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2001年5~11月,在大别造山带西段的新县、红安地区(31 °20~3°50′N,114°30′-115°E)架设了宽频带数字地震流动台阵.采用接收函数方法对台阵记录的高质量远震P波数据进行反演,获得了大别造山带西段的S波速度剖面和地壳上地幔精细结构.研究结果显示,研究区的地壳厚度整体上较薄,约为32~38km,莫霍面自南向北倾斜.在台阵北缘对应桐城一桐柏剪切带处,莫霍面发生错断,断距达到4-6km,显示桐城.桐柏剪切带为早中生代扬子板块与华北板块碰撞的古缝合带的南界.在上地幔顶部存在向北倾斜东西向延伸的s波低速带,显示出大别山造山带与毗邻华北块体之间的拼合关系.在台阵南部下地壳底部存在高速体,这可能和拆沉作用以后,发生大规模拉张作用相伴随的幔源基性岩浆在下地壳下部的底侵作用有关.  相似文献   

为了研究天山造山带的地球动力学,自1970年代以来,国内外在天山造山带开展了大量的深部探测工作,并取得了丰富的成果,本文对这些工作和成果进行了梳理和综述.已有研究结果表明:天山造山带的地壳厚度较大,但并无明显山根;地壳结构具有垂向分层和横向分块特征;壳幔界面不清晰,莫霍面在盆山接合部下方发生错断;壳内普遍发育低速异常体,地壳泊松比较高,暗示了地壳力学上的弱化作用;上地幔也存在波速异常体,低速异常可能与地幔热物质上涌有关,高速体可能是古老板块的岩石圈拆离碎片;莫霍面错断、Q值结构和波速异常特征可以用天山南北侧稳定地质块体往天山造山带之下俯冲来解释,这也得到高分辨率层析成像结果的支持;剪切波分裂结果暗示有相当厚的上地幔卷入了造山过程.上述资料表明天山造山带的变形和隆升是其南北侧稳定地质块体的构造挤压与壳—幔复杂耦合作用的共同结果.  相似文献   

大别造山带壳幔界面的断错结构和壳内低速体   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
2001年4月~2002年3月, 北起河南兰考附近的崔林(34°40′N, 114°49′E), 南到江西大冶附近的大箕铺(30°20′N, 115°03′E), 横跨大别造山带, 布设了总长度约500 km, 由34台宽频带流动地震仪组成的二维地震台阵观测剖面. 台站采用不等间距布设. 在大别造山带范围内, 台站间距为3~8 km, 其他地区为15~20 km. 利用台阵记录的远震P波波形数据和接收函数方法, 获得了横穿大别造山带的接收函数剖面和各台站下方100 km深度范围内地壳上地幔的S波速度结构. 研究结果表明: 大别造山带地壳在垂直山体走向的方向上具有明显的非对称分块结构; 地壳最大厚度为42 km; 壳幔界面具有与地壳分块结构相应的断错结构, 最大断距达到8 km; 在造山带核部, 存在壳内横波低速体; 壳内低速体分为两部分, 分别对应南大别和北大别; 在垂向上两者可能曾有差异运动; 其下方地壳速度具有随深度增加的梯度结构, 上地幔顶部直到70 km深度范围内速度异常偏低, 而其下方70~100 km的深度上有高速异常体.  相似文献   

对包含大别-苏鲁碰撞造山带在内的东经 112°-124°,北纬28°-39°区域进行地 震层析成像研究,重建其地壳及上部地幔的三维速度图像.结果表明:造山带岩石圈速度横 向不均匀性显著;大别造山带以商城-麻城断裂为界,东侧的大别地块与西侧红安地块在地 壳速度上是两个不同的速度块体;中地壳 15-25km深度范围内存在低速带,与伸展滑脱构造 有关;南、北大别构造单元之下,莫霍面下凹,地壳内发育了速度为6.5-6.6km/s、向北倾斜的 相对高速体,与超高压变质岩体相对应;在大别-苏鲁造山带下方的上部地幔中存在向北倾 斜的板片状高速体,结合已有地质、地球化学证据推测,它是三叠纪俯冲的扬子地块的残留 体;俯冲板片在深部发生了断离.本文利用地震层析成像方法揭示的造山带岩石圈速度结构 细节,对研究与地表地质有关的地球动力学无疑是十分重要的.  相似文献   

中国境内天山地壳上地幔结构的地震层析成像   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
根据横跨中国境内天山的库车—奎屯宽频带流动地震台阵和区域地震台网记录的近震和远震P波走时数据,利用地震层析成像方法重建了沿该地震台阵剖面下方400 km深度范围内地壳上地幔的P波速度结构.结果表明:沿新疆库车—奎屯剖面,天山地壳具有明显的横向分块结构,且南、北天山地壳显示了较为强烈的横向变形特征,表明塔里木地块对天山地壳具有强烈的侧向挤压作用;在塔里木和准噶尔地块上地幔顶部有厚度约60~90 km的高速异常体,塔里木—南天山下方的高速异常体产生了较为明显的弯曲变形,而准噶尔—北天山下方的高速异常体向南一直俯冲到中天山南侧边界下方300 km的深度,两者形成了不对称对冲构造;在塔里木和准噶尔地块下方150~400 km深度存在上地幔低速体,其中塔里木地块一侧的上地幔低速物质上涌到南天山地块的下方;在塔里木—南天山200~300 km深度范围的上地幔存在高速异常体,它可能是地幔热物质向上迁移过程融断的塔里木岩石圈的拆离体. 上述结果表明,塔里木地块的俯冲可能涉及整个岩石圈深度,但其前缘仅限于南天山的北缘;青藏高原隆升的远程效应可能不但驱动塔里木岩石圈向北俯冲,同时还造成天山造山带南侧上地幔物质的涌入;天山造山带上地幔广泛存在的低速异常有助于其上地幔的变形,而上地幔物质的强烈非均匀性应有助于推动天山造山带上地幔小尺度地幔对流的形成;根据研究区地壳上地幔速度结构特征推断,新近纪以来天山快速隆升的主要力源来自青藏高原快速隆升的远程效应,相对软弱的上地幔为加速天山造山带的变形和隆升创造了必要条件.  相似文献   

对包含大别-苏鲁碰撞造山带在内的东经 112°-124°,北纬28°-39°区域进行地 震层析成像研究,重建其地壳及上部地幔的三维速度图像.结果表明:造山带岩石圈速度横 向不均匀性显著;大别造山带以商城-麻城断裂为界,东侧的大别地块与西侧红安地块在地 壳速度上是两个不同的速度块体;中地壳 15—25km深度范围内存在低速带,与伸展滑脱构造 有关;南、北大别构造单元之下,莫霍面下凹,地壳内发育了速度为6.5-6.6km/s、向北倾斜的 相对高速体,与超高压变质岩体相对应;在大别-苏鲁造山带下方的上部地幔中存在向北倾 斜的板片状高速体,结合已有地质、地球化学证据推测,它是三叠纪俯冲的扬子地块的残留 体;俯冲板片在深部发生了断离.本文利用地震层析成像方法揭示的造山带岩石圈速度结构 细节,对研究与地表地质有关的地球动力学无疑是十分重要的.  相似文献   

秦岭—桐柏—大别复合造山带(以下称为秦岭大别造山带)属于中国中央造山带的一部分,由华北克拉通与扬子克拉通汇聚形成.对于秦岭大别造山带及其周缘地区的研究,可以为这一大陆碰撞造山带的形成与演化过程提供重要信息.本文整合研究区域的接收函数与背景噪声数据,采用H-κ叠加分析、接收函数与背景噪声联合反演、克希霍夫偏移成像等方法,得到了沿秦岭东西方向具有高分辨率的地壳及上地幔结构.研究结果显示:(1)莫霍面深度由西向东逐步抬升,由剖面西侧最深约55 km上升至剖面东侧最浅约30 km;莫霍面于东西秦岭之间起伏明显;桐柏以及东大别下方莫霍面局部加深.(2)西秦岭中下地壳观测到的高速异常阻隔了青藏高原东北缘地壳低速异常的向东扩张,反映了青藏高原东北缘的中下地壳流没有通过西秦岭继续向东流动.(3)西秦岭岩石圈地幔顶部高速异常延伸至100 km深度(剖面底部),桐柏—西大别岩石圈地幔顶部高速延伸至70 km深度,东大别、东秦岭岩石圈地幔顶部未见较大深度范围的高速异常.  相似文献   

秦岭─大别造山带及其南北缘地震层析成像   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
利用秦岭─大别造山带及其毗邻地区310个地震台站记录到的区域地震23600条P波到时数据,重建了该区地壳和上地幔三维速度图像。结果表明:1.秦岭─大别造山带及其毗邻地区地壳和上地幔存在显著的横向不均匀性,直至110km深度处依然明显。2.地壳上部的速度图像与地表地质构造密切相关:造山带隆起区显著高速;盆地及坳陷区明显低速。由速度鲜明对比勾勒出的秦岭─大别造山带南界基本上位于扬子北缘主边断裂带上。3.中地壳的速度图像表明,造山带内部的一些低速区对应于一些大型推覆构造。4.40+0km深度处的速度图像反映了该区莫霍界面深度的起伏。大致以107°E为界,以东地区地壳厚度小于40km,以西地区大于40km,且呈现出往西地壳逐渐加厚的趋势。5.位于滦川、商县、丹凤的北秦岭构造带,上地幔顶部出现低速异常,异常速度值约为7.39-7.55km/s。结合地球物理测深的结果,可能是由下地壳、上地幔顶部的热过程所致。  相似文献   

利用新疆地震台网52个固定台站和天山地区新布设的11个流动台为期1年的观测数据,采用背景噪声层析成像方法获得了天山及邻区(41°~48°N,79°~91°E) 10~50s的瑞利面波相速度分布图像,使用基于贝叶斯的马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)方法反演得到研究区地壳上地幔S波速度结构。研究结果表明,准噶尔盆地沉积盖层南深北浅,最厚处可达15km。在天山造山带北部和南部的盆山交界附近,地壳内部存在明显的向造山带方向倾斜的低速区,结合前人相关研究结果,推测塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地向天山造山带的俯冲主要发生在中国境内天山造山带中部,东西部只存在较弱的单向俯冲。天山造山带下地壳存在明显的低速异常,反映出介质具有较低的力学强度,在挤压环境下更容易发生变形和隆升,下地壳低速异常可能与存在古板块缝合带、天山南北两侧的大陆块体双向俯冲以及挤压变形等密切相关。  相似文献   

秦岭─大别造山带及其南北缘地震层析成像   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用秦岭─大别造山带及其毗邻地区310个地震台站记录到的区域地震23600条P波到时数据,重建了该区地壳和上地幔三维速度图像。结果表明:1.秦岭─大别造山带及其毗邻地区地壳和上地幔存在显著的横向不均匀性,直至110km深度处依然明显。2.地壳上部的速度图像与地表地质构造密切相关:造山带隆起区显著高速;盆地及坳陷区明显低速。由速度鲜明对比勾勒出的秦岭─大别造山带南界基本上位于扬子北缘主边断裂带上。3.中地壳的速度图像表明,造山带内部的一些低速区对应于一些大型推覆构造。4.40+0km深度处的速度图像反映了该区莫霍界面深度的起伏。大致以107°E为界,以东地区地壳厚度小于40km,以西地区大于40km,且呈现出往西地壳逐渐加厚的趋势。5.位于滦川、商县、丹凤的北秦岭构造带,上地幔顶部出现低速异常,异常速度值约为7.39—7.55km/s。结合地球物理测深的结果,可能是由下地壳、上地幔顶部的热过程所致。  相似文献   

The North China Craton (NCC) witnessed Mesozoic vigorous tectono-thermal activities and transition in the nature of deep lithosphere. These processes took place in three periods: (1) Late Paleozoic to Early Jurassic (~170 Ma); (2) Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (160–140 Ma); (3) Early Cretaceous to Cenozoic (140 Ma to present). The last two stages saw the lithospheric mantle replacement and coupled basin-mountain response within the North China Craton due to subduction and retreating of the Paleo-Pacific plate, and is the emphasis in this paper. In the first period, the subduction and closure of the Paleo- Asian Ocean triggered the back-arc extension, syn-collisional compression and then post-collisional extension accompanied by ubiquitous magmatism along the northern margin of the NCC. Similar processes happened in the southern margin of the craton as the subduction of the Paleo-Tethys ocean and collision with the South China Block. These processes had caused the chemical modification and mechanical destruction of the cratonic margins. The margins could serve as conduits for the asthenosphere upwelling and had the priority for magmatism and deformation. The second period saw the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk ocean and the shear deformation and magmatism induced by the drifting of the Paleo-Pacific slab. The former led to two pulse of N-S trending compression (Episodes A and B of the Yanshan Movement) and thus the pre-existing continental marginal basins were disintegrated into sporadically basin and range province by the Mesozoic magmatic plutons and NE-SW trending faults. With the anticlockwise rotation of the Paleo-Pacific moving direction, the subduction-related magmatism migrated into the inner part of the craton and the Tanlu fault became normal fault from a sinistral one. The NCC thus turned into a back-arc extension setting at the end of this period. In the third period, the refractory subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) was firstly remarkably eroded and thinned by the subduction-induced asthenospheric upwelling, especially those beneath the weak zones (i.e., cratonic margins and the lithospheric Tanlu fault zone). Then a slightly lithospheric thickening occurred when the upwelled asthenosphere got cool and transformed to be lithospheric mantle accreted (~125 Ma) beneath the thinned SCLM. Besides, the magmatism continuously moved southeastward and the extensional deformations preferentially developed in weak zones, which include the Early Cenozoic normal fault transformed from the Jurassic thrust in the Trans-North Orogenic Belt, the crustal detachment and the subsidence of Bohai basin caused by the continuous normal strike slip of the Tanlu fault, the Cenozoic graben basins originated from the fault depression in the Trans-North Orogenic Belt, the Bohai Basin and the Sulu Orogenic belt. With small block size, inner lithospheric weak zones and the surrounding subductions/collisions, the Mesozoic NCC was characterized by (1) lithospheric thinning and crustal detachment triggered by the subduction-induced asthenospheric upwelling. Local crustal contraction and orogenesis appeared in the Trans-North Orogenic Belt coupled with the crustal detachment; (2) then upwelled asthenosphere got cool to be newly-accreted lithospheric mantle and crustal grabens and basin subsidence happened, as a result of the subduction zone retreating. Therefore, the subduction and retreating of the western Pacific plate is the outside dynamics which resulted in mantle replacement and coupled basin-mountain respond within the North China Craton. We consider that the Mesozoic decratonization of the North China Craton, or the Yanshan Movement, is a comprehensive consequence of complex geological processes proceeding surrounding and within craton, involving both the deep lithospheric mantle and shallow continental crust.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe mafic-ultramafic complexesinthe Hongqilingarea were emplacedintothe metamorphic rocksof the Hulan Group. Age determination of the intrusion and metamorphism of the Hulan Groupmetamorphic rocks is crucial for the study of petrogenesis and evolution, orogenesis and itsdevelopment of the region. However ,so far it has been difficult to determine the geochronology ofmafic-ultramafic rocks inthe area ,thusthe age obtainedfromprevious data hadto be used.Inrecentyears ,withthe …  相似文献   

A broadband seismic array of 7 stations was set up in the western Dabie Mountains (31°20′-31°50′N, 114°30′-115°E). Teleseismic events from May 2001 to November 2001 were collected and analyzed by radial receiver function to determine the S-wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle. The crustal thickness is 32-38 km beneath the array. The crust-mantle boundary appears as a gently north-dipping velocity discontinuity, but turns to be a velocity gradient beneath a station near the Qiliping shea...  相似文献   

青藏高原内部除大规模的东西向走滑断裂以外,另一个显著的地质特征就是在藏南及高原腹地广泛发育东西向的伸展构造,形成走向近南北的断裂构造,如亚东一谷露裂谷带及双湖断裂.伸展构造已经成为青藏高原地质研究的一个焦点问题.在羌塘地块89°E附近存在明显的低重力、负磁、深度达300 km的低速异常及连通壳幔的高导异常,且地表伴生大规模的新生代火山岩,这些特殊的地质及地球物理场特征的发生位置与地表双湖断裂的位置基本对应.本文通过卫星重力数据的多尺度小波分析结果发现,双湖断裂之下,存在一明显由上地壳一直向下延伸至地幔深部的低重力异常,说明双湖断裂向下延伸深度大,且上下连通性好.结合已有的地质和地球物理资料,认为由于双湖断裂的存在,使得深部幔源岩浆沿断裂构造薄弱带上涌,从而导致羌塘地块之下壳幔温度的升高及大规模部分熔融的发生.  相似文献   

云南地区地壳速度结构的层析成像研究   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用地震波到时和体波层析成像方法反演了云南地区的P波速度结构,根据不同深度的速度异常分析了主要断裂和区域动力作用的深部效应,揭示出壳内低速层的分布范围以及与下地壳流动的联系.研究结果表明,哀牢山-红河断裂两侧的地壳速度结构存在明显的差异,滇中地区的速度异常分布与小江断裂、元谋断裂、程海断裂等南北走向的断裂一致,反映了青藏东部地壳块体顺时针旋转产生的构造效应;滇西南的速度异常分布与哀牢山-红河断裂、无量山断裂、澜沧江等断裂的走向平行,显示了印支块体朝东南方向挤出产生的影响;沿着南汀河断裂分布的低速异常则与印缅块体侧向挤压引起的构造活动有关.壳内低速异常具有分层和分区特征:在哀牢山-红河断裂西侧和澜沧江之间主要分布在地壳中上部,在小江断裂和元谋断裂附近分布在地壳中下部,在滇中地区则广泛分布于地壳底部至莫霍面附近,东、西两侧分别受到小江断裂和哀牢山-红河断裂的限制.其中攀西地区的低速异常与小江断裂和元谋断裂在此附近交汇形成的热流传输通道以及张裂时期强烈的壳幔热交换有关;在哀牢山-红河和澜沧江地区,除了印支块体向东南方向的挤出之外,印缅块体的侧向挤压和向东俯冲也对地壳深部的构造变形产生了一定的影响,由此引发的地幔上涌将导致热流物质沿着断裂通道进入地壳形成低速层.因此,哀牢山-红河断裂不仅在地壳浅部是分隔印支块体和华南块体的地质界限,也是控制两侧区域深部构造变形和壳内韧性流动的分界.  相似文献   

We investigate the mantle dynamics beneath the North China Craton (NCC) and surrounding regions based on a synthesis of recent P-wave mantle tomographic data down to depths of 600–800 km and their correlation with the surface geological features, with particular reference to the Paleoproterozoic tectonic events associated with the incorporation of the NCC within the Columbia supercontinent amalgam. From the tomographic images, we identify a hot corridor in the mantle transition zone beneath the central region of the Western Block of the NCC sandwiched between two cold corridors. This scenario is similar to the donut-shaped high-velocity anomaly surrounding a region of low-velocity anomaly in the lowermost mantle under the Pacific and suggests that the cold regions might represent slab graveyards which provide the fuel for the plumes rising from the center. A tomographic transect along the collisional suture of the NCC with the Columbia supercontinent, covering the Yinshan-Ordos Blocks in the Western Block through the Central Orogenic Belt and into the Eastern Block of the NCC reveals a ca. 250 km thick lithospheric keel below the Ordos Block defined by a prominent high-velocity anomaly. We identify slab break-off and asthenospheric upwelling in this region and suggest that this process probably initiated the thermal and material erosion of the tectosphere beneath the Eastern Block from the Paleoproterozoic, which was further intensified during the Mesozoic when a substantial part of the sub-continental mantle lithosphere was lost. We visualize heat input from asthenosphere and interaction between asthenosphere and overlying carbonated tectosphere releasing CO2-rich fluids for the preservation of ultra-high temperature (ca. 1000 °C) metamorphic rocks enriched in CO2 as well as high-pressure mafic granulites as a paired suite in this region. We also identify a hot swell of the asthenosphere rooted to more than 200 km depth and reaching up to the shallow mantle in the tomographic section along 35°N latitude at a depth of 800 km. This zone represents a cross-section through the southern part of the NCC. The surface distribution of Paleoproterozoic Xiong’er lavas and mafic dykes in this region would indicate that this region might have evidenced similar upwellings in the past. Our study has important implications in understanding the evolution of the NCC and suggests that the extensive modification of the mantle architecture and lithospheric structure beneath one of the fundamental Precambrian nuclei of Asia had a prolonged history probably dating from the Paleoproterozoic suturing of the NCC within the Columbia supercontinent amalgam.  相似文献   

在安徽大别山(东大别)进行的深地震宽角反射/折射探测获得6条二维地壳速度结构剖面. 结果显示,东大别造山带地壳为一高速穹隆构造,在其核部中、下地壳变质岩出露于地表,波速高达5.0km/s;在其翼部,上、中地壳发育速度约6.1km/s的壳内低速层(体). 莫霍面的起伏变化较大,中心部位深达41km左右,周边地区则抬升到32~34km. 在晓天—磨子潭断裂一线下方莫霍面垂向错断,断距约4km. 东大别造山带具有大陆深俯冲-碰撞造山带地壳结构的典型式样. 莫霍面错断与扬子陆块深俯冲有关,错断处表征扬子与华北陆块碰撞缝合的深部位置. 高速穹隆构造可能是两陆块碰撞挤压的产物,穹隆翼部上、中地壳发育的低速滑脱带(面)可能在碰撞期之后的地壳伸展、超高压变质岩从中地壳抬升出露于地表过程中起到重要作用.  相似文献   

利用155个宽频带流动地震仪记录的连续地震波形数据,通过有限频层析成像技术,反演获得了华南地区上地幔的高分辨率P波三维速度模型.结果显示,大致以江南造山带为界,研究区域南部的华夏块体的大部分区域上地幔存在一个清晰的低速异常构造,而研究区北部的扬子克拉通的大部分区域上地幔则存在高速异常结构,并且这些速度异常体都向下延伸到地幔转换带.一个重要的结果是在(27°N,118°E)处观测到通过410-km界面的上涌流,并且在上升的过程中逐渐向西和向北扩展,显示为华夏块体深部200~400 km深度的大范围低速异常,可能为华夏块体广泛分布的新生代岩浆活动提供深部来源.更重要的是华夏块体通过410-km界面上涌流在上涌的过程中向北延伸,越过江南造山带"侵入"到扬子克拉通的南部地区,造成了扬子克拉通较厚的岩石圈对应的高速异常体向南倾斜的假象.最后,位于117°E(郯庐断裂的南端)以东的扬子克拉通岩石圈已经被"活化",即被来自南部热的软流圈物质替而代之.同时,推断在华夏块体下方地幔转换带内低速异常体可能是与海南地幔柱有关.海南地幔柱和(27°N,118°E)410-km界面上涌流的关系还有待于今后更大范围地震台阵反演研究进行验证.  相似文献   

在喜马拉雅造山带的东缘,雅鲁藏布江缝合带在这里发生急剧转折,南迦巴瓦变质体快速隆起,然而关于东构造结的形成机制一直未有定论.利用围绕南迦巴瓦峰的48个宽频带地震台站记录的远震数据提取P波接收函数,采用改进的H-κ叠加方法和共转换点叠加方法综合研究了东构造结的地壳厚度、波速比分布和地壳结构特征.结果表明:研究区平均地壳厚度为64.03 km,大部分台站介于60.48~66.55 km范围;平均波速比为1.728,主要集中范围为1.696~1.742.东构造结地壳厚度横向变化剧烈,构造结西端和北端厚而中间薄,东构造结核部Moho面呈现上隆的构造形态,东西向上隆幅度约为6~7 km,南北向的上隆超过9~10 km.东构造结核部地壳上隆减薄可能由高密度、高波速的岩石圈撕裂残片拆沉到上地幔软流圈后重力失衡所致.平均波速比超过1.8的高值异常展布于东构造结的两侧,推测为环东构造结的壳内部分熔融体.东构造结地壳上隆减薄和壳内部分熔融的存在很可能均与幔源热物质的上涌有关,而软流圈地幔的上涌则可能由印度板片的撕裂引起.  相似文献   

The Qinling–Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt in east-central China is the largest high and ultrahigh pressure (HP and UHP) metamorphic zone in the world. The Dabie Mountains are the central segment of this orogenic belt between the North China and Yangtze cratons. This work studies the nature of the crustal structure beneath the Dabie orogenic belt to better understand the orogeny. To do that, we apply ambient noise tomography to the Dabie orogenic belt using ambient noise data from 40 stations of the China National Seismic Network (CNSN) between January 2008 and December 2009. We retrieve high signal noise ratio (SNR) Rayleigh waves by cross-correlating ambient noise data between most of the station pairs and then extract phase velocity dispersion measurements from those cross-correlations using a spectral method. Taking those dispersion measurements, we obtain high-resolution phase velocity maps at 8–35 second periods. By inverting Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps, we construct a high-resolution 3D shear velocity model of the crust in the Dabie orogenic belt.The resulting 3D model reveals interesting crustal features related to the orogeny. High shear wave velocities are imaged beneath the HP/UHP metaphoric zones at depths shallower than 9 km, suggesting that HP/UHP metaphoric rocks are primarily concentrated in the upper crust. Underlying the high velocity HP/UHP metamorphic zones, low shear velocities are observed in the middle crust, probably representing ductile shear zones and/or brittle fracture zones developed during the exhumation of the HP/UHP metamorphic rocks. Strong high velocities are present beneath the Northern Dabie complex unit in the middle crust, possibly related to cooling and crystallization of intrusive igneous rocks in the middle crust resulting from the post-collisional lithosphere delamination and subsequent magmatism. A north-dipping Moho is revealed in the eastern Dabie with the deepest Moho appearing beneath the Northern Dabie complex unit, consistent with the model of Triassic northward subduction of the Yangtze Craton beneath the North China Craton.  相似文献   

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