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地震海啸灾害及其研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年7月17日,西北太平洋巴布亚新几内亚近海地区发生7.1级地震,并引发海啸,造成严重的生命和财产损失,约有3000-500人死亡或失踪,5座村庄被巨浪蚕没,本文介绍了这次地震海啸破坏情况,国内外历史上大地震海啸灾害,简述了有关专家对巴地地震海啸追踪研究的初步结果和评论。  相似文献   

日本气象厅在根据日本沿岸发生的地震预测海啸发生方面,是以地震发生后3min为目标,努力发布迅速准确的海啸警报和预警提示。将东北地方太平洋近海地震时发生的特大海啸灾害作为一次沉痛的教训,2013年3月,日本开始使用验证改进后的新的海啸警报。本文将介绍这次改进的内容。  相似文献   

印度洋大地震与海啸灾害综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年12月26日8时58分,印尼苏门答腊岛附近海域发生M8.7地震(百年以来第5次大地震),其引发的海啸波及了东南亚和南亚至少10个国家,截至2005年3月5日已造成28万人死亡和重大财产损失.这是自1964年3月以来世界上发生的最强烈地震,此次海啸是1900年以来这一地区发生的最大海啸.叙述了此次地震和海啸的破坏情况以及受灾国的应急救援工作和国际社会的反应.概述了地震海啸灾害及其研究简况.  相似文献   

渤海海域历史上发生过地震诱发海啸吗?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
历史文献中有许多关于渤海"海溢"的记录,但"海溢"是否就是现代意义上的海啸还存在疑问,而且渤海海域基本不存在发生重大海啸的海沟型地震构造背景,因此,渤海地区是否发生过海啸的争论从未停止.本文在分析历史地震和古籍资料的基础上,通过数值模拟分析历史地震引发海啸的可能性,结合对渤海沿岸海啸堆积物的地质调查,认为渤海海域历史上基本没有发生过破坏性海啸事件,即使存在过海啸,到岸浪高也不会高于0.5 m,而且仅限于东营—潍坊一带.  相似文献   

基于数值预报技术的日本新一代海啸预警系统   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
日本是世界上地震海啸发生最频繁的国家之一。从1941年开始,日本气象厅就建立了自己的海啸预警系统。自1993年又一次遭受海啸灾害后,这些经历促使日本气象厅(JMA)开始研制基于数值预报技术的新一代海啸预警系统。该海啸预警系统包括地震监测网、基于数据库技术的快速数值预报以及基于卫星通讯的海啸预警产品快速分发系统这三部分。  相似文献   

北京时间2011年3月11日13时46分(05:46 UTC)日本东北部近海(38.3°N,142.4°E)发生Mw9.0级特大地震,此次地震的强度为日本近1200a来最强.随后环太平洋的数十个国家和地区的验潮站和海啸监测浮标均监测到了强震引发的越洋海啸,海啸奔袭23 h到达南美洲的智利沿岸;此次海啸除了对近场的日本东北部沿岸地区造成了巨大灾害,还对太平洋东岸的部分国家和地区造成了一定程度的影响.地震发生4 h后海啸波到达我国台湾东部沿海,6~8 h海啸波到达我国大陆东南沿海,受此影响我国发布了第一份海啸蓝色警报.本文利用海啸数值模型对此次地震海啸的产生、越洋传播过程进行了数值模拟,给出了海啸波能量在我国近海及泛太平洋区域分布特征;同时重点模拟分析了海啸波在日本及中国近海传播的波动特征,模拟结果与观测数据吻合良好.最后通过对数值模拟结果的分析,阐述了此次海啸对中国的影响,给出了潜在的日本地震海啸对中国的风险估计.  相似文献   

(1)本文在对未来500年内由地震引发的可能是最坏情况的海啸进行研究后指出,惠灵顿港周围地区及其南部沿有发生海啸以至洪水泛滥的危险性。(2)参考历史海啸资料对惠灵顿地区几个主要断层运动情况进行研究指出,就惠灵顿发生海啸而言,在西Wairarapa断层发生震级为8的地震(类似于1855年的地震)会造成最坏的情况,地震学家估计,未来100年内出现这种事件的概率为30%。(3)对海底运动导致的海啸波浪进  相似文献   

香港海啸监测及警报系统的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄永德  李健威 《华南地震》2008,28(2):118-124
地震监测、海啸数值模拟和海平面监测是监测和预报海啸的主要工具。为了有效监测南海北部可能发生的地震海啸,香港天文台(HKO)正在香港筹建一个宽频地震站,同时通过太平洋海啸警报及减灾系统(PTWS)的框架取得美国加州综合地震网(CISN)显示系统的实时地震信息,并通过世界气象组织(WM0)的全球通信系统(GTS)接收南海和西北太平洋的验潮站和海啸浮标数据以监测海面的波动情况。香港天文台通过联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)政府间海洋学委员会(IOC)取得海啸漫滩模式交换计划(TIME)下的海啸数值模式,把香港本地的高分辨率水深和地形数据融合在模式之内,并利用这个模式计算南海多处地区在不同地震情景下的海啸传播,为海啸预报提供重要的参考数据。  相似文献   

地震海啸是一种极其严重的地震次生灾害。山东是世界上最早记录地震海啸的地区。收集整理了山东沿海地区记载的7次地震海啸史料,对每次地震海啸进行了信度评级,认为仅有一次可能是海啸。根据山东沿海地区历史地震海啸、地震类型、沿海地理环境、现代地震海啸记录资料等分析,表明山东沿海未来遭受破坏性地震海啸的可能性较小。  相似文献   

陈建涛  叶春明 《华南地震》2010,30(Z1):145-152
南海东南边缘的马尼拉海沟是国际上公认具有发生破坏性地震海啸条件的危险地区,由于南海没有大面积的岛屿阻隔海啸传播,如果在马尼拉海沟发生大地震引发海啸,那么将对广东省漫长的海岸线造成严重破坏。广东省南海地震海啸监测预警系统建设在广东省地震速报系统和国家地震自动速报备份系统的基础上,由地震速报、震源机制快速计算、海啸数值模拟计算等模块组成,对南海地震海啸进行实时监测,提供海啸波浪到达海岸线的估计时刻和最大海浪高度,提供预警信息等社会公共服务。  相似文献   

采用球坐标系下非线性浅水波方程, 研究日本本州M9.0大地震引发的海啸对中国东南沿海的影响, 并计算了冲绳海槽构造带上3个不同段落可能发生潜在地震引发的海啸, 分析这些海啸与日本大海啸的浪高和走时关系. 结果表明, 日本地震海啸模拟结果与日本当地报道及中国东南沿海7个验潮站的报道结果相符. 冲绳海槽构造带中段可能发生的3次不同震级(M7.0, M7.5, M8.0)潜在地震引发的海啸到达中国东南沿海的时间比日本海啸提前约4个小时, 从震源区传播3个多小时即可到达华东沿海部分验潮站. 冲绳海槽M7.5潜在地震海啸在验潮站上计算的波高与日本海啸相当, 中冲绳海槽M8.0潜在地震海啸在大陈站的波高将超过0.9 m, 在坎门站波高将超过1.8 m. 北冲绳海槽的潜在地震海啸威胁主要集中在江苏盐城、 上海一带, 南冲绳海啸主要对台湾东北部和浙江沿海产生威胁. 本文对冲绳海槽构造带上潜在地震引发海啸的模拟结果, 可为中国东南沿海地区的防震减灾、 海啸预警提供有意义的参考.   相似文献   

In 2011, Japan was hit by a tsunami that was generated by the greatest earthquake in its history. The first tsunami warning was announced 3 min after the earthquake, as is normal, but failed to estimate the actual tsunami height. Most of the structural countermeasures were not designed for the huge tsunami that was generated by the magnitude M = 9.0 earthquake; as a result, many were destroyed and did not stop the tsunami. These structures included breakwaters, seawalls, water gates, and control forests. In this paper we discuss the performance of these countermeasures, and the mechanisms by which they were damaged; we also discuss damage to residential houses, commercial and public buildings, and evacuation buildings. Some topics regarding tsunami awareness and mitigation are discussed. The failures of structural defenses are a reminder that structural (hard) measures alone were not sufficient to protect people and buildings from a major disaster such as this. These defenses might be able to reduce the impact but should be designed so that they can survive even if the tsunami flows over them. Coastal residents should also understand the function and limit of the hard measures. For this purpose, non-structural (soft) measures, for example experience and awareness, are very important for promoting rapid evacuation in the event of a tsunami. An adequate communication system for tsunami warning messages and more evacuation shelters with evacuation routes in good condition might support a safe evacuation process. The combination of both hard and soft measures is very important for reducing the loss caused by a major tsunami. This tsunami has taught us that natural disasters can occur repeatedly and that their scale is sometimes larger than expected.  相似文献   

2011年3月日本仙台东部太平洋海域接连发生了Mw7.5和Mw9.0级地震.地震及引发的海啸给日本造成了严重的破坏.本文运用近年来国际上流行的研究大地震震源破裂过程的非反演方法,反投影远震P波,研究了这两次地震的震源破裂特征,得到了他们各自的破裂区域和破裂持续时间.  相似文献   

Tsunami is one of the most devastating natural coastal disasters. Most of large tsunamis are generated by submarine earthquakes occurring in subduction zones. Tsunamis can also be triggered by volcano eruptions and large landslides. There are many records about "sea-overflow" in Chinese ancient books, which are not proved to be tsunamis. Tectonics and historical records analysis are import to forecast and prevention of tsunami. Consider the tectonic environment of the China sea, the possibility of huge damage caused by the offshore tsunami is very small. And the impact of the ocean tsunami on the Bohai sea, the Yellow sea, and the East China sea is also small. But in the South China Sea, the Manila subduction zone has been identified as a high hazardous tsunamigenic earthquake source region. No earthquake larger than MW7.6 has been recorded in the past 100a in this region, suggesting a high probability for larger earthquakes in the future. If a tsunamigenic earthquake were to occur in this region in the near future, a tragedy with the magnitude similar to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami could repeat itself. In this paper, based on tectonics and historical records analysis, we have demonstrated that potential for a strong future earthquake along the Manila subduction zone is real. Using a numerical model, we have also shown that most countries in the South China Sea will be affected by the tsunamis generated by the future earthquake. For China, it implies that the maximum wave height over 4.0 meter on China mainland, especially the Pearl River Estuary. But the island, local relief maybe influence the maximum wave. But it takes nearly 3 hours to attack China mainland, if there is the operational tsunami warning system in place in this region, should be greatly reduced losses. And the simulated results are conformable to historical records. It indicates that the tsunami hazards from Manila trench to China mainland worthy of our attention and prevention.  相似文献   

A field survey of the June 3, 1994 East Java earthquake tsunami was conducted within three weeks, and the distributions of the seismic intensities, tsunami heights, and human and house damages were surveyed. The seismic intensities on the south coasts of Java and Bali Islands were small for an earthquake with magnitudeM 7.6. The earthquake caused no land damage. About 40 minutes after the main shock, a huge tsunami attacked the coasts, several villages in East Java Province were damaged severely, and 223 persons perished. At Pancer Village about 70 percent of the houses were swept away and 121 persons were killed by the tsunami. The relationship between tsunami heights and distances from the source shows that the Hatori's tsunami magnitude wasm=3, which seems to be larger for the earthquake magnitude. But we should not consider this an extraordinary event because it was pointed out byHatori (1994) that the magnitudes of tsunamis in the Indonesia-Philippine region generally exceed 1–2 grade larger than those of other regions.  相似文献   

日本Mw9.0级地震海啸数值模拟与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011年3月11日13时46分日本东北部海域发生Mw9.0级特大地震,地震诱发了海啸.本文依据USGS的震源机制解,进行了地震海啸的数值模拟,并与美国国家海洋与大气管理局布设的海底压力计记录的水深数据对比分析,结果表明数值模拟结果可信.同时,进一步分析了海啸造成巨大损失的原因,并对未来我国海啸防灾减灾工作给出了几点建...  相似文献   

试论地震海啸的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
经统计与研究,多数地震是不引发海啸的,故地震与海啸不存在直接的因果关系。这是因为引发地震海啸(特别是大的地震海啸)的直接原因,主要是海底地震所造成的次生的巨大体积的海底滑坡和崩塌,而不是海底地震时海底地面的同震错断与变形。因此,若未来震中附近存在不稳定海底滑坡和崩塌体,只要发生地震,不论震级大小与震源深浅,也不论震源类型(即倾滑或走滑)都可引起海底滑坡和崩塌,进而引发海啸。若未来震中附近不存在不稳定海底滑坡和崩塌体,再大震级的地震,即使是倾滑型地震也不能引发海啸  相似文献   

立足于中国地震风险的定量分析和巨灾保险理论,对国外有代表性的地震保险制度进行了比较性研究。认为我国幅员辽阔有利于分散风险,国外地震保险的成功经验可以应用于我国,而适应于我国的地震保险制度设计未必可以应用于其他国家。建议我国地震保险制度的最佳方案是在政策上采用新西兰的法定模式,在分保技术上采用日本模式,并阐述了这一组合模式的财政、保险和投保人的三赢原理,说明了我国地震风险分析技术已经具备了支持这一制度的能力。  相似文献   

The giant Tohoku-Oki earthquake of 11 March 2011 in offshore Japan did not only generate tsunami waves in the ocean but also infrasound (or acoustic–gravity) waves in the atmosphere. We identified ultra-long-period signals (>500 s) in the recordings of infrasound stations in northeast Asia, the northwest Pacific, and Alaska. Their source was found close to the earthquake epicenter. Therefore, we conclude that in general, infrasound observations after a large offshore earthquake are evidence that the surface and the floor of the sea have been significantly vertically displaced by the earthquake and that a tsunami must be expected. Since infrasound is traveling faster than the tsunami, such information may be used for tsunami early warnings.  相似文献   

This study conducts coupled simulation of strong motion and tsunami using stochastically generated earthquake source models. It is focused upon the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake. The ground motion time-histories are simulated using the multiple-event stochastic finite-fault method, which takes into account multiple local rupture processes in strong motion generation areas. For tsunami simulation, multiple realizations of wave profiles are generated by evaluating nonlinear shallow water equations with run-up. Key objectives of this research are: (i) to investigate the sensitivity of strong motion and tsunami hazard parameters to asperities and strong motion generation areas, and (ii) to quantify the spatial variability and dependency of strong motion and tsunami predictions due to common earthquake sources. The investigations provide valuable insights in understanding the temporal and spatial impact of cascading earthquake hazards. Importantly, the study also develops an integrated strong motion and tsunami simulator, which is capable of capturing earthquake source uncertainty. Such an advanced numerical tool is necessary for assessing the performance of buildings and infrastructure that are subjected to cascading earthquake–tsunami hazards.  相似文献   

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