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黑龙江垦区湿地资源是保障国家重要商品粮基地生态安全的基础和屏障,本文针对黑龙江垦区湿地资源建设和保护现状,分析了湿地资源建设和保护现状,分析了湿地资源保护与发展经济,水利工程及农业生产的关系和矛盾,提出了如何处理好这些关系和矛盾,强化湿地保护,促进湿地资源可持续发展,维护生态平衡的对策及建议。  相似文献   

通过对大兴安岭东部林区湿地功能和湿地资源的介绍,针对湿地资源保护与开发利用现状,揭示了湿地保护与管理存在的主要问题,提出了保护与发展建议,从而进一步保护和维护湿地的生态平衡,促进湿地资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

中国湿地资源开发利用与保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓宏兵  任宪友  张毅 《热带地理》2003,23(4):299-303
分析中国湿地资源开发利用与保护的现状与问题,提出了湿地资源开发利用与保护基本构想,指出为了更好地保护和利用中国湿地资源,必须加强国际交流与相关的科学研究,注意协调湿地管理体制,以可持续发展理念为指导,推动公众积极参与湿地保护与管理,完善湿地法规建设,依法管理与保护湿地资源.  相似文献   

长江上游天然林资源保护工程已经全面启动,鹤庆县作为云南省金沙江流域首批试点县已经实施了近5年,工程进展十分顺利。为了加强对天然林资源保护工程的管理,应用GIS技术建立了鹤庆县天然林保护工程地理信息系统。系统采用PowerBuilder8.0和MapObjects2.2进行集成二次开发,实现了对县级范围内的天然林资源保护工程地理信息的输入、存储、显示、查询、分析和应用,为天然林资源的信息管理、合理利用、工程规划与实施以及辅助决策等提供多方面的数据信息,为政府部门保护天然林资源提供了手段和依据。  相似文献   

通过对惠安县湿地功能和湿地资源的介绍,针对湿地资源保护与开发利用现状,从湿地保护与合理利用的宣传教育、湿地管理体制、开发利用管理与污染以及湿地保护区建设等方面,揭示了湿地保护与管理存在的主要问题,提出了开展湿地保护的宣传教育、增强依法管理湿地资源能力、加强研究湿地重建技术、恢复退化的生态系统、建立湿地保护和合理利用示范点等几点建议,从而进一步保护和维护湿地的生态平衡,促进湿地资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

依据2009年全省湿地资源调查成果,从湿地类型、面积、分布、动植物资源等方面分析了江苏长江流域湿地资源现状与基本特征,探讨了江苏长江流域湿地资源保护与管理工作的成就和存在的问题,并建议通过加快湿地保护法律法规建设、推进江苏长江流域湿地保护与管理规划编制,加强流域湿地保护体系建设等措施,遏制流域内湿地整体生态质量退化、生态功能下降的趋势,实现江苏长江流域湿地的保护与可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国自然保护地旅游资源利用的冲突和协调路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李群绩  王灵恩 《地理科学进展》2020,39(12):2105-2117
协调旅游资源保护与利用冲突是当前自然保护地体系建设亟待解决的关键问题之一。论文利用质性研究方法,在系统总结中国自然保护地旅游资源利用的阶段特征与模式基础上,分析了现阶段旅游资源利用的冲突及其矛盾本质,并从多维视角探讨冲突的形成机制,从生态保护、社区发展、理论逻辑等方面分析现阶段自然保护地旅游资源利用的可行性与合理性;最后从建立利益主体权责明确的一体化资源利用机制、加强对旅游资源利用活动资源环境效应的评估、因地制宜探索自然生态资源保护和利用的动态模式、建立更加精准化的自然保护地分区利用方案、以生态理念为指导创新生态旅游产品类型等方面,提出自然保护地旅游资源利用的合理路径。研究结论有助于各界从系统性视角深入理解现阶段自然保护地旅游资源利用的冲突,同时对合理推动自然生态资源的可持续利用具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文对湿地的概念科学内涵进行了诠释,在此基础上全面分析了乌海市湿地资源的湿化现状,进而提出乌海市湿地得评价结论战略思想,阐述了乌海市环境资源概况,描述了乌海市湿地资源,以实时、客观、准确地反映乌海市湿地资源调查和提供有效的保护利用手段为目标,而提出对于湿地资源的保护评价及保护利用措施。  相似文献   

报道了河北省鸳鸯种群特征与生物学特性,针对鸳鸯资源保护现状,从偷猎捕猎、栖息地保护和科研方面,探讨鸳鸯保护中存在的问题,提出了加大保护鸳鸯的宣传力度,杜绝偷捕偷猎行为,保护栖息环境,开展鸳鸯种群资源的科学研究等几点建议,从而促进鸳鸯及野生动物的保护。  相似文献   

为保护盐城市黄海湿地资源,以盐城市湿地资源调查结果和盐城市湿地保护现状为依据,分析了《盐城市黄海湿地保护条例》制订的必要性。借鉴省内外湿地立法的成果,针对湿地概念、湿地管理体制、湿地分级体系以及湿地保护利用,结合盐城市的实际情况提出了《盐城市黄海湿地保护条例》的一些立法建议。  相似文献   

River catchments have been the dominant form of regionalisation for natural-resource management in many countries since the 1980s. Local governments play a considerable role in planning with ever-increasing responsibilities for sustainable environmental management, planning and development controls. There has also been an increasing emphasis on community participation in resource management, which emphasises the need to re-examine the requirements for spatial definition of resource governance regions. This paper proposes three principles. First, the nature and reach of environmental externalities of resource use should determine the size and nesting of resource management regions. Second, the boundaries of resource governance regions should enclose areas of greatest interest and importance to local residents. Third, the biophysical characteristics of a resource governance region should be as homogenous as possible, which provides resource planning and management efficiencies. The paper describes a range of concepts and empirical techniques used to apply these principles to the derivation of a resource governance regionalisation of the State of New South Wales, Australia.  相似文献   

Locally managed marine areas (LMMAs) are often recommended as a strategy to achieve conservation and fisheries management, though few studies have evaluated their performance against these objectives. We assessed the effectiveness of eight periodically harvested closures (PHCs), the most common form of management within Fijian LMMAs, focusing on two outcomes: protection of resource units and biodiversity conservation. Of the eight PHCs, only one provided biodiversity benefits, whereas three were moderately successful in protecting resource units (targeted fish biomass). Protection of resource units was more likely when PHCs were harvested less frequently, less recently, and when total fish biomass in open areas was lower. Our findings further suggest that monitoring, enforcement, and clearly defined boundaries are critical, less frequent harvesting regimes are advised, and culturally appropriate management incentives are needed. Although PHCs have some potential to protect resource units, they are not recommended as a single strategy for broad-scale biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

基于"3S"技术的林地资源可持续管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对我国林地资源管理现状的分析,认为我国林地资源的管理主要存在一些领导干部思想素质不高、林地资源管理体系不健全、林地产权不清、缺乏科学的林地资源价格评估体系和森林资源的调查与监测手段落后等方面的问题。分析了“3S”技术在林地资源管理中的作用;提出了应用“3S”技术,通过建立林地资源的监测信息系统、管理信息系统、数据库系统、估价信息系统和决策支持系统等来促进林地资源可持续管理的对策。  相似文献   

In community-based natural resource management, there is an emerging body of research on the work of external actors and their influence in community–resource interrelationships and community management decisions. Contributing to this research, this study examined the work of external actors using findings from semistructured interviews and participant observations conducted in Klong Prasong subdistrict, Krabi Province, Thailand, in mid-2014. The external actors, through Janus-faced linkages, are able to influence community–resource interrelationships and management approaches both positively and negatively. This case study also revealed university researchers, ecotourists, and private investors as non-conventional external actors. By influencing decision-making structures and environmental stewardship, external actors impact on the governance of a community natural resource.  相似文献   

Forest commons in Slovenia are a poorly known indigenous institution for common resource management. They are a functional entity linked to a specific community that establishes interpersonal and intergenerational ties, as well as a link to the resource. We refer to shared ownership of resource, once made of pastures; today forests prevail. Collective property management remained despite community changes and legislation development. Today registered forest commons represent approximately one-third of those that existed before 1945. We highlight seven developmental turns to explain their revival. Six indicators are used in the analysis of current conditions. Forest commons are a potentially effective response to forest management challenges in Slovenia but also a potential model of social cohesion, rational resource use, and a balance between forest use and conservation. However, they are plagued by state ignorance, which hinders statistically sound analyses.  相似文献   

Poor air quality has long been one of the dominant transboundary issues facing protected areas worldwide. In 1977, the United States Congress amended the Clean Air Act to address federally-managed lands containing valued air resources (i.e. scenic views). Forty years later, we interviewed professionals from the U.S. National Park Service, Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management (n=38) regarding their perceptions of the legacy of the Clean Air Act and other federal policies relevant to air resources, as well as their perceptions of the future of air resource management on U.S federal lands. Results were analyzed using a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis supported by in vivo, thematic, and salience coding. Our findings illustrate national progress in air resource management, potential policy directions, and highlight the influence of emerging technologies and governance in air resource management within protected areas.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether social learning among large-scale farmers in central Sweden leads to better natural resource management in the agricultural landscape. Three different frames of social learning are first identified: social learning as a fundamental social phenomenon, social learning as collaborative learning, and social learning as deeper learning. This article investigates the role of social learning and other factors through semistructured in-depth interviews. Results show that learning among farmers is inherently social, but that this learning does not necessarily improve natural resource management or lead to better environmental governance. The article discusses when social learning can be expected to influence natural resources management, and finds that without the presence of policy, individual leadership, or facilitation, it is not an important factor. Furthermore, the call for social learning based on results from successful instrumental application risks obscuring findings indicating that both social learning and better natural resource management are conditioned on the same external factors.  相似文献   

Natural resource management practices such as community-based resource management (CBRM) are well-established bottom-up approaches to developing adaptive governance systems. Less is understood about how communities involved in such processes can attract top-down support without compromising their credibility or salience. We tested the usefulness of the linked boundary functions concept – boundary chains – for explaining the role of “research for development” (R4D) organizations in the integration of bottom-up community resource governance and top-down policy and legislative governance. We used the Australian Centre for Agricultural Research (ACIAR) in the Solomon Islands as a case study to probe the role of R4D organizations in this regard. The linked boundary functions concept proved useful in exploring the active functions of R4D organizations as actors that lend credibility, salience, and legitimacy to community-based governance initiatives. The concept of linked boundary functions or boundary chains can contribute to the current discussion in the complexity-aware theory of change and open new avenues for boundary management that enable the development of integrated resource governance in complex development contexts. This article contributes to the existing literature on the boundary spanning activities of R4D organizations.  相似文献   

近年来,我国滨海湿地保护不力,存在法律缺失、多部门管理、中央和地方权责不清等问题。总结了近年来资源环境管理领域的理论进展,梳理了美国、荷兰、日本、韩国、澳大利亚等国在滨海湿地管理的法律制度、管理机制、决策管理、公众参与等方面的经验,为我国提升滨海湿地管理水平提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Decentralization of governance and natural resource management is an ongoing process in many parts of Africa and Asia. Natural resource management requires spatial land resource data for planning. However, currently the financial and human capacity for natural resource mapping, monitoring and modelling remains low in local governments. In this context, this paper explores how new opportunities provided by the increasing availability of free satellite imagery, digital elevation data and open source spatial analysis software, can be applied by local government and NGOs to conduct sophisticated natural resource mapping and modelling in ways that meet their needs and incorporates local knowledge. Reported are cases of a local government using free geospatial data and GIS software to improve evidence‐based natural resource management in the developing world with a focus on raster data applications for satellite image analysis and terrain modelling. It is argued that, through removing barriers to uptake, such applications provide a means of decentralizing landscape analysis skills to improve local natural resource management. This hypothesis is supported through examples of a local government applying these tools in eastern Indonesia, and within this context barriers to wider adoption are explored.  相似文献   

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