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位涡塔结构及演变对飓风Wilma(2005)强度变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用高分辨率模式输出资料,对飓风Wilma(2005)不同发展阶段内位涡塔(Potential Vorticity Tower:PVT)的结构和演变进行诊断分析,并讨论位涡塔分布特征对飓风快速增强(Rapid Intensification:RI)过程的影响.研究结果表明,内核区域位涡的强度和结构变化主要取决于高层的暖心下传、中层的凝结潜热释放和低层的动力稳定性,而低层切向平均位涡的结构及其稳定性变化,对飓风快速增强的不同发展阶段具有很好的指示意义.飓风Wilma增强过程中,在高层增温、潜热释放和对流垂直混合作用下,PVT的结构出现单极位涡塔(Monopole PVT:MPVT)和中空位涡塔(Hollow PVT:HPVT)的相互转化,也造成了涡旋系统动力稳定性的变化.在实际个例中,重新定义位涡环的结构参数,即相对厚度和中空度,这两个参数能够表征系统的稳定性,将其在RI过程中的变化与飓风Wilma强度变化作相关性分析,表明结构参数能够表征PVT结构的不稳定性,且与飓风系统强度变化参数具有很好的相关性,结构参数与海平面气压变化率的相关性能够通过显著性检验.  相似文献   

基于位涡(PV)理论并运用1998年个例分析,本文研究了非绝热加热弓I发的南亚高压不稳定增长及其对印度季风爆发的影响,探讨印度季风爆发的主要原因.1998年印度季风的爆发与前期徘徊于阿拉伯海南部的热带低压北移发展有关,而高低空涡旋系统锁相斜压发展是中低层热带低压迅速北移发展的主要原因.研究表明孟加拉湾季风和南海季风爆发后,在东亚和东南亚强降水释放的潜热加热激发下,南亚高压不稳定增强,位涡(PV)纬向非对称强迫发展,高压东侧北风弓l导高纬度高PV南下,在平流作用下可达高压西北侧,其上不断有高PV涡旋向西输送,是春末夏初阿拉伯海高层PV异常的主要来源.355K上从南亚高压东北侧平流到阿拉伯海上空的高PV涡强迫出气旋性环流,使该处南亚高压产生气旋性弯曲,辐散增强,在高层形成抽吸作用.低空原位于阿拉伯海低纬度的涡旋向北移动,高层高位涡向下向南伸展,在其强迫下,低涡系统出现斜压不稳定发展,最终增长成为印度季风爆发涡旋,导致印度夏季风爆发.研究还表明,阿拉伯半岛对流层中层副热带高压的变化是导致印度季风爆发的另一重要因素.季风爆发前,阿拉伯半岛维持强感热加热,对流层中层春季位于阿拉伯海上空的副高向西撤退至阿拉伯半岛上并迅速增强,位涡纬向非对称强迫逐渐发展;副高东侧的北风引导高纬度高PV南下,在阿拉伯海形成一高PV槽,有助于低纬热带低压北移正压发展为印度季风爆发涡旋.由此表明,与孟加拉湾季风爆发和南海季风爆发不同,印度夏季风爆发是发生在特定的高、中、低层充分耦合的环流背景下的、受动力和热力共同驱动的特殊过程.  相似文献   

本文应用WRF(v 3.4)模式输出资料,揭示了风垂直切变(Vertical Wind Shear:VWS)在垂直方向上的波状变化特征,这种波状变化在台风不同发展时期又有不同形态,其中在持续强盛期呈双模态分布.应用VWS引起的次级垂直环流影响台风对流分布和强度变化的基本原理,用模式资料分析发现:对流层中层具有的VWS是整层VWS的主要部分,台风强度变化滞后VWS的形态突变6h左右;双模态波状变化的VWS产生的次级环流和台风垂直环流的配置不同使台风强对流带结构变得不对称及眼墙区对流强度在垂直分布上变得不均匀,随着持续强盛期涡旋运动的增强,强对流带分布又趋于对称.又根据VWS形成的垂直方向上涡度力分布不均匀引起台风内中尺度滚轴状对流带不稳定发展原理,分析表明:对流层中、低层的涡度力有利于对流不稳定增强,垂直速度的最大值与风垂直廓线的拐点在同一高度上,这与理论模型的结论一致.因此,VWS的波状变化分布特征不仅影响台风强对流带中尺度结构的改变,也对台风持续强盛具有重要作用;同时也是台风内滚轴状对流带不稳定的可能启动机制.  相似文献   

刘爽  钟玮  刘宇迪 《地球物理学报》2018,61(9):3592-3606
本文在基态位涡(Potential Vorticity,PV)径向分布和基态涡旋强度对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)类涡旋系统稳定性特征影响的研究基础上,结合理想试验和数值模拟诊断分析基态PV径向分布对扰动增长和系统结构变化的影响.基于线性正压浅水模型,设计三种典型基态PV中空结构下基态涡旋强度对系统稳定性影响的敏感性试验.结果表明:基态涡旋的强度主要影响稳定性的强弱,强度越强,不稳定增长率越大,而基态PV径向分布对系统最不稳定波动性质起着决定作用.分析不同波数下扰动的发展及不同波数间扰动的相互作用可知,对于宽且实的PV环,系统稳定性主要取决于低波数不稳定,且最不稳定波数扰动的发展具有明显的优势地位;对于窄且空的PV环,系统稳定性主要取决于高波数不稳定,且多个高波数下增长最快模态的不稳定增长率值十分接近.利用模态线性叠加法讨论扰动增长对系统结构变化的影响表明:最不稳定波数的扰动发展对系统结构变化有关键影响,而多个波数的扰动不稳定增长相当时,不同波数的扰动发生相互作用从而影响系统结构变化.最后,利用实际个例模拟资料分析基态PV径向分布及其变化对TC结构和强度的影响表明:TC内核区出现的多边形眼墙结构与当前时刻基态PV径向分布所决定的最不稳定波数有很好的对应关系,同时基态PV径向分布变化所反映出的系统动力稳定性强弱与TC强度发展阶段具有很好的相关性.  相似文献   

刘爽  钟玮  刘宇迪 《地球物理学报》2018,61(6):2207-2219
本文基于正压浅水模型,分析基态位涡(Potential Vorticity:PV)结构对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone:TC)类涡旋系统稳定性及其波动特征的影响.通过引入基态PV结构参数:宽度δ(眼墙内外边界涡度发生陡变的半径长度之比)和中空度γ(眼心相对涡度与内核区域平均相对涡度之比),设计具有相同基流最大切向风速和最大风速半径的170组不同基态PV环结构的敏感性试验,并讨论了不同基态PV结构下涡旋系统最不稳定波数(the most unstable wavenumber:MUWN)和系统最不稳定模态(the most unstable mode of System:MUMS)的特征频率及其不稳定增长率的大小.结果指出:当PV环较宽,系统表现为低波数最不稳定,相应的MUMS为低频波且增长率小;当PV环较窄,系统表现为高波数不稳定,且PV环越实最不稳定波数越高;当PV环窄且空时,MUMS均为中高频波动,且不稳定增长率随PV环的宽度变窄和中空度变空而明显增大.分析典型PV结构下系统演变特征可知,当PV环较宽,MUMS表现为具有平衡约束的低频波动的线性不稳定特征;当PV环趋向窄且空时,MUMS的平衡性约束趋向弱化,同时不稳定增长表现为明显的指数型增长.进一步讨论系统内部非对称结构的形成和传播机制发现,对于弱不稳定的PV环来说,低波数波最不稳定的特征波动具有典型涡旋Rossby波特征;而对于强不稳定的PV环来说,高波数不稳定的特征波动混合波性质明显.  相似文献   

冉令坤  刘璐  李娜  齐彦斌 《地球物理学报》2013,56(10):3285-3301
在位涡的基础上,考虑散度效应,把水平风矢量旋转90°后的旋度在广义位温梯度方向上的投影定义为位势散度,并把其二阶扰动量定义为位势散度波作用密度,该波作用密度代表扰动热量的扰动输送,与位势稳定度的发展演变有关.登陆台风Morakot(2009)的诊断分析表明,在台风登陆台湾岛,进入台湾海峡和登陆大陆三个阶段,波作用密度高值区与大陆和台湾降水区相重叠,扰动热量的扰动输送显著;在前两个阶段,大陆和台湾降水区波作用密度逐渐增大,扰动热量的扰动输送逐步增强;在台风登陆福建霞浦市后,大陆地区波作用密度减小,扰动热量的扰动输送减弱.在影响波作用密度局地变化的诸多物理因素中,扰动非地转风位涡项是主要强迫项.统计分析表明,波作用密度与观测降水有一定的相关性,据此发展了位势散度波作用密度降水预报方程,其本质是数值模式预报资料的动力延伸释用,预报应用表明,利用24 h模式预报场计算的波作用密度降水能够较好地再现观测降水的落区,对台风Morakot引发的暴雨有一定的预报技巧.  相似文献   

非对称型强飓风中的准平衡流特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文在论述飓风发生发展生命史过程中平衡、准平衡和非平衡态动力学特征的基础上,应用PV-ω方法,对具有非轴对称和长时间强度维持特征的飓风Bonnie(1998)进行了反演诊断分析,结果表明:基于非线性平衡模式的平衡流能够描述飓风水平涡旋场的基本特征,而加入准平衡ω方程得到的准平衡流能反映边界层入流、高层出流、眼墙区的剧烈倾斜上升运动和眼心区域的下沉运动.准平衡流描述了具有较长生命史组织化过程的强对流系统,而与其相联系的辐散运动与涡度同量级,证明了飓风准平衡流场具有涡散运动共存的特征,但在边界层顶的入流急流区和高层出流区仍存在高度非平衡态的超梯度流.利用反演的准平衡流场分析发现,当由环境风场低层到高层存在顺切变时,飓风内中尺度对流带移动方向的左侧,有利于强对流单体的发展和新对流单体的形成,右侧则相反,同时强气旋式旋转流场的作用,使得对流单体形成后随基本气流传播至对流减弱区,造成了飓风非对称结构的形成和维持.  相似文献   

一类西太平洋副热带高压双脊线过程维持机制初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对1979~2005年5~10月发生在西太平洋地区的156个副热带高压双脊线过程进行统计分析,发现87.82%的双脊线过程的出现是因为南侧新生一脊线,而且有明显的“季节锁相”,即其发生频数在7月中旬至9月中旬有两个峰值.历年过程中最典型的“南生南存型”双脊线过程的合成分析表明该类双脊线过程形成、维持和消失与副高南侧外围东风波系统自东南向西北传播发展密切相关.500 hPa距平环流演变显示北侧脊线的减弱消失符合气候规律,东风波槽前的异常气旋仅影响副高北侧脊线位置;而东风波槽后的异常反气旋性环流有利于南侧脊线异常发展与维持,造成该类双脊线过程结束后副高异常偏南.进一步分析发现,东风波和西太平洋副热带高压的相互作用改变了副高区域垂直运动分布.这一方面改变了经向风的分布,使500 hPa副高南侧脊线区域地转涡度平流项发展;另一方面引起非绝热加热垂直分布不均匀,在两脊线之间诱生一异常气旋性环流,在南侧脊线区生成异常反气旋环流.因此,东风波与西太平洋副热带高压的相互作用可能会造成副高的不连续南退,这对副高预报有一定预示作用.  相似文献   

利用高时空分辨率的相当黑体温度(TBB)数据,基于模式匹配的自动识别追踪方法将2000~2016年(2005除外)暖季(5~8月)长江中游二级地形附近(106°E~113°E, 28°N~35°N)中尺度对流系统(MCSs)进行识别、追踪和分类,并研究东移和准静止两类个例的时空分布特征、对流强度以及有利于MCSs东移的大尺度环流背景条件.结果表明,两类个例发生频次最高的月份为7月.东移个例主要集中生成在研究区域的东部地区,而准静止个例则主要生成在研究区域的西部.两类个例初生时刻的峰值均出现在午后,但准静止个例在凌晨出现次峰值.东移个例比准静止个例生命史更长,移动距离更远,成熟时刻云团面积更大,云团最低亮温更低(对流发展更为旺盛),对长江中下游地区的降水系统影响更大.青藏高原以东对流层中层浅槽和西太平洋副热带高压的配合为二级地形东部对流的生成和东移提供了有利的环境条件,低层正相对涡度和较强的垂直风切变为对流的组织和发展提供了动力条件;强盛的低空急流不断向二级地形东部和以东地区输送暖湿气流,大量水汽的辐合有利于对流的发展和长时间维持.  相似文献   

热带对流热量与水汽收支的数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
平凡  罗哲贤 《地球物理学报》2007,50(5):1351-1361
应用二维云分辨模式,数值研究了热带地区的对流活动,并诊断了热量和水汽的收支,发现在垂直温度平流和凝结潜热释放之间、垂直水汽平流和降水之间都维持着大体平衡,推断出质量加权平均温度及可降水分的局地变化分别由热量及水汽方程中的剩余项决定.机制研究表明,深对流与浅对流在热量及水汽循环中存在较大差异,深对流中水汽的凝结及潜热释放起着主导作用,而大尺度垂直平流的加湿和冷却在浅对流中发挥主导作用.最后讨论了对流触发后热量及水汽循环的调整机制.  相似文献   

Combining Argo observations with satellite remote sensing data during the period of 2002–2014, the mean three-dimensional structures of mesoscale eddies on both sides of the Luzon Strait (LS) were obtained via a composite method and analyzed to statistically examine the influences of background marine environment and the Kuroshio current on the eddy structures. The significant signals of temperature and salinity anomalies within the composite eddies extend much deeper in the region east of the LS (zone E) than those in the region west of the strait (zone W) because of stronger eddy intensity and larger vertical gradients of background temperature and salinity in the deep layer in zone E. In the vertical structure of temperature anomaly within the eddies, two cores occur at around 200 and 400 dbar depths, respectively, in zone E and only one core is centered at about 100 dbar in zone W. There is a clear three-core sandwich pattern in the vertical structure of salinity anomaly within the eddies in zone E. The Kuroshio water trapped in the eddy is responsible for abnormally positive salinity anomaly in the surface layer of the anticyclonic eddy center in zone W. On both sides of the LS, an asymmetric dipole structure in the surface layer gradually turns into a monopole one at depths, which resulted from the competition between horizontal advection effect and eddy pumping effect. The Kuroshio current influences the distribution patterns of isotherms and isohalines and enhances background temperature and salinity horizontal gradients on both sides of the LS, determining the orientations of dipole temperature and salinity structures within eddies.  相似文献   

Liu  Guangliang  Liu  Zhe  Gao  Huiwang  Gao  Zengxiang  Feng  Shizuo 《Ocean Dynamics》2012,62(10):1443-1456

The Eulerian residual transport velocity and the first-order Lagrangian residual velocity for weakly nonlinear systems have been used extensively in the past to depict inter-tidal mass transport. However, these could not explain the observed net surface sediment transport pattern in Jiaozhou Bay (JZB), located on the western Yellow Sea. JZB is characterized by strong tidal motion, complex topography and an irregular coastline, which are features of typical nonlinear systems. The Lagrangian residual velocity, which is applicable to general nonlinear systems, was simulated with the water parcel tracking method. The results indicate that the composition of the Lagrangian residual velocity at different tidal phases coincides well with the observed net surface sediment transport pattern. The strong dependence of water flushing time on the initial tidal phase can also be explained by the significant intra-tidal variation of the Lagrangian residual velocity. To investigate the hydrodynamic mechanism governing the nonlinearity of the M 2 tidal system, a set of nonlinearity indexes were defined and analysed. In the surface layer, horizontal advection is the main contributor to the strong nonlinearity near the bay mouth, while in the bottom layer, the strong nonlinearity near the bay mouth may result from the vertical viscosity and horizontal advection.


本文从原始三维运动方程出发,考虑了大气平流变化的特性,引入加速度迁移项散度,并将其应用于2008年"凤凰"台风和2003年梅雨期引起暴雨的东移低涡中进行分析,结果表明,加速度迁移项散度能较好地识别和示踪台风中心及台风外围云墙,同时也能很好地捕捉沿梅雨锋东移的低涡系统.因此,加速度迁移项散度在涡旋系统动力识别方面有很好的...  相似文献   

The WINDII interferometer placed on board the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite measures temperature and wind from the O(1S) green-line emission in the Earths mesosphere and lower thermosphere. It is a remote-sensing instrument providing the horizontal wind components. In this study, the vertical winds are derived using the continuity equation. Mean wind annually averaged at equinoxes and solstices is shown. Ascendance and subsidence to the order of 1–2 cm s–1 present a seasonal occurrence at the equator and tropics. Zonal Coriolis acceleration and adiabatic heating and cooling rate associated to the mean meridional and vertical circulations are evaluated. The line emission rate measured together with the horizontal wind shows structures in altitude and latitude correlated with the meridional and vertical wind patterns. The effect of wind advection is discussed.  相似文献   

Long‐term heating of shallow urban aquifers is observed worldwide. Our measurements in the city of Cologne, Germany revealed that the groundwater temperatures found in the city centre are more than 5 K higher than the undisturbed background. To explore the role of groundwater flow for the development of subsurface urban heat islands, a numerical flow and heat transport model is set up, which describes the hydraulic conditions of Cologne and simulates the transient evolution of thermal anomalies in the urban ground. A main focus is on the influence of horizontal groundwater flow, groundwater recharge and trends in local ground warming. To examine heat transport in groundwater, a scenario consisting of a local hot spot with a length of 1 km of long‐term ground heating was set up in the centre of the city. Groundwater temperature‐depth profiles at upstream, central and downstream locations of this hot spot are inspected. The simulation results indicate that the main thermal transport mechanisms are long‐term vertical conductive heat input, horizontal advection and transverse dispersion. Groundwater recharge rates in the city are low (<100 mm a?1) and thus do not significantly contribute to heat transport into the urban aquifer. With groundwater flow, local vertical temperature profiles become very complex and are hard to interpret, if local flow conditions and heat sources are not thoroughly known. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A non-linear two-dimensional vertically stratified cross-sectional model of a constant depth basin without rotation is used to investigate the influence of vertical and horizontal diffusion upon the wind-driven circulation in the basin and the associated temperature field. The influence of horizontal grid resolution, in particular the application of an irregular grid with high resolution in the coastal boundary layer is examined. The calculations show that the initial response to a wind impulse is downwelling at the downwind end of the basin with upwelling and convective mixing at the opposite end. Results from a two-layer analytical model show that the initial response is the excitation of an infinite number of internal seiche modes in order to represent the initial response which is confined to a narrow near coastal region. As time progresses, at the downwind end of the basin a density front propagates away from the boundary, with the intensity of its horizontal gradient and associated vertical velocity determined by both horizontal and vertical viscosity values. Calculations demonstrate the importance of high horizontal grid resolution in resolving this density gradient together with an accurate density advection scheme. The application of an irregular grid in the horizontal with high grid resolution in the nearshore region enables the initial response to be accurately reproduced although physically unrealistic short waves appear as the frontal region propagates onto the coarser grid. Parameterization of horizontal viscosity using a Smagorinsky-type formulation acts as a selective grid size-dependent filter, and removes the short-wave problem although enhanced smoothing can occur if the scaling coefficient in the formulation is too large. Calculations clearly show the advantages of using an irregular grid but also the importance of using a grid size-dependent filter to avoid numerical problems.  相似文献   

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