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张家口断裂第四纪构造变形与活动性研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
本文根据野外详实资料对张家口断裂的构造变形和活动性进行分析与研究,结果表明:断裂由西、中、东3段组成,各段多由北西向和近东西向2组多条次级断层组成,总体呈北西西走向展布,长达70km,控制着张家口及附近的第四纪构造演化和地貌发育;北西向断层构成断裂的主体,为高角度的逆(或正)走滑断层,近东西向断层较短,表现为正倾滑,第四纪期间2组断层持续活动,以脆性变形为特征;断裂端部段落与北东向断裂交汇,活动性较弱,构造表现不甚清楚,中部段落活动强烈,晚更新世以来单条断层的平均垂直活动速率大于0.07—0.30mm/a,总的垂直活动速率可能达到1.33mm/a。  相似文献   

洗马林断裂为洗马林-水泉断裂的西北段,是洋河盆地北缘断裂带的组成断裂之一,位于张家口-渤海断裂构造带与山西断陷盆地带的复合部位,其构造几何和变形特征是研究两大构造带相互作用的良好素材。文中采用地质地貌调查和地球物理探测等手段对该断裂进行探查和研究,阐述了断裂的几何展布、构造特征与活动性,分析了其与邻近断裂的构造关系,讨论了其在洋河盆地北缘断裂带中的变形转换作用。研究结果显示:洗马林断裂是1条以走滑为主、兼具逆冲的断裂,晚更新世中晚期以来和全新世期间的垂直滑动速率分别为0.17mm/a和0.25~0.38mm/a,水平滑动速率为0.58~0.67mm/a和0.50mm/a。断裂由NW向的主体断层和NE向的次级断层交替组合形成,NW向断层表现为高角度逆左旋走滑,NE向断层显示出正断活动,2组构造具有特定的构造几何关系,运动方式和变形特征相互匹配;在洋河盆地北缘断裂带的活动过程中,NW向的洗马林断裂起到了类似转换断层的变形转换与应力传递作用,其左旋走滑活动使得两端的NE向正断层活动得以协调进行。  相似文献   

近EW向的口镇-关山断层斜切了NEE向的渭河盆地北缘活动断裂带。文中基于野外补充调查结果,结合跨断层水准和蠕变仪监测资料研究了该断层晚第四纪—现今的活动性,补充了该断层晚第四纪活动的证据,分析了东、西2个断层段现今的活动特征与差异,获得以下新认识:1)口镇-关山断层为S倾的正-左旋斜滑断层,也是为调节渭河盆地不同段落非均匀拉张而形成的斜向调节断层,其晚第四纪垂直错断地层8.8m,左旋错断冲沟约34m,垂直和左旋滑动速率分别为 0.13mm/a和 0.49mm/a。2)形变监测反映该断层正在发生正-左旋斜滑型的蠕滑运动;其中,断层西段的蠕动相对稳定,垂直和左旋蠕动速率分别为0.16~0.76mm/a和0.42~0.78mm/a,横向水平拉张速率为0.15~0.26mm/a;断层东段正断分量的垂直蠕动速率为1.56mm/a,大于西段,且表现出阶跃式或幕式蠕滑特征,"阶跃期"(2012—2014年)速率达13mm/a的蠕动可能代表1次慢滑移事件。这些现象表明中国大陆拉张构造环境的活动断层也能发生蠕动。3)沿该断层的地震活动以及地表地裂缝带的发育与该断层的蠕动作用密切相关。  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂是川滇菱形块体东边界的重要组成部分,为一条NW向的大型左旋走滑断裂。炉霍段断裂在不到160年的时间发生了 1816年71/2级和1973年7.6级两次大地震,强震复发行为表现出丛集特征,其断层现今活动特征值得关注。本研究利用虾拉沱跨断层形变观测资料,从断层运动方式和平均速率两个方面分析了虾拉沱断层现今活动特征,结果表明:鲜水河断裂炉霍段断层整体以左旋、拉张活动为主,兼具逆断活动;断层活动速率的时间进程具有阶段性特征,2000~2015年断层在水平滑动、水平张压和垂直升降分量上的活动速率分别为2.19mm/a、0.37 mm/a和-0.25 mm/a,断层左旋张性活动明显;2016~2019年断层在水平滑动、水平张压和垂直升降分量上的活动速率分别为1.98 mm/a、-0.22 mm/a和-0.20 mm/a,呈现出左旋压性活动特征,在张性背景上发生压性转折。  相似文献   

基于传统跨断层测量监测断层活动的计算公式、主成分分析法以及GPS跨断层剖面方法分别计算了张渤带及其邻区主要断裂的运动特征。结果显示跨断层资料反映的断层近场变形特征沿张渤带各次级断裂以压性运动为主,与张渤带斜交的NE走向断裂以张性运动为主,部分测线不同时段会出现相反的运动性质。GPS观测资料表明NW走向的张渤带次级断裂以左旋走滑兼挤压运动特征为主,与张渤带斜交的NE走向的断裂以正断张性运动为主。各断层反映的张/压性质与利用震源机制解获得的区域构造应力场的主压/张应力方向较为一致。GPS资料结果显示:张渤带各次级断裂的平行断层的滑动速率介于0.5~1.5mm/a之间,垂直断层走向的挤压速率,除廊坊-武清断裂和蓟运河断裂外,其它次级断裂的速率0.8 mm/a;基于跨断层资料利用主成分分析获取张渤带及其邻区断裂运动综合运动指标表明区内断裂垂直运动速率1.5 mm/a,与跨断层资料逐条断裂分析的结果基本一致。总体来看,整个张渤带及其邻区断层活动水平较低。  相似文献   

通过卫星影像解译、差分GPS测量和地貌年代学样品采集,对位于酒西盆地内部的阴洼山断裂和新民堡断裂晚第四纪滑动速率进行了研究。阴洼山断裂发育于阴洼山东侧,总体走向315°,长约25 km;新民堡断裂整体走向300°,长约20 km,二者皆为全新世活动的逆断层。通过野外考察,选择典型断错地貌进行断层陡坎测量,结合所获相应地貌面的年代数据,得到阴洼山断裂和新民堡断裂晚第四纪垂直滑动速率分别为(0.08±0.02)mm/a和(0.11±0.02)mm/a。结合断裂倾角及前人研究资料,得到垂直祁连山方向酒西盆地内部断裂的地壳缩短速率约为1 mm/a,整个盆地地壳缩短速率约为2.4 mm/a。  相似文献   

根据野外调查结果,重点阐述了维西—乔后断裂南段的活动特征。研究表明,维西—乔后断裂南段在第四纪表现出明显的活动特征,运动性质以正断层作用为主。维西—乔后断裂南段对巍山第四纪盆地有着明显的控制作用,因受其影响盆地内阶地不对称发育。箐门口、佛堂村、洗澡塘探槽揭示该断裂断错了晚更新世堆积,被错最新地层14C年龄(15 430±60)a B.P.,OSL年龄为(11.6±1.6)ka,表明其最新活动时代在晚更新世末期。洗澡塘村断层地貌清晰,西河Ⅱ级阶地上发育高2 m左右的断层陡坎。根据阶地断层陡坎高度和阶地面形成年龄估算,晚更新世以来该断裂段垂直滑动速率约为0.18~0.32 mm/a。  相似文献   

中旬-大具断裂南东段晚第四纪活动的地质地貌证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中甸-大具断裂南东段位于哈巴和玉龙雪山北麓,属于川西北次级块体西南边界,断裂总体走向310°~320°,是一条重要的边界断裂。了解该断裂的活动性质、活动时代和滑动速率等对分析川西北次级块体运动,研究该断裂与玉龙雪山东麓断裂的交切关系等问题具有重要意义。文中基于1︰5万活动断层地质填图,对断裂沿线地层地貌、陡坎地貌、地表破裂、典型断层剖面以及河流阶地等进行了详细的研究。研究表明:1)中甸-大具断裂南东段按几何结构、断错地貌表现、断裂活动性可分为马家村—大具次级段和大具—大东次级段。2)通过野外地质调查发现,马家村—大具次级段断错了全新世冲洪积扇,形成了地表破裂,为全新世活动段;而大具—大东次级段虽然也断错了晚更新—全新世地层,但其断错规模及滑动速率均较小,由此认为其全新世以来活动较弱。3)通过分析断裂沿线断层陡坎、水平位错及地表破裂等地质地貌问题,认为马家村—大具次级段的活动性质为右旋走滑兼正断,其晚更新世以来的垂直滑动速率为0. 4~0. 8mm/a,水平滑动速率为1. 5~2. 4mm/a;大具—大东次级段以右旋走滑为主、正断为辅,其晚更新世晚期以来的垂直滑动速率为0. 1mm/a。4)在大具盆地内发现的NW向地表破裂带的形成时代很年轻,不排除是1966年中甸6. 4级地震或1996年丽江7. 0级地震造成的地表破裂。  相似文献   

渭河盆地是我国典型的断陷盆地,是中国大陆地裂缝活动、地面沉降活动最剧烈的地区之一.本文利用2004-2007年间的GPS数据,采用粒子群算法与位错理论模型相结合,对渭河盆地主要断裂的三维滑动速率进行了反演计算分析.结果表明:(1)断裂活动性质与地质测量方法获得的结果基本一致:除韩城—华县断裂以张裂为主外,渭河盆地主要断裂均以正倾滑为主,并具有走滑特征,呈张裂的运动趋势;(2)从滑动速率来看,秦岭北侧大断裂速率最大,可达4.5 mm/a.固关—宝鸡断裂活动最小,活动速率仅为1 mm/a左右;(3)在趋势上与现有的地质资料基本一致,以EW向断裂活动最强,NE方向较强,而NW方向较弱,并且分布上呈现南强北弱的特征.  相似文献   

通过对金沙江涛源盆地东缘断裂活动性的调查和探测,在该盆地内发现许多有地震地质意义的构造现象。分析显示:涛源盆地东缘的金沙江河谷断裂是由一组晚更新世以来活动的铲式正断层组成,以粘滑为主,距今大约4.5万年以来的垂直活动速率为0.6 mm/a;盆地内的NW—NWW向断层是一组与金沙江河谷断裂共轭活动的正断层,距今2.2~4.4万年发生过一次7级左右的地震位错事件;程海—宾川断裂中段的潜在震源区震级上限宜取7.5级。  相似文献   

The Ximalin fault is the northwest section of the Ximalin-Shuiquan fault, which is part of the north-edge fault zone of the Yanghe Basin, located in the conjunction of the Zhangjiakou-Bohai fault zone and Shanxi fault-depression basin, and its structural geometry and deformation characteristics can facilitate the research on the interaction of the two tectonic belts. In this paper, data of geological surveys and geophysical exploration are used to study this fault exhaustively, concerning its geometry, structural features and activity as well as its relationship with adjacent faults and rule in the deformation transform of the north-edge fault zone of the Yanghe Basin. The results show that the Ximalin Fault is a strike-slip feature with thrust component. Its vertical slip rates are 0.17mm/a and 0.25~0.38mm/a, and the horizontal slip rate is 0.58~0.67mm/a and 0.50mm/a during the late Middle Pleistocene and Holocene, respectively. It is formed alternately by the NW-trending main faults and secondary NE-trending faults, of which the former is characterized by high-angle reverse with sinistral strike-slip, and the latter shows normal faulting. The two sets of structures have specific structural geometry relations, and the motion manners and deformation characteristics match each other. During the active process of the north-edge fault of the Yanghe Basin, the NW trending Ximalin fault played a role similar to a transform fault in deformation change and stress transfer, and its sinistral strike slip activity accommodated the NE trending normal faulting at the both ends.  相似文献   

万全断裂的几何结构和活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据实地调查和探测资料对万全断裂的几何结构和构造活动进行分析与研究,结果表明:该断裂是洋河盆地北缘断裂带的组成断裂之一,由南、北两段斜列组成,呈北东-北北东走向展布,为正断层,长约15km;断裂在第四纪期间持续活动,控制着附近地区的构造演化和地貌发育:西北侧中生代地层抬升,形成低山丘陵;东南侧地块下降,接受第四纪堆积,构成山间盆地;晚更新世以来单条断层的平均垂直活动速率大于0.03—0.3mm/a。  相似文献   

In the interior of the Tibetan Plateau, the active tectonics are primarily marked by conjugate strike slip faults and north-trending rifts, which represent the E-W extension since late Cenozoic of the plateau. The conjugate faults are mainly composed of NE-trending left-lateral strike-slip faults in Qiangtang terrane and NW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults in Lhasa terrane. While, the rifts mainly strike N, NNW and NNE within southern Tibet. However, it is still a debate on the deformational style and specific adjustment mechanism of E-W extension. One of key reasons causing this debate is the lack of detailed investigation of these active faults, especially within the northwestern plateau. Recently, we found a 20km long, NNW-trending active fault at Bero Zeco in northwestern Tibet. This fault is presented as fault sag ponds, channel offsets and fault scarps. Displacement of channels and geomorphic features suggested that the Bero Zeco Fault(BZF)is a dextral strike-slip fault with a small amount of normal slip component, which may result from the E-W extensional deformation in the interior of Tibet. BZF strikes N330°~340°W, as shown on the satellite image. The main Quaternary strata in the studied area are two stages alluvial fans around the Bero Zeco. From the satellite images, the old alluvial fans were cut by the lake shoreline leaving many of lake terraces. And the young fans cut across the lake terraces and the old fans. By contrasting to the "Paleo-Qiangtang Huge Lake" since late Quaternary, these old alluvial fans could be late Pleistocene with age ranging from 40ka to 50ka. And the young fans could be Holocene. The sag ponds along the BZF are distributed in the late Pleistocene alluvial fans. Also, the BZF displaced the late Pleistocene fans without traces within Holocene fans, suggesting that the BZF is a late Pleistocene active fault. The fault scarps are gentler with the slope angle of around 10° and the vertical offset is about 2m by field measurement. Reconstruction of the offset of channels suggested that the accumulated dextral offset could be about 44m on the late Pleistocene alluvial fans. Therefore, we infer that the dextral slip-rate could be around 1mm/a showing a low-rate deformation characteristic. The angle between the strike of BZF and principal compressive stress axis(σ1)is around 30°, which is significantly different to the other faults within the conjugate strike-slip fault zones that is 60°~75°. Now, the deformation mechanisms on these conjugate faults are mainly proposed in the studies of obtuse angle between the faults and σ1, which is likely not applicable for the BZF. We infer that the BZF could be the northward prolongation of the north-trending rifts based on the geometry. This difference suggests that the conjugate strike-slip faults may be formed by two different groups:one is obtuse angle, which is related to block extrusion or shear zones in Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes possibly; the other is acute angle, which may represent the characteristics of new-born fractures. And more studies are needed on their deformation mechanisms.  相似文献   

在野外实测工作基础上, 对香山北缘活动断裂带东段自晚更新世以来的水平活动强度分时、 分段进行了研究. 结果表明, 该断裂带东段自晚更新世以来, 总体水平活动强度不大: 晚更新世早—中期水平位移速率为1.44 mm/a, 晚期水平位移速率为0.53 mm/a, 全新世水平位移速率为1.01 mm/a. 该断裂带左旋走滑强度在走向上具有不均一性, 而且其活动强度的最大部位(活动中心)随时间向东发生迁移, 碱沟—刘岗井次级断层是现今活动强度最大的次级断层.   相似文献   

利用区域水系形态研究构造活动特征已有丰富经验,可知铁炉子—栾川—南召断裂带西段——铁炉子断裂,晚更新世以来左旋走滑速率为1.25 mm/a,而东段——栾川—南召断裂则为早—中更新世活动段,2段具有明显的活动性差异,研究二者的构造转换方式,有助于了解块体运动在该断裂带内不同段落间的平衡方式。铁炉子段在洛南盆地分为南北两支,南支断裂下盘发育的冲沟普遍流向北,呈“平行状”水系,而北支断裂下盘发育的冲沟则流向南,并在断层附近有左旋扭动迹象;卢氏盆地中部发育NE走向的沉降中心,剖面分析结果表明,该沉降中心东侧普遍高出西侧70—80 m,结合遥感影像,初步认为卢氏盆地的最新活动或已由盆地边缘向盆地内部迁移,并与铁炉子段尾端组成伸展转换区,最终导致铁炉子断裂与栾川—南召断裂的活动性差异。  相似文献   

Kunming basin is a Cenozoic faulted basin under the control of mainly SN-trending active faults. In and around the basin, there are a total of eight major active faults. Seismo-geological survey and fault slip observation show that the SN- and NE-trending active faults are mostly sinistral strike-slip faults, while the NW-trending faults are mostly dextral strike-slip faults. Using stress tensor inversion method with 706 active fault striation data at 22 measurement sites, we determined tectonic stress field of the study area. The result shows that modern tectonic stress field in and around Kunming basin is characterized by NNW-SSE compression, ENE-WSW extension, and strike-slip stress regimes. The maximum principal compressional stress (σ1) is oriented 335o~2o, with an average dip angle of 21°; the minimum (σ3) is oriented 44o~93o, with an average dip angle of 14°, and the intermediate (σ2) has a high, or nearly vertical, dip angle. The inversion result from fault slip data is consistent with the result from focal mechanism solutions.  相似文献   

海原走滑断裂带及其尾端挤压构造   总被引:36,自引:10,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
研究了青藏高原东北部地区海原活动断裂带的几何学、运动学和动力学特征、左旋位移总量及全新世滑动速率,对海原走滑断裂带东南端发育的尾端挤压区的构造特征及地壳缩短量进行了研究,分析了走滑断裂带的走滑量与端部挤压区地壳缩短量之间的转换平衡关系  相似文献   

The Hetao depression zone, located to the north of Ordos block, is a complex depression basin that consists of two sub-uplifts and three sub-depressions. The depression zone is subject to the regional extensional stress field driven by the Indo-Asian continental collision and the westward subduction of the Pacific Plate. The Baotou uplift that separates the Baiyanhua sub-depression and Huhe sub-depression is mainly composed of Archean gneiss and is overlaid by Quaternary sedimentary strata. The two sub-depressions are bordered by the Wula Mountains and Daqing Mountains to the north, respectively. The bedrock exhumed in Wula Mountains and Daqing Mountains consists mostly of Precambrian granitic gneiss, and the piedmont depressions are infilled by thick Cenozoic strata. The Wulashan piedmont fault and Daqingshan piedmont fault extend along the range front of Wula Mountains and Daqing Mountains, respectively. The subsidence is controlled by the two boundary faults. Previous studies have preliminarily documented the characteristics of the northwest boundary fault of Baotou uplift. Combining shallow seismic exploration, active fault mapping, and geological drilling, this paper presents a detailed study on the tectonic characteristics of the Baotou uplift. The shallow seismic exploration reveals that the Baotou uplift is an asymmetrical wedge with a steep southeast wing and a gentle dipping northwest wing. The Baotou uplift is wider in the northeastern part and narrows down towards the southwest. In seismic profiles, the Baiyanhua sub-depression and the Huhe sub-depression manifest as asymmetric dustpan-like depressions with south-dipping controlling faults. Baotou uplift is bounded by the Xishawan-Xingsheng Fault to the northwest and Daqingshan piedmont fault to the southeast. The two faults exhibit significant difference in many aspects, such as fault geometry, fault displacement, the latest active time, and so on. The southeast boundary fault of Baotou uplift is the Baotou section of the Daqingshan piedmont fault which is a Holocene active fault and the major boundary fault of Huhe sub-depression. East of Wanshuiquan, the fault strikes EW-NEE; west of Wanshuiquan, the strike changes to NW. The Daqingshan piedmont fault appears as a south-dipping listric fault in seismic profiles whose dip decreases with depth and cuts through all the sedimentary strata in Huhe sub-depression; the fault extends along the late Pleistocene lacustrine platform at surface with prominent geomorphological evidences. The Xishawan-Xingsheng Fault is a buried high-angle normal fault that mainly dips to the northwest and strikes NE. The fault strike changes to NNE at the eastern tip. Based on the results of seismic exploration and geological drilling, the Xishawan-Xingsheng buried fault is an early to middle Pleistocene Fault capped by late Pleistocene lacustrine strata. We reckon that the Xishawan-Xingsheng Fault is one of the synthetic faults that dip towards the main boundary fault of Baiyanhua sub-depression. Similarities in lithology, geometry, and structural characteristics of south boundary faults all indicate that Baotou uplift is the western extension of Daqing Mountains. Multiple factors may contribute to the formation of Baotou uplift, such as tectonic subsidence and the development of large-scale river system and mega-lake. We suggest that the upwelling of asthenosphere may play a primary role in the evolution of Wulanshan piedmont fault and Daqingshan piedmont fault. Separated by the Baotou uplift, the Wulashan piedmont fault and Daqingshan piedmont fault can be regarded as independent seismogenic faults. The Hetao depression zone is featured by complex inner structures, and many scientific issues are subject to further researches. Thus, more attention should be paid to the secondary structures within the depression zone for a better understanding on the formation and evolution of Hetao depression zone.  相似文献   

1 An out-of-line northwest trending tectonic beltin the middle part of the Yanshan Orogenic Belt The tectonic framework of the intraplate YanshanOrogenic Belt is dominated by east-west and northeastextending structures as revealed by many geologists.There lies, however, a 100-km-long enigmatic out-of-line northwest extending tectonic complex in the mid-dle part of the Yanshan Orogenic Belt (fig. 1). Theresearch on the geometry, kinematics, timing of thiscomplex tectonic belt and its r…  相似文献   

The 40km-long, NEE trending Reshui-Taostuo River Fault was found in the southern Dulan-Chaka highland by recent field investigation, which is a strike-slip fault with some normal component. DEM data was generated by small unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)on key geomorphic units with resolution<0.05m. Based on the interpretation and field investigation, we get two conclusions:1)It is the first time to define the Reshui-Taostuo River Fault, and the fault is 40km long with a 6km-long surface rupture; 2)There are left-handed dislocations in the gullies and terraces cut by the fault. On the high-resolution DEM image obtained by UAV, the offsets are(9.3±0.5) m, (17.9±1.5) m, and(36.8±2) m, measured by topographic profile recovery of gullies. The recovery measurements of two terraces present that the horizontal offset of T1/T0 is(18.2±1.5) m and the T2/T1 is (35.8±2) m, which is consistent with the offsets from gullies. According to the historical earthquake records, a M5 3/4 earthquake on April 10, 1938 and a MS5.0 earthquake on March 21, 1952 occurred at the eastern end of the surface rupture, which may be related to the activity of the fault. By checking the county records of Dulan and other relevant data, we find that there are no literature records about the two earthquakes, which is possibly due to the far distance to the epicenter at that time, the scarcity of population in Dulan, or that the earthquake occurred too long ago that led to losing its records. The southernmost ends of the Eastern Kunlun Fault and the Elashan Fault converge to form a wedge-shaped extruded fault block toward the northwest. The Dulan Basin, located at the end of the wedge-shaped fault block, is affected by regional NE and SW principal compressive stress and the shear stress of the two boundary faults. The Dulan Basin experienced a complex deformation process of compression accompanying with extension. In the process of extrusion, the specific form of extension is the strike-slip faults at each side of the wedge, and there is indeed a north-east and south-west compression between the two controlling wedge-shaped fault block boundary faults, the Eastern Kunlun and Elashan Faults. The inferred mechanism of triangular wedge extrusion deformation in this area is quite different from the pure rigid extrusion model. Therefore, Dulan Basin is a wedge-shaped block sandwiched between the two large-scale strike-slip faults. Due to the compression of the northeast and southwest directions of the region, the peripheral faults of the Dulan Basin form a series of southeast converging plume thrust faults on the northeast edge of the basin near the Elashan Fault, which are parallel to the Elashan Fault in morphology and may converge with the Elashan Fault in subsurface. The southern marginal fault of the Dulan Basin(Reshui-Taostuo River Fault)near the Eastern Kunlun fault zone is jointly affected by the left-lateral strike-slip Eastern Kunlun Fault and the right-lateral strike-slip Elashan Fault, presenting a left-lateral strike-slip characteristic. Meanwhile, the wedge-shaped fault block extrudes to the northwest, causing local extension at the southeast end, and the fault shows the extensional deformation. These faults absorb or transform the shear stress in the northeastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. Therefore, our discovery of the Dulan Reshui-Taostuo River Fault provides important constraints for better understanding of the internal deformation mode and mechanism of the fault block in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. The strike of Reshui-Taostuo River Fault is different from the southern marginal fault of the Qaidam Basin. The Qaidam south marginal burial fault is the boundary fault between the Qaidam Basin and the East Kunlun structural belt, with a total length of ~500km. The geophysical data show that Qaidam south marginal burial fault forms at the boundary between the positive gravity anomaly of the southern East Kunlun structural belt and the negative gravity anomaly gradient zone of the northern Qaidam Basin, showing as a thrust fault towards the basin. The western segment of the fault was active at late Pleistocene, and the eastern segment near Dulan County was active at early-middle Pleistocene. The Reshui-Taostuo River Fault is characterized by sinistral strike-slip with a normal component. The field evidence indicates that the latest active period of this fault was Holocene, with a total length of only 40km. Neither remote sensing image interpretation nor field investigation indicate the fault extends further westward and intersects with the Qaidam south marginal burial fault. Moreover, it shows that its strike is relatively consistent with the East Kunlun fault zone in spatial distribution and has a certain angle with the burial fault in the southern margin of Qaidam Basin. Therefore, there is no structural connection between the Reshui-Taostuo River Fault and the Qaidam south marginal burial fault.  相似文献   

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