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王峻 《地震工程学报》2005,27(2):158-162
对西北黄土地区农村民房生土建筑墙体材料的主要类型进行了物理力学性能和动力特性的试验研究,给出了黄土和黄土状亚粘土的夯筑墙、土坯等样品的抗压、抗折、抗剪强度以及动弹性模量和阻尼比等参数,对比分析不同生土建筑墙体材料和成型方式的强度和抗震性能。  相似文献   

将蒸压加气混凝土(AAC)砌体填充墙采用薄灰缝专用砂浆砌筑,并在灰缝中配置玄武岩纤维格栅(BFG),可以提高墙体的抗压强度和延性。为了研究配BFG的AAC砌块砌体的基本力学性能,设计了9组27个试件进行抗压和抗剪试验。在试验的基础上,首先分析了砌体的抗压和抗剪性能,给出抗压上升段本构方程和抗压、抗剪强度建议公式;其次运用ABAQUS对砌体的抗压和抗剪性能进行模拟,通过比较模拟结果与试验结果,验证了有限元模型的合理性;最后分析了模型受压时的应力-应变关系,给出抗压下降段本构方程。研究表明:荷载施加处,接触面上剪应力集中是砌体通缝抗剪破坏的主要原因;本构方程可为配BFG蒸压加气混凝土砌体填充墙抗震性能的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

通过传统和改进土坯墙在单调荷载作用下的试验,得到土坯尺寸、改性泥浆及砌筑方式对土坯墙抗剪性能的影响,以及土坯墙裂缝的开展规律、破坏特征、承载能力、延性等力学性能。并在试验基础上,给出了传统和改进土坯墙抗剪承载力的计算公式。  相似文献   

建筑模网混凝土剪力墙是一种新型的组合结构。为了分析模网混凝土剪力墙的抗剪承载力,整理了21组模网混凝土剪力墙的抗震拟静力试验数据,采用灰关联分析方法分析了各影响因子对其抗剪强度的影响程度;并对抗剪强度进行了回归分析。分析结果表明,在模网混凝土抗剪强度的各影响因子中,轴力的影响权重最大,墙体有效面积的影响次之,折钩拉筋的影响最小。回归分析亦得到了相同的结论。  相似文献   

免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖砌体力学性能试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖是一种新型承重墙体材料,为使其在地震区村镇建筑中得到推广应用,进行了多孔砖砌体抗压强度和抗剪强度试验,分析了砌体裂缝开展及破坏过程。试验结果表明:免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖砌体的受压、受剪破坏过程及特征与普通黏土砖砌体类似,但具有更大的脆性;抗压、抗剪强度均小于普通黏土砖砌体;采用6次多项式的受压本构关系数学模型,反映了免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖砌体受压应力-应变全过程,计算值与实测数据比较接近。  相似文献   

对聚丙烯纤维体积率(Vf)为0~0.26%的聚丙烯纤维砂浆进行稠度、分层度、表观密度、凝结时间、抗压抗折强度、拉伸粘结强度、吸水率、干缩率和抗渗压力等物理力学性能试验。结果表明:随着Vf的增大,砂浆的物理力学性能得到改善,其中砂浆的抗渗性能随Vf的增加而明显提高,但当Vf过大时,对改善砂浆的抗渗性能效果甚微.  相似文献   

为了探究铁矿尾矿砂抗剪强度参数随固结度的变化规律,分别对不同固结度、不同干密度的铁矿尾矿砂进行三轴固结不排水试验(CU试验),以总应力法和有效应力法得到尾矿砂的抗剪强度参数及有效抗剪强度参数。分析表明,对于同一干密度的尾矿砂,随着固结度的增加,抗剪强度指标及有效抗剪强度指标均逐渐增加。固结度的变化对黏聚力c及有效黏聚力c′影响较小,对内摩擦角φ以及有效内摩擦角φ′影响较大。φ及φ′随着干密度的增加成线性增长趋势,且不同固结度下的γd-φ曲线、γd-φ′曲线拟合度较高。因此,在尾矿坝稳定性评价及安全管理中,考虑尾矿砂的抗剪强度随固结度的不同而变化,可使尾矿坝稳定性分析更符合实际情况。  相似文献   

通过室内三轴快剪、无侧限抗压和无侧限贯入抗拉试验,对兰州九州开发区重塑黄土的抗拉特性进行对比性试验研究。结果表明:抗拉强度随含水量呈二次多项式递减关系;抗拉破坏时的贯入深度随含水量的增长呈现先减小后增大趋势,随干密度的增加呈现先增大后减小的趋势;抗拉强度远小于无侧限抗压强度,且无侧限抗压与抗拉强度呈线性递增关系;无侧限抗压和抗拉强度与黏聚力和内摩擦角正切值的乘积均呈指数递增关系。  相似文献   

通过室内三轴快剪、无侧限抗压和无侧限贯入抗拉试验,对兰州九州开发区重塑黄土的抗拉特性进行对比性试验研究。结果表明:抗拉强度随含水量呈二次多项式递减关系;抗拉破坏时的贯入深度随含水量的增长呈现先减小后增大趋势,随干密度的增加呈现先增大后减小的趋势;抗拉强度远小于无侧限抗压强度,且无侧限抗压与抗拉强度呈线性递增关系;无侧限抗压和抗拉强度与黏聚力和内摩擦角正切值的乘积均呈指数递增关系。  相似文献   

聚合物砂浆嵌缝加固石墙灰缝抗剪性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据条石砌筑石墙的砌筑和构造特点,提出了采用聚合物砂浆对石墙进行嵌缝抗震加固的方法。通过对12片聚合物砂浆嵌缝加固的双剪试件和12片有垫片干砌甩浆砌筑的对比试件进行抗剪性能试验研究,探讨采用聚合物砂浆嵌缝加固对石墙通缝抗剪承载能力的提高效果,分析不同砂浆强度、不同压应力水平下的嵌缝加固情况。试验结果表明,聚合物砂浆嵌缝加固能有效提高石墙灰缝的抗剪承载能力和剪切变形能力。在低砂浆强度、低压应力水平的情况下,其加固效果更明显。在试验的基础上,提出了聚合物砂浆嵌缝加固后石墙通缝的抗剪强度计算公式,计算值与试验值吻合良好。本文提供的内容可供石墙抗震加固研究和工程应用借鉴参考。  相似文献   

Isotopic climate records in tree rings were obtained by the δD analyses of the hydrogen in cellulose nitrate extracted from tree rings in a Scots pine from Loch Affric, Scotland, and from a bristlecone pine from the White Mountains, California. This method of analysis measures δD values of only the isotopically non-exchangeable hydrogen of the cellulose in wood and thus eliminates serious complications in the δD record caused by the chemical heterogeneity of wood and by the isotopic exchangeability of some of its hydrogen. The average δD values of the two pines are markedly different, reflecting the contrasting climates of the two areas. The bristlecone δD record contains a 22-year periodicity perhaps recording a possible 20- to 22-year periodicity of drought conditions in the Great Plains of North America. There is no such significant periodicity in the δD record of the Scots pine.The long-term δD trends in the two pines, as represented by 40-year running averages of the δD data, correlate linearly over the time period 1841–1970 A.D., which is the total growth period of the Scots pine. The long-term δD trend of the Scots pine correlates well with the 1841–1970 winter temperatures of Edinburgh, Scotland.The long-term δD trend of the bristlecone pine, which extends over the time period 970–1970 A.D., correlates qualitatively with long-term climatic trends estimated by LaMarche from tree ring width data and by Lamb from many sources of climatic data.δD analyses were also made on early and late woods from the same annual ring. The δD values of these woods differ to various degrees and the sign of the difference can also vary.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the non-linear seismic behavior of structures such as slender unreinforced masonry shear walls or precast post-tensioned reinforced concrete elements, which have little hysteretic energy dissipation capacity. Even if this type of seismic response may be associated with significant deformation capacity, it is usually not considered as an efficient mechanism to withstand strong earthquakes. The objective of the investigations is to propose values of strength reduction factors for seismic analysis of such structures. The first part of the study is focused on non-linear single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems. A parametric study is performed by computing the displacement ductility demand of non-linear SDOF systems for a set of 164 recorded ground motions selected from the European Strong Motion Database. The parameters investigated are the natural frequency, the strength reduction factor, the post-yield stiffness ratio, the hysteretic energy dissipation capacity and the hysteretic behavior model (four different hysteretic models: bilinear self-centring, with limited or without energy dissipation capacity, modified Takeda and Elastoplastic). Results confirm that the natural frequency has little influence on the displacement ductility demand if it is below a frequency limit and vice versa. The frequency limit is found to be around 2 Hz for all hysteretic models. Moreover, they show that the other parameters, especially the hysteretic behavior model, have little influence on the displacement ductility demand. New relationships between the displacement ductility demand and the strength reduction factor for structures having little hysteretic energy dissipation capacity are proposed. These relationships are an improvement of the equal displacement rule for the considered hysteretic models. In the second part of the investigation, the parametric study is extended to multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems. The investigation shows that the results obtained for SDOF systems are also valid for MDOF systems. However, the SDOF system overestimates the displacement ductility demand in comparison to the corresponding MDOF system by approximately 15%.  相似文献   

捏拢效应与P-Δ效应对地震延性需求和损伤指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中定量地分析了捏拢效应和P-Δ效应对非弹性单自由度体系的地震延性需求和Park-Ang地震损伤指标的概率统计特征的影响。采用Bouc-W en模型描述具有P-Δ效应、捏拢效应、强度退化、刚度退化等典型特性的恢复力-位移滞回曲线;根据非弹性单自由度体系在69条强震记录作用下的动力响应,定量地分析了捏拢效应和P-Δ效应对地震延性需求和Park-Ang地震损伤指标的均值和变异系数的影响,并建立了地震延性需求的概率预测模型。计算结果表明,捏拢效应和由重力引起的P-Δ效应对地震延性需求的影响较大,而由竖向地震激励引起的P-Δ效应对地震延性需求的影响很小;对于短周期体系,建议采用对数正态或Frechet分布来描述地震延性需求的概率分布;对于长周期体系,采用Frechet分布则更为合理。  相似文献   

A set of reinforced concrete structures with gravitational loads and mechanical properties (strength and stiffness) representative of systems designed for earthquake resistance in accordance with current criteria and methods is selected to study the influence of dynamic soil–structure interaction on seismic response, ductility demands and reliability levels. The buildings are considered located at soft soil sites in the Valley of Mexico and subjected to ground motion time histories simulated in accordance with characteristic parameters of the maximum probable earthquake likely to occur during the system's expected life. For the near‐resonance condition the effects of soil–structure interaction on the ductility demands depend mainly on radiation damping. According to the geometry of the structures studied this damping is strongly correlated with the aspect ratio, obtained by dividing the building height by its width. In this way, for structures with aspect ratio greater than 1.4 the storey and global ductility demands increase with respect to those obtained with the same structures but on rigid base, while for structures with aspect ratio less than 1.4 the ductility demands decrease with respect to those for the structures on rigid base. For the cases when the fundamental period of the structure has values very different from the dominant ground period, soil–structure interaction leads in all cases to a reduction of the ductility demands, independently of the aspect ratio. The reliability index β is obtained as a function of the base shear ratio and of the seismic intensity acting on the nonlinear systems subjected to the simulated motions. The resulting reliability functions are very similar for systems on rigid or on flexible foundation, provided that in the latter case the base rotation and the lateral displacement are removed from the total response of the system. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

综合考虑强度退化、刚度退化、捏拢效应等典型滞回特性的影响,建立了双向地震作用下平面不对称结构非弹性地震动力响应分析的平扭耦联Bouc-Wen模型.该模型采用圆形屈服面来描述双向抗侧恢复力之间的耦合效应,而采用锥体或球体屈服面来描述双向抗侧和抗扭恢复力之间的耦合效应,并结合69条强震记录,定量地分析了平扭耦联效应对平面不...  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic performance of a composite frame comprised of steel reinforced ultra high-strength concrete (SRUHSC) columns and steel reinforced concrete (SRC) beams, six interior frame joint specimens were designed and tested under low cyclically lateral load. The effects of the axial load ratio and volumetric stirrup ratio were studied on the characteristics of the frame joint performance including crack pattern, failure mode, ductility, energy dissipation capacity, strength degradation and rigidity degradation. It was found that all joint specimens behaved in a ductile manner with flexural-shear failure in the joint core region while plastic hinges appeared at the beam ends. The ductility and energy absorption capacity of joints increased as the axial load ratio decreased and the volumetric stirrup ratio increased. The displacement ductility coefficient and equivalent damping coefficient of the joints fell between the corresponding coefficients of the steel reinforced concrete (SRC) frame joint and RC frame joint. The axial load ratio and volumetric stirrup ratio have less influence on the strength degradation and more influence on the stiffness degradation. The stiffness of the joint degrades more significantly for a low volumetric stirrup ratio and high axial load ratio. The characteristics obtained from the SRUHSC composite frame joint specimens with better seismic performance may be a useful reference in future engineering applications.  相似文献   

双向地震动作用的拟等延性系数谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先建立了以强度折减系数表述的恢复力特性满足二维屈服面模型的理想弹塑性单质点系统(它在2个相互垂直的主轴方向上分别具有水平平动自由度)在双向地震动作用下的归一化运动方程。然后引入单向地震动作用下等延性系数的强度折减系数谱,给出了双向地震动作用的拟等延性系数谱(定义为系统分别承受双向和单向地震动作用,在同一主轴方向上的最大位移反应之比)最后通过硬土场地10组双向地震动记录拟等延性系数谱的统计平均结果,分析了结构周期、位移延性系数和阻尼等因素对谱值及结构双向地震反应的影响。结果表明,双向地震动作用与单向地震动作用相比主要增加结构较长周期方向的最大位移反应。若在基于位移的抗震设计中降低结构较短周期方向的设计位移延性系数,可在一定程度上降低双向地震动的不利影响。因定义的谱为比值形式,阻尼对其影响不大。  相似文献   

方钢管混凝土柱的延性系数   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
在空钢管中填充混凝土可以避免或延缓钢管早地发生局部屈曲,可以有效地提高构件的延性,从而增强构件的抗震性能,本文研究钢管混凝土桩的延性性能,本文首先提出方钢管混凝土柱延性系数的计算方法,然后,在大规模参数分析结构的基础上,考察了轴压比,长细比,含钢率,钢材屈服极限和混凝土抗压强度等参数对延性系数的影响规律,本文的研究成果可供有关工程实践参考。  相似文献   

型钢高强混凝土柱抗震性能的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
通过14根型钢高强混凝土柱的低周反复加载试验,得到了型钢高强混凝土柱在压、弯、剪共同作用下的主要破坏形态,并探讨了剪跨比、配箍率、混凝土强度对型钢高强混凝土柱滞回曲线、耗能能力以及延性的影响。试验结果表明,型钢高强混凝土柱具有抵御二次地震作用的能力,其抗震性能优于钢筋混凝土柱。  相似文献   

剪切型结构的抗震强度折减系数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究剪切型结构抗震强度需求的变化规律,本文基于单自由度体系的非线性时程分析,研究了不同场地条件下延性折减系数与位移延性系数和结构自振周期的关系;采用修正等效单自由度体系位移延性折减系数的方法,研究了剪切型多自由度体系的延性折减系数;以基于中国建筑抗震规范设计的代表不同抗震能力要求的RC框架结构为分析对象,通过静力弹塑性分析,研究了RC框架结构的体系超强能力。分析结果表明场地类别、位移延性水准和结构振动周期对单自由度体系的延性折减系数有显著的影响;多自由度体系的抗震延性折减系数明显比其相应的等效单自由度体系的抗震延性折减系数小;RC框架结构的超强系数一般随结构楼层数的增加而减小,随抗震设防烈度的增大而减小,内框架的超强系数比边框架的超强系数大。  相似文献   

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