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李启成  池红岩  宋志勇 《地震研究》2012,35(2):240-245,296
分别用经验格林函数方法和随机方法对卢龙ML5.7地震的地震动进行模拟对比研究,结果显示:用经验格林函数方法模拟得到的波形和反应谱都与原始记录接近,用该方法模拟的地震动,无需掌握场地的具体情况;对于无小震记录的地区,如果知道了其场地情况与附近有小震记录地区相似,可以用该小震记录作为经验格林函数模拟地震动。对于不能用经验格林函数方法模拟地震动的地区,可以用随机方法模拟地震动。用随机方法模拟地震动具有简单、方便、无需小震记录的优点。根据卢龙场地具体条件,尝试用两种方法结合预测了卢龙地震加速度场,结果比较好地反映了断层周围加速度的峰值分布规律。  相似文献   

建筑物的抗震设防需要地震动的输入,但往往在抗震设防区缺少地震记录,这就需要地震动的模拟.在总结现有经验格林函数方法的基础上,提出了改进的经验格林函数方法,并用该方法对卢龙地震进行了模拟.模拟的结果表明:模拟的结果无论是地震动加速度时程还是反应谱与实际地震记录都符合得比以往好.说明改进的格林函数方法是模拟地震动的有效方法,可以在工程实践中应用推广.  相似文献   

地震动模拟研究的目的是为建筑物的抗震设计提供未来地震动的时程或反应谱。本研究在总结了经验格林函数方法和随机方法模拟地震动的基础上,对所存在的问题进行了系统研究,得到如下成果:1改进了经验格林函数方法,提高了经验格林函数方法的严密性用经验格林函数方法模拟地震动的结果在高频部分偏低的部分原因是由于假设大小地震的滑动分布都是相  相似文献   

经验格林函数方法的理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过比较经验格林函数和理论格林函数模拟地震动方法,认为经验格林函数方法能比理论格林函数更好地模拟地震动。同时亦指出用经验格林函数方法模拟地震动时出现两个问题:(1)模拟的结果高频不稳定。(2)模拟的结果有一个"人造周期"。地震工作者提出选择适当的频响函数,比较有效地解决了模拟结果高频不稳定的问题;还提出了完备经验格林函数集的概念,以提高模拟结果与记录的符合程度。但完备经验格林函数集提出了每个大震子断层上都有小震记录的过于苛刻的要求,使得完备经验格林函数集的获得只能靠理论和经验关系结合的办法。本文通过对大震断层滑动速度函数的理论分析认为:可以用多个不同滑动速度和不同上升时间的小震合成经验格林函数,用这种经验格林函数合成的地震动不会产生"人造周期"。但需要加强对小震记录的反演工作并获得丰富的小震参数。  相似文献   

经过30多年的发展,格林已经成为被地震工作者普遍接受的模拟地震动的方法.回顾发展历史,该方法可以分为3个阶段:第1阶段是经验格林函数理论建立阶段;第二阶段是经验格林函数方法逐步得到完善阶段;第三个阶段是经验格林函数方法的广泛应用阶段,该阶段提出了用该方法预测未来地震动的一般步骤,标志着用经验格林函数方法预测未来地震动,为建筑物的抗震设防提供依据已经到了比较成熟阶段.最后,对用经验格林函数方法和随机方法模拟地震动的优势和不足进行了比较.  相似文献   

用经验格林函数法和随机方法模拟卢龙地震的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在介绍用经验格林函数方法和随机方法模拟地震动的基础上,分别用这两种方法模拟了卢龙5.7级地震。模拟结果表明,用经验格林函数方法模拟地震动的结果与地震记录符合得很好。用随机方法模拟地震动在高频部分与地震动记录符合得比较好,而在中、低频部分符合得不太好。两种方法比较,经验格林函数方法模拟的结果更符合实际记录。但随机方法具有计算简单、无需小震记录的优点,因此发展随机的方法是有意义的。随机方法中中、低频部分不太符合的原因是随机方法中的很多经验关系是在美国大陆得到的。因此建议加强对中国大陆经验关系的研究,并把中国大陆的经验关系加入到随机方法中,使随机的方法成为中国大陆普适的模拟地震动的方法。  相似文献   

改进的经验格林函数方法弃掉以往完全用经验方法确定用于合成大震的小震数目的方法,考虑了大地震断层各个子断层位错的不均匀性,使得经验格林函数方法的物理意义更加清楚。用改进的经验格林函数方法,以汶川MS6.4余震记录作为经验格林函数模拟了九寨白河台、松潘安宏台、皋兰台和成都中和4个台站的加速度时程,与以往的经验格林函数方法比较,模拟结果的反应谱与记录符合得更好,证明了改进的经验格林函数方法可以反映震源位错的复杂分布,可以在工程地震中用来估计场地地震动过程。  相似文献   

破坏性地震强度预测可用于工程领域抗震设防以及地震危险性分析评估,是防震减灾中一项很重要的基础工作.为了再现九寨沟地震的地震动强度,评估缺失强震记录的九寨章扎台站的地震动强度,本文用经验格林函数法对九寨沟地震进行了数值模拟.选取了震源周边地震动峰值加速度超过10 Gal的10个强震台站进行模拟.因未得到九寨沟地震的余震,初次尝试将汶川地震和定西地震的余震作为格林函数模拟九寨沟地震.模拟结果整体上可以反映各台站地震动的强度特征,尤其是地震动高频成份拟合较好.模拟值的地震动峰值加速度、时程数据、反应谱等与观测值拟合较好.预测结果显示漳扎镇的地震动峰值加速度值约为180~200 Gal.预测结果也表明在缺少大震的余震记录时,经验格林函数法使用其他大震的余震同样可以再现目标地震的强度特征.本研究也为经验格林函数方法在缺乏小震记录地区的使用积累了经验.最后总结了格林函数的选取标准,为经验格林函数方法来预测未来强震动特征积累了经验.  相似文献   

以往的经验格林函数方法存在着两个问题:一是要求大小地震需满足"相似"或"准相似"条件,这就限制了经验格林函数方法的适用范围。二是对大地震断层面的位错不均匀性考虑得不充分,而实际上大地震断层的位错一般是不均匀的。本文在假定大小地震不满足"相似"和"准相似"以及大地震断层面位错不均匀的前提下,对经验格林函数方法进行了改进,并应用于卢龙地震的模拟,模拟的结果与记录符合得比较好,说明改进的经验格林函数方法可以用来估计场地地震动过程。  相似文献   

夏晨  赵伯明 《地震地质》2015,(2):529-540
针对大小震拐角频率的差异,假设大震断层上每个子源的拐角频率与已破裂的子源个数平方根成反比,基于ω2震源谱模型,通过理论推导构建了一个函数,将动力学拐角频率引入经验格林函数法。以汶川地震余震记录为格林函数,分别用改进前和引入动力学拐角频率后的经验格林函数法合成5·12汶川大地震强地面运动。对比合成结果与观测记录,结果表明改进前经验格林函数法合成的地震动在低频部分相对实际记录偏低;引入动力学拐角频率之后的经验格林函数法合成的结果在高频基本保持不变,低频部分得到提高,并与实际记录符合。引入动力学拐角频率后,大部分合成结果很好地符合实际记录。说明动力学拐角频率可有效改善经验格林函数法的低频合成结果,同时验证了经验格林函数法对MW7.9特大地震地震动合成的有效性。  相似文献   

The Menyuan area is an important transportation hub in the Hexi Corridor. The Menyuan MS6.9 earthquake that occurred on January 8, 2022 had a major impact on the local infrastructure and transportation of this region. Due to the high possibility of similar strong earthquakes occurring in this area in the future, preliminary assessment of the seismic intensity characteristics of destructive earthquakes in this region is essential for effective disaster control. This paper uses the empirical Green′s function (EGF) method as a numerical simulation tool to predict the ground motion intensity of Datong Autonomous County under the action of the scenario earthquake (MS7.5). Seismic records of aftershocks of the 2016 Menyuan MS6.4 earthquake were used as Green’s functions for this simulation. The uncertainties associated with various source parameters were considered, and 36 possible earthquake scenarios were simulated to obtain 72 sets of horizontal ground motions in Datong County. The obtained peak ground acceleration (PGA) vs. time histories of the horizontal ground motion were screened using the attenuation relationships provided by the fifth-edition of China's Seismic Ground Motion Parameter Zoning Map and the NGA-West2 dataset. Ultimately, 32 possible acceleration-time histories were selected for further analysis. The screened PGA values ranged from 78.8 to 153 cm/s2. The uncertainty associated with the initial rupture point was found to greatly affect the results of the earthquake simulation. The average acceleration spectrum of the selected acceleration-time history exceeded the expected spectrum of a intermediate earthquake, which means that buildings in Datong County might sustain some damage should the scenario earthquake occur. This research can provide reliable ground motion input for urban earthquake damage simulation and seismic design in Datong County. Growing the dataset of small earthquakes recorded in this region will facilitate the large-scale simulation of ground motions under different earthquake scenarios.  相似文献   

In this study, the broadband ground motions of the 2021 M7.4 Maduo earthquake were simulated to overcome the scarcity of ground motion recordings and the low resolution of macroseismic intensity map in sparsely populated high-altitude regions. The simulation was conducted with a hybrid methodology, combining a stochastic high-frequency simulation with a low-frequency ground motion simulation, from the regional 1-D velocity structure model and the Wang WM et al. (2022) source rupture model, respectively. We found that the three-component waveforms simulated for specific stations matched the waveforms recorded at those stations, in terms of amplitude, duration, and frequency content. The validation results demonstrate the ability of the hybrid simulation method to reproduce the main characteristics of the observed ground motions for the 2021 Maduo earthquake over a broad frequency range. Our simulations suggest that the official map of macroseismic intensity tends to overestimate shaking by one intensity unit. Comparisons of simulations with empirical ground motion models indicate generally good consistency between the simulated and empirically predicted intensity measures. The high-frequency components of ground motions were found to be more prominent, while the low-frequency components were not, which is unexpected for large earthquakes. Our simulations provide valuable insight into the effects of source complexity on the level and variability of the resulting ground motions. The acceleration and velocity time histories and corresponding response spectra were provided for selected representative sites where no records were available. The simulated results have important implications for evaluating the performance of engineering structures in the epicentral regions of this earthquake and for estimating seismic hazards in the Tibetan regions where no strong ground motion records are available for large earthquakes.  相似文献   

One of the severe problems in the semi-empirical method for the prediction of strong ground motions is that there is no objective criterion for choosing empirical Green's functions. It is undesirable that synthesized strong ground motions are affected by the source process of an earthquake whose record is adopted as an empirical Green's function. Through the analysis of strong motion accelerograms of two aftershocks of the 1983 Japan Sea earthquakes, it is found that characteristics of the accelerograms are dependent on the moment rate function derived from teleseismic observations. A procedure is presented for removing the effect of the source process from observed strong motion accelerograms. The thus obtained empirical Green's function expresses approximately the impulse response of the medium between the earthquake source and the observation site.  相似文献   

High-speed train seismology has come into being recently. This new kind of seismology uses a high-speed train as a repeatable moving seismic source. Therefore, Green's function for a moving source is needed to make theoretical studies of the high-speed train seismology. Green's function for three-dimensional elastic wave equation with a moving point source on the free surface is derived. It involves a line integral of the Green's function for a fixed point source with different positions and corresponding time delays. We give a rigorous mathematical proof of this Green's function. According to the principle of linear superposition, we have also obtained the Green's function for a group of moving sources which can be regarded as a model of a traveling high-speed train. Based on a temporal convolution, an analytical formula for other moving sources is also given. In terms of a moving Gaussian source, we deal with the issue of numerical calculations of the analytical formula. Applications to modelling of a traveling high-speed train are presented. We have considered both the land case and the bridge case for a traveling high-speed train. The theoretical seismograms show different waveform features for these two cases.  相似文献   

2021年2月13日,日本福岛近海发生MS7.1地震,震中距海岸线约70 km,震源深度接近60 km,造成了较大范围的震害影响。考虑地震应急及地震动强度特征预测的应用前景等,利用经验格林函数法快速估计了本次地震的高频地震动(1.0~20.0 Hz)空间分布特征及加速度时程,并结合实际地形、场地覆盖层等信息对部分台站地震动模拟结果进行修正,最终获得较可靠的地震动预测结果。研究结果表明,在具备合适小震记录时(余震及前震),可较准确地再现大震的高频地震动主要特征,模拟结果与真实记录拟合较好;地震动模拟过程中需考虑盆地等特殊地形及覆盖土层对地震动的放大作用影响,这也是未来利用经验格林函数法合成大震时需重点考虑的因素。  相似文献   

Stochastic finite-fault modeling is an important tool for simulating moderate to large earthquakes. It has proven to be useful in applications that require a reliable estimation of ground motions, mostly in the spectral frequency range of 1 to 10 Hz, which is the range of most interest to engineers. However, since there can be little resemblance between the low-frequency spectra of large and small earthquakes, this portion can be difficult to simulate using stochastic finite-fault techniques. This paper introduces two different methods to scale low-frequency spectra for stochastic finite-fault modeling. One method multiplies the subfault source spectrum by an empirical function. This function has three parameters to scale the low-frequency spectra: the level of scaling and the start and end frequencies of the taper. This empirical function adjusts the earthquake spectra only between the desired frequencies, conserving seismic moment in the simulated spectra. The other method is an empirical low-frequency coefficient that is added to the subfault corner frequency. This new parameter changes the ratio between high and low frequencies. For each simulation, the entire earthquake spectra is adjusted, which may result in the seismic moment not being conserved for a simulated earthquake. These low-frequency scaling methods were used to reproduce recorded earthquake spectra from several earthquakes recorded in the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) Next Generation Attenuation Models (NGA) database. There were two methods of determining the stochastic parameters of best fit for each earthquake: a general residual analysis and an earthquake-specific residual analysis. Both methods resulted in comparable values for stress drop and the low-frequency scaling parameters; however, the earthquake-specific residual analysis obtained a more accurate distribution of the averaged residuals.  相似文献   

非平稳空间相关多点地震动合成方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据地震波的传播特点,在现有的非平稳空间相关多点地震动合成方法的基础上进行了改进。通过修正随机相位角,使生成的多点地震动在局部场地上具有收敛性。给出了未知和已知相位差谱统计规律2种情况下非平稳多点地震动的合成方法。进一步提出了基于实际地震纪录的空间相关多点地震动合成方法。这些方法可用于大尺度结构的多点输入分析。  相似文献   

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