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目的:探讨16排螺旋CT三维及最大密度重建技术在肝癌动门脉分流诊断中的应用价值.方法:对64例肝癌伴动门脉分流患者的16排螺旋CT增强图像进行三维及最大密度重建,并对重建图像进行观察和分析(与CT轴位图像和数字减影血管造影图像进行对照).结果:16排螺旋CT三维及最大密度重建技术能全面、直观、多方位地显示肝癌动门脉分流的影像征象,并能较好显示动门脉分流导致的血液动力学改变.结论:16排螺旋CT三维及最大密度重建作为轴位CT图像的重要后处理技术,具有无创、直观、快速显示肝癌动门脉分流各种影像征象的特点,为临床诊断和治疗肝癌动门脉分流提供可靠的依据.  相似文献   

目的:探讨全身18F-FDG PET/CT联合神经元抗体检测在神经系统副肿瘤综合征(PNS)患者诊疗中的应用价值。方法:回顾性收集56例临床疑诊PNS患者的临床、神经副肿瘤抗体检测及全身18F-FDG PET/CT资料,对照病理及临床随访结果,利用ROC曲线评价PET/CT、神经元抗体及二者联合检测结果的诊断效能。结果:56例疑诊PNS患者中,共有肿瘤患者20例,其中肿瘤伴PNS 19例,肿瘤伴脊髓转移1例。18F-FDG PET/CT显像提示肿瘤或可能肿瘤23例,其中20例为真阳性,3例为假阳性(随访结果分别为反流性食管炎、反应性骨改变、颈部炎性病变),其余33例为真阴性;敏感度、特异度、准确度分别为100.0%、91.7%、94.6%。神经元抗体阳性33例,其中PNS伴肿瘤8例(抗Amphiphysin抗体脑炎3例,抗GABAB抗体脑炎2例,抗Yo抗体脑炎1例,抗Hu抗体脑炎2例),PNS不伴肿瘤25例(LGI1抗体脑炎10例,抗Amphiphysin抗体脑炎3例,抗Hu抗体脑炎1例,抗GABAB抗体脑炎3例,抗Yo抗体脑炎3例,抗CASPR2、GAD65、NMDA、PNMA及SOX1抗体脑炎各1例);神经元抗体阴性23例(其中伴肿瘤12例);敏感度、特异度、准确度分别为40.0%、30.6%、33.9%。两种联合检测结果的敏感度、特异度、准确度分别为100.0%、33.3%、57.1%,50.0%、94.4%、78.6%。ROC分析显示AUC分别为0.958(P<0.001;95%CI,0.904~1.000)、0.353(P>0.05;95%CI,0.199~0.506)、0.667(P<0.05;95%CI,0.528~0.806)及0.672(P<0.05;95%CI,0.514~0.830),18F-FDG PET/CT及两种联合检测方法具有统计学意义。结论:全身18F-FDG PET/CT可作为疑诊PNS患者无创筛查肿瘤的一线检查方法。   相似文献   

基于芦山7.0级地震中断层距小于100 km自由场台站的强震动记录观测数据,研究此次地震近断层地震动的方向性特性,并探讨方向性特性与震源破裂机制、断层距离和空间方位的关系.研究结果表明:(1)与距断层较远记录不同,近断层地震动在不同的观测方向上表现出显著的强度差异,存在明显的极大和极小作用方向.在不同的方向上,最大加速度反应可达最小值的4倍以上;(2)这种方向性差异在T=1.0 s以上的长周期段更为明显,在T=0.1 s以下的短周期段,地震动随方向变化的差异较小.地震动强度随方向变化的差异随周期增大而增大,不同方向上的加速度反应谱值的最大值与最小值之比从周期T=0.01 s时的约1.7增大到周期T=10 s时的约2.4;(3)在距离断层约35 km以内,地震动具有明显方向性,地震动卓越方向具有垂直断层走向的特征,随断层距的增大,这种方向性不明显.从不同方向上地震动强度的差异来看,随断层距增大,地震动强度在不同方向上的差异在减小,表现为各个周期的最大值/中值和最大值/最小值比值均随断层距离增大缓慢减小;(4)近断层地震动的方向性特性主要受断层上、下盘的相对运动所控制,其在长周期的卓越方向与水平同震位移方向一致,且该卓越方向上的地震动强度绝对大小与地震破裂造成的静态位移明显相关,表现为地震动强度随水平同震位移的增大而增大.  相似文献   

A general method is outlined for the determination of natural frequencies of cylindrical shells with any boundary conditions when the effects of rotatory inertia and transverse shear deformation are included in the analysis. This is applied to cylindrical shells with both ends clamped. It is shown that the inclusion of these effects tends to have a greater effect upon frequencies of cylindrical shells with clamped ends than it does for corresponding shells with simply supported ends, for which numerical results are available. The authors suggest an empirical relation, which together with the latter results enables rapid estimates to be made of the effects of rotatory inertia and shear deformation on the frequencies of a wide range of cylindrical shells with clamped ends. An assessment of the accuracy of the theory with these effects included is made by comparing frequencies with values from a three-dimensional elasticity theory, but this comparison has to be restricted to cylindrical shells with simply supported ends.  相似文献   

Trichloroethene (TCE) was reduced with zero-valence iron and palladized iron in zero-head-space extractors. Progress of the reaction in these batch studies was monitored with purge-and-trap gas chromatography and a flame ionization detector. When a 5 ppm initial concentration of TCF. reacts with zero-valence iron, approximately 140 ppb of vinyl chloride persists for as long as 73 days. The concentration of vinyl chloride (approximately If) ppb) remaining with palladized iron is approximately an order of magnitude less than when zero-valence iron is the reductant. These data suggest that volatile byproducts may be under-represented in oilier published data regarding reduction with zero-valence metals. These results also demonstrate that the reduction of TCE with palladized iron (0.05 percent palladium) is more than an order of magnitude faster than with zero-valence iron. Wilh a 5:1 solution-to-solid ratio the TCE half-life with zero-valence iron is 7.41 hours. but is only 0.59 hours with the palladized iron.  相似文献   

目的:探讨胸膜原发性肿瘤的CT表现,提高对该类疾病的认识。方法:回顾性分析经病理学证实的24例胸膜原发性肿瘤的CT资料。结果:24例中恶性间皮瘤9例,8例表现为胸膜弥漫性增厚及多发结节,1例局限性增厚,增强较明显不均匀强化3例,不均匀轻-中等强化6例,8例见胸腔积液,3例伴有淋巴结转移,1例见肝内及肺内转移。孤立性纤维瘤7例,3例表现为梭形肿块,4例呈半球形肿块,增强不均匀轻度到明显强化,5例见胸膜尾征,2例少量胸腔积液。神经鞘瘤5例,1例表现为梭形肿块,4例呈半球形、球形肿块,增强不均匀轻-中度强化,均见胸膜尾征。纤维脂肪瘤1例表现为脂肪及纤维混杂密度梭形团块,边界较清晰,增强见较多纤维成分延迟强化。滑膜肉瘤1例表现为巨大不规则肿块,增强不均匀强化,并见左侧肾上腺转移灶环状强化。炎性肌纤维母细胞瘤1例表现为球形等及稍低密度肿块,增强不均匀延迟强化。结论:胸膜原发性肿瘤少见,不同肿瘤的CT表现各有特点,CT对其诊断及鉴别诊断有重要价值。   相似文献   

A numerical model is presented that compute the geometrical dimensions and movement of downstream migrating antidunes. The model solves the Navier–Stokes equations together with the k‐epsilon turbulence model to find the water flow field over the bedforms. A two‐dimensional width‐averaged grid is used. The bed elevation changes are computed by solving the convection–diffusion equation for suspended sediments and bedload, together with the Engelund–Hansen sediment transport formula. The free surface is computed with an algorithm based on water continuity in the surface cells. Non‐orthogonal adaptive grids were used, moving vertically with the computed location of the bed and the free water surface. The numerical model was tested on data from a physical model study where regular downstream migrating antidunes had been observed. The numerical model started out with a flat bed and the trains of antidunes formed over time. Many of the physical processes observed in earlier studies were replicated by the numerical model. Four dune parameters were computed in the current tests: The antidune wavelength, height and celerity, together with the average water depth. The antidune wavelengths were best predicted with an accuracy of 3 to 8% compared with the measurements. The antidune heights were computed with a deviation of 11 to 25% compared with an empirical formula. The water depths over the antidunes were predicted with an accuracy of 3 to 9% related to the measured values. The average antidune celerity was the parameter with largest deviation: For the coarsest grid it was overpredicted with 37%. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

周至井气压系数的变化特征及其与地震的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要采用周至井水位、气压的时值,通过高阶差分回归拟合水位、气压的相关系数与气压系数。并对采用不同滑动步长、不同差分计算出不同时段内的气压系数进行了分析对比,比较了其异同。同时也探讨了相关系数和气压系数与地震的关系。  相似文献   

针对复杂地形的三种地震波走时算法及对比   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
复杂地形条件下地震波走时算法对于研究复杂地形地区的成像问题有着重要的意义.为了得到精度高且适应于复杂地形的走时算法,首先提出阶梯网格迎风差分法.然后将该方法与不等距网格有限差分法和混合网格线性插值法进行对比研究,得出如下结论:混合网格线性插值法的计算精度最高,但其计算效率最低;阶梯网格迎风差分法的计算精度最低,但其计算效率最高;不等距网格有限差分法的计算精度和计算效率均居中;而究竟选取哪种算法作为给定复杂地形模型的地震波走时算法,应该综合考虑地形的特点、所研究问题对计算精度及计算效率的要求等因素.最后通过一个计算实例验证了三种算法在面对复杂地形、近地表及地下复杂介质等复杂地质条件时均有很好的适应性和稳定性.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to assess the relative importance of low flow indicators for the River Rhine and to identify their appropriate temporal lag and resolution. This is done in the context of low flow forecasting with lead times of 14 and 90 days. First, the Rhine basin is subdivided into seven sub‐basins. By considering the dominant processes in the sub‐basins, five low flow indicators were selected: precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, groundwater storage, snow storage and lake storage. Correlation analysis was then carried out to determine the relationship between observed low flows and preselected indicators with varying lags (days) and temporal resolutions (from 1 day to 7 months). The results show that the most important low flow indicators in the Alpine sub‐basins for forecasts with a lead time of 14 days are potential evapotranspiration with a large lag and temporal resolution, and lake levels with a small lag and temporal resolution. In the other sub‐basins groundwater levels with a small lag and temporal resolution are important in addition to potential evapotranspiration with a large lag and temporal resolution. The picture is slightly different for forecasts with a lead time of 90 days. The snow storage in the Alpine sub‐basins and the precipitation in the other sub‐basins also become relevant for low flows. Consequently, the most important low flow indicators in the Alpine sub‐basins for forecasts with a lead time of 90 days are potential evapotranspiration with a large lag and temporal resolution, lake levels with a small lag and temporal resolution and snow storage with a small lag and large temporal resolution. The resultant correlation maps provide appropriate lags and temporal resolutions for indicators to forecast low flows in the River Rhine with different lead times. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

欧洋  高文利  李洋  王宇航 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3843-3853
为了避免使用不合理初始辐射场强和方向性因子带来的误差,研究了估计辐射参数的井间电磁波层析成像技术.通过时域有限差分法模拟表明,天线长度与波长的比值、钻孔充填情况、钻孔周围介质的物性均会影响偶极天线的初始辐射场强或方向性因子;为此结合已知的分层资料,将它们设为未知参数,并设定初始辐射场强与发射点位置相关,方向性因子随射线角度而变化;采用正则化反演方法,由钻孔资料建立了模型方差目标函数,使得反演结果与钻遇的地质特征保持一致.通过理论模型试验和实例应用分析表明,相对于传统射线层析成像方法,估计辐射参数的正则化层析成像技术有助于提高反演的准确性.  相似文献   

Decision-making in traffic regulations is challenging with uncertainty in the environment. In this research we extend probabilistic engineering design concepts to policy decision-making for urban traffic with variability from field data. City traffic is simulated using user equilibrium and cellular automata. A cellular automata (CA) model is developed by combing existing CA models with tailored rules for local traffic behaviors in Tainan, Taiwan. Both passenger sedans and motorcycles are considered with the possibility of passing between different types of vehicles. The tailpipe emissions from all mobile sources are modeled as Gaussian dispersion with finite line sources. Speed limits of all roads are selected as independent policy design variables, resulting in a problem with 50 dimensions. We first study the impacts of a particular policy-setting on traffic behaviors and on the environment under various sources of uncertainties. The genetic algorithm, combined with probabilistic analysis, is then used to obtain the optimal regulations with the minimal cost to the environment in compliance to the current ambient air quality standards.  相似文献   

Stress interactions and sliding characteristics of faults with random fractal waviness in a purely elastic medium differ both qualitatively and quantitatively from those of faults with planar surfaces. With nonplanar fault models, solutions for slip diverge as resolution of the fractal features increases, and the scaling of fault slip with fault rupture dimension becomes nonlinear. We show that the nonlinear scaling of slip and divergence of solutions arise because stresses from geometric interactions at irregularities along nonplanar faults grow with increasing slip and produce backstresses that progressively impede slip. However, in real materials with finite strength, yielding will halt the growth of the interaction stresses, which will profoundly affect slip of nonplanar faults. We infer that in the brittle seismogenic portion of the Earth’s crust, off-fault yielding occurs on pervasive secondary faults. Predicted rates of stress relaxation with distance from major faults with random fractal roughness follow a power-law relationship that is consistent with reported clustering of background seismicity up to 15 kilometers from faults.  相似文献   

本文利用DRAIN-2D程序对底层带支撑异型柱框架进行了时程分析,并且与无支撑异型柱框架及通高设支撑异型柱框架进行了比较分析,结果表明,笔者提出的底层带支撑异型柱框架是一种良好的结构形式。  相似文献   

本文对50例原发性肝癌、26例肝血管瘤、15例肝转移瘤和9例肝囊肿进行了形态学分析和比较;反映病灶密度的CT值进行测量和统计;注药后增强扫描进行分析和描述。发现CT图像上最易确诊的是肝囊肿。肝癌病灶边缘有持征,表现膨胀性生长的边缘清晰,可见有包膜,浸润性生长的注药后增强扫描病灶边缘变清晰,并较平扫时病灶有缩小。肝血管瘤在注药后增强扫描,尤其是延迟扫描病变部大部被充添,这可将肝血管与肝癌和肝转移瘤区别开来。而肝癌和肝转移瘤要通过形态学特征,注药后增强扫描和临床资料综合分析作出诊断  相似文献   

This paper, based on a real world case study (Limmat aquifer, Switzerland), compares inverse groundwater flow models calibrated with specified numbers of monitoring head locations. These models are updated in real time with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and the prediction improvement is assessed in relation to the amount of monitoring locations used for calibration and updating. The prediction errors of the models calibrated in transient state are smaller if the amount of monitoring locations used for the calibration is larger. For highly dynamic groundwater flow systems a transient calibration is recommended as a model calibrated in steady state can lead to worse results than a noncalibrated model with a well-chosen uniform conductivity. The model predictions can be improved further with the assimilation of new measurement data from on-line sensors with the EnKF. Within all the studied models the reduction of 1-day hydraulic head prediction error (in terms of mean absolute error [MAE]) with EnKF lies between 31% (assimilation of head data from 5 locations) and 72% (assimilation of head data from 85 locations). The largest prediction improvements are expected for models that were calibrated with only a limited amount of historical information. It is worthwhile to update the model even with few monitoring locations as it seems that the error reduction with EnKF decreases exponentially with the amount of monitoring locations used. These results prove the feasibility of data assimilation with EnKF also for a real world case and show that improved predictions of groundwater levels can be obtained.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was used to study shore platform development. Mechanical wave erosion was dependent on such variables as tidal range, wave height and period, breaker height and depth, breaker type, surf zone width and bottom roughness, submarine gradient, rock resistance and the elevational frequency of wave action within the intertidal zone. Also included were the effects of sand and pebble accumulation, cliff height and debris mobility, and downwearing associated with tidal wetting and drying. The occurrence, location and thickness of beaches often depended on initially quite minor variations in platform morphology, but owing to their abrasive or protective effect on underlying rock surfaces, they were able to produce marked differences in platform morphology. Generalizations are difficult, but the model suggests that platform gradient increases with tidal range. Platform width also increases with tidal range with slow downwearing but it decreases with fast downwearing. Platform gradient decreases and width increases with wave energy, and decreasing rock resistance and platform roughness. With low tidal range, platform gradient is generally lower and platform width greater with beaches of fine sand than with gravel, but the relationship is more variable with a high tidal range. Platform width increases and platform gradient decreases with the rate of downwearing on bare surfaces, particularly in low tidal range environments, but the pattern is less clear on beach‐covered platforms. Platforms with large amounts of beach sediment tend to be narrower and steeper than bare platform surfaces. Platform gradient increases and platform width decreases with increasing cliff height and with decreasing cliff debris mobility. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对3个1/3缩尺的高剪力墙模型(其中包括1个普通混凝土高剪力墙、1个内藏钢框架组合高剪力墙和1个内藏钢桁架组合高剪力墙)的抗震性能试验研究,探讨了不同组合形式剪力墙的承载力、刚度及其退化过程、延性、滞回特性及破坏特征。试验表明:内藏钢框架混凝土组合高剪力墙和内藏钢桁架混凝土组合高剪力墙的抗震性能比普通混凝土高剪力墙明显提高。  相似文献   

日本兵库县南部大震灾对太原市防震减灾工作的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对日本阪神地区和太原市的活动断层、地震活动、城市工程地质环境、建筑物的抗震设防、老旧城区、生命线工程、次生灾害、震灾预测、防震意识等9个方面进行了对比分析,从中得到有益的启示,提出太原市在防震减灾中应引以为鉴的几项工作。  相似文献   

目的:探讨MSCT及后处理技术对腹外疝合并肠梗阻的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析21例经手术证实腹外疝合并肠梗阻患者的MSCT资料。全部病例行全腹部MSCT检查,其中19例平扫,2例增强扫描。薄层横断面图像传至工作站行多平面重组成像(MPR)和曲面重组成像(CPR)等图像后处理。结果:2l例腹外疝合并肠梗阻患者经MSCT检查诊断明确,MSCT薄层横断面图像结合后处理技术显示腹外疝2l例,其中腹股沟斜疝8例,腹股沟直疝5例,切口疝4例,股疝2例,闭孔疝2例;其中13例为不完全性肠梗阻,8例为完全性肠梗阻。结论:MSCT及后处理技术在腹外疝合并肠梗阻的诊断中具有重要价值,为临床手术方案的制定提供准确可靠的影像学信息。  相似文献   

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