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周江存  孙和平 《地震学报》2005,27(3):332-338
利用11个全球海潮模型和中国东海及南海近海潮汐资料,计算了海潮负荷对中国及邻区重力场的影响,进而讨论了用近海潮汐资料修正全球海潮模型对负荷结果的影响. 结果表明, 用近海潮汐资料修正全球海潮模型对沿海地区的负荷计算影响较大, 因此在计算海潮负荷对沿海台站的影响时, 必须顾及近海潮汐效应. 计算M2波海潮负荷时, 选择CSR4.0, FES02, GOT00, NAO99和ORI96海潮模型, 则对于内陆大部分台站负荷的近海效应在0.1times;10-8m/s2量级; 而计算O1波时, 如选择AG95或CSR3.0模型, 则在0.05times;10-8m/s2量级. 这说明模型中的各个潮波在我国沿海的准确性并不是一致的, 因此模型的选择是比较复杂的.   相似文献   

热带气旋能在短期内造成海水和大气质量的重新分布,使得近海地表受力发生变化,进而产生非潮汐负荷形变,对现今高精度大地测量的影响已不容忽视.为了保证空间大地测量结果的精度和稳定性,热带气旋引起的地表形变必须进行有效的估计.因此本文联合NOS、GLOSS验潮站数据与海潮模型,通过获取非潮汐残余量分析了热带气旋“MATTHEW”引起的风暴潮.利用ECCO海洋环流模型、ERAin大气再分析模型、HUGO-m海洋动力学模型,分别估计了“MATTHEW”引起非潮汐海洋负荷、非潮汐大气负荷、动力学响应下非潮汐海洋负荷对地表位移的影响,结果表明热带气旋影响下的广大区域地表都不同程度受到非潮汐负荷的作用,最大位移分别达到-9.13 mm、3.31 mm、-6.11 mm,并且加入动力学响应的非潮汐海洋负荷要普遍大于IB(Inverted Barometer)响应下的结果.在对比不同位置站点所受负荷差异时,发现“大陆站”非潮汐海洋负荷形变普遍大于“岛屿站”,而“岛屿站”更易受非潮汐大气负荷的影响.  相似文献   

地表陆地水负荷变化是引起重力场和地壳形变呈现季节性特征的主要因素,并且能够利用地表及空间大地测量技术对其进行有效的监测.本文通过对质量负荷形变效应的理论模拟,描述了水平分量的形变指向以及垂直与水平分量的幅值比可以提高对负荷区域的辨别程度,并且联合GPS坐标时间序列及GRACE模型对喜马拉雅山地区的季节性负荷形变进行了详细对比分析,研究结果显示两者垂直分量的季节性变化具有较好的一致性,且GPS周年项幅值要大于GRACE.而由GRACE解算得到的水平分量结果表明该地区季节性形变主要受东南亚及印度东北部地区的陆地水负荷控制,位于喜马拉雅山地区多数GPS台站的垂直分量及北向分量的初相位与GRACE模型解算结果相近,而部分GPS台站的东向分量与GRACE模型存在明显不同,由此导致GPS与GRACE监测到的形变指向存在差异.通过对GRACE估算精度以及GPS垂直与水平分量幅值比的深入分析,发现GPS对局部周边地区的河流、谷地及农田灌溉等负荷变化造成的形变效应较为敏感,而GRACE由于截断阶次及平滑滤波等影响因素,不仅造成在水平分量上的分辨率远低于垂直分量,而且整体估算精度要低于GPS观测得到的形变信息.  相似文献   

温度变化对我国GPS台站垂直位移的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
地表温度变化可以引起GPS台站上安装GPS天线的地表水泥墩内部温度变化,还可以通过热传导的方式引起GPS台站基岩温度变化,从而引起GPS台站垂直位移变化.在中国区域,由GPS台站基岩温度变化引起GPS台站垂直位移变化的周年振幅最大可以达到1 mm;在长江以北地区,此周年振幅一般大于0.5 mm.在我国地壳运动观测网络中的23个GPS基准站中,温度变化对GPS台站垂直位移总影响的周年振幅最大值为2.8 mm,其中13个GPS基准站垂直位移的周年振幅变化大于1 mm.因此,温度变化是引起GPS台站垂直位移周年变化的一个不可忽视因素.  相似文献   

台风造成的强降雨、低气压、海面高度变化均会引起地表的形变.本文利用中国大陆构造环境监测网(陆态网)7个GPS台站每日的垂向位移和环境负荷形变模型分析2018年9月10—26日台风"山竹"期间不同负荷引起的区域垂向地表形变.结果表明,台风期间大气负荷和非潮汐海洋负荷垂向形变最大分别达到5.1 mm和-9.2 mm.模型能较好地反映河流区域地表水文负荷变化造成的垂向形变,但不同模型之间存在系统偏差.由于缺少地下水等信息,模型反映负荷长期形变效应的效果不佳,且形变的量级明显小于GPS观测的结果.迅速增加的水文负荷使北海GPS站从开始下沉到最低点(-15.6 mm)5天的下沉量达到25.7 mm;珠海、广州GPS站均观测到河流汇水作用造成地表的二次下沉,且珠海站一周后才抬升到正常位置;湛江和北海GPS站能较好地反映河流水位变化,相关系数分别为-0.66和-0.50.研究结果表明,相比于形变模型,GPS能更有效地监测台风短期水文负荷形变,可为台风洪水等灾害监测与预报提供有用的信息.  相似文献   

赵国强  李鹏 《地震》2012,32(2):129-134
利用中国大陆GPS连续观测站资料, 获取了2011年3月11日日本9.0级地震造成的连续站同震位移。 计算结果表明, 位于我国东部尤其是东北地区的台站在水平方向都有明显的同震位移, 且离震中越近同震位移量越大, 其中绥阳站的水平同震位移量最大, 达到33 mm。 通过对时间序列分析发现, 有明显同震位移的连续站, 震前水平方向的运动速度都有放缓的趋势, 可能是一种形变前兆现象。 这些GPS观测到的同震位移及震前运动速度异常, 对于进一步研究前兆地壳运动、 地震动力学特征以及精化中国大陆地壳运动速度场都有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国大陆精密重力潮汐改正模型   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用理论和实验重力固体潮模型,充分考虑全球海潮和中国近海潮汐的负荷效应,建立了中国大陆的精密重力潮汐改正模型.结果表明,采用不同的固体潮模型会对重力潮汐结果产生相对变化幅度小于0.06%的差异;在沿海地区海潮负荷的影响约为整个潮汐的4%,而中部地区约为1%,其中中国近海潮汐模型的影响约占整个海潮负荷的10%,内插或外推潮波的负荷约占海潮负荷的3%.通过比较实测的重力数据表明,本文给出的重力潮汐改正模型的精度远远优于0.5×10-8 m·s-2,说明了本文构建的模型的实用性,可为中国大陆高精度重力测量提供有效参考和精密的改正模型.  相似文献   

非构造形变对GPS连续站位置时间序列的影响和修正   总被引:38,自引:6,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
GPS观测得到的地壳形变场通常包含有构造形变与非构造形变二类信息, 去除其中的非构造形变信息对于有效运用GPS数据研究构造形变场至关重要. 本文运用国际卫星对地观测资料及各类地球物理模型, 定量计算海潮、大气、积雪和土壤水、海洋非潮汐4项负荷效应造成的地壳非构造形变, 并以此研究和修正这些非构造形变对中国地壳运动观测网络GPS基准站位置时间序列的影响. 研究发现此4项负荷效应, 特别是大气、积雪和土壤水, 对于测站垂向位置的影响显著. 通过模型改正可以使测站垂向位置的RMS降低~1 mm, 占其总量的~11%. 对于垂向时间序列的周年项部分, 这一改正可降低其振幅的37%. 研究还表明经过地球物理模型改正和周年、半周年谐波拟合改正的时间序列比起仅经过周年、半周年谐波拟合改正的时间序列更为平滑, 表明地球物理模型改正对于消除非构造形变场的作用不是周年、半周年谐波拟合改正所能替代的.  相似文献   

基于位错理论,考虑重力和黏弹性的影响,在分层介质模型下计算鲁甸地震引起的同震、震后形变和重力变化.结果表明形变和重力的显著变化主要发生于断层在地表投影附近区域.同震形变场显示发震断层有明显的走滑性质.考虑黏弹松弛效应,随着时间的推移,震后形变和重力有了明显改变,同震效应为正的区域得到加强,为负区域进一步减弱.震后松弛效应的影响范围相比同震明显增加.在靠近断层的GPS观测台站处,计算了由黏弹松弛效应引起的震后形变和重力时间序列.震后松弛效应引起的重力变化在50年之后均达到同震水平,除了NJ13的纬向、垂直位移,NJ16的垂直位移,NJ15的径向位移,其余台站的所有震后形变都超过1mm.观测台站的震后重力和垂直位移时间序列在震后100年趋于稳定,纬向位移和经向位移在震后50年趋于稳定.  相似文献   

采用Green函数方法,高分辨率中国近海区域海潮模型和TOPO7.0全球海洋潮汐模型,以及Gutenberg-BullenA地球模型计算了负荷潮.结果表明,渤、黄、东海M2垂向位移负荷潮振幅最大值出现在浙江外海约150km处,其值超过28mm;次大值位于仁川湾,超过20mm;第三大值位于北黄海东北部,超过14mm.S2垂向位移负荷潮在上述三处的振幅值分别超过10,8和4mm.K1和O1垂向位移负荷潮振幅在琉球群岛中北部附近为最大,分别超过13和10mm:向内海逐渐减小.半日分潮垂向位移负荷潮基本上与海洋潮汐对应分潮具有相反的位相.在东海大部和南黄海东部全日分潮垂向位移负荷潮与对应的海潮分潮基本上具有反位相的关系,而在渤、黄海其余海域基本上不具有反位相关系.在研究海区内,全日潮的垂向位移负荷潮不出现无潮点.自吸-负荷平衡潮分布特征与垂向位移负荷潮相近,其振幅大约是垂向位移负荷潮的1.2~1.7倍,其位相与垂向位移负荷潮基本上相反.M2最大振幅值也出现在浙江外海,超过42mm.  相似文献   

This paper describes the GPS applicability for detecting the vertical displacements of ground stations caused by ocean tide loading effects. An experiment was carried out using 12 permanent GPS stations located in the coastal area of Korea using data in the period 1 July until 26 August 2003. The relative height differences were calculated from hourly DGPS data processing based on the carrier-phase observation. The power spectra of the M2 and N2 constituents of ocean tide loading were derived using the CLEAN algorithm. The differential vertical displacements generated by the ocean tide loading effect are typically 3–25 mm in coastal area of the Korea. We compared the results from GPS with those of the ocean tide models, NAO.99Jb regional model and GOT00.2, FES99 global models. The M2 (N2) amplitude differences of vertical displacements between GPS and GOT00.2 is 1.22 ± 3.61 mm (1.01 ± 1.48 mm), and that of the M2 (N2) amplitude difference between GPS and FES99 is 0.04 ± 4.64 mm (0.64 ± 1.75 mm), whereas the M2 (N2) amplitude difference between GPS and NAO.99Jb are 0.05 ± 1.03 mm (0.86 ± 1.18 mm). The highest vertical displacements at the PALM station are found for 24.5 ± 0.7 mm from GPS observation, and 22.9 mm from the regional model NAO.99Jb and 13.17 and 10.00 mm from the global models GOT00.2 and FES99, respectively. These values show that the vertical displacements derived from GPS are in good agreement with those of the regional model NAO.99Jb around Korea, more than with the global models. This result indicated that GPS is an effective tool to measure the vertical displacement caused by the ocean tide loading effect in the coastal area, and we need to use the NAO.99Jb ocean tide model rather than the global ocean tide models in and around the Korean peninsula for position determination with permanent GPS installations. This work demonstrates that vertical displacement caused by the M2 and N2 constituents of ocean tide loading can be measured by carrier-phase DGPS.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):144-150
We compare time series of vertical position from GPS with modelled vertical deformation caused by variation in continental water storage, variation in the level of the Baltic Sea, and variation in atmospheric pressure. Monthly time series are used. The effect of continental water storage was calculated from three different global models. The effect of non-tidal variation in Baltic Sea level was calculated using tide gauge observations along the coasts. Atmospheric loading was computed from a numerical weather model. The loading time series are then compared with three different GPS time series at seven stations in Fennoscandia. A more detailed analysis is computed at three coastal stations. When the monthly GPS time series are corrected using the load models, their root-mean-square scatter shows an improvement between 40 and 0%, depending on the site and on the GPS solution. The modelled load effect shows a markedly seasonal pattern of 15 mm peak-to-peak, of which the uncorrected GPS time series reproduce between 60 and 0%.  相似文献   

选取2018年中国大陆构造环境监测网络GNSS基准站及中国周边IGS站数据,基于CSR4、FES2004、GOT00、NAO99b等海潮负荷改正模型,采用单一变量的解算方式,分析不同海潮模型对我国GNSS基准站基线、三维坐标、时间序列等造成的影响。结果表明:利用不同海潮模型解算基线精度,水平方向相差不大于1 mm,垂向相差不大于3 mm;各测站NEU坐标精度均在毫米级以下,以耿马站时间序列为例,与其他模型相比,基于FES2004模型解算的各向偏差趋势波动较弱,其年序列图的精度及连续性、稳定性更佳。简言之,利用FES2004海潮模型解算GNSS站点位置,效果较好。  相似文献   

We present sea level observations derived from the analysis of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data recorded by five coastal GPS stations. These stations are located in different regions around the world, both in the northern and in the southern hemisphere, in different multipath environments, from rural coastal areas to busy harbors, and experience different tidal ranges.The recorded SNR data show periodic variations that originate from multipath, i.e. the interference of direct and reflected signals. The general assumption is that for satellite arcs facing the open sea, the rapid SNR variations are due to reflections off the sea surface. The SNR data recorded from these azimuth intervals were analyzed by spectral analysis with two methods: a standard analysis method assuming a static sea level during a satellite arc and an extended analysis method assuming a time dependent sea level during a satellite arc.The GPS-derived sea level results are compared to sea level records from co-located traditional tide gauges, both in the time and in the frequency domain. The sea level time series are highly correlated with correlation coefficients to the order of 0.89–0.99. The root-mean-square (RMS) difference is 6.2 cm for the station with the lowest tidal range of 165 cm and 43 cm for the station with the highest tidal range of 772 cm. The relative accuracy, defined as the ratio of RMS and tidal range, is between 2.4% and 10.0% for all stations.Comparing the standard analysis method and the extended analysis method, the results based on the extended analysis method agree better with the independent tide gauge records for the stations with a high tidal range. For the station with the highest tidal range (772 cm), the RMS is reduced by 47% when using the extended analysis method. Furthermore, the results also indicate that the standard analysis method, assuming a static sea level, can be used for stations with a tidal range of up to about 270 cm, without performing significantly worse than the extended analysis method.Tidal amplitudes and phases are derived by harmonic analysis of the sea level records. Again, a high level of agreement is observed between the tide gauge and the GPS-derived results. Comparing the GPS-derived results, the results based on the extended analysis method show a higher degree of agreement with the traditional tide gauge results for stations with larger tidal ranges. Spectral analysis of the residuals after the harmonic analysis reveals remaining signal power at multiples of the draconitic day. This indicates that the observed SNR data are to some level disturbed by additional multipath signals, in particular for GPS stations that are located in harbors.  相似文献   

利用于田震中300 km范围内的1个GPS连续站和12个GPS流动站数据,解算得到了2014年新疆于田MS7.3地震地表同震位移,并反演了发震断层滑动分布,探讨此次地震对周边断裂的影响.地表同震位移结果显示,GPS观测到的同震位移范围在平行发震断裂带的北东-南西向约210 km,垂直发震断裂带的北西-南东方向约为120 km,同震位移量大于10 mm的测站位于震中距约120 km以内;同震位移特征整体表现为北东-南西方向的左旋走滑和北西-南东方向的拉张特征,其中在北东-南西方向,I069测站位移最大,约为32.1 mm,在北西-南东方向,XJYT测站位移最大,约为28.1 mm;位错反演结果表明,最大滑动位于北纬36.05°,东经82.60°,位于深部约16.6 km,最大错动量为2.75 m,反演震级为MW7.0,同震错动呈椭圆形分布,以左旋走滑为主并具有正倾滑分量,两者最大比值约为2.5:1,同震错动延伸至地表,并向北东方向延伸,总破裂长度约50 km,地表最大错动约1.0 m;同震水平位移场模拟结果显示贡嘎错断裂、康西瓦断裂和普鲁断裂等不同位置主应变特征具有差异性,这种差异特征是否影响断裂带以及周围区域的应力构造特征,值得关注.  相似文献   

1 Introduction of GPS observation dataThe Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) is a major scientific project in China organized by China Seismological Bureau and paticipated by the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of the General Staff, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. Based on the observation data of 25 fiducial stations and 56 basic stations in CMONOC (Figure 1 and Table 1), collected from August 26 to September…  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川阿坝州九寨沟发生M_W6.6地震,震源机制解显示该地震为左旋走滑型地震。对震中周围的GPS连续站观测资料进行处理,获得高频GPS动态形变和静态同震水平位移。震中100km范围内四川松潘和甘肃武都站观测到1 Hz动态形变。距离震中约69km的松潘站观测的同震水平位移为7.4mm。根据少量的GPS静态同震位移反演的同震破裂模型显示本次地震的最大滑动量为376mm,地震矩为7.25×1018 N·m,等效矩震级为M_W6.6。正演计算的同震三维形变场显示本次地震的最大水平位移可达4~5cm,垂直位移呈四象限分布,最大可达1.5cm,区域内10个流动GPS站可观测到同震形变。  相似文献   

We process the standard 30 s, static GPS data and the 1 s, high-rate GPS (HRGPS) data provided by the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China with GAMIT/GLOBK software package, and obtain the co-seismic displacements of near field and far field, and the epoch-by-epoch time series of HRGPS during Lushan earthquake. GPS data from about 20 sites in Sichuan province, which located between 40 and 450 km from the epicenter, are analyzed so as to study the characteristics of the static displacements and the dynamic crustal deformations, with periods ranging from several minutes to over a month. The result shows that: the static displacements caused by Lushan earthquake are limited to several centimeters; the nearest station SCTQ at 43 km from the epicenter has the largest static displacement of about 2 cm, while the other stations generally have insignificant displacements of less than 5 mm. the stations in the east of Sichuan–Yunnan region shifts 5–10 mm toward the southwest, and the stations in the middle-west of Sichuan Basin moves indistinctively 1–2 mm toward the northwest; station SCTQ has the largest kinematic displacement of about 4 and 3 cm peak-to-peak on the north and east component, respectively, and is much greater than the static permanent displacement; for the stations located at a distance greater than 150 km from the epicenter, the kinematic motions are generally insignificant; exceptionally, station SCNC and station SCSN in central Sichuan Basin have significant kinematic motions although they are more than 200 km away from the epicenter.  相似文献   

GPS观测得到的中国大陆地壳垂直运动   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
顾国华 《地震》2005,25(3):1-8
利用中国地壳运动观测网络基准站的GPS连续观测及基本站非连续GPS观测结果,分析了基准站垂直位移的年周期变化特点,讨论了获得中国大陆垂直位移长趋势速率的条件,说明由基本站(连同基准站)多期GPS观测得到的长趋势垂直位移速率是较为可靠的。由于不少GPS观测站有幅度达数cm的年周期变化及大部分区域站观测次数少,由1999年、2001年两期区域站GPS观测难以得到可靠的长趋势垂直构造运动速率。基本站的观测结果表明中国大陆长趋势垂直构造运动主要特点是,速率较低,北升,南降,东强,西弱,西部相对东部略有下降。  相似文献   

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