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The Bendigo and Castlemaine goldfields are classic examples of structurally controlled orogenic gold deposits in the Bendigo Zone of central Victoria, SE Australia. Detailed mapping and biostratigraphic interpretation has led to a better understanding of the regional structural controls of this type of gold-quartz mineralisation. Mineralised quartz veins are hosted by the Castlemaine Group, an Early-to-Middle Ordovician turbidite succession at least 3,000 m thick. Gold deposits are controlled by low-displacement faults that are clustered into several belts (the goldfields) indicating a regional structural control. The timing of mineralisation overlapped with that of the major period of deformation including folding, cleavage development and regional faulting. The Bendigo and Castlemaine goldfields are located in an area termed the Whitelaw thrust sheet bounded by two unmineralised, high-displacement, regional-scale faults. Mapping has revealed an interrelationship between the regional-scale faults, regional structural style and goldfield location. The goldfields lie immediately west of the boundary between the upper and lower portions of the thrust sheet and are characterised by symmetric folds with sub-horizontal to synclinal enveloping surfaces, relatively low co-axial strains and moderate cleavage development. The non-gold-bearing areas immediately east of each goldfield correspond with the lower part of the Whitelaw thrust sheet and are characterised by higher non-coaxial strains, stronger cleavage and folds with wide west-dipping limbs giving rise to easterly vergent sections and steeply west-dipping enveloping surfaces. That mineralisation was an integral part of the thin-skinned style of deformation in the central Bendigo Zone is indicated by timing relationships and the interrelationship between local-scale mineralised structures and regional-scale features such as large-displacement unmineralised faults, regional variations in fold style and overall thrust sheet geometry. The work supports previous models that suggest mineralised fluids were focussed along a linked system of deep-seated faults. The primary conduits may have been major regional-scale ‘intrazone’ faults, which are inferred to sole into detachments near the base of the Castlemaine Group. It is proposed that these structures linked with minor intrazone faults and then with networks of low-displacement mineralised faults that were strongly controlled by folds. The location of minor intrazone faults was probably controlled by internal thrust sheet geometry. The distribution of gold deposits and of gold production suggests that maximum fluid flow was concentrated along the eastern margins of networks of low-displacement faults.  相似文献   

The relationships between thrusts and normal faults represent primary constraints in the reconstruction of the modes and timing of pre-, syn- and post-orogenic deformation events in fold-and-thrust belts. Such relationships are well exposed in curved orogenic belts where the thrusts are oblique to the trend of normal faults.We study the NNE–SSW-trending Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini oblique thrust and its crosscutting relationships with NW–SE-trending normal faults in order to constrain the Neogene–Quaternary deformation history of the Central-Northern Apennine (Italy). The analysis of structural and geological data allowed us to reconstruct the geometric and kinematic constraints of two inversion events: 1 – During the Pliocene, positive inversion reactivated the NNE–SSW-trending pre-existing Ancona-Anzio normal fault as the Olevano-Antrodoco-Sibillini oblique thrust ramp and caused the shortcut of NW–SE-oriented normal faults; 2 – During the Quaternary, negative inversion reactivated NW–SE-trending pre-thrusting normal faults.The growth of the NW–SE Quaternary normal faults causes seismicity and is responsible of the development of wide Quaternary intramontane basins. Their distribution and the related seismicity have been controlled and compartmentalized by NNE–SSW-trending oblique thrusts. Thus, the crosscutting relationships between thrusts and normal faults are crucial in seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2002,146(1-2):91-104
Steep thrusts are usually interpreted as oblique-slip thrusts or inverted normal faults. However, recent analogical and numerical models have emphasised the influence of surface mass-transfer phenomena on the structural evolution of compressive systems. This research points to sedimentation and erosion during deformation as an additional explanation for the origin of steeply dipping thrusts. The present study uses both field observations and analogue modelling to attempt to isolate critical parameters of syntectonic sedimentation that might control the geometry of the upper part of thrust systems.A field study of thrust systems bounding two compressive intermountain Tertiary basins of the Iberian Chain is first briefly presented. We describe the surface geometry of thrusts surrounding the Montalbán Basin and the Alto Tajo Syncline at the vicinity of deposits of Oligocene–Early Miocene alluvial fans at the footwall of faults. Field observations suggest that synthrusting sedimentation should influence the structure of thrusts. Indeed, the faults are steeper and splitted at the edge of the syntectonic deposits.Effects of sedimentation rate on footwall of thrusts, and of its change along fault strike are further investigated on two-layer brittle-ductile analogue models submitted to compression and syntectonic sediment supply. Two series of experiments were made corresponding to two end-members of depositional geometries. In the first series, the sedimentation was homogeneously distributed on both sides of the relief developed above the thrust front. In the second series, deposits were localised on a particular area of the footwall of thrust front. In all experiments, the sedimentation rate controls the number and the dip of faults. For low sedimentation rates, a single low-angle thrust develops; whereas for high sedimentation rates, a series of steeper dipping thrust is observed. In experiments with changing sedimentation rate along fault strike, the thrust geometry varies behind the areas with the thickest sediment pile.  相似文献   

Carlin-style gold deposits are widely distributed in Southwestern Guizhou, China. Research has dominantly focused on deposit-scale geology and structural control of mineralization. The relationship between the gold deposits and regional structures, in particular their control on the formation and distribution of those deposits is less well understood. Here we use seismic survey and gravity data to reveal the basin-scale structure control of the gold deposits in central Southwestern Guizhou. The seismic reflection profiles show strong reflection horizons including Upper Permian coal measures, and Dongwu and Guangxi unconformities. The seismic data provide important evidence of the basinal structural style and the relationship between fault-related folding and the Carlin-style gold deposits. Regional gravity data also revealed several paleo-uplifts, which appear to control the distribution of Carlin-style gold deposits.The Carlin-style gold deposits are spatially and temporally associated with fault-related folds. Based on their location, we classify the gold deposits into two types, (1) low-angle thrust-controlled deposits; and (2) high-angle reverse fault-related deposits. In the low-angle thrust-controlled deposits, main thrusts are listric, strike NW-SE and dip southwest. These thrusts detach into coal measures, tuffs and volcanic rocks and are bedding-parallel in the vicinity of the Dongwu unconformity. Gold ore bodies are found in the thrusts and characterized by cutting-layer veins near the surface and bedding-parallel veins at depth. The high-angle reverse fault-related deposits are located in the hinge of northeast-southwest-striking fault-related folds, with high-angle reverse faults near the hinge of folds crosscutting the Upper Permian coal measures, volcanic rocks and Dongwu unconformity, and then into the limestone of Middle Permian Maokou Formation. Ore bodies are bedding-parallel in anticline culminations where interlayer fracture zones in Upper Permian coal measures and volcanic rocks are generated by high-angle reverse faulting.We consider that the formation of the gold deposits is part of the tectonic evolution in the area. The two sets of NW-SE- and NE-SW-striking fault-related folds were successively formed during the closure of eastern Tethys Ocean in Late Triassic, and major gold deposits formed in the fault-related folds. The Dongwu unconformity and faults provided conduits for ore fluid flow, and the coal measures and the tuffs of Dachang Member acted as detachment layers and hosts for ore deposition.  相似文献   

祁连山北缘-河西走廊西段位于青藏高原东北缘,是新生代陆内构造活动最强烈地区。基于野外构造观测、横跨山前及前陆盆地区的三维地震构造分析与解释,结合地震地质属性提取分析,识别出祁连山北缘-酒泉盆地西段窟窿山-柳沟庄带隐伏的弧形褶皱-逆冲带,该弧形构造是造山带基底逆冲构造楔体垂向差异抬升与向前陆方向差异运动的产物;该弧形结构控制本区下白垩统地层裂缝发育、分布与破裂强度,并与本区先期断裂、裂缝带产生构造叠加效应,形成弧形构造“中央强裂缝发育带”,是形成构造裂缝型油气藏的有利区域。  相似文献   

The Tanami region of northern Australia has emerged over the last two decades as the largest gold-producing region in the Northern Territory. Gold is hosted by epigenetic quartz veins in sedimentary and mafic rocks, and by sulfide-rich replacement zones within iron formation. Although limited, geochronological data suggest that most mineralization occurred at about 1,805–1,790 Ma, during a period of extensive granite intrusion, although structural relationships suggest that some deposits predate this period. There are three main goldfields in the Tanami region: the Dead Bullock Soak goldfield, which hosts the world-class Callie deposit; The Granites goldfield; and the Tanami goldfield. In the Dead Bullock Soak goldfield, deposits are hosted by carbonaceous siltstone and iron formation where a late (D5) structural corridor intersects an early F1 anticlinorium. In The Granites goldfield, deposits are hosted by highly sheared iron formation and are interpreted to predate D5. The Tanami goldfield consists of a large number of small, mostly basalt-hosted deposits that probably formed at a high structural level during D5. The D5 structures that host most deposits formed in a convergent structural regime with σ 1 oriented between E–W and ENE–WSW. Structures active during D5 include NE-trending oblique thrust (dextral) faults and ESE-trending (sinistral) faults that curve into N- to NNW-trending reverse faults localized in supracrustal belts between and around granite complexes. Granite intrusions also locally perturbed the stress field, possibly localizing structures and deposits. Forward modeling and preliminary interpretations of reflection seismic data indicate that all faults extend into the mid-crust. In areas characterized by the N- to NW-trending faults, orebodies also tend to be N- to NW-trending, localized in dilational jogs or in fractured, competent rock units. In areas characterized by ESE-trending faults, the orebodies and veins tend to strike broadly east at an angle consistent with tensional fractures opened during E–W- to ENE–WSW-directed transpression. Many of these deposits are hosted by reactive rock units such as carbonaceous siltstone and iron formation. Ore deposition occurred at depths ranging from 1.5 to 11 km from generally low to moderate salinity carbonic fluids with temperatures from 200 to 430°C, similar to lode–gold fluids elsewhere in the world. These fluids are interpreted as the product of metamorphic dewatering caused by enhanced heat flow, although it is also possible that the fluids were derived from coeval granites. Lead isotope data suggest that lead in the ore fluids had multiple sources. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope data are consistent with both metamorphic and magmatic origins for ore fluids. Gold deposition is interpreted to be caused by fluid unmixing and sulfidation of host rocks. Fluid unmixing is caused by three different processes: (1) CO2 unmixing caused by interaction of ore fluids with carbonaceous siltstone; (2) depressurization caused by pressure cycling in shear zones; and (3) boiling as ore fluids move to shallow levels. Deposits in the Tanami region may illustrate the continuum model of lode–gold deposition suggested by Groves (Mineralium Deposita 28:366–374, 1993) for Archean districts.  相似文献   

Detailed subsurface structure of the eastern Junggar Basin is investigated using a large number of high-resolution two-dimensional reflection seismic profiles and well data. Our results reveal thrust faults, some of which are with strike-slip component, and fault-related folds dominating the subsurface structure of the study area. The thrust faults mainly show a divergent pattern towards the west and convergence towards the east. We divide these thrust faults and folds into three structural systems. The north thrust system, located in the north of the study area, is characterized by top-to-the southwest imbricate thrusts initiated from late Paleozoic. The central transpression system, dominating the central study area, mainly consists of thrust faults with visible strike-slip component, active from early Mesozoic until Cretaceous. The South thrust system includes top-to-the southeast thrusts in the southern part of the study area. The existence of these structural systems indicates that the eastern Junggar Basin underwent obvious intracontinental deformation in Mesozoic, probably due to the continuous convergence between the Altay and the Tianshan orogens after the main collision-accretion processes of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

准南逆冲褶皱带超压与逆冲断层持续活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
天山北缘准南地区的褶皱带为自新生代以来一直持续活动的逆冲构造带,由于逆冲断层的持续活动,形成了现今断层和相关褶皱。钻井资料显示,准南逆冲褶皱带内的超压层主要发育在古近纪安集海河组泥岩和紫泥泉子组泥岩之中,而该泥岩同时又成为逆冲断层发育的主滑脱面。通过多年来对准南地区地面地质调查、二维地震和三维地震资料的解释以及钻井证实,我们统计出准南逆冲褶皱带现存的逆冲断层倾角分别集中在两个区间: 30±5°和50±5°区间。应力分析表明,在持续挤压应力作用下,超压层(泥岩、页岩和煤系地层)中和超压层之下地层中发育的早期逆冲断层与晚期最大主压应力之间的夹角处在30±5°之间时,作用在断层面上的最大主应力与最小主应力比达到最小值,因此该断层最容易再次活动,形成最大的流体压力,因而断层周围的流体就会沿着最大主应力方向发生流动,断层本身就会成为流体运移的主要通道; 而早期逆冲断层与晚期最大主压应力之间的夹角处在50±5°之间时,作用在断层面上的最大主应力与最小主应力比较大,断层重新活动所需要的流体压力较高,导致断层作为流体运移的通道因被挤压而闭合。应力分析和钻井实测应力均指出,准南逆冲褶皱带发育的超压为挤压构造应力形成的超压。这些研究表明,准南逆冲褶皱带的逆冲断层持续活动,导致早期发育的断层在晚期应力作用下,断层倾角聚集在两个优势区间,油气沿最大主压应力方向运移,聚集油气则沿断层滑动面发育形成构造超压,导致该区域油气长期处于运移与聚集的动平衡状态。  相似文献   

新疆西天山吐拉苏火山盆地金矿的构造控矿规律   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
新疆西天山吐拉苏火山盆地金矿在不同尺度上受不同级别的构造控制。在大地构造尺度上,Ⅰ级控矿构造为与博罗科努丰生代岛弧带平行的NWW向基底断裂带,该断裂带控制与石炭纪火山岩有关的金矿带的展布,在区域尺度上,Ⅱ级控矿构造为NW向走滑断裂和NE向张笥断裂,控制金矿床的分布。在矿床尺度上,Ⅲ级控矿构造为陡倾的近SN向张性断裂和与破火山口有关的环状断裂,控制金矿体的定位和产状。  相似文献   

The paper analyses the geometry of thin-skinned thrust zones, where the thrusts shallow out at depth and of thicker-skinned fault zones where much of the crust is involved and where the thrusts are frequently observed to become steeper downwards. In the interiors of many orogenic belts the steep dip of faults is not original but due to the folding above lower decoupling zones. The energy involved in the internal deformation of hanging-wall rocks may prohibit many faults becoming more shallow upwards. Such shallowing-upwards faults may occur in more ductile rocks to maintain compatibility between zones which have experienced different deformation intensities, but displacements on the faults are unlikely to be large.Another mechanism for producing faults which steepen downwards is proposed for the major thrusts which form the southern margin to the Himalayas. These carry large thicknesses (30 to 100 km) of crustal and upper mantle rocks to the south, causing flexuring and isostatic depression of the Indian plate. The steeply dipping thrusts are not footwall ramps; these may be some distance behind the steepened zone. This thrust-induced isostatic bending of the crust has important implications when considering regional seismic interpretations as well as thrust mechanics and kinematics.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the Montello thrust system in the Eastern Southern Alps as a potential seismogenic source. This system is of particular interest because of its lack of historical seismicity. Nevertheless, the system is undergoing active deformation. We developed a finite‐element model using visco‐elasto‐plastic rheology. The free parameters of the model (essentially, the locking status of the three thrusts included in the study), were constrained by matching the observed horizontal GPS and vertical levelling data. We show that the amount of interseismic fault locking, and thus the seismic potential, is not necessarily associated with the fastest‐slipping faults. More specifically, the locked Bassano thrust has a greater seismic potential than the freely slipping Montello thrust. The findings suggest that faults with subtle evidence of Quaternary activity should be carefully considered when creating seismic hazard maps.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks exposed in the Arve valley region of the External French Alps are used to assess the role of early intrabasinal faults on later thrust fault evolution. The early intrabasinal faults produced at some time from latest Upper Cretaceous to Tertiary strike parallel or subparallel to later Neo-Alpine thrusts. Where early faults dip away from the thrusts they are generally cut through and occasionally are overturned during this process. In one example extreme overturning has allowed partial reactivation. Early faults dipping in the same direction as thrusts may: a) be reactivated b) initiate ramping of the thrust ahead of the preexisting fault c) be cut through by the thrust d) cause pinning of the thrust at the footwall of the fault and folding against the fault as displacement continues (buttressing). From this work it is evident that intrabasinal faults exerted a major influence on the distribution of mechanical heterogeneities. These heterogeneities include variations of stratigraphic thickness and type across faults, fault-related unconformities and the presence of the fault itself. During the period of contraction such features strongly controlled the development of the stress field produced ahead of an advancing thrust and hence influenced the position of thrust fault propagation within the stratigraphy.  相似文献   

宋鹏 《世界地质》2015,34(3):716-725
以岩芯裂缝和薄片资料为基础,结合成像测井技术和地震资料研究王府断陷火石岭组火山岩储层裂缝特征及分布规律。该区火山岩储层发育原生裂缝和构造-后生裂缝,原生裂缝张开度小,对改善储层意义不大;而构造-后生裂缝张开度大,延伸较远,能提高储层的储渗能力。通过FMI成像测井可识别出高导缝、高阻缝、微裂缝和钻井诱导缝,其中高导缝和微裂缝一般为有效裂缝。根据高导缝走向和构造特征,将研究区火山岩储层裂缝分为3个区:北部区、中部区和南部区,其中北部区和南部区受顺直断裂控制,高导缝具有两个优势走向;中部区受交叉断裂控制,高导缝为一个优势走向。中部区裂缝平均密度最高,倾角属性也显示为有利裂缝区,可以作为勘探和井位部署的重点区域。  相似文献   

传统上认为前陆冲断带内部的背斜构造具有"成排成带分段"的特征,在表观认识和宏观尺度上讲,容易理解这一特征,并且通过"成排成带分段"的解剖,直接为含油气区带评价和地震解释方案的落实提供指导作用。随着前陆冲断带深层结构的精细解剖和三维空间内构造变形的准确刻画,发现前陆冲断带深层构造变形的分布并非成排成带分段的特征,褶皱构造的发育与分布明显受前陆冲断构造位移量及各个断层位移量的大小所控制,各个断层控制的逆冲岩席在垂向上相互叠置、侧向上交叉对接、走向上错落有致, 3D立体空间内由多个次级弧形体组成鳞片状分布。本文以中国天然气勘探最为成功、勘探资料最为详实的库车坳陷克拉苏构造带为例,通过地震剖面精细构造解释,揭示出构造变形的运动学特征及其构造位移量在传播过程中的分异和转换,进而控制冲断带内部构造岩席的生长发育和空间展布特征,并在3D立体空间内揭示冲断岩席受构造位移量的控制而成鳞片状分布的规律,控制这一分布规律的主控因素是冲断构造位移量与冲断岩席长度之间定量的几何关系。这一认识提升了油气藏评价和构造圈闭描述的精度。  相似文献   

金窝子金矿田位于新甘交界的哈密地区,是北山地区最为重要的金矿田之一,其大地构造背景处于哈萨克斯坦—准噶尔板块与塔里木板块交汇部位东北缘的北山裂谷;断裂构造是矿田内最为重要的控矿因素.文章对矿田内主要的控矿断裂构造特征和断裂构造控矿规律特征进行了研究,F210韧脆性剪切断裂带为矿田内的主干断裂,该断裂的逆冲破碎带为210金矿床的直接控矿构造,控制了蚀变岩型金矿化的发育,由逆冲剪切产生的叠瓦式逆断层不含矿,而近SN向缓倾斜构造控制了210金矿床石英脉型矿化的发育:由F210韧脆性剪切断裂逆冲作用在金窝子岩体内形成的近SN向高角度追踪张性断裂控制了金窝子金矿床石英脉型矿体的形态、产状及成矿元素的分布;在对构造控矿作用研究的基础上,建立了矿区的控矿构造格架.  相似文献   

Characterising fractures at outcrop for use as analogues to fractured reservoirs can use several methods. Four important fracture data collection methods are linear scanline sampling, areal sampling, window sampling and circular scanline sampling. In regions of homogeneous fracture networks these methods are adequate to characterise fracture patterns for use as outcrop analogues, however where fractures are heterogeneous, it is more difficult to characterise fracture networks and a different approach is needed.We develop a workflow for fracture data collection in a region of heterogeneous fractures in a fold and thrust belt, which we believe has applicability to a wide variety of fracture networks in different tectonic settings. We use an augmented circular scanline method, along with areal sampling to collect a range of fracture attribute data, including orientation, length, aperture, spatial distribution and intensity. This augmented circular scanline method more than halves the time taken for data collection, provides accurate, unbiased data that is representative of local fracture network attributes and involves data collection of a wider range of fracture attributes than other sampling techniques alone.  相似文献   

毕力赫金矿田受晚古生代古亚洲地球动力学体系控制.矿田整体位于早期近东西向和北东向断裂围限形成的古破火山口范围内,控制矿床(体)产出的主要构造单元包括断裂构造、火山机构以及岩浆侵入接触构造系统.断裂构造呈近东西、北东和北西向,其中北东、北西向断裂及其交汇部位控制了火山活动中心、次火山岩及相关矿体的分布,空间上形成“结点”...  相似文献   

The fractures in the porcelanites from the Monterey Formation in California USA and the Sap Bon Formation in Central Thailand were documented for a comparative study of their modes, distribution, and their relationship to other structures such as folds and bedding planes. Both formations consist in thinly bedded stiff units that are prone to folding, flexural slip, and cross-bedding brittle fracturing under compression. There are two assemblages in the porcelanites. The first assemblage includes commonly vertical high-angle opening mode fractures, left-lateral strike-slip faults, normal faults, and thrust faults. The second one is sub-horizontal fractures which are associated with folds, bedding slip, and thrusts faults in both Monterey and Sap Bon formations. The structural architectures of these rocks and the associated groups of structures are remarkably similar in terms of both opening and shearing modes and their relationships with the bedding due to their depositional architecture and the compressional tectonic regimes, in spite of the fact that the two locations are more than ten thousand kilometers apart and have very different ages of deformation.  相似文献   

渤海海域发育勘探潜力巨大的覆盖型潜山,这类潜山储集层的发育特征及分布模式是当前潜山油气勘探研究的重点和难点。利用地震、测井、铸体薄片、井壁岩心、常规物性、扫描电镜和X衍射等资料,开展了石臼坨—辽西凸起覆盖型潜山储集层的发育特征、主控因素和分布模式研究。研究结果表明: (1)覆盖型潜山以长英质含量较高的混合花岗岩为主,发育多种类型的溶蚀孔隙和裂缝,其中构造裂缝是最主要的储集空间。储集层平均孔隙度为2.2%,平均渗透率为0.445×10-3 μm2。覆盖型潜山自上而下可划分为风化黏土带、风化砂砾岩带、风化裂缝带、裂缝发育带、相对致密带和基岩带。 (2)富长英质的岩石为裂缝型储集层的形成提供了物质基础,较高的长英质含量利于构造成缝和风化、淋滤、溶蚀改造。 (3)印支期—燕山期的强烈隆升是形成优质风化壳储集层的必要条件,而多期次构造作用叠加是潜山规模裂缝型储集层形成的关键,储集层距印支—燕山主控断裂的远近和所处构造部位进一步影响了裂缝的发育。 (4)风化淋滤对于覆盖型潜山储集层的改造具有重要作用,是控制储集层垂向分带性的主要因素。 (5)建立了覆盖型潜山储集层的分布模式,叠合破碎带的风化裂缝带和裂缝发育带是优质储集层的有利发育部位,二层结构潜山风化壳更为发育,多期构造活动叠加区域潜山内幕裂缝带厚度更大,裂缝发育带和破碎带发育更为密集。  相似文献   

Integration of 11 types of data sets enabled us to determine the location, character and fault history of the southern extension of the Clarendon–Linden Fault System (CLF) in southwestern New York State. The data sets utilized include detailed stratigraphic and fracture measurements at more than 1000 sites, soil gas anomalies, seismic reflection profiles, well logs and lineaments on air photos, topographic maps, Landsat and SLAR images. The seismically active CLF consists of as many as 10 parallel, segmented faults across the fault system. The fault segments are truncated by NW-striking cross-strike discontinuities (CSDs). The faults of the CLF and intersecting CSDs form fault blocks that have semi-independent subsidence and uplift histories. East-dipping reflectors in the Precambrian basement indicate the southward continuation of thrusts of the intra-Grenvillian Elzevir–Frontenac Boundary Zone. These thrusts were reactivated during Iapetan rifting as normal (listric) growth faults. In Ordovician Black River to Trenton time, the southern CLF segments experienced a second phase of growth fault activity, with faults displaying a cumulative stratigraphic throw of as much as 170 m. Thrusting on the same east-dipping Precambrian reflectors typified the CLF in Taconic (post-Trenton) times. Detailed comparisons among the fault segments show that the fault activity in Silurian and Devonian times generally alternated between the western and central main faults. In Late Devonian time, the fault motion reversed from down-on-the-east to down-on-the-west about the time the Appalachian Basin axis passed across the CLF in its westward migration. The deep Precambrian faults of the CLF were thus reactivated as the Appalachian Basin developed in Acadian times. Finally, the CLF thrust fault imaged on seismic line CLF-1 offsets all bedrock (Devonian) units; thus, significant motion occurred along this fault during Late Acadian, or more likely, Alleghanian time.  相似文献   

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