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岷县-卓尼5.0级地震的基本特征和地质背景研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
归纳总结了岷县-卓尼5.0级地震的基本参数、烈度分布、建筑物震害、发震构造等基本特征,并分析了该地震烈度偏高和震害较重的基本原因。该次地震与2003年11月13日岷县Ms5.2地震基本特征相同,发震构造也相同,为临潭-宕昌断裂带。  相似文献   

汶川M_S8.0级地震发震构造大震复发间隔估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川Ms8.0级地震发生在青藏高原东缘著名的龙门山断裂带上,造成了中央断裂和前山断裂共约330kin的地震地表破裂带。初步研究表明,龙门山断裂带上大震复发可能属特征地震模式。结合龙门山断裂带的地震地质情况和汶川地震地表破裂带的基本参数综合分析,本文从地质学、地震学和GPS数据分析三个方面评估了龙门山断裂带的大震复发周期。结果表明,上述三种方法获得的龙门山断裂带Ms8.0级地震的复发间隔分别为:3185a、170(02264a和4310a,平均为3000a左右:Ms7.5级地震的平均复发间隔为1000a左右;Ms7.0级地震的平均复发间隔为500a左右。这些结果与其他学者的研究结果相比,相差不多,基本反映了龙门山断裂带的地震能量水平和累积速度。  相似文献   

利用相关震例分析了昆仑山口西8.1级地震后青藏高原北部地区未来1~3年地震活动特征.结果表明,沿东昆仑构造带及邻近地区发生Ms≥7.0地震后青藏高原北部地区中强地震活动有增强的趋势,祁连山地震带和东昆仑地震带的地震活动具有交替发生的特征,未来1~3年中强地震主体活动区为大型走滑活动断裂上应力转换部位和挤压会聚构造区,如东昆仑断裂带中东段和祁连山地震带中东段和西段。  相似文献   

龙陵-澜沧断裂带双震型强震活动破裂模型讨论   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
周瑞琦  虢顺民 《地震地质》1998,20(3):70-268
龙陵地震和澜沧-耿马地震是龙陵-澜沧断裂带上两次典型的双震型强震活动,但它们在地质构造背景、应力场分布、发震构造和烈度分布等方面却具有截然不同的特点。龙陵地震发生在主要由花岗岩构成的地块内,地质构造比较均一;地震处在NNW向挤压的统一应力场中;两主震的发震构造走向和两个Ⅸ度区长轴近于直交。澜沧-耿马地震发生在一古板块边界附近,震区构造复杂,耿马7.2级地震和澜沧7.6级地震发生于不同的应力环境中,发震构造和极震区长轴近于平行,呈斜列状分布。通过对龙陵地震和澜沧-耿马地震的对比分析,提出了双震型强震活动的共轭型和牵动型两种破裂模型,并对各自的特点及形成条件进行了初步分析  相似文献   

青海省玛沁县5.0级地震的烈度分布及其构造环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在玛沁县5.0级地震的宏观调查的基础上,分析了烈度和断层与震害间的相互依存关系,阐述了发震构造(库玛断裂带)的新活动特征,并对地震形成的区域构造环境及地震发展趋势进行探讨。  相似文献   

2013年8月12日5时23分在西藏自治区昌都地区发生了一次Ms6.1级地震,震中位于北纬30.1°,东经97.9°。根据震后现场考察结果,宏观震中位于昌都地区左贡县嘎益村附近的澜沧江断裂带上,震中最大烈度为Ⅷ度,但考察点仅是点状分布的,因此无法按照理想图形选择出调查点而绘出烈度分布图。根据有限的调查点资料绘出地震烈度等震线为椭圆形,长轴走向为北西向,与澜沧江断裂带走向一致。本次地震的宏观震中就位于该断裂上,严重震害点也沿该断裂带分布,震源机制解表明发震断层为NWW向,结合宏观考察分析表明,澜沧江断裂带为本次地震的发震构造。  相似文献   

高州水库建于广东省鉴江上游,由两个水库经人工渠联通而成,总库容量约11亿立方米,两座土坝坝高分别为52.5米和43.2米。60年代初建库时未能认真考虑地震影响,蓄水后二十余年库区地震平静,但到1983年中,距北库主坝4公里左右开始出现区震活动,至翌年中约一年时间共发生≥1.0级地震一百余次,(最高震级ML3.6)。从而引起工程部门严重关切,为此委托我们进行三方面研究工作: 1.判断1983年以来地震的性质(是诱发地震抑或天然构造地震)。 根据我们的工作结果,此水库发生诱发地震的概率仅为1.012,初步判断这次震群为构造地震(小震群);即使从诱发地震考虑,其最大震级也不会超过4级,不会对大坝构成威胁。 2.地震基本烈度复核和地震危险性分析。 根据地震基本烈度的传统评定方法,两个坝址的基本烈度均为Ⅵ度。根据地震危险分析,以使用年限为100年,超越概率为1.1计,两个坝址的基本烈度也为Ⅵ度(相应的超越概率分别为0.1091和0.0921)。因此,无论用传统的确定性烈度评价方法或是地震危险性分析的方法,高州水库的基本烈度宜为Ⅵ度。 3.大坝抗震稳定性分析。 虽然地震基本烈度为Ⅵ度,但发生更大地震的小概率事件也不是绝对不可能发生的,(例如坝受Ⅷ度影响的超越概率分别为0.0083和0.0055)因此必须了解大坝的最大抗震能力。  相似文献   

通过对历史地震资料的系统收集整理、现场调查及烈度点评估等工作,对1936年天水南6级地震等震线重新进行了改绘,并对此次地震的震害特征、等震线特征及其与活动构造间的关系进行了研究。结果表明,此次地震极震区最大烈度为Ⅷ度,集中位于天水镇及其以北地区;NEE向的礼县-罗家堡断裂中东段基本与此次地震重破坏区长轴线重合,应为此次地震的发震断裂;由于受NWW向西秦岭北缘断裂带与NNW向六盘山断裂带2条区域深大断裂及北部黄土区的影响,低烈度等震线长轴方向逆时针旋转,地震动及烈度向北衰减变缓,地震等震线呈现明显的南北衰减不对称性。  相似文献   

刘薇  张晓清  胡玉 《高原地震》2012,(4):20-24,35
利用双差地震定位法对2009年8月28日青海省大柴旦地区发生的Ms6.3级地震及余震序列进行重新定位。结果显示:余震序列主要沿宗务隆山南缘断裂带分布;余震序列优势分布方向为北东东。该序列与宗务隆山南缘断裂带走向一致,与震源区的区域构造基本一致,余震主要分布于主震的南侧。此次地震主震发生在宗务隆山南缘断裂带北侧,Ms6.3级地震主破裂面走向、倾向、倾角与该断裂带产状基本一致,主震破裂面南侧余震活动强于北侧。  相似文献   

20世纪云南地区Ms≥5.0级地震活动的基本特征   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
在对云南地区地震目录完整性和均匀性分析的基础上,系统总结和分析了20世纪云南地区Ms≥5.0级地震活动时、空、强分布的基本特征。有以下主要认识:(1)6.7级以上大震存在十年尺度的活跃-平静交替活动过程;(2)50年左右的大震复发周期;(3)5级以上地震活动的时、空分布具有很大的随机性,5-6级地震活动不存在活跃期和平静期之分;Ms≥5.0级地震有约2.6次/年的期望年发生率,每年发生0.8-4.5次Ms≥5.0级地震的自然概率是68.3%;(4)6级以上地震具有空间丛集特征,云南全区80%的6级以上地震只分布在全区20%左右的面积上;(5)以金沙江-红河断裂带为界,6.7级以上大震成组地在滇西和滇东交替活动;(6)5级以上地震活动的b值为0.69。  相似文献   

南北地震带北段强震破裂空段的地震危险性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
综合活动构造与重要活动断裂带的历史及现今强震震源区或破裂分布等资料,南北地震带北段存在长期缺少MSge;7.0地震的破裂空段.为了考察这些空段的地震危险性,首先采用Burgers体黏弹介质模型,计算周围有记载以来的历史强震在空段引起的库仑应力动态演化;其次结合背景地震发生率,采用Dieterich模型分析历史强震对空段地震活动的影响,讨论了空段所在区域的地震发生概率.结果显示,南北地震带北段强震破裂空段的地震危险性程度自高到低依次是:东昆仑活动断裂带东段的若尔盖——九寨沟段、六盘山断裂带中南段空段、香山——天景山段裂中南段同心空段、天祝——大靖空段、西秦岭北缘断裂带中西段、西秦岭北缘断裂带东段.该结果可为南北地震带北段的地震危险性估计提供参考.   相似文献   

The sinistral strike-slip characteristic of the Altyn Tagh Fault gradually disappears near the Jiuxi Basin at the west end of Hexi Corridor, and the Kuantanshan Fault and the northern marginal fault of Heishan on its east are thrust structures. There are two faults distributed in the north of Kuantanshan, namely, the Taerwan-Chijiaciwo Fault and the Ganxiashan Fault, both are featured with obvious activity. Predecessors thought that the Taerwan-Chijiaciwo Fault is a thrust fault with low movement rate, but there is few detailed study on its horizontal motion. Is there horizontal strike-slip movement in the northern marginal fault of Kuantanshan? This issue has an important significance to further explore the structural transformation mode between the Altyn Tagh strike-slip faults and the northern thrust faults in the north margin of Qilianshan. Using high resolution remote sensing images and field work, such as combining with UAV SfM photogrammetry, the paper studies the strike-slip characteristics of the Taerwan-Chijiaciwo Fault and Ganxiashan Fault on the northern margin of Kuantanshan, and get two preliminary understandings:(1) The northern marginal fault of Kuantanshan is an active right-lateral strike-slip fault with thrust component, the horizontal to vertical dislocation ratio is about 3-4 times. Based on the statistics of dislocation amount of the gullies and terraces along the north marginal Kuantanshan fault, it is preliminarily estimated that the late Pleistocene right-lateral strike-slip rate is about 0.2-0.25 mm/a and the Holocene right-lateral strike-slip rate is about 0.5-1.5 mm/a. (2) The main driving force to the tectonics at the western end of Hexi Corridor, where the northern marginal fault of Kuantanshan locates, comes from the northward extrusion of the Qilian Mountains, which results in the right-lateral strike-slip of the northern marginal fault of Kuananshan and the thrust movement of several faults inside the Jiuxi Basin. The effect of the Altyn Tagh Fault on other tectonic structures is not obvious in this region.  相似文献   

根据震区深浅地质构造特征及现场考察结果,1996年6月1日天祝古浪5.4级地震极震区位于古浪断裂与武威天祝断裂的交汇部位,该部位是应力积累和释放的有利场所,本次地震即为两条断裂内次级断裂共同作用的结果  相似文献   

The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon region is located in the frontal zone of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, where neo-tectonics and seismicity are intensive and closely related to each other. In the region, two sets of fault structures have developed, striking NNE-NE and NWW-NW, respectively. Investigation shows that they differ markedly in terms of scope, property, active times and intensity. The NWW-NW trending faults are large in size, and most are thrust and thrust strike-slip faults, formed in earlier times. The NEE-NE-strike faults are relatively small in size individually, with concentrated distribution, constituting the NNE-trending shear extensional fault zone, which is relatively younger with evident late Quaternary activities. Strong earthquakes occur mainly in the areas or zones of intensive differential movement of the Himalayas, e.g. along the deep and large fault zones around the crustal blocks. Most earthquakes of M≥7.0 are closely related to tectonics, where large-scale Holocene active faults are distributed with complicated fault geometry, or the faults of multiple directions intersect. Among them, earthquakes of M≥7.5 have occurred on the NW and NE-trending faults with a greater strike-slip component in the fault tectonic zones.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the history and progress of research on active tectonics in China and overseas.By giving a brief introduction on the history of active tectonic research in China and other countries,the paper sums up the process and development of quantitative investigation of active tectonics since the 1980s.The focus is on the main efforts and progress made in China on certain aspects of research,such as basic surveys and applied investigation of active tectonics,the study of theories related to regional active tectonics and their kinematics and geodynamics,surveys on coupling relations between deep and shallow structures,active fault surveys and prospecting and seismic hazard assessment in urban areas,as well as the efforts made using Quaternary geochronology.Furthermore,the paper looks back on Chinese quantitative investigation of active tectonics in China and sums up cognitions derived from studies on the determination of several basic and measurable parameters of active tectonics.These parameters include the length of fault and fault segmentation,coseismic slip and cumulative slip,fault slip rate,the sequence of paleoearthquake events and the time elapsed since the most recent event.At the same time,efforts and progress made in China on assessing the long-term seismic potential for active faults and evaluating the risk from potential active fault movement have been reviewed by summarizing research on developing theories,models,methods and the application of time-dependent seismic potential to probabilistic assessment,magnitude estimation for potential earthquakes on active faults,and the forecast of potential risk caused by active fault movement.Finally,in consideration of the realities and problems in the research of active tectonics in China,the authors put forward several suggestions for issues worthy of more attention for further investigation in the future.  相似文献   

澜沧—耿马地震发震构造初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据澜沧—耿马地震形变带、极震区及余震序列分布特征,分析了7.6和7.2级地震的发震构造,认为北北西向旱母坝断层是7.2级地震的发震构造,7.6级地震的发震构造不是一条单一的断层,北西向木嘎断裂和北北西向澜沧—勐海断裂均有明显破裂表现,这一特点与震区复杂的地质构造背景有密切联系。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the history and progress of research on active tectonics in China and overseas. By giving a brief introduction on the history of active tectonic research in China and other countries, the paper sums up the process and development of quantitative investigation of active tectonics since the 1980s. The focus is on the main efforts and progress made in China on certain aspects of research, such as basic surveys and applied investigation of active tectonics, the study of theories related to regional active tectonics and their kinematics and geodynamics, surveys on coupling relations between deep and shallow structures, active fault surveys and prospecting and seismic hazard assessment in urban areas, as well as the efforts made using Quaternary geochronology. Furthermore, the paper looks back on Chinese quantitative investigation of active tectonics in China and sums up cognitions derived from studies on the determination of several basic and measurable parameters of active tectonics. These parameters include the length of fault and fault segmentation, coseismic slip and cumulative slip, fault slip rate, the sequence of paleoearthquake events and the time elapsed since the most recent event. At the same time, efforts and progress made in China on assessing the long-term seismic potential for active faults and evaluating the risk from potential active fault movement have been reviewed by summarizing research on developing theories, models, methods and the application of time-dependent seismic potential to prohabilistic assessment, magnitude estimation for potential earthquakes on active faults, and the forecast of potential risk caused by active fault movement. Finally, in consideration of the realities and problems in the research of active tectonics in China, the authors put forward several suggestions for issues worthy of more attention for further investigation in the future.  相似文献   

通过对大石峡水电站附近的多条活动断层研究表明:库车坳陷西段的乌什坳陷区内,主要发育有两排新隆起的活动褶皱,由北向南依次为沙依拉木背斜带和苏尔滚背斜带;区内的活动断层主要以NE向为主,其中较大的断层有阔克沙勒断层、迈丹—沙依拉木断层和库齐隐伏断层。研究区中对场地影响较大的断层为迈丹—沙依拉木断层和大石峡口山前断层,它们均表现为东西分段特性,断层整体活动程度西强东弱。库齐隐伏断层是一条晚更新世末期的活动断层,最新的活动时代为距今1.4万年左右。  相似文献   

The 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake attacked the Jinggu area where few historical earthquakes had occurred and little study has been conducted on active tectonics. The lack of detailed field investigation on active faults and seismicity restricts the assessment of seismic risk of this area and leads to divergent view points with respect to the seismotectonics of this earthquake, so relevant research needs to be strengthened urgently. In particular, some studies suggest that this earthquake triggered the activity of the NE-trending faults which have not yet been studied. By the approaches of remote sensing image interpretation, structural geomorphology investigation and trench excavation, we studied the late Quaternary activity of the faults in the epicenter area, which are the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin and the Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault, and drew the conclusions as follows: (1)The eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin originates around the Naguai village in the southeastern margin of Yongping Basin,extending northward across the Qiandong, Tianfang, and ending in the north of Tiantou. The fault is about 43km long, striking near SN. The linear characteristic of the fault is obvious in remote sensing images. Structural geomorphological phenomena, such as fault troughs, linear ridges and gully dislocations, have developed along the faults. There are several dextral-dislocated gullies near Naguai village, with displacements of 300m, 220m, 146m, 120m and 73m, respectively, indicating that the fault is a dextral strike-slip fault with long-term activity. In order to further study the activity of the fault, a trench was excavated in the fault trough, the Naguai trench. The trench reveals many faults, and the youngest strata offseted by the faults are Holocene, with 14C ages of(1 197±51)a and(1 900±35)a, respectively. All those suggest that it is a Holocene active fault. (2)The Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault starts at the southeast of the Jinggu Basin, passes through Xiangyan, Yixiang, Chahe, and terminates at the Zhaojiacun. The total length of the fault is about 60km, and is a large-scale NE-trending fault in the Wuliangshan fault zone. Four gullies are synchronously sinistrally dislocated at Yixiang village, with the displacements of 340m, 260m, 240m and 240m, indicating that the fault is a long-term active sinistral strike-slip fault. A trench was excavated in a fault trough in Yixiang village. The trench reveals a small sag pond and a fault. The fault offsets several strata with clear dislocation and linear characteristic. The thickness of strata between the two walls of fault does not match, and the gravels are oriented along fault plane. The offset strata have the 14C age of(2 296±56)a, (3 009±51)a, and(4 924±45)a, respectively, and another two strata have the OSL age of(1.8±0.1)ka, (8.6±0.5)ka respectively, by which we constrained the latest paleoearthquake between(1.8±0.1)ka(OSL-Y01)and(378±48)a BP(CY-07). This again provides further evidence that the fault is a Holocene fault with long-term activity. (3)Based on the distribution of aftershocks and the predecessor research results, the 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake and the M5.8, M5.9 strong aftershocks are regarded as being caused by the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin, which is part of the Wuliangshan fault zone. The seismogenic mechanism is that the stress has been locked, concentrated and accumulated to give rise to the quakes in the wedge-shaped area near the intersection of the SN and NE striking faults, which is similar to the seismogenic mechanism in the southwest of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

通过卫星影像解译、野外实地调查与地质填图,对滇西南地区黑河断裂中西段晚第四纪构造活动特征进行了研究.结果表明,黑河断裂为一条规模较大的区域性活动断裂带,西起沧源县南,向东南止于澜沧江断裂,全长约168 km,走向280°~310°.该断裂晚第四纪新活动性具有一定的差异性和分段性.根据其几何结构、最新活动性及1988年澜沧7.6级地震破裂带特征,可将黑河断裂从西向东划分为沧源-木戛、木戛-南代和南代-勐往三条次级断裂段.其中的中、西段长约88 km,全新世活动显著,活动性质以右旋走滑为主.沿断裂形成了丰富的断错地貌现象.西段断裂的最新活动断错了全新世晚期地层;中段是1988年澜沧7.6级地震的发震断裂之一.根据对断错冲沟的测量和年代测试,得到其全新世以来右旋滑动速率为(3.54±0.78)mm/a,与区域上其它断裂的滑动速率大致相当,反映了其区域构造活动的整体性和协调性.  相似文献   

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