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安徽强震动台站场地响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用H/V谱比法,利用安徽强震台网记录的波形数据,计算了3个强震台的场地响应。结果表明,当台站场地为基岩或覆盖层较薄时,由地脉动和S波数据分别计算出的谱比曲线一致性很好。当覆盖层大于30.5 m的时候,两者的放大因子有差异,即用S波计算的场地放大响应要明显大于用脉动计算的场地响应。  相似文献   

张振斌  唐丽华 《地震研究》2011,34(2):183-187
利用2008年10月5日新疆乌恰6.8级地震时新疆强震动观测台记录的S波资料和脉动观测资料,采用Nakamura方法计算了这些强震观测台的场地响应.结果表明:(1)地震记录前10 s的脉动场地响应明显大于测试脉动和地震记录S波的场地响应,是测试脉动和记录S波场地响应的3倍,而测试脉动场地响应和S波记录场地响应基本相符....  相似文献   

Wave-site软件开发及强震数据分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用Matlab平台,设计一款用于强震数据处理的Wave-site软件,与在用软件相比,增加台站场地响应计算等功能,并提供多种基线校准和场地响应计算方法作比较分析。应用该软件研究了三山强震台场地响应与震级的关系,数据表明,地震S波放大因子大于地脉动,且随震级升高而增大。  相似文献   

近地表松散沉积层对地震波具有强烈的改造作用。为了揭示近地表速度结构对场地强地震动特征的影响机理,采用横波勘探和地脉动测试方法研究两个地震台站的场地条件,并对比分析场地测试结果与汶川地震记录的频谱特征。正如浅层地震勘探和地脉动数据所揭示的那样, MXT地震台的强震记录中,对应横波图像0.10 s处强反射波的地震动分量(频率5 Hz左右)在该场地占明显优势,而对0.22 s的弱反射界面(对应的基频为2.3 Hz)的反映并不明显,分析认为这一现象归因于地下10~11 m处粉土与卵石层间具有较大的波阻抗差异,因而造成地震反射图像上0.10 s附近的强振幅掩盖了0.22 s的反射波组,岷县强震记录频谱也显示为单峰值形态。横波勘探在WUD台获得的地震图像显示分别在0.22 s和0.50 s处有两组比较明显的反射波,其所对应的场地潜在响应频率分别为2.3 Hz和1.0 Hz,WUD台的强震记录频谱的形态也明显受这两个波阻抗界面的影响;通过对比地脉动与地震记录的频谱图,认为场地结构对地震信号与一般地脉动信号的影响是有差别的。研究表明:(1)剪切波的强阻抗界面深度及其平均波速是控制场地频谱主频的主要因素,近地表地层中阻抗强的界面对地震波的改造作用占主导地位;(2)近地表松散覆盖层的波速结构影响着场地地脉动频谱与地震动频谱的谱形变化;(3) 一般情况下,浅部强波阻抗界面对地脉动频谱特征的影响可能大于深部(百米以内),强震作用下深部波阻抗界面会使场地的响应主频向比其脉动基频更低的频段发展。  相似文献   

用H/V谱比法计算云南区域数字地震台站的场地响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱荣欢  苏有锦 《地震研究》2007,30(3):248-252
用H/V谱比法,计算给出了云南区域数字地震台网23个子台S波随频率变化的台站场地响应特征。结果表明:在1~10Hz频段内,23个子台S波的场地响应相对较平坦,在1.41~2.91之间变化,平均2.08;在大于10Hz的高频段,部分台站的场地响应有较明显的放大。  相似文献   

基于欧美规范确定了坐落在深厚覆盖层上KH抽水蓄能电站上、下库场地基本运行和最大设计地震动峰值加速度、反应谱和时程等动参数。首先依据场地区域地震烈度区划图、特征周期区划图和依据场地地质地震条件选取的5条种子实测地震动确定场地基岩输入加速度时程、峰值加速度和设计反应谱,进而基于各土层地质参数和一维弹性波传播模拟程序确定覆盖层表面的平均峰值加速度、平均反应谱和5条地震动时程,对所得到的平均反应谱和峰值加速度进行光滑处理后确定可用于各建筑物结构抗震设计的地震动参数,包括覆盖层表面水平向动力响应加速度时程、峰值加速度和设计反应谱。该方法可较好地保留输入地震动的真实动力特性,如持时、相位和频率等,为我国规范中建议的确定场地地震动参数的方法提供有益的补充。  相似文献   

利用安徽省部分强震动台站记录的地脉动数据和历史地震数据,采用H/V谱比法和噪声功率谱密度函数法,对比分析台站的场地响应及背景噪声,结果表明:全椒、马鞍山地震台的场地卓越周期小且背景噪声低;沈巷地震台卓越周期大且背景噪声高;三山地震台无明显卓越周期;地震台站背景噪声与场地响应曲线之间不存在一一对应关系。  相似文献   

利用安徽省部分强震动台站记录的地脉动数据和历史地震数据,采用H/V谱比法和噪声功率谱密度函数法,对比分析台站的场地响应及背景噪声,结果表明:全椒、马鞍山地震台的场地卓越周期小且背景噪声低;沈巷地震台卓越周期大且背景噪声高;三山地震台无明显卓越周期;地震台站背景噪声与场地响应曲线之间不存在一一对应关系。  相似文献   

采用Shake 2000程序,以Turkey Flat试验场地为模型,通过输入不同类型下多种强度的地震波,计算研究多工况下剪切波速测试标准差对地表加速度反应谱和峰值加速度的影响。结论为:(1)浅硬场地上剪切波速测试标准差对地震动的影响很大,影响程度与输入地震波的强度和频率以及场地剪切波速计算值有关;(2)如果将反应谱残差大于20%或加速度峰值差别大于20%定义为统计意义上的不可忽略,那么剪切波速测试标准差对计算结果的影响在大多数情况下均不可忽略;(3)当输入波的卓越周期与场地特征周期接近时,浅硬场地上剪切波速测试标准差引起的反应谱变化非常显著;(4)只有当输入波的卓越周期与场地特征周期相差较大且输入波强度偏小时,剪切波速测试标准差引起的反应谱变化才可略去;(5)当浅硬场地上剪切波速实测结果低于统计均值时,地震动计算结果的偏差一般明显大于剪切波速实测结果,高于统计均值时引起的偏差,且地震输入越强表现越明显。  相似文献   

提出一种用三分量检波器接收到的地脉动信号的水平向与垂直向(H/V)谱进行反演来估计地下土层S波速度(VS)剖面的方法。为此,推导出了计算层状半空间中传播的面波H/V谱的理论公式,并且同时考虑了基阶及高阶振型的影响。然后提出了一种用地脉动H/V谱估计地下土层S波速度剖面的反演分析方法。假设浅部土层的VS值或厚度已知,求其余未知量。在6个不同场地上对观测的地脉动H/V谱进行了反演分析,获得了场地的浅部S波速度剖面。该结果与这些场地上已有的速度测井资料相一致,它和反演值之间的标准误差小于0.1,最大误差为0.2。  相似文献   

工程场地条件评定中的地脉动研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
为了研究开发更经济,更简便的场地动务特性探测方法,本文简要地回顾了工程场地条件评定中地脉动研究的演进,概述了地脉动观测技术的发展,循着地脉动分析方法的演进历程,叙述了谱和谱比分析方法,利用地脉动频散曲线反演场地速度构造的研究,讨论了各种分析方法的依据和适用条件,指出了目前存在的问题,并探讨了可能的改进途径。  相似文献   

The paper utilizes previously developed microtremor simulation technique to evaluate the reliability of Rayleigh wave dispersion curve estimated by fk spectral analysis of microtremor array measurement. The simulated microtremors are obtained for a fictitious (TEST) site. Attempt is also made to obtain the dispersion curve for two real sites (OHDATE and SKC) by inverse analysis of the microtremor array measurement using fk spectra method. The estimated dispersion curve from simulated microtremors (TEST site) compares well with the theoretical dispersion curve, demonstrating the reliability of fk spectra method and indicating that the estimated dispersion curve from microtremor measurements could be adequately used as the target for inverse analysis purposes. It is also demonstrated that the dispersion curve from microtremor measurements can be utilized to estimate the soil profile at OHDATE and SKC sites by inverse analysis. Results show that the theoretical dispersion curve of the fundamental mode of Rayleigh wave after the end of inverse analysis are in good agreement with the dispersion curve obtained by fk spectral analysis of microtremor array measurement.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison between different techniques for evaluation of predominant periods in soft soil, for the urban area of Pereira city, Western Colombia. In this study we used microtremor and strong ground motion records obtained by a local array of seven accelerographs stations deployed in the city. Response spectra and spectral ratios have been calculated and compared with strong seismic events recorded in solid rock and soft soil stations. These observations allowed the determination of dominant response spectra for several sectors in the urban area. For the microtremor measurements and earthquake data, dominant periods were determined using interpretation of Fourier amplitude spectra and Nakamura's technique. A comparison between dominant periods obtained from strong ground motion records and those obtained from microtremor measurements show similarities, which is in the range 0.2–0.5 s. A preliminary version of a site response map for Pereira city was obtained from this analysis.  相似文献   

为了快速而且廉价地获取北京市详细的场地响应和浅层速度结构,应用于地震动模拟和地震灾害预防,我们开展了微动观测技术和处理方法研究.本文利用2007年夏季北京五棵松地区进行的几个微动观测实验数据,使用单台H/V谱比法分析场地的卓越频率及其对应的放大系数,并对比了不同地震仪和观测时间对H/V曲线的影响;应用高分辨率F-K频谱分析方法从微动台阵数据中得到Rayleigh波的频散曲线并使用邻域算法反演出浅层速度结构.H/V结果表明该地区卓越频率在2.1~2.2 Hz之间,对应的放大系数下限约为3;利用微动H/V方法得到的场地卓越频率具有较高的稳定性.微动台阵反演结果给出了比较合理的波阻抗界面深度和层平均速度结构,认为地下80多米处的波阻抗界面是决定场地卓越频率和其场地放大系数的主要界面.本研究表明微动技术应用于评估城市地震场地响应和浅层速度结构是可行且易于实施的.  相似文献   

Microtremor Measurements for the Microzonation of Dinar   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
v--vThe geotechnical site conditions in Dinar town located in western Turkey were investigated after the 1995 Dinar earthquake based on borings, in situ penetration tests, seismic wave velocity measurements, and microtremor records. The variation of damage distribution within the town was evaluated with respect to 23 district damage ratios calculated, based on the detailed damage survey conducted by the General Directorate of Disaster Affairs. Site amplifications were estimated from microtremor spectral ratios and microzonation was performed using a GIS methodology. The results of in situ penetration tests and seismic wave velocity measurements as well as the damage distribution were compared with the amplification zonation obtained from microtremor records. The results indicate the applicability of microtremor spectral ratios for assessing the local site conditions and site amplifications.  相似文献   

泉州市地面脉动特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据实际观测资料研究了泉州市区的地面脉动特征,及脉动频谱特性与场地有关参数的关系。当场地土及场地类别较好或场地覆盖层较薄时,场地脉动卓越周期相应较小,反之则较大。覆盖层厚度是影响场地脉动卓越周期的重要因素。本文还探讨了脉动卓越周期在场地评价中的作用。  相似文献   

A practical method is presented for determining three‐dimensional S‐wave velocity (VS) profile from microtremor measurements. Frequency–wave number (fk) spectral analyses of microtremor array records are combined, for this purpose, with microtremor horizontal‐to‐vertical (H/V) spectral ratio techniques. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, microtremor measurements using arrays of sensors were conducted at six sites in the city of Kushiro, Japan. The spectral analyses of the array records yield dispersion characteristics of Rayleigh waves and H/V spectra of surface waves, and joint inversion of these data results in VS profiles down to bedrock at the sites. Conventional microtremor measurements were performed at 230 stations within Kushiro city, resulting in the H/V spectra within the city. Three‐dimensional VS structure is then estimated from inversion of the H/V spectra with the VS values determined from the microtremor array data. This reveals three‐dimensional VS profile of Kushiro city, together with an unknown hidden valley that crosses the central part of the city. The estimated VS profile is consistent with available velocity logs and results of subsequent borings, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

土层剪切波速在泉州市区场地评价中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
林建生 《华南地震》1993,13(3):37-44
简述了剪切波速的测试技术,并分析了剪切波速在泉州市区各类土层和各种典型地层结构中的统计规律与基本特征,研究了剪切波速在场地分类中的应用,及其与脉动卓越周期在场地评价中的关系.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the possibilities of the use of microtremor records in the detection and delineation of near‐surface underground cavities. Three‐dimensional physical modelling data showed that the averaging amplitude spectra of a large number of microtremor records makes it possible to evaluate the frequencies and amplitudes of compressional standing waves generated by microtremor in the space between the ground surface and underground cavities. We illustrate how these parameters can be used to estimate the shape of the underground cavity horizontal projection. If the compressional wave velocity in the enclosing rock is known, it is possible to evaluate the depth to the cavity top using the frequencies of the standing waves. The results of the field experiment confirmed the possibility of underground cavities detection using microtremor data.  相似文献   

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