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工薪阶层,忙忙碌碌上班,风风火火做事,忙里偷闲买菜,忙中出乱,忘了买葱,蒜,香菜,辣椒之类的调料是常有的事,上了锅台,才发现没有买,凑合着做出来的菜,味道差劲得难以下咽,烦恼。  相似文献   

王玉川 《地球》2014,(8):110-111
盘古开天,大禹治水,华夏民族由是滥觞,中华家园得以肇始。一部文明史,千秋美丽图。举目望神州,中华吾园,千峰林立,万川逶迤,山河何其美哉!锦绣田园,物美泽饶,春来碧水绿芦,鱼欢鸟唱,秋到金谷白玉,花放稻香。疆域辽阔,辐辏万里,仰观大江东去碧落星辰近,俯瞰爽气西来尘寰栋宇低。  相似文献   

On the basis of eight atmospheric reanalyses, we analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of global evaporation and also briefly evaluated the eight reanalyses. The results indicate that the long-term mean annual evaporation obtained from different reanalyses are consistent over most regions, with significant maritime-continental contrasts, as well as differences in meridional directions, and the land evaporation generally decreases with the increase of altitude. In addition, the temporal evolution of global evaporation varies significantly among the datasets, MERRA, ERA-Interim, NCEP-NCRA, and NCEP-DOE are very similar, whereas CFSR agrees best with ERA-40. Comparison of the inter-annual to inter-decadal variability of land evaporation reveals large differences among the reanalyses, whereas MERRA, CFSR, and NCEP-DOE are exactly similar. The temporal variation of evaporation over the oceans showed a relatively high consistency, which indicates that the quality of the reconstructed evaporation values over the oceans is higher, and even greater uncertainties lie in the estimates of evaporation over the land. In general, MERRA and NCEP-DOE may appropriately reflect the spatial-temporal characteristics of global evaporation, showing strong representativeness. The CFSR and ERA-40 are capable of revealing the characteristics of land evaporation, whereas ERA-Interim, NCEP-NCAR, OAFlux, and HOAPS are relatively applicable for research focused on the evaporation over the oceans. According to ERA-40, NCEP-NCAR, and OAFlux, global evaporation significantly decreased for the period of 1958–1978. In contrast, most of the eight reanalyses show a significant linear increase for the period of 1979–2011, and evaporation over the oceans was even more pronounced. Furthermore, the results are presented for the mean annual cycle of global evaporation, the changes at the low latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere are most distinct, and the monthly variation amplitude of the land evaporation was higher than that of the evaporation over the oceans.  相似文献   

黄土高原是怎么形成的?黄土高原在中国北方地区与西北地区的交界处,它东起太行山,西至乌鞘岭,南连秦岭,北抵长城。主要包括山西、陕西,以及甘肃、青海、宁夏、河南等省部分地区,面积40万平方公里,占世界黄土分布70%,为世界最大的黄土堆积区。黄土厚50~80米,气候较干旱,降水集中,植被稀疏,水土流失严重。黄土高原矿产丰富,煤、石油、铝土储量大。黄土颗粒细,土质松软,含有丰富的矿物质养分,利于耕作,盆地和河谷农垦历史悠久,是中国古代文化的摇篮。但由于缺乏植被保护,加以夏雨集中,且多暴雨,在长期  相似文献   

正今年4月,挪威极地研究所的研究员在北冰洋斯瓦尔巴特群岛上,抓拍到一只看似体格健壮的雄性北极熊。而7月,再次见到这只北极熊时,却看到了它枯瘦如柴的尸体,令人不忍直视。对此,野生动物专家推测,正是由于全球气候变化,引起海冰层的不断消退,北极熊  相似文献   

鹏飞 《地球》2014,(8):108-109
郭得河,1951年生,河南南阳市卧龙区人,1968年入伍,曾参加对越自卫还击作战。历任南京政治学院教员、总政治部宣传部干事、编研室主任、研究馆员、中国人民革命军事博物馆原馆长,少将军衔。现任中国博物馆协会副理事长,国际博物馆协会中国国家委员会副主席,中国国史学会常务理事,中国党史学会理事,中国书法家协会会员。曾师从欧阳中石、李铎,专攻二王法帖,研习书法史,兼习欧阳询、怀素等。  相似文献   

徐迅 《地球》2012,(12):88-89
库尔勒的秋色实际上是胡杨林点染的金黄——秋天到来,万木萧瑟,许多的树叶都在秋风里无声地飘落,沙漠上只有胡杨林一树繁华,黄得像花,黄得灿烂绚丽至极。远远望去,那一大片一大片的胡杨林在阳光里火焰一般地燃烧,如凤凰涅槃,尽情地升华着自己的生命。又仿佛在用无比华丽的金色,把它生命的最后一刻演绎得热烈而辉煌,即便躯干佝偻,或斜或倒卧的,那枝头金色的叶片依然保持一种生命的激情。这时候,我突然感觉面前的胡杨林不是一棵棵树,而是徘徊在沙漠上的一个个神灵。如果没有胡杨林,我想库尔勒的秋天一定是荒凉的。这个因出产香梨而著  相似文献   

臧敬 《地球》2012,(3):99-105
(一)手记:玛雅预言里,曾经有过这样一段记载,说人类生存的世界,共有五次毁灭和重生周期,每一个周期即所谓太阳纪,并认为在每一纪结束时,都会演一出惊心动魄的毁灭悲剧。而今天我们要讲述的是第四个太阳纪——亚特兰蒂斯,又称光的文明,传说中是来自猎户座的殖民者,拥有光的能力。当然,神话里故事是变幻莫测的,不管它有没有光的能力,而真实的历史记载中,确实有这样一段史实。古希腊哲学家柏拉  相似文献   

Coupled effects of railway vibration, rainfall, and drying-wetting cycles contribute to new types of loess disasters such as the collapse and vibration-induced settlement of the railway subgrade, loess mass disintegration, and slope sliding,during the large-scale construction and operation of high-speed or heavy-haul railways in China. This has significant consequences for railways that require millimetre-level deformation control, seriously threatening railway operation and people's lives. Therefore, for the first time, "five vibration-induced effects" on loess subjected to vibration, water immersion, and drywetting cycles are discussed including the vibration-induced acceleration of cracking, infiltration, disintegration, sliding, and subsidence. In this paper, the vibration-induced acceleration of infiltration is discussed mainly. The response of loess to locomotive vibration along railways was determined using field sampling and data processing. The dominant frequency of locomotive vibration are 18-22 Hz and the maximum amplitude is 0.4 mm. Tests regarding the vibration-induced acceleration of the permeability were conducted on intact loess using a newly developed vibration permeability apparatus. The results reveal that the vibration accelerates the water permeability and increases the water saturation of loess. The permeability coefficient of saturated loess under vibration is ~1.5-20 times of that without vibration, reaching a maximum at a vibration frequency of 20 Hz.Vibration-induced infiltration tests were carried out on a loess column and the vibration-induced acceleration of water infiltration, wetting front evolution, and air outflow were analysed. The vibration-induced acceleration of infiltration strongly depends on the dry density, vibration frequency, and vibration amplitude. This pioneering work explores the mechnism of loess disasters triggered by locomotive vibration, rainfall, and drying-wetting cycles.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have proposed an alternative seismic hazard modeling by using distributed seismicites. The distributed seismicity model does not need delineation of seismic source zones, and simplify the methodology of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Based on the devastating earthquake catalogue, we established three seismi- city model, derived the distribution of a-value in northern China by using Gaussian smoothing function, and cal-culated peak ground acceleration distributions for this area with 2%, 5% and 10% probability of exceedance in a 50-year period by using three attenuation models, respectively. In general, the peak ground motion distribution patterns are consistent with current seismic hazard map of China, but in some specific seismic zones which in-clude Shanxi Province and Shijiazhuang areas, our results indicated a little bit higher peak ground motions and zonation characters which are in agreement with seismicity distribution patterns in these areas. The hazard curves have been developed for Beijing, Tianjin, Taiyuan, Tangshan, and Ji’nan, the metropolitan cities in the northern China. The results showed that Tangshan, Taiyuan, Beijing has a higher seismic hazard than that of other cities mentioned above.  相似文献   

胡鹏  袁希平 《地震工程学报》2018,40(5):1098-1104
传统水资源信息管理模型采用GIS网络技术,对水资源信息进行优化配置,未对地震多发区域水资源管网进行综合规划,存在地震破坏后受污染水资源信息管理性能差的问题。设计考虑区域水资源地震破坏后污染的信息管理模型,模型包括受污染水资源信息规划设计模块、信息监测和采集模块、信息管理模块。3个模块分别实现对地震破坏后污染的水资源管网的合理规划、监测和采集以及污染信息的综合管理。实验结果表明,所设计模型对区域水资源地震破坏后污染的信息管理的平均时间达到1.38 s,且在管理过程中各项功能的评分都高于93.5分,具有较高的管理性能。  相似文献   

根据新疆防震减灾中心信息网络平台建设实际需求和设计要求,对中心的通信网络、传输信道等资源进行了整体优化集成设计。系统集成实施后信息网络平台传输可靠、性能稳定,达到了在速率、技术、资金等方面的优化,提高了网络系统运行的安全性和稳定性。  相似文献   

详细阐述了宁夏地震局防震减灾信息网络的现状、需求及今后的发展趋势,结合中国地震局“十五”地震信息减灾技术的要求,对宁夏地震局“十五”网络改造提出了建设性意见。介绍了利用现代化技术手段开发建设的宁夏防震减灾数据库等网络资源,探讨了今后信息网络的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,特别是三维及网络技术的发展,用网络虚拟现实手段对各地的地震科普馆进行数字化改造,建成基于网络的数字化科普馆系统,对于加强防震减灾科普宣传、普及防震减灾理念、共享防震减灾资源,具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

针对黑龙江省地震监测中心工作任务和技术系统密集的特点,用Java开发一套基于Windows平台的区域台网智能管理软件系统,实现仪器自动化监控与故障分析、台网智能化运行与管理、综合信息智能化发布等功能,以自动化技术替代部分人力资源.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展和信息化的推进,各个项目建设均要对硬件、网络、数据库、软件平台和系统进行重复的规划与建设,项目建设的系统越多,操作系统和应用服务的部署和运维就面临着越大的挑战,同时也造成了大量硬件资源的浪费,需要较高的成本进行维护。本文介绍了地震信息化项目中,利用云计算和大数据技术构建地震信息化共用服务平台,通过统一的基础设施建设和资源管理,提供一系列地震相关系统开发过程中需要的共用基础服务,使得开发人员能够在云平台提供的服务基础上,高效弹性地对系统进行开发、部署和运维,大大提高了资源利用率和时间效率。  相似文献   

The article presents a new information technology for the analysis of problems and the support of decision making regarding the availability of water resources for the users of the water management complex of the Lower Volga and the entire Volga–Kama chain of HPPs. A procedure is proposed to search for compromise decisions in water resources management in the interests of various water users (hydropower engineering, transport, ecology, agriculture, fishery, etc.). Modern methods of multicriteria analysis and the theory of compromises a used. The issues considered in the study include the determination of the potentially possible levels of meeting the requirements of the water users mentioned above and the effect produced on these levels by possible changes in the Management Rules of the Volga–Kama Chain of Reservoirs.  相似文献   

流域综合管理方法与技术   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
流域作为一个具有明确边界的地理单元,流域以水为纽带,将上、中、下游组成一个普遍具有因果联系的复合生态系统,是实现资源和环境管理的最佳单元.流域综合管理已经被认为是实现资源利用和环境保护相协调的最佳途径.然而,由于流域综合管理涉及多学科,多部门,内容非常广泛.近年的流域管理还主要停留在一个目标.本文在流域模拟管理研究及实践的相关经验基础上,系统地讨论了流域综合管理实施方法、关键技术以及主要技术问题.  相似文献   

展望地震监测台网的发展与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着国民经济的快速发展,我国地震监测台网的发展也日新月异,设备性能、技术系统、台网密度正逐步接近发达国家的水平,同时积累了大量的观测数据。如何利用这些监测资源,更好地为经济建设和社会公共安全服务,是值得研究的重要问题。本文认为提取有用的地震前兆信息、提升地震速报能力、扩展烈度速报功能是地震监测台网为地震预报和地震应急服务的重点;整合台网资源,构筑统一标准、多用途的地震监测网络是建设公共安全服务技术平台的前提;工程、海洋、气象、环保等是地震监测资源的主要服务领域。因此,开发监测资源,加强自主创新,构筑技术平台,拓展服务领域是未来地震监测台网为社会和公共安全服务的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

A methodology is presented for the economic analysis of investments in research, technology development and water resources conservation. The role of technology development and resource conservation is directly related to the availability of resources. Mathematically speaking, we are dealing with a problem in which part of the control variables are investments on technologies related to the manufacturing of diverse products. The methodology enables the decision maker to distribute efficiently restricted amounts of capital and resources to the different manufacturing systems so as to achieve the most profitable combination of production levels.Using the so called ‘technology function’, the solution procedure consists of a combination of decomposition and dynamic programming. Two specific technology functions are considered as examples and it is shown how analytical consideration can be incorporated in the solution procedure so as to reduce computational requirements.Possible extensions of the problem are also discussed.  相似文献   

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