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东太湖水温变化与水-沉积物界面热通量初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾野  朱金格  王艳平  胡维平 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1599-1609
水温对沉水植被的生长和分布具有重要作用,水-沉积物界面热通量对浅水湖泊水温变化的影响值得关注.东太湖是我国东部典型的草型浅水湖区,采用自2013年11月至2015年10月对东太湖湖心进行的不同深度水体及沉积物温度高频观测数据,结合东太湖表层沉积物的热力学性质计算了水-沉积物界面热通量,分析了东太湖水温和水-沉积物界面热通量的变化特征并探讨了其影响因素.结果表明:东太湖各深度水体日升温过程随水深增加后延,升温过程夏季延长,冬季缩短;表层水温日变幅最大,底层水温日变幅次之,沉积物温度日变幅最小,各深度温度日变幅夏季最小、冬季最大;春季和夏季升温过程中各深度日均温变化沿水深存在约1天的延迟,秋季和冬季无此现象;2015年与2014年东太湖温度变化趋势相同,同比月均温差与气温差呈线性相关.沉积物8:00-19:00向水体放热增加或从水体吸热减少,19:00至次日8:00放热减少或吸热增加;3-9月从水体吸热,为热汇,10月至次年2月向水体放热,为热源,沉积物全年为湖泊热源;逐日水-沉积物界面热通量每月6至15日存在相对年变幅较小幅度的正弦式波动.水温和水-沉积物界面热通量的变化主要受太阳辐射和气温的影响,二者对气象参数的响应具有迟滞现象;水-沉积物界面热通量与水温呈负相关,其变化相对水温迟滞,水-沉积物界面热交换的主要作用为缓冲湖泊水体的热量变化;夏季,沉水植物能降低湖泊各层水温和垂向水温差.  相似文献   

2010年7月对亚热带特大型水库——新安江水库湖泊区水体的垂向物理、化学参数以及浮游植物群落进行了观测研究,并应用Water-PAM对水体浮游植物垂向光合作用参数进行了测定.研究结果表明:夏季该水库湖泊区在水下10~20 m处形成明显的温跃层,垂向pH值、溶解氧及浊度的变化同叶绿素a浓度呈现高度一致;夏季浮游植物群落以硅藻占绝对优势,水体表层以梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)为主,表层以下其它各层均以巴豆叶脆杆藻(Fragilaria cro-tonensis)为绝对优势种,垂向分布表现为5~10 m区间为浮游植物高密度区域,温跃层以下浮游植物密度显著下降,水温分层可能是决定浮游植物垂向分布的重要因素之一.浮游植物最大光合效率从表层向下层逐步降低,实际光合效率最大值出现在垂向10 m区域.  相似文献   

对福建省水温分层型富营养化山仔水库夏季大坝断面垂向水体的物理化学参数进行了监测分析,并应用荧光分析法结合显微镜细胞计数法,对垂向分层水体和沉积物中的浮游植物生物量、群落组成及丰度进行了分析.结果表明,水库的水温分层能够引起水化学指标的分层.夏季大坝断面水体中的浮游植物以蓝藻门微囊藻属占绝对优势,垂向分布表现为表层的浮游植物细胞数量高于底层,温跃层以下细胞数急剧减少,水温分层可能决定着浮游植物的垂向分布,底泥中的浮游植物将为水体的水华提供"种源".  相似文献   

对福建省水温分层型富营养化山仔水库夏季大坝断面垂向水体的物理化学参数进行了监测分析,并应用荧光分析法结合显微镜细胞计数法,对垂向分层水体和沉积物中的浮游植物生物量、群落组成及丰度进行了分析.结果表明,水库的水温分层能够引起水化学指标的分层.夏季大坝断面水体中的浮游植物以蓝藻门微囊藻属占绝对优势,垂向分布表现为表层的浮游植物细胞数量高于底层,温跃层以下细胞数急剧减少,水温分层可能决定着浮游植物的垂向分布,底泥中的浮游植物将为水体的水华提供"种源".  相似文献   

稳定分层的深水水库常在冬季发生“翻库”现象,继而导致水库的整体水质下降,影响饮用水安全问题。为探究南方水库热分层消亡时期水体混合特征,在冬季2019年11月—2020年2月对南宁市天雹水库水体理化指标开展长序列原位监测,并结合水体垂直扩散系数,分时期(热分层期、减弱期、完全混合期、形成期)刻画水库热分层消亡全过程中水温T、溶解氧DO的剖面变化特征,探讨了气象因子(气温、太阳辐射、风速等)与水动力因子(水体垂直扩散系数Kz)对水体理化指标的影响。结果显示:桉树人工林区水库热分层消亡期温度分层与溶解氧分层变化不同步,溶解氧分层的破坏较水温分层的破坏出现滞后,其结构失稳是气温及太阳辐射共同作用的结果;期间水体垂直扩散系数变化范围0.16~380.36 m2/d,均值为30.46 m2/d,表层Kz变化的主要控制因子为气温变化,且较T及DO而言,表层Kz对气温的变化更加敏感(RKz=-0.44,RT=0.25,R  相似文献   

气温对太湖蓝藻复苏和休眠进程的影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
谢小萍  李亚春  杭鑫  黄珊 《湖泊科学》2016,28(4):818-824
利用2005 2014年每日的卫星数据、气象站和浮标站观测资料研究复苏期和休眠期的平均气温、稳定通过界限温度初终日、周有效积温与太湖蓝藻休眠和复苏时间的关系,探讨气温是否是影响蓝藻休眠和复苏时间进程的关键因子.分析结果显示:太湖蓝藻复苏早晚与春季(3 5月)气温密切相关,春季气温越高,蓝藻复苏时间越早;太湖蓝藻休眠时间与秋、冬季(11次年1月)气温密切相关,秋、冬季气温越高,蓝藻休眠时间越晚.此外根据分析结果发现,太湖首次出现蓝藻水华的时间一般是气温稳定通过9℃初日之后的1个月左右,但上一周期的休眠与下一周期的复苏之间气温异常偏高会导致蓝藻水华首次出现时间早于稳定通过9℃初日;最后一次蓝藻水华出现时间与气温稳定通过4℃的终日相近;在复苏期,湖水中的叶绿素a浓度随周有效积温变化而变化,二者相关系数为0.9.  相似文献   

新安江水库(千岛湖)热力学状况及热力分层研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
利用2012年1-12月在新安江水库(千岛湖)6个点位的每月一次的水温及其他环境因子的周年观测资料,分析了水库水温逐月变化、季节变化、垂直分布及温跃层的形成与变化,探讨了温跃层特征量(温跃层深度、厚度、强度)与表层水温、水体透明度的关系.新安江水库表层和中层水温与气温存在显著的线性相关,又以表层水温线性关系最好,而下层水温与气温没有显著相关性,说明下层水温受气温的影响很小,全年处于相对恒温状态.水库表层和中层水温逐月变化明显,呈现夏季最高、春秋季次之、冬季最低的变化趋势,其中中层水温最高值出现的季节较表层水温明显后延,下层水温没有明显的逐月变化和季节变化.水温垂直分布显示,4个季节均存在不同程度的温跃层和温度分层现象,其中水深最深的大坝前水温分层最明显.小金山、三潭岛和大坝前3个典型点位从春季的4月份到冬季的2月份温跃层深度由1.61±0.47 m逐渐增加至39.37±5.35 m,而温跃层厚度和强度则在夏季最高、冬季最低,温跃层随着季节的变化呈现增强稳定减弱消失的周期变化.温跃层深度与水体透明度存在显著正相关,与表层水温存在显著负相关,并基于透明度和表层水温建立温跃层深度的多元线性回归模型.  相似文献   

热分层对水库水质的季节性影响——以西安黑河水库为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
卢金锁  李志龙 《湖泊科学》2014,26(5):698-706
深水水库作为城市的重要供水水源,通常由于热量在垂向水体上的不均匀分配形成热分层.热分层会阻碍垂向上水体交换引发水质分层现象,在冬季水库发生“翻库”之后,水体混合导致水库的整体水质下降.结合热分层指数可以客观、直接地表达水库热分层的稳定程度.综合水库的气温、水体更新率和水质参数(溶解氧、pH、总磷、氨氮)的年度变化,对陕西黑河水库2008-2010年的热分层状况进行研究.研究表明:水库的热分层形成会直接恶化底部水质尤其会加速底部水体中溶解氧的消耗;热分层的年度变化主要受气温控制,但在特定时期较大的水体更新率可以在一定程度上弱化水体热分层,减缓底部水质恶化.该结果可使水库管理者在水库分层最稳定、水质恶化最严重时期以人工调节水体更新率的方式弱化热分层,为保证水质安全提供参考.  相似文献   

溶解氧(DO)是水体能否维持生态平衡的重要指标,是湖泊初级生产力与水动力条件的综合反映.研究DO及其分层的季节变化对认识湖库的富营养化过程有重要意义.本研究以天目湖沙河水库为例,运用西澳大学开发的三维水动力水质模型——ELCOM-CAEDYM对天目湖的水温、DO和总磷(TP)进行了为期1年的数值模拟.结果表明,模型较好地模拟出了水体温度和DO分层过程以及TP的时空分布,3个指标在水体表层、中层和底层的模拟值与实测值拟合良好,均方根误差分别在1.8℃、1.8 mg/L和0.003 mg/L以内,Nash-Sutcliffe有效性系数均在0.7以上,相对误差均低于10%.沙河水库不同季节的DO垂向分层与温跃层协同变化:冬季垂向混合;春季(4月)温跃层开始发育,底部出现氧不足;夏季(7月)温跃层位于4~10 m之间,同时底部低氧区(DO<2 mg/L)面积达35%;秋季(9月末)低氧区随着温跃层的消失而消失;冬季再次垂向混合.全湖DO和TP的时空分布表明,南半库区磷的来源主要是外源输入,而北半库区磷的来源主要是由水体底部低氧导致的磷内源释放.DO季节分层还有可能通过影响藻类活动而对水环境造成影响.  相似文献   

宁波地震台ZK03井水温平行观测资料的对比分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
邱永平 《中国地震》2011,27(4):431-437
2000年12月21日,宁波地震台ZK03井增加水温测项(“九五”水温),2010年4月2日,在同一井孔内同一深度又增加水温仪器(“十五”水温)进行平行观测.结果发现,2套仪器初装时的水温绝对精度测值基本相同,说明该井水温10年来的趋势性上升不是井孔内水温度的变化,可能是仪器的系统性变化引起的,即仪器的漂移现象所致,但对地震前兆观测是没有明显影响的.通过近9个月的平行观测,发现2套仪器测值的趋势性变化基本一致.在受到雷电和交流电脉冲干扰时,2套仪器水温测值出现了不同的变化形态,可能与每套观测仪器的系统特性有关.由于安装“十五”水温仪而对“九五”水温测值的干扰表明,“九五”水温仪虽然经过10余年的连续运行,但传感器的灵敏度还是很高的,可以继续使用.  相似文献   

西南峡谷型水库的季节性分层与水质的突发性恶化   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:37  
选择西南云贵高原乌江流域的百花湖水库进行了气象、水温度和水化学(DO、FeⅡ和MnⅡ)的连续监测(13个月).结果表明,由于气候等原因,百花湖水库的水体在夏季形成分层,但是没有典型分层湖泊的温跃层变化,这种水体温度结构可以在4-10月保持稳定;这种"不显著的"温度分层结构,有效限制了上下水团的混合,形成显著的水体溶解氧分层,氧化/还原界面可达到水深8m左右.20世纪90年代初以来,贵州多座水库频繁出现的季节性水质恶化现象,与水库水体混合期(多为夏末初秋),水体分层结构失稳有关.上下层水体的垂直交替,使下层水体中的还原性物质带入上层湖水,造成表层水体缺氧和表观浑浊,鱼类窒息死亡.在百花湖水库的研究表明,西南地区深水水库,可以在夏季出现一定的水体温度分层结构,并导致显著的水体水化学(如溶解氧)分层,进而影响水库水环境质量.  相似文献   

In Lake Baldegg, Switzerland (surface area 5.3 km2, maximum depth 66 m) the analysis of data from moored instrument systems (atmospheric boundary layer, lake temperature distribution, bottom currents) was correlated to the long-term development of vertical mixing as seen from profiles of natural isotopes (radon-222, tritium and helium-3) and chemical species. The investigation shows: 1. Vertical mixing coefficients below 25 m are small. Consequently the vertical concentration distribution of sediment emanating species in the deep hypolimnion is controlled by the bottom topography. 2. Renewal of deep hypolimnic water is significant even during stratification. 3. Weakly damped internal waves characterize the internal dynamics during stratification. 4. Horizontal bottom currents play an important role in the hypolimnion mixing and can be correlated to internal waves during stratification.  相似文献   

砂岩在不同条件下的强度变形特点和P波速度特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了砂岩样品在干燥和饱和状态下,沿平行层理和垂直层理两个不同方向进行单轴加载时的抗压强度、变形特点和垂直于应力方向的P波走时的变化。结果表明,水对砂岩强度、P波速度的影响较大;具有原生层理构造的岩石样品的强度、变形和P波速度显示一定的方向性。所得结果对水库地震、工程地震、矿山开采及地震预报有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in water column conditions in the upper Gulf of Thailand (UGoT) was analyzed by considering four major factors including surface heat flux, freshwater discharge, tidal and wind stirrings. The coincidence of surface heat loss, low river discharge and strong wind resulted in vertical well-mixing in December. Strong stratification developed in September and October due to large river discharge and moderate heat flux. Strong surface heating in April and May has a potential to generate strong stratification, although not as large as that in September and October due to low river discharge. Although no factors are prominent during January and March, and June and August, weak to moderate stratification results, because the influences of river discharge and surface heating are still larger than those of tidal and wind stirrings. The results of water column analysis based on monthly average data agree well with analyses derived from cruise data in the same months. Most analytical results correspond to the distributions of temperature and salinity from field observations. Disagreement, however, was found in December 2003 (cruise CU-2) when stratification in some small regions occurs in the distribution of water properties, but the water column analysis suggests vertical well-mixing. This phenomenon is triggered by non-uniform distribution of freshwater over UGoT, which is related to river discharge, monsoonal wind and current. Compared to a previous study regarding surface chlorophyll dynamics, water column conditions may be used to explain the occurrence of phytoplankton bloom in this region.  相似文献   

Several field studies in bays and estuaries have revealed pronounced subsurface maxima in the vertical profiles of the current amplitude of the principal tidal harmonic, or of its vertical shear, over the water column. To gain fundamental understanding about these phenomena, a semi-analytical model is designed and analysed, with focus on the sensitivity of the vertical structure of the tidal current amplitude to formulations of the vertical shape of the eddy viscosity. The new analytical solutions for the tidal current amplitude are used to explore their dependence on the degree of surface mixing, the vertical shape of eddy viscosity in the upper part of the water column and the density stratification. Sources of surface mixing are wind and whitecapping. Results show three types of current amplitude profiles of tidal harmonics, characterised by monotonically decreasing shear towards the surface, “surface jumps” (vertical shear of tidal current amplitude has a subsurface maximum) and “subsurface jets” (maximum tidal current amplitude below the surface), respectively. The “surface jumps” and “subsurface jets” both occur for low turbulence near the surface, whilst additionally the surface jumps only occur if the eddy viscosity in the upper part of the water column decreases faster than linearly to the surface. Furthermore, “surface jumps” take place for low density stratification, while and “subsurface jets” occur for high density stratification. The physics causing the presence of surface jumps and subsurface jets is also discussed.  相似文献   

Discontinuous measurements of the isotopic composition of surface water samples of the Garda lake carried out between 1998 and 2006 showed almost constant δ18O, δD and d-excess values through time. During 2006 and 2007 monthly vertical profiles of water samples were collected in the northernmost section of the lake, not far from the main inflow (Sarca river) to check whether there was any detectable influence from this inflowing river and whether there was a vertical isotopic stratification of the lake water. The isotopic measurement of water samples from the vertical profiles yielded isotopic values which were almost equal to those obtained from surface waters showing no detectable effect of the inflowing river water and no isotopic vertical stratification. The attempt to evaluate the evaporation rate of lake water by means of current models was totally unsuccessful. Despite the marked summer warming of the surface layer no isotopic fractionation related to evaporation processes could be detected. This anomalous behaviour may be related to the large amount of spring and summer precipitation characteristic of this area. The water balance of the lake calculated according to the amount of the inflowing water (Sarca river water plus rain water on the lake plus 20% of the precipitations on the whole catchment basin) and to the amount of outflowing water (Mincio river) showed a large imbalance, the river outflow alone resulting on average, during the last decade, at least double the inflow. To explain this imbalance of the lake, a large recharge by concealed groundwater is suggested: its isotopic composition should be quite close to the mean isotopic composition of precipitations over that area. This would be in agreement with the almost constant isotopic composition of both surface and deep waters and with the lack of vertical isotopic stratification. A few measurements of the tritium concentration carried out on lake water show values that are considerably higher than modern tritium values either in precipitation or in the Sarca river water: these results are in good agreement with the hypothesis of a recharge of the lake by deep aquifers.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to understand seasonal variations in the vertical structure of the water column, and to quantify the importance of the physical forces (solar radiation, wind and hydraulic retention time) that control mixing processes in a reservoir bordering the Pantanal floodplain. Samples were taken every three months in the reservoir centre, at four depths, for the measurement of nine physical and chemical water quality parameters. The reservoir presented a long stratification period with complete mixing in winter. The vertical structure showed that, during the stratification period, the upper layers of the reservoir are homogeneous and the physical and chemical composition only changes at greater depths. The wind acting over an extended period is the only factor that significantly influences the vertical structure in the reservoir, giving rise to mixing processes. Moreover, the position of the draw-off point in the upper layer of the reservoir, together with the reservoir depth, enhances vertical stability.  相似文献   

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