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采用FISH技术对2008年冬、夏两季太湖梅梁湾水体中细菌优势种群的丰度进行了对比分析。实验中,选取荧光素标记的特异寡核苷酸探针,与太湖梅梁湾水体中的四类细菌优势种群α-变形菌(α-proteobacteria),β-变形菌(β-proteobacteria),γ-变形菌(γ-proteobacteria)和拟杆菌(Bacteroidetes)进行原位杂交。结果表明:①所测定的四类细菌优势种群占总细菌的比例在冬季均显著高于夏季(P0.01);②水体中α-proteobacteria的丰度随TP浓度的增加而显著增加(R~2=0.860,P0.01);③随着Chl.a浓度的增加,水体中细菌的丰度呈上升的趋势,尤其是其中的γ-proteobacteria,其增大趋势更加显著(R~2=0.857,P0.01);④细菌种群的丰度受水体中PO_4~(3-)浓度的影响,尤其是对Bacteroidetes的影响更加显著(R~2=0.733,P0.05)。  相似文献   

为探讨城市湖泊中抗生素的污染分布特征和生态风险,以宁波月湖为研究对象,利用固相萃取、超高效液相色谱串联质谱法(HPLC-MS/MS)对月湖水体抗生素进行分析,并采用生态风险熵值法(RQ)和混合抗生素的风险法(MRQ)评价磺胺类、大环内酯类、喹诺酮类、β-内酰胺类、林可霉素(LIN)等10种抗生素的生态风险情况.结果表明:氨苄西林(AMS)的检出浓度最高,浓度变化范围在ND~382.0 ng/L;其次为头孢氨苄(LEX)、诺氟沙星(NOR)、磺胺间甲氧嘧啶(SMM)、LIN、阿奇霉素(AZM)、磺胺噻唑(STZ)、磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)、泰乐菌素(TYL)和磺胺嘧啶(SDZ),浓度范围分别为ND~283.0、ND~267.0、ND~219.0、31.50~209.0、ND~147.0、7.34~109.0、ND~104.0、ND~80.50和20.40~57.30 ng/L.月湖水体中10种目标抗生素的水平总体上高于自然湖泊,尤其β-内酰胺类和LIN在城市湖泊中广泛存在.生态风险评估的结果表明,LIN、TYL、SMX、NOR、AMS的生态风险值(RQ)值均大于1,具有高的生态风险;其余5种抗生素处于中或低的生态风险水平.本研究为城市湖泊抗生素生态风险问题的深入研究提供了一定的科学依据和基础.  相似文献   

三峡大坝上下游水质时空变化特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为探索三峡大坝上下游(坝上99.9 km、坝下63.0 km、全长162.9 km)水质时空变化特征,运用主成分分析和方差分析对2016年近坝段水质时空变化特征进行了分析.主成分分析表明,水文因子流量(Q)、气温(T)、水位(Z)和水质因子(水温(WT)、pH、电导率(EC)、溶解氧(DO)、悬浮物(SS)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、硫酸盐(SO42-)、氟化物(F-)、总硬度(T-Hard)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、总氮(TN)和硒(Se))的变化主导着研究区域水质变化;各采样点主成分得分和双因素方差分析结果显示研究区域水质因子时间变化主要呈现出季节和不同水库运行时期的差异.消落期(2-5月),T-Hard、F-、SO42-和EC是影响河流水质变化的主导因子;汛期(7-8月),Q、SS、CODMn、NO3--N、TN和Se是影响河流水质变化的主导因子;T和WT主导着汛末(9月)河流水质变化,并引起了DO等理化特性的变化;高水位运行期(12月),Cl-是影响河流水质变化的主导因子.现阶段,DO、有机污染物(CODMn)、无机盐(SO42-和F-)、营养盐类(NO3--N和TN)、类金属元素(Se)和水体的矿化程度(T-Hard)的变化主导着区域水质的变化,是三峡大坝近坝段水域水质的控制因子.方差分析表明,河流的理化特性(DO、pH和SS)、营养盐组分构成(NH3-N和NO3--N)、无机盐类(EC和Cl-)、石油类有机污染物及粪大肠菌群(FC)等指标在坝上与坝下断面存在显著性差异.气温、水温、降雨、含沙量的季节性影响因素和水库调度运行模式是影响近坝段水质时间差异的主要因子;空间差异主要受城区污染排放和三峡水库调度引起的坝上和坝下水文和水动力学条件差异影响.因此控制研究区域因人类活动等造成的外源性污染,并针对不同类污染物质的季节变化特征实施合理的水库运行方式是近坝段水质提升的关键.  相似文献   

黑龙江省安兴湿地秋季浮游植物群落结构   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
韩欢欢  范亚文 《湖泊科学》2012,24(4):577-585
于2010年10月(秋季)对黑龙江省安兴湿地浮游植物群落组成、丰度及优势种进行分析.共设置9个采样点,经鉴定共有浮游植物146个分类单位,包括128种17变种1变型,隶属于6门8纲12目25科45属,其中绿藻为优势门类,占浮游植物总数的39.7%,裸藻次之,占浮游植物总数的30.8%,硅藻居第三位,占浮游植物总数的21.9%,调查期间浮游植物的总丰度为181.4×106cells/L.优势度分析显示,安兴湿地秋季各采样点的浮游植物优势种都在3个以上,主要优势种有细粒囊裸藻(Trachelomonas granulosa Playf.)、梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz.)、细粒囊裸藻齿领变种(Trachelomonas granulosa var.crenulatocollis(Szab.)Hub.-Pest.)等.样点聚类和非度量多维标度分析表明,9个采样点浮游植物群落在相似度60%时可分为5组,各样点浮游植物种类在空间组成上相似性低,差异性较大,主要与其生境特点相关.典范对应分析显示优势种类变化与环境条件相一致,主要受温度、pH的影响.此外,在安兴湿地内还鉴定出大量的β-中污带指示种,结合多样性指数分析,本文初步推断安兴湿地水质可能受到了一定的污染.  相似文献   

利用树轮资料重建黑河近千年来出山口径流量   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
依据黑河上游流域内获取的树木年轮样本和该河上游及出山口水文站径流资料,利用树木年轮水文学的原理和方法,建立了年轮年表.年表与河流径流量的相关关系,重建了黑河上游及出山口径流.得出在距今1319a以来,黑河莺落峡出山口最大年径流量为26.74×10~8m3/a,最小为6.44×10~8m3/a,年际变率Cv=4.17,多年平均为15.284×10~8m3/a.特枯、偏枯水年以及平水年、特、偏丰水年出现的概率分别为18.9%,23.9%,20.5%.19.0%,17.7%.相对而言,枯水年稍多一些.持续5a以上的枯水段出现过37次,共358a,持续最长的枯水段达22a;丰水段为38次,共390a,最长达39a.这两种现象仅占总数的一半,另一半是2~3a间的丰、枯水循环和平水期.小周期循环是出山口径流量的主要变化方式.同时也有较明显的中、长周期变化.据历史文献记载中所描述张掖(原甘州)旱涝灾害与出山口年径流量的对比中,旱灾的吻合率高达80%以上.而涝灾也在60%以上.从中长周期的变化趋势来看,目前在全球气候变暖背景下,出山口径流量正处在一个百年尺度的丰水期中.这一结果是目前我国在利用树木年轮重建千年以上长度水文资料的首例工作.它为黑河流域经济发展、生态环境保护以及合理利用地表水资源提供重要科学依据.  相似文献   

生物气主要有两种生成途径:乙酸发酵和二氧化碳还原.一般,海相环境以二氧化碳还原型为主,而陆相淡水-微咸水沉积环境主要以乙酸发酵型为主,随着深度增加,二氧化碳还原所占比例提高.通过对中国柴达木盆地三湖地区涩北一号构造区新涩3-4井系列取样分析认为,生物甲烷的两种产生途径并不严格按照深度分布.乙酸发酵成因类型分布在浅层(160~400 m)及井底部位(1650~1700 m); 近地表(50~160 m)及中深部是二氧化碳还原型.浅层乙酸发酵型甲烷明显偏重的稳定碳同位素值与相对封闭的泥岩环境及相对有限的母质来源有关; 而井底部位(1650~1700 m)正常乙酸发酵型生物甲烷与粉砂岩为主的相对开放的环境有关,该层段水中极高的乙酸含量说明充分的营养供给不会造成甲烷碳同位素明显变化,同时也意味着本层段地下水活动强烈,从外界携带大量营养底物进入.分析结果同时表明一定浓度的烯类气体暗示着该区细菌活动性强的事实.商业性的聚集以CO2还原成因类型为主,乙酸发酵所占比例较少.  相似文献   

为探究富营养化浅水湖泊所富集的有机物对湖泊碳循环和水质的影响,本研究构建微宇宙系统,模拟蓝藻和芦苇碎屑单独分解及混合分解过程.通过测定各组上覆水营养盐浓度、有机质含量及结构的变化,揭示富营养化湖泊藻草残体混合分解过程中养分和有机碳的释放特征.结果表明,在实验0~88 h内,在添加相同的碳源条件下,蓝藻和芦苇混合处理组总碳(TC)释放量显著高于理论值,表明藻草碎屑混合分解存在共代谢效应.在培养初期,沉积物通过共代谢效应对水质产生了较大的影响,加速向水体中释放氮、磷物质.相较单独的植物分解,混合处理组中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)的最大释放量分别提高了13.49%和26.84%;通过三维荧光光谱表征的类富里酸荧光强度变化也表明:较芦苇处理组,混合处理组中芦苇的分解速率更快.在培养开始后,各处理组均快速转变为厌氧状态,TC、TN、TP浓度随时间变化总体上呈先快速上升再逐渐平缓的趋势,分别在第228、108和324小时达最大值(372.4±2.98)、(138.45±2.97)和(7.95±1.11) mg/L.细菌特异性脂肪酸含量变化表明,将蓝藻碎屑添加到芦苇碎屑中,会增加芦苇碎屑中细菌的丰度,从而提高分解速率,激发共代谢效应.在全球气候变暖的背景下,随着富营养化湖泊藻类暴发频次增加,共代谢效应可能还会进一步加强,对富营养化湖泊水质将会持续产生影响.  相似文献   

陕西段家坡黄土剖面中趋磁细菌特征与环境意义   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
对陕西段家坡黄土剖面61个样品(所在层位以S0和S1为主,其次为与它相邻的L1和L2层段)进行了磁场下的富集和移接培养等生物和地球化学综合分析。结果表明黄土剖面中存在向磁南极泳动的趋磁细菌,它在黄土层中分布少(<25个/格),呈弧形或厚壁形,单个菌体仅载有2~4个磁小体,在古土壤层中数量多(>125个/格),多呈杆状,单个菌体载有8~26个磁小体,磁小体近圆形,其线状排列不够规则,主要金属元素为Fe和Co.趋磁细菌中可检测到C_(14:0)-C_(28:0)系列的正构脂肪酸,不饱和脂肪酸甚微。磁小体形成最佳生长需氧量为10%,需铁量为0.02mmol/L(以0.01mol/L奎尼酸铁为铁源)。研究表明,趋磁细菌在古土壤时期最发育,磁小体大量形成是在古土壤层向黄土层转变的气候变化时期。  相似文献   

It is important that indicators of fecal pollution are reliable. Coliform bacteria are a commonly used indicator of fecal pollution. As other investigators have reported elsewhere, we observed a seasonal pattern of coliform bacteria detections in domestic wells in New Jersey. Examination of a statewide database of 10 years of water quality data from 93,447 samples, from 78,207 wells, generated during real estate transactions, revealed that coliform bacteria were detected in a higher proportion of wells during warm weather months. Further examination of the seasonal pattern of other data, including well water pH, precipitation, ground and surface water temperatures, surface water coliform bacteria concentrations, and vegetation, resulted in the hypothesis that these bacteria may be derived from nonfecal (or environmentally adapted) as well as fecal sources. We provide evidence that the coliform seasonality may be the result of seasonal changes in groundwater extraction volumes (and to a lesser extent precipitation), and temperature‐driven changes in the concentration of surface or near‐surface coliform sources. Nonfecal coliform sources may not indicate the presence of fecal wastes and hence the potential presence of pathogens, or do so in an inconsistent fashion. Additional research is needed to identify the sources of the coliforms detected in groundwater.  相似文献   

Developing a mathematical model for predicting fecal coliform bacteria concentration is very important because it can provide a basis for water quality management decisions that can minimize microbial pollution risk to the public. This paper introduces a hybrid modeling methodology which is a combined use of a neural network-based pattern analysis and an evolutionary process model induction system. The neural network-based pattern analysis technique is applied to extract knowledge on inter-relationships between fecal coliform concentrations and other measurable variables in a sewer system. Based on the result of neural network-based pattern analysis, an evolutionary process model induction system is used to derive mathematical inference models that can predict fecal coliform bacteria concentration from easily measurable variables instead of directly measuring fecal coliform bacteria concentration in a sewer system. The neural network-based pattern analysis extracts that temperature and ammonia concentration are the most important driving forces leading to an increase in fecal coliform bacteria concentration in the sewer system at Paraparaumu City, New Zealand. Fecal coliform bacteria concentration is also positively correlated with dissolved phosphorus and inversely with flow rate. The multivariate inference models that are able to predict fecal coliform bacteria concentration are successfully derived as functions of flow rate, temperature, ammonia, and dissolved phosphorus in the form of understandable mathematical formulae using the evolutionary process model induction system, even if a priori mathematical knowledge of the dynamic nature of fecal coliform bacteria is poor. The multivariate inference models evolved by the evolutionary process model induction system produce a slightly better performance than the multi-layer perceptron neural network model.  相似文献   

Five years of monthly data of indicator bacteria from 1998 to 2002 were evaluated to find out the changes in water quality during the rehabilitation of the Golden Horn, an estuary severely polluted from industrial and domestic discharges since the 1950s. Surface fecal coliform was above 10(6) CFU/100 ml at the inner part in 1998. Following the achievement of healthy water circulation and control of most surface discharges, fecal coliform and fecal streptococci counts decreased below 10(3) CFU/100 ml in the summer of 2002. However, the decrease was interrupted by sudden shifts in rainy periods. Runoff, enhanced by domestic inputs during rainfall, has become the main factor influencing water quality in the estuary today. Increasing values of fecal coliform were observed during periods of low salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and high ortho-phosphate, whilst decreasing values were detected during high salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen and low ortho-phosphate periods. Striking changes were observed within five years, promising that even an anoxic water body can turn into a recreational area with appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

The detection of microbiological contamination in drinking water from groundwater wells is often made with a limited number of samples that are collected using traditional geochemical sampling protocols. The objective of this study is to examine the variability of fecal indicator bacteria, as observed using discrete samples, due to pumping. Two wells were instrumented as multilevel piezometers in a bedrock aquifer, and bacterial enumeration was conducted on a total of 166 samples (for total coliform, fecal coliform, Escherichia coli, and fecal streptococci) using standard membrane filtration methods. Five tests were conducted using pumping rates ranging from 0.3 to 17 L/min in a variety of purging scenarios, which included constant and variable (incremental increase and decrease) flow. The results clearly show a rapid and reproducible, 1 to 2 log‐unit decrease in fecal indicator bacteria at the onset of pumping to stabilized, low‐level concentrations prior to the removal of three to five well volumes. The pumping rate was not found to be correlated with the magnitude of observed bacterial counts. Based on the results, we suggest sampling protocols for fecal indicator bacteria that include multiple collections during the course of pumping, including early‐time samples, and consider other techniques such as microscopic enumeration when assessing the source of bacteria from the well‐aquifer system.  相似文献   

Monitoring waters for indicator bacteria is required to protect the public from exposure to fecal pollution. Our proof-of-concept study describes a method for detecting fecal coliforms. The coliform Escherichia coli was used as a model fecal indicator. DNA probe-coated magnetic beads in combination with the electrochemical monitoring of the oxidation state of guanine nucleotides should allow for direct detection of bacterial RNA. To demonstrate this concept, we used voltammetry in connection with pencil electrodes to detect isolated E. coli 16S rRNA. Using this approach, 10(7) cells of E. coli were detected in a quantitative, reproducible fashion in 4h. Detection was achieved without a nucleic acid amplification step. The specificity of the assay for coliforms was demonstrated by testing against a panel of bacterial RNA. We also show that E. coli RNA can be detected directly from cell extracts. The method could be used for on-site detection and shows promise for adaptation into automated biosensors for water-quality monitoring.  相似文献   

Although urban wet weather discharges may have elevated concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria impacting water quality at swimming beaches, not all of these bacteria may arise from human sources. In this study, the contribution of non-human fecal indicator bacteria was quantified by sampling coastal reference beaches in southern California. Samples were collected at beaches near stormwater discharges from undeveloped watersheds and analyzed for total coliform, Escherichia coli, and enterococci. Surfzone samples exceeded water quality thresholds >10 times more frequently during wet weather than dry weather. Exceedences were greatest <24 h following rainfall, then steadily declined on successive days. Early season storms exceeded thresholds more frequently, and by greater magnitude, compared to late season storms. Large storms exceeded thresholds more frequently than smaller-sized storms, partly due to the breaching of sand berms. When discharges did reach the surf zone, bacterial concentrations in the wave wash were correlated with watershed bacterial flux.  相似文献   

From river water there were isolated 21 species (mainly coliform bacteria) in 914 strains. Of the pure cultures of coliform bacteria (E. coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Citrobacter) 74.1 % of E. coli and 23.2 % of the Klebsiella strains showed lactose decomposition with gas formation at 44 °C. More than 90 % of the isolated Klebsiella did not form indole. Therefore, the temperature test and the indole formation (at 44 °C) (TI-test) made a very specific detection of E. coli in water possible. 94.7 % of the cultures grown initially on endoagar after a positive TI-test proved to be E. coli. The detection of E. coli showed a very good agreement with the standard method and the TI-test, the detection with the standard method being considerably dependent on the number of checked coliform colonies.  相似文献   

The coastal water quality of Çanakkale Dardanelles (Turkey) was assessed based on bacteriological data and physical–chemical parameters. Total coliform (TC), fecal coliform (FC), and enterococci (ENT) bacteria along with physicochemical parameters were measured monthly up to a year at 12 different sampling sites located through both coastal lines of the strait. The fecal bacteria were abounded at several sampling sites such as B1, B3, G3, and G4 due to direct wastewater discharges and septic leakages or overloading. Storm water runoff and sediment resuspension were important pathways for the transport of coliform and ENT bacteria to the Dardanelles, as the region receives high precipitation and strong winds for most part of the year. The values of pH, temperature, and salinity were in typical ranges for the studied area. The microbiological and physicochemical data were correlated individually and in combination. The best fit correlations for bacterial data were attained between TC and FC or TC and ENT (R = 0.67 or ?0.68), while those for the combined data were obtained for TC with temperature (R = 0.94) and TC with salinity (R = ? 0.70).  相似文献   

We evaluated microbiological water quality in the Pettaquamscutt River (Rhode Island, USA), an estuarine river. Fecal coliform (FC) and enterococci (FE) bacteria, presence of Bifidobacterium adolescentis DNA (indicating human fecal contamination), and optical brightener (OB) fluorescence (associated with laundry detergents) were determined for 14 stations from May to September 2010. Six stations had high counts of FE and FC, and the presence of B. adolescentis DNA and high OB fluorescence indicated human fecal contamination - four had septic systems as likely sources of contamination; the others were in sewered areas. The ability of FC and FE to indicate human fecal contamination was assessed against a positive B. adolescentis test. FC and FE had false positive rates of 25% and 17%, respectively, and false negatives of 44% for FC and 63% for FE. Inclusion of molecular and chemical indicators should improve tracking of human fecal contamination sources in the river.  相似文献   

In compliance with the New Jersey Private Well Testing Act, 78,546 wells (93,787 samples, including samples from 13,290 wells that were analyzed more than once) were analyzed for total coliform (TC) bacteria by one or more of 39 laboratories over a 10‐year period. Samples containing TC bacteria were further analyzed for the presence of either fecal coliform or E. coli (FC/EC) bacteria. The large population of wells sampled multiple times permitted a systematic study of the effect of repeat sampling on coliform bacteria detection rates. The detection rate increased with the number of times wells were sampled. In bedrock, TC bacteria were detected in 21% of the population of wells analyzed only once, 33% in the population sampled twice, and 43% in the population sampled three times. It was estimated that TC bacteria would be detected in 90% of all wells if each well was analyzed 10 times. For FC/EC bacteria, it was estimated that 21 and 68 samples, respectively, would be required to reach the 50% and 90% population detection rates. In the Coastal Plain (CP), many more samples would be required to achieve the same estimated population detection rates. The population detection rate estimates were also dependent on the type of method used, the pH of the well water, and the geologic formation in which wells were located. A single sample was not sufficient to detect coliform bacteria when present in well water.  相似文献   

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