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沈红会  叶碧文  孙春仙  祝涛 《地震》2020,40(4):183-190
从地电阻率的观测理论出发, 指出地电阻率场地的电性结构、 岩石的饱和度和孔隙度决定了地电阻率和水位的关系。 在长期的观测资料基础上, 通过实例系统地分析了地电阻率和水位的关系, 给出了不同层位的水位变化和不同方式的水位变化对地电阻率观测结果的影响, 认为非构造水位变化与地电阻率的关系主要取决于表层土壤或岩石的水饱和度, 构造水位变化与地电阻率变化存在明确的相关关系, 从而进一步探讨了与前兆异常有关的水位和地电阻率变化。  相似文献   

郑文俊  钱家栋  田山  刘允秀 《地震》2007,27(2):81-88
通过对宝坻台地电阻率与当地降水量以及该台深、浅井水位观测资料的相关性计算,并结合该地区水文地质和构造背景的分析,对该台十余年来地电阻率观测出现的缓慢下降的原因进行了研究。结果表明宝坻台地电阻率的长期缓慢下降主要与地下基岩背斜溶岩裂隙储水构造的含水量减少有关,而每年下半时段由降水集中引起的浅水位变化对地电阻率的短期变化具有影响。  相似文献   

地下水超采区水位长趋势动态分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
地下水多年过量开采水位持续下降,不仅在观测资料中叠加了大量的疑似地震前兆,严重地压低了来自孕震体的信息,而且使正常的地震长、中、短周期变化背景扭曲,前兆异常更加难辨。本研究采用"线性拟合去趋势方法"对水位多年观测资料进行了分析。分析结果表明,线性拟合去趋势后水位10年左右的准周期结构清楚,能有效地排除地下水超采的影响,突出正常趋势变化背景,放大潮汐信息量,便于识别地震前兆。  相似文献   

分析了大蜀山台体应变、地电阻率PS观测数据。两个手段受到地下水位、降雨等因素影响,且干扰特征相似,短周期成分主要受降雨影响,体应变、地电阻率对降雨响应即时;长周期主要受到地下水位影响,年变化形态和水位变化趋势基本一致。应用大蜀山台体应变和地电阻率NE、NS、NW向2012~2014年日均值观测资料与钻孔水位数据进行相关分析,体应变和水位呈正相关变化,相关性达到0.8以上;地电阻率与水位呈反相关,NS向相关性在0.4以上,且相关性呈现逐年上升趋势,NW向相关性在0.7以上,NE向地电阻率和水位相关性较低,且呈现逐年下降趋势。  相似文献   

刘川琴  金艳  裴红云  李军辉 《地震》2017,37(2):167-178
近年来安徽地区地电阻率观测多次出现异常数据, 同期间省内发生了多次MS3.0以上地震, 我们对安徽省观测较好的几个台站数据进行年变化特征、 干扰因素的分析, 发现水位、 降雨是影响地电阻率数据变化的主要因素, 通过以月为窗长的回归拟合分析进行水位的干扰消除, 计算的残差值能有效地消除地电阻率年变化干扰, 运用消除干扰后的曲线对近期发生的地震进行分析, 发现霍山MS4.3和阜阳MS4.3等地震前未出现明显趋势性前兆异常, 临近台站出现的异常变化可能与该区域的地下水位干扰性变化有关。  相似文献   

在地电阻率观测中,由于表层变化影响往往使地电阻率测值产生一些不规则的非随机变化。本文以“变化电性剖面模型”为基础,计算出正常背景值,以消除表层变化的影响。实例计算表明,这一方法用来消除高阻型台站上所特有的幅度大而不规则的似年周期变化,较之一般的纯数学方法处理资料有利。  相似文献   

对黑龙江省地电阻率台网近些年的观测资料进行了整理分析,对台网的两个地电阻率台观测资料进行了评估,发现林甸台地电阻率数据受各种干扰非常严重,无法提取震兆信息,而绥化台的观测数据质量较高,映震效能较好。绥化地震台地电阻率观测曲线具有规则年周期变化特征,以此为依据进行各向异性的前兆异常特征的研究,发现利用原始曲线法和归一化月速率方法,在中强地震前震区一定区域内的电阻率各向异性值(S)会出现上升型或下降型异常变化。分析认为速率法对于提取短临异常,判断发震时间较为理想。  相似文献   

电阻率测深在地电异常判定中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田山  郑文俊  刘允秀  关华平 《地震》2003,23(3):131-136
塘沽台NS方向地电阻率观测值在观测极距缩短后出现大幅度上升变化,为了判断此变化的性质及其产生的可能原因,开展了多次恢复原极距的对比观测。并依据该台已有的电测深资料,对此变化进行了最佳拟合的理论反演计算。经比测及反、正演计算结果分析,认为该台NS方向大幅度的上升变化其主要原因与台站观测极距缩短有关,可能是随观测极距的缩短,受浅部电性结构层影响增大,而与深部电性结构无关,因而这一变化不具有震兆意义。  相似文献   

一、前言临沂地电台采用四级对称装置测量地表浅层视电阻率随时间变化。自1970年底至今已有9年的观测资料。多年来的观测资料清楚地显示出似年周期变化的性质,其月均值变化幅度可达22%,成为分析地震异常的严重干扰。由于这种变化规律性很差,用各种数学分析方法去消除它将会造成相当大的误差,因此设法取得平稳的原始资料是根本途径。  相似文献   

蒙城地震台地电阻率数字化与模拟观测资料的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对蒙城地震台地电阻率数字化和模拟的标定资料、地电阻率观测数据、资料的年周期变化、以及数、模观测系统的系统差别等几个方面进行对比分析,为蒙城台多年的模拟与数字化资料综合使用以及数字化仪器替代模拟仪器观测提供依据.  相似文献   

东、南洞庭湖的径流、泥沙特征及冲淤规律   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过实地调查并对1957年以来水文、泥沙观测资料做系统分析和计算,探讨东、南洞庭湖出、入湖水量、沙量的年际和年内变化特征,以及长江下荆江段裁弯对湖区径流和泥沙的影响。提出了湖区泥沙汛淤枯冲的变化规律及水位升降与湖区泥沙冲淤的关系;论证了丰、平、枯年湖区淤积严重,面积日益缩小对径流的调节作用正在减弱。  相似文献   

The patterns of temporal variations of precipitation (P), streamflow (SF) and baseflow (BF) as well as their nitrate-nitrogen (nitrate) concentrations (C) and loads (L) from a long-term record (28 years) in the Raccoon River, Iowa, were analyzed using variogram and spectral analyses. The daily P is random but scaling may exist in the daily SF and BF with a possible break point in the scaling at about 18 days and 45 days, respectively. The nitrate concentrations and loads are shown to have a half-year cycle while daily P, SF, and BF have a one-year cycle. Furthermore, there may be a low-frequency cycle of 6–8 years in C. The power spectra of C and L in both SF and BF exhibit fractal 1/f scaling with two characteristic frequencies of half-year and one-year, and are fitted well with the spectrum of the gamma distribution. The nitrate input to SF and BF at the Raccoon watershed seems likely to be a white noise process superimposed on another process with a half-year and one-year cycle.  相似文献   

燕郊等测点迁移优化与地磁观测研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为优化地磁观测条件,开展了燕郊、夏垫等测点迁移工作;按照测眯迁移原则与实施技术方案,完整地收集并整理了地质构造与地球物理等方面的基本资料;进行了野外实地勘察,磁场梯度的测量,确定了新测点,在新老测点上进行了较长时间的地磁场对比观测;应用多种方法分析研究了地磁对比观测资料,结果表明,新老测点与有关测点的地磁变化具有良好的一致性,并得到了新老测点之间的地磁数据的按点差。  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses the influence of system stiffness on the dynamic instability of fault surfaces under laboratory conditions for a number of test modes. In conjunction with shear load stiffness, the normal load stiffness, often neglected, is shown to have a considerable effect on the stick-slip process —its presence or absence and its characteristics. Also appropriate stiffnesses are suggested for an earthquake sequence modeled as a growing dislocation.  相似文献   

Introduction Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) is a great break in processing nonlinear and non-stationary data and can be successfully used in many science domains. There are mainly two parts in this method. The first part is to decompose the original data into several intrinsic mode functions (IMF) with the empirical mode decomposition (EMD). IMF components are derived from the original data directly according to the local characteristics in the data under some rules, so that IMF are poste…  相似文献   

A close correlation in spatial distribution of local seismic activity and energy release patterns before and after the 1979 Petatlan, Mexico earthquake suggests heterogeneity within the fault plane of this major low-angle thrust event associated with subduction along the Middle America Trench. A simple two-asperity model is proposed to account for the complexity. Foreshocks and aftershocks of the neighboring 1981 Playa Azul earthquake showed a similar pattern. As both events occurred at the junction of the Orozco Fracture Zone and the Middle America Trench, we speculate that the observed complex fault plane is caused by subduction of the rugged ocean floor of the Orozco Fracture Zone. Short-term precursory seismicity prior to the Petatlan earthquake can be explained by using the asperity model and migration of a slip front from the south-east to the north-west across the main shock source region.  相似文献   

GIS与防灾减灾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地理信息系统(GIS)在我国已得到广泛的应用。在简要介绍G1S的发展历程、特点和发展趋势的基础上,重点从防灾减灾的角度介绍了GIS在气象灾害、地震灾害、地质灾害等领域的应用成果。  相似文献   

本文探索了网络化环境下,利用现代化的信息技术,对地震科技信息资源集成整合以及共建共享等问题。  相似文献   

This study investigated the seasonal and spatial dynamics of nutrients and phytoplankton biomass at 12 stations in Hong Kong (HK) waters during a three year period from 2004 to 2006 after upgraded sewage treatment and compared these results to observations before sewage treatment. Pearl River estuary (PRE) discharge significantly increased NO(3) and SiO(4) concentrations, particularly in western and southern waters when rainfall and river discharge was maximal in summer. Continuous year round discharge of sewage effluent resulted in high NH(4) and PO(4) in Victoria Harbour (VH) and its vicinity. In winter, spring and fall, the water column at all stations was moderately mixed by winds and tidal currents, and phytoplankton biomass was relatively low compared to summer. In summer, the mean surface phytoplankton chl biomass was generally > 9 microL(-1) in most areas as a result of thermohaline stratification, and high nutrients, light, and water temperature. In summer, the potential limiting nutrient is PO(4) in the most productive southern waters and it seldom decreased to limiting levels ( approximately 0.1 microM), suggesting that phytoplankton growth may be only episodically limiting. The mean bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) remained > 3.5 mg L(-1) at most stations, indicating that the eutrophication impact in HK waters was not as severe as expected for such a eutrophic area. After the implementation of chemically enhanced primary sewage treatment in 2001, water quality in VH improved as indicated by a significant decrease in NH(4) and PO(4) and an increase in bottom DO. In contrast, there were an increase in chl a and NO(3), and a significant decrease in bottom DO in southern waters in summer, suggesting that hypoxic events are most likely to occur in this region if phytoplankton biomass and oxygen consumption keep increasing and exceed the buffering capacity of HK waters maintained by monsoon winds, tidal mixing and zooplankton grazing. Therefore, future studies on the long-term changes in nutrient loading from PRE and HK sewage discharge will be crucial for developing future strategies of sewage management in HK waters.  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis of fine grained (<20 μm) tephra found in ice cores is inherently difficult, due to the typically low number and small size of available particles. Ice core tephra samples require specialized sample preparation techniques to maximize the amount of information that can be gained from these logistically limited samples that may provide important chronology to an ice record, as well as linking glacial, marine and terrestrial sediments. We have developed a flexible workflow for preparation of tephra and cryptotephra samples to allow accurate and robust geochemical fingerprinting, which is fundamental to tephrochronology. The samples can be prepared so that secondary electron imagery can be obtained for morphological characterization of the samples to ensure that the sample is tephra-bearing and then the sample can be further prepared for quantitative electron microprobe analysis using wavelength dispersive techniques (EMP-WDS), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS), laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) or secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Some samples may be too small for typical instrumentation conditions to be used (i.e. 20 μm beam on the EMP) to analyze for geochemistry and we present other techniques that can be employed to obtain accurate, although less precise, geochemistry. Methods include analyzing unpolished tephra shards less than 5 μm in diameter with a 1 μm beam on an SEM; using the “broad beam overlap” EMP method on irregular particles less than 20 μm in diameter, and analyzing microlitic shards as well as aphyric shards using EMP to increase the number of analyzed shards in low abundance tephra layers. The methods presented are flexible enough to be employed in other geological environments (terrestrial, marine and glacial) which will help maximize and integrate multiple environments into the overall tephra framework.  相似文献   

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