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裂缝型储层流体识别方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
裂缝型储层的描述包括预测裂缝分布特征和识别裂隙充填物.依据等效介质理论计算的纵波速度随裂缝密度的增大而减小.正演地震记录显示,裂缝介质含气时反射振幅最大,且变化程度比含油或含水时大.叠前方位AVO反演所得的各向异性梯度Bani与裂缝密度成正比,可用于描述有效裂缝发育强度.对于不同的裂缝密度,各向异性梯度Bani与各向同性梯度Biso的比值I(1)fluid近似为常数,且对流体敏感.经裂缝纵横比和背景介质拉梅常数修正后,流体因子Ifluid既不随纵横比变化,又不受背景介质的影响,是裂缝型储层敏感的流体识别因子.在塔里木盆地塔北哈拉哈塘地区热瓦普区块碳酸盐岩储层裂缝发育区域,运用该参数在井点处的流体识别效果与钻井结果一致.  相似文献   

对裂缝-孔隙型储层的勘探与开发而言,流体和裂缝属性参数对地震响应特征的影响至关重要.法向与切向裂缝柔度比通常作为识别充填裂缝流体的指示因子,但其受裂缝结构与流体成分的双重影响,故其对流体与裂缝属性的估算是欠定的.文章从各向异性Gassmann方程出发,利用线性滑移模型,发展了裂缝-孔隙型含气储层孔隙弹性理论方程;结合扰动刚度矩阵和渐进射线理论,建立了裂缝-孔隙型含气储层纵波线性反射系数和流体特征参数(纵波模量)及裂缝特征参数(裂缝弱度)间的直接关系,解耦了流体与裂缝参数对地震反射特征的影响;在裂缝准弱度参数的基础上,提出了新颖的方位各向异性弹性阻抗(EIVOA)参数化方法,结合宽方位地震数据和正则化约束,探讨了裂缝-孔隙型含气储层流体与裂缝参数贝叶斯地震反演方法.模型和实际资料处理表明,该方法能够稳定合理地直接从宽方位地震资料中获取流体与裂缝参数,提供了一种高可靠性的裂缝-孔隙型含气储层流体与裂缝描述方法.  相似文献   

高角度缝隙充填的碳酸盐岩储层可以等效为具有水平对称轴的横向各向同性介质.本文提出了适用于裂缝型碳酸盐岩的岩石物理模型构建流程,重点介绍了在碳酸盐岩各向同性背景中,综合利用微小裂隙模型和线性滑动模型添加缝隙系统,并分析了当缝隙充填不同流体时,各向异性参数随纵横波速比的变化特征.同时本文讨论了裂缝密度和缝隙充填流体对地震反射系数的影响,推导了不同类型流体充填时储层反射系数与裂缝密度的近似关系式,阐述了各向异性流体替换理论,最终实现饱含流体碳酸盐岩裂缝储层的纵横波速度和各向异性参数的估测.选取某碳酸盐岩工区A井对该方法进行试算,结果表明基于碳酸盐岩裂缝岩石物理模型估算的纵横波速度值与测井值吻合较好,而且估测所得的各向异性参数值也能够较好地反映出裂缝储层位置.  相似文献   

流体饱和度会改变裂缝性储层的纵波速度,从而影响地层速度的频散特性及各向异性程度,导致储层地震响应特征复杂,储层预测多解性强,流体识别难度大.本文根据多相流体饱和裂缝性储层的特点,借助于Norris和KG模型,建立部分饱和裂缝-孔隙等效介质模型,给出频变地震波速度随流体饱和度变化的精确关系式.数值模拟结果表明,当气、水两相共存时,随着含水饱和度的增加,高频段纵波相速度逐渐增大,各向异性程度逐渐减小;低频段纵波相速度逐渐减小,各向异性程度不变;相速度频散及其各向异性程度逐渐增强.组合已有的孔隙弹性理论模型,对实验室人工裂缝-孔隙砂岩岩样的纵波速度进行拟合,计算得到的曲线与实验室测量散点值吻合度较高,表明组合模型在给定参数下的有效性.该研究能够为多相流体饱和裂缝性储层的地震响应特征分析奠定扎实的理论基础,为提高储层预测的确定性和流体识别的准确性提供可靠的理论依据.  相似文献   

基于二维-二分量弹性波方程交错网格高阶有限差分法数值模拟,对各向同性介质模型、高裂隙密度含干裂隙和饱和水裂隙煤层各向异性介质和双相介质的二维层状模型进行了弹性波场数值模拟.结果表明:双相EDA介质中存在第二类纵波(慢纵波).各向异性理论和双相介质理论比单相理论要好,单相理论存在衰减问题.各向异性和双相理论在含气情况下比...  相似文献   

有利油气储集的层状沉积地层中广泛存在裂缝,属于含裂缝VTI介质.综合考虑层状介质和裂缝介质的特点,基于几何相似原理,设计并制作了含定向排列裂缝的VTI介质物理模型,实验研究了测量频率、裂缝特征尺寸、裂缝密度对弹性波透射的影响.结果表明,波垂直裂缝面传播时,纵波首波速度随测量频率的增加而线性增大,峰值速度基本不变,单纯由裂缝导致的衰减以良好的乘幂规律降低;纵波波速随裂缝密度、裂缝特征尺寸的增大而线性增大;衰减随裂缝密度增大而增大,随裂缝特征尺寸的增大而减小.当接收探头波长与特征尺寸比为1~12时,纵波首波速度变化显著,处于射线理论与等效介质理论描述的过渡区间.纵横波速比对裂缝特征尺寸变化敏感,可作为典型的裂缝监测参数,也为基于弹性波相应的预测岩石孔隙结构提供了依据.  相似文献   

周期性层状含孔隙、裂隙介质模型纵波衰减特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地震波在含孔隙、裂隙斑块饱和介质传播过程中会诱发多个尺度孔隙流体流动而产生衰减和速度频散.在含有宏观尺度“Biot流”和介观尺度“局域流”衰减诱导机制的周期性层状孔隙介质模型基础上,引入了微观尺度硬币型和尖灭型裂隙“喷射流”的影响,构建了周期性层状含孔隙、裂隙介质模型.利用双解耦弹性波动方程的方法数值计算了该模型地震频带的纵波衰减和速度频散并与周期性层状孔隙介质模型做了对比研究.分析了该模型在不同裂隙参数(裂隙密度、裂隙纵横比)及裂隙体积含量下的纵波衰减和频散特征,裂隙密度越高对于纵波衰减和频散的影响越大,裂隙纵横比越小,由裂隙引起的纵波衰减部分向高频段移动,裂隙体积含量越少,纵波衰减先降低后小幅增加再降低,频散速度增加,并逐渐接近于周期性层状孔隙介质模型的纵波衰减和频散速度曲线.最后研究了周期性层状含孔隙、裂隙介质模型有效平面波模量的高低频极限以及流固相对位移在该模型中的分布特征.  相似文献   

利用新方法制作出含可控裂缝的双孔隙人工砂岩物理模型,具有与天然岩石更为接近的矿物成分、孔隙结构和胶结方式,其中裂缝密度、裂缝尺寸和裂缝张开度等裂缝参数可以控制以得到实验所需要的裂缝参数,岩样具有真实的孔隙和裂缝空间并可以在不同饱和流体状态下研究流体性质对于裂缝介质性质的影响.本次实验制作出一组具有不同裂缝密度的含裂缝人工岩样,对岩样利用SEM扫描电镜分析可以看到真实的孔隙结构和符合我们要求的裂缝参数,岩样被加工成八面棱柱以测量不同方向上弹性波传播的速度,用0.5 MHz的换能器使用透射法测量在饱和空气和饱和水条件下各个样品不同方向上的纵横波速度,并得出纵横波速度、横波分裂系数和纵横波各向异性强度受裂缝密度和饱和流体的影响.研究发现流体对于纵波速度和纵波各向异性强度的影响较强,而横波速度、横波分裂系数和横波各向异性强度受饱和流体的影响不大,但是对裂缝密度的变化更敏感.  相似文献   

裂缝预测是页岩气甜点预测的重要内容.页岩气储层高角度裂缝发育,具有明显的HTI介质各向异性特征,基于各向异性参数与裂缝密度的相关性,提出了一种裂缝密度反演的新方法.首先推导了一种能反映裂缝密度的方位AVO近似公式及其方位弹性阻抗方程(EVAAz方程);然后应用贝叶斯理论,形成了组稀疏方位弹性阻抗反演目标泛函,在此基础上通过阻尼最小二乘算法求解弹性矩阵,稳健得到了剪切模量、法向弱度与切向弱度;最后应用裂缝弱度与裂缝密度的关系,实现了裂缝密度的定量预测.经实际数据试验,预测结果与页岩压裂参数吻合度高,证实该方法是有效的.  相似文献   

为了比较裂缝等效介质理论的预测精度,本文利用物理模拟的方法制作了一组9个裂隙密度模型,其中裂隙密度从0增大到12%,裂隙厚度和直径保持不变,分别为0.12mm和3mm.使用0.5MHz的纵横波换能器,采用脉冲透射法得到纵横波的速度和各向异性.然后,将基质的模量、裂缝填充物模量和裂缝参数代入等效介质理论中,计算出纵横波速度和各向异性随着裂隙密度的变化情况.通过纵横波速度的实测值与等效介质理论的定量对比,发现当裂隙密度小于12%时,Hudson理论和线性滑动理论对纵波速度的预测与实测值非常吻合.当裂隙密度小于8%时,Hudson理论和线性滑动理论对快横波速度的预测与实测值非常吻合.当裂隙密度小于9%时,各向异性自洽理论和NIA(非相互作用近似)理论对慢横波速度的预测与实测值非常吻合.通过纵横波速度各向异性实测值与理论计算值定量对比,发现当裂隙密度小于12%时,Hudson理论和线性滑动理论对纵波速度各向异性的预测与实测值更吻合;当裂隙密度小于6%时,各向异性自洽理论和NIA理论对横波速度各向异性的预测与实测值更吻合.  相似文献   

在油、气储层的勘探和开发中观察到的一个现象是储层岩石中普遍存在孔隙和裂隙.随着近年来孔、裂隙介质弹性波动理论的进展,我们可以将此理论应用于测井技术,以此来指导从声波测井中测量孔、裂隙地层的声学参数.本文计算了孔、裂隙地层里充流体井眼中的多极子声场,分析了声场随裂隙介质的两个主要参数(即裂隙密度和裂隙纵横比)的变化特征.井孔声场的数值计算表明裂隙密度可以大幅度地降低井中声波纵、横波的波速和振幅.随着裂隙密度的增加,在测井频段内也可以看到纵、横波速的频散现象(这种频散在孔隙地层中一般是观察不到的).本文还研究了多极子模式波 (即单极的Stoneley波、伪瑞利波以及偶极的弯曲波)随裂隙参数的变化特征.结果表明,这些模式波的振幅激发和速度频散都受裂隙密度的影响.裂隙密度越高影响越大.此外,裂隙还对模式波的传播造成较大的衰减.相对裂隙密度而言,裂隙纵横比是一个频率控制参数,它控制裂隙对声场影响的频率区间.本文的分析结果对裂缝、孔隙型地层的声波测井具有指导意义.  相似文献   

孔隙、裂隙介质弹性波理论的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
近年来发展起来的“孔隙、裂隙介质弹性波理论”提高了人们对实际岩石声学性质的模拟和预测的能力.作为对这一理论的实验验证和重要应用,我们将它用来模拟和解释岩石超声实验中测得的干燥和饱和岩石弹性波速度随压力的变化曲线.理论模拟的重要参数,如岩石的裂隙密度等是从实验数据反演得到的.结果表明:无论是孔隙度较高的砂岩,还是孔隙度很小的致密岩石,如花岗岩,该理论都能很好地描述岩石在干燥和饱和状态下纵、横波速度随压力的变化.造成波速变化的原因是岩石中裂隙在压力作用下的闭合和裂隙密度的减少.本文的结果还指出了将岩石裂隙密度作为描述岩石的重要物性参数,并给出了从实验室超声测量中确定这一参数的方法.  相似文献   

Crack damage results in a decrease of elastic wave velocities and in the development of anisotropy. Using non-interactive crack effective medium theory as a fundamental tool, we calculate dry and wet elastic properties of cracked rocks in terms of a crack density tensor, average crack aspect ratio and mean crack fabric orientation from the solid grains and fluid elastic properties. Using this same tool, we show that both the anisotropy and shear-wave splitting of elastic waves can be derived. Two simple crack distributions are considered for which the predicted anisotropy depends strongly on the saturation, reaching up to 60% in the dry case. Comparison with experimental data on two granites, a basalt and a marble, shows that the range of validity of the non-interactive effective medium theory model extends to a total crack density of approximately 0.5, considering symmetries up to orthorhombic. In the isotropic case, Kachanov's (1994) non-interactive effective medium model was used in order to invert elastic wave velocities and infer both crack density and aspect ratio evolutions. Inversions are stable and give coherent results in terms of crack density and aperture evolution. Crack density variations can be interpreted in terms of crack growth and/or changes of the crack surface contact areas as cracks are being closed or opened respectively. More importantly, the recovered evolution of aspect ratio shows an exponentially decreasing aspect ratio (and therefore aperture) with pressure, which has broader geophysical implications, in particular on fluid flow. The recovered evolution of aspect ratio is also consistent with current mechanical theories of crack closure. In the anisotropic cases—both transverse isotropic and orthorhombic symmetries were considered—anisotropy and saturation patterns were well reproduced by the modelling, and mean crack fabric orientations we recovered are consistent with in situ geophysical imaging. Our results point out that: (1) It is possible to predict damage, anisotropy and saturation in terms of a crack density tensor and mean crack aspect ratio and orientation; (2) using well constrained wave velocity data, it is possible to extrapolate the contemporaneous evolution of crack density, anisotropy and saturation using wave velocity inversion as a tool; 3) using such an inversion tool opens the door in linking elastic properties, variations to permeability.  相似文献   

Physical modelling of cracked/fractured media using downscaled laboratory experiments has been used with great success as a useful alternative for understanding the effect of anisotropy in the hydrocarbon reservoir characterization and in the crustal and mantle seismology. The main goal of this work was to experimentally verify the predictions of effective elastic parameters in anisotropic cracked media by Hudson and Eshelby–Cheng's effective medium models. For this purpose, we carried out ultrasonic measurements on synthetic anisotropic samples with low crack densities and different aspect ratios. Twelve samples were prepared with two different crack densities, 5% and 8%. Three samples for each crack density presented cracks with only one crack aspect ratio, whereas other three samples for each crack density presented cracks with three different aspect ratios in their composition. It results in samples with aspect ratio values varying from 0.13 to 0.26. All the cracked samples were simulated by penny‐shaped rubber inclusions in a homogeneous isotropic matrix made with epoxy resin. Moreover, an isotropic sample for reference was constructed with epoxy resin only. Regarding velocity predictions performed by the theoretical models, Eshelby–Cheng shows a better fit when compared with the experimental results for samples with single and mix crack aspect ratio (for both crack densities). From velocity values, our comparisons were also performed in terms of the ε, γ, and δ parameters (Thomsen parameters). The results show that Eshelby–Cheng effective medium model fits better with the measurements of ε and γ parameters for crack samples with only one type of crack aspect ratio.  相似文献   

弹性参数作为反映岩石弹性性质的参数,在储层预测中具有重要作用.常规弹性参数的构建主要基于PP波地震信息.PP波与PS波地震振幅因其携带的信息不同,对岩性与流体的敏感性也不同.本文提出联合利用PP波与PS波弹性阻抗以及角度信息构建角弹性参数来预测有利储层.首先,对常规PS波弹性阻抗方程进行重新推导,使得PS波弹性阻抗取值的数量级不随角度变化且能够与PP波弹性阻抗具备形式上的匹配;其次,根据常规弹性参数构建公式,采用PP波弹性阻抗、PS波弹性阻抗替代纵波阻抗、横波阻抗,提出角弹性参数的概念及构建公式,从而将角度信息引入到弹性参数的构建中;最后,在PP波与PS波弹性阻抗反演的基础上构建得到对储层敏感性较强的角弹性参数,利用角弹性参数的取值特征预测有利储层.模型与实际资料测试均表明角弹性参数具备较高的储层敏感性.  相似文献   

基于基追踪弹性阻抗反演的深部储层流体识别方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
深部储层地震资料通常照明度低、信噪比低、分辨率不足,尤其是缺乏大角度入射信息,对深部储层流体识别存在较大影响.Gassmann流体项是储层流体识别的重要参数,针对深层地震资料的特点,本文首先在孔隙介质理论的指导下,推导了基于Gassmann流体项与剪切模量的两项AVO近似方程.通过模型分析,验证了该方程在小角度时与精确Zoeppritz方程误差很小,满足小角度入射条件下的近似精度要求.然后借助Connolly推导弹性阻抗的思想,推导了基于Gassmann流体项与剪切模量的两项弹性阻抗方程.针对深部储层地震资料信噪比差的特点,利用奇偶反射系数分解实现了深部储层基追踪弹性阻抗反演方法,最后提出了基于基追踪弹性阻抗反演的Gassmann流体项与剪切模量的求取方法,并将提取的Gassmann流体项应用于深部储层流体识别.模型测试和实际应用表明该方法稳定有效,具有较好的实用性.  相似文献   

Recent observations show that the differential amplitudes between the faster and slower split shear-waves in reflection surveys contain information about lateral variations of crack density in cracked reservoirs. However, the variation of amplitude with crack geometry when the crack strike changes with depth has not been reported previously. In this paper, we derive expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients of plane split shear-waves at vertical incidence at an interface separating two cracked (anisotropic) media with different crack strikes. We examine the effects on these coefficients as crack strike and crack density vary. For interfaces with large velocity-contrasts, the reflection coefficients carry little information about crack geometry, and the effects of crack strike varying with depth are negligible. In such cases, the polarization and time-delay of the split shear-waves are the only features which reliably diagnose anisotropy and contain information about the variation of crack strike and density. However, for interfaces with small velocity-contrasts, the effects of any variation of crack strike with depth cannot be neglected. In such cases, in addition to the polarization and time-delays of split shear-waves, both the differential amplitude of faster and slower shear-waves and the amplitude ratio of the two off-diagonal elements in the reflected data matrix after separation of split shear-waves, contain information about the variation of crack strike and crack density. In contrast, effects of crack strike changing with depth on transmitted waves are more sensitive regardless of the velocity-contrast and the degree of anisotropy.  相似文献   

冯新  刘彦辉  周晶 《地震学刊》2009,(6):652-657
建立了一种Timoshenko裂纹梁的分析模型并且获得了闭合形式的挠度解析解。首先,在一致梁的理论框架下,通过引入δ函数模拟裂纹导致的局部柔度,建立用广义函数表示的Timoshenko裂纹梁的微分控制方程,进而得到挠度的闭合形式的解答;其次,根据线弹性断裂力学理论,利用转角及挠度突变与局部柔度系数的关系,建立Timoshenko裂纹梁的模型参数与裂纹深度的显式表示;最后,通过对裂纹深度与挠度、转角和曲率间关系的分析,总结了结构响应的损伤敏感性及其特征,并且通过与引入裂纹奇异单元的有限元结果进行比较,验证了本文所建分析模型及求解方法的正确性。研究结果表明,本文所建立的Timoshenko裂纹梁的分析模型,具有较高的计算精度和效率,在结构模型修正和损伤识别中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

We study the propagation of elastic waves that are generated in a fluid‐filled borehole surrounded by a cracked transversely isotropic medium. In the model studied the anisotropy and borehole axes coincide. To obtain the effective elastic moduli of a cracked medium we have applied Hudson's theory that enables the determination of the overall properties as a function of the crack orientation in relation to the symmetry axis of the anisotropic medium. This theory takes into account the hydrodynamic mechanism of the elastic‐wave attenuation caused by fluid filtration from the cracks into a porous matrix. We have simulated the full waveforms generated by an impulse source of finite length placed on the borehole axis. The kinematic and dynamic parameters of the compressional, shear and Stoneley waves as functions of the matrix permeability, crack orientation and porosity were studied. The modelling results demonstrated the influence of the crack‐system parameters (orientation and porosity) on the velocities and amplitudes of all wave types. The horizontally orientated cracks result in maximal decrease of the elastic‐wave parameters (velocities and amplitudes). Based on the fact that the shear‐ and Stoneley‐wave velocities in a transversely isotropic medium are determined by different shear moduli, we demonstrate the feasibility of the acoustic log to identify formations with close to horizontal crack orientations.  相似文献   

Carbonate reservoirs have complex pore structures, which not only significantly affect the elastic properties and seismic responses of the reservoirs but also affect the accuracy of the prediction of the physical parameters. The existing rockphysics inversion methods are mainly designed for clastic rocks, and the inversion objects are generally porosity and water saturation. The data used are primarily based on the elastic parameters, and the inversion methods are mainly linear approximations. To date, there has been a lack of a simultaneous pore structure and physical parameter inversion method for carbonate reservoirs. To solve these problems, a new Bayesian nonlinear simultaneous inversion method based on elastic impedance is proposed. This method integrates the differential effective medium model of multiple-porosity rocks, Gassmann equation,Amplitude Versus Offset(AVO) theory, Bayesian theory, and a nonlinear inversion algorithm to achieve the simultaneous quantitative prediction of the pore structure and physical parameters of complex porous reservoirs. The forward modeling indicates that the contribution of the pore structure, i.e., the pore aspect ratio, to the AVO response and elastic impedance is second only to that of porosity and is far greater than that of water saturation. The application to real data shows that the new inversion method for determining the pore structure and physical parameters directly from pre-stack data can accurately predict a reservoir's porosity and water saturation and can evaluate the pore structure of the effective reservoir.  相似文献   

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