展较晚,占比均不足1成。各国可再生能源利用水平不均,挪威、加拿大和巴西等国家的可再生资源已成为本国能源消费的主要来源之一。中国同样重视可再生能源的开发利用,2017年中国能源消费中可再生能源占比为11.8%,已超过天然气成为第三大能源消费来源。总之,随着可再生能源开发利用水平的不断提高,可再生能源在全球能源消费中的比重将进一步增加,将成为化石能源的重要替代资源。  相似文献   

The outcome of patents on environmental (POET) technologies on the EF in the USA has not been comprehensively explored. Therefore, to close this breach in the literature, the present study discovers how patents on ecological technologies affect ecological footprint (EF) in the USA while regulatory for GDP and EC using the Fourier-based approaches. The conclusions of the present study reveal that POET are an important predictor of EF in the USA and cause a reduction in ecological deprivation in the long run; as expected, economic growth negatively affects environmental sustainability. The outcomes suggest that it is possible to resolve conflicts between the economy and the environment by using technological innovation. The USA government must reconsider its policy focus, particularly on coal energy sourcing and industrial energy, while continuing with heavy investments in its ambitious renewable energy technology development plan. Moreover, the government should continue to promote investments in environmental technologies.  相似文献   

全球清洁能源发展现状与趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一次能源尤其是化石能源的大规模开发利用,导致环境破坏越来越严重,对人类生活造成了极大的负面影响,因此,清洁能源的开发利用引起全球的广泛重视,美国、日本、欧盟、中国、印度等国家或地区从20世纪开始开展清洁能源的开发利用工作.本文在前人的研究基础上,首先明确了清洁能源的概念和能源种类.其次,从投资、装机容量和消费变化等方面...  相似文献   

石墨是战略性矿产,是支撑未来战略性新兴产业发展的重要资源。通过收集石墨储、产、消、贸、价等方面的数据资料,构建了资源安全、贸易安全和市场安全三维供应风险评价体系,通过计算资源保障程度、自给率、进口份额占比、进口国家风险、进口国家集中度、进口价格波动指数、价格波动指数7个指标对石墨资源供应风险进行评价,结果显示市场安全对石墨供应风险影响最大。建议建立大鳞片石墨资源储备制度,实施石墨出口配额制度,以石墨烯技术辐射带动整个石墨产业,打破石墨提纯及深加工技术垄断,引领中国石墨产业发展,促进中国由石墨资源大国向石墨资源强国迈进。  相似文献   

石墨是战略性矿产,是支撑未来战略性新兴产业发展的重要资源。通过收集石墨储、产、消、贸、价等方面的数据资料,构建了资源安全、贸易安全和市场安全三维供应风险评价体系,通过计算资源保障程度、自给率、进口份额占比、进口国家风险、进口国家集中度、进口价格波动指数、价格波动指数7个指标对石墨资源供应风险进行评价,结果显示市场安全对石墨供应风险影响最大。建议建立大鳞片石墨资源储备制度,实施石墨出口配额制度,以石墨烯技术辐射带动整个石墨产业,打破石墨提纯及深加工技术垄断,引领中国石墨产业发展,促进中国由石墨资源大国向石墨资源强国迈进。  相似文献   

Stimulating renewable energy consumption is a major focus of the Sustainable Development Goals in combating climate change and global warming. The International Energy Agency estimates that renewable energy consumption should be doubled to achieve the COP21 targets. In this context, the question is whether renewable energy types promote the improvement of ecological quality and economic growth. Most studies have investigated the influence of renewable energy on ecological pollution using carbon dioxide emissions or ecological footprint indicators, which only represent the pollution caused by human consumption patterns, and these indicators neglect the supply side. Motivated by this point, this study uses the LCF (Load Capacity Factor) as an environmental indicator and examines the causality relationship among different types of renewable energy, income, and environmental quality in the USA, while also incorporating employment and capital stock into the analysis. Through using the Fourier causality test with the wavelet-decomposed series, the study explores for the validity of the renewable energy-based growth hypothesis and answers to the question of whether there is a causal effect of renewable energy types on environmental quality. The results demonstrate that there is a bidirectional causality between total renewable energy, wood, biomass, and economic growth as well as between these renewable energy types and the LCF.  相似文献   

浅层地热能具有储量大、分布广、埋深浅、易开发等特点,是可再生新能源。在传统能源资源紧张和环境恶化形势下,大力开发利用浅层地热能对全球低碳经济和节能减排具有重要的意义。水源热泵以能量利用率高、成本低、维修方便的优势占据重要地位,其中水源井是其关键,水源井的工程质量将直接影响着系统运行、回灌和使用寿命。通过大量的调查,分析研究了目前水源井工程存在的突出问题,并在试验和实际经验基础上提出了合理的水源井工程技术。  相似文献   

The purpose of this report is to describe the research programs and program activities of the US Department of Energy (DOE) that most directly relate to topics in the field of environmental geology. In this light, the mission of the DOE and the definition of environmental geology will be discussed. In a broad sense, environmental geology is that branch of earth science that emphasizes the entire spectrum of human interactions with the physical environment that include environmental health, mineral exploration and exploitation, waste management, energy use and conservation, global change, environmental law, natural and man-made hazard assessment, and land-use planning. A large number of research, development, and demonstration programs are under DOE's administration and guidance that directly or indirectly relate to topics in environmental geology. The primary mission of the DOE is to contribute to the welfare of the nation by providing the scientific foundation, technology, policy, and institutional leadership necessary to achieve efficiency in energy use, diversity in energy sources, a more productive and competitive economy, improved environmental quality, and a secure national defense. The research and development funding effort has most recently been redirected toward greater utilization of clean fossil fuels, especially natural gas, weatherization, renewable energy, energy efficiency, fusion energy, and high-energy physics. This paper will summarize the role that environmental geology has played and will continue to play in the execution of DOE's mission and the energy options that DOE has investigated closely. The specific options are those that center around energy choices, such as alternative-fueled transportation, building technologies, energy-efficient lighting, and clean energy.  相似文献   

杜轶伦 《地质通报》2017,36(1):80-89
近年来,国家对矿产资源的政策有很大转变。在能源结构上,正在减少使用煤炭等污染较大的能源矿产,居民供暖方面未来以天然气为主。同时限制一些高能耗高排放的金属制品。矿产生产方面,在中国,一些储量下降过快或产能过剩污染高的矿产,不再鼓励大量生产和对外出口,同时强调利用国外资源,满足国家需求。对矿产综合利用的重视也提高到了新的高度。丝绸之路经济带国家矿产资源丰富,希望通过吸引国外投资和先进技术,发展本国矿产经济,提高当地居民的生活水平。中国和中亚各国的需求对接,为中国政府、企业、地勘单位进入中亚进行矿产开发奠定了良好的基础。梳理了中国及中亚五国的矿产资源开发利用现状和相关政策,从外部环境、资源互补、环境保护、基础设施等方面分析了中国政府、企业、地勘单位在中亚进行矿产开发存在的机遇和挑战,并针对上述问题,提出了需求对接、资源整合、环境评估、基地建设等相关对策建议。  相似文献   

国家能源结构调整的战略选择——加强可再生能源开发利用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
分五个方面就加快我国可再生能源开发利用作为国家能源结构调整战略选择的重要性、紧迫性、可行性进行了阐述。①实现社会的可持续发展,迫切要求调整国家能源构成体系;②可再生能源作为21世纪主导能源已显示出强大生命力。着重对太阳能、风能和海洋能开发利用的进展作了重点概括;③可再生能源开发利用的经济性。就建设费用、电价成本、占地面积、环境效益及贮能技术等方面进行了比较分析;④我国可再生能源资源及其开发利用的简要回顾;⑤加快我国可再生能源开发利用的对策建议。从提高重视程度,加强科技开发研究,大力推进产业化,统一规划,加大投入,制定优惠政策和管理政策,加强信息交流和国际合作,认真开展全民环保意识和可持续发展观的宣传教育等方面采取积极措施,尽快把我国可再生能源开发利用的水平和规模搞上去。  相似文献   

Modern, small-scale renewable energy technology has the potential to enable and sustain rural livelihoods, particularly in developing countries remote locations without access to the grid. Yet, the provision of rural energy to isolated communities might not achieve the desired long-term result unless its development is part of wider national policy geared to sustainable development and social equity. This article shows how a combination of technology and policy targeted at the improvement of livelihoods in rural areas is the best solution for maximising the capacity of renewable energy to deliver services. It pinpoints the transforming processes and the institutions participating in the delivery of energy technology. This work draws on the Cuban experience of renewable energy technology, that country’s efforts to improve quality of life for remote populations, and its pledge to promote environmental sustainability. Using a sustainable livelihoods approach, the results of a survey in a rural community are analysed in the framework of existing assets and policies. The article describes how it is not only local users who benefit from a comprehensive technical, social and environmental energy approach. The same governmental administration that promotes such services has much to gain from technology that works well, benefits the poor in remote locations and protects the environment within its larger policy promoting sustainable and egalitarian society.  相似文献   

Iran is facing large challenges in the area of energy policy. In order to illuminate these challenges and the problems and possibilities, which are present, firstly, the current energy consumption patterns have been analyzed in Iran as well as the energy policy of the Iranian government. Based on this analysis, the alternative concepts have been then formulated for Iran’s future energy. The increase in energy usage in Iran is distinctly out of proportion with the development of economic productivity. Negative structural characteristics of this system are: first, an above average energy intensity; second, an increase in energy consumption in the traffic sector; third, a high growth rate in usage of electric energy; and lastly, an above-average amount of stress to the environment. Traditionally, Iran’s energy policy has focused on satisfying the growing demand for energy by oil and, in the last fifteen years, by successively expanding natural gas. However, the further development of the natural gas supply only makes sense within the context of a holistic energy policy, which takes into account the principles of sustainable development. In the short term, such a policy would take advantage of both considerable energy saving techniques, as well as potential renewable energy sources. In the long term, such a policy would strive for the complete transfer to renewable energy sources and technology.  相似文献   

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