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Existing buildings can be at a greater seismic risk due to non-conformance to current design codes and may require structural retrofitting to improve building performance. The performance of buildings is measured in terms of immediate consequences due to direct damage, but the continuing impacts related to recovery are not considered in seismic retrofit assessment. This paper introduces a framework of retrofit selection based on the seismic resilience of deficient buildings retrofitted with the conventional mitigation approaches. The assembly-based methodology is considered for the seismic resilience assessment by compiling a nonlinear numerical model and a building performance model. The collapse fragility is developed from the capacity curve, and the resulting social, economic, and environmental consequences are determined. The seismic resilience of a building is assessed by developing a downtime assessment methodology incorporating sequence of repairs, impeding factors, and utility availability. Five functionality states are developed for the building functionality given investigated time interval, and a functionality curve for each retrofit is determined. It is concluded that seismic resilience can be used as a performance indicator to assess the continuing impacts of a hazard for the retrofit selection.  相似文献   

In flood risk management, the divergent concept of resilience of a flood defense system cannot be fully defined quantitatively by one indicator and multiple indicators need to be considered simultaneously. In this paper, a multi-objective optimization (MOO) design framework is developed to determine the optimal protection level of a levee system based on different resilience indicators that depend on the probabilistic features of the flood damage cost arising under the uncertain nature of rainfalls. An evolutionary-based MOO algorithm is used to find a set of non-dominated solutions, known as Pareto optimal solutions for the optimal protection level. The objective functions, specifically resilience indicators of severity, variability and graduality, that account for the uncertainty of rainfall can be evaluated by stochastic sampling of rainfall amount together with the model simulations of incurred flood damage estimation for the levee system. However, these model simulations which usually require detailed flood inundation simulation are computationally demanding. This hinders the wide application of MOO in flood risk management and is circumvented here via a surrogate flood damage modeling technique that is integrated into the MOO algorithm. The proposed optimal design framework is applied to a levee system in a central basin of flood-prone Jakarta, Indonesia. The results suggest that the proposed framework enables the application of MOO with resilience objectives for flood defense system design under uncertainty and solves the decision making problems efficiently by drastically reducing the required computational time.  相似文献   

提出变电站地震可恢复性等级划分方法,设立评价变电站地震可恢复性的量化指标——可恢复性指数,给出基于建筑物和高压电气设备的权重系数与震害指数的变电站可恢复性指数计算公式,确定可恢复性指数与可恢复性等级对应关系,通过变电站实际震害与恢复样本研究建立变电站可恢复性矩阵。研究结果表明:随着可恢复性指数降低,变电站可恢复性越来越差,当可恢复性指数低于0.45时,变电站达到极难恢复的阈值;变电站所处的地震烈度越高时,变电站可恢复性就越低,恢复时间也越长。在9度区,变电站可恢复性指数开始快速降低,多数变电站为可恢复和难恢复,烈度为10度及以上地区,变电站极难恢复。  相似文献   

In the Southern African Development Community region, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles and tools are being implemented through the existing regional framework for water resources development and management. The IWRM approach is applied at river basin level seeking a balance between the economic efficiency, social equity and environmental sustainability in water resources management and development. This paper uses composite indexes to analyze the performance of River Basin Organizations (RBOs) as key implementing agents of the IWRM framework. The assessment focuses on three RBOs that fall under the Regional Water Administration for Southern Mozambique (ARA-Sul) jurisdiction, namely: Umbeluzi, Incomati and Limpopo River Basin Management Units. The analysis focus on the computation of a set of multidimensional key performance indicators developed by Hooper (2010) but adapted to the Mozambican context. This research used 24 out of 115 proposed universal key performance indicators. The indicators for this case study were selected based on their suitability to evaluate performance in line with the legal and institutional framework context that guides the operations of RBOs in Mozambique. Finally these indicators were integrated in a composite index, using an additive and multiplicative aggregation method coupled with the Analytic Hierarchy Process technique employed to differentiate the relative importance of the various indicators considered. The results demonstrate the potential usefulness of the methodology developed to analyze the RBOs performance and proved useful in identifying the main performance areas in need of improvement for better implementation of IWRM at river basin level in Mozambique. This information should support both the IWRM framework adaptation to local context and the implementation at river basin level in order to improve water governance.  相似文献   

基于1988-2013年的洱海流域社会经济统计数据与湖内水质历史监测数据,分析了社会经济指标和富营养化指标的逐年变化趋势,并借助Change-point Analyzer对指标进行了拐点分析.结果显示:过去25年洱海水体呈明显富营养化趋势,主要富营养化指标均出现过1次恶化拐点,总磷出现时间最早(1996年),其次是高锰酸盐指数(1999年),总氮、叶绿素a、透明度和综合营养状态指数则集中在2002-2003年期间出现拐点,叶绿素a浓度上升10余倍,透明度相应下降了近50%.流域主要社会经济指标出现了2~3次增长拐点,首次拐点集中出现在1994-1999年期间,明显早于富营养化指标恶化拐点出现时间.多元回归分析显示洱海总磷浓度受流域农作物种植业发展影响最大,其他水质指标则主要受流域畜牧业的影响.  相似文献   

在韧性城市和建筑抗震韧性等级评价中,需要对场地的韧性给出评价。场地韧性是一个新概念,场地韧性的概念和场地韧性等级评价在学术界还是空白。因此,对场地韧性的概念及有关问题开展讨论,对韧性城市和建筑抗震韧性评价具有重要的理论意义和工程应用价值。本文在分析韧性和场地概念的基础上,讨论了场地的稳定性和抗干扰问题;基于HOLLING建立的适应性循环理论,论述了建立场地韧性概念的理论基础;首次提出了场地韧性概念并解释了其内涵;考虑韧性城市和建筑抗震韧性评价的需求,初步讨论了与场地韧性等级评价有关的问题,提出了建立场地韧性等级评价指标体系的初步设想;建议了场地韧性等级评价的数学方法,为实现场地韧性等级评价提供了途径和方法。本文研究成果对从事韧性城市和建筑抗震韧性研究的科技工作者有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Street-level visualization is an important application of 3D city models.Challenges to street-level visualization include the cluttering of buildings due to fine detail and visualization performance.In this paper,a novel method is proposed for streetlevel visualization based on visual saliency evaluation.The basic idea of the method is to preserve these salient buildings in a scene while removing those that are non-salient.The method can be divided into pre-processing procedures and real-time visualization.The first step in pre-processing is to convert 3D building models at higher Levels of Detail(Lo Ds) into LoD 1 models with simplified ground plans.Then,a number of index viewpoints are created along the streets; these indices refer to both the position and the direction of each street site.A visual saliency value is computed for each building,with respect to the index site,based on a visual difference between the original model and the generalized model.We calculate and evaluate three methods for visual saliency:local difference,global difference and minimum projection area.The real-time visualization process begins by mapping the observer to its closest indices.The street view is then generated based on the building information stored in those indexes.A user study shows that the local visual saliency method performs better than do the global visual saliency,area and image-based methods and that the framework proposed in this paper may improve the performance of 3D visualization.  相似文献   

承灾体脆弱性评估是科学进行灾害风险评估和预测的基础,房屋建筑作为面大量广的承灾体,众多学者对建筑物理脆弱性指标模型进行了研究。基于单灾种和多灾种2个维度,针对指标模型构建的各环节,全面梳理了几种典型单灾种物理脆弱性指标体系和评估模型构建情况,发现指标选取理论依据不明确,模型构建主观性较强,不能准确表征建筑特点与抗灾能力间的内在联系。系统总结了多灾种指标体系和耦合物理脆弱性指标模型研究现状,发现多灾种之间及其对承灾体影响的复杂耦合效应在现有指标模型中未得到充分体现。研究结果表明,明晰指标依据、优化模型构建是提升单灾种物理脆弱性评估准确性的关键;改进脆弱性耦合模型、拓展综合脆弱性评估方法是健全多灾种脆弱性评估研究的核心。  相似文献   

We propose a framework for spatially estimating a proxy for coral reef resilience using remote sensing. Data spanning large areas of coral reef habitat were obtained using the commercial QuickBird satellite, and freely available imagery (NASA, Google Earth). Principles of coral reef ecology, field observation, and remote observations, were combined to devise mapped indices. These capture important and accessible components of coral reef resilience. Indices are divided between factors known to stress corals, and factors incorporating properties of the reef landscape that resist stress or promote coral growth. The first-basis for a remote sensed resilience index (RSRI), an estimate of expected reef resilience, is proposed. Developed for the Red Sea, the framework of our analysis is flexible and with minimal adaptation, could be extended to other reef regions. We aim to stimulate discussion as to use of remote sensing to do more than simply deliver habitat maps of coral reefs.  相似文献   

分析了跨断层形变监测标石地岩土分类、地表岩土分类、影响监测场地标石稳定因素以及不同监测标石地监测实例变化等。结果表明:现有监测标石地岩土分类需要完善;重新分类了监测标石地岩土并给出了监测标石命名方法,以期促进跨断层形变监测工作进一步发展。  相似文献   

Parasite species have been widely used as fish host migration tag or as indicators of local pollution. In this paper our approach is to consider the entire parasite community as a biological indicator of the fish environmental conditions. Seven fish species belonging to the Apogonidae, Apogon bandanensis, A. cookii, A. doderleini, A. norfolkensis, A. trimaculatus, Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus and Fowleria variegata, were sampled on six stations in two bays (Grand-Rade and Sainte-Marie) around Nouméa (New-Caledonia). The two bays are submitted to urban wastewater inputs alone or combined with additional industrial inputs which influences decrease from the inner part to the entrance of each bay. A total of 592 fish were dissected for macro parasite examination. Parasites were grouped according to their taxonomical rank and development stage for the analysis. We found an inconsistent effect of the confinement between the two bays, revealing that the parasite community is not the same in the two bays. Moreover, the encysted metacercariae found in the pericardic cavity were found to be significant indicators of the specific anthropogenically impacted environmental conditions prevailing in the inner parts of the two bays. Other parasite taxa were found to be significant indicators of specific environmental conditions in one or two stations among the six sampled. Results on parasite specificity and biological life cycle of the parasite taxa found in sampled Apogonid were further compared with environmental parameters.  相似文献   

建于上世纪50、60年代的老旧社区广泛分布于我国各个城市的建成区中,当地震灾害来临时,能否快速的进入避难场地进行避难是衡量老旧社区安全程度的重要指标之一。韧性防灾作为近年来重要的防灾理念之一,强调社区可以通过自身的体系抵抗地震灾害的冲击。该研究以地震灾害为基础,依托韧性防灾的理念,运用多智能体仿真模拟,建立老旧社区的避难场地规划方法。同时以大连工人村老旧社区为例,构建出新增集中型与分散型避难场地影响实验,得出相应的新增避难场地规划选择方法与布局策略。  相似文献   

近年来吉林省松原地区破坏性地震频发,十分必要对当地群体建筑结构的抗震韧性进行分析。对吉林省松原地区的群体建筑结构进行地震响应分析以及抗震韧性评估,对比分析城市和乡镇群体建筑结构在地震作用下的地震响应和抗震韧性。根据《建筑抗震韧性评价标准(GBT 38591—2020)》确定群体建筑结构抗震韧性评估流程,通过韧性指数法和韧性等级法对群体建筑结构的抗震韧性进行定量分析,对城乡抗震韧性的评价结果为当地防震减灾提供理论支持。  相似文献   

The summer of 2003 was the warmest summer in Europe since the 16th century. Its consequences on the fauna of a transitional ecosystem were studied through biodiversity, functional and ecological indicators, from summer 2002 to winter 2005. The heatwave caused considerable changes in the benthic community structure and relative composition, persisting in 2005. Animal assemblages switched from mollusc- to annelida-dominated. Biodiversity and functional indicators captured changes in community structure and composition, proving to be powerful tools to detect responses related to global warming. Ecological indicators rendered a monotonic response oscillating between bad and poor ecological status across the study period. The resilience of mollusc biocoenosis resulted limited with respect to other taxa, posing concerns about their conservation if, as predicted, the frequency of summers as hot as that of 2003 will progressively increase to become the norm at the end of this century.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel nonlinear finite element (FE) model updating framework, in which advanced nonlinear structural FE modeling and analysis techniques are used jointly with the extended Kalman filter (EKF) to estimate time‐invariant parameters associated to the nonlinear material constitutive models used in the FE model of the structural system of interest. The EKF as a parameter estimation tool requires the computation of structural FE response sensitivities (total partial derivatives) with respect to the material parameters to be estimated. Employing the direct differentiation method, which is a well‐established procedure for FE response sensitivity analysis, facilitates the application of the EKF in the parameter estimation problem. To verify the proposed nonlinear FE model updating framework, two proof‐of‐concept examples are presented. For each example, the FE‐simulated response of a realistic prototype structure to a set of earthquake ground motions of varying intensity is polluted with artificial measurement noise and used as structural response measurement to estimate the assumed unknown material parameters using the proposed nonlinear FE model updating framework. The first example consists of a cantilever steel bridge column with three unknown material parameters, while a three‐story three‐bay moment resisting steel frame with six unknown material parameters is used as second example. Both examples demonstrate the excellent performance of the proposed parameter estimation framework even in the presence of high measurement noise. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An understanding of undesirable disturbance to the balance of organisms is needed to diagnose marine eutrophication as defined by EU Directives and OSPAR. This review summarizes the findings of the UK Defra-funded Undesirable Disturbance Study Team, which concluded that 'an undesirable disturbance is a perturbation of a marine ecosystem that appreciably degrades the health or threatens the sustainable human use of that ecosystem'. A methodology is proposed for detecting disturbance of temperate salt-water communities dominated by phytoplanktonic or phytobenthic primary producers. It relies on monitoring indicators of ecosystem structure and vigour, which are components of health. Undesirable disturbance can be diagnosed by accumulating evidence of ecohydrodynamic type-specific changes in: (i) bulk indicators; (ii) frequency statistics; (iii) flux measurements; (iv) structural indicators; and (v) indicator species. These are exemplified by (i) chlorophyll, transparency, dissolved oxygen, and opportunistic seaweed cover; (ii) HABs frequency; (iii) primary production; (iv) benthic and planktonic 'trophic indices'; (v) seagrasses and Nephrops norvegicus. Ecological Quality Objectives are proposed for some of these. Linking the diagnosis to eutrophication requires correlation of changes with nutrient enrichment. The methodology, which requires the development of a plankton community index and emphasizes the importance of primary production as an indicator of vigour, can be harmonized with the EU Water Framework Directive and OSPAR's Strategy to Combat Eutrophication.  相似文献   

The buildings’ capacity to maintain minimum structural safety levels during natural disasters, such as earthquakes, is recognisably one of the aspects that most influence urban resilience. Moreover, the public investment in risk mitigation strategies is fundamental, not only to promote social and urban and resilience, but also to limit consequent material, human and environmental losses. Despite the growing awareness of this issue, there is still a vast number of traditional masonry buildings spread throughout many European old city centres that lacks of adequate seismic resistance, requiring therefore urgent retrofitting interventions in order to both reduce their seismic vulnerability and to cope with the increased seismic requirements of recent code standards. Thus, this paper aims at contributing to mitigate the social and economic impacts of earthquake damage scenarios through the development of vulnerability-based comparative analysis of some of the most popular retrofitting techniques applied after the 1998 Azores earthquake. The influence of each technique individually and globally studied resorting to a seismic vulnerability index methodology integrated into a GIS tool and damage and loss scenarios are constructed and critically discussed. Finally, the economic balance resulting from the implementation of that techniques are also examined.  相似文献   

A primary goal of earthquake engineering is to protect society from the possible negative consequences of future earthquakes. Conventionally, this goal has been achieved indirectly by reducing seismic damage of the built environment through better building codes, or more comprehensibly, by minimizing seismic risk. However, the effect that building damage has on occupants is not explicitly taken into account while designing infrastructure. Consequently, this paper introduces a conceptual framework and numerical algorithm to assess earthquake risk on building occupants during seismic events, considering the evacuation process of the structure. The framework combines probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, inelastic structural response analysis and damage assessment, and couples these results with the response of evacuating agents. The results are cast as probability distributions of variables that measure the overall performance of the system (e.g., evacuation times, number of injured people, and repair costs) for specific time windows. As a testbed, the framework was applied to the response of a reinforced concrete frame building that exemplifies the use of all steps of the methodology. The results suggest that this seismic risk evaluation framework of structural systems that combine the response of a physical model with human agents can be extended to a wide variety of other situations, including the assessment of mitigation actions in communities and people to improve their earthquake resilience. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于单一指标的传统地震易损性分析忽略了非结构构件损伤对建筑抗震性能的影响。首先基于多维性能极限状态理论建立了三维性能极限状态方程,并对几种特殊情况下的三维阈值曲面进行了讨论。进而以最大层间位移角作为整体结构与位移敏感型非结构构件的性能指标,以峰值楼面加速度作为加速度敏感型非结构构件的性能指标,对建筑的结构损伤和非结构损伤进行描述。考虑各性能指标之间的相关性和各性能指标所对应的极限状态阈值的不确定性,建立了建筑在地震作用下的三维性能极限状态的超越概率函数。最后,采用Open Sees有限元软件对一7层钢筋混凝土框架填充墙建筑进行增量动力分析,得到其各性能水平下的地震易损性曲线。分析结果表明,当忽略非结构构件损伤时,各性能极限状态的超越概率均降低,从而高估了建筑剩余功能水平,进而导致低估建筑的损失。在考虑各性能指标的极限状态阈值的不确定性时,对任一性能极限状态,不同变异系数取值下的易损性曲线会出现交点,在交点之前超越概率随着变异系数的增大而增大,交点之后则随着变异系数的增大而减小。在考虑性能指标间的相关性时,对任一性能极限状态,超越概率随着相关系数的减小而增大。另外,性能指标阈值的不确定性与性能指标间的相关性对地震易损性的影响随着性能水平的提高而逐渐降低,且对低性能水平下建筑地震易损性有明显影响。  相似文献   

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