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火星磁场是火星主要观测物理场之一,火星磁场研究对火星探索具有重要的科学意义.本文侧重介绍火星磁场探测所取得的主要成果,在介绍火星行星磁场起源的行星发电机理论的基础上,重点讨论了动力学机制、起始时间、停止的原因等关键性问题,并指出了研究中存在的一些问题.  相似文献   

重点介绍和分析了国际上对火星磁层探测所取得的资料,并与地球和太阳系其他一些行星磁层进行了对比,简单介绍了火星磁层的理论研究概况,指出了目前火星磁层研究中的主要问题。  相似文献   

火星高强度的地壳剩余磁场表明火星演化早期存在过活跃的发电机作用,研究结果显示火星演化早期的超大型撞击事件很可能是导致火星发电机“死亡”的重要原因.本文分别对火星古发电机数值模拟,超大型撞击事件及其对发电机作用影响的研究进展进行归纳总结,并基于目前研究现状提出下一步研究方案,为揭示超大型撞击事件是否导致火星发电机湮灭提供有效信息.  相似文献   

美国国家航空与航天管理局(NASA)的“勇气号”火星探测器于美国太平洋时间2004年1月3日20时35分(北京时间4日12时35分)成功着陆于火星的“古谢夫环形山”。为此,美国“火星探测流浪者”项目引起了举世的关注。  相似文献   

对2004年1月5日美国宇航局发布的火星轨道探测器拍摄的勇气号着陆点照片进行了研究,认为照片上的地形为陨石撞击火星表面留下的痕迹.详细计量了照片上陨石坑的数目和尺度.对陨石坑尺寸和数目之间的关系进行了研究.认为,火星陨石坑的分布具有碎形特征,并符合分形分布,分维数为1.7.和地球上其它岩石破碎相比,分维数较低.我们推测,撞击火星的陨石可能来源于同一块岩石的破碎。并且该岩石的破碎程度较低.其破碎过程应该和断层、断裂、节理以及风化等地质过程引起的破碎不同.  相似文献   

火星是地球的姊妹星,研究火星对了解火星、地球乃至太阳系的演化具有重要意义.自从1964年美国水手4号发射,首次成功地运用无线电掩星技术探知到火星的环境特征之后,国际上不少的火星任务都开展了掩星实验,取得了重要进展.本文依据采用了无线电掩星技术进行勘探的火星探测器发射时间顺序展开调研,针对具有开创性的水手系列、火星全球勘测者、火星快车、火星大气挥发演化探测器、天问一号等,梳理分析和总结了各任务的火星无线电掩星方式以及所获取的廓线数量、位置分布、获取方式等产品信息,以及部分相关的研究结果.本文还分析了当前火星无线电掩星探测方式存在的局限性,并探讨了可能的对策.火星无线电掩星后续可重点考虑多颗星-星掩星结合星-地掩星方式形成掩星星座;并通过选用适当的信号探测频率、改进反演算法等方式进一步提高掩星质量;火星掩星探测手段还可与火星顶部探测雷达、直接探测等手段相结合,发展火星多源数据融合技术.随着探测方式的不断改进,无线电掩星探测将是火星探测的重要手段.未来会有数量越来越多、时间与空间覆盖越来越全面、精度越来越高的掩星数据用于火星的整个空间环境研究,包括大、中尺度乃至小尺度结构的特征与演化规律都将...  相似文献   

2013年6月3日,欧洲航天局(ESA)在其火星探测卫星Mars Express发射10周年纪念日,推出ESA火星探测历程回顾专题报道,首次发布新的火星全球地图并回顾了火星探测10年成果. 1 最新火星全球地图 ESA此次所发布的新火星全球地图,全景呈现了这个红色星球上水和火山活动的历史,为下一代火星探测任务锁定了目标位点.该独特的地图集包括火星表面一系列水成、火山成因及风化形成的矿物的分布图,每幅地图代表了火星地质进化史的一个不同时期,地图集揭示了塑造火星的主导地质过程的全球背景.  相似文献   

“洞察”号任务是火星探测历史上一次巨大的飞跃.本文从介绍“洞察”号的科学目标和火星表面地震观测实验出发,展示“洞察”号地震数据中的发现.受益于“维京”2号的火星探测经验,“洞察”号首次成功监测到了火星震信号,并由此得到了火星壳结构的衰减特征.火星的地震数据中检测到了由气压引起的地表形变和HP3打孔信号,并用于约束登陆点附近表面土层的物理性质和地下结构的反演.此外,使用在2.4 Hz处出现的结构响应能够辨别自然响应和登陆器自振等机械振动.火星的地震数据中也检测出了Glitch和Donk等噪声信号,我们总结了其特征和形成原因.“洞察”号对火星壳的探测比较成功,但是由于缺乏大震级的火星震和陨石撞击事件的记录,对火星深部的了解依然比较有限.  相似文献   

太阳辐射是火星电离层变化的重要控制因素.利用火星全球勘探者号(Mars Global Surveyor,MGS)电离层掩星探测数据,并结合一个火星电离层总电子含量(Total Electron Content,TEC)经验模型,研究了火星北半球高纬地区电离层电子密度对太阳辐射变化的响应特性.在考虑了火星掩星数据中电离层...  相似文献   

作为中国首次火星探测计划“天问一号”任务的一部分,祝融号火星车于2021年5月15日成功着陆火星表面,并开始在乌托邦平原南部进行科学探测.祝融号火星表面磁场探测仪(RoMAG)是火星车上六个有效载荷之一,它由两个相同的高灵敏度三轴磁通门磁强计组成,随火星车在火星表面进行移动磁测量.尽管在发射前已经进行了火星车磁补偿以消除磁干扰,但由于有效载荷和太阳能电池板等在发射前后的状态不同,需要对磁强计进行沿轨校准,以获得更精确的火星磁场.本文分别利用桅杆偏航旋转和火星车偏航旋转两种方法确定火星水平磁分量.结果表明,两种方法测得的火星水平磁场分量具有较好的一致性,均方根偏差小于2.0nT.火星背景磁场垂直分量则可根据干扰场呈现偶极场分布的假设来约束.磁场测量值与太阳能帆板电流之间的线性相关关系可用于常规探测中的磁场校准,可以得到更精确的火星表面背景磁场.  相似文献   

Dark aeolian deposits on Mars are thought to consist of volcanic materials due to their mineral assemblages, which are common to basalts. However, the sediment source is still debated. Basaltic dunes on Earth are promising analogs for providing further insights into the assumed basaltic sand dunes on Mars. In our study we characterize basaltic dunes from the Ka'u Desert in Hawaii using optical microscopes, electron microprobe, and spectral analyses. We compare the spectra of terrestrial and Martian dune sands to determine possible origins of the Martian dark sediments. Our results show that the terrestrial sands consist primarily of medium to coarse sand‐sized volcanic glass and rock fragments as well as olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase minerals. Grain shapes range from angular to subrounded. The sample composition indicates that the material was derived from phreatomagmatic eruptions partially with additional proportions of rock fragments from local lava flows. Grain shape and size indicate the materials were transported by aeolian processes rather than by fluvial processes. Spectral analyses reveal an initial hydration of all terrestrial samples. A spectral mineralogical correlation between the terrestrial and Martian aeolian sands shows a similarity consistent with an origin from volcanic ash and lava. We suggest that the Martian deposits may contain similar abundances of volcanic glass, which has not yet been distinguished in Martian spectral data. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文利用火星具有电离层而无内禀磁场的特点以及它与太阳风相互作用的性质,通过适当的假设,建立了火星感应磁场模型.此模型建立如下,利用电流连续的特性: Δ·j=0 (j为感应电流)以及对火星磁层中的电流体系分布的合理假设给出电流,并由毕奥-萨伐尔定理得到火星周围的磁场强度的表达式;利用我们自编的磁力线跟踪程序由求得的磁场强度得到火星周围的磁力线分布.我们发现:利用此火星磁场模型得到的火星周围的磁力线分布与卫星观测的结果以及其他方法得到的结果符合的很好.  相似文献   

Investigating the ancient Martian magnetic field using microwaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The new microwave palaeointensity technique has been used to investigate samples from the Martian meteorite Nakhla. This technique is a promising new way to obtain absolute palaeointensity information regarding the ancient Martian magnetic field as recorded by the Martian meteorites. Assuming that a part of the magnetic remanence is of thermal origin and originating on Mars the two samples studied yield estimates of 4 μT for the Martian magnetic field at 1.35 Ga.  相似文献   

Samples of a new Martian meteorite of the nakhlite family (NWA 817) contain traces of an iron-rich alteration product. Textural arguments indicate that this alteration product has been formed on the parent body of the meteorite (Mars). The chemical composition and structural data (X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and vibrational spectroscopy) show that the alteration mineral is a hydrous phase from the smectite family. Major elements and rare earth elements suggest that the formation of the alteration phase is related to the circulation of an aqueous fluid which composition is controlled by the dissolution of feldspars to account for a positive Eu anomaly, olivine and possibly apatite. Hydrogen isotope data display negative δD values ranging from −60 to −280‰ in olivine and pyroxenes and from −140 to −181‰ in the alteration phase. The values of δD for the alteration product show a small scatter with a mean value of −170±14‰. These values are lower than those previously obtained on other Martian meteorites, which give mainly positive δD values. These positive values have been interpreted as resulting from the interaction of the Martian meteorites with water from the Martian atmosphere. Ruling out the effect of terrestrial alteration, it is suggested that alteration in the NWA 817 meteorite was likely produced on Mars by the circulation of an aqueous fluid originating from a chemical reservoir, such as the Martian mantle, which has not equilibrated with a fractionated Martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

Evidence for sand motion is found in repeated observations of sand dunes at three sites in the Martian tropics by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. An eroding outcrop of layered sediments is identified as a possible source of the sand in Pasteur crater. Ancient layered sediments in Becquerel crater are actively being carved into flutes and yardangs by the blowing sands. Dunes in an un‐named crater in Meridiani near the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity landing site advanced as much as 50 cm over an interval of one Martian year. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gooding JL  Carr MH  McKay CP 《Eos》1989,70(31):745, 54-745, 55
Principal science goals for exploration of Mars are to establish the chemical, isotopic, and physical state of Martian material, the nature of major surface-forming processes and their time scales, and the past and present biological potential of the planet. Many of those goals can only be met by detailed analyses of atmospheric gases and carefully selected samples of fresh rocks, weathered rocks, soils, sediments, and ices. The high-fidelity mineral separations, complex chemical treatments, and ultrasensitive instrument systems required for key measurements, as well as the need to adapt analytical strategies to unanticipated results, point to Earth-based laboratory analyses on returned Martian samples as the best means for meeting the stated objectives.  相似文献   

Assemblages of evaporite minerals record detailed physical and chemical characteristics of ancient surficial environments. Accordingly, newly discovered regions of saline minerals on Mars are high priority targets for exploration. The chemical divide concept of evaporite mineral formation is used successfully to predict evaporite mineralogy and brine evolution on Earth. However, basaltic weathering largely controls fluid compositions on Mars and the robust predictive capabilities of terrestrial chemical divides cannot be used to interpret Martian evaporites. Here we present a new chemical divide system that predicts evaporite assemblages identified in SNC-type meteorites, ancient evaporites discovered on Meridiani Planum by the Opportunity rover, and Mars Express OMEGA data. We suggest that a common fluid type that has been buffered to different pH levels by basaltic weathering controls the variability among Martian evaporite assemblages and that evaporite mineralogy and brine evolution is essentially established by the initial composition of the dilute evaporating fluid.  相似文献   

The observed Mars remnant magnetism suggests that there was an active dynamo in the Martian core. We use the MoSST core dynamics model to simulate the Martian historical dynamo, focusing on the variation of the dynamo states with the Rayleigh number Ra (a non-dimensional parameter describing the buoyancy force in the core). Our numerical results show that the mean field length scale does not vary monotonically with the Rayleigh number, and the field morphology at the core mantle boundary changes with Rayleigh number. In particular, it drifts westward with a speed decreasing with Rayleigh number. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40328006)  相似文献   

From Mars to M81     
Martian dust, erosion on Callisto, interstellar gas and the solar wind all play their part in this issue's round-up of space science from Peter Bond .  相似文献   

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