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王家沟断层组断错了中更新世砾石台地及王家沟东岸的Ⅲ级阶地,地貌形迹非常清晰,地表变形现象主要表现为地震断层、断层陡坎和挤压鼓包等。根据不同地貌面上跨断层测量获得的一系列实测数据,得到王家沟Ⅲ级阶地上的地表陡坎高度为0.4~1.6m,最大变形带宽度为50m左右; 中更新世台地上的陡坎高度多为1.5~5.0m,最大变形带宽度为90m左右。利用探槽开挖揭露出的断层位置与地表强变形带测量剖面的叠加对比,初步确定王家沟断层组上、下盘之间变形宽度的比例为2:1左右,并由此讨论了王家沟断层组上、下盘的 "避让带"宽度问题。  相似文献   

青藏高原北部大型走滑断裂带近地表地质变形带特征分析   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:19  
阿尔金断裂带、东昆仑断裂带和海原断裂带是青藏高原北部的大型左旋走滑断裂带,具有相对高的地质和GPS滑动速率,地表破裂型地震频发。在阿尔金断裂带阿克塞老城西和半果巴、东昆仑断裂带西大滩和玛沁、海原断裂带松山等地点的探槽地质剖面揭露了这些走滑断裂带累积地质变形带的基本特征。阿尔金断裂带半果巴探槽和阿克塞老城西探槽、东昆仑断裂带西大滩探槽和玛沁探槽揭露出的地质变形带宽度约12m左右;海原断裂带松山拉分盆地边界单条走滑断层地质变形带宽度不足10m,考虑到地震期间拉分盆地可能会出现较严重的变形,则拉分盆地本身也应作为强变形带处理。由此可见,经历过多个地震地表破裂循环的东昆仑断裂带、海原断裂带和阿尔金断裂带其地质变形带的宽度是有限的,具有变形局部化特征。单条走滑断层的地质变形带宽度一般为10余米,比较保守地估计应<30m,走滑断层斜列阶区的地质变形带宽度取决于阶区本身的宽度  相似文献   

综合分析大量汶川地震地表破裂带宽度资料与其它逆冲型断层历史地震地表破裂带宽度数据,采用统计分析方法,计算得出逆冲型活断层“避让带”的有效宽度约为30 m,并给出活断层上盘的避让宽度约20~ 22.5 m,下盘的避让宽度约为7.5~10 m.研究结果可为建筑工程避让逆冲型断层和其他类型断层提供参考依据.  相似文献   

地震地表破裂带是地震破裂在地表的直接表现,其宽度是活断层“避让带”和工程抗震设防重要的指示参数.无人机等测量手段的发展为获取地表破裂带的高分辨率影像数据、精细测量破裂带宽度、分析破裂带宽度空间分布特征以及限定合理的活断层“避让带”提供了有利条件.2022年门源MS6.9地震在青藏高原东北缘冷龙岭与托莱山断裂阶区部位产生了显著的左旋走滑型地表破裂带.基于震后获取的高精度无人机正射影像和数字高程模型,文中在门源地震地表破裂带全段精细解译的基础上,沿走向间隔100 m测量了251个宽度数据,R1破裂带最大宽度为209.78±14 m,平均宽度为42 m, R2破裂带最大宽度为115.31±15.72 m,平均宽度为26.14 m.宽度沿走向具有差异性,这主要受控于同震变形强度、破裂带几何结构以及地表第四系松散层发育状况;具体表现为同震位移量大、阶区等复杂几何结构以及穿过第四系松散层区段的破裂带比同震位移量小、平直段以及基岩区段的破裂带要宽.通过对去除离散值后的破裂带宽度数据统计分析,计算出95.4%和68.2%置信区间的有效宽度分别是70或50 m.在工程抗震设防中,若...  相似文献   

活动断层、地震灾害与减灾对策问题   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
本文在对活动断层的定义和相关概念的论述基础上,通过活动断层与地震灾害间空间分布上的相关性分析,以及海原断裂带松山和阿尔金断裂带阿克塞老城西等地点的探槽地质剖面的介纠等,揭示出活动断层近地表永久性地质变形的局部化特征,永久变形带宽度一般小于30m。文章最后介绍了美国加州地震断层划定法案的主要内容和活动断层填图计划作为积极有效减灾的一项公益性对策,指出中国大陆地区应有步骤地开展大比例尺活动断层填图来有效地减轻可能遭遇的地震灾害。  相似文献   

当代地震学普遍认为,强震和活断层相关,强震的发生往往都伴随着活断层的错动。在合适的条件下,活断层的错动会产生地表破裂,地表破裂往往会对破裂带附近的建筑物造成巨大破坏。因此,如何在工程建设的场址选择中避开活断层是岩土工程界和抗震设计关心的问题。围绕着活断层的避让问题所开展的一系列研究工作是当前工程界和学术界的热点问题。本文以活断层地表破裂场地为研究对象,总结了活断层与地表破裂的关系、研究了地表破裂特征(宽度)、地表破裂与结构震害影响和地表破裂与地震动特征,在总结震害实例和理论分析的基础上,给出了工程场地活断层避让距离的估计方法及方案。主要研究内容包括:(1)分析了活断层与地震的关系、地震与地表破裂的关系。定义了本文地表破裂下的工程活断层判别流程;明确了强震地表破裂的定义及归纳破裂的条件;对工程结构避让地表破裂的重要基础依据——强震地表破裂原地重复性,从特征地震与地表破裂分段等方面进行了典型实例或证据论证;系统总结了地表破裂定位分析的手段及精度方法。(2)分析了地表破裂特征(宽度)。对地表破裂基本特征进行了系统地总结和分析,讨论了地表破裂的机理。系统地总结给出了地表破裂的模式,为地表破裂数值模拟奠定了基础;详细讨论了地表破裂的影响因素,并通过对强震地表破裂带宽度和永久地质变形带宽度的大量统计分析,首次给出了一整套考虑破裂模式、破裂影响因素的地表破裂带宽度的计算公式及示意图。(3)分析了地表破裂与工程结构震害的关系,即活断层工程场地结构的避让距离问题。通过5次典型强震地表破裂展布迹线两侧一定范围内的结构破坏分析,给出了避让距离的建议值;并通过这5次地震破裂迹线上的单体结构震害分析,首次建立了既有结构在地表破裂效应下类似震害的选比案例资料库。为活断层场地新建结构的选址和设计提供了重要参考依据。为考虑地表破裂效应下结构震害的数值模拟提供了基础资料。(4)研究了地表破裂及其地震动场的数值模拟。给出了理论计算分析的计算模型及参数的确定,特别是数值模拟工况中覆盖层较薄、土砂砾石二元结构的土体,多次重复破裂(地震重复周期内再破裂)对地震动的影响及规律。选取了近场脉冲型加速度地震记录和一般记录,分别进行了0.1g、0.2g、0.4g输入下的倾滑、走滑断层地表破裂带附近的各点峰值加速度、反应谱的对比分析,首次给出了基于抗震设计参数分析的活断层避让距离和地表破裂带附近的抗震设计反应谱参数,并对其合理性进行了分析。(5)本文提出了一种可操作,基于工程考虑的符合目前我国实际的避让距离估计方法。通过以地表破裂宽度、破裂长度为指标的确定性分析,和地表破裂可能性、破裂不同距离处结构倒塌密度函数的概率性分析,并结合破裂定位精度成果,给出了一种较系统、全面地能具体划分出避让区域或避让带范围的方法及其判别流程。通过破裂宽度统计公式及宽度理想示意图、结构震害避让距离建议值及单体建筑结构在破裂附近的震害效应分析、脉冲型地震波输入下的破裂带附近峰值加速度及反应谱等地震动响应分析等,经综合比较,给出了合理的避让距离数值。系统地总结了目前国内外较好的避让距离估计方法及其应用,对我国避让距离有关规定进行了补充。  相似文献   

拟建的某水电站工程位于亚曼苏活动断裂的下盘,为了了解亚曼苏断裂强变形带宽度的范围,确定断裂的避让宽度,为水电站工程选址提供参考依据,利用地表强形变带宽度测量、大型探槽开挖揭露和高密度电法探测的方法,对断裂的强变形带宽度问题进行了详细的分析研究。结果表明,该断裂下盘的强变形带宽度小于50 m,小于相关规范中100 m的避让距离,建议该水电站工程重要构筑物的避让距离为100 m。  相似文献   

隐伏活断层未来地表破裂带宽度与位错量初步研究   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
采用Okada(1992 )有关地震断层地表位移的计算方法和程序 ,依据《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 5 0 0 11- 2 0 0 1) ,推导了隐伏活断层突然错动产生地表破裂带的临界值 ,即在相隔 5m的水平上 ,位移差超过 0 1m。初步讨论了隐伏活断层地表破裂带随埋深、倾角、断裂力学性质和断面位错量的变化特点。结果表明 :对于隐伏正断层 ,地表破裂带宽度随覆盖层埋深的增加表现出非线性特点 ,具有从小到大 ,再变小的特点 ;地表破裂带位错量峰值随埋深线性递减。在其他参数不变的情况下 ,隐伏正断层倾角越小 ,地表破裂带越偏向下盘 ,并且 ,地表破裂带的宽度也变小。与隐伏正断层相比 ,隐伏走滑断层地表位移差随埋深衰减更快。随着隐伏活断层断面上位错量的增加 ,地表破裂带宽度会显著变宽 ,位错量也随之增大。这些认识和计算结果为城市规划、各种生命线工程和建 (构 )筑物的跨断层设防 ,提供了可以参考的依据  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震地表破裂带宽度调查   总被引:30,自引:9,他引:21  
根据汶川8.0级地震地表破裂带的实地调查,龙门山断裂带的中央断裂与前山断裂地表破裂带宽度自北向南一般<40m。在Ⅹ—Ⅺ度极震区,沿断裂延伸方向破裂带之上及其两侧,各类房屋建筑无论何种结构均绝大部分倒塌损毁。考虑到逆断层作用引起的"地壳缩短"以及各种不确定性,并结合以往历史强震地表破裂带的宽度统计,提出汶川8.0级地震灾后重建时,极震区地震断层两侧的"避让带"宽度为25m。在"避让带"之内,只能建造高于抗震设防标准的2层以下的建筑物,应明确禁止兴建学校、医院等公共建筑  相似文献   

王虎  冉勇康  陈立春  史翔梃 《地震地质》2008,30(4):1033-1045
合理估计逆断层地表破裂缩短量是全面认识同震地表变形参数的核心内容,目前还没有较成熟的方法。以汶川MS8.0地震地表破裂为例,尝试通过探槽开挖来研究逆断层水平缩短量的计算问题。在分析汶川地震同震变形的基础上,总结了3种陡坎的成因模式:断层断错地表型、挠曲型、断层与挠曲叠加型,并依据这些模型提出了一些水平缩短量的计算方法及其限制条件,以及如何理解逆断层地表破裂探槽开挖所揭示的信息。最后给出了汶川MS8.0地震白鹿中心学校和汉旺全新村两地点水平缩短量的求解过程及结论,计算得到白鹿中心学校探槽水平缩短量为(2.83±0.3)m,汉旺全新村探槽水平缩短量为(0.61±0.11)m  相似文献   

Living with disaster is an objective reality that human must face especially in China. A large number of earthquake case studies, such as the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, 2010 Yushu earthquake, 2014 Ludian earthquake, have demonstrated that earthquake heavy damage and casualties stem from ground-faulting or rupturing along seismogenic active fault, near-fault high ground accelerations and building catastrophic structural failure. Accordingly, avoidance of active faults may be an important measure to effectively reduce earthquake hazard, which may encounter in the future, but how to avoid an active fault and how much a setback distance from the active fault is required to ensure that the ground faulting and rupturing has no any direct impact on buildings. This has been the focus of debate both for domestic and foreign scholars. This paper, first of all, introduces the definition of active fault. Then, quantitative analyses are done of the high localization of earthquake surface ruptures and relationship between the localized feature of the coseismic surface ruptures and building damages associated with the measured widths of the historical earthquake surface rupture zones, and an average sstatistic width is obtained to be 30m both for the earthquake surface rupture zones and heavy damage zones along the seismogenic fault. Besides, the widths of the surface rupture zones and spatial distribution of the building damages of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake and 2008 Wenchuan earthquake have also been analyzed to reveal a hanging-wall effect:Width of surface rupture zone or building damage zone on the hanging-wall is 2 or 3 times wider than that on its foot-wall for a dip-slip fault. Based on these latest knowledge learnt above, issues on avoidance object, minimum setback distance, location requirement of active fault for avoidance, and anti-faulting design for buildings in the surface rupture zone are further discussed. Finally, we call for national and local legislatures to accelerate the legislation for active fault survey and avoidance to normalize fault hazard zoning for general land-use planning and building construction. This preventive measure is significantly important to improve our capability of earthquake disaster reduction.  相似文献   

The 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake attacked the Jinggu area where few historical earthquakes had occurred and little study has been conducted on active tectonics. The lack of detailed field investigation on active faults and seismicity restricts the assessment of seismic risk of this area and leads to divergent view points with respect to the seismotectonics of this earthquake, so relevant research needs to be strengthened urgently. In particular, some studies suggest that this earthquake triggered the activity of the NE-trending faults which have not yet been studied. By the approaches of remote sensing image interpretation, structural geomorphology investigation and trench excavation, we studied the late Quaternary activity of the faults in the epicenter area, which are the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin and the Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault, and drew the conclusions as follows: (1)The eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin originates around the Naguai village in the southeastern margin of Yongping Basin,extending northward across the Qiandong, Tianfang, and ending in the north of Tiantou. The fault is about 43km long, striking near SN. The linear characteristic of the fault is obvious in remote sensing images. Structural geomorphological phenomena, such as fault troughs, linear ridges and gully dislocations, have developed along the faults. There are several dextral-dislocated gullies near Naguai village, with displacements of 300m, 220m, 146m, 120m and 73m, respectively, indicating that the fault is a dextral strike-slip fault with long-term activity. In order to further study the activity of the fault, a trench was excavated in the fault trough, the Naguai trench. The trench reveals many faults, and the youngest strata offseted by the faults are Holocene, with 14C ages of(1 197±51)a and(1 900±35)a, respectively. All those suggest that it is a Holocene active fault. (2)The Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault starts at the southeast of the Jinggu Basin, passes through Xiangyan, Yixiang, Chahe, and terminates at the Zhaojiacun. The total length of the fault is about 60km, and is a large-scale NE-trending fault in the Wuliangshan fault zone. Four gullies are synchronously sinistrally dislocated at Yixiang village, with the displacements of 340m, 260m, 240m and 240m, indicating that the fault is a long-term active sinistral strike-slip fault. A trench was excavated in a fault trough in Yixiang village. The trench reveals a small sag pond and a fault. The fault offsets several strata with clear dislocation and linear characteristic. The thickness of strata between the two walls of fault does not match, and the gravels are oriented along fault plane. The offset strata have the 14C age of(2 296±56)a, (3 009±51)a, and(4 924±45)a, respectively, and another two strata have the OSL age of(1.8±0.1)ka, (8.6±0.5)ka respectively, by which we constrained the latest paleoearthquake between(1.8±0.1)ka(OSL-Y01)and(378±48)a BP(CY-07). This again provides further evidence that the fault is a Holocene fault with long-term activity. (3)Based on the distribution of aftershocks and the predecessor research results, the 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake and the M5.8, M5.9 strong aftershocks are regarded as being caused by the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin, which is part of the Wuliangshan fault zone. The seismogenic mechanism is that the stress has been locked, concentrated and accumulated to give rise to the quakes in the wedge-shaped area near the intersection of the SN and NE striking faults, which is similar to the seismogenic mechanism in the southwest of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

The seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake has remained in suspensed until now. Several faults or tectonics, including basal slipping zone, unknown blind thrust fault and piedmont buried fault, etc, are all considered as the possible seismogenic structure. This paper tries to make some new insights into this unsolved problem. Firstly, based on the data collected from the dynamic seismic stations located on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault deployed by the Institute of Earthquake Science from 2008 to 2009 and the result of the aftershock relocation and the location of the known faults on the surface, we analyze and interpret the deep structures. Secondly, based on the terrace deformation across the main earthquake zone obtained from the dirrerential GPS meaturement of topography along the Qingyijiang River, combining with the geological interpretation of the high resolution remote sensing image and the regional geological data, we analyze the surface tectonic deformation. Furthermore, we combined the data of the deep structure and the surface deformation above to construct tectonic deformation model and research the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake. Preliminarily, we think that the deformation model of the Lushan earthquake is different from that of the northern thrust segment ruptured in the Wenchuan earthquake due to the dip angle of the fault plane. On the southern segment, the main deformation is the compression of the footwall due to the nearly vertical fault plane of the frontal fault, and the new active thrust faults formed in the footwall. While on the northern segment, the main deformation is the thrusting of the hanging wall due to the less steep fault plane of the central fault. An active anticline formed on the hanging wall of the new active thrust fault, and the terrace surface on this anticline have deformed evidently since the Quaterary, and the latest activity of this anticline caused the Lushan earthquake, so the newly formed active thrust fault is probably the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake. Huge displacement or tectonic deformation has been accumulated on the fault segment curved towards southeast from the Daxi country to the Taiping town during a long time, and the release of the strain and the tectonic movement all concentrate on this fault segment. The Lushan earthquake is just one event during the whole process of tectonic evolution, and the newly formed active thrust faults in the footwall may still cause similar earthquake in the future.  相似文献   

The Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault (FHF)is one of the most active faults of the northern Qilian thrust fault zone. The 1609 Hongyazi M7 1/4 earthquake occurred on the east segment of the FHF, an area with a complex geometry at the Mayinghe River site. The seismogenic pattern of this earthquake revealed by complex surface ruptures remains unclear. In this paper, we focus on active tectonic deformation around the Hujiatai anticline (HA)in the Mayinghe River site. Combining with topographic survey via dGPS across deformed terraces and alluvial fans, a field survey of the geological section across the HA, the characteristics of the active fold and several sub-faults were constrained. Meanwhile, combined with the seismic reflection profiles passing through the anticline, the correspondence relationship between surface expressions of this tectonic and the deep structure was discussed. According to our research, the HA is a result of northward propagation of the range-front thrust fault F1. At the same time, a thrust fault F2 with dextral strike-slip motion and a thrust fault F4 were formed on the east side and north side of the HA, respectively. These two active faults accommodated local deformation. Trench results and 14C dating reveal that the 1609 Hongyazi M7 1/4 earthquake ruptured the T1 terrace in the Huangcaoba site. Combined with previous field investigations and literature about the 1609 Hongyazi earthquake, we suggest that this earthquake occurred on the range-front fault F1, and the depth of the hypocenter may be about 8~22km.  相似文献   

The surface ruptures produced by the 2016 MW7.8 Karkoura earthquake, New Zealand are distributed in a belt with~170km long and~35km wide, trending generally in the NE-SW direction. There are at least 12 faults on which meter-scale displacements are identified and they were formed across two distinct seismotectonic provinces with fundamental different characteristics(Hamling et al., 2017; Litchfield et al., 2017). Although the trending directions of the seismic surface ruptures vary greatly at different locations, the ruptured faults can be generally divided into two groups with the NE to NEE direction and the NNW to N direction, respectively. The faults in the NNW-near NS direction are nearly parallel with 40~50km apart and featured by reverse movement with the maximum displacement of 5~6m. The faults in the NE-NNE direction, with the maximum of 25~30km apart are not continuous and featured by the dextral strike slip with the largest displacement of 10~12m. Even if some faults along the NE-NEE direction are end to end connected, their strikes differ by about 30°. The combination styles of the strike-slip fault surface ruptures along the NE-NEE direction can be merged into 3 categories, including en-echelon, bifurcation and parallel patterns. The scales of the fault surface ruptures with the same structural style could be obviously different in different areas, which results in significant changes in the widths of deformation zone, from tens of meters to hundreds of meters. En-echelon distributed surface rupture(section)can appear as a combination belt of meter-scale to dozens of meter-scale shear fracture with bulge and compressional shear fractures, and also can be characterized by the combination of the left-step en-echelon tensile shear fractures with a length of more than one hundred meters. The step-overs between surface rupture sections are clearly different in sizes, which can be dozens of meters, hundreds of meters to several kilometers. The spacing between parallel surface ruptures can be several meters, dozens of meters to several kilometers. Besides, as one of the prominent characteristics, the seismic surface ruptures caused by the Karkoura earthquake broke through the known distribution pattern of active faults. The surface ruptures can occur either on the previously thought inactive or unmapped faults, or break through the distribution range of previously realized active faults in the striking or lateral direction. The basic features about the distribution and widths of the surface ruptures induced by the 2016 MW7.8 Karkoura earthquake, New Zealand presented in this paper might be helpful for understanding some seismic problems such as complex corresponding relationship between the active faults and the deep seismogenic structure, and the necessary measurements for engineering crossing active faults.  相似文献   

Surface rupture zone of historical earthquake is the most intuitive geomorphological response to fault activity. The rupture pattern, coseismic displacement and its geometric spatial distribution are important for determining segmentation and long-term movement behaviors of active fault. In the Barkol Basin of Xinjiang, according to the comprehensive result from remote sensing image interpretation, field surgery, high-resolution small unmanned aerial vehicles photography, terrain deformation measurements and trench excavation on geomorphological points, not only the new surface ruptures of the two M7 1/2 historical earthquakes in Barkol in 1842 and 1914 were found and defined between Xiongkuer and the southwest of Barkol County in southwestern part of the basin, but also the latest deformation evidence of the EW fold-up faults in the eastern part of the Basin was identified. Combined with the ancient document analysis of the two historical earthquakes, we finally conclude that the surface rupture zone in the western segment on the southern margin of the Barkol Basin is the seismogenic structure of the M7 1/2 earthquake in 1842. The surface rupture zone is mainly characterized by left-lateral strike-slip, roughly with en echelon arrangement spreading from Xiongkuer to the south of Barkol County. The length of the surface rupture zone determined by field investigation is at least about 65km, and the maximum horizontal displacement appears around the Xiongkuer Village. At the same time, the surface rupture zone gradually shows more significant thrust extrusion from west to east, and has a tendency of extension towards the central of the Barkol Basin. The average observed displacement of the entire surface rupture obtained by counting the coseismic offsets of multiple faulted gullies is(4.1±1.0)m, with the coseismic characteristic displacement of ~4m. The epicenter position should appear at the place with the largest horizontal dislocation amount near Xiongkuer Village. In addition, the length of the fold-blind fault zone in the vicinity of the Kuisu Town and the eastward extension to the Yanchi Township of the Yiwu Basin, which was discovered in the center of the Barkol Basin, is about 90km. The folded blind fault causes significant fold deformation in the latest sedimentary strata such as floodplain, and in addition, as shown on many outcrop sections, the bending-moment faults associated with the coseismic fold deformation have ruptured the surface. Therefore, the location of the epicenter should be located at the maximum fold deformation, which is near the Kuisu Town. The new research results not only further improve the understanding of the epicenter location and seismogenic faults of the two historical earthquakes in the Barkol Basin, but also provide an important reference for analyzing regional seismic hazards.  相似文献   

The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake occurred along the Longmen Shan fault zone, only five years later, another M7 Lushan earthquake struck the southern segment where its seismic risk has been highly focused by multiple geoscientists since this event. Through geological investigations and paleoseismic trenching, we suggest that the segment along the Shuangshi-Dachuan Fault at south of the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake is active during Holocene. Along the fault, some discontinuous fault trough valleys developed and the fault dislocated the late Quaternary strata as the trench exposed. Based on analysis of historical records of earthquakes, we suggest that the epicenter of the 1327 Tianquan earthquake should be located near Tianquan and associated with the Shuangshi-Dachuan Fault. Furthermore, we compared the ranges of felt earthquakes(the 2013 M7 Lushan earthquake and the 1970 MS6.2 Dayi earthquake)and suggest that the magnitude of the 1327 Tianquan earthquake is more possible between 6½ and 7. The southern segment of the Longmen Shan fault zone behaves as a thrust fault system consisting of several sub-paralleled faults and its deep structure shows multiple layers of decollement, which might disperse strain accumulation effectively and make the thrust system propagate forward into the foreland basin, creating a new decollement on a gypsum-salt bed. The soft bed is thick and does not facilitate to constrain fault deformation and accumulate strain, which produces a weak surface tectonic expression and seismic activity along the southern segment, this is quite different from that of the middle and northern segments of the Longmen Shan fault zone.  相似文献   

五峰山-西来桥断裂和丹徒-建山断裂是镇江地区2条主要的NW向断裂,可能与镇江多次破坏性地震相关。文中通过浅层地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面探测方法,对五峰山-西来桥断裂和丹徒-建山断裂的展布特征及第四纪活动性进行了系统研究。五峰山-西来桥断裂在浅层地震剖面上倾向NE,倾角约为60°,断距约为5~9m,以正断活动为主;大路镇场地上,该断裂断错的最新地层为中更新统底部,位错量为2m,判断五峰山-西来桥断裂的最新活动时代为中更新世早期。丹徒-建山断裂在浅层地震剖面上倾向SW,倾角约为50°~55°,断距约为2~7m,以正断活动为主;访仙镇场地上,中更新统之上的地层没有被断错的迹象,中更新统底部可能被断层影响,判断丹徒-建山断裂的最新活动时代为早更新世—中更新世早期。  相似文献   

The Xiaojiang fault zone is located in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, the boundary faults of Sichuan-Yunnan block and South China block. The largest historical earthquake in Yunnan Province, with magnitude 8 occurred on the western branch of the Xiaojiang Fault in Songming County, 1833. Research on the Late Quaternary surface deformation and strong earthquake rupture behavior on the Xiaojiang Fault is crucial to understand the future seismic risk of the fault zone and the Sichuan-Yunnan region, even crucial for the study of tectonic evolution of the southeastern margin of Tibetan plateau. We have some new understanding through several large trenches excavated on the western branch of the Xiaojiang fault zone. We excavated a large trench at Caohaizi and identified six paleoseismic events, named U through Z from the oldest to the youngest. Ages of these six events are constrained at 40000-36300BC, 35400-24800BC, 9500BC-500AD, 390-720AD, 1120-1620AD and 1750AD-present. The Ganhaizi trench revealed three paleoearthquakes, named GHZ-E1 to GHZ-E3 from the oldest to the youngest. Ages of the three events are constrained at 3300BC-400AD, 770-1120AD, 1460AD-present. The Dafendi trench revealed three paleoearthquakes, named E1 to E3 from the oldest to the youngest, and their ages are constrained at 22300-19600BC, 18820-18400BC, and 18250-present. Caohaizi and Ganhaizi trenches are excavated on the western branch of the Xiaojiang Fault, the distance between them is 400m. We constrained four late Holocene paleoearthquakes with progressive constraining method, which are respectively at 500-720AD, 770-1120AD, AD 1460-1620 and 1833AD, with an average recurrence interval of 370~440a. Large earthquake recurrence in the late Holocene is less than the recurrence interval of~900a as proposed in the previous studies. Thus, the seismic hazard on the Xiaojiang Fault should be reevaluated. We excavated a large trench at Dafendi, about 30km away south of Caohaizi trench. Combining with previous paleoseismological research, it is found that the western branch of Xiaojiang Fault was likely to be dominated by segmented rupturing in the period from late of Late Pleistocene to early and middle Holocene, while it was characterized by large earthquakes clustering and whole segment rupturing since late Holocene.  相似文献   

Qilian Shan-Hexi Corridor is located at the northeastern margin of Tibetan plateau. Series of late Quaternary active faults are developed in this region. A number of strong earthquakes even large earthquakes occurred in history and present-day. In the past, the study of active faults in the area was mostly concentrated in the northern margin fault zone of the Qilian Shan on the south side of the corridor, while the research on the interior and the north side of the corridor basin was relatively rare. We found a new fault scarp in the northern part of the Baiyanghe anticline in Jiuxi Basin in 2010. It is an earthquake surface rupture zone which has never been reported before. In this paper, we carried out palaeoearthquake trench analysis on the newly found earthquake surface rupture zone and textual research of relevant historical earthquakes data. According to the interpretation of aerial photo and satellite image and field investigation, we found the surface rupture has the length of about 5km. The rupture shows as an arc-shaped line and is preserved intact comparably. The lower terrace and the latest flood alluvial fan are offset in addition to modern gullies. By differential GPS measurement, the height of the scarp is about 0.5~0.7m in the latest alluvial fan and about 1.5m in the T1 terrace. From the residual ruins along the earthquake rupture zone, we believe the surface rupture might be produced by an earthquake event occurring not long ago. In addition, the rupture zone locates in the area where the climate is dry and rainless and there are no human activities induced damages. These all provide an objective condition for the preservation of the rupture zone. The trench along the fault reveals that the surface rupture was formed about 1500 years ago, and another earthquake event might have happened before it. Based on the textural research on the historical earthquake data and the research degree in the area at present, we believe that the surface rupture is related to the Yumen earthquake in 365, Yumen Huihuipu earthquake in 1785 or another unrecorded historical earthquake event.  相似文献   

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