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天山天池水体季节性分层特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王斌  马健  王银亚  尹湘江 《湖泊科学》2015,27(6):1197-1204
于2014年6-10月,对高山深水湖泊天山天池水温、电导率、溶解氧、p H值、叶绿素a浓度和蓝绿藻细胞密度进行垂直剖面的连续监测,通过对其季节动态和垂直分层结构的分析,探讨天池水体季节性分层特征.天池出现明显水温分层的时间短(6-9月),夏季温跃层变化范围为2~18 m,而秋季温跃层不断下移,10月在18 m水深以下;受水温分层影响,天池水体溶解氧浓度、电导率、p H值、叶绿素a浓度和蓝绿藻细胞密度在垂直剖面表现出明显的季节性分层,尤其是夏季水温分层影响溶解氧浓度、叶绿素a浓度和蓝绿藻细胞密度在水体中的分布,对天池水质变化产生重要影响.天池浅水层(水深小于10 m)溶解氧浓度较高(大于8 mg/L),而深水层(水深超过18 m)溶解氧浓度9月接近4 mg/L,季节性缺氧导致底泥营养盐向上扩散,对水体水质产生不利影响.所以,应在夏、秋季节加强水质监测,以防止天池水华发生;天池叶绿素a浓度与蓝绿藻细胞密度的垂直剖面变化趋势相似,均随水深增加呈先增加后减小的趋势,但叶绿素a浓度在2~12 m水深处较高,蓝绿藻细胞密度在5~15 m水深处较高,表明5~15 m深度适合藻类生长,同时,电导率、p H值的垂直变化也说明藻类的生长情况,这为监测天池水体富营养化取样和分析提供依据.  相似文献   

溶解氧(DO)是水体能否维持生态平衡的重要指标,是湖泊初级生产力与水动力条件的综合反映.研究DO及其分层的季节变化对认识湖库的富营养化过程有重要意义.本研究以天目湖沙河水库为例,运用西澳大学开发的三维水动力水质模型——ELCOM-CAEDYM对天目湖的水温、DO和总磷(TP)进行了为期1年的数值模拟.结果表明,模型较好地模拟出了水体温度和DO分层过程以及TP的时空分布,3个指标在水体表层、中层和底层的模拟值与实测值拟合良好,均方根误差分别在1.8℃、1.8 mg/L和0.003 mg/L以内,Nash-Sutcliffe有效性系数均在0.7以上,相对误差均低于10%.沙河水库不同季节的DO垂向分层与温跃层协同变化:冬季垂向混合;春季(4月)温跃层开始发育,底部出现氧不足;夏季(7月)温跃层位于4~10 m之间,同时底部低氧区(DO<2 mg/L)面积达35%;秋季(9月末)低氧区随着温跃层的消失而消失;冬季再次垂向混合.全湖DO和TP的时空分布表明,南半库区磷的来源主要是外源输入,而北半库区磷的来源主要是由水体底部低氧导致的磷内源释放.DO季节分层还有可能通过影响藻类活动而对水环境造成影响.  相似文献   

福建山仔水库不同季节表层沉积物内源磷负荷分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对山仔水库沉积物各形态磷的季节性特征以及夏、冬季磷释放速率进行研究.结果表明,该水库表层沉积物含有较丰富的磷,4个季节各采样点表层沉积物总磷含量范围为(521.23±7.60)~(1255.54±11.03)μg/g,夏季各采样断面中总磷含量及各形态磷含量均高于其他季节.表层沉积物磷以无机磷为主,且主要赋存形态为铁/铝结合态磷.活性较大的铁/铝结合态磷和有机磷占总磷量的77%~90%.柱状样模拟实验结果表明:夏季溶解性磷释放平均速率范围在1.66~2.49 mg/(m2·d),冬季溶解性磷释放平均速率范围为0.69~1.29 mg/(m2·d),夏季各采样点表层沉积物磷释放速率约为冬季的2倍.由于水温分层,夏季沉积物释放的溶解性磷主要滞留在上覆层,但夏季暴雨天气可能导致水温分层破坏,沉积物释放的溶解性磷对水体将产生重要影响;冬季由于水温分层破坏导致上、下水层混合,沉积物释放的溶解性磷被带到上层,对上覆水体水质的影响不容忽视.  相似文献   

苏州平原河网区浅水湖泊叶绿素a与环境因子的相关关系   总被引:33,自引:7,他引:26  
运用回归统计方法,研究苏州平原河网区60个浅水湖泊水体叶绿素a与水温、pH、Do、CODMn、TN、TP等环境因子的相关性,建立相应的同归方程,同时分析了湖泊水体叶绿素a的时空分布特征.研究表明,平原河网区浅水湖泊水体叶绿素a含量具有一定的时空差异性,冬季叶绿索a平均含量比夏季低,但冬、夏季叶绿素a含量空间分布具有一定相似性,整个区域呈现较明显的东高两低的分布趋势;湖泊水体叶绿素a含量与理化环境因子水温、pH、DO、CODMn呈显著正相关,水温可能是平原河网区浅水湖泊浮游植物生长的限制性因子:叶绿素a与NO2-N呈显著正相关,与NH4 -N无明显负相关,与NO3-N无显著正相关,与TN无显著相关,而叶绿素a的对数与TP的对数呈一定的正相关,与TN/TP的对数呈显著负相关.平原河网区浅水湖泊可能是一定程度的磷限制性湖泊.  相似文献   

沉水植物是湖泊生态系统的重要组成部分,其生产力和分布格局受环境因子特别是水文情势决定.洞庭湖是长江流域重要的大型通江湖泊,近年来受人为干扰和气候变化影响,水文节律与水质等环境因子发生改变,导致沉水植物出现衰退现象,急需开展科学恢复,因此有必要对洞庭湖沉水植物深入研究.本研究选取西洞庭湖为研究区域,于2018年和2019年夏季调查了12处典型生境、98个样点的沉水植物与水深、透明度等11个环境因子,采用独立样本T检验和冗余分析方法对沉水植物与环境因子的关系进行分析,对比年际水文情势变化的影响.结果表明:1)西洞庭湖沉水植物主要在水深较浅、水质更优、水体更为稳定的半阻隔子湖和自由连通的湖湾区分布,在河道及水位波动较大的区域分布较少,有、无沉水植物分布样点间存在显著差异的环境因子为水深、透明度、底泥总磷和pH;2)在有沉水植物分布的样点,沉水植物生物量与pH、水深和水体总磷呈显著相关关系;3)自然连通的季节性淹没湖泊沉水植物生物量在2018年高于2019年,可能与2019年5—8月沉水植物关键生长期出现的涨水过程有关,持续的高水位对沉水植物的生长产生了不利影响.维持自然水文节律、湖泊生境异质性与自由连通性、健康的水质等是恢复西洞庭沉水植物的关键,建议在水深低于3 m、营养盐浓度适中、流速及风浪较小的湖湾区或半阻隔湖泊开展沉水植物恢复.  相似文献   

2010年7月对亚热带特大型水库——新安江水库湖泊区水体的垂向物理、化学参数以及浮游植物群落进行了观测研究,并应用Water-PAM对水体浮游植物垂向光合作用参数进行了测定.研究结果表明:夏季该水库湖泊区在水下10~20 m处形成明显的温跃层,垂向pH值、溶解氧及浊度的变化同叶绿素a浓度呈现高度一致;夏季浮游植物群落以硅藻占绝对优势,水体表层以梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)为主,表层以下其它各层均以巴豆叶脆杆藻(Fragilaria cro-tonensis)为绝对优势种,垂向分布表现为5~10 m区间为浮游植物高密度区域,温跃层以下浮游植物密度显著下降,水温分层可能是决定浮游植物垂向分布的重要因素之一.浮游植物最大光合效率从表层向下层逐步降低,实际光合效率最大值出现在垂向10 m区域.  相似文献   

水体垂向分层是深水湖泊一个重要的特征,这不仅影响水体理化环境因子,而且影响水生生物组成的垂向分布,但是对不同水层水体细菌的多样性和群落结构组成的形成与维持机制知之甚少. 本研究以抚仙湖为研究对象,在水体热力分层期间采集不同位点、不同水层水样,借助16S rDNA Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术,探究水体细菌多样性和群落结构组成的空间分布特征及关键影响因子. 研究结果表明:(1)抚仙湖北部湖心在水深15~40 m处出现温跃层,温度由23℃降至15℃,其余理化环境因子也存在明显的垂向分层现象;与垂向差异相比,表层水体各理化因子在水平方向上的差异相对较小. (2)在水平方向上,南部湖心表层水体细菌alpha多样性(Operational Taxonomic Unit数目和Faith''s phylogenetic diversity)最高;在垂向上,水体细菌alpha多样性随着采样水深的增加呈现单峰分布,在30和40 m水层最高;水体细菌alpha和beta多样性的垂向差异均显著大于水平方向差异. (3)表层水体细菌主要由Actinomycetales、unidentified Cyanobacteria、Burkholderiales和Sphingobacteriales组成;温跃层中以Pseudomonadales为主;均温层的优势菌群为unidentified Chloroflexi、Actinomycetales和Burkholderiales. 典范对应分析表明溶解性有机碳、溶解氧、硝态氮、氨氮和总磷浓度是影响细菌群落组成的主要环境因子.  相似文献   

西南峡谷型水库的季节性分层与水质的突发性恶化   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:37  
选择西南云贵高原乌江流域的百花湖水库进行了气象、水温度和水化学(DO、FeⅡ和MnⅡ)的连续监测(13个月).结果表明,由于气候等原因,百花湖水库的水体在夏季形成分层,但是没有典型分层湖泊的温跃层变化,这种水体温度结构可以在4-10月保持稳定;这种"不显著的"温度分层结构,有效限制了上下水团的混合,形成显著的水体溶解氧分层,氧化/还原界面可达到水深8m左右.20世纪90年代初以来,贵州多座水库频繁出现的季节性水质恶化现象,与水库水体混合期(多为夏末初秋),水体分层结构失稳有关.上下层水体的垂直交替,使下层水体中的还原性物质带入上层湖水,造成表层水体缺氧和表观浑浊,鱼类窒息死亡.在百花湖水库的研究表明,西南地区深水水库,可以在夏季出现一定的水体温度分层结构,并导致显著的水体水化学(如溶解氧)分层,进而影响水库水环境质量.  相似文献   

西藏当惹雍错和扎日南木错现代湖泊基本特征   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
湖泊现代特征的调查和对比研究是湖泊学和古湖泊学研究工作的基础,青藏高原大部分湖泊目前仍缺少详细的基本特征考察资料.基于2009年9月实地考察,本文报道藏北高原腹地的两个内陆封闭大湖——扎日南木错和当惹雍错的水深分布和现代湖水基本特征.测深结果显示扎日南木错大部分湖区水下地形较为平坦,最大水深为71.55m;当惹雍错实测最大水深为214.48m,是青藏高原上已知最深的湖泊,也是我国已知的第二深水湖.湖水理化性质显示在垂直方向上两湖都呈现明显的分层结构,温跃层的温度梯度分别为1.1℃/m和0.57℃/m,当惹雍错底层水温最低仅为1.6℃;两湖表水层的电导率分别高达18500μS/cm和12900μS/cm;两湖表水层pH都超过10,而底层水的pH都降低到5左右,上下层湖水显示了不同的酸碱性质.湖水电导率和溶解氧在温跃层都具有同步跃变特征,反映了温度对湖水性质的影响.  相似文献   

东太湖水温变化与水-沉积物界面热通量初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾野  朱金格  王艳平  胡维平 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1599-1609
水温对沉水植被的生长和分布具有重要作用,水-沉积物界面热通量对浅水湖泊水温变化的影响值得关注.东太湖是我国东部典型的草型浅水湖区,采用自2013年11月至2015年10月对东太湖湖心进行的不同深度水体及沉积物温度高频观测数据,结合东太湖表层沉积物的热力学性质计算了水-沉积物界面热通量,分析了东太湖水温和水-沉积物界面热通量的变化特征并探讨了其影响因素.结果表明:东太湖各深度水体日升温过程随水深增加后延,升温过程夏季延长,冬季缩短;表层水温日变幅最大,底层水温日变幅次之,沉积物温度日变幅最小,各深度温度日变幅夏季最小、冬季最大;春季和夏季升温过程中各深度日均温变化沿水深存在约1天的延迟,秋季和冬季无此现象;2015年与2014年东太湖温度变化趋势相同,同比月均温差与气温差呈线性相关.沉积物8:00-19:00向水体放热增加或从水体吸热减少,19:00至次日8:00放热减少或吸热增加;3-9月从水体吸热,为热汇,10月至次年2月向水体放热,为热源,沉积物全年为湖泊热源;逐日水-沉积物界面热通量每月6至15日存在相对年变幅较小幅度的正弦式波动.水温和水-沉积物界面热通量的变化主要受太阳辐射和气温的影响,二者对气象参数的响应具有迟滞现象;水-沉积物界面热通量与水温呈负相关,其变化相对水温迟滞,水-沉积物界面热交换的主要作用为缓冲湖泊水体的热量变化;夏季,沉水植物能降低湖泊各层水温和垂向水温差.  相似文献   

In this study, we have checked the location and focal depth of the Yecheng earthquake (m b = 6.0, maximum intensity VII) of February 14, 1980. The result shows that this is an intermediate event with a focal depth of 90 km. The microepicenter is located at 36. 4°N, 76, 9°E, while the macroepicenter is at 37.3°N, 76.9°E, 90 km to the north of the microepicenter. This is the first destructive intermediate event in China which led to a damage as severe as of intensity VII. The focal mechanism of the event is determined to be of thrust type. Combined with the analysis of seismological and geological data in surrounding area, the possible relation between the event and plate movement has been discussed. The result in this paper indicates that in some particular place, the destructive effect of intermediate event should be considered in seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

The size, shape, and magmatic history of the most recently discovered shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands, Mahukona, have been controversial. Mahukona corresponds to what was thought to be a gap in the paired sequence (Loa and Kea trends) of younger Hawaiian volcanoes (<4?Ma). Here, we present the results of marine expeditions to Mahukona where new bathymetry, sidescan sonar, gravity data, and lava samples were collected to address these controversies. Modeling of bathymetric and gravity data indicate that Mahukona is one of the smallest Hawaiian volcanoes (~6,000?km3) and that its magmatic system was not focused in a long-lived central reservoir like most other Hawaiian volcanoes. This lack of a long-lived magmatic reservoir is reflected by the absence of a central residual gravity high and the random distribution of cones on Mahukona Volcano. Our reconstructed subsidence history for Mahukona suggests it grew to at least ~270?m below sea level but probably did not form an island. New 40Ar–39Ar plateau ages range from 350 to 654?ka providing temporal constraints for Mahukona’s post-shield and shield stages of volcanism, which ended prematurely. Mahukona post-shield lavas have high 3He/4He ratios (16–21?Ra), which have not been observed in post-shield lavas from other Hawaiian volcanoes. Lava compositions range widely at Mahukona, including Pb isotopic values that straddle the boundary between Kea and Loa sequences of volcanoes. The compositional diversity of Mahukona lavas may be related to its relatively small size (less extensive melting) and the absence of a central magma reservoir where magmas would have been homogenized.  相似文献   

本文参照太阳黑子相对数特征建立了太阳黑子磁场磁性指数时间序列. 大气温度场谱分析结果显示,南北半球中纬度平流层和对流层大气温度场普遍存在22年变化周期. 分析认为,大气温度场的22年变化周期是太阳活动22年磁性周期所激发.  相似文献   

Earthquake of November 30, 2004, in Podhale region, southern Poland, was of unexpectedly big size in this area of weak seismicity. As Poland is considered a country of low seismicity, the earthquake has caused concern about seismic hazard in Poland, especially since it took place shortly after the even more unexpected Kaliningrad Region, Russia, earthquakes of September 21, 2004, that inflicted minor damage in northern Poland. The paper presents the findings on the Podhale earthquake which reached macroseismic intensity up to 7 and magnitude 4.7 (m b ; ISC). The event was felt up to a distance of about 100 km and inflicted slight damage to buildings in its narrow epicentral area, thus evidencing its relatively shallow depth. The quake has been located near the village of Skrzypne, about 15 km west-southwest of the district capital Nowy Targ. The source mechanism has been found to be of dip slip normal fault type, although a problem remains of association of this mechanism with known tectonic dislocations in the region. The earthquake has been followed by a long series of aftershocks. Their distribution in time is also studied and the biggest aftershocks have been located.  相似文献   

In this study, we experimentally established the relationship between physical properties, vitrinite reflectance, and microstructure of coal, Taiyuan Formation, Qinshui Basin, China using representative coal samples collected from three different mines via the rock mechanics testing system (MTS). We analyzed the organic macerals, vitrinite reflectance, and microstructure of 11 coal samples using petrography and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental results suggest that (1) the elastic parameters can be described by linear equations, (2) both P-and S-wave velocities display anisotropy, (3) the anisotropy negatively correlates with vitrinite reflectance, and (4) the acoustic velocities and Young’s modulus are negatively correlated with the volume of micropores. The derived empirical equations can be used in the forward modeling and seismic inversion of physical properties of coal for improving the coal-bed methane (CBM) reservoir characterization.  相似文献   

Drop calorimetry measurements between 900 and 1850 K are reported for amorphous anorthite, andesine, wollastonite, diopside, cordierite and pyrope. The isobaric heat capacities of the glassy and liquid phases of these materials, and the enthalpies of fusion of the minerals have been derived. The calorimetric entropies of fusion of these substances and of other oxide minerals are generally consistent with the calculated volume changes on melting and with the observed pressure dependences of the melting points. The thermodynamics of mixing of liquid plagioclases have been examined, and it is concluded that their enthalpies of mixing are markedly different from the values derived directly from solution calorimetry measurements at 985 K.  相似文献   

Soils along catenas of Pinedale (15–20 ka) and Bull Lake (100–130 ka) age moraines at Whiskey Basin in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, USA, were sampled to assess the effects of aeolian processes on soil development here. Aeolian processes appear to have in?uenced soils by both depositing sediments and eroding topsoils. Pedogenic silt (often used as an indicator of wind deposition) accumulated in the Bull Lake soils moderately correlate with pedogenic clay accumulated, suggesting that ?ne sediments may have been deposited and incorporated into soil formation here. Following removal of previous topsoil by wind during Pinedale glaciation, Bull Lake B horizons have developed into contemporary A horizons. These data further link aeolian processes to soil development on piedmont moraines throughout the Wind River Range. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper presents a discussion of some of the issues associated with the multiple sources of uncertainty and non-stationarity in the analysis and modelling of hydrological systems. Different forms of aleatory, epistemic, semantic, and ontological uncertainty are defined. The potential for epistemic uncertainties to induce disinformation in calibration data and arbitrary non-stationarities in model error characteristics, and surprises in predicting the future, are discussed in the context of other forms of non-stationarity. It is suggested that a condition tree is used to be explicit about the assumptions that underlie any assessment of uncertainty. This also provides an audit trail for providing evidence to decision makers.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor S. Weijs  相似文献   

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