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通过5榀钢筋混凝土填充墙框架结构低周反复荷载试验,系统研究了填充墙-框架柔性连接和刚性连接、墙端设置芯柱和不设置芯柱结构的破坏机理和抗震性能,对滞回曲线、骨架曲线、位移延性比、累积耗能、强度衰减和刚度退化等抗震性能指标进行了分析。试验结果表明:柔性连接方案对结构承载力的提高低于刚性连接方案,但其他性能指标均优于刚性连接方案。例如,提高了结构初始刚度,且刚度退化现象减缓;提高了结构位移延性比和累积耗能;填充墙破损程度减轻;减小或消除了填充墙对框架柱的附加剪力影响等。同时,填充墙内芯柱的设置有效提高了结构承载力、刚度和整体稳定性。  相似文献   

纤维增强混凝土异形柱框架抗震性能的试验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过薄弱部位应用纤维增强的混凝土异形柱框架和同条件下无纤维异形柱框架的拟静力试验研究,对比了两榀框架的破坏特征、出铰顺序、承载能力和延性、滞回特性、耗能能力及刚度退化等抗震性能指标。研究表明:应用纤维增强的异形柱框架承载能力和整体刚度显著提高,薄弱部位破坏程度减轻,耗能能力有所增强,纤维可以改善异形柱框架薄弱部位的抗震性能,提高异形柱框架结构的整体抗震能力。  相似文献   

设置半高填充墙的钢筋混凝土框架结构在地震中极易发生短柱破坏,进而引起结构整体倒塌,为改善半高填充墙框架结构的抗震性能,制作了3组半高填充墙框架结构试验模型,采用不同方法对短柱外包(Carbon fiber reinforced polymer, CFRP)加固,分析了CFRP布条带加固模型和全包加固模型的延性系数、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、刚度退化、耗能能力及破坏模式。试验结果显示:CFRP加固将半高填充墙框架结构的薄弱环节从短柱转移到填充墙,在填充墙完全破坏后框架结构表现为强柱弱梁型的节点破坏,外包CFRP加固将半高填充墙框架短柱破坏的脆性破坏模式转变为强柱弱梁型的框架延性破坏模式;全包加固后结构的初始刚度有所提高,条带加固可以大大提高结构的耗能能力,2种加固方法都能提高结构的延性和抗震性能。  相似文献   

轻质填充墙异型柱边框架抗震性能试验研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
本文重点研究了轻质填充墙异型柱边框架的层刚度衰减过程,承载力和弹塑性性能.  相似文献   

对带填充墙的钢筋混凝土框架结构进行数值分析,研究填充墙体对框架结构抗震性能的影响。采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立了填充墙框架结构模型,通过数值模拟分别分析了墙体开洞、墙体材料以及填充墙与框架的连接形式在多遇和罕遇地震下对填充墙框架动力响应及损伤的影响。分析结果表明:刚性连接下的填充墙对框架产生了刚度效应,使得其自振周期为纯框架的0.2~0.7倍,导致在地震作用下的响应增大,但填充墙对框架的约束效应限制了框架柱的变形,增大了结构的抗侧承载力;罕遇地震下填充墙与框架存在复杂的相互作用,开洞填充墙对框架柱产生了约束作用,减小了柱的计算高度,满布填充墙对框架产生斜压杆效应,导致柱端出现附加剪应力容易出现剪切破坏。柔性连接下的填充墙对框架的自振周期影响很小,在进行抗震验算时可不进行自振周期折减,在多遇和罕遇地震波作用下的动力响应以及损伤均与纯框架类似,与抗震规范的设计计算吻合,同时也可避免填充墙的破坏。  相似文献   

轻质砌块填充墙对钢框架地震反应影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据现有的填充墙钢框架结构试验和理论研究成果,提出了一种适用于结构整体分析的框架填充墙有限元模型。采用杆系模型并编制了相应的弹塑性地震反应分析程序。通过对空框架和带填充墙钢框架的地震反应分析,研究了轻质砌块填充墙的存在对钢框架顶层位移反应、底层柱弯矩及柱轴力反应的影响,得出了有益的结论。为进一步完善钢结构抗震设计提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

范村莹  周强  孙柏涛 《地震工程学报》2018,40(5):897-903,968
历史震害表明,填充墙与框架的连接刚度对框架结构的抗震性能有重要影响。我国《建筑抗震设计规范》(2010)建议"框架结构中的砌体填充墙,宜与柱脱开或采用柔性连接",但对二者的具体连接刚度,规范并没有做出明确规定。运用ABAQUS软件,对前人开展的考虑填充墙与框架连接影响的框架结构拟静力试验进行数值模拟,对比分析填充墙框架结构破坏特征及滞回曲线等抗震性能指标,验证了有限元模型的可靠性。基于某典型框架结构,建立不考虑填充墙、考虑填充墙与框架不同连接刚度的框架结构有限元模型。模态分析表明,连接刚度对框架结构的频率影响较小,结构的动力特性趋于一致;多遇地震和罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性时程分析表明,合适的连接刚度可以提高结构的抗震性能。研究可为框架结构的抗震设计提供参考。  相似文献   

针对当前砌体填充墙框架结构数值模拟中缺乏简单有效的填充墙建模方法,缺少对填充墙-框架刚性连接和柔性连接的考虑等问题,提出了基于等效弹簧单元的填充墙框架结构有限元分析方法。首先,将填充墙框架结构拆分成空框架和等效约束填充墙,其中等效约束填充墙综合考虑了填充墙对框架柱的侧向约束,以及主体框架对填充墙的闭合约束;其次,在粉煤灰空心砌块墙体及砌体填充墙框架结构水平往复荷载试验的基础上,分析了墙-框刚性连接与柔性连接情况下等效约束填充墙的力学性能,提出了填充墙的滞回曲线模型及等效弹簧有限元分析模型;最后,分别进行了刚性连接和柔性连接填充墙框架结构水平单调荷载作用下的有限元试验拟合。计算结果表明:等效弹簧单元能够有效模拟等效约束填充墙的工作,且建模方式简便易行,特别适用于砌体填充墙框架整体结构的数值模拟分析。  相似文献   

底层带支撑异型柱框架抗震分析初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在底层带支撑异型柱框架模型试验研究基础上,按抗震分析需要,对结构抗震性能问题、模型问题、填充墙刚度问题等进行了初步研究。简述了抗震分析方法,提出了供抗震设计参考的建议。  相似文献   

为研究填充墙对底层框架多层砌体房屋地震反应的影响,以典型的填充墙-底层框架多层砌体房屋为基础,建立有限元计算模型并进行了弹塑性动力时程分析。根据不同模型的计算结果以及填充墙的刚度和强度,分析了填充墙对底层框架多层砌体房屋自振周期、地震作用下房屋整体变形、底层框架的损伤以及填充墙与底层框架相互作用的影响。计算结果表明:填充墙对房屋整体地震反应产生明显影响,其影响不能忽略。在上部砌体结构质量和刚度不变的情况下,结构自振周期随着填充墙刚度的增加而降低;随着填充墙与底层框架之间连接作用的增强,结构整体的变形减小,底层框架的损伤增大。当填充墙与底层框架之间采用弱连接时,采用强度较高的填充墙可以提高结构整体的变形能力,从而提高结构整体的抗震能力。  相似文献   

在不考虑结构整体扭转的前提下,假定异形柱框架结构中的异形柱为单向偏心受压且为弯曲型破坏,给出了异形柱正截面受弯承载力和异形柱框架结构楼层受剪承载力计算方法。方法简便实用,与试验结果比较吻合。  相似文献   

填充墙具有显著的刚度和承载力贡献。建筑结构震害调查发现,不开洞横墙的破坏程度远小于开洞纵墙的破坏程度,从宏观现象可判断大部分多层建筑的破坏主要由结构纵向运动造成。为研究横墙在地震作用下的性能及其对结构整体动力响应的影响,以经受2021年5月21日云南漾濞6.4级地震震害的花椒园小学教学楼为研究对象,按当地抗震计算参数进行弹塑性时程分析。采用等效斜压杆模拟横向填充墙,设置无填充墙框架结构、带黏土砖墙的框架结构、带空心砖墙的框架结构和带加气混凝土砌块填充墙的框架结构模型,选取10组地震波横向输入。研究结果表明,4种结构自振周期均处于具有统计学意义的平台段,平均加速度响应较接近,质量和刚度变化不会使结构加速度产生规律的变化;受结构自重影响,无填充墙的框架结构底部剪力小于带填充墙的框架结构,带填充墙的框架结构位移远小于无填充墙的框架结构;带有多道不开洞横墙的多层框架结构的破坏主要是由结构纵向破坏引起的。  相似文献   

异形柱框架结构是1种新型节能住宅结构,本文利用有限元软件,采用反应谱方法,从异形柱与矩形柱框架结构在地震作用下的变形特性和位移着手,研究2种结构的抗震性能,得出了异形柱的抗震性能好的结论。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new analytical model for masonry‐infilled R/C frames to evaluate the seismic performance considering R/C frame–infill interactions. The proposed analytical model replaces masonry infill with a diagonal compression strut, which represents distributed compression transferred between frame and infill interfaces. The equivalent strut width is presented as a function of the frame–infill contact length, which can be evaluated by static equilibriums related to compression balance and lateral displacement compatibility at the frame–infill interfaces. The proposed analytical model was verified through comparisons with experimental results obtained for several brick masonry‐infilled R/C frames representing a typical R/C building with nonstructural masonry infill in Indonesia. As a result, good agreements were observed between the experimental and analytical values of the lateral strength and ductility of the infilled frames. The seismic performances of two earthquake‐damaged R/C buildings with different damage conditions were evaluated considering infill effects by applying the proposed analytical model. Consequently, the nonstructural brick masonry infill significantly affected the seismic resistances of the buildings, which seemed to lead to differing levels of damage for each building. These results indicate that the proposed analytical model can be an effective tool for more precisely screening earthquake‐vulnerable existing R/C buildings in Indonesia. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Earthquake investigations have illustrated that even code-compliant reinforced concrete frames may suffer from soft-story mechanism. This damage mode results in poor ductility and limited energy dissipation. Continuous components offer alternatives that may avoid such failures. A novel infilled rocking wall frame system is proposed that takes advantage of continuous component and rocking characteristics. Previous studies have investigated similar systems that combine a reinforced concrete frame and a wall with rocking behavior used. However, a large-scale experimental study of a reinforced concrete frame combined with a rocking wall has not been reported. In this study, a seismic performance evaluation of the newly proposed infilled rocking wall frame structure was conducted through quasi-static cyclic testing. Critical joints were designed and verified. Numerical models were established and calibrated to estimate frame shear forces. The results evaluation demonstrate that an infilled rocking wall frame can effectively avoid soft-story mechanisms. Capacity and initial stiffness are greatly improved and self-centering behavior is achieved with the help of the infilled rocking wall. Drift distribution becomes more uniform with height. Concrete cracks and damage occurs in desired areas. The infilled rocking wall frame offers a promising approach to achieving seismic resilience.  相似文献   

Aimed at investigating the effect of openings on the in‐plane behaviour of masonry infills in reinforced concrete frames, a parametric study is presented based on model calibration via experimental tests. Two types of openings are investigated: central window openings and different combinations of door and window openings based on the typologies of southern European countries. First, a finite element model of the structure is made using the DIANA software program. Then, after calibration with experimental results, a parametric analysis is carried out to investigate the effect of the presence and location of the different types of openings on the in‐plane behaviour of the infilled frame. Finally, different equations for predicting the initial stiffness and lateral strength of infilled frames with any types of openings were obtained. An α factor related to the geometry of the piers between openings is proposed to take into account the location of the openings in the developed equations. Subsequently, the masonry infill panel is replaced by a diagonal strut. An empirical equation is also proposed for the width of an equivalent strut to replace a masonry infill panel with openings in such a way that they possess the same initial stiffness. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

T形截面柱的非线性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
编制了适用于任意截面的钢筋混凝土压弯构件截面的弯矩—曲率非线性分析程序。在此基础上,计算了考虑非线性变形的异形柱弯矩—曲率关系,并研究了翼缘、轴压比等因素对异形柱强度和延性的影响,可作为异形柱研究的参考依据。  相似文献   

Unreinforced Masonry(URM) is the most common partitioning material in framed buildings in India and many other countries.Although it is well-known that under lateral loading the behavior and modes of failure of the frame buildings change significantly due to infill-frame interaction,the general design practice is to treat infills as nonstructural elements and their stiffness,strength and interaction with the frame is often ignored,primarily because of difficulties in simulation and lack of modeling guidelines in design codes.The Indian Standard,like many other national codes,does not provide explicit insight into the anticipated performance and associated vulnerability of infilled frames.This paper presents an analytical study on the seismic performance and fragility analysis of Indian code-designed RC frame buildings with and without URM infills.Infills are modeled as diagonal struts as per ASCE 41 guidelines and various modes of failure are considered.HAZUS methodology along with nonlinear static analysis is used to compare the seismic vulnerability of bare and infilled frames.The comparative study suggests that URM infills result in a significant increase in the seismic vulnerability of RC frames and their effect needs to be properly incorporated in design codes.  相似文献   

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