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2008年5月12日Mw7.9汶川地震导致的周边断层应力变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单斌  熊熊  郑勇  刁法启 《中国科学D辑》2009,39(5):537-545
2008年5月12日,四川龙门山断裂发生Mw7.9强烈地震,导致重大的人员伤亡和经济损失.据预测,汶川地震余震将持续至少1年,并且不排除发生强余震可能.因此,判断余震可能发生区域,圈定震区周边未来可能发生地震活动的范围,对灾区人员安置、灾后恢复重建以及加强震灾及次生灾害防御具有重要的参考价值.同时,汶川地震及邻区地震活动性为将来研究板内逆冲型地震的同震应力变化,并检验地震的应力触发作用提供了一个非常难得的机会.根据地震的静态触发原理,利用弹性位错理论和分层地壳模型计算了汶川地震引起的周边断层同震应力变化,分析了汶川地震对龙门山及周边各主要活动断层地震活动性的作用和影响.结果表明,汶川地震增加了鲜水河断裂(道孚-康定段)、东昆仑断裂(玛曲-南坪段)、青川断裂、岷江断裂南端以及彭县-灌县断裂、江油-广元断裂、江油-灌县断裂上库仑应力的积累,将提升这些断层上地震发生的概率.由于这些地区人口密集,应加强这些地区的地震监测和灾害预警.青川断裂上记录到的余震表明主震已经触发了该断层的地震活动,余震有向该区迁移的趋势,应密切关注地震向北迁移的态势.彭县-灌县断裂、北川-映秀断裂南段目前发生的余震很少,所积累的构造应力未充分释放,同震库仑应力的加载有可能在今后触发该区较强余震,应对该区实施重点监测.汶川地震有效降低了抚边河断裂、虎牙断裂、哈南-青山湾断裂、龙泉山断裂以及迭部-白龙江断裂上库仑应力的积累,这些区域的地震发生概率将因库仑应力减小而降低.汉中一带、西秦岭北缘断裂上库仑应力变化微小,汶川地震的静态触发效应不足波及此处.  相似文献   

不同力源作用下云南中西部构造运动和应力场特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过对红河断裂带附近水平残余应力应变场的分析和对该区用6种加力方向进行的平面有限元计算,并结合有关资料讨论了该区现今应力场及其地震危险性。结果表明:该区现今构造应力场较为复杂,且有明显的分区特点,但其最大主压应力的优势方位为近南北。永胜附近,剑川—洱源一带,大理、下关、宾川所围地区是该区未来地震的危险区。当主压应力轴偏向北西时,永平一带,兽洱—思茅一带,峨山、石屏、通海一带也可能发展成为未来地震的危险区。  相似文献   

华南地区的小震震源机制与构造应力场   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
本文利用、最大振幅比的方法,求出了华南六省200次小地震的震源机制解,发现该区现代构造应力场的主压应力轴的水平投影方向具有扇形分布特征,从该区的西部到东部,主压应力轴的水平投影方向为北南略偏东、北西和北西西方向;主张应力轴的水平投影方向具有弧形分布特征,沿着海岸线,从广西到福建,主张应力轴的方向为北西西、北东东和北北东方向,P轴和T轴的“平均”方向都基本水平。  相似文献   

本文用光弹性实验方法,模拟分析了富蕴地震前后震区应力场特征。实验表明,在富蕴8级大震前,可可托海一二台断裂中部阿克赛依是最大剪应力集中区。 打孔释放应力后,最大剪应力集中区向地震断裂南段和本区东部迁移。 地震前后应力集中区与该区中强震的空间分布基本吻合。  相似文献   

本文包括:(1)通过拟合区内断层错动方式确定区域边界上作用的远场构造应力;(2)根据发震前震中所在断层段要进入塑性状态,确定1911年红海湾地震前区内构造应力场.两个应力场均采用正交设计法与弹塑性有限元方法快捷地得到.结果表明:该区远场最大主压应力σ3的方向为N68°W,σ3=-200MPa,最小主压应力σ1=-80MPa;算得的红海湾地震前区内应力场的特点是除滨海断裂的红海湾段已进入屈服状态外,其余断裂均处于弹性状态.  相似文献   

以青藏块体北部的北祁连山-河西走廊地震构造带为研究对象,在系统收集整理该区主干活动断裂新活动性特征、断裂滑动速率、历史地震及古地震资料的基础上,结合现今地震活动性,采用地震空区、空段识别方法和地震活动b值空间图像扫描方法,分析了研究区内历史地震及b值的分布特征.结果显示,该区的榆木山北缘断裂离逝时间较长,应力积累程度较...  相似文献   

选取江西九江-瑞昌MS5.7地震序列2005年11月26日至2006年6月30日228次M_L≥1.0的地震,利用基于波形互相关技术的Hypodd定位方法进行了重新定位,最终获得224次地震的精确震源参数。统计定位误差(2倍标准偏差)在水平方向上为0.5km左右,垂直方向上2km。重定位后地震序列的震源深度主要集中在8~14km,震中在NW和NE 2个方向展布,其中又以NW向条带地震居多。结合几个主要地震的震源机制解、地震序列展布方向和震区的构造背景,我们推断NW向断裂错动产生了M_S5.7主震,在右旋兼逆推过程中触发NE向断裂,产生了M_S4.8最大余震。NE向断裂的地震活动经过短时间应力调整后进入相对平静期,之后则是NW向断裂在长时间的应力释放过程中引发了一系列余震。M_S5.7主震的发震构造可能是NW向的洋鸡山-武山-通江岭隐伏断裂,而M_S4.8最大余震的发震构造可能是NE向的刘家-范家铺-城门山断裂。  相似文献   

选用福建数字地震台网宽频带记录,利用CAP方法反演福建漳浦海域2016年6月18日ML4.0级地震震源机制解。反演得到震级M_W为3.7,节面Ⅰ走向85°、倾角82°、滑动角-167°;节面Ⅱ走向353°、倾角77°、滑动角-8°;最佳深度分布于11 km附近。分析认为此次地震的发震断层为走滑型断层,东西向节面为断层面,节面走向与震中附近的滨海断裂走向存在差异,滨海断裂是发震构造的可能性较小,漳浦海域地震可能是横向构造断层活动的结果。  相似文献   

福建街面水库将于2006年底下闸蓄水,通过收集库区的地震震源机制解资料和本次工作得到的地震震源机制解结果,以及利用中小地震求解的综合震源机制解,本文分析了街面水库库区现代构造应力场特征:最大主压应力P轴为NW—SE方向,P轴倾角为23°;主张应力T轴为NE—SW方向,T轴倾角为3°。在这样的应力场中,主要以发生走滑型断裂运动性质的地震为主,同时还具有发生正断层运动性质的地震。  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘三江地区上地壳各向异性初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
三江地区位于青藏高原东南缘,川滇菱形块体的西侧.受陆-陆板块碰撞作用的影响,构造活动强烈,地震活动频繁.为研究该区的应力环境、构造特征及二者间的关系,本文使用三江流动线性地震台阵SL-Array(2016-12—2017-05)和国家固定地震台网(2015-01—2017-12)记录到的地震波形资料,运用剪切波分裂分析技术研究三江地区上地壳各向异性研究.计算得到该区域快剪切波优势偏振方向为NNW向,与区域主压应力方向一致.结果显示各向异性特征有分区性,以维西—乔后断裂和小金河—丽江断裂为界,将线性台阵划分为A、B和C三个区域.A区快波优势偏振方向表现出与区域主压应力方向的一致性.B区局部构造复杂,快波优势偏振方向表现为近NS向.C区结果比较离散,无明显快波优势方向.自西向东,研究区域快波优势偏振方向表现为NNW至近NS向的变化趋势.计算得到研究区域慢剪切波时间延迟为2.8±1.7 ms·km-1,其中B区最大,A区最小,反映了该区地壳介质各向异性强度的不均匀分布,也揭示了区域构造复杂程度与地震各向异性强度的关系.  相似文献   

The method of sliding direction fitting is used to determine stress districts, taking the shear stress directions and ratios of shear stress to stress on fault planes given by focal mechanism solutions as the criteria to select focal mechanism solutions of one region and sorting out the earthquakes controlled by different tectonic stress fields, and then determining the stress districts from epicenter distribution of earthquakes. We call this method as step by step convergence method. By inversion analyzing of 297 focal mechanism solutions, we consider that Southwest China and its adjacent area can be divided into 5 stress districts, and we worked out directions of the three principal stresses and values of shape factor φin 5 stress districts.  相似文献   

利用多个震源机制解求东大别地区平均应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用地震的震源机制解资料,得到应力张量在地理坐标系下的表达式,进而可计算平均应力张量.通过求平均应力张量的本征向量,即可得到其主轴方向,并由此推断区域应力场方向.利用东大别地区219次地震的震源机制解资料,比较了不同相似程度和不同起算震级资料得到的主轴方向,认为该方法计算结果非常稳定,主轴方位角的误差小于5°,倾角的误...  相似文献   

IntroductionManystudies(Kan,etal,1977;Cheng,1981;Xu,etal,1987;Xie,etal,1993,Mulled,etal,1997)indicatedthatthedirectionsofcrustaltectonicstresseshaveregionalvariation.SimpleanalysesbymeansOfthreeprincipalaxesoffocalmechanismsolutions,whichexpressedasP...  相似文献   

福建地区地震活动特征及区域应力场研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对福建地区地质构造背景和地震活动性背景的分析,结合2007-2009年福建地区ML4.0级以上地震的活动概况,综合认为福建地区地震活动显著增强,这可能也预示着东南沿海整体地震活动水平的抬升。从7个ML4.0级以上地震的单个震源机制解结果分析认为,古田水口水库地区的地震表现为倾滑的正断层性质,其余地震的走滑性质更为明显;且各个地震的主压应力轴方向也存在一定的差异。利用多个地震的分区综合节面解结果分析认为,近期福建地区中等强度地震活动显示出的区域应力场方向以北西向为主,在不同区域主压应力的方向有所差异:福建中北部近海地区为北西向,中北部内陆地区为北北西-南南东向;福建南部及其近海地区为近东西向。主要受到菲律宾板块向西推挤作用的影响。  相似文献   

Using the focal mechanism solutions of 24 moderately strong earthquakes in the northern Tianshan area, we carried out system cluster and stress field inversion analysis. The result indicates that, the focal mechanism solutions of moderately strong earthquakes are mainly dipslip reverse faulting in the northern Tianshan area. The principal rupture planes of earthquakes are NW-oriented. It is basically consistent with the strike of earthquake structure in its adjacent area. The direction of the principal compression stress P axis is nearly NS, and its inclination angle is small; while the inclination angle of the principal extensional stress T axis is large. It shows that the regional stress field is mainly controlled by the near-NS horizontal compressive stress. The direction of the maximum principal stress shows a gradation process of NNE-NS-NW from east to west.  相似文献   

In order to quantitatively analyze the reliability of the composite fault plane solution of small earthquakes, the Bootstrap sampling technique is introduced into the grid search method, and the ideas and methods for calculating the confidence interval from the grid search method are proposed initially. There are two sample sets that can represent the characteristics of the composite fault plane solution. One sample set is the optional solutions obtained by the grid search method and the other is obtained by the Bootstrap sampling technique. Then, we calculate the confidence intervals of the two sample sets (P, B and T axis). The research results of tectonic stress field in southern Jiangxi Province are relatively few. In view of such situation, we use the focal mechanism solutions of small earthquakes to calculate and analyze the composite fault plane solution and the confidence interval. This study shows that the confidence interval of the principal stress axis can be obtained well by both of the sample methods. The reliability of the results and the confidence range of the principal stress axis can be better represented by the confidence intervals. The middle principal stress in southern Jiangxi Province is nearly vertical, and the maximum and minimum principal stresses are nearly horizontal. The direction of maximum principal stress is NWW-SEE and that of the minimum principal stress is NNE-SSW. And, the area is in a strike-slip stress regime. The results are consistent with previous studies, and the stress directions obtained by previous researchers are within the confidence interval calculated by this paper.  相似文献   

GlobalshearstrespaterninmainseismicactivebeltsLEIXIAO(肖磊)PEI-SHANCHEN(陈培善)InstituteofGeophysics,StateSeismologicalBureau,Bei...  相似文献   

基于2009年1月至2017年11月首都圈地区发生的8 061个地震事件的23 293条P波初动极性数据,采用改进的格点尝试法计算了首都圈地区单次地震的震源机制解和小震综合断层面解。在初步分析这些数据的基础上,利用计算得到的单次地震的震源机制解和搜集到的已有历史地震的震源机制解数据,运用线性反演法对首都圈地区构造应力场的时空变化特征进行了研究。结果显示:① 研究区的地震震源机制解类型以走滑型为主,正断型次之,这些地震震源机制解的P轴方位大都为ENE向和近EW向,与该地区的构造应力场方向基本一致,仅有个别地震的P轴方位为NNW向;② 首都圈地区的构造应力场具有较好的一致性和连续性,最大主应力轴方位由西部的ENE向至东部的近EW向呈现顺时针旋转的趋势,应力类型整体上为走滑型,这与以往的研究结果相一致;③ 通过与已有研究结果相比较认为:京西北地区现今构造应力场是相对稳定的,最大主应力轴未呈明显改变;唐山地区和北京地区的构造应力场(最大主应力轴)在1976年唐山地震前后可能发生了变化,唐山地震后一年至今(1977—2017年)是否发生变化,依据现有的计算结果尚不得而知,需要更多的研究来进一步验证.   相似文献   

福建及沿海地区地震活动力源探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
史粦华  周峥嵘  鲍挺  倪晓寅 《地震》2006,26(2):104-112
综合地震震源机制解和地壳形变观测资料的研究, 求得福建及其沿海地区现代震源应力场, 认为这与台湾地区、 台湾海峡应力场相互衔接, 主压应力轴优势方位为NW-SE向, 力轴仰角较小, 应力场近于水平挤压, 形变场反映近期福建沿海亦受北西方向, 接近与海岸垂直的挤压力。 进一步分析该区域内的断裂构造特征和地震活动强度由东至西逐渐减弱的规律, 认为菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块的相互作用力不仅是台湾强震力源所在, 而且其影响向西扩展, 福建及其沿海地区地震活动主要力源仍然是来自这两大板块的相互作用力。  相似文献   

Coulomb stress change on active faults is critical for seismic hazard analysis and has been widely used at home and abroad. The Sichuan-Yunnan region is one of the most tectonically and seismically active regions in Mainland China, considering some highly-populated cities and the historical earthquake records in this region, stress evolution and seismic hazard on these active faults capture much attention. From the physical principal, the occurrence of earthquakes will not only cause stress drop and strain energy release on the seismogenic faults, but also transfer stress to the surrounding faults, hence alter the shear and normal stress on the surrounding faults that may delay, hasten or even trigger subsequent earthquakes. Previously, most studies focus on the coseismic Coulomb stress change according to the elastic dislocation model. However, the gradually plentiful observation data attest to the importance of postseismic viscoelastic relaxation effect during the analysis of seismic interactions, stress evolution along faults and the cumulative effect on the longer time scale of the surrounding fault zone. In this paper, in order to assess the seismic hazard in Sichuan-Yunnan region, based on the elastic dislocation theory and the stratified viscoelastic model, we employ the PSGRN/PSCMP program to calculate the cumulative Coulomb stress change on the main boundary faults and in inner blocks in this region, by combining the influence of coseismic dislocations of the M≥7.0 historical strong earthquakes since the Yongsheng M7.8 earthquake in 1515 in Sichuan-Yunnan region and M≥8.0 events in the neighboring area, and the postseismic viscoelastic relaxation effect of the lower crust and upper mantle. The results show that the Coulomb stress change increases significantly in the south section of the Xianshuihe Fault, the Anninghe Fault, the northern section of the Xiaojiang Fault, the southern section of the Longmen Shan Fault, the intersection of the Chuxiong-Jianshui Fault and the Xiaojiang Fault, and the Shawan section of the Litang Fault, in which the cumulative Coulomb stress change exceeds 0.1MPa. The assuming different friction coefficient has little effect on the stress change, as for the strike-slip dominated faults, the shear stress change is much larger than the normal stress change, and the shear stress change is the main factor controlling the Coulomb stress change on the fault plane. Meanwhile, we compare the Coulomb stress change in the 10km and 15km depths, and find that for most faults, the results are slightly different. Additionally, based on the existing focal mechanism solutions, we add the focal mechanism solutions of the 5 675 small-medium earthquakes(2.5≤M≤4.9)in Sichuan-Yunnan region from January 2009 to July 2019, and invert the directions of the three principal stresses and the stress shape factor in 0.1°×0.1° grid points; by combining the grid search method, we compare the inverted stress tensors with that from the actual seismic data, and further obtain the optimal stress tensors. Then, we project the stress tensors on the two inverted nodal planes separately, and select the maximum Coulomb stress change to represent the stress change at the node. The results show that the cumulative Coulomb stress change increase in the triple-junction of Sichuan-Yunnan-Tibet region is also significant, and the stress change exceeds 0.1MPa. Comprehensive analysis of the Coulomb stress change, seismic gaps and seismicity parameters suggest that more attention should be paid to the Anninghe Fault, the northern section of the Xiaojiang Fault, the south section of the Xianshuihe Fault, the southern section of the Longmen Shan Fault and the triple-junction of the Sichuan-Yunnan-Tibet region. These results provide a basis for future seismic hazard analysis in the Sichuan-Yunnan region.  相似文献   

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