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地震保险及其在地震减灾中的潜在作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林蓉辉 《地震研究》1995,18(3):317-329
随着世界人口与工业化程度增加,地震灾害亦惊人地增大。与此同时,若能将现有知识和技术有效地转化为减灾实践,地震灾害对人类社会的威胁将大大减少。保险是人类对付可能遭受的危险或可能造成损失的一种手段。以保险保单为依据,在保险标的遭受损失时,保险公司将提供经济补偿。本文首先阐明保险在减轻地震损失中可能发挥的潜在作用,以及从经济上帮助在地震中遭受破坏的房产主和企业主恢复重建,其次介绍中国云南省从地震保险的角度,为对付未来震灾所进行的多方协作;最后,为了从技术和经济上合理厘定地震保险费率,并顺利开展地震保险业务,开展国际、国内合作项目是必要的。新近在第九届国际地震预测会(哥斯达黎加,1994年9月)会议期间成立的“国际地震保险研究小组”,就是这类合作的先例。该小组由地震预测国际筹划指导委员会领导。  相似文献   

(北京 ,2 0 0 4年 7月 1 2~ 1 4日 )姓名性别职称职务工作单位通信地址联系电话传真E mail论文题目专题代码陪同人员人数陪同人员名单及性别宾馆房间类型     宾馆房间类型 :单人间 ,双人间第三届大陆地震、紧急救援暨巨灾保险国际会议国内人员注册表  相似文献   

中国地震学会地震地质专业委员会于1981年12月5—14日,在北京召开了中国大陆地震构造及地壳动力学学术讨论会。会议代表主要来自国家地震局及所属的省局、研究所、分析预报中心及专业队,并有地质部、建工部、中国科学院及有关大专院校,共计39个单位136人。 会议的主要任务是交流与讨论近几年来在大陆地震构造、地壳动力学方面的研究成果,并讨论1982年地震地质专业委员会的学术活动计划。 通过大会及小组会的学术交流,检阅了我国在大陆地震构造及地壳动力学研究的最新成果。在大陆地  相似文献   

指数保险具有触发参数客观、理赔反应迅速的特点,是政策性保险的优先选择。云南省作为地震灾害频发且损失严重地区,率先开展了地震指数保险的试点工作。2021年5月21日,云南省漾濞县发生6.4级地震,触发了地震指数保险赔付。本文对地震指数保险赔偿原则及其在云南试点地区的实施情况等进行介绍,根据漾濞地震损失和赔付情况,总结地震指数保险实施优势和存在的问题,并对地震保险在我国的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

丁鉴海  姜秀娥 《中国地震》1989,5(1):88-88,90
1.我国地震活动概况及特点 1988年我国共发生M_s≥5地震56次(大陆地区43次,台湾地区13次),其中6.0—6.9级地震7次(大陆地区5次都为余震,台湾地区2次),大陆地区7.0级以上地震3次,最大为11月6日云南澜沧7.6级地震。台湾地区最大地震为10月16目的6.2级地震。如果不计算唐古拉山、澜沧—耿马震区的余震,我国共发生5.0级以上地震37次(大陆地区24次,台湾地  相似文献   

苏鸾声 《内陆地震》2000,14(1):78-83
根据地震期幕活动的特点,及对东北深震与华北、黄海和中国大陆地震活动关系的研究得出中国大陆地震活动第5轮回的强震活跃幕还未结束,还将延续3~5年的时间;今后几年大陆发生7级以上地震的危险性仍然存在,华北、黄海的6级地震活动也有可能增强。  相似文献   

立足于中国地震风险的定量分析和巨灾保险理论,对国外有代表性的地震保险制度进行了比较性研究。认为我国幅员辽阔有利于分散风险,国外地震保险的成功经验可以应用于我国,而适应于我国的地震保险制度设计未必可以应用于其他国家。建议我国地震保险制度的最佳方案是在政策上采用新西兰的法定模式,在分保技术上采用日本模式,并阐述了这一组合模式的财政、保险和投保人的三赢原理,说明了我国地震风险分析技术已经具备了支持这一制度的能力。  相似文献   

姜秀娥  丁鉴海 《中国地震》1993,9(2):190-192
1.1992年我国大陆地震活动概况 1992年我国共发生Ms≥5地震31次,其中,大陆地区16次,台湾地区13次,南海海域2次。大陆地区最大地震为7月30日西藏拉萨6.5级地震,台湾地区最大地震为4月20日花莲6.8级地震。大陆地区Ms≥5的16次地震除东部福建、黄海、台湾海峡(大陆架内)各发生一次5级地震外,其余13次都分布在东经105°以西地区,其中西藏4次、新疆4次、甘肃1次、青海1次、四川次、云南2次。  相似文献   

中国大陆邻区的地震活动和中国大陆地震的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李献智  张国民 《地震》1996,16(3):211-218
研究了3个方面的问题,一是中国大陆周边4个地震带地震活跃期与中国大陆地震活跃期的准同步性和它们目前的活动水平;二是欧亚地震带西部与中国大陆的地震活动呈出现明显的超前或滞后性;三是中国大陆邻区6个地震区的强震与中国大陆活跃期的开始或与中国大陆强震的对应关系。  相似文献   

中国大陆大地震危险性判定的经验方法与实例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对大陆地震危险性判定的经验指标(地震活动图像异常因子)进行了初步归纳,结合当前震情趋势对未来10a大陆地震的危险性作出了初步判定。  相似文献   

阪神·淡路大震灾后 ,日本着手对原有的地震观测体制作彻底改革 ,多项全国性配置地震计的计划同时开始启动。地震引起的地面晃动的程度不尽相同 ,无感微小地震引发的晃动仅有 0 .0 0 1 μm,频率为1 0 Hz;巨大地震引起的地面晃动的幅度高达 2~ 3 m,周期也有几十秒。虽说都称之为地震计 ,但由于地震动的振幅和频率涉及的范围太大 ,所以应针对观测对象选用不同类型的地震计。下面介绍不同类型的观测网。1 强震观测网 ( K- NET)无论大地有多大的晃动都能将其准确记录下来的地震计称之为强震计。它构造坚实 ,信号明确 ,通常设置在地表 ,对了…  相似文献   

The size, shape, and magmatic history of the most recently discovered shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands, Mahukona, have been controversial. Mahukona corresponds to what was thought to be a gap in the paired sequence (Loa and Kea trends) of younger Hawaiian volcanoes (<4?Ma). Here, we present the results of marine expeditions to Mahukona where new bathymetry, sidescan sonar, gravity data, and lava samples were collected to address these controversies. Modeling of bathymetric and gravity data indicate that Mahukona is one of the smallest Hawaiian volcanoes (~6,000?km3) and that its magmatic system was not focused in a long-lived central reservoir like most other Hawaiian volcanoes. This lack of a long-lived magmatic reservoir is reflected by the absence of a central residual gravity high and the random distribution of cones on Mahukona Volcano. Our reconstructed subsidence history for Mahukona suggests it grew to at least ~270?m below sea level but probably did not form an island. New 40Ar–39Ar plateau ages range from 350 to 654?ka providing temporal constraints for Mahukona’s post-shield and shield stages of volcanism, which ended prematurely. Mahukona post-shield lavas have high 3He/4He ratios (16–21?Ra), which have not been observed in post-shield lavas from other Hawaiian volcanoes. Lava compositions range widely at Mahukona, including Pb isotopic values that straddle the boundary between Kea and Loa sequences of volcanoes. The compositional diversity of Mahukona lavas may be related to its relatively small size (less extensive melting) and the absence of a central magma reservoir where magmas would have been homogenized.  相似文献   

In this study, we have checked the location and focal depth of the Yecheng earthquake (m b = 6.0, maximum intensity VII) of February 14, 1980. The result shows that this is an intermediate event with a focal depth of 90 km. The microepicenter is located at 36. 4°N, 76, 9°E, while the macroepicenter is at 37.3°N, 76.9°E, 90 km to the north of the microepicenter. This is the first destructive intermediate event in China which led to a damage as severe as of intensity VII. The focal mechanism of the event is determined to be of thrust type. Combined with the analysis of seismological and geological data in surrounding area, the possible relation between the event and plate movement has been discussed. The result in this paper indicates that in some particular place, the destructive effect of intermediate event should be considered in seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

Sun, climate, hunger, and mass migration   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Paleoclimatic studies indicate four epochs of global cooling during the last 4 000 years, i. e. during the few centuries before and after 2000 BC, 800 BC, 400 AD, and 1 600 AD; the quasiperiodicity corresponds to cyclic variation of solar activity. Global temperature changes influenced regional precipitation patterns: Northern Europe was wetter while the middle- and low-latitude lands were more arid during colder epochs. Both sets of cold climatical conditions were unfavorable for agricultural production. Historical records show that large demographic movements in history took place because of crop failures and mass starvation, rather than escaping from war zones. The “wandering” of the Germanic tribes during the first two or three centuries of the Christian Era is one example. Whereas the accelerated release of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is ultimately to cause global warming, historical evidence indicates, however, that global warming has been on the whole a blessing to mankind. Global cooling, on the other hand, has curtailed agricultural production and has led to famines and mass migrations of people. Perhaps the most important task at the present is not so much computer-modelling of greenhouse effect on global climate, but water-management and agricultural researches to insure food-supply for an everincreasing world population.  相似文献   

In this study, we experimentally established the relationship between physical properties, vitrinite reflectance, and microstructure of coal, Taiyuan Formation, Qinshui Basin, China using representative coal samples collected from three different mines via the rock mechanics testing system (MTS). We analyzed the organic macerals, vitrinite reflectance, and microstructure of 11 coal samples using petrography and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental results suggest that (1) the elastic parameters can be described by linear equations, (2) both P-and S-wave velocities display anisotropy, (3) the anisotropy negatively correlates with vitrinite reflectance, and (4) the acoustic velocities and Young’s modulus are negatively correlated with the volume of micropores. The derived empirical equations can be used in the forward modeling and seismic inversion of physical properties of coal for improving the coal-bed methane (CBM) reservoir characterization.  相似文献   

山西高平地震   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了发生在山西高平的地震和对高平有影响的地震,分析了高平市的地震灾害,通过分析得出高平地震与晋获断裂带活动有关的结论。  相似文献   

This study addresses the changes in dissolved major and trace element concentrations along the Orinoco River, including the mixing zone between the Orinoco and Apure Rivers. Water samples from the Apure and Orinoco Rivers were collected monthly in four sectors over a period of 15 months. Auxiliary parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and temperature), total suspended sediments, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and major (Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Si) and trace (Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Cr) element concentrations were measured in all sectors. The relative contribution of both rivers after the Apure–Orinoco confluence was determined using Ca as a tracer. Moreover, a mixing model was developed to determine whether dissolved species exhibit a conservative behavior during mixing. The results indicate that DOC is removed from waters during the Apure–Orinoco mixing, probably due to absorption of DOC on mineral phases supplied by the Apure River. Dissolved Na, Ca, and Mg behave conservatively during the mixing processes, and their concentrations are controlled by a dilution process. The anomaly in the temporal pattern of K in the Orinoco is caused by the input of biogenic K originating from the Apure River during the high‐water stage. The loss of dissolved Si during the low‐water stage can be explained by the uptake of Si by diatoms. Dissolved Mn, Zn, Al, and Fe showed a non‐conservative behavior during the Apure–Orinoco mixing. The removal of Mn and Zn from the dissolved phase can be explained by the formation of Mn‐oxyhydroxides and the scavenging of Zn onto Mn oxides. Dissolved Fe is controlled by redox processes, although the removals of Fe and Al due to the preferential adsorption of large organometallic complexes by mineral surfaces after the Apure–Orinoco confluence can affect the mobility of both elements during transport. The conservative behavior shown by Cu and Cr can be related to the tendency of both elements to be complexed with small organic colloids, which are not preferentially adsorbed by clays.  相似文献   

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