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如何利用职业信息做好高校职业指导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业信息的科学分析与合理利用是职业指导工作的重要内容。在分析普通高校利用职业信息开展职业指导工作中存在的问题基础上,提出如何利用职业信息做好高校职业指导工作的措施和建议。  相似文献   

China is highly susceptible to flood disasters and subjected to great damage every year. Furthermore, the flood frequency has exhibited an increasing trend in recent years. Most flood events, including flash floods and river flood, are induced by rainfall. This study investigates annual variations of rainfall occurrence over China during the period from 2000 to 2015 at the national and regional scale using daily rainfall data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission. The Mann-Kendall test is performed for trend detection, and statistical data of flood damage published by China’s government, including destroyed crop area, damaged buildings, direct economic loss, percentage of GDP (gross domestic product), and death toll are correlatively analysed with rainfall occurrences. The results show that storm rain events show the greatest variation among three rainfall types (moderate rain, heavy rain and storm rain). The variation coefficients of rainfall over Northeast China, North China, and Northwest China are the highest, whereas that for Southwest China is the smallest. Moderate rain, heavy rain over Central China, and moderate rain over Southwest China exhibits decreasing trends, whereas the remaining exhibit increasing trends. The correlation between the rainfall occurrences and these flood damage indices at the national scale shows that only direct economic loss has a strong positive correlation with rainfall occurrences, and the other indices have weaker correlations. The correlation is strong in three north regions, except for death toll in Northwest China. In contrast, the correlation between flood damage and rainfall is weak in East China, Central China, Southwest China, and South China. Overall, death toll is strongly correlated with the number of damaged buildings, implying that flood fatalities in China are likely associated with building collapse, and are dominated by specific extreme events. This study can provide a scientific reference for flood management in China.  相似文献   

编者按:《山东地质矿产工作的反思》是曹国权先生在2001年6月25日(逝世前一个月)写成的.短短二千言,字里行间映衬出作者强烈的事业心和责任感,以及为祖国的地质事业奋斗到生命尽头的无私奉献精神.  相似文献   

柏红 《山东国土资源》2009,25(10):66-68
济南,是一座文化古城。在3500年前的商代属于古潭国。西周至春秋战国时代,属于齐国。因它位于泺水的源头(即趵突泉),所以当时的名称叫“泺”、“泺邑”。到了西汉,在此设济南郡,属青州管辖,这是“济南”一名的最早记载。为什么叫“济南”?因为它地处“济水”(后称大清河)之南的缘故。在古代,把独流入海的4条大河称为“四渎”。分别是:东渎淮河,西渎黄河,南渎长江,北渎济水。到了明清两代,济水(大清河)的河道被黄河夺占,  相似文献   

娑罗绿石原系超基性橄榄岩蚀变的蛇纹岩,因其翠面婆娑有致而得名,产自日照。多年来,该岩石仅作为钢铁厂冶炼熔剂;作为观赏石,始终没得到开发,现在这种宝贵的奇石资源终于得见天日。  相似文献   

洪范池铁矿体赋存于太古宙泰山岩群山草峪组,矿体周围泉水众多,论证矿床开采疏排水能否对泉水产生影响具有重要意义。研究分析表明,朱砂洞组含水层及山草峪组风氧化带裂隙水是矿床充水的直接充水水源,矿床充水水文地质条件属简单类型。泉水出露于寒武纪张夏组含水层中,并且与山草峪组含水层间无水力联系。若张夏组含水层不与采区沟通,矿山生产疏排水不会对泉水产生明显的影响。  相似文献   

土地问题是城镇化建设的一个突出问题。目前城镇化进程中还存在依赖土地程度过高、土地闲置、浪费、利用率偏低、城乡用地不能统筹、管理粗放等问题。新型城镇化要走集约、智能、绿色、低碳的道路,由速度扩张向质量提升转型,这就要求城镇化进程中土地规划要更加科学、土地利用要更加节约集约,土地管理要更加精细。  相似文献   

土地利用遥感动态监测技术方法介绍   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
采用遥感技术进行土地利用动态监测是一条行之有效的方法。遥感监测方法多种多样。但为了确定变化类型,要引入遥感图像分类方法。遥感分类方法一直是遥感技术方法研究的重要领域。迄今为止,目视解译仍是成功的分类方法;在今后相当长的一段时间内,目视解译分类与计算机自动分类将协调发展。我国土地利用遥感动态监测方法主要采用目视解译、计算机自动分类及目视解译与计算机图像处理相结合的方法,其中,目视解译的方法一直占有重要地位。随着高分辨率传感器的相继问世,利用多平台遥感数据融合进行监测研究将有利于提高分类、监测精度。我国的土地利用遥感监测研究正深入开展,并将在计算机信息提取及监测方法上取得更大的成果。  相似文献   

Approach to Mountain Hazards in Tibet, China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Tibet is located at the southwest boundary of China. It is the main body of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the highest and the youngest plateau in the world. Owing to complicated geology, Neo-tectonic movements, geomorphology, climate and plateau environment, various mountain hazards, such as debris flow, flash flood, landslide, collapse, snow avalanche and snow drifts, are widely distributed along the Jinsha River (the upper reaches of the Yangtze River), the Nu River and the Lancang River in the east, and the Yarlungzangbo River, the Pumqu River and the Poiqu River in the south and southeast of Tibet. The distribution area of mountain hazards in Tibet is about 589,000 km^2, 49.3% of its total territory. In comparison to other mountain regions in China, mountain hazards in Tibet break out unexpectedly with tremendously large scale and endanger the traffic lines, cities and towns, farmland, grassland, mountain environment, and make more dangers to the neighboring countries, such as Nepal, India, Myanmar and Bhutan. To mitigate mountain hazards, some suggestions are proposed in this paper, such as strengthening scientific research, enhancing joint studies, hazards mitigation planning, hazards warning and forecasting, controlling the most disastrous hazards and forbidding unreasonable human exploring activities in mountain areas.  相似文献   

滕州市是如何破解用地难题的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
滕州位于山东的南部,是一个人多地少的县级市,全市总人口158万,耕地7.60万hm2,人均占有0.049hm2(0.75亩),用地矛盾非常突出。近年来,随着经济建设的快速发展,每年农转用土地约266.67hm2(4000亩)。在国家加强宏观调控,严格土地管理的大环境下,建设用地供需压力异常紧张。对此,滕州市委、市政府审时度势,服从大局,从落实科学发展观,实现经济社会持续发展的战略高度,适应新形势对土地管理的要求,以寸土必保的理念坚守耕地和基本农田,以依法用地、科学用地、合理用地的手段深化挖潜,盘活存量,有效开发利用土地后备资源,走节约集约用地的新路子。…  相似文献   

论我国地名的命名原则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要论述了从古至今地名命名的演变和命名原则、方法以及地名的命名规律。  相似文献   

淄博市淄川区国土资源局立足国土资源管理工作,从全区实际出发,针对农村工作中的突出问题,采取措施,不断促进新农村的建设。[第一段]  相似文献   

利用 2步 PCR检测技术对湛江和阳西地区的虾苗进行白斑综合病杆状病毒 ( WSSV)检测。在仔虾 2日龄最早检测到病毒 ,有 2 5%的虾苗带有 WSSV病毒。带病毒虾苗和不带病毒虾苗分别在不同养殖模式的养殖过程中跟踪。前者在湛江湖光镇普通虾塘跟踪养殖 ,它们在变化的环境中容易发病 ,p H、盐度和温度是重要的诱发因子 ,在养殖 50~ 60 d时发病死亡 ;后者在高位池和普通池养殖跟踪 ,它们对变化的环境有较大的适应性 ,养殖时间为 80~ 1 1 0 d,在相对优良的养殖技术条件下大部分可望养殖成功。环境中有 WSSV病原传入 ,不带病毒虾苗在养殖后期可以带有 WSSV病毒 ,出现白斑虾。跟踪的普通池有爆发病害 ,但是时间延后 ,跟踪的高位池没有爆发病害。  相似文献   

枣庄市峄城区“空心村”治理的做法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
枣庄市峄城区现有343个行政村,487个自然村,据调查估算,空心村闲置的土地面积在1000hm2以上.  相似文献   

在国家严格控制非农业建设占用耕地的情况下,临朐县以科学发展观为指导,努力做到管地观念、用地思路、供地渠道“三个转变”,积极探索节约集约用地的路子。通过不断实践与探索,逐步在“市场为媒嫁接土地、搭建平台集聚发展、政策引导改造旧城”等方面取得了显著成绩和成熟的经验。2005年以来全县共盘活利用存量土地133.33余公顷(2000余亩),有效缓解了建设用地供应的压力。[第一段]  相似文献   

The removal of bed material from active river channels usually affects the bed profile of the streambed, causing progressive degradation upstream and downstream of the extraction site. These effects can extend for kilometers affecting hydraulic structures located in the vicinity of the river reach. In this paper, the geomorphic effects of gravel mining are reviewed and summarized. Some cases in Venezuelan streams are presented to illustrate the problem. To describe the processes of erosion and sedimentation in a gravel extraction pit, a recent developed mathematical model for the simulation of flow and sediment transport in gravel-cobble bed streams is applied to a hypothetical case of gravel mining in a river channel. A simple rectangular dredge pit is imposed as initial condition in the channel bed, and changes in bed elevations and grain size distribution of bed material are calculated by using the numerical model. The process of deposition within the pit, and the downstream and upstream migration of the erosion wave are well simulated by the model and closely resemble the phenomena observed in laboratory experiments. The response of the friction coefficient to the changes in flow and bed elevations shows the importance in modeling adequately flow resistance and sediment transport in gravel-cobble bed streams.  相似文献   

人才是科研事业单位发展的基石,在开发人力资源过程中,应把握人才使用技巧,造就能激励人才,留住人才和让人才脱颖而出的环境。  相似文献   

农村宅基地管理多年来一直是国土资源管理工作的难点,也是目前农村工作的热点,因宅基地纠纷引起的农民上访案件,近年来逐年增多,已成为影响农村社会安定的重要因素。下面,笔者结合日照市实际,就如何加强和改进农村宅基地管理工作谈一点认识。  相似文献   

金坛市共有矿山企业77家,在促进地方经济发展,解决当地就业的同时,也存在着诸多问题.针对金坛市目前的岩盐矿、石灰岩矿和玄武岩矿的具体情况,分别提出了不同的发展思路,以期实现矿业向规模化、集约化方向发展.  相似文献   

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