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通常认为,磷是湖泊富营养化的主要限制因子,因此控制湖泊磷浓度和水平被认为是湖泊治理的关键.在外源磷输入得到有效控制之后,湖泊富营养化仍可持续几十年,这主要归咎于内源磷的释放.底泥原位化学钝化控磷技术因其操作性强、控磷效果明显,而被广泛作为湖泊内源磷的控制技术之一,而钝化材料的研发和应用是本项技术的核心.在世界范围内,研...  相似文献   

湖泊底泥疏浚环境效应:Ⅰ.内源磷释放控制作用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
通过为期一年的疏浚模拟试验,在试验室培养疏浚与对照柱样研究了底泥疏浚对内源磷释放的控制效果.结果发现,疏浚表层30cm能够有效的消减沉积物中不f司形态磷含量与孔隙水中PO4^3-P含量.在一年的试验周期内,疏浚和对照柱沉积物-水界面的PO4^3-P通量分别为-143.8至14.4与-237.3至3047.6μg/(m^2·d),疏浚柱沉积物-水界面的磷通量总体上低于未疏浚对照的磷通量,尤其是在温度较高的月份,从2006年3-10月疏浚柱沉积物-水界面磷释放通量显著低于未疏浚对照柱,疏浚沉积物的磷的释放潜力低于未疏浚对照沉积物.研究结果表明,在外源磷得到有效控制的前提下,底泥疏浚是消减研究区内源磷负荷有效的技术手段.  相似文献   

白洋淀沉积物氮磷赋存特征及其内源负荷   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
杜奕衡  刘成  陈开宁  古小治  黄蔚  韦众 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1537-1551
白洋淀环境整治对区域生态文明建设具有重要意义,然而,目前对加剧白洋淀富营养化的内源氮、磷污染负荷依然缺乏系统的研究.本研究以野外调研和室内培养实验相结合形式,在白洋淀主要水域内采集原位柱状沉积物样品,详细地研究了白洋淀沉积物中氮、磷赋存形态、间隙水中氮、磷剖面特征以及沉积物-水界面氮、磷交换特征.结果表明,白洋淀沉积物总氮、总磷含量分别为1230.8~9559.0 mg/kg(均值2379.5 mg/kg)和344.4~915.4 mg/kg(均值608.4 mg/kg),氮、磷累积污染量大.沉积物中铵态氮赋存量大(3.2~175.8 mg/kg),由此导致间隙水中铵态氮浓度较高,最高达到28.8 mg/L.沉积物磷形态以Ca-P和Fe-P为主,分别占总量的38.3%~76.1%和3.98%~18.0%,间隙水中磷酸盐浓度已接近甚至高于国内外典型富营养湖区.间隙水中高浓度的铵态氮和磷酸盐导致沉积物-水界面氮、磷交换通量较高,铵态氮平均释放和扩散通量分别为106.37和12.42 mg/(m2·d);磷酸盐平均释放和扩散通量分别为15.06和2.33 mg/(m2·d),沉积物内源氮、磷污染负荷较高,已严重威胁到白洋淀水环境质量,迫切需要整治.其中,北部河口区域以及中部府河入湖区和人口密集活动区沉积物氮、磷内源负荷尤为突出,应成为白洋淀沉积物内源污染整治的关键区域.  相似文献   

选取贵州红枫湖为研究对象,在实验室条件下模拟了自然、好氧和厌氧条件下沉积物内源磷的释放过程,联合应用微电极技术和沉积物磷形态分析对沉积物—水界面开展了微尺度观测与研究.结果表明,厌氧条件下红枫湖沉积物总磷含量显著降低,且主要是NaOH提取态磷(NaOH-P)和残渣态磷(rest-P)含量降低所致,厌氧条件下沉积物孔隙水中磷酸盐浓度明显升高,而好氧条件下沉积物孔隙水磷酸盐浓度显著降低,反映厌氧条件显著促进了红枫湖沉积物磷释放.厌氧条件下沉积物内部溶解氧浓度下降、硫还原活动增强可能是导致NaOH-P释放的主要原因.O_2浓度的降低加速了沉积物还原作用并产生大量H2S,进而与二价铁离子形成硫化亚铁沉淀,最终导致NaOH-P(Fe-P)释放到孔隙水中.好氧条件向厌氧条件的转换可通过改变沉积物内部pH值分布和微生物活动促使rest-P释放:厌氧条件下,厌氧微生物不仅可以消耗硫酸根产生H_2S,导致pH值降低,还可消耗有机质,将有机磷转变为无机磷.上述研究结果表明,沉积物—水界面氧化还原环境可影响沉积物氧渗透深度、pH值分布、微生物活动、硫循环以及有机质降解过程,进而控制沉积物磷的形态转化与释放.联合应用微电极技术和沉积物磷形态分析对湖泊沉积物—水界面开展微尺度观测研究是揭示沉积物内源磷释放机制与控制因素的有效途径.  相似文献   

Lake sediment can sequestrate large amounts of carbon and this issue has become a research hotspot. However, most of research on carbon burial in lakes is based on a single (or a few) sediment core records and so may underestimate the variability of carbon burial features within a single lake. In this study, therefore, Chaohu Lake, a typical large shallow lake in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, was selected to conduct multiple, high resolution sediment core studies to elucidate that variability. Overall 18 sediment cores are analyzed according to paleolimnological proxies (including 210Pb/137Cs for 3 master cores); sediment accumulation rate, total organic carbon, grain size and loss of ignition is measured or estimated for most cores. The spatiotemporal variations of organic carbon burial rate (OCBR), carbon storage and their driving factors were examined. Results show: 1) There was a clear temporal difference in carbon burial during the past 150 years, with OCBR varying from 1.1 g C/m2/y to 25.6 g C/m2/y (mean 9.8 g C/m2/y). OCBR began to increase after around 1900, a rapid increase followed after 1950s and a downward trend after 1970s. Total carbon burial amount (OCBA) in the lake since the 1850s is 1.11 x 1010 g. 2) The average OCBR of six sediment cores in the northwest lake area is 13.4 g C/m2/y, significantly higher than that for sediment cores in other areas (9.6 g C/m2/y). 3) TOC, OCBR, OCBA in all 18 cores exhibited similar temporal patterns (i.e. marked increase since 1950s in most of the cores) but with significant differences in several lake locations. 4) During the last 150 years, carbon burial in Chaohu Lake appears to be greatly affected by changes in regional temperature and population size, according to their significant correlations. OCBR also has a significant correlation with the average lake level in the past 50 years, indicating human activity (notably dam building). This has imposed an important impact on OCBR in Chaohu Lake. This multi-sediment core study reveals the spatiotemporal characteristics of carbon burial in the lake and provides an important basis for increasing the accuracy of calculating carbon storage in large shallow lakes.  相似文献   

The vertical sediment profiles (10 cm) of the margins of three shallow subtropical lakes (Rio Grande, Brazil) with different trophic states and surrounding areas were evaluated to identify the effects of the allochthonous input on the methane concentration in the sediment. Sediment cores were collected to quantify the organic matter content (OM) and total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP) and methane (CH4) concentrations.The three lakes were distinguished according to the trophic status and classified as oligotrophic, dystrophic and eutrophic. The natural characteristics of the dystrophic and eutrophic lakes have been changed due to the allochthonous input of leaves and twigs (Eucalyptus sp.) and the excreta of birds, respectively. In the eutrophic lake, the allochthonous input contributed to high autochthonous production. The highest values of OM, TC, TN and TP were found in the superficial sediments of the dystrophic and eutrophic lakes. The accumulation of allochthonous organic matter in the littoral zone promoted changes in the vertical sediment profiles and contributed to increases in the CH4 concentrations in the sediment.  相似文献   

研究南四湖消落带底泥有机磷赋存形态及分布特征,有利于全面揭示湖区各形态磷迁移转化规律,对南四湖富营养化防控及南水北调东线调水水质保障具有重要的科学意义。以南四湖消落带底泥为研究对象,采用改进Hedley连续分级提取法测定底泥中各形态有机磷含量,通过紫外可见分光光谱与三维荧光光谱技术表征底泥有机分子结构特征及稳定性,反映消落带有机磷结构及稳定性差异,运用Pearson相关性分析及主成分分析解析底泥各形态磷与其他理化指标的相关性。研究结果表明,南四湖消落带底泥总磷含量均值为679.90 mg/kg,其中有机磷(OP)占比20.03%~45.69%。各赋存形态有机磷含量及相对比例大小依次为:残渣态有机磷(67.58%)>钙结合态有机磷(16.61%)>铁/铝结合态有机磷(7.62%)>碳酸氢钠提取态有机磷(5.97%)>水提取态有机磷(2.22%)。南四湖消落带底泥OP含量及形态主要受内源影响,主要来自内源性微生物代谢。南四湖消落带西岸底泥磷释放风险高于东岸和南岸消落带。相关性分析发现,消落带底泥pH与磷含量显著负相关,表明随着底泥碱性的增强可能导致底泥磷向水体中释放的风险更高;底泥有机质与OP显著正相关,表明有机质可能是OP的重要载体;主成分分析发现底泥各形态磷呈正相关性,表明消落带底泥各形态磷具有同源性。研究结果可为南四湖湖区内源磷释放控制及富营养化风险防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

湖泊水华存在复杂的生消过程,然而目前较多研究聚焦在水华持续阶段对湖泊生态系统的影响,却较少关注水华生消过程对湖泊水体和沉积物理化性质的影响.以巢湖为对象,根据历史资料确定水华区和非水华区,在相同位点分别于水华形成前期、形成期、持续期和消亡期采集水体和沉积物样品,分析水华生消过程对湖泊水体和沉积物理化指标及营养盐的影响.结果表明,巢湖研究区域水华形成期为5月中旬至6月中旬,持续期为6月中旬至9月上旬,之后进入水华消亡期.水体透明度、p H值和溶解氧在水华区与非水华区大部分时间存在显著差异,且随水华生消过程呈现不同的变化趋势,但水温、氧化还原电位和电导率在水华区和非水华区无显著差异,并随水华生消过程呈现相同的变化趋势.非水华区水体和沉积物中各形态氮、磷浓度明显低于水华区,且随时间变化幅度相对较小.在水华区,水体氮、磷浓度(总溶解性氮、硝态氮、氨氮、总氮、总溶解性磷、磷酸盐)在水华形成期和水华持续前期呈下降趋势,但在水华持续后期和水华消亡期呈增加趋势;沉积物氮、磷浓度(总氮、总磷)和总有机质含量显著高于非水华区,三者在水华区和非水华区随水华生消过程呈现不同的变化趋势.研究表明,水华生消过程对湖泊营养盐和水体及沉积物性质有不同的影响,这对湖泊富营养化治理和水华防治具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Lake sedimentation has a fundamental impact on lake lifetime. In this paper, we show how sensitive calculation of the latter is to the quality of data available and assumptions made during analysis. Based on the collection of a large new dataset, we quantify the sediment masses (1) mobilized on the hillslopes draining towards Lake Tana (Ethiopia), (2) stored in the floodplains, (3) transported into the lake, (4) deposited in the lake and (5) delivered out from the lake so as to establish a sediment budget. In 2012–2013, suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and discharge measurements were made at 13 monitoring stations, including two lake outlets. Altogether, 4635 SSC samples were collected and sediment rating curves that account for land cover conditions and rainfall seasonality were established for the 11 river stations, and mean monthly SSC was calculated for the outlets. Effects of the floodplain on rivers' sediment yield (SY) were investigated using measurements at both sides of the floodplains. SY from ungauged rivers was assessed using a model that includes catchment area and rainfall, whereas bedload and direct sediment input from lake shores were estimated. As a result, the gross annual SY was c. 39.55 (± 0.15) Mt, dominantly from Gilgel Abay and Gumara Rivers. The 2.57 (± 0.17) Mt sediment deposited in floodplains indicate that the floodplains serve as an important sediment sink. Moreover, annually c. 1.09 Mt of sediment leaves the lake through the two outlets. Annual sediment deposition in the lake was c. 36.97 (± 0.22) Mt and organic matter accumulation was 2.15 Mt, with a mean sediment trapping efficiency of 97%. Furthermore, SSC and SY are generally higher at the beginning of the rainy season because soils in cultivated fields are bare and loose due to frequent ploughing and seedbed preparation. Later in the season, increased crop and vegetation cover lead to a decrease in sediment production. Based on the established sediment budget with average rainfall, the lifetime of Lake Tana was estimated as 764 to 1032 years, which is shorter than what was anticipated in earlier studies. The sedimentation rate of Lake Tana (11.7 ± 0.1 kg m?2 yr?1) is in line with the sedimentation rates of larger lakes in the world, like Lake Dongting and Lake Kivu. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two lead-210 (210Pb) dated sediment cores from Chapala Lake were studied to identify the mineral composition of the sediments and to discuss its relation with trace metals. Minerals and trace metals reflected the domain of volcanic rocks (i.e. basalts, rhyolite and andesite) that characterize Chapala Lake and the Lerma River watershed. Redundancy analyses (RDA) were used to identify the sedimentary variables (magnetic susceptibility, organic matter, sand content, and mineral composition) that could be related to elemental composition. Despite the distance between the two cores (7.3 km) and hydrodynamic circulation the RDA showed that the main mechanism that controls the input of mineral species, and, therefore, element distributions in the lacustrine sediment of Chapala Lake, is related to the weathering of volcanic rocks in the Lerma-Chapala watershed, the consequent runoff and transport of fine grained catchment materials, and later in-lake processes. These findings highlight the importance of controlling watershed erosion to contribute to the improvement of the environmental quality of the lake.  相似文献   

贵州红枫湖沉积物磷赋存形态及沉积历史   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:34  
采集了云贵高原深水湖泊红枫湖现代沉积物未受扰动的柱状样品,通过分析不同形态沉积磷在沉积剖面上的分布特征,并结合沉积物样品柱的210Pb、137Cs年代学研究结果,揭示了红枫湖现代沉积过程中不同形态沉积磷的早期成岩改造的时间变化序列,以及沉积磷外源输入负荷的历史变化.采用Ruttenberg法分析沉积磷的地球化学赋存形态,研究表明,红枫湖沉积物中有机磷和铁结合态磷是沉积磷的主要赋存形态,分别占沉积全磷的60%和28%.沉积磷在垂直剖面上的分布特征显示,红枫湖现代沉积过程中,沉积磷在最终埋藏前可能发生非常剧烈的形态转化和再迁移,尤其是有机磷和铁结合态磷的成岩改造可能是湖泊系统磷循环质量平衡的重要方面.年代学数据同时表明,近年的人为活动导致湖泊系统(包括沉积物)磷负荷的显著增加.  相似文献   

长江中下游湖泊沉积物生物可利用磷分布特征   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
利用化学提取方法对太湖6个样点,巢湖4个样点和龙感湖3个样点的表层沉积物和沉积物柱样进行了生物可利用磷(BAP)测定.北太湖表层沉积物的平均含量为259.5mg/kg,而西部湖区平均含量为114 6mg/kg,湖心区平均含量为40.6 mg/kg,而东太湖平均含量为50.7 mg/kg,呈显著北高南低的特点.巢湖西部湖区表层沉积物的BAP平均含量为 254.2 mg/kg,而东部湖区BAP含量降低为101.9mg/kg.龙感湖表层沉积物BAP平均含量为67.8 mg/kg.显著表明污染程度较高的湖区沉积物的BAP相应较高.BAP在沉积物中随深度呈指数降低,显示生物可利用磷在沉积作用下向稳定的非活性磷转化.夏季沉积物中的BAP由于生物活性的增强向溶解态活性磷转化过程增强,显示为较低的BAP含量.BAP 含量与水体溶解态活性磷呈正相关关系,且该相关性在BAP含量较低的样点好于高BAP的样点.  相似文献   

Little is known about the distribution and risk levels of nutrients and organic matter(OM) in the surface sediment of shallow submerged macrophyte-dominated lakes. In the current study, sixty surface sediment samples were collected from Xukou Bay, a typical submerged macrophyte-dominated zone in Lake Taihu, China. A 60-day degradation experiment of Potamogeton malaianus, a dominant species in the bay,was done in the laboratory. The results demonstrated that the ranges of total nitrogen(TN) and t...  相似文献   

Most sulphur diagenesis models predict that SO42- concentrations decrease exponentially with increasing sediment depth and are lower than that of the overlying water throughout the sediments. Low SO42- concentrations (less than 0.2 mM) are common in the sediments of Lake Anna that receive acid mine drainage; however, sediment with as much as 20 mM SO42- at about 20cm below the sediment surface is also seen in this section of the lake. A decision tree was proposed to investigate the cause of the high SO42- concentrations at depth (HSD) in the sediment. The first possibility proposed was that an increase in the quantity of groundwater flowing through Lake Anna sediments may increase groundwater advection of SO42- or oxygen which would induce sulphide oxidation. This hypothesis was tested by measuring groundwater flow. HSD profiles were found in a discrete region of the lake; however, stations having these profiles did not have higher groundwater flow than other sites sampled. Alternate explanations for the HSD profiles were that the region in which they occurred had: (1) unusual sediment chemical compositions; (2) a different source of regional groundwater, or (3) a lateral intrusion of high SO42- groundwater. There were no differences in sulphide and organic matter concentrations between the two regions. The area which has HSD in the sediment covers a large area in the middle of the lake, so it is unlikely that it has a unique source of regional groundwater. The third alternative was supported by the fact that in all three sample years, HSD stations were located in the preimpoundment stream channel, which is a likely lateral flow path for groundwater containing high SO42- concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper describes the geochemistry of sediment samples placed in floodplains and alluvial terraces downstream from gold mines in the Carmo River basin, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The geochemistry signature Na2O, K2O, SiO2, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, TiO2, P2O5, Mn, As, Cu, Zn, Ba, Ni, Cr, S, Co were analyzed in different facies from stratigraphic profiles. As, Cu, Zn, and Mn anomalies are mainly associated with the clayed facies deposited in floodplains and oxbow lakes, and with coarse‐sediment facies deposited in the channel. The facies were accumulated by the gold exploitation activity in the region. The contamination of As, Cu, and Zn was controlled by minerals such as iron oxides and hydroxides (hematite, magnetite, and mainly goethite), manganese oxides, and sulfide‐rich minerals. The As‐bearing sediments of the region characterize one of the most As contaminated area of Brazil. Their main source is associated with gold exploration in the last three centuries.  相似文献   

Six stations along the Upper Rhone River above Lake Geneva were sampled by continuous flow centrifuge for recovery of suspended sediment. The samples were taken four times, once in 1982 and three times in 1983. In addition the mouth of the river was sampled in a like manner every two weeks during 1982 until August 1983. Samples were analysed for the major elements SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, MgO, Na2O, CaO, and Fe2O3; for trace elements, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, and Cr; for Org. C and Kjeldahl N; and the forms of phosphorus bound as Organic P (OP), Apatite P (AP), and Non Apatite Inorganic P (NAIP). The major elements and trace metals confirmed that there is virtually no change in the major geochemical characteristics of the suspended solids in the Rhone, spatially or temporally, indicating that this river is a well-mixed sedimentary system. AP also remained consistent in concentration throughout the year. Sediment recovered during the winter low flow, low turbidity period has been designated SED 1 whereas sediment from the high flow, high turbidity summer condition of the river has been designated SED 2. Org C, OP, and NAIP show a dramatic decrease in concentration from SED 1 to SED 2. The decline is ascribed to dilution of a relatively constant supply of organic matter and phosphorus derived mainly from point source sewage treatment plants to the Rhone. This results in variable partitioning of the OP/NAIP and Org C under the different turbidity condition in the river between winter and summer. This interpretation is confirmed by a low and consistent C-N ratio which except for March remains below 10. Higher values in March may be indicative of soil erosion during spring melt in the agricultural lands of the Rhone Valley. The estimated proportion of particulate bio-available phosphorus is 14 per cent for SED 1 and 7 per cent for SED 2. These low values would suggest that there would be no observable direct effect on the primary production of the receiving waters of Lake Geneva, which would thus respond only to the cumulative loading of phosphorus from the Rhone River.  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand changes in the biogeochemical processing of organic matter (OM) in response to multiple stressors (e.g., littoral area expansion, wastewater input, and hydrological regulation) in East Dongting Lake (Central China) over the past 60 years, using analyses of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), C/N ratios, δ13C, δ15N, and diatoms from 2 sediment cores collected from the littoral and central parts of the lake. OM mainly originated from phytoplankton and C3 plant‐derived soil OM based on the ranges of C/N ratios (from 7 to 11) and δ13C (between ?27‰ and ?23‰). Littoral area expansion due to siltation caused an increasing influx of terrestrial soil OM in the 1980s and the 1990s, subsequently lowering δ13C values and rising C/N ratios in both sediment cores. Meanwhile, higher δ15N was linked to a high influx of isotopically heavy nitrate from urban and agricultural wastewaters. After 2000, slight decreases in TOC and TN in the littoral area were attributable to reducing inputs of external OM, likely linked to declining sediment influx from the upper reaches resulting from the Three Gorges Dam impoundment. Contrasting increases in TOC, TN, and C/N ratios in the central part indicated a high influx of terrestrial soil OM due to the declining distance from the shoreline with littoral area expansion. Declining δ15N values after 2000 indicated an increase in N2‐fixing cyanobacteria with eutrophication. Changes in diatom assemblages in both the littoral and central zones reflected nutrient enrichment and hydrological alterations. These results indicate that littoral expansion, declining riverine influx, and anthropogenic nutrient inputs are potential driving forces for the biogeochemical processing of OM in floodplain lakes. This study provides sedimentary biogeochemical clues for tracking past limnological conditions of floodplain lakes that are subjected to increasing disturbances from hydrological regulation and eutrophication.  相似文献   

Forms of phosphorus in sediments from 25 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River were analyzed by the sequential extraction procedure. Contents and spatial distrubution of algal available phosphorus (AAP) in sediments of Lake Taihu, the third largest freshwater lake of China, were also studied. Relationships between phosphorus forms in sediment and macrophytes coverage in sample sites, as well as phosphorus forms in sediments and chlorophyal contents in lake water were discussed. Exchangeable form of phosphorus (Ex-P) in surface sediments was significantly positive correlative to total phosphorus (IP), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) contents in the lake water. Bioavailable phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in sediments from macrophytes dominant sites were significantly lower than that in no macrophyte sites. In Lake Taihu, Ex-P content in top 3 cm sediment was highest. However, content of ferric fraction phosphorus (Fe-P) was highest in 4 - 10 cm. Bioavalilble phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in surface sediments positively correlated to Chlorophyll a contents in water of Lake Taihu with significant difference. Therefore, contents of Bio-P and AAP could be acted as the indicators of risks of internal release of phosphorus in the shallow lakes. It was estimated that there were 268.6 ton AAP in top 1 cm sediments in Lake Taihu. Sediment suspension caused by strong wind-induced wave disturbance could carry plenty of AAP into water in large shallow lakes like Lake Taihu.  相似文献   

Forms of phosphorus in sediments from 25 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River were analyzed by the sequential extraction procedure. Contents and spatial distrubution of algal available phosphorus (AAP) in sediments of Lake Taihu, the third largest freshwater lake of China, were also studied. Relationships between phosphorus forms in sediment and macrophytes coverage in sample sites, as well as phosphorus forms in sediments and chlorophyal contents in lake water were discussed. Exchangeable form of phosphorus (Ex-P) in surface sediments was significantly positive correlative to total phosphorus (TP), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) contents in the lake water. Bioavailable phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in sediments from macrophytes dominant sites were significantly lower than that in no macrophyte sites. In Lake Taihu, Ex-P content in top 3 cm sediment was highest. However, content of ferric fraction phosphorus (Fe-P) was highest in 4–10 cm. Bioavalilble phosphorus (Bio-P) contents in surface sediments positively correlated to Chlorophyll a contents in water of Lake Taihu with significant difference. Therefore, contents of Bio-P and AAP could be acted as the indicators of risks of internal release of phosphorus in the shallow lakes. It was estimated that there were 268.6 ton AAP in top 1 cm sediments in Lake Taihu. Sediment suspension caused by strong wind-induced wave disturbance could carry plenty of AAP into water in large shallow lakes like Lake Taihu.  相似文献   

This study investigates the consequences of flocculation for sediment flux in glacier‐fed Lillooet Lake, British Columbia based on density, fractal dimension, in situ profiles of sediment concentration and size distribution, and settling velocity equations presented in the literature. Sediment flux attributed to macroflocs during the late spring and summer accounts for a significant portion of sediment flux in the lake, equivalent to at least one‐quarter of the average annual sediment flux. Fine sediment is reaching the lake floor faster in flocs than occurs if settling as individual grains. This flux varies both spatially and temporally over the observation period, suggesting a link between deposition via flocculation and the properties of bottom sediments. Macrofloc flux increased through June, reached a peak during July, and then declined into August. Macrofloc flux was greatest in the distal end of the first basin, approximately 10 km from the point of inflow. Relatively high excess densities (~0·1 g cm–3 at 500 µm) for flocs in situ are consistent with a composition dominated by inorganic primary particles. Microlaminations within Lillooet Lake varves have been linked by earlier workers to discharge events, and the action of turbidity currents, emanating from the Lillooet River. While turbidity currents undoubtedly occur in Lillooet Lake, these results demonstrate flocculation as an adjunct process linking discharge, lake level, macrofloc flux, bulk density and microlaminations. In situ measurements of sediment settling velocity in glacier‐fed lakes are required to better constrain flux rates, and permit comparison between flocculation in lacustrine environments with existing studies of estuarine, marine and fluvial flocculation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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