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2010年4月14日玉树Ms7.1地震加速度场预测   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
王海云 《地球物理学报》2010,53(10):2345-2354
基于有限断层震源、且使用动力学拐角频率的地震动随机模拟方法预测玉树地震近断层的加速度场.首先,基于有限断层震源建模方法建立该次地震的震源模型;然后,基于上述地震动模拟方法预测玉树地震近断层191个节点的加速度时程.在此基础上,取每个结点的加速度峰值绘制该次地震的近断层加速度场.结果表明:(1)近断层加速度场主要受震源破裂过程和断层面上滑动分布的影响.断层面上凹凸体投影到地表的区域附近,加速度峰值最大,也是震害最严重的区域;(2)对于走滑地震,断层沿线附近的场地并非均会发生破裂方向性效应;发生破裂方向性效应的场地与凹凸体在断层面上的位置有关.  相似文献   

基于数值格林函数法的近场强地震动数值模拟方法,以1994年Northridge地震断层面上位错量的不均匀分布模式和该地区的地层剪切波速度结构为震源模型和计算模型,做了两个方面的模拟研究:(1)直立走滑断层(断层倾角为90°)情况下,模拟分析了有限断层单侧破裂模式和双侧破裂模式对强地震动特征——破裂方向性和上盘效应的影响;(2)对于倾斜断层(倾角为45°),模拟分析了正断层、逆断层和走滑断层情况下,单侧破裂模式对其强地震动主要特征——破裂方向性效应和上盘效应的影响.结果表明:断层的破裂方式直接影响着地表地震动峰值和矢量分布;在近场区无论直立断层还是倾斜断层,其地表地震动峰值分布所表达的破裂方向性效应显著,位于破裂传播前方的地震动强度大,反映了波前被压缩的趋势,破裂后方地震强度明显变小;倾斜断层引起的上盘效应明显,NS向分量和竖向分量的地表地震动峰值的最大值出现在上盘靠近断层迹线处,EW向分量的峰值在断层迹线两侧呈不对称分布,且逆断层引起的地震动峰值最大,走滑断层的次之,正断层的最小.  相似文献   

直下型断层的破裂速度对盆地地震效应的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
首先基于有限断层破裂下的运动学震源模型,对比验证了三维谱元法对于近场地震动的模拟精度。 进而通过含盆地模型与不含盆地的一维水平成层模型的地震动强度之间和放大系数分布特征之间的对比,详细研究了直下型断层的破裂速度对盆地地震效应的影响。结果表明,盆地的存在会显著改变近断层地震动的分布特征,同时盆地内不同分量强地震动的分布特征变化较大。断层破裂速度对盆地地震效应影响显著,随破裂速度的增大盆地地震动强度逐渐增加,但不同分量上地震动强度的增加速率显著不同,受盆地效应的影响,放大系数表现出与强地震动不同的分布特征。盆地放大系数整体表现出随破裂速度的增加而减小的趋势,但不同分量放大系数所受影响程度差异明显。同时,盆地内地震动强烈放大区域的位置也受破裂速度的显著影响,但其总体上集中在断层两侧区域及垂直于破裂方向的盆地边缘附近。   相似文献   

陶夏新  王国新 《地震学报》2003,25(2):191-198
为了模拟近场强地震动,采用了基于有限断层模型的一种随机合成方法.震源破裂面被剖分成一定数量的子源,总的地震矩分成数量更多的子震的矩.一给定子源中一次子震引起的场地地震动的傅氏谱,通过考虑点源的谱、随着距离的衰减、能量耗散及近地表效应等导出.据此幅值谱和一个随机相位谱,并与一个时程包络函数结合,合成一个子震时程.将各子源中各个子震引起的所有时程叠加,得出场地的地震动时程.叠加中,各子震时程之间的时滞,据子震发震时差和子源至场地的距离差别引起的时差确定.对一个设定地震,选用4个断层面倾角,计算了近场21个地点的地震动.结果表明,本文方法可以很好地表达破裂的方向性效应和上盘效应.为了验证方法的可靠性,对1994年美国北岭地震中3个近断层台站MCN,LV3和PCD模拟的地震动与实际记录的加速度反应谱和时程作了比较.   相似文献   

基于芦山7.0级地震中断层距小于100 km自由场台站的强震动记录观测数据,研究此次地震近断层地震动的方向性特性,并探讨方向性特性与震源破裂机制、断层距离和空间方位的关系.研究结果表明:(1)与距断层较远记录不同,近断层地震动在不同的观测方向上表现出显著的强度差异,存在明显的极大和极小作用方向.在不同的方向上,最大加速度反应可达最小值的4倍以上;(2)这种方向性差异在T=1.0 s以上的长周期段更为明显,在T=0.1 s以下的短周期段,地震动随方向变化的差异较小.地震动强度随方向变化的差异随周期增大而增大,不同方向上的加速度反应谱值的最大值与最小值之比从周期T=0.01 s时的约1.7增大到周期T=10 s时的约2.4;(3)在距离断层约35 km以内,地震动具有明显方向性,地震动卓越方向具有垂直断层走向的特征,随断层距的增大,这种方向性不明显.从不同方向上地震动强度的差异来看,随断层距增大,地震动强度在不同方向上的差异在减小,表现为各个周期的最大值/中值和最大值/最小值比值均随断层距离增大缓慢减小;(4)近断层地震动的方向性特性主要受断层上、下盘的相对运动所控制,其在长周期的卓越方向与水平同震位移方向一致,且该卓越方向上的地震动强度绝对大小与地震破裂造成的静态位移明显相关,表现为地震动强度随水平同震位移的增大而增大.  相似文献   

基于显式有限元方法和运动学震源模型并利用昆明盆地三维地下构造模型,本文研究了震源参数对断层附近长周期地震动的影响.结果表明,断层的破裂方式、埋藏深度、破裂速度以及断层面上位错的不均匀分布对断层附近长周期地震动有重要影响.不同破裂方式下,破裂的方向性强的区域分布不同,由于破裂的方向性效应和复杂场地条件的共同作用,导致不同破裂方式的断层附近地震动分布差别很大.随着破裂速度的增加,方向性效应更加明显,断层附近的长周期地震动也随之增大;对于浅源地震,随着断层埋深的增加,地震动明显下降.对于埋藏深度很浅的断层,当Asperity靠近断层上沿时,会显著增大其在地表投影附近的长周期地震动.能否合理地估计这些基本震源参数,是预测未来发震断层周围地震动场的关键.  相似文献   

近断层速度脉冲地震动的三维有限差分模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据台湾西部地质地貌特征和1999年集集MW7.6地震的研究成果,建立三维速度结构模型和震源模型,并采用三维有限差分法对双冬断层可能产生的近断层脉冲型地震动进行数值模拟。结果表明,方向性效应引起的双向速度脉冲集中在垂直于断层滑动分量的方向上,而滑冲效应引起的单向速度脉冲则集中在平行于断层滑动分量的方向上。受方向性效应和上盘效应的共同调制,近断层脉冲型地震动反映出不对称带状分布的特征,速度脉冲主要分布在距离断层面约10 km的范围内。凹凸体的特性影响着地震动的时空分布,由地震波场显示南投和台中处于强地震动危险区。近场脉冲型地震动的研究对分析速度脉冲形成机理以及地震危险性有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

在2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0级特大地震中, 中国大陆观测台网系统获得了丰富的主震、余震加速度记录, 为开展相关的地震研究工作提供了十分难得的基础资料. 本文以发震断层附近观测台站的主震记录为基础数据, 根据台站所在的场地条件及其与发震断层的相互位置关系, 分析了此次地震中近断层的地震动峰值空间分布特征、方向性效应、上下盘特性和典型记录加速度或速度结果等, 简单讨论了发震断层性质和地形对震害分布的影响.  相似文献   

基岩地震动的一个相干函数模型-走滑断层情形h   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
目前研究地震动空间变化的主要方法是利用密集台阵(如SMART1台阵等)的强震观测记录进行统计分析,由于地震动观测资料的不足,因而缺少基岩及不同场地类别地震动相干函数模型. 本文利用数值方法了模拟理论地震图,进而研究采用震源位错模型的基岩随机地震动的空间变化规律,并考虑震源破裂速度、子源个数、震源深度和介质传播速度等因素的影响. 其具体思路为:首先对应于每个样本,用有限差分数值模拟方法计算弹性半空间近场地震动场,而后对所有样本的计算结果进行统计,给出了一个走滑断层情形下的近场基岩表面及沿基岩竖直方向水平分量地震动的相干函数模型.   相似文献   

在2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0级特大地震中,中国大陆观测台网系统获得了丰富的主震、余震加速度记录,为开展相关的地震研究工作提供了十分难得的基础资料。本文以发震断层附近观测台站的主震记录为基础数据,根据台站所在的场地条件及其与发震断层的相互位置关系,分析了此次地震中近断层的地震动峰值空间分布特征、方向性效应、上下盘特性和典型记录加速度或速度结果等,简单讨论了发震断层性质和地形对震害分布的影响。  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of near-fault ground motion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Introduction In order to explain severe damage of structures and ground surface near earthquake fault, many theoretical and numerical methods have been developed to study strong ground motion near the fault (Somerville, 1998) via the kinematic and dynamic source models. Moreover, a great number of valuable strong ground motion records, especially near the fault, have been acquired in recent years. These valuable records provide useful data for improving simulation approaches. Based on those r…  相似文献   

本文利用有限差分法对垂直走滑断层和垂直倾滑断层两种剪切破裂源在不同埋深和不同破裂尺度(指垂直于地面方向上断层尺度)情况下的近场理论地震图进行了讨论,并得到了地表不同震中距处的加速度付氏谱。通过对上述两种源所产生的近场效应的对比分析,本文得到了以下初步结果: (1) 在埋深相同,断层面宽度相同的情况下,垂直走滑断层源对近场地表的影响比垂直倾滑断层源大。(2) 在垂直倾滑断层源的埋深、破裂尺度相同的情况下,在地表同一震中距处产生的水平位移要比垂直位移大。(3) 两种破裂源在地表同一震中距处产生的位移的最大振幅随破裂尺度的增大而增大,且近似为线性关系;在极震区内不同震中距处产生的位移的最大振幅随震中距的增大而减小,且随震中距的变化率在减小;在地表不同震中距处产生的加速度的付氏谱的主峰周期随震中距的增大而变长,随破裂的增大,付氏谱中主峰周期也加长,且长周期成份愈多;随着破裂源埋深的增加,地表不同震中距处产生的位移的最大振幅变小,即等震线变疏。(4) 走滑断层源产生的加速度付氏谱的主峰周期比倾滑断层源长。  相似文献   

The 2008 MS8 Wenchuan earthquake occurs on a high angle listric thrust fault. It is the first time that the near and far field strong ground motion was observed for such special type thrust earthquake. This paper jointly interprets the distribution of peak acceleration of ground motion data with seismogenic structure and slip propagating process to investigate how high angle listric thrust fault controls the pattern of strong ground motion. We found that the distribution of peak acceleration of strong ground motion during the Wenchuan earthquake has four distinctive features: 1)The peak acceleration of ground motion inside the Longmenshan fault zone is large, that is, nearly twice as strong as that outside the fault zone; 2)This earthquake produces significant vertical ground motion, prevailing against horizontal components in the near field; 3)The far field records show that the peak acceleration is generally higher and attenuates slower versus station-fault distance in the hanging wall. It is doubtful that the attenuation of horizontal components also has the hanging wall effect since no evidence yet proving that the unexpected high value at long distance need be omitted; 4)As to the attenuation in directions parallel to the source fault(Yingxiu-Beichuan Fault), the far field records also exhibit azimuthal heterogeneity that the peak acceleration of horizontal components decreases slower in the north-northeastern direction in which the co-seismic slip propagates than that in the backward way. However, the attenuation of vertical component displays very weak heterogeneity of this kind. Synthetically considered with shallow dislocation, high dip angle, and prevailing vertical deformation during co-seismic process of the Wenchuan earthquake, our near and far field ground motion records reflect the truth that the magnitude of ground motion is principally determined by slip type of earthquake and actual distance between the slipping source patches and stations. As a further interpretation, the uniqueness of high angle listric thrust results in that the ground motion effects of the Wenchuan earthquake are similar to that due to a common thrust earthquake in some components while differ in the others.  相似文献   

2013年7月22日,在甘肃岷县漳县交界处发生MS6.6地震,地震震中位置靠近临潭—宕昌断裂.本文通过构建有限断层模型,利用国家强震动台网中心提供的12条强地面运动三分量资料,通过波形反演方法来研究这次地震的震源破裂过程.结果显示这次地震是发生在甘东南地区岷县—宕昌断裂带东段附近的一次MW6.1级逆冲兼具左旋走滑破裂事件,最大滑动量约为80cm.发震断层走向及滑动性质与岷县—宕昌断裂吻合,推断本次地震与东昆仑断裂向北的扩展和推挤密切相关,是岷县—宕昌断裂进一步活动的结果.  相似文献   

Earthquakes damage engineering structures near, relatively to the rupture's size, to the source. In this region, the fault's dynamics affect ground motion propagation differently from site to site, resulting in systematic spatial variability known as directivity. Although a number of researches recommend that records with directivity‐related velocity pulses should be explicitly taken into account when defining design seismic action on structures, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), in its standard version, seems inadequate for the scope. In the study, it is critically reviewed why, from the structural engineering point of view, hazard assessment should account for near‐source effects (i.e., pulse‐like ground motions), and how this can be carried out adjusting PSHA analytically via introduction of specific terms and empirically calibrated models. Disaggregation analysis and design scenarios for near‐source PSHA are also formulated. The analytical procedures are then applied to develop examples of hazard estimates for sites close to strike–slip or dip–slip faults and to address differences with respect to the ordinary case, that is, when pulse‐like effects are not explicitly accounted for. Significant increase of hazard for selected spectral ordinates is found in all investigated cases; increments depend on the fault‐site configuration. Moreover, to address design scenarios for seismic actions on structures, disaggregation results are also discussed, along with limitations of current design spectra to highlight the pulse‐like effects of structural interest. Finally, an attempt to overcome these, by means of disaggregation‐based scenarios specific for the pulse occurrence case, is presented. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

竖向断层对场地地面运动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用二维显式有限元结合透射边界的数值方法,考虑均匀弹性半空间内存在着不同宽度及深度的断层,由下向上分别垂直和斜(30°)入射一个脉冲波,研究非发震断层地面运动的一些特点。通过计算断层内外地震地面运动传递函数的幅值谱,并与自由场反应对比,以说明竖向断层对地震波传播和附近地面运动的影响,在此基础上进一步对断层周边一般结构抗震设计是否要考虑断层影响提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

It has been found that the large velocity pulse is one of the most important characteristics of near-fault strong ground motions. Some statistical relationships between pulse period and the moment magnitude for near-fault strong ground motions have been established by Somerville (1998); Alavi and Krawinkler (2000); and Mavroeidis and Papageorgiou (2003), where no variety of rupture velocity, fault depth, and fault distance, etc. were considered. Since near-fault ground motions are significantly influenced by the rupture process and source parameters, the effects of some source parameters on the amplitude and the period ofa forward-directivity velocity pulse in a half space are analyzed by the finite difference method combined with the kinematic source model in this paper. The study shows that the rupture velocity, fault depth, position of the initial rupture point and distribution of asperities are the most important parameters to the velocity pulse. Generally, the pulse period decreases and the pulse amplitude increases as the rupture velocity increases for shallow crustal earthquakes. In a definite region besides the fault trace, the pulse period increases as the fault depth increases. For a uniform strike slip fault, rupture initiating from one end of a fault and propagating to the other always generates a higher pulse amplitude and longer pulse period than in other cases.  相似文献   

A random synthesis procedure based on finite fault model is adopted for near field strong ground motion simulation in this paper.The fault plane of the source is divided into a number of sub-sources,the whole moment magnitude is also divided into more sub-events.The Fourier spectrum of ground motion caused by a sub-event in given sub-source,then can be derived by means of taking the point source spectrum,attenuation with distance,energy dissipation,and near surface effect,into account.A time history is synthesized from this amplitude spectrum and a random phase spectrum,and being combined with an envelope function.The ground motion is worked out by superposition of all time histories from each sub-event in each sub-source,with time lags determining by the differences between the triggering times of sub-events and ddistances of the sub-sources.From the example of simulations at 21 near field points in a scenario earthquake with 4 dip angles of the fault plane,it is illustrated that the procedure can describe the rupture directivity and hanging wall effect very well.To validate the procedure,the response spectra and time histories recorded at three near fault stations MCN,LV3 and PCD during the Northridge earthquake in 1994,are compared with the simulated ones.  相似文献   

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