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舒曼谐振异常现象与地震活动性有较好的相关性,舒曼谐振异常现象可能与地震电离层扰动有关,是岩石层-大气层-电离层耦合的重要体现之一.本文详细介绍了云南舒曼谐振地震前兆观测台的系统结构和仪器参数,以及统计分析和震例分析的结果.永胜台观测数据显示2011年3月10日云南盈江M5.8级地震震前3天By分量出现舒曼异常,2011年1月23日临沧东部M4.0级地震震前2天By分量出现舒曼异常;通海台观测的By分量频谱分析结果显示,2011年5月22日红河州M4.2级地震当日前3阶谐振频率对应谱密度出现强烈扰动.研究表明,舒曼谐振地震前兆监测是一种可行的监测手段.  相似文献   

震前舒曼谐振异常的研究现状及讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒曼谐振位于地球-电离层空腔,具有稳定的频率和强度特征尺度.震前的舒曼谐振异常是地震引发电离层异常的现象之一.本文概括了舒曼谐振的产生机理、特征参数的稳定性,并介绍了常用的测量仪器等.总结了震前舒曼谐振异常的研究进展,包括统计分析和震例分析的结果,归纳了舒曼谐振异常在频率、强度、极化等方面的特征表现,并对未来的研究方向和研究手段等进行了讨论.  相似文献   

众多研究结果表明,大地震前数小时至数十小时在电离层有低频电磁信号异常现象,所以,电磁方法对地震短临预测工作非常重要.自从1983年Larkina发表了对INTERCOSMOS-19卫星经过地震区域时记录数据的处理分析结果,发现震前和震后几十分钟至数小时内甚低频VLF(3~30kHz)电磁信号增强,可与陆基观测一起对电磁场和电离层进行立体监视,使地震电磁信号异常研究工作和地震短临预测工作进入了一个新的发展阶段.  相似文献   

2011年3月10日中国云南盈江发生5.8级地震, 3月11日日本本州岛东海岸附近海域发生9.0级地震。 2011年3月7日、 8日云南永胜地磁台站观测到了舒曼谐振前4阶振幅异常增大。 本文建立了基于三维时域有限差分方法的舒曼谐振模型, 利用该模型对盈江地震对永胜站观测到的舒曼谐振影响进行了数值分析。 通过对实验和模拟结果进行分析, 认为此次云南永胜观测到的舒曼谐振异常不仅与日本地震相关也可能与云南盈江地震相关。  相似文献   

极低频背景变化及在地震监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用我国极低频台站观测到的天然场电磁数据,对极低频(0.1-800 Hz)电磁场随季节和纬度的背景变化进行初步分析,并以云南通海地震台观测到的震前电磁异常为例,阐述震前异常特征.  相似文献   

地震期间电离层扰动现象研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了大量的关于地震电离层扰动现象研究的最新进展,研究表明地震发生前的几天或者几个小时电离层扰动被观测到,电离层前兆是确实存在.但要将震前的电离层扰动作为地震短临预报的工具,还有许多值得我们去深入研究和解决的问题.应用空间技术开展大区域范围内电离层参数的实时观测,如用地震电磁卫星、GPS台网、并和地面电离层垂测仪观测相结合,建立“电离层地震前兆监测系统”,无疑会加速这项研究的进程.  相似文献   

中国大陆区域6级以上地震舒曼谐振异常特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于云南地区永胜台观测的地磁南北和东西分量,详细介绍了舒曼谐振参数的提取方法以及应用于震例的分析方法。采用4个洛仑兹函数叠加形式的最小二乘拟合得到谐振频率、幅度和半宽,并得到各谐振参数的小时均值。在此基础上,利用各谐振参数前15天滑动中值作为背景值,采用四分位阈值分析地震期间出现的正负异常现象。通过对2010年舒曼谐振仪器架设以来中国大陆8次6级以上地震舒曼谐振的正负异常的分析,初步得到了舒曼谐振的异常特征。地震期间谐振幅度增强是最常见的特征,并偶尔伴随谐振频率和半宽的变化。谐振幅度增强现象并不只局限于高阶谐振。地震期间发现多个谐振参数在同一天出现异常变化。本文得到的舒曼谐振异常特征与报导过的多次震例研究结果一致。本文采用的方法可作为分析地震舒曼谐振异常的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

通过功率谱分析和波阻抗函数计算,本文证实了Aureol 3卫星在电离层高度上(>600km)观测到的极低频(ELF)波场扰动是和舒曼共振相关的电磁振荡.与舒曼共振地面观测相比较,Aureol 3观测到的舒曼共振电场分量具有很好的谐振谱结构,峰值频率和各阶舒曼共振本征频率对应;磁场分量的高阶峰值频率偏离14, 20, 26Hz等舒曼共振本征频率;随着卫星高度的改变,电场与磁场谐振的一阶最大能量峰值并不会发生在同一频率,结合本文分析的数据,分别位于78Hz和10Hz;水平方向的磁场分量更接近南北方向的线极化而不是地球-电离层空腔中的椭圆极化;波阻抗随频率表现出不太规则的准正弦振荡,它会随着频率增加和飞行高度上升呈现减小的趋势.虽然舒曼共振信号和电离层密度梯度间的非线性作用可以解释舒曼共振空间观测的部分特征,但需加入其他机制,如电离层不稳定性,传播模式的耦合,进一步了解电离层高度上舒曼共振各种特征产生的原因.  相似文献   

地震电离层探测技术及其应用研究进展   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
2017年即将发射的中国电磁监测试验卫星将填补地震电离层立体监测体系中不可或缺的空白区域,也将为天地一体化地震电磁对比校验及圈层耦合机理认识提供重要的科学支撑.针对近期地震电离层立体监测体系发展的需求,本文主要介绍了目前国内用于地震研究的地基及空基电离层探测技术,包括电离层垂测/斜测、甚低频(VLF)电波观测、舒曼谐振观测、GPS及空间卫星电磁等,并总结了各种探测技术在国内外地震应用研究中的进展; 最后结合不同探测手段的优势,探讨了地震电磁立体探测系统的构建,并就未来的多手段综合应用发展提出了建议.   相似文献   

电离层探测是近年来发展比较迅速的地震电磁监测手段之一,为地震短临监测预测提供了新的技术思路和方法。本文回顾总结了21世纪以来基于地震电离层异常研究发展而来的多种圈层耦合机制,主要介绍了3类可实现数值模拟计算的耦合理论模型,包括附加直流电场模型、声重波和电磁波传播模型,并通过与实测数据对比分析了现有模型的矛盾和不足。最后综合现有观测系统,探讨了未来地震电离层耦合机理发展的主要思路和方向。   相似文献   

In order to add earthquake monitoring methods and develop new method research, the ELF Network for Earthquake Monitoring selected 30 stations in the Capital Circle and the Sichuan-Yunnan region. Finding electromagnetic field background variation is the basis of distinguishing the seismic electromagnetic anomalies. This paper introduces the data acquisition and selection of the Shexian, Anqiu, Lijiang and Dali stations which have recorded for longer time with better data and are located on the similar latitude. Then we use the natural source electromagnetic field''s auto-power spectrum to express the intensity of the electromagnetic field. By using power spectral data of many frequencies in the observation frequency band, after the data pre-processing and sliding average noising, the background variation of extremely low frequency stations and the range ability were acquired. Taking the Baoshan M5.1 earthquake on October 30, 2015 and Dali M5.0 earthquake on May 18, 2016 as examples, the authors analyzed the earthquake electromagnetic anomaly characteristic of ELF stations around the earthquakes.  相似文献   

The monitoring of global lightning activity and its spatial and temporal variations is known to be very essential for the study of global warming, the subject of greatest concern to human beings on planet Earth today. As a method of remote sensing for the global lightning distribution, we have proposed an inverse problem by using the data of natural electromagnetic noise in the ELF (extremely low frequency) Schumann resonance (SR) band observed simultaneously at a few stations around the world. The fundamentals of this inversion problem (or ELF tomography) to the SR data have been presented and the first attempt to deduce the global lightning distribution by means of the real SR data has been performed, which has indicated a possibility of snapshots of well-known thunderstorm centers on the globe. This ELF tomography consists of two stages. The first stage is the inversion of the ELF field power spectra to the distribution of lightning intensity by distance relative to an observation point. The obtained distance profiles of intensity of sources at a few stations are used as tomographic projections for reconstructing a spatial distribution of sources in the second stage. Maps of the global lightning distributions constructed by the result of inversions of ELF background field spectra obtained from three stations around the world show that the most active regions vary meridionally on the diurnal time scale being connected mainly with continental areas in the tropics. We do hope that this kind of inversion method to multi-stationed ELF data will be of great importance in the future.  相似文献   

强震前后空间电磁场时空演化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用DEMETER卫星观测到的电磁场数据, 统计分析了2005—2009年全球MS≥7.0强震前后空间电磁场的时空演化特征. 在震中上空±10°范围内, 使用震前90天至震后30天的5年同期观测到的电磁场极低频/甚低频(370—897 Hz)功率谱密度数据构建了稳定的背景场观测模型, 提取了震中上空的空间电磁场相对于背景场的扰度幅度, 并统计分析了强震前后空间电磁场的时空演化特征. 统计结果显示: 45次MS≥7.0强震中, 35次强震在地震发生前后磁场最大扰动幅度超过2.2倍标准差, 39次强震的电场最大扰动幅度超过2倍标准差; 最大的电磁扰动主要出现在震中±4°—±10°范围内. 另外, 震中上空的电磁场扰动幅度时序变化表现为3种不同类型的扰动特征, 且震前出现电磁异常的强震震中位置的分布特征与纬度存在一定关系; 而随机选择的非震区上空空间电磁场的扰动幅度则比较小, 未呈现出明显的特征.   相似文献   

In this paper,we provided the electromagnetic anomaly phenomena prior to five earthquakes with magnitude MW>6.0 occurring in China continent in 2008.The electromagnetic data in frequency bands 800~0.1Hz are recorded at two stations located in Urumqi,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (URQ) and Tonghai,Yunnan Province (TH).The time series of four horizontal components of the electromagnetic field at the stations are converted to the spectra using Fast Fourier Transform.The relationship between the electromagnetic anomalous phenomena and the earthquake events is studied through analyzing the temporal variation of electromagnetic spectra and comparing them with earthquake events.This study provides the new examples for electromagnetic anomaly phenomena before the earthquakes.The following features can be found.①The obvious anomalous power spectrum density (PSD) of electromagnetic fields in frequency band of 128~0.5Hz appeared before earthquakes.The anomalous PSD is related to the earthquake magnitude and the epicenter distance.The anomaly size of magnetic PSD is about 1-3 orders of magnitude bigger than the background field before Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake.② The changes of parameters are also related with frequency of the signal;The ELF signal strength observed at seismic stations is significantly related with distance between the stations or the measured magnetic and electrical field components and the source of earthquake.We also found that the field strength attenuated faster in area closer to the source than in far area.It is clear that the magnetic signals have higher signal noise ratio than the electric data.③ The amplitudes are also related with the azimuth of the earthquake to station and with the frequency of the data.④ The anomalous pulses showed cluster phenomenon in time.  相似文献   

We present the results of a Schumann resonance monitoring campaign held at Lehta observatory, Karelia, Russia during July–August, 1998. Three electromagnetic (EM) field components were recorded simultaneously: the vertical electric and two orthogonal magnetic fields. This paper demonstrates advantages of the Poynting vector (PV) technique when studying the space–time dynamics of the worldwide thunderstorm activity from a single observatory. Analysis of the diurnal PV patterns revealed a night-time peak in African thunderstorm activity. This maximum occurs around 02:00–03:00 UT and reaches 1/3 of regular afternoon level. The Schumann resonance structure was discovered in the spectra of the wave arrival angles.  相似文献   

本文利用云南地区永胜台观测的地磁南北和东西分量开展舒曼谐振的背景变化特征分析.通过提取舒曼谐振各阶频率和功率谱密度的小时均值,分析了前三阶舒曼谐振频率和功率谱密度在分点和至点前后的周日变化特征.舒曼谐振功率谱密度的周日变化与亚洲、非洲和美洲三大闪电活动中心的活跃时段以及观测站相对于三大闪电活动中心的方位密切相关.舒曼谐振频率的周日变化特征更复杂.各阶功率谱密度和频率在夏至和秋分前后的变化幅度比春分和冬至前后大.从2011年舒曼谐振频率和功率谱密度日中值的年变化图中发现,谐振频率随季节变化的特征不明显,而功率谱密度的年度变化曲线呈半周期正弦波形态,以7月份为轴对称分布.功率谱密度的季节变化特征与闪电活动的季节变化特征相一致.南北和东西分量得到的前三阶谐振频率,第一阶约稳定在7.5 Hz.而随着阶数增加,南北分量得到的谐振频率比东西分量约大0.5 Hz.高阶谐振频率发生偏移的原因目前还不清楚.  相似文献   

Superimposed on the continuous Schumann resonance (SR) background in the extremely low frequency (ELF) band, transient signals (e.g. bursts) can be observed, which originate from intense lightning discharges occurring at different locations on the globe. From the many transients that were observed at the Astronomical and Geophysical Observatory (AGO) of Comenius University near Modra, western Slovakia, in the vertical electric field component mainly during May and June of 2006, a peculiar group of events could be recognized. According to the waveform analysis, these peculiar events in most cases consist of two overlapping transients with a characteristic time difference of 0.13–0.15 s between the onsets. On the other hand, the spectrum of these peculiar transients showed discernible SR peaks for higher modes as well (n>7). The same events could be found in the records of the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory of the Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences near Nagycenk, Hungary (NCK). The natural origin of the peculiar events was verified from the NCK data and the source location was determined from the second transient. The results suggest that the two consecutive transients originated in the same thunderstorm. Furthermore, the phase spectrum analysis indicates that the sources have coherently excited the Earth-ionosphere cavity. These findings seem to support the idea that electromagnetic waves orbiting the Earth might trigger lightning discharges. The possibility that electromagnetic waves may trigger discharges was first considered by Nikola Tesla.  相似文献   

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