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1975年海城7.3级地震和1976年唐山7.8级地震前后,在辽河、大港、胜利等油田都发现油、水井的动态异常,引起了人们的关注,油、水井在地震前出现短临异常动态,也为华北地区发生的多次中等地震所证实,1984年8月18日营口3.9级地震时,兴隆台油田的兴100号油井和兴10号注水井的动态异常是其中一例。一、兴隆台油田油、水井动态异常资料油、水井动态异常,是指油田开发过程中,非开发因素和人工措施引起的采油井或注水井的压力、产量、含水量或注水量的突发性大幅度的升降。 1.兴100油井兴100油井生产层位是新生界下第三系沙河街组一段中部第四号层。油层中部深度170  相似文献   

唐山地震前不同区域油水井异常变化及其机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对唐山地震前胜利、大港、辽河3个油田的油井和渤中2井的资料以及北京附近部分水井的资料进行整理和分析,描述了油水井的短期和临震异常特征;分析了唐山地震前同一地区和不同地区间的油水井前兆异常之间的关系,对油水井异常变化的机理进行了研究和分析,认为不同的油水井前兆异常是由于唐山地震孕震过程中造成的不同地区的应力状态不同所致,油水井前兆异常可以用来监测和预报地震。  相似文献   

渤海、海城、唐山等强烈地震前,胜利油田油水深井动态有明显异常显示,主要表现在油井产液量、产油量、静压、水井水位等动态参数的变化上;而在同一地区发生的地震,油水井动态异常有一定重复性。结合油田的地质构造及活动性断裂的分布,提出滨南地区可能是处于地震前兆敏感区。这对胜利油田的地震动态监视有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

利用油水深井动态监测油田地区的地震活动是油田地震测报工作的一项主要工作。我们在监测地震时,发现在油田的某些地区,油水井的动态异常反映比较敏感,有时其变化量比较大,而另外一些地区则反映不甚明显。我们在总结唐山地震和菏泽地震时也发现有类似的震兆异常变化。根据有关资料的分析研究,我们认为在某些特殊的构造部位,它对于地震的反映比较敏感,也就是说存在着震兆敏感区。  相似文献   

本文从频率相关的角度,对黑龙江省内地震引起大庆油田油、水井套管损坏事件,进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

临盘油田地下水中硫酸根离子的实测资料和油田生产动态变化表明,在特定的地质构造背景条件下,菏泽和唐山地震前,油、水井动态有一定程度的中短期异常显示。  相似文献   

大庆油田投入开发已达25年之久。由于采用高压注水驱油,近年来地层孔隙压力普遍高于原始孔隙压力0.5~1.0MP.,从而导致断层复活,直接影响了油田的高产稳产。为寻找高压注水与断层复活的关系,大庆油田与国家地震局地球物理研究所合作进行了注水诱发微破裂的观察。 1984年7月对位于大庆油田萨尔图一号断层区的10口注水井提高注水压力,加大注水量,并在约一公里远处用井下地震仪作微破裂观察。结果发现,注水量的增加与微破裂的发生有着极好的对应关系。从而进一步证实了高压注水是断层复活的直接原因。对于诱发与控制地震而言,这是一次十分重要的现场实验。  相似文献   

任邱油田注水地震的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
任邱地区历史上地震少而弱。1976年12月油田开始注水,注水前无微震记录,注水后三个月即有地震发生,随注水量增加,地震活动增强,地震活动特点是:注水量二阶差分Δ~2y_i(正值)较高后一至三个月有地震发生;Δ~2y_i大小与地震强度相关;震中分布受注水井位置控制;地震序例b位为0.65;单台初动符号及振幅比比较一致。初步研究认为:本区岩石为多孔隙岩石,断裂较多,注水使孔隙压力增大,降低了断层面上的摩擦阻力,积累的应力便以地震形式释放。  相似文献   

分析1993年以来荣昌及周边地区地震活动与深井注水的关系。对2008年以前注水井位置、注水量与地震活动进行对比,对2008年以后地震进行重新定位,统计地震空间分布,探寻其与深井注水的关系,并对注水量与地震频度进行相关分析。研究认为,深井注水初期对地震活动影响较大,之后有所减小,可见地震活动主要受地质构造控制。  相似文献   

本文在汇集中、强地震前油井压力变化资料的基础上,给出了油并压力异常的典型曲线。将这种曲线与水压致裂地应力测量曲线进行比较,二者较为一致,说明它们有可类比性。 油井压力动态观测有可能从一个侧面提供震前应力场的状态及变化量,为地震预报提供信息,并且具有较高的前兆灵敏度。  相似文献   

天津地区井水位气压系数变化与地震关系的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地下水位气压系数在震前出现异常变化的研究,在地震预测研究中具有积极的作用和现实意义。利用高采样率的数字化资料,采取一阶差分筛选回归分析的方法,对天津地区4口地下水动态观测井的气压系数进行计算分析,并对其与地震的关系进行探讨。研究认为:不同的井孔,由于自身条件及干扰因素的不同,气压系数在震前的异常变化形态及幅度都有所不同;气压系数是随时间和空间而变化的物理量。通过文安5.1级地震震例检验,提出利用气压系数预报地震的可能性,但将之应用到地震监测预报实践中,尚需更多震例检验,并需开展广泛、系统的研究。  相似文献   

IntroductionGeothermal energy is a new and clear energy resource. It is very useful in heating and generating electricity and medical treating. The Assembly of International Environmental Protection in 1992 predicted that the usage and development of geothermal energy would exceed the traditional energy such as oil and coal, and its developmental prospect will be very bright.There are great geothermal resources in Weihe basin. The average value of heat flow in Weihe basin is 7.88(10(2 W/m2…  相似文献   

以井—含水层系统潮汐理论为基础,利用Baytap-G潮汐分析程序计算鲁14井数字化水位的潮汐响应特征参数,提取井水位潮汐因子和相位差,分析远场大震前后井水位潮汐响应特征参数的变化情况,同时对固体潮和气压影响量进行分离,以期深入了解井水位微动态变化特征,为该井水位观测资料的动态评价和效能评估提供参考。结果表明:鲁14井潮汐地下水流类型以径向流为主,潮汐因子和相位差变化相对稳定,但受远场大震影响显著,其含水层渗透性随潮汐参数的增大(减小)而增大(减小);地震波作用可使含水层渗透性发生变化,但并非导致含水层渗透性变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the induced earthquakes in China and abroad, we get some ideas about earthquakes induced by pumping water out of a well or injecting water into a well. The induced earthquakes usually occur near the well, and they are generally small earthquakes. The earthquake sources are shallow, and they belong to the main shock-after shock type of earthquake or the swarm-type of earthquake. The magnitude and the quantity of the induced earthquakes obviously depend on the pressure and the quantity of water pumped or injected. These earthquakes happen as soon as pumping or injecting occurrence, or after ten or twenty days, they may occur at the time of injecting mud or injecting high pressure water when a well is being drilled, or at the time when the ground water is being normally exploited. A large quantity of hot water has been exploited since 1990 in Xi'an, and the quantity of water exploited has been increasing year by year, as a result the groundwater level has been dropping with the water pumped out and the water level is high in summer and low in winter. The earthquakes in Xi'an region belong to the solitary-type and they spread outside Xi'an city where the wells are concentrated but no earthquake happens.The seismic frequency and the energy released have no relation with the quantity of water exploitation or the water level in the well. It is considered that geothermal exploitation does not induce earthquakes in and around Xi'an because of its specially geological condition.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the induced earthquakes in China and abroad, we get some ideas about earthquakes induced by pumping water out of a well or injecting water into a well. The induced earthquakes usually occur near the well, and they are generally small earthquakes. The earthquake sources are shallow, and they belong to the main shock-after shock type of earthquake or the swarm-type of earthquake. The magnitude and the quantity of the induced earthquakes obviously depend on the pressure and the quantity of water pumped or injected. These earthquakes happen as soon as pumping or injecting occurrence, or after ten or twenty days, they may occur at the time of injecting mud or injecting high pressure water when a well is being drilled, or at the time when the ground water is being normally exploited. A large quantity of hot water has been exploited since 1990 in Xi’an, and the quantity of water exploited has been increasing year by year, as a result the groundwater level has been dropping with the water pumped out and the water level is high in summer and low in winter. The earthquakes in Xi’an region belong to the solitary-type and they spread outside Xi’an city where the wells are concentrated but no earthquake happens. The seismic frequency and the energy released have no relation with the quantity of water exploitation or the water level in the well. It is considered that geothermal exploitation does not induce earthquakes in and around Xi’an because of its specially geological condition. Foundation item: Project sponsored by the Landslide Office of Shaanxi Province and Society of Disaster Reduction of Shaanxi Province.  相似文献   

孕震过程中孔隙压及地下水位变化的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
张永仙  石耀霖 《地震》1994,(1):65-72
地震孕育过程中孕震区内各点的应力应变都将发生变化,介质的物性参数也将改变,因此孔隙压和地下水位随之改变。本文在研究孕震过程中包括扩容和断层蠕变效应在内的应力应变场的基础上,根据应力场与孔隙压场的耦合方程,把孔隙压场随应力场的应力变化定量地计算出来。计算结果表明,孕震过程中孔隙压的变化与应力场变的化的强弱及南的渗透性能等因素相关。孕震过程后期,震源区表现为扩容区并且孔隙压强以负压为主,此结果显示着震  相似文献   

井水位前驱波与气压、 风、 降雨及强震关系的分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张淑亮  李冬梅  范雪芳 《地震》2005,25(3):69-77
对山西朔州井与静乐井水位前驱波与气压、 风、 降雨及强震关系进行定量、 半定量统计分析的结果表明, 前驱波引起的井水位变幅与气压引起的井水位的水位变幅不一致, 前驱波的周期与气压、 风、 降雨周期不匹配, 出现的时间不同步, 形态差异也很大, 与短时间集中降雨也无明显的对应关系。 前驱波与强震之间存在较好的对应关系, 对应率在50%左右。 井水位前驱波现象不是气压、 风、 降雨等干扰因素的短期突变所造成的, 可能反映了大震前震源内部信息。  相似文献   

九江1井水位与水温对大震的同震响应特征及机理浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计分析九江1井2008—2011年水位、水温在多次大震中的同震响应特征,结果显示:水位通常表现为在正常背景下振荡,水温则通常表现为突降后恢复正常,水位和水温对远场大震的同震响应存在着一致性。同时,九江1井水位对地震的同震响应灵敏性优于同井水温观测,但水位观测受降雨影响,且气压效应明显。  相似文献   

地下水位与应变的相关性分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
朱航 《内陆地震》2001,15(3):247-251
根据弹性动态理论,变形介质中流体的动态,是由封闭含水层所受压力变化引起的。利用川-18井水位与仁和台钻孔应变资料,使用最大相关系数方法进行分析,结果表明在强震的孕育、发展的某一阶段,测点处的应力-应变场对于水位的变化起主导作用,这种相关性也可以作为异常判据。  相似文献   

In this paper, the long time series data of the well water-level data of 12 wells in the Sichuan and Yunnan area is analyzed by the Baytap-G tidal analysis software, and well water level tidal response characteristic parameters (amplitude ratio and phase change) are extracted. We analyzed the features of the shape and stage change, and characteristic parameters of the tidal response of well water level before and after the earthquakes, which can provide a new method and approach to analyzing the response relationships between well water level and earth tide and barometric pressure. The results show that Luguhu Well and 9 other wells are affected by earth tides, and their well water level amplitude ratios and phases are relatively stable; the Nanxi Well and Dayao Well water level changes are affected by the barometric pressure combined with tide force, and their well water level amplitude ratios and phases are more discrete. The water level amplitude ratios and phases of Jiangyou Well, Luguhu Well and Dongchuan Well are significant to large earthquakes, and the relationship between seismic energy density and water level amplitude ratios and phases of M2 wave of the three wells are presented.  相似文献   

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