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本文研究桩基-非线性框剪结构相互作用体系的地震反应。其中上部框架和剪力墙结构分别用门型单元和四弹簧墙单元进行分析;桩基阻抗通过单桩阻抗和动力相互作用因子求得。采用频-时域混合法对解体系的动力方程,本文研究了在桩基-框剪结构相互作用体系地震反应分析中,桩基阻抗的频率相关性对结构地震反应的影响,并从土体剪切波速和地震波强度两个方面,研究了土-桩-结构相互作用对框剪结构地震反应的影响。  相似文献   

土-桩-结构相互作用体系的非线性地震反应分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文主要研究土-结构相互作用对于桩基础高层建筑的结构动力特性及其地震反应的影响以及土的非线性性质对于土-桩-结构相互作用体系的地震反应的影响。文中对一幢19层桩基-框剪结构建筑进行了结构动力特性和地震反应分析,根据所作分机可以得到一些初步的、定性的结论。  相似文献   

为研究桩基-非线性框剪结构相互作用体系的地震反应,需要求解群桩基础的动力阻抗函数。本文利用单桩阻抗和群桩动力相互作用因子计算群桩动力阻抗函数,计算并讨论了不同构形群桩阻抗函数在软、中和硬土地基中的变化规律和特点。研究表明:群桩阻抗表现出很强的频率相关性,随土体剪切波速的增大,群桩阻抗有较大幅度的增加,但土体剪切波速的变化对群桩效率(规格化阻抗函数)影响不大。  相似文献   

本文在全面考虑上部结构、基础及下部土体实际情况和受力特性的基础上,开发了一种平面框剪土-结构相互作用的简化分析模型。在这个模型中,利用矩阵位移法的概念,同时考虑框架和剪力墙(筒体)的协同工作原理,将上部结构简化成平面的框架-剪力墙(筒体)结构,这一模型可以很好地模拟常用高层建筑体系的弯曲特性和弯剪特性。地基土采用一块在计算平面内高度为H,宽度为B,而在出平面方向厚度为t的土体作为分析模型,并对MSC.Marc进行了二次开发,将多层土E-B本构关系模型作为子程序嵌入其中,使用E-B本构关系模型来考虑它的非线性特性,利用粘-弹性人工边界作为地基土的边界条件。用接触迭代算法考虑了桩、箱-土之间的相互作用。最后,采用本文的方法对某高层框剪建筑进行了分析,并与不考虑土-结构相互作用的地震反应分析结果进行了对比。通过算例,本文初步探讨了在土-结构相互作用模型中,考虑和不考虑桩-土间相互作用对结构地震反应的影响,并得到了一些结论,证明了本文方法的适用性。  相似文献   

为了考察桩-土接触效应对结构地震反应的影响,利用有限元软件ABAQUS建立了土-桩-框架二维有限元模型,分别采用损伤塑性模型和动力粘塑性记忆型嵌套面模型模拟混凝土和土体,利用rebar单元模拟混凝土内的钢筋,取得了较好的计算效果.计算分析中采用19条不同频谱的地震波记录,考虑了地震动强度、桩径、摩擦系数等因素,以层间位移角和桩顶最大位移为主要评价指标,揭示相互作用体系的动力响应特性.分析认为,计算结果对桩、土摩擦系数的取值不敏感;不考虑土-桩接触时,近场土体的动力反应与实际情况存在一定的误差,且上部结构和桩基的动力反应会被低估,应该考虑桩-土动力接触效应;地震动强度增加时,随着结构进入塑性状态,低估程度减小;桩径增加时,低估程度没有显著变化,虽然桩基和上部结构的反应都有所减小.  相似文献   

桩-土-结构动力相互作用的线弹性地震反应分析   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
采用集中质量法(简化模型),用ANSYS软件作为桩—土—结构动力相互作用分析的工具,建立了小震下钢筋混凝土剪切型结构考虑桩—土—结构动力相互作用效应的计算模型,进行了桩—土—结构相互作用线性体系的模态分析,研究了考虑桩—土—结构相互作用体系的自振特性;进行了小展下桩—土—结构相互作用体系弹性地震反应时程分析,研究了土—结构动力相互作用效应对结构地震反应的影响;得出如下结论;考虑桩—土—结构相互作用效应后,结构体系的自振特性及结构的地震反应将有所改变。  相似文献   

直接针对大型振动台模型试验,建立液化场地桩-土-桥梁结构地震相互作用数值模拟的二维分析模型和计算方法。根据桩基平面应变假定,将空间桩体转换成平面板桩,并考虑桩的尺寸效应;基于桩截面节点位移协调条件和平衡力系等效原理,建立四结点梁单元刚度矩阵且对Timoshenko梁杆单元刚度矩阵进行增广修正,以考虑桩的横向尺寸影响桩周土位移场分布的尺寸效应。根据有效应力原理进行土动反应分析,采用满足M asing准则的修正双曲线模型描述土动力变形的本构关系,同时考虑因孔压上升造成土体软化而对土动力性能的影响,由迭代法处理土的动力非线性。采用并联弹簧-阻尼器模拟计算域人工边界,以考虑边界波的反射作用对体系动力反应的干扰和土粘滞阻尼的影响。采用W ilson-θ逐步积分法计算体系的地震反应。通过与试验结果的对比分析,评估数值模拟的建模途径和计算方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

桩-土-结构相互作用地震反应分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
从桩-土-结构在地震作用下的受力分析出发,考虑平面应变假设,用有限元法(FEM)建立相互作用系统的模型。文中用地震动反演法处理土层的动力放大现象,用读入刚度单元来处理不同类型单元交界处的连续问题。最后,结合实际工程进行相互作用体系的地震反应计算,得出了一些有用的结论。  相似文献   

结合典型工程实例,采用在土体侧向边界节点处用弹簧并联阻尼器来进行模拟,在平面应变单元和桩体梁单元连接处用约束方程的方法进行节点耦合、满足连续条件,选择桩、土、荷载参数,用整体有限元方法进行桩-土-结构相互作用体系的地震反应分析。重点讨论了三种不同的上部结构刚度对桩基地震内力的影响,得到了在水平地震荷载作用下上部结构刚度的增大将增大桩基的内力及水平位移,且桩顶及桩身处于第一个软硬土层交界面处的截面的内力尤为突出等结论。关键词:上部结构刚度改变;桩-土-结构相互作用;弹性-阻尼边界;地震反应分析  相似文献   

本文研究水平地震作用下桩-土体系中桩基的地震反应,为桩基的抗震设计提供依据。以单桩为研究对象,建立有限元分析模型并加以验证,再根据场地条件选取输入波,分析了桩、桩-均匀土体、桩-分层土体3种模型处于弹性和弹塑性状态下的桩基的变形特性和受力性能。研究表明,桩动力分析时必须考虑桩周土的影响,若按静力法的桩-弹簧模型进行桩的设计会使桩身不安全。  相似文献   

Traditionally seismic design of structures supported on piled raft foundation is performed by considering fixed base conditions, while the pile head is also considered to be fixed for the design of the pile foundation. Major drawback of this assumption is that it cannot capture soil-foundation-structure interaction due to flexibility of soil or the inertial interaction involving heavy foundation masses. Previous studies on this subject addressed mainly the intricacy in modelling of dynamic soil structure interaction(DSSI) but not the implication of such interaction on the distribution of forces at various elements of the pile foundation and supported structure. A recent numerical study by the authors showed significant change in response at different elements of the piled raft supported structure when DSSI effects are considered. The present study is a limited attempt in this direction, and it examines such observations through shake table tests. The effect of DSSI is examined by comparing dynamic responses from fixed base scaled down model structures and the overall systems. This study indicates the possibility of significant underestimation in design forces for both the column and pile if designed under fixed base assumption. Such underestimation in the design forces may have serious implication in the design of a foundation or structural element.  相似文献   

The paper presents a numerical model for the analysis of the soil–structure kinematic interaction of single piles and pile groups embedded in layered soil deposits during seismic actions. A finite element model is considered for the pile group and the soil is assumed to be a Winkler‐type medium. The pile–soil–pile interaction and the radiation problem are accounted for by means of elastodynamic Green's functions. Condensation of the problem permits a consistent and straightforward derivation of both the impedance functions and the foundation input motion, which are necessary to perform the inertial soil–structure interaction analyses. The model proposed allows calculating the internal forces induced by soil–pile and pile‐to‐pile interactions. Comparisons with data available in literature are made to study the convergence and validate the model. An application to a realistic pile foundation is given to demonstrate the potential of the model to catch the dynamic behaviour of the soil–foundation system and the stress resultants in each pile. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为研究强震区跨断层桥梁桩基非线性动力相互作用特性,依托海文大桥实体工程,利用MIDAS/GTS有限元软件,建立了桩-土-断层相互作用模型,分析0.20~0.60g地震动强度下断层上下盘桩基加速度响应、桩顶水平位移、桩身弯矩以及桩身剪力响应情况。结果表明:覆盖层土体对桩身加速度放大作用明显,且随着输入地震动强度的增大,放大作用逐渐减弱;覆盖层对地震波的滤波作用显著,随着输入地震动强度的增大,滤波作用逐渐减弱;上盘桩基达到桩顶峰值加速度的时刻滞后于下盘;随着输入地震动强度的增大,上、下盘桩的桩顶产生的永久位移和水平位移峰值逐渐变大,上盘桩顶产生的永久位移和桩顶峰值位移均大于下盘,产生显著的"上盘效应";不同强度地震动作用下,断层上、下盘桩基弯矩均在上部土层界面处达到峰值,剪力均在基岩面处达到峰值,下盘桩基弯矩和剪力峰值大于上盘桩基,呈现出显著的"下盘效应"。在桥梁桩基抗震设计时,应着重考虑断层上、下盘桩基的差异和不同强度地震作用对桩基承载特性的影响。  相似文献   

采用动力文克尔地基模型模拟均质粘弹性土层,推导出了均质土中单桩动阻抗;引用桩-桩动力相互作用因子,得到了刚性承台下群桩的动阻抗;而且建立了柔性承台与桩基础的竖向振动模型,该模型考虑了筏板自身的变形,并导出了其共同作用的运动方程。最后对柔性承台与刚性承台的计算结果作了对比分析。  相似文献   

在远场地震作用下单桩横向地震响应研究的基础上,引入相互作用因子,研究了远场地震作用下成层地基中桩与桩的横向动力相互作用,得到了桩间距、桩土刚度比、桩顶约束条件、瑞利波入射角度、震动频率是影响群桩横向动力相互作用主要因素的结论,为进一步研究远场地震作用下群桩的横向地震响应打下了基础。  相似文献   

液化场地桩-土-桥梁结构动力相互作用振动台试验研究进展   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
本文在全面归纳与总结液化场地桩-土-桥梁结构动力相互作用振动台试验及与之相关领域的国内外研究进展基础上,直接针对我国桥梁工程中的主要震害问题,提出在我国开展液化场地桩-土-桥梁结构动力相互作用振动台试验研究的必要性,并阐述作者对液化场地桩-土-张桥梁结构动力相互作用振动台试验中若干问题的认识。  相似文献   

Dynamic response of pile groups embedded in a poroelastic medium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The dynamic response of pile groups embedded in a homogeneous poroelastic medium and subjected to vertical loading is considered. The piles are represented by compressible beam-column elements and the porous medium uses Biot's three-dimensional elastodynamic theory. The dynamic impedance of pile groups can be computed directly by using pile–soil–pile dynamic interaction factors. The axial forces and pore pressures along the length of pile groups are computed by superposition method, which greatly reduces the computational time for the direct analysis of pile groups. Parametric studies are conducted for various conditions of pile groups. The superposition method is proposed for the dynamic response analysis of pile groups that is computationally feasible for practical applications.  相似文献   

A procedure for three-dimensional (3-D) coupling of finite elements (FEs), boundary elements (BEs) and infinite boundary elements (IBEs) is presented for the numerical modelling of seismic interaction between arch dams and rock canyons. First, a system of coupling 3-D boundary and infinite boundary elements is developed for simulation of infinite and irregular canyons and for determination, in the frequency domain, of impedance functions on the dam-canyon interface. Secondly, the impedance functions for all degrees-of-freedom are transformed approximately into frequency independent discrete parameters by a curve fitting technique. Finally, these discrete parameters are combined with the dam structure which is discretized by finite elements, thus allowing the response of the arch dam-canyon system to be evaluated. The proposed procedure is efficient because it permits the seismic analysis of arch dam-canyon interaction by the substructure technique in the time domain. To demonstrate both the validity and efficiency of the present procedure, the response of an arch dam-canyon system is obtained under unit impulse acting on the dam-canyon interface as the free field input. Very good agreement is noted when comparing the frequency response determined from the time domain with that from the frequency domain under harmonic excitation applied on the interface of the dam-canyon.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional method of analysis is presented for the seismic response of structures constructed on pile foundations. An analysis is formulated in the time domain and the effects of material nonlinearity of soil on the seismic response are investigated. A subsystem model consisting of a structure subsystem and a pile-foundation subsystem is used. Seismic response of the system is found using a successive-coupling incremental solution scheme. Both subsystems are assumed to be coupled at each time step. Material nonlinearity is accounted for by incorporating an advanced plasticity-based soil model, HiSS, in the finite element formulation. Both single piles and pile groups are considered and the effects of kinematic and inertial interaction on seismic response are investigated while considering harmonic and transient excitations. It is seen that nonlinearity significantly affects seismic response of pile foundations as well as that of structures. Effects of nonlinearity on response are dependent on the frequency of excitation with nonlinearity causing an increase in response at low frequencies of excitation.  相似文献   

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