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强震观测资料包括强震动时程记录资料和宏观震害调查资料两大类, 前者是定量的微观数据, 后者则是定性的宏观指标. 本文明晰给出了微观仪器烈度与宏观仪器烈度、 微观考察烈度与宏观考察烈度的概念, 并在此基础上提出了只有在宏观仪器烈度与宏观考察烈度之间进行比较才具有实质性的意义;同时对国内外常见的仪器烈度算法进行了比较性研究, 得出了袁一凡仪器烈度算法可靠性更高的结论;最后以四川地区历年来重要震例的强震动记录为依据, 对修正的袁一凡仪器烈度算法的可靠性进行了比较应用. 结果表明, 对袁一凡仪器烈度算法修正与扩展的应用是可行的, 同时也验证了将微观仪器烈度与宏观考察烈度直接进行比较会存在较大的差距.   相似文献   

乌统昱  庄亚娜 《地震学报》1990,12(2):194-203
本文介绍了用灰色聚类法对最具有工程意义的Ⅵ-ⅩⅠ度烈度进行评定的方法.一般说来,在Ⅵ-ⅩⅠ度的烈度范围内,房屋的破坏现象是评定烈度的主要标志.因此,笔者把Ⅵ-ⅩⅠ度烈度分成六类,把房屋破坏现象分成轻损、损坏、破坏和倾倒四种,以此为聚类指标.为了使指标定量化,对每一指标进行了评分,同时把欲调查的地区作为聚类对象.再根据实际样本进行灰色聚类后,便可判断震后某地的地震烈度属于几度.从房屋破坏现象评定烈度这一点出发,本文还提出了考虑其它因素的一般的评定烈度的方法.此外,还对几个实际震例作了具体的计算.结果表明,用灰色聚类法评定地震烈度是简单可行的.   相似文献   

中外烈度表“人的感觉”和“器物的反应”对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着震害经验的积累以及人们对地震认识的深化,不断修改烈度标准,使烈度评定更加客观与科学是地震工程界一直所追求的.人的感觉和器物的反应都是评定一次地震时相应烈度的宏观标志,是烈度表的重要组成部分.鉴于此,本文简要介绍了中国历代地震烈度表(《新的中国地震烈度表》、《中国地震烈度表(1980)》、《中国地震烈度表( 1999...  相似文献   

张北5.6级强余震宏观烈度考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对1999年3月11日张北5.6级强余震宏观烈度考察的基础上形成宏观烈度考察报告,并对此次地震的宏观烈度进行了分析;我们认为此次地震属1998年6.2级地震的一次强余震,但和6.2级地震有不同的震源机制.  相似文献   

简述了1950年以来新丰江水库地区和水库大坝地震烈度的变化,并对新旧大坝设防烈度进行了对比,认为按现今的国家标准,新丰江水库大坝的设防烈度为Ⅶ度强。对库区6次4级以上地震的烈度宏观调查数据进行了分析,拟合了河源地区的地震烈度衰减关系,并与华南地区的地震烈度关系进行了比较.最后计算了新丰江水库地区的在5-6级地震情况下的宏观烈度影响场。  相似文献   

现行中国地震烈度表中,给出了Ⅴ度以上烈度区水平向地面运动峰值加速度(PGA)和峰值速度(PGV)两个物理参数与地震烈度的参考关系。当分别用PGA和PGV计算仪器烈度时,计算结果与现场调查烈度相符率很低。文中提出了基于相符率的加权方案,利用PGA和PGV综合评定烈度。评定结果表明,相符率有较大提高,说明该方法能有效地使仪器烈度更加接近宏观烈度。  相似文献   

中国地震烈度评定值的统计检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为研究我国地震烈度的评定是否存在随时间变化的趋势,本文从统计的角度,选取合适的烈度衰减关系模型作标准,基于残差分析的基本原理,对1900年到2013年间392个地震的烈度评定值随年份变化的趋势进行了统计分析,并提出一种改进的衡量拟合优劣的算法,量化数据的整体偏差并直观地展现数据的离散程度.统计检验结果表明,烈度评定值无论按区域划分、按震级划分或是按烈度划分均与整体存在一致且显著的时间分布趋势:1960年之前烈度评定值较为离散,1960年到1980年左右烈度评定值逐年减小,1980年开始烈度评定值逐渐增大,2000年以后绝大多数烈度评定值高于平均水平,且该时段烈度评定值偏高程度尤为明显,平均总体偏高约0.4度,且有继续增高的趋势.  相似文献   

1982年1月13日23时,山西省太谷县东部阳邑公社一带发生4·2(Ms)地震.省地震局、太谷县科委、太谷县地震办公室共同进行了宏观考察.先后对太谷县大部地区及榆次、祁县、清徐、榆社等县的部分地区,进行了烈度评定和宏观异常调查,并了解了有感范围.这次地震有感范围较广,震中烈度为五度强.震时震中区人们普遍感觉强烈,个别房屋有破坏现象.但震区人畜均无因建筑物倒塌而伤亡.震前震中区及邻近地区有一部分宏观异常存在.  相似文献   

阐述张家口市尚义M_S 4.0地震构造背景、地震活动特征,总结地震应急调查成果,介绍极震区震感现象和分布范围。通过对地震现场调查点和电话调查点的烈度评定,确定极震区的影响烈度为Ⅴ度,圈定地震等烈度分布区域,同时修正观测仪器震中位置。结合本次地震的宏观烈度分布、震源机制和震区卫星影像的线性构造解释等资料,讨论本次地震的孕震构造和发震断层。  相似文献   

本文基于地震烈度数据点,用椭圆参数方程对烈度点空间分布进行最小二乘拟合,得到各烈度区椭圆烈度估计线,然后对烈度估计线进行统计回归,得到一组适用于青、甘、川、滇4省中强地震的椭圆烈度分布模型I=f(M,R).基于所建烈度分布模型,联立考虑中心点和方向性的椭圆数学方程,代入全部烈度数据点估算地震震级和宏观震中.本文的试算震例表明了此方法的可行性,并进行了不确定性分析.利用该方法对明清时期4次烈度点较少的中强历史地震参数进行了估算,所得结果表明了此方法对历史地震有效.  相似文献   

The earthquake in Central Finland on 16November 1931 and its aftershock the sameday are investigated. It is the strongestevent known to have occurred in this areaand thus of importance for understandingthe seismicity there. The originalmacroseismic questionnaires werere-examined using statistical analysis andtaking into account the recommendations forintensity assessments according to theEuropean Macroseismic Scale (EMS-92,-98).The data were augmented with contemporarypress reports. Test theory was applied whenpreprocessing the data, and intensityassessment was carried out by means ofcorrespondence analysis. Differentapproaches were applied to determine themacroseismic field and trace theisoseismals. Some of the practical problemsinvolve the treatment of audibleobservations. The macroseismic magnitudeswere estimated at 4.3 (±0.2) for themain shock and 3.7 (±0.2) for itslargest aftershock. Despite the smallmagnitudes, earthquake light sightings werealso reported for the events.  相似文献   

The little-known work by Ludwig Heinrich Jeitteles (1830–1883) on the 1858 Žilina strong earthquake in the Carpathian Mountains is commemorated and analysed. Besides his detailed macroseismic analysis of the earthquake — including the construction of isoseismal lines according to local macroseismic reports — Jeitteles was the first to superimpose the macroseismic field over a generalized geological map, which enabled him to describe the earthquake effects in relation to the geological structure of the affected region. These achievements allow us to acknowledge L.H. Jeitteles as one of founding fathers of seismological research of midnineteen century.  相似文献   

探讨地震宏观破坏场分布的影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李闽峰  李圣强  陈颙 《中国地震》2000,16(4):293-306
提出震后根据仪器定位的微观震中和断层构造的关系快速确定可能的宏观震中位置,并依此使用烈度经验分布模型来进行震害快速评估。这将提高直接用微观震中位置进行震害快速评估方法的精度。通过对全国133个主要地震的微观震中与宏观震中偏离量进行统计可知。偏离量在35km范围内的占88%,其余基本都在75km范围内。这样就给出了判定宏观震中的重点区域和分析区域。详细分析南北地震带66个震例及其与断层空间分布特征的关系。以及震源机制解结果后发现,影响宏观震中偏离的因素除仪器定位本身的误差外,主要还有断层展布方向、活动规模、断层相互交接特征及震级大小等。通过对这些影响因素的分类处理分析,建立了震后室内快速判定可能的宏观震中位置的原则和步骤。以该方法为基础,通过建立包含有关因素的全国断层数据库,即可在实际的震害快速评估中得以应用。  相似文献   

In this paper a computerized method for the intensity estimation from macroseismic observations is presented. The successive steps of the MSK intensity scale (2° to 10°) receives weights according to the observations marked on the earthquake questionnaires. These weights are summed for the individual scale steps. The distribution of these summed weights and their relation to an experimentally chosen function of the criterion make it possible to estimate the appropriate intensity value and its reliability. By computer evaluation of earthquake reports an objective comparison of estimated intensities given by different seismologists can be made, provided that uniform earthquake questionnaires are used. The application of this method will result in more homogeneous intensity data.  相似文献   

The European Commission funded the RISK-UE project in 1999 with the aim of providing an advanced approach to earthquake risk scenarios for European towns and regions. In the framework of Risk-UE project, two methods were proposed, originally derived and calibrated by the authors, for the vulnerability assessment of current buildings and for the evaluation of earthquake risk scenarios: a macroseismic model, to be used with macroseismic intensity hazard maps, and a mechanical based model, to be applied when the hazard is provided in terms of peak ground accelerations and spectral values. The vulnerability of the buildings is defined by vulnerability curves, within the macroseismic method, and in terms of capacity curves, within the mechanical method. In this paper, the development of both vulnerability and capacity curves is presented with reference to an assumed typological classification system; moreover, their cross-validation is presented. The parameters of the two methods and the steps for their operative implementation are provided in the paper.  相似文献   

李炳乾 《内陆地震》1992,6(2):131-137
运用灰色系统理论的关联分析方法研究了我国大陆主要强震区强震活动的关联性。结果表明:青藏强震区、南北强震带和北疆强震区强震活动的相互关联程度较强;华北强震区的强震活动与其他强震区的关系较弱,具有一定的独立性。  相似文献   

The original historical data from surveys of the damage caused by the great Calabro-Messina earthquake are analyzed in detail. This analysis allows the macroseismic field to be reconstructed in a way more compatible with a modern scientific viewpoint, laying maximum importance on indications supplied by the MSK intensity scale.A geometrical model of the focus has been worked out, adopting in part the schemes proposed by Shebalin. This model, together with the macroseismic field parameters, is correlated with the regional structural parameters. Finally, in their quest for better knowledge of the regional seismotectonic pattern, the authors search for evidence of geodynamic consistency by analyzing a spatio-temporal period in the neighborhood of the event.  相似文献   

The estimation of the seismological parameters of historical earthquakes is a key step when performing seismic hazard assessment in moderate seismicity regions as France. We propose an original method to assess magnitude and depth of historical earthquakes using intensity data points. A flowchart based on an exploration tree (ET) approach allows to apply a consistent methodology to all the different configurations of the earthquake macroseismic field and to explore the inherent uncertainties. The method is applied to French test case historical earthquakes, using the SisFrance (BRGM, IRSN, EDF) macroseismic database and the intensity prediction equations (IPEs) calibrated in the companion paper (Baumont et al. Bull Earthq Eng, 2017). A weighted least square scheme allowing for the joint inversion of magnitude and depth is applied to earthquakes that exhibit a decay of intensity with distance. Two cases are distinguished: (1) a “Complete ET” is applied to earthquakes located within the metropolitan territory, while (2) a “Simplified ET” is applied to both, offshore and cross border events, lacking information at short distances but disposing of reliable data at large ones. Finally, a priori-depth-based magnitude computation is applied to ancient or poorly documented events, only described by single/sporadic intensity data or few macroseismic testimonies. Specific processing of “felt” testimonies allows exploiting this complementary information for poorly described earthquakes. Uncertainties associated to magnitude and depth estimates result from both, full propagation of uncertainties related to the original macroseismic information and the epistemic uncertainty related to the IPEs selection procedure.  相似文献   

A procedure is proposed for the reconfiguration of the macroseismic planes relative to earthquakes that, being characterized by a reduced number of points of observed intensity due to a lack of information, or having the epicenter very close to the coastline, are characterized by an incomplete distribution of observed intensity levels. The design of a plurality of virtual areas, through which a distribution of intensity consistent with an anisotropic model of attenuation is depicted, allows a reliable determination of macroseismic parameters of the same seismic event.  相似文献   

It is proposed that some possible macroseismic epicenters can be determined quickly from the relationship that the microseismic epicenters located by instruments bear with faults.Based on these so-called macroseismic epicenters,we can make fast seismic hazard estimation after a shock by use of the empirical distribution model of seismic intensity.In comparison with the method that uses the microseismic epicenters directly,this approach can increase the preccision of fast seismic hazard estimation.Statistical analysis of 133 main earthquakes in China was made.The result shows that the deviation distance between the microseismic epicenter and macroseismic epicenter falls within the range of 35km for 88% earthquakes of the total and within the range of 35to 75km for the remaining ones.Then,we can take the area that has the microseismic epicenter as its center and is 35km in radius as the area for emphatic analysis,and take the area within 75km around the microseismic epicenter as the area for general analysis.The relation between the 66 earthquake cases on the N-S Seismic Belt in China and the spatial distribution characteristics of faults and the results of focal mechanism solution were analyzed in detail.We know from the analysis that the error of instrumental epicenter determination is not the only factor that gives effects to the deviation of the macroseismic epicenter.In addiditon to it,the fault size,fault distribution,fault activity,fault intersection types,earthquake magnitude,etc,are also main affecting factors.By sorting out ,processing and analyzing these affecting factors,the principle and procedures for quickly determining the possible position of the macroseismic epicenter were set up.Taking these as a basis and establishing a nationwide database of faults that contains relevant factors,it is possible to apply this method in practical fast estimation of seismic hazard.  相似文献   

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