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河蟹养殖池塘微囊藻水华毒性及其光合作用活性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏州市吴中区一河蟹养殖池塘在2013年7月和8月发生了严重的微囊藻水华.采用单一和双重PCR扩增微囊藻毒素合成酶基因,用以检测微囊藻水华是否产毒,结果显示为阳性.同时,采用高效液相色谱测定微囊藻水华的毒性大小.结果表明:7月和8月微囊藻水华的胞内微囊藻毒素浓度分别为1.49和0.88μg/L,胞外微囊藻毒素的浓度分别为0.75和1.09μg/L.另外,采用浮游植物荧光仪Phyto-PAM测定河蟹养殖水体形成水华的微囊藻的光合作用活性.结果显示:7月和8月水华微囊藻的最大光量子产量Fv/Fm分别为0.48和0.44,实际光量子产量ΦPSII分别为0.38和0.32,表明形成水华的微囊藻有较高的生长潜力.非光化学荧光淬灭值NPQ分别为0.28和0.36.从快速光响应曲线RLC的特征参数来看,7月水华微囊藻的光合作用活性和光能利用效率高于8月.本研究结果表明,河蟹养殖池塘水体受到微囊藻水华和微囊藻毒素的污染,进而可能对河蟹食品安全构成潜在威胁.  相似文献   

采用基于ITS序列的PCR-DGGE方法分析了太湖梅粱湾水华暴发过程中(6-11月)微囊藻的不同基因型组成的变化,同时利用针对微囊藻毒素合成酶基因mcyA和微囊藻特异性的16S rDNA部分核苷酸序列的引物,应用实时荧光定量PCR方法(qRT-PCR)分析水华样品中产毒微囊藻与总微囊藻的量.通过两者的比值反映产毒微囊藻丰度.结果表明,在发生水华的不同时期,微囊藻的基因型组成发生了变化,其中以8月末、9月和10月的基因型最多,基因型M5和M10存在于整个水华发展过程中.共检测到12种主要的基因型,每个基因型在水华的不同时期所占的比例互不相同.实时荧光定量PCR结果显示从6月到10月,产毒微囊藻的丰度呈增大的趋势,从0.750%增加到32.16%,而11月产毒微囊藻的丰度显著下降.  相似文献   

微囊藻群体总RNA提取方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微囊藻群体富含多糖类物质是影响微囊藻RNA提取的关键因素.为了获得高质量的微囊藻群体总RNA,对比分析4种针对多糖含量较高的方法——方法 1 PGTX-bead法、方法 2 CTAB-bead法、方法 3 Fast RNAPro Blue Kit和方法 4RNeasy Mini Kit对微囊藻群体总RNA的提取效果.采用琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测微囊藻群体RNA的完整性,Nanodrop ND1000分光光度计检测RNA纯度及浓度,并采用q PCR检测DNA污染情况.结果表明,4种方法都能从微囊藻群体中提取获得RNA,并在去除DNA后都可以进行RT-PCR等后续实验.方法 1 PGTX-bead提取的RNA产量最高,纯度好,DNA污染小,成本低,适合从微囊藻群体中大量提取RNA;方法 2 CTAB-bead提取的RNA样品产量也较高,但DNA污染严重,适合需要同时提取DNA和RNA的样本;方法 3 Fast RNAPro Blue Kit和方法 4 RNeasy Mini Kit提取的RNA产量都较低,但方法 4操作简单,耗时短,所检测目的基因的相对表达量较高,更适合从少量的微囊藻群体中提取总RNA.  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR方法检测南太湖入湖口产毒微囊藻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南太湖入湖口产毒微囊藻的丰度对于周边县市取水口的水质安全和太湖水质有着重要影响.以藻毒素合成酶基因mcyE/ndaF为靶基因,建立实时荧光定量PCR检测产毒微囊藻的方法,并对南太湖入湖口7个监测点水样中产毒微囊藻的丰度进行检测,结果表明:该实时荧光定量PCR方法的特异性强及准确性、重复性较好.建立铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)的标准曲线方程为y=-3.454x+49.88,斜率为-3.454,R~2=0.991,扩增效率E为94.6%,定量检测区间为1.689×10~4~1.689×10~8拷贝数/μl.对南太湖入湖口7个监测点检测表明,夹浦和合溪2个监测点的产毒微囊藻数量最高,预测产毒微囊藻浓度分别为(1.99±0.35)×10~5和(1.47±0.23)×10~5cells/ml.7个监测点的产毒微囊藻的种类较为一致,均为铜绿微囊藻.该方法可以快速准确地检测水体中微囊藻毒素产毒藻种种类和数量,为蓝藻水华监测、预警提供技术依据.  相似文献   

对太原市汾河景区采集到的微囊藻进行分离纯化,得到7株微囊藻藻株,运用ITS、PC-IGS和gyrB基因序列构建系统树来研究其分子多样性.结果表明,太原市汾河景区微囊藻具有一定的分子多样性.采用mcyA基因和ELISA检测两种方法,即全细胞PCR测定微囊藻毒素合成酶基因A( mcyA),对这些藻株的微囊藻毒素进行测定,检...  相似文献   

近年来关于浮游动物与微囊藻相互作用的研究逐渐被关注,其中有的研究认为浮游动物能够诱导产毒细胞毒素含量的变化.微囊藻毒素是由微囊藻毒素合成基因编码翻译的,目前关于浮游动物对微囊藻毒素合成基因相对表达的影响并无报道,本文首次通过实时定量逆转录PCR方法研究铜绿微囊藻PCC7806产毒相关基因mcyB和mcyD在大型蚤胁迫下相对表达变化.结果显示微囊藻mcyB、mcyD基因相对表达均有上调,表明铜绿微囊藻PCC7806通过上调产毒基因的转录水平达到对大型蚤的诱导防御,从而为浮游动物与微囊藻相互作用研究提供新的依据.  相似文献   

大量微囊藻群体的形成和聚集是微囊藻水华形成的重要条件.氮、磷浓度是影响微囊藻群体生长的重要因素之一.为了探讨氮、磷浓度对微囊藻群体生长的影响,本研究以太湖微囊藻水华优势种之一的水华微囊藻作为研究对象,开展了不同氮、磷浓度对水华微囊藻群体生长的影响研究.以近几年太湖微囊藻水华暴发最严重的梅梁湾氮磷比的平均值作参考,氮、磷浓度设置为5个水平组,依次是T1(TN=0.1 mg/L,TP=0.005 mg/L)、T2(TN=1 mg/L,TP=0.05 mg/L)、T3(TN=10 mg/L,TP=0.5 mg/L)、T4(TN=100 mg/L,TP=5 mg/L)和T5(TN=250 mg/L,TP=5.44 mg/L)(BG-11培养基中氮、磷的浓度).结果显示,T1、T2、T3和T4 4组微囊藻群体均增大,且都发现有大于100个细胞的群体形成,群体大小分别为151、217、437和160 cells,而T5组微囊藻群体实验初期增大,实验后期变小,T5整个实验期间未发现有大于100个细胞的群体形成.研究结果表明相对低的氮、磷浓度有利于水华微囊藻群体的生长,而过高的氮、磷浓度则会抑制微囊藻群体生长.本研究结果也表明目前太湖氮、磷浓度有利于水华微囊藻群体的生长,从而有利于微囊藻水华形成.  相似文献   

太湖水华成因及控制途径初探   总被引:45,自引:12,他引:45  
杨清心 《湖泊科学》1996,8(1):67-74
1990年8~12月对太湖水华9次调查表明,水华主要由漂浮性蓝藻—微囊藻组成,夏季SE风时其漂移集聚是西北湖区形成严重水华的主要原因。这种漂移使得藻类所含营养物逆吞吐流方向传输,形成了一种“生物营养滤器”,加速了太湖尤其是西北湖区的富营养化进程。太湖外源N、P负荷量分别为12.0和0.85g/(m~2·a),足以引起富营养化;表层5cm底泥中含丰富的N、P,其释放也成为湖水中部分营养的来源。因2~8月藻类总生物量的增长基本遵守Logistic方程dN/dt=N·r(1—N/K),故对藻类控制可从N、r入手,即通过收获藻类达到控制藻类总量和营养输出的双重功效;提高水位增加非光合层厚度,有效地降低水柱中藻类生产力;建立有水生植被的水质保护区也是一种局部藻类控制方法。  相似文献   

近年来关于浮游动物与微囊藻相互作用的研究逐渐被关注.其中有的研究认为浮游动物能够诱导产毒细胞毒素含量的变化.微囊藻毒素是由微囊藻毒素合成基因编码翻译的,目前关于浮游动物对微囊藻毒素合成基因相对表达的影响并无报道,本文首次通过实时定量逆转录PCR方法研究铜绿微囊藻PCC7806产毒相关基因mcyB和mcyD在大型蚤胁迫下...  相似文献   

维系微囊藻群体结构的胶鞘是微囊藻水华维持优势的重要原因之一.为了探讨微囊藻水华的衰亡机理,在太湖梅梁湾水华衰亡过程中(10月至次年1月),对微囊藻群体大小的组成做了统计,同时对单位藻细胞的胶鞘多糖产量变化进行了检测,并对微囊藻群体胶鞘的变化进行了能谱扫描电镜观察和元素组成分析.结果表明,随着水华的衰亡,100~180μm的微囊藻小群体的比例表现出增多的趋势,而大于180μm的大群体逐渐减少,单位藻细胞的多糖含量呈现下降的趋势.扫描电镜结果显示了微囊藻群体的胶鞘从完整到逐渐裂解的变化过程,群体表面的能谱化学元素分析显示,钠和磷元素的百分含量呈下降的趋势,铝和硫元素的百分含量趋于稳定,而钙和硅元素的百分含量呈上升的趋势.以上结果说明了微囊藻群体中单位细胞的多糖产量减少,群体胶鞘裂解,元素组成发生变化,伴随着微囊藻群体的解聚,出现水华的衰亡.  相似文献   

In this study, DNAs were extracted from sediment samples at depths of 5, 35, and 69 cm from eutrophic Guanting reservoir, China. 16S rDNAs were amplified by PCR and clone libraries were constructed. The depth-related distribution of bacterial community in the sediment was characterized by using amplified 16S rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and sequencing of the dominant clones. The results indicated that species diversity in the sediment of Guanting reservoir was rather high with the Shannon-Wiener index about 5.8. Bacterial richness varied in different depths: the highest in the sample of 35 cm in depth; followed by the sample of 5 cm in depth; and the lowest bacterial richness in the sample of 69 cm. Dominant species from the three samples were different although there were some common clones. PhyIogenetic analysis showed that all of the dominant clones in the three layers were uncultured bacteria and distantly related to the previously reported species in beta or gamma subclass of proteobacteria, including bacterial groups that have the ability to degrade aromatic hydrocarbons, n-all:anes, chlorinated organic compounds, or to accumulate polyphosphate, etc. Changes of deptt-related bacterial community in the Guanting reservoir sediment might reflect the pollution history and the water quality of the reservoir. In addition, the cloned sequences from the Guanting reservoir sediment were all different from the presently reported ones, indicating that there were some particular bacteria in that environment.  相似文献   

万能  汤俊  李林  郑凌凌  宋立荣 《湖泊科学》2009,21(6):806-812
滇池北部福保湾主要承接上游昆明市的生活污水及周边工业污水,其污染程度极为严重.本研究在福保湖湾内设置4个采样点,分别采集了不同区域的沉积物,首次模拟研究了微囊藻(Microcystis)在不同沉积物环境中复苏能力差异,结果表明微囊藻在模拟实验中的复苏能力表现出对不同底质的不同适应性,入口湖区的沉积物对微囊藻的复苏有极强的抑制作用.藻类复苏后达到的最大生物量(以叶绿素a计)分别为东岸对照区的4.7%,西岸对照区的6.6%及吹填区的11.9%,其中微囊藻生物量也远低于其它各样点,占东岸对照、吹填区及西岸对照的比例分别为5.2%、10.3%和19.4%.以上研究暗示了河口处沉积物不适合微囊藻的复苏.福保湾藻类水华的种源贡献应该主要依靠外源性输入,即湖流场和风向所导致的藻类水平迁移贡献远远大于底泥复苏至水体的垂直迁移.  相似文献   

太湖与广东汤溪水库微囊藻gyrB基因序列分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
测定了江苏太湖和广东汤溪水库7株铜绿微囊藻(M.aeruginosa)和1株水华微囊藻(M.flos-aquae)gyrB基因部分序列(974bp),发现40个变异位点,17个简约信息位点,平均(G+C)%为47.8%,序列间相似性≥97.10%.在NJ分子系统树上,不同种类的微囊藻混杂分布,表明基因型聚类与表型无直接关系;不同地理来源的铜绿微囊藻间遗传变异小,没有明显的地理聚群,反映出地理差异并不影响遗传上的相似性;支持暂将不同藻种归为铜绿微囊藻复合种的分类处理.gyrB基因对微囊藻遗传差异的解析效果优于16S rRNA,与16S-23S ITS和cpcBA-IGS等效果相当,表明gyrB基因可能成为研究微囊藻分类和遗传变异新的良好分子标记.  相似文献   

Seventeen whole-rock samples, generally taken at 25–50 m intervals from 5 to 560 m sub-basement in Hole 504B, drilled in 6.2 m.y. old crust, were analysed for87Sr/86Sr ratios, Sr and Rb concentrations, and18O/16O ratios. Sr isotope ratios for 8 samples from the upper 260 m of the hole range from 0.70287 to 0.70377, with a mean of 0.70320. In the 330–560 m interval, 5 samples have a restricted range of 0.70255–0.70279, with a mean of 0.70266, the average value for fresh mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). In the 260–330 m interval, approximately intermediate Sr isotopic ratios are found.δ18O values (‰) range from 6.4 to 7.8 in the upper 260 m, 6.2–6.4 in the 270–320 m interval, and 5.8–6.2 in the 320–560 m interval. The values in the upper 260 m are typical for basalts which have undergone low-temperature seawater alteration, whereas the values for the 320–560 m interval correspond to MORB which have experienced essentially no oxygen isotopic alteration.The higher87Sr/86Sr and18O/16O ratios in the upper part of the hole can be interpreted as the result of a greater overall water/rock ratio in the upper part of the Hole 504B crust than in the lower part. Interaction of basalt with seawater(87Sr/86Sr=0.7091) increased basalt87Sr/86Sr ratios and produced smectitic alteration products which raised whole-rock δ18O values. Seawater circulation in the lower basalts may have been partly restricted by the greater number of relatively impermeable massive lava flows below about 230 m sub-basement. These flows may have helped to seal off lower basalts from through-flowing seawater.  相似文献   

Total DNAs were extracted from different sections of deep sea sediment core sample collected from the Western Pacific "Warm Pool". The bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone libraries were constructed and analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and DNA sequencing. The bacterial communities in these samples and their relationship to environment were analyzed consequently. The results indicated that among eight main bacterial groups found in these sediments, members of the γ-Proteobacteria were most abundant in each section of sediment core sample and the genus Colwellia belonging to γ-Proteobacteria was dominant in this area. Members of the α-Proteobacteria were found commonly existing in these samples, while members belonging to β-Proteobacteria were seldom detected. The diversity of bacterial communities from different sections of sediment core sample was δ- and ε-Proteo-bacteria and the bacterial group including genera Cytopahga, Flexibacteria and Bacteroides (CFB group)  相似文献   

The fringing reef of southern Moloka’i is perceived to be in decline because of land-based pollution. In the absence of historical records of sediment pollution, ratios of coral Ba/Ca were used to test the hypothesis that sedimentation has increased over time. Baseline Ba/Ca ratios co-vary with the abundance of red, terrigenous sediment visible in recent imagery. The highest values at One Ali’i are near one of the muddiest parts of the reef. This co-varies with the lowest growth rate of all the sites, perhaps because the upstream Kawela watershed was historically leveed all the way to the nearshore, providing a fast-path for sediment delivery. Sites adjacent to small, steep watersheds have ∼decadal periodicities whereas sites adjacent to mangrove forests have shorter-period fluctuations that correspond to the periodicity of sediment transport in the nearshore, rather than the watershed. All four sites show a statistically significant upward trend in Ba/Ca.  相似文献   

The osmium (Os) concentration and187Os/186Os ratio of several recent, marine, organic-rich sediment samples from three widely separated sites have been measured. Os concentrations range from 0.095 to 0.212 ppb and187Os/186Os ratios range from 8.2 to 8.9. The calculated fraction of hydrogenous Os exceeds 78% in all samples. Thus, the187Os/186Os ratio of these samples reflects Os isotopic composition of seawater. The small range in measured187Os/186Os ratio indicates that the Os isotopic composition at these sites is fairly homogeneous. The large magnitude of the Os burial flux at these sites indicates the Os burial in association with organic-rich sediments is an important sink in the marine cycle of Os. These data also suggest that ancient organic-rich sediments may provide a record of past variations in the Os isotopic composition of seawater.  相似文献   

A micro-dilution technique with changes in optical density (OD) used to measure bacterial growth over 72 h in culture media containing 0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 microg OTC (oxytetracycline)ml(-1) was applied to determine growth inhibition (GI) in mixed bacterial strains cultured from samples of marine sediments and salmon feed pellets. Growth of control cultures (Aeromonas salmonicida) was inhibited at all OTC concentrations. Some feed pellet samples and under-cage sediments from salmon aquaculture sites in the Bay of Fundy showed GI up to > or = 160 microg OTCml(-1). Lower values (40 to 80 microg OTC ml(-1)) occurred in subsurface (5-18 cm) sediments, > 100 m from salmon pens and adjacent to sewage outfalls in Halifax Harbour. GI values < 20 microg OTC ml(-1) in sediment from reference locations in Halifax Harbour and mussel aquaculture sites are considered to reflect natural background levels for OTC resistance.  相似文献   

Grain‐size distributions of bed material sediment in large alluvial rivers are required in various scientific and management applications, but characterizing gravel beds in navigable rivers is hampered by difficulties in sediment extraction. The newly developed and preliminarily tested sampler reported here can extract sediment from a range of riverbeds. The 36 × 23 × 28 cm stainless steel toothed sampler is deployed from and dragged downstream by the weight of a jet boat, and it improves upon previous samplers that are unable to penetrate gravel bed surfaces, have small apertures, and/or cannot retain fine sediment. The presented sampler was used to extract 167 bed material sediment samples of up to 16 kg (dry weight) with an average sample size of ~6 kg from 67 cross‐sections spanning 160 river kilometres along the Sacramento River. It was also tested at three sites on a subaerial bar to compare surface, subsurface, and sampler distributions. Sampler penetration is ~5 cm. The device collects individual samples that satisfy the criterion for bed material sediment whereby the largest particle comprises no more than 5% of the total sample mass in gravel and sand beds, except where the degree of surface armouring is large (e.g. armor ratios >> 2) and where more than 10% of bed material sediment is composed of grains larger than 64 mm. When aggregated samples exceed 15 kg, all satisfy the criterion whereby the largest particle comprises no more than 1% of the total sample mass. Samples closely resemble surface size distributions, except where armouring is strong. The sampler should be subject to more rigorous field testing, but many of its current limitations are expected to become negligible with the advent a larger, heavier version of the sampling device. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concentrations of PCBs in coastal mangrove sediments of Hong Kong   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface sediments of ten mangrove sites in Hong Kong were determined by Congener-specific and Arcolor methods. Spatial variations were found between mangrove sites and within the same site, indicating that the sediment samples were heterogeneous and total PCBs concentrations in mangrove sediments should be normalised to compensate for natural variability and for identifying serious anthropogenic contamination. In addition to total organic carbon, Al, Fe and Mn were possible normalisers. Based on PCB/normaliser ratio and 95% prediction limits of scatter plots between total PCB and normaliser, all mangrove sites were not seriously contaminated by human activities. The estimated total PCBs concentrations (quantified by Congener-specific method) for most sediment ranged from 0.5 to 5.8 ng g(-1) (dry weight, n = 92). However, very high concentrations of PCB were found in sub-samples from Yi O, Tolo Pond and Lai Chi Wo, suggesting that these samples represented the PCB contaminated "hot spots".  相似文献   

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