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双变参数标量纵波方程正演模拟方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
常见弹性波动理论的建立是基于介质均匀这一基本假设,实际介质的非均匀性非常普遍.为研究连续介质中波的传播特征,本文从弹性力学中建立弹性波动方程的三个基本方程出发,考虑连续介质弹性参数的空变特征,建立非均匀介质的弹性波动方程,利用Alkhalifah声学近似思想建立位移表征的纵波波动方程,利用本征值问题求解方法建立标量波频率-波数域传播算子,从而建立描述纵波传播的标量波方程,其中波函数为纵波位移的散度,不同于均匀介质标量波方程的波函数为位移势.随后推导含PML边界波动方程差分格式并建立不同模型数值模拟进行数值试算,与均匀假设标量波方程和变密度方程对比证明本方法的准确性和稳定性.  相似文献   

VTI介质纯P波混合法正演模拟及稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
各向异性介质纯P波方程完全不受横波的干扰,在一定程度上可以减缓由于介质各向异性引起的数值不稳定,本文推导了具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(VTI)介质纯P波一阶速度-应力方程.由于纯P波方程存在一个分数形式的伪微分算子,无法直接采用有限差分法求解.针对该问题,本文采用伪谱法和高阶有限差分法联合求解波动方程,重点分析了混合法求解纯P波一阶速度-应力方程的稳定性问题,并给出了混合法求解纯P波方程的稳定性条件.数值模拟结果表明纯P波方程伪谱法和高阶有限差分混合法能够进行复杂介质的正演模拟,在强变速度、变密度的地球介质中仍然具有较好的稳定性.  相似文献   

由于时间域内粘弹性介质的本构方程是一种卷积积分形式,无法将它直接离散化数值求解.本文采用GSLS模型逼近谐振Q模型介质的粘弹性;推导了粘弹性介质中实现纵波和横波分解的等价波动方程.同时给出了等价方程的完全匹配吸收边界(PML)条件公式及相应的交错网格任意偶数阶精度有限差分格式.最后应用交错网格高阶有限差分法,求解等价波动方程.实验显示GSLS模型逼近精度高,吸收边界效果好,能够实现纵、横波的完全分离,可以得到高精度的波场快照和合成记录;并且波场快照和合成记录能较好的反映谐振Q模型介质的粘弹性特征.结果证明GSLS模型能够精确地逼近谐振Q模型的粘弹性.  相似文献   

由于各向异性广泛存在于地下岩石中,随着勘探精度的不断提高,对地下介质的各向同性假设越来越不能够满足于现状,因此对各向异性介质的数值模拟显得更为重要。本文推导了各向异性介质的弹性波动方程,总结了震源类型,通过PML方法处理了人工边界问题,通过快照分析验证了数值频散、稳定性条件。研究结果表明:① PML完全匹配层,可较好地解决人工边界问题;②减小空间采样间隔压制数值频散比减小时间采样间隔效果要好得多,盲目减小时间采样间隔会大大降低数值模拟的运算效率;③各向异性介质中弹性波场中除含有准纵波外,还含有速度较慢的准横波;④准纵波波前能量要比由各向异性引起的准横波能量强,准纵波和准横波的波前随着各向异性介质参数的变化而变化。   相似文献   

TTI介质有限差分逆时偏移的稳定性探讨   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李博  李敏  刘红伟  刘洪 《地球物理学报》2012,55(4):1366-1375
在沉积学中,可假设在相同时期的沉积层具有相近的物理性质和演化过程.因此,沿层传播的地震波和垂直于地层传播的地震波具有各向异性的特点.在纵波资料的处理中,考虑各向异性对逆时偏移的影响,通常假设介质的横波速度为零,这样可以得到纵波在TTI介质中的传播方程,但是该方程在实际计算中仍存在数值稳定性问题.本文加入横波分量可有效解决数值稳定性问题,并选取适当的横波速度减小对纵波成像的影响,实现地震波在TTI介质中的逆时偏移.实际测算表明,P-SV波的方程中包含横波分量,若假设SV的速度为零,则会导致方程的差分格式不稳定;若加入SV波,选择合适的SV波速度可以使SV波的全区各向异性和反射系数达到极小,并可有效的抑制SV波对纵波勘探的影响.本文的方法是一种稳定的TTI介质中的逆时偏移方法.  相似文献   

介质微结构相互作用会使介质存在不均匀性,而这种不均匀性,则会引发新的响应.当位移场/旋转场存在强烈空间/时间变化时,这种由介质微结构相互作用所导致的不均匀性会愈加明显.应变梯度通过在应变能密度函数中引入应变的一阶或者高阶导数,以描述这种由介质微结构相互作用导致的不均匀性,由于引入高阶导数,应变梯度理论可以描述更小尺度的微结构相互作用,但是其存在计算量大以及物理解释困难等问题.单参数二阶应变梯度理论作为应变梯度理论的一种特例或者简化版本,将二阶应变梯度视为对应变能密度函数的附加影响.本文从非局部理论出发,推导单参数二阶应变梯度理论的本构方程,进而结合几何方程和运动微分方程,给出非对称弹性波动方程的数学表达式.并应用该非对称弹性波动方程在各向同性均匀介质模型和Marmousi模型上进行数值模拟,合成地震记录.将该地震记录与传统弹性波动方程所生成的合成地震记录进行对比,研究分析应用二阶应变梯度描述介质微结构相互作用对地震记录的影响规律,给出以下结论:(1)基于单参数二阶应变梯度理论的非对称弹性波动方程所描述的位移扰动对纵波和横波的传播都产生了影响,且对横波的影响较大;(2)介质更小尺度的微结构相互作用可以在地震记录中被反映出来,我们需要考虑其对地震波传播的影响.  相似文献   

欲实现基于弹性波方程的矢量波场逆时偏移纵、横波独立成像,必须在波场延拓过程中实现纵、横波场的分离,散度和旋度算子分离的纵、横波出现振幅与相位的畸变,导致输出成像结果的振幅失真。本文提出一种在弹性波场延拓过程中实现纵、横波保幅分离的方法,在传统的弹性波方程中加入纵波压力、纵波振动速度和横波振动速度方程,实现纵横波的矢量分解,再对分解后的矢量纵波和矢量横波做标量化合成得到保幅分离的纵、横波场,对保幅分离的纵、横波场应用成像条件,然后实现矢量波场逆时偏移的保幅纵横波成像。该方法可以保证分离后纵、横波的振幅与相位不变;同时,分解后的纵波压力和纵波振动速度可用于层间反射噪音压制和横波极性校正,提高多分量地震资料联合逆时偏移的纵、横波成像质量,从而实现保幅弹性波逆时偏移的目的,为叠前深度剖面应用于叠前反演工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

相比于传统弹性波动方程,非对称弹性波动方程增加的独立自由项,包含有介质特征尺度参数.基于非对称弹性波动方程,可以分析弹性波传播中,由介质内微孔缝隙结构相互作用所导致的地震波传播尺度效应.本文从介质应变能密度函数出发,并结合几何方程和平衡方程,给出修正偶应力理论下的非对称弹性波动方程以及对应的非对称SH型横波波动方程的数学表达式,并在三层煤层模型上进行数值模拟,将检波器分别设置在地表和煤层中线,通过改变介质特征尺度参数值,合成地震记录,研究分析弹性波传播中,由介质内微孔缝隙结构相互作用所导致的尺度效应,对地震记录的影响及规律,并得出以下结论和认识:(1)非对称弹性波动方程模拟的弹性波传播表现出明显的尺度效应;(2)地震记录需要考虑介质内部多尺度的微孔缝隙相互作用的影响.  相似文献   

三、基于波动方程反演的散射层析成象方法地震波的传播是服从弹性波方程的,但是要严格的从弹性波方程反演来研究散射层析成象是远远超出当前数学发展水平的,其初步探讨可见[13]。熟知弹性介质中存在两种波:压缩波(纵波)与剪切波(横波),如介质参数的变化率较小,则压缩波场u近似地满足变系数的声波方程如下  相似文献   

饱和多孔微极介质的波动方程及其势函数方程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
胡亚元 《地球物理学报》2005,48(5):1132-1140
土是由一定尺寸大小颗粒所构成的多孔介质,具有明显的颗粒特性,当土颗粒间的孔隙被流体(如水或油)充满时则成为饱和土.利用微极理论和Biot波动理论的研究成果,把饱和土中多孔固体骨架部分近似地视为微极介质,孔隙中的流体部分视为质点介质,获得饱和多孔微极介质的弹性波动方程.借鉴Greetsma理论,建立了饱和多孔微极介质弹性本构方程力学参数与相应单相介质弹性参数的相互关系,使饱和多孔微极介质弹性波动方程中的物理参数具有明确的物理意义,易于在试验中确定.运用场论理论把饱和多孔微极介质的波动方程简化为势函数方程,建立了饱和多孔微极介质中五种弹性波的弥散方程,数值分析了五种简谐体波在无限饱和多孔微极介质中的传播特性. 结果表明,P1波、P2波和剪切S1波的波速弥散曲线与经典饱和多孔介质基本相同,当频率小于临界频率ω0时旋转纵波θ波和横波S2波不存在,当频率大于临界频率ω0时,θ波和S2波的传播速度随频率增加而减小.  相似文献   


The system of Biot vector equations in the frequency space includes two elliptic-type vector partial differential equations with unknown displacement vectors in the solid and liquid phases. Considering the Biot equations, alongside with Pride’s equations, the key approaches to the theoretical study of the elastic waves in the two-phase fluid-saturated media, the author suggests an analytical solution for the inhomogeneous Biot equations in the frequency space, which is reduced to finding its fundamental solution (Green’s function). The solution of this problem consists of solutions for two systems of Biot equations. In the first system, only the first equation is inhomogeneous, while in the second system, only the second equation is inhomogeneous and, as it is shown, its right-hand side is exclusively a potential function. The fundamental solution of the full system of inhomogeneous Biot equations (in which both equations are inhomogeneous) is represented in the form of Green’s matrix-tensor, for the scalar elements of which the analytical relations are presented. The obtained formulas describing the elastic displacements of both the solid and liquid phases reflect three wave types, namely, compressional waves of the first and the second kind (the fast and the slow waves, respectively) and shear waves. Similar terms (those describing the same type of the elastic waves in the solid and liquid phases) in the expressions for Green’s functions are linked with each other through the coefficient that links the components of the displacement vectors of the solid and liquid phases corresponding to the given wave type.


The system of Biot vector equations in the frequency space includes two elliptic-type vector partial differential equations with unknown displacement vectors in the solid and liquid phases. Considering the Biot equations, alongside with Pride??s equations, the key approaches to the theoretical study of the elastic waves in the two-phase fluid-saturated media, the author suggests an analytical solution for the inhomogeneous Biot equations in the frequency space, which is reduced to finding its fundamental solution (Green??s function). The solution of this problem consists of solutions for two systems of Biot equations. In the first system, only the first equation is inhomogeneous, while in the second system, only the second equation is inhomogeneous and, as it is shown, its right-hand side is exclusively a potential function. The fundamental solution of the full system of inhomogeneous Biot equations (in which both equations are inhomogeneous) is represented in the form of Green??s matrix-tensor, for the scalar elements of which the analytical relations are presented. The obtained formulas describing the elastic displacements of both the solid and liquid phases reflect three wave types, namely, compressional waves of the first and the second kind (the fast and the slow waves, respectively) and shear waves. Similar terms (those describing the same type of the elastic waves in the solid and liquid phases) in the expressions for Green??s functions are linked with each other through the coefficient that links the components of the displacement vectors of the solid and liquid phases corresponding to the given wave type.  相似文献   

The paper intends to study the propagation of horizontally polarized shear waves in an elastic medium with void pores constrained between a vertically inhomogeneous and an anisotropic magnetoelastic semi-infinite media. Elasto-dynamical equations of elastic medium with void pores and magnetoelastic solid have been employed to investigate the shear wave propagation in the proposed three-layered earth model. Method of separation of variables has been incorporated to deduce the dispersion relation. All possible special cases have been envisaged and they fairly comply with the corresponding results for classical cases. The role of inhomogeneity parameter, thickness of layer, angle with which the wave crosses the magnetic field and anisotropic magnetoelastic coupling parameter for three different materials has been elucidated and represented by graphs using MATHEMATICA.  相似文献   

Elastic, acoustic and electromagnetic waves in media consisting of vertically inhomogeneous layers are considered in a common formulation. The spectral function of a vertically inhomogeneous medium is the downward energy flux due to an impulsive source at the top of the first layer. A propagation-invariant form is used to derive several identities for the reflection and transmission matrices. When the top layer is bounded by a free surface, one of the expressions reduces to a formula derived by Kunetz for the one-dimensional wave equation. A source radiating upwards and downwards gives a discontinuity in the propagation-invariant form which is equal to the source energy. A new formula is derived for when the source is located just beneath the top interface of the layers.  相似文献   

利用传统有限差分方法对基于Biot理论的双相介质波动方程进行数值求解时,由于慢纵波的存在,数值频散效应较为明显,影响模拟精度.相对于声学近似方程及普通弹性波方程,Biot双相介质波动方程在同等数值求解算法和精度要求条件下,其地震波场正演模拟需要更多的计算时间.本文针对Biot一阶速度-应力方程组发展了一种变阶数优化有限差分数值模拟方法,旨在同时提高其正演模拟的精度和效率.首先结合交错网格差分格式推导Biot方程的数值频散关系式.然后基于Remez迭代算法求取一阶空间偏导数的优化差分系数,并用于Biot方程的交错网格有限差分数值模拟.在此基础上把三类波的平均频散误差参数限制在给定的频散误差阈值和频率范围内,此时优化有限差分算子的长度就能自适应非均匀双相介质模型中的不同速度区间.数值频散曲线分析表明:基于Remez迭代算法的优化有限差分方法相较传统泰勒级数展开方法在大波数范围对频散误差的压制效果更明显;可变阶数的优化有限差分方法能取得与固定阶数优化有限差分方法相近的模拟精度.在均匀介质和河道模型的数值模拟实验中将本文变阶数优化有限差分算法与传统泰勒展开算法、最小二乘优化算法进行比较,进一步证明其在复杂地下介质中的有效性和适用性.  相似文献   

Complex function and general conformal mapping methods are used to investigate the scattering of elastic shear waves by an elliptical cylindrical cavity in a radially inhomogeneous medium. The conformal mappings are introduced to solve scattering by an arbitrary cavity for the Helmholtz equation with variable coefficient through the transformed standard Helmholtz equation with a circular cavity. The medium density depends on the distance from the origin with a power-law variation and the shear elastic modulus is constant. The complex-value displacements and stresses of the inhomogeneous medium are explicitly obtained and the distributions of the dynamic stress for the case of an elliptical cavity are discussed. The accuracy of the present approach is verified by comparing the present solution results with the available published data. Numerical results demonstrate that the wave number, inhomogeneous parameters and different values of aspect ratio have significant influence on the dynamic stress concentration factors around the elliptical cavity.  相似文献   

—Love wave dispersion in a vertically inhomogeneous multilayered medium is studied by a combination of analytical and numerical methods for arbitrary variation of rigidity and density with depth. The problem is reduced to a boundary value problem for a differential equation and solved numerically. The method compares favourably with other methods in use. Simple particular cases are considered and interesting results are exhibited graphically.  相似文献   

The seismic response of inhomogeneous soil deposits is explored analytically by means of one-dimensional viscoelastic wave propagation theory. The problem under investigation comprises of a continuously inhomogeneous stratum over a homogeneous layer of higher stiffness, with the excitation defined in terms of vertically propagating harmonic S waves imposed at the base of the system. A generalized parabolic function is employed to describe the variable shear wave propagation velocity in the inhomogeneous layer. The problem is treated analytically leading to an exact solution of the Bessel type for the natural frequencies, mode shapes and base-to-surface response transfer function. The model is validated using available theoretical solutions and finite-element analyses. Results are presented in the form of normalized graphs demonstrating the effect of salient model parameters such as layer thickness, impedance contrast between surface and base layer, rate of inhomogeneity and hysteretic damping ratio. Equivalent homogeneous soil approximations are examined. The effect of vanishing shear wave propagation velocity near soil surface on shear strains and displacements is explored by asymptotic analyses.  相似文献   

Based on the empirical Gardner equation describing the relationship between density and compressional wave velocity, the converted wave reflection coefficient extrema attributes for AVO analysis are proposed and the relations between the extrema position and amplitude, average velocity ratio across the interface, and shear wave reflection coefficient are derived. The extrema position is a monotonically decreasing function of average velocity ratio, and the extrema amplitude is a function of average velocity ratio and shear wave reflection coefficient. For theoretical models, the average velocity ratio and shear wave reflection coefficient are inverted from the extrema position and amplitude obtained from fitting a power function to converted wave AVO curves. Shear wave reflection coefficient sections have clearer physical meaning than conventional converted wave stacked sections and establish the theoretical foundation for geological structural interpretation and event correlation. "The method of inverting average velocity ratio and shear wave reflection coefficient from the extrema position and amplitude obtained from fitting a power function is applied to real CCP gathers. The inverted average velocity ratios are consistent with those computed from compressional and shear wave well logs.  相似文献   

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