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对位于汶川8.0级地震烈度区度区的青川县乡镇砖混结构民房破坏现象进行了调查和整理,分析了灾区砖混结构民房震害原因.参照现行《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011-2010)、《建筑抗震鉴定标准》(GB 50023-2009)中对砖混结构房屋一般要求条款,探讨了居民自建砖混结构民房采用一般抗震措施的安全限度.  相似文献   

2013年1月23日辽宁省灯塔市柳条寨镇发生了5.1级地震。震中柳条寨镇地震烈度达6度,造成了农村房屋出现不同程度的破坏现象。介绍了辽宁省农村房屋的主要结构特点和6度地震下的典型震害特征,并给出了农村砖木、砖混结构在6度地震下主要破坏等级的比例,同时对6度地震下典型房屋建筑的震害特征和该有相应的农村房屋抗震问题进行了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

2017年5月11日新疆塔什库尔干5.5级地震给震区建筑结构造成了不同程度破坏。选择震区钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构、砖混结构以及土石木结构等3类典型建筑结构,介绍了各类建筑结构地震破坏特点,分析了震害特征与破坏机理。结果表明:RC框架结构在地震中表现出了优异的抗震性能,即使在震中区,破坏也仅仅表现为非结构性破坏,如填充墙开裂和吊顶脱落等;砖混结构绝大多数抗震性能优良,仅震中区的少数建筑物发生了承重墙墙体开裂情况;土石木结构房屋抗震性能最差,地震破坏最为严重,是导致该次地震人员伤亡主要原因。建议地震高烈度设防区房屋建筑应采用抗震性能较好的RC框架结构和砖混结构,而抗震性能差的土石木建筑房屋应尽量避免继续建设和使用。结果可供类似地区房屋建设和建筑结构抗震设计等工作参考。  相似文献   

汶川地震高烈度区城镇房屋震害简介   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:19  
汶川8.0级大地震宏观震中地震烈度高达X I度,造成大量房屋结构破坏和倒塌,本文介绍了极震区以及周边高烈度区内部分城镇房屋的典型震害,并给出这些城镇中砖混和底框架多层结构主要破坏等级的比例,同时对某些震害特征和相应的抗震问题进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

以川南地区为研究区,并以在建造方式上具有明显当地地域特征的砖混结构房屋为研究对象,结合砖混结构房屋建造特点及川南历史地震(如长宁6.0级地震)震害调查结果等,分析砖混结构房屋典型震害特征,统计其在不同烈度下不同破坏等级的比例,采用经验分析法得到初步的易损性矩阵。在此基础上,针对因样本局限性造成的结构在高烈度下破坏比例不全,使实际易损性矩阵缺失的问题,通过插值法,推算高烈度下的破坏比例,补全经验易损性矩阵,拟合出易损性曲线,建立以震害统计为主、数值模拟为辅的砖混结构易损性分析模型;并基于平均震害指数对比分析,对易损性分析的可靠性进行检验。结果表明,构建的易损性矩阵能客观反映川南地区砖混结构房屋的抗震能力,对开展震害预测、灾害损失评估及震害风险评估等工作具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

汶川地震房屋震害的一些现象分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川8.0级地震造成了大量工程结构的破坏和倒塌,基于作者对此次地震重灾区房屋震害现场调查的第一手资料,分别从砖混、框架结构房屋及砖木、木构架结构民居等方面,分析了房屋的破坏形态,对其破坏原因进行了初步探讨。通过几个典型房屋震害现象,分析了建筑抗震结构形式的合理性问题。  相似文献   

九寨沟7.0地震给九寨沟地区建筑结构及非结构构件造成了严重破坏。本文主要涉及调查区域包括漳扎镇、甲藩古城、若尔盖县阿西茸乡、求吉乡及包座乡等。主要调查框架结构、砖混结构、大跨空间结构以及木结构的非结构构件震害。此次调查的结构多数是2000年以后建造,8度设防,在2008年汶川地震中主体结构和非结构构件均未受到影响。在此次地震中,非结构构件大量损坏,破坏主要以框架、砌体填充墙开裂或变形或局部倒塌、吊顶脱落、地板隆起、吊顶设备掉落、玻璃震碎等震害为主。调查结果表明,与以往地震不同,Ⅷ度区内仅有的三个大跨度结构均发生不同程度的破坏,其中一个结构出现节点破坏,此次地震中大跨空间结构非结构构件震损尤为明显,非结构构件设备损失最为严重。另一个不同于以往地震震害的是位于Ⅵ度区山坡上的木结构非结构震害明显比坡下要严重一些。  相似文献   

常想德  孙静  李帅 《中国地震》2017,33(4):771-780
通过对2017年8月9日精河6.6级地震灾区内共计355个调查点的实地调查,确定了此次地震的烈度分布。灾区最高烈度为Ⅷ度(8度),灾区面积15623km2,灾区总人口487696人,其中,受灾人口133695人,地震共造成36人受伤;对各烈度区内不同结构类型房屋的震害现象进行了整理,分析了不同结构类型房屋的抗震能力与震害原因,结果显示,土木结构房屋倒塌及屋檐塌落是导致人员受伤的主要原因;砖木结构房屋缺乏抗震设施,破坏形式多样;砖混结构房屋在高烈度区破坏较重;框架结构房屋主体完好但填充墙普遍出现破坏。安居富民房屋抗震性能良好。  相似文献   

我国的地震大多发生在农村地区,当地民居的抗震能力是评估地震灾害风险、确定地震保险方案的主要因素。本文基于近2000年以来西藏地区发生破坏性地震灾害的调查结果,总结了西藏地区土木结构和石木结构等民居的主要震害特点。在实际震例中,西藏民居的震害主要以Ⅵ度和Ⅶ度的数据为主,缺少Ⅷ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ度的震害数据。本文采用经验震害矩阵推演方法,得出石木结构和土木结构震害矩阵和震害指数,并与未设防砖混结构标准震害矩阵和设防砖混结构震害矩阵震害指数进行对比,最终得到西藏地区主要民居震害指数与峰值加速度关系曲线。与未设防砖混结构相比,西藏地区石木结构和土木结构抗震能力较弱,其中土木结构抗震能力最弱。  相似文献   

云南宁洱6.4级地震砖混结构房屋震害调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文根据地震现场考察情况,介绍了2007年6月3日云南省普洱市宁洱县6.4级地震造成的砖混结构房屋的破坏情况,归纳总结了这类结构房屋的震害特征,分析了其破坏原因,并对砖混结构房屋抗震设计与施工提出了建设性建议。  相似文献   

The outline and typical characteristics of damages to building in Jiangyou city and Anxian county (intensity Ⅷ), Mianyang city and Deyang city (intensity Ⅶ) are introduced in the paper. The damage ratios, based on the sample statistics of multi-story brick buildings together with multi-story brick buildings with RC frame at first story (BBF), are presented. Then some typical damages, such as horizontal cricks of brick masonry buildings, Ⅹ-shaped cricks on the walls under windows, the damages to columns, beams and infill walls of frame buildings and the damage to half circle-shaped masonry walls, are discussed.  相似文献   

2007年6月3日云南宁洱发生6.4级地震。对宁洱县城区的砖混结构、框架结构、底层框架结构及空旷房屋等共15幢建筑的典型震害进行了分析。结果表明,造成建筑物破坏较重的主要原因有:①地基不均匀沉陷;②设计不合理;③设防烈度低;④施工质量差,砂浆标号低;⑤沉降缝不规范;⑥震害累积效应;⑦孤立山包及边坡陡坎影响等诸多因素。  相似文献   

Building damage in Dujiangyan during Wenchuan Earthquake   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A field damage survey of 1,005 buildings damaged by the Wenchuan Earthquake in Dujiangyan City was carried out and the resulting data was analyzed using the statistical method. It is shown that buildings that were seismically designed achieved the desired seismic fortification target; they sustained less damage than the non-seismically designed buildings. Among the seismically designed buildings investigated, RC frame buildings performed the best in terms of seismic resistance. Masonry buildings with a ground story of RC frame structure were the second best, and masonry buildings performed the worst. Considering building height, multistory buildings sustained more severe damage than high-rise buildings and 2- and 3-story buildings. Compared to residential buildings, public buildings, such as schools and hospitals, suffered more severe damage.  相似文献   

将保定市42栋典型多层砖混结构分别按照年代、用途、层数分类,采用结构易损性方法进行震害预测分析,得出各自震害矩阵,并以平均抗震能力指数评价其抗震能力。分析结论可为保定市多层砖混群体震害预测提供参考。  相似文献   

汶川地震中都江堰市的房屋震害   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:22  
对汶川地震中都江堰市1 005栋房屋的现场震害调查资料进行了统计分析。分析表明,经抗震设计的房屋的震害明显低于未经抗震设计的房屋,前者实现了预期的抗震设防目标;在经抗震设计房屋中,钢筋混凝土框架结构房屋的震害相对较轻,底框架砌体结构房屋和砌体结构房屋次之;中高层建筑和低层建筑的震害比多层建筑轻;学校、医院等公用建筑的损坏与住宅建筑相比较重。  相似文献   

The report summarizes the observed damage to a variety of buildings near the epicenter of the M6.8 Luding earthquake in Sichuan Province, China. They include base-isolated buildings, multi-story reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings, and masonry buildings. The near-field region is known to be tectonically highly active, and the local intensity level is the highest, that is, 0.4g peak ground acceleration (PGA) for the design basis earthquake, in the Chinese zonation of seismic ground motion parameters. The extent of damage ranged from the weak-story collapse that claimed lives to the extensive nonstructural damage that suspended occupancy. The report highlights the first observation of the destruction of rubber bearings and viscous dampers in the isolation layer of Chinese seismically isolated buildings. It also features the rare observation of the brittle shear failure of RC columns in moment-resisting frames in a region of such a high seismic design requirement. Possible reasons that may have attributed to the reported damage are suggested by providing facts observed in the field. However, careful forensic analyses are needed before any conclusive judgment can be made.  相似文献   

介绍了克拉玛依市多层砖混结构住宅两种阳台的结构特点与计算模型,在此基础上对阳台的可靠度进行验算,认为虽然阳台的强度储备尚在安全范围之内,但应按照“概念设计”的思想对阳台进行可靠性分析及确定维修加固方案。  相似文献   

In Italy infills and partitions (non-structural elements) are typically made up of hollow brick masonry, disposed in one or two parallel vertical walls. Many studies have analysed their role on the seismic behaviour of moment resisting framed RC buildings and many seismic codes, all over the world, have provided specific additional measures for them. During the Abruzzo seismic sequence, non-structural damage in RC buildings, both private and public, was extensive, varying from small cracks to collapse, along with minor or no damage to structural elements. This damage involved a number of buildings, both old and recently completed, determining heavy socio-economic consequences, including human casualties, loss of building functionality (particularly important in case of strategic constructions), and unusable buildings. In this paper a review of the most frequent damage patterns is performed, aimed at identifying the main causes of damage and linking them to commonly adopted construction rules. For this purpose, local and global structural configurations frequently exhibiting non-structural damage are described, aside from out-of-plane and in-plane failures. Furthermore, a review of code provisions on non structural elements has been performed in the paper making reference to the most prominent current seismic codes and, finally, some design and construction rules are suggested.  相似文献   

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