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Tlatov(2007)研究认为,太阳活动和太阳磁场变化的22年周期,可能与太阳自转速度的变化有关.可是关于太阳自转速度为什么呈现出22年的变化周期,尚未见到有说服力的解释.本文通过对行星会合指数、行星系质心绕太阳系质心的运动、太阳绕太阳系质心运动以及太阳自转角动量变化的分析,发现行星系统的会合与相互背离,导致了太阳系质心与太阳质心的背离和靠近,从而引发太阳绕太阳系质心旋转角动量与太阳自转角动量的分离与叠加.由此认为,这两种角动量间的转换是太阳自转角速度呈现22年周期性变化的原因.太阳自转速度极小值对应于行星会合指数极大值;而太阳自转速度极大值对应行星会合指数极小值.其中平均11年左右为太阳自转加速期,另外11年则为太阳自转减速期.这一发现,可能为太阳活动与太阳磁场变化22年周期的成因机制的解释提供一个新的线索.  相似文献   

匡自革 《地球》2012,(4):161-165
地球永恒自转与圈转,在地球上观测宇宙,每时每刻都在改变视觉角度。如果地球围绕太阳旋转,不管银河是不是在围绕太阳旋转,夜晚观测银河就会有明显移动。在冬季出现日环食,夏季出现日全食,也明显说明了地球没有围绕太阳旋转,月球也没有围绕地球旋转。如果地球围绕太阳旋转,月球围绕地球旋转,当地球旋转到相距太阳较近时期(夏季),月球也旋转到地球与太阳之间,同时地球、月球、太阳在一条直线上,只可能解释为日环食,如果解释为日全食,就会永远没有日环食出现。当地球旋转到相距太阳较远时期(冬季),月球也旋转到地球与太阳之间,同时地球、月球、太阳在一条直线上,也只能解释为日全食,如果解释为日环食,就会永远没有日全食出现。在现实当中,偏偏都是夏季出现日全食,冬季出现日环食,充分说明地球围绕太阳旋转,月球围绕地球旋转的观点有错。地球在太阳一侧圈转,地球轨道圈在月球轨道圈之中,才是唯一客观存在的天体动态。  相似文献   

Tlatov(2007)研究表明太阳自转具有准22年振荡周期,并认为是太阳系自引力造成的.根据刘复刚和王建(2013)创建的行星会合指数KP(令KP=K是为了和其他指数的表现形式相统一)和获得的修正系数发现:太阳轨道运动具有平均准22.1826年运动周期,认为太阳轨道角动量和太阳自转角动量的周期性叠加致使太阳自转角速度具有准22.20年周期性变化.基于行星会合指数KP同时标定了太阳质心S相对于一个无法观测到的太阳系质心C位置关系的变化规律,进而通过太阳轨道运动指数KS、速率指数Kv、加速度指数Kα对太阳轨道运动特征进行了系统描述,这使得从行星系统之视角分析、揭示太阳运动和太阳活动成为可能,并对太阳自转运动的准11年和22年周期振荡受控于太阳轨道运动的调控进行了分析,这从探索途径和思想方法上是一种突破.依K_P表达式给出的太阳轨道运动轨迹与Jose(1965)、杨志根等(1988)、Scafetta(2014)、Mc Cracken等(2014)给出的图像不但形态特征相同而且图像的相位也完全一致.行星会合指数KP更重要的作用是标定了行星系统质心距离太阳位置关系的变化.本文从行星系统质心出发,根据行星系统质心P与太阳质心S绕太阳系质心C同步运动这一基本原理来进一步揭示太阳轨道运动规律.由于研究问题的出发点和视角不同,按这一途径可根据8大行星公开的天文数据分析太阳轨道运动规律.这种方法不但把纷繁复杂的行星系统统一起来,呈现出行星系统固有的整体运动规律,而且在整个太阳系中建立了与太阳处于相同子系统地位的行星系统质心.在此基础上,通过行星系统质心P与太阳S间位置关系变化,系统分析了太阳S和太阳系质心C的统一与分野规律.其重要意义是通过行星系质心运动规律发现它与太阳轨道运动特征间的本质联系,这使得从行星系统质心的运动特征对太阳运动与太阳活动关系的探寻成为可能.  相似文献   

太阳轨道运动长周期性韵律的成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太阳轨道运动具有双世纪(约200年)和哈尔斯塔(约2500年)长周期规律.这两个周期可以通过行星会合指数方程获得.根据图像获知,这两个太阳轨道运动周期都是由太阳最基本的22年轨道运动周期集合而成.太阳轨道运动的22年周期和太阳活动的22年磁周期是一一对应的.本文通过行星会合指数图像与太阳轨道运动角动量变率(Jose,1965)图像和树木年轮-珊瑚综合指标所指代的太阳活动图像(Charvátová,2000)的比对,以及对太阳轨道运动角动量与太阳自转角动量呈负相关关系的分析,认为太阳的自转运动规律决定着太阳自身的活动规律.从而得出,行星会合指数不但可以指代太阳的轨道运动规律,同时也可指代太阳的活动规律.  相似文献   

运用刘复刚和王建(2013a)创建的行星会合指数K指代太阳绕太阳系质心运动时,一般情况,行星系质心是和木星位于太阳一侧.当其它3颗大质量行星(或其它7颗行星)和木星分居在太阳两侧,并且这4颗大质量行星(或8颗行星)与太阳近似排成直列的状态时,行星系质心则处在木星相反一侧,这时造成了太阳绕太阳系质心顺时针旋转的假象.本文对这一认识进行了澄清,并通过图示的方法定性地解释了太阳在一个行星系统平均轨道会合周期内角速度的变化特征.相当太阳系质心(C)从太阳本体旋出直到C再次旋进太阳本体这一时段,太阳轨道运动是处在减速期;而当C旋进直到旋出太阳本体这一时段,太阳轨道运动处在加速期.并将其运动特征与太阳轨道角动量的变率进行了对比,这将为揭示太阳活动规律的动力学机制提供了一种可能途径和新的思想方法.  相似文献   

基于创建的行星会合指数(K)运动学方程,得到太阳绕太阳系质心绕转的真正周期为准22.1826年.在整个太阳系角动量守恒前提下,根据K指数所指代的太阳绕太阳系质心运动轨迹推出:太阳绕转和太阳自转各自角动量虽不守恒,但二者角动量之和守恒.当行星系统处于最大相背离状态,太阳自转角动量增加,太阳自转受到逆时针方向旋转切向力的作用;当行星系统处于最大会合状态,太阳自转角动量减小,太阳自转受到顺时针方向旋转切向力的作用.行星系统远日4颗大质量行星和近日4颗小质量行星对太阳引力的合力沿太阳绕转轨道半径垂直方向的分力,具有准22年周期变化,而且该力的方向就是沿太阳旋转运动轨迹的切向方向.该分力11年与太阳自转方向同向,另11年与太阳自转方向反向,且分别对应太阳自转角动量11年增大和11年减小的变化.这为研究太阳22年磁周期动力学机制探寻到一种新的思想方法.  相似文献   

本文在简述当前在太阳坐标系中分析太阳风观测,研究太阳风三维结构的现状和问题的基础上,提出了太阳风参量太阳磁纬变化的概念,即在新的太阳磁坐标系中组织太阳风观测资料,分析太阳风参量相对于行星际电流片(而不是相对于太阳赤道)的空间分布。我们已做的1974年飞船观测资料分析和1976年行星际闪烁观测资料分析表明:存在着一个一致的合理的太阳风流速太阳磁纬变化规律。由此本文进一步提出了一个太阳风参量随太阳磁纬变化的背景太阳风模式。这模式不同于以前的各种无结构背景风模式(低速、平均、高速等)。文章最后讨论了这一背景结构的可能成因。  相似文献   

提出了一个太阳脉冲和经变耀斑中高能太阳宇宙线电子能谱的形成模型,探讨了高能电子通过日冕捕获区的库仑损失、轫致辐射和同步辐射等物理过程,首次研究了日冕等离子体尾场对太阳宇宙线电子的加速及其能谱的形成.所得结果和观测谱能很好地符合,从而较合理地阐明了脉冲耀斑和经变耀斑两类太阳宇宙线高能电子谱的结构.  相似文献   

地球自转角速度的季节性和年变化的成因已达成基本共识,但更长时间尺度的周期性变化成因尚无定论,它们或归因于太阳活动、日月引潮力、地壳反弹、大气圈波动或行星摄动的影响等.直至目前,地球自转变化的规律和机制还没有完全弄清楚.研究发现:根据行星会合指数(K)标定太阳轨道运动特征的方法是可行的.通过对行星会合指数(K)的FFT检测发现太阳轨道运动周期与前人研究的地球自转日长(LOD)变化周期具有极强的相关性.太阳轨道运动在受到行星系统力矩作用的同时,致使近日行星轨道运动受到太阳引力作用的波动影响而产生扰动.受太阳巨大引力作用的牵制,导致地球轨道角动量和太阳轨道角动量的变化具有正相关关系.根据地球轨道角动量和自转角动量之和守恒,进而推断地球自转角速度的变化对太阳轨道运动特征的响应,这在思想方法上是一种突破.  相似文献   

风云二号系列卫星以自旋稳定方式工作于地球静止轨道,太阳X射线探测器是该系列卫星的重要有效载荷,监测太阳耀斑爆发过程,并对太阳质子事件等灾害性的空间天气事件进行预警.卫星自旋一周,该探测器完成一次全日面观测,记录太阳X射线的能谱与流量.2012年初,太阳活动进入第24周峰年,风云二号卫星太阳X射线探测器的在轨运行取得了良好的观测结果.相比于过去的太阳X射线探测器,风云二号F星的太阳X射线探测器应用了硅漂移探测(Silicon Drift Detector,SDD)技术,对GEO轨道海量的高能带电粒子采取了有效的屏蔽措施,可以对更"软"的X射线进行观测,能谱分辨率本领达到国际先进水平,对太阳耀斑的量化定级精度更高,在轨初步观测结果表明,精确的能谱探测能力可提高太阳质子事件预警能力,能道响应的时间特性比过去的探测数据更准确地反映了太阳耀斑的加热过程和带电粒子加速特性.本文介绍了风云二号F星太阳X射线探测器的设计及其发射前的标定试验结果,并且对发射后在轨运行获得的初步探测成果进行分析和讨论.  相似文献   

藻类鉴定被广泛应用于藻类遗传学、生理学、生态学和应用藻类学,尤其是藻类调查和评估.然而,基于形态学的鉴定往往因为分类特征未出现或不典型、设备限制和人员经验欠缺等原因带来较大误差.随着测序技术的不断发展,分子标记已成为藻类鉴定的一个通用工具.由于藻类类群众多且差异很大,分子标记的选择成为藻类鉴定的关键.本文综述了蓝藻、硅藻、绿藻、甲藻、裸藻、隐藻、金藻、黄藻、红藻和褐藻等主要门类分子标记的选择及应用进展,包括分子标记选择原则、常用标记和相应序列数据库,以及各个分子标记在不同类群应用中的优缺点等.藻类分子鉴定源于编码核糖体RNA的基因(rDNA),发展于细胞核、线粒体、叶绿体DNA等.然而,当前藻类分子鉴定逐渐细化和完善,单一的核糖体DNA、内转录间隔区(ITS)和保守蛋白编码基因等短序列分子标记已经很难满足藻类鉴定的需求,多标记组合成为一种必然选择.同时,线粒体基因组、叶绿体基因组、核基因组、转录组和宏基因组等提供了更多遗传进化信息,弥补了短序列分子标记在系统分类应用中的不足.对于藻类鉴定,单纯依赖分子标记或形态学都不足以保证鉴定的准确性,采用将分子生物学、形态学、生理生化学等结合的多相学方法,才能准确地完成鉴定工作.此外,藻类分子数据库的建立和完善是未来分子鉴定的重要工作,快速鉴定方法也必将在未来获得广泛的应用和发展.  相似文献   

Abstract Fossil otariid pinnipeds of the extinct genera Prototaria Takeyama and Ozawa, 1984, and Neotherium Kellogg, 1931, known from Middle Miocene deposits bordering the North Pacific Ocean, are small, primitive pinnipeds in the subfamily Imagotariinae. They have a small supraorbital process of the frontal or have lost it entirely, a three-rooted first molar, small paroccipital process, and ear morphology indicating that they belong in the subfamily Imagotariinae. Their unique derived characters include extreme intertemporal constriction and highly modified cheek teeth, the premolars having become molarized by the addition of protocones and lingual cingula. Prototaria Takeyama and Ozawa, 1984, the most primitive known imagotariine genus, contains two species, P. primigena Takeyama and Ozawa, 1984, and P. planicephala Kohno, 1994, both of early Middle Miocene age from Japan. Prototaria has a few derived characters, including a large antorbital process, narrow intertemporal region, and large orbit, but its primitive characters apparently were inherited from enaliarctine ancestors. The long enigmatic Neotherium mirum Kellogg, 1931, of Middle Miocene age from California, USA, is related to Prototaria, but differs by having an elongate skull, very slender zygomatic arch, ventrally exposed median lacerate foramen, and smaller but more molarized premolars. A more primitive new genus and species, Proneotherium repenningi Barnes, related to N. mirum, is from the early Middle Miocene Astoria Formation, coastal Oregon, USA. It shares some derived characters with Prototaria, and shares many other important derived characters with N. mirum. Imagotariines probably arose from some species of Early Miocene enaliarctines, became diverse in Middle and Late Miocene time, and are only known from the North Pacific realm. Although they might include the ancestors of true walruses of the subfamily Odobeninae, no known imagotariines appear to have been adapted for mollusk feeding as are the highly evolved modern walruses. Instead, imagotariines appear to have retained a primitive piscivorous diet, as did the fur seals and sea lions of the subfamily Otariinae.  相似文献   

The chronologies are shown of sediment load on the banks of a river of the Ruhr district (Lippe) with radionuclides of radium, lead and cesium and preliminary chemical measurements for lead, zinc, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, barium, PAHs, PCDDs, PCDFs, PCBs, TOC, AOX and EOX. A new method of dating is developed and proved, which is especially suitable for rivers with radioactivity from coal mines. The method improves the well-known excess-210Pb-dating for the use with rivers in industrial regions and allows the preparation of load histories (chronologies). Conclusions are made on the historical trend of emissions in the region from the trend of the sediment load of known age and regular sedimentation without perturbation.  相似文献   

In order to recognize lateral and seasonal variations in composition of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Odra Estuary, samples were taken at four sites in the period July 1996 - July 1997 monthly if possible. The contents of the elements Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, P, C, S as well as Ba, Cr, Sr, V, Zn, Cu, Zr, and of the minerals illite, chlorite, smectite, kaolinite and others have been determined. The decreasing influence of the river Odra towards the open sea could be realized with the help of the contents of the minerals quartz, smectite, and of the elements Ba, Cr, K, P, Si and other. 60% of the seasonal and lateral variations can be explained by changing contents of total carbon (TC), total organic carbon (TOC), Al, Fe, Si, Ti, P, Mn, and Ba. They are mainly caused by differences in the production of organic matter, resuspension, riverine input, and redox-sensitive processes.  相似文献   

At the beginning of August 1997, 72 samples of flood sediments were taken along the Upper and Middle Odra river and its tributaries. The concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Co, Ni, Cr, Mn, and Fe in the bulk samples and in the <20 μm fraction were determined by AAS method. The contents of metals vary in wide ranges and are significantly higher in the <20 μm fraction of sediments. The range concentrations vary as following: Zn 274...3 656 mg/kg, Pb 79...1 773 mg/kg, Cd 1.7...11.8 mg/kg, Cu 38...2 244 mg/kg, Cr 14...384 mg/kg, Co 4...73 mg/kg, Hg 0.2...3.9 mg/kg, Mn 214...6 972 mg/kg, and Fe 1.5...16.3 %. The highest amount of the metals was found in the Wrocław and Głogów regions. The mobile (exchangeable and carbonatic fractions) portions of metals reached up to 50 % of Zn, 40 % of Pb and Cu and 60 % of Mn.  相似文献   

The hierarchically organized laminae, bundles, bundlesets and superbundlesets which correspond to a sub-Milankovitch, obliquity or precession, eccentricity and long eccentricity cyclothems, respectively, have been distinguished from the Upper Devonian Fras-nian-Famennian (F-F) transitional carbonate successions deposited in the carbonate-basin and slope facies of Guangxi, South China. The durations of cyclothems are 8000-10000a, 16667a or 33333a, 100000a and 400000a, respectively. The ratio of eccentricity to precession, eccentricity to obliquity, and long eccentricity to eccentricity is 1 : 6, 1 : 3 and 1 : 4 in the Devonian, respectively. Orbital cyclostratigraphical studies show that the durations of the conodont falsio-valis Zone, transitans Zone, punctate Zone, Lower hassi Zone, Upper hassi Zone, jamieae Zone, Lower rhenana Zone, Upper rhenana Zone, linguiformis Zone, Lower triangularis Zone, Middle triangularis Zone and Upper triangularis Zone are 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.8, 0.6, 0.8, 0.3, 0  相似文献   

Although a relatively new area of environmental research, the field of endocrine disruption has grown very rapidly, and currently many hundreds, perhaps even a few thousand, papers are published annually on the many different aspects covered by the field. As far as endocrine disruption in wildlife is concerned, most attention has been focused on aquatic organisms, for two reasons. Firstly, the aquatic environment receives most of the pollutants intentionally released into the environment, through effluents from wastewater treatment plants, and secondly because many of the best documented examples of endocrine disruption in wildlife are of partially or completely aquatic species. These two reasons are probably not unconnected, of course. Hence, aquatic organisms can receive continuous exposure to endocrine‐disrupting chemicals throughout their lives, albeit usually to low concentrations of these chemicals. Analysis of effluents has identified many of the endocrine‐disrupting chemicals present, and shown that these are both natural and man‐made, and vary greatly in potency. Most attention has been directed to identifying the main estrogenic chemicals, because many of the effects reported in wildlife appear to be a consequence of ‘feminization’ of males. However, chemical analysis of effluents has also demonstrated that chemicals with other types of endocrine activity are present, such as androgens, anti‐androgens, progestagens, etc. The effects (if any, of course) of such chemicals on aquatic organisms are unknown, and largely uninvestigated, presently. Much of the biological research has centred on the effects of estrogenic chemicals, especially to fish. These effects, such as elevated vitellogenin concentrations and intersexuality, have to date been studied almost exclusively at the level of the individual, and hence whether endocrine‐disrupting chemicals cause population‐level consequences is largely unknown (the undeniable effects of TBT on molluscs, leading to local extinctions, being the exception). It is my opinion that rather too much of the recent research has not advanced our understanding of endocrine disruption a great deal, and we are probably not much further forward now than we were five years or so ago. It is surely time to tackle some of the outstanding, unresolved issues, such as the impact of endocrine disruption at the population level, and the issue of how organisms respond when exposed to complex mixtures of endocrine active chemicals. Such research will not be easy, and will require multidisciplinary teams, including people with expertise in areas not yet involved in the field of endocrine disruption, such as mathematical modellers. However, until such research is done, it will not be possible to decide how important an issue endocrine disruption is to wildlife, and how that importance compares to the other factors adversely affecting wildlife, such as habitat loss, climate change, and the introduction of exotic species and novel diseases.  相似文献   

Ren  Hirayama 《Island Arc》1994,3(4):270-284
Abstract Chelonioid sea turtles (Order Testudinata; Superfamily Chelonioidea) first appear in the early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian). Their long fossil record is excellent compared to most marine tetrapods. Nonetheless, there has been no inclusive attempt to provide an analysis of cladistic relationships among this group. In this paper, the following chelonioid classification is proposed, based on 76 characters among 20 fossil and six living well- represented genera:
  • 1 Family Cheloniidae (Coniacian to Recent); Toxochelys, Ctenochelys, Osteopygis, Erquelinnesia, Allopleuron, Argillochelys, Puppigerus, Eochelone, Syllomus, Natator, Eretmochelys, Chelonia, Caretta, Lepidochelys
  • 2 Family Protostegidae (Aptian to Maastrichtian?); ‘Santana new protostegid’,Rhinochelys, Notochelone, Desmatochelys, Chelosphargis, Protostega, Archelon
  • 3 Family Dermochelyidae (Santonian? to Recent); Corsochelys, ‘HMG new dermo-chelyid’, Eosphargis, Psephophorus, Dermochelys.

A geographic information system (GIS)-based chemometric approach was applied to investigate the spatial distribution patterns of heavy metals in marine sediments and to identify spatial human impacts on global and local scales. Twelve metals (Zn, V, Ni, Mn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Ba, Hg, Fe, Cr and Al) were surveyed twice annually at 59 sites in Hong Kong from 1998 to 2004. Cluster analysis classified the entire coastal area into three areas on a global scale, representing different pollution levels. Backward discriminant analysis, with 84.5% correct assignments, identified Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, V, and Fe as significant variables affecting spatial variation on a local scale. Enrichment factors indicated that Cu, Cr, and Zn were derived from human impacts while Al, Ba, Mn, V and Fe originated from rock weathering. Principal component analysis further subdivided human impacts and their affected areas in each area, explaining 87%, 84% and 87% of the total variances, respectively. The primary anthropogenic sources in the three areas were (i) anti-fouling paint and domestic sewage; (ii) surface runoff, wastewater, vehicle emissions and marine transportation; and (iii) ship repainting, dental clinics, electronic/chemical industries and leaded fuel, respectively. Moreover, GIS-based spatial analysis facilitated chemometric methods.  相似文献   

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