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非均匀灌溉棉田能量平衡特征研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
运用国际能量平衡实验(EBEX-2000)的湍流、净辐射和土壤观测资料,运用涡动相关法分析了非均匀灌溉引起的热内边界层发展条件下近地层感热、潜热通量特征,并对有无灌溉两种条件下的能量闭合度进行了对比分析.在计算感热、潜热通量过程中,分别将Schotanus订正和Webb订正纳入了考虑范围,研究了两种订正方法对计算湍流热通量的影响.研究结果发现,由于非均匀灌溉生成的热内边界层使得近地层感热通量受到抑制,潜热通量出现波动,该现象在8.7 m比2.7 m 更为显著.非均匀灌溉导致的热内边界层的存在使得近地层能量闭合度偏低,能量平衡比率约为0.65;而没有热内边界层存在时,近地层能量平衡比率约为0.70.本实验中,Schotanus订正使得感热通量显著减小,其订正量日平均值约为-8 W/m2,占净辐射的近4%;Webb订正量日平均值约为2 W/m2,对能量平衡的影响较小.  相似文献   

利用2002年4月24日至6月20日在西沙海区进行的第三次南海海-气通量观测试验资料,采用涡相关法和TOGA COARE25b版本通量计算方案,计算了西南季风爆发前后海洋-大气间的通量交换,讨论了辐射、动量、感热通量、潜热通量、海洋热量净收支的时间变化特征及其与气象要素变化的关系.结果表明:西南季风爆发前后,太阳短波辐射、海面净辐射、潜热通量和海洋热量净收支变化特别强烈;通量变化受不同环境要素的影响:感热通量与海-气温差呈正相关关系,与气温呈明显的负相关关系.潜热通量与风速、海-气温差及海面水温均有正相关关系,其中与风速的关系最密切.动量通量(τ)主要随风速变化,它与风速(V)的关系可以表示为τ=000185V2-000559V+001248.  相似文献   

荆思佳  肖薇  王伟  刘强  张圳  胡诚  李旭辉 《湖泊科学》2019,31(6):1698-1712
湖泊模型为数值天气预报模型提供热量通量、水汽通量和动量通量等下边界条件,但是不同时间尺度上湖泊水热通量变化的控制因子不同,因此有必要对湖泊模型进行多时间尺度上的离线评估.本文利用2012-2016年太湖中尺度通量网避风港站的气象资料和辐射数据驱动CLM4-LISSS模型(Community Land Model version 4-Lake,Ice,Snow and Sediment Simulator),并与涡度相关观测(Eddy Covariance,EC)结果进行对比,以年平均潜热通量模拟结果最佳为目标调整了模式中的消光系数、粗糙度长度方案,研究了该模型从半小时到年尺度上对湖表温度和水热通量的模拟性能.结果表明:模型对湖表温度的模拟在各时间尺度上均比较理想,但是模拟的日较差较小;从半小时到年尺度上潜热通量的变化趋势都能被很好地模拟出来,但在季节尺度上,潜热通量的模拟出现了秋冬季偏高、春夏季偏低的情况,季节变化模拟不准确.湖表温度和潜热通量模拟偏差的原因可能是消光系数的参数化方案.相比之下,感热通量尽管年际变化趋势的模拟值与观测值一致,但是从半小时到年尺度均被高估.特别地,冷锋过境期间,模型能较好地模拟出潜热通量和感热通量的变化趋势,但对于高风速条件下的感热通量模拟效果不佳.本文的研究结果能为湖泊模式的应用与发展提供有用信息.  相似文献   

小时尺度水面蒸发可影响水面大气边界层热力和动力结构,分析湖泊小时尺度水面蒸发主要影响因素,选取准确模拟其特征的蒸发模型,将有助于改善流域天气预报和空气质量预报.基于太湖避风港站2012—2013年通量、辐射和气象观测数据,分析太湖小时尺度水面蒸发主要影响因子和3个模型(传统质量传输模型、Granger and Hedstrom经验模型、DYRESM模型)的模拟效果.结果表明:影响太湖小时尺度水面蒸发的主要因子为水气界面水汽压差和风速的乘积,而非净辐射.传统质量传输模型、Granger and Hedstrom经验模型、DYRESM模型模拟值与全年实测值的一致性系数分别为0.92、0.87和0.89,均方根误差分别为28.35、41.58和38.26 W/m~2.传统质量传输模型对太湖小时尺度水面蒸发的日变化和季节动态模拟效果最佳,其夜间模拟相对误差小于3%,除秋季外,其他季节的模拟绝对误差均小于4 W/m~2.Granger and Hedstrom经验模型系统性地高估太湖潜热通量,在大气较为稳定的午后(高估22~32 W/m~2)和冬季(高估72%)高估最为明显,模拟效果最差.DYRESM模型也系统地高估太湖潜热通量,模拟效果居中.考虑水汽交换系数随风速的变化特征将有助于改善传统质量传输模型和DYRESM模型对太湖小时尺度水面蒸发的模拟精度.  相似文献   

刘强  王伟  肖薇  荆思佳  张弥  胡勇博  张圳  谢燕红 《湖泊科学》2019,31(4):1144-1156
作为冷季主要的天气事件,冷空气过境会改变湖泊上方的气团性质,对湖泊的水热通量产生影响,进而影响湖泊的生物物理和化学过程.以亚热带大型浅水湖泊——太湖为研究对象,基于2012-2017年5个冷季(11月-翌年3月)的太湖中尺度通量网观测数据,量化不同强度冷空气(寒潮、强冷空气和较强冷空气)对太湖水热通量的影响.结果表明:在5个冷季中,寒潮、强冷空气和较强冷空气发生的总次数分别为4、11和33次,累积持续天数分别为14、31和78天.冷空气过境显著增强太湖的水热通量,3种冷空气过境使太湖的感热通量分别增至无冷空气时的10.3、6.0和4.3倍,潜热通量分别增至无冷空气时的4.0、2.1和2.7倍.虽然冷空气影响天数仅占冷季天数的16.4%,但对整个冷季的潜热和感热通量贡献分别为34.9%和51.7%,以较强冷空气贡献最大.冷空气影响时,水-气界面的温度梯度是太湖感热通量的主控因子,而潜热通量的主控因子为风速.与深水湖泊相比,太湖等浅水湖泊对冷空气过境的响应更快,寒潮过境时尤为明显.  相似文献   

西北太平洋海气界面湍流热通量低频振荡强度的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所客观分析海气通量项目提供的1985~2006年日平均的湍流热通量及相关基本变量数据,通过小扰动方法和相关分析,详细讨论了西北太平洋湍流热通量低频振荡强度的特征.结果表明:(1)西北太平洋潜热低频振荡强度的空间分布主要受海气比湿差低频振荡强度(△q')和海气比湿差平均值(△q^-)的空间分布影响;感热低频振荡强度的空间分布主要受海气温差低频振荡强度(△T)的空间分布影响.(2)湍流热通量低频振荡强度冬季最强,夏季最弱.潜热低频振荡强度的季节变化受△q'强度季节变化、海表面风速低频振荡强度(U')季节变化、△q^-季节变化和风速平均值U^-季节变化共同影响;感热低频振荡强度的季节变化主要受△T强度季节变化和U^-季节变化的影响.(3)20°N以北海域和热带西太平洋,潜热(感热)低频振荡主要受大气变量q'a(Ta')和U'的影响,表现为海洋对大气强迫的响应;20°N以南的热带中东太平洋,qs'(Ts')的变化对潜热(感热)的低频振荡也有较大影响.  相似文献   

华北平原农田水热通量与作物水分利用效率的特征与模拟   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在中国科学院禹城综合试验站,采用涡度相关技术对夏玉米生长期间净辐射(Rn)、水汽通量(LE)、感热通量(Hs)和土壤热通量(G)进行了观测,并应用农田生态系统模型RZ-SHAW对水热过程和作物水分利用效率进行了模拟和分析.结果表明,夏玉米水汽通量具有明显的日变化与季节变化,Rn大部分用于玉米潜热的消耗,水汽通量与净辐射的比值(LE/Rn)随生长阶段呈上升趋势,在灌浆期达最大,约60%左右,但比用RZ-SHAW模型模拟的结果略低;RZ-SHAW模型模拟得到的夏玉米日蒸散量与实测值的变化比较符合;逐时水汽通量与相应时段内涡度相关实测值一致性指数(IA)均在0.75以上,均方差(RMSE)在1.0W·m?2以下.LE日变化呈倒“V”型,Hs呈倒“U”型并偏向午前,二者出现峰值的时间不同,Hs出现在11︰30左右,LE出现在13︰00左右,比Hs推迟一小时左右.CO2通量日变化呈不对称“V”型,峰值出现时间在11︰30左右.夏玉米4个生育期的群体水分利用效率(Fc+Rs)/LE在日出以后,随着光强的增强,水分利用效率迅速升高,至10时左右达到最大后开始下降,其最大水分利用效率为24.3g·kg?1,平均水分利用效率为10.3g·kg?1.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖夏季水面蒸发与蒸发皿蒸发的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
水面蒸发是湖泊水量平衡要素的重要组成部分.基于传统蒸发皿观测蒸发不能代表实际水面蒸发,而实际水面蒸发特征仍不清楚.本研究基于涡度相关系统观测的鄱阳湖水体实际水面蒸发过程,在小时和日尺度分析了水面蒸发的变化规律及其主要影响因子,并与蒸发皿蒸发进行比较.研究表明,实际水面蒸发日变化波动剧烈,变化范围在0~0.4 mm/h之间.水面蒸发的日变化特征主要受风速的影响.鄱阳湖8月份日水面蒸发量与蒸发皿蒸发量在总体趋势上具有很好的一致性.8月份平均日水面蒸发速率(5.90 mm/d)比蒸发皿蒸发速率(5.65 mm/d)高4.6%.水面日蒸发量与蒸发皿蒸发量的比值在8月上、中、下旬平均值分别为1.24、1.00、0.92,呈现下降的趋势.鄱阳湖夏季水面日蒸发量与风速和相对湿度相关性显著,而蒸发皿蒸发与净辐射、气温、饱和水汽压差和相对湿度均呈显著相关.这是由于蒸发皿水体容积小,与湖泊相比其水体热存储能力小,因此更容易受到环境因子的影响.  相似文献   

在2000年6-7月新疆阜康地区野外观测资料和美国宇航局Goddard地球观测系统资料同化系统计算相应时间能量收支基础上分析了夏季我国西部干旱地区辐射特征和能量收支.新疆阜康地区观测的夏季中午平均吸收辐射为664 W/m2左右,反照率为17%,夜间长波净辐射值为60W/m2左右.模式计算的相应地区的辐射特征与观测结果相当接近.模式计算结果表明,夏季新疆、甘肃西部、内蒙一带为感热通量高值区,其最大值在华北、东北地区,其值可达300W/m2.广大西北地区潜热通量都很低,其高值区在华东、华南、西藏东部和四川一带,最大值可达250-300W/m2.  相似文献   

北冰洋夏季开阔洋面和浮冰近地层热量平衡参数的观测估算   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
利用中国北极科学考察队在北冰洋浮冰站和“雪龙号”考察船获得的大气边界层观测资料, 采用涡旋相关法和廓线法对1999年8月19~24日北冰洋浮冰和开阔水面近地层的热量平衡参数进行了估算. 结果表明, 冰面的净辐射仅为开阔海面的8%, 主要消耗于感热输送和融化, 冰面损失的热量超过了吸收的净辐射, 并由冰的深层热传导来补偿, 潜热通量对冰面热平衡的贡献较小. 开阔海面吸收的净辐射主要以潜热和感热向大气输送, 分别占52%和25%, 剩余部分向深层水体传导. 观测事实说明北冰洋夏季开阔海面/大气和冰面/大气之间的热量交换过程有显著差异, 开阔洋面有大量的水汽向大气输送, 这对研究北冰洋地区海/冰/气相互作用对气候过程的影响是十分重要的.  相似文献   

湖泊水面与大气之间垂直方向的动量、水汽和热量通量与风速、湿度和温度梯度之间存在比例关系,因此在湖泊水-气相互作用研究中,这比例系数(交换系数)是关键因子.在以往的研究中,交换系数通常直接采用水面梯度观测法或海洋大气近地层的参数化方案进行计算.本文采用涡度相关系统和小气候系统仪器在太湖平台上直接观测的通量和气象要素,对上述交换系数(最小均方差原则)进行优化,结果为:动量交换系数CD10N=1.52×10-3、水汽交换系数CE10N=0.82×10-3、热量交换系数CH10N=1.02×10-3,与其他内陆湖泊涡度相关观测数据的推导结果一致.本文的研究结果表明:与海洋参数化方案相比,在相同的风速条件下,湖面的空气动力学粗糙度比海洋高,这可能是由于受到水深的影响;如果采用海洋参数化方案,会导致湖泊年蒸发量的估算值偏大40%.太湖的动量、水汽和热量交换系数可以视为常数,可以不考虑稳定度和风速的影响.这是因为本文中83%的数据为近中性条件.敏感性分析表明:如果考虑稳定度的影响,LE模拟值的平均误差降低了0.5 W/m2,H的平均误差降低了0.4 W/m2,u*的计算值没有变化;如果考虑风速的影响,u*模拟值的平均误差降低了0.004 m/s,LE的平均误差升高了1.3 W/m2,H的模拟结果几乎不受影响.这一结果能为湖气相互作用研究提供参考.  相似文献   

The two commonly used statistical measures of the air-sea heat flux, the sampling and classical means, have been compared using hourly reports over a 7-year-period from a weather ship stationed in the NE Atlantic. The sampling mean is the average over all flux estimates in a given period, where individual flux estimates are determined from ship reports of meteorological variables using the well-known bulk formulae. The classical mean is the flux derived by substituting period-averaged values for each of the meteorological variables into the bulk formula (where the averaging period employed is the same as that over which the fluxes are to be determined). Monthly sampling and classical means are calculated for the latent and sensible heat fluxes. The monthly classical mean latent heat flux is found to overestimate the sampling mean by an amount which increases from 1–2 W m−2 in summer to 7 W m−2 in winter, on average, over the 7-year-period. In a given winter month, the excess may be as great as 15 W m−2, which represents about 10% of the latent heat flux. For the sensible heat flux, any seasonal variation between the two means is of the order of 1 W m−2 and is not significant compared to the interannual variation. The discrepancy between the two means for the latent heat flux is shown to arise primarily from a negative correlation between the wind speed and sea-air humidity difference, the effects of which are implicitly included in the sampling method but not in the classical. The influence of the dominant weather conditions on the sign and magnitude of this correlation are explored, and the large negative values that it takes in winter are found to depend on the typical track of the mid-latitude depressions with respect to the position sampled. In conclusion, it is suggested that sampling means should be employed where possible in future climatological studies.  相似文献   

Land surface energy fluxes are required in many environmental studies, including hydrology, agronomy and meteorology. Surface energy balance models simulate microscale energy exchange processes between the ground surface and the atmospheric layer near ground level. Spatial variability of energy fluxes limits point measurements to be used for larger areas. Remote sensing provides the basis for spatial mapping of energy fluxes. Remote‐sensing‐based surface energy flux‐mapping was conducted using seven Landsat images from 1997 to 2002 at four contiguous crop fields located in Polk County, northwestern Minnesota. Spatially distributed surface energy fluxes were estimated and mapped at 30 m pixel level from Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper images and weather information. Net radiation was determined using the surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) procedure. Applying the two‐source energy balance (TSEB) model, the surface temperature and the latent and sensible heat fluxes were partitioned into vegetation and soil components and estimated at the pixel level. Yield data for wheat and soybean from 1997 to 2002 were mapped and compared with latent heat (evapotranspiration) for four of the fields at pixel level. The spatial distribution and the relation of latent heat flux and Bowen ratio (ratio of sensible heat to latent heat) to crop yield were studied. The root‐mean‐square error and the mean absolute percentage of error between the observed and predicted energy fluxes were between 7 and 22 W m−2 and 12 and 24% respectively. Results show that latent heat flux and Bowen ratio were correlated (positive and negative) to the yield data. Wheat and soybean yields were predicted using latent heat flux with mean R2 = 0·67 and 0·70 respectively, average residual means of −4·2 bushels/acre and 0·11 bushels/acre respectively, and average residual standard deviations of 16·2 bushels/acre and 16·6 bushels/acre respectively (1 bushel/acre ≈ 0·087 m3 ha−1). The flux estimation procedure from the SEBAL‐TSEB model was useful and applicable to agricultural fields. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Reliable estimation of sensible heat flux (H) is important in energy balance models for quantifying evapotranspiration (ET). This study was conducted to evaluate the value of adding the Priestley-Taylor (PT) equation to the METRIC (Mapping Evapotranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration) model. METRIC was used to estimate energy fluxes for 10 Landsat images from the 2005, 2006 and 2007 crop growing seasons in south-central Nebraska, USA, where each image owing to recent rainfall exhibited high residual moisture content even at the hot pixel. The METRIC model performed satisfactorily for net radiation (Rn ) and soil heat flux (G) estimation with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 52 and 24 W m-2, respectively. A RMSE of 122 W m-2 for H indicated the limitation of the METRIC model in estimating H for high residual moisture content of the hot pixel (Alfalfa reference ET fraction, ET r F > 0.15). The modified METRIC model (wet METRIC or wMETRIC) incorporating the PT equation was applied to calculate H at the anchor pixels (hot and cold) for high residual moisture content of the hot pixel. The α coefficient of the PT equation was locally calibrated using hourly meteorological data from an automatic weather station and Rn and G data from a Bowen ratio flux tower. The mean α coefficient value was 1.14. The wMETRIC model reduced the RMSE of H from 122 to 64 W m-2 and that of latent heat flux, LE, from 163 to 106 W m-2. The RMSE of daily ET decreased from 1.7 to 1.1 mm d-1 with wMETRIC. The results indicate that treatment of anchor pixels for high residual moisture content with the PT approach gives improved estimation of H, LE and daily ET. It is recommended that the wMETRIC model be used for estimating ET if the hot pixel has high residual moisture (i.e. reference ET fraction > 0.15).

Citation Singh, R. K. & Irmak, A. (2011) Treatment of anchor pixels in the METRIC model for improved estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(5), 895–906.  相似文献   

水库或湖泊的热分层结构是其动力与环境过程的重要研究方面,虽然很多学者针对水体分层结构和演变机理开展了大量研究,但水体通过水-气界面与大气进行热交换的过程,各气象因子的贡献机理等研究成果还很缺乏。本文基于三峡水库香溪河库湾2019年3月-2020年2月期间的水温、水位及气象等监测数据,针对水-气界面热交换过程如何影响水温垂向结构及表层水体湍流混合作用开展研究。结果表明,(1)香溪河水体年内呈高温期分层、低温期混合的基本特征,高温期混合层深度小于8 m,低温期混合层深度超过30 m。(2)太阳短波辐射是香溪河水体的主要热源,潜热通量和长波辐射是香溪河水体的主要冷源,感热通量贡献极小。(3)香溪河平均风速较弱,约为1.6 m/s,主要通过增强潜热和感热通量的方式影响水体垂向稳定性结构特征,其机械扰动作用较弱。(4)表层水体湍能通量在高温期较低(10-7m3/s3量级),此时水体处于分层状态,风应力大概率主导表层水体湍流发育;低温期表层水体湍能通量较高(10-6 m3/s3<...  相似文献   

Three eddy covariance stations were installed at the Barrax experimental farm during the Land-Atmosphere Exchanges (REFLEX) airborne training and measurement campaign to provide ground truth data of energy balance fluxes and vertical temperature and wind profiles. The energy balance closure ratio (EBR) was 105% for a homogeneous camelina site, 86% at a sparse reforestation site, and 73% for a vineyard. We hypothesize that the lower closure in the last site was related to the limited fetch. Incorporating a vertical gradient of soil thermal properties decreased the RMSE of the energy balance at the camelina site by 16 W m?2. At the camelina site, eddy covariance estimates of sensible and latent heat fluxes could be reproduced well using mean vertical profiles of wind and temperature, provided that the Monin—Obukhov length is known. Measured surface temperature and sensible heat fluxes suggested high excess resistance for heat (kB?1 = 17).  相似文献   

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