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虚地磁极(VGP)的角离散携带着地磁场低阶非轴向偶极子分量空间变化的重要信息.重申地球主磁场定解问题的适定性,指出McFadden等模型G存在重复计入轴向偶极子分量的内在矛盾;作为模型G基础的VGP角离散的偶极族-四极族分解仅具有数据拟合意义.证明,如果地磁场的非轴向偶极子分量相对轴向偶极子分量为小量,那么VGP角离散的纬度变化主要由轴向偶极子Gauss系数约化的低阶Gauss系数的平方和决定.因此作出估计,在过去5Ma中,赤道偶极子和赤道四极子的Gauss系数的幅度大致相当,约为轴向偶极子Gauss系数的10%.  相似文献   

地磁场长期变化和日长十年尺度变化的周期特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据历史地磁场模型GUFM1、第10代国际参考地磁场(IGRF10)模型和日长资料,采用小波变换方法,分析了地磁场磁矩、能量、西向漂移等参数的长期变化和日长十年尺度变化的周期分量及其时变特征.结果表明,1800~2005年期间,偶极子磁场长期变化有82年和48年准周期分量,它们与日长变化的周期没有直接关系.非偶极子磁场参数的长期变化与日长变化有66年和32年准周期分量,66年准周期比32年准周期强.在66年准周期分量,西向漂移比日长变化超前8.8年,非偶极子磁场能量比日长变化滞后15.6年.日长十年尺度波动和地磁场长期变化的起源不存在因果关系.  相似文献   

裸眼井中软地层多极子源激发的弹性波的传播   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用全波场和分波场算法对裸眼井软地层中由单极子源和多极子源(偶极子源和四极子源)激发的弹性波进行了数值研究,给出了声波全波列理论波形、纯纵波和纯横渡理论波形及纵横波的频率传输特性曲线.结果表明,纯纵波和纯横波是无频散几何衰减波;除了在vs>(1-ρ121/2v1的井眼中由单极子源激发的横波无传播特征频率外,纵横波都具有各自的传播特征频率,纵波的传播特征频率有一系列离散值,横波的传播特征频率只有一个且等于非对称模式波的截止频率;多极子源激发的纵波传播特征频率的最小值大于横波的传播特征频率,随着极子数增多,二者的特征频率值皆增高,差别也越大,因此,当声源发射主频较低,接近横波传播特征频率而远离纵波传播特征频率时,低频多极子源将压制纵波并激发出较强的横波,分析结果还表明,通常所说的低频多极子源激发出的横波波群实际上是纯横波与截止频率附近的非对称模式波叠加的结果,在其它条件不变时,二老对横波波群相对贡献的大小取决于声源激发主频的高低及其带宽的大小.  相似文献   

通过分析1900年以来每5a地球磁场各阶球谐系数的相关系数发现,地球磁场偶极子分量的ρ值在1905-1970年基本保持不变,1970-1985年下降,1985-1995年又上升,呈V字型变化。而非偶极子分量的 值则具有周期性变化,在1915年、1945年和1980年出现峰值,在1935年和1965年则处于低谷,变化周期约为30a。通过分析地球磁场非偶极子分量 值周期变化与日长周期变化的相关性,得出两点新的认识:1.非偶极子分量的周期性变化与核幔边界耦合过程相关,而偶极子分量的变化对应外核的深部过程;2.外核顶部流体具有周期性的变化,其变化周期与日长及非偶极子分量的变化周期一致。  相似文献   

定常情况下,本文利用球坐标系(λ,φ,r)的动力、热力学方程导出三维速度场(vλ,vφ,vr)的动力系统.这种包括摩擦力和热传导的不可压缩大气运动的动力系统,无论从定性上还是从定量上都能描述由赤道和极地间的加热不均匀造成的三圈环流.定性上表明,在北半球经向速度vφ和纬向速度vλ同符号,地表刮北风(vφ<0)和刮东风(vλ<0)相对应,刮南风(vφ>0)和刮西风(vλ>0)相对应.在南半球,经向速度vφ和纬向速度vλ符号相反,刮北风(vφ<0)和刮西风(vλ>0)相对应,刮南风(vφ>0)和刮东风(vλ<0)相对应.定量分析表明球面上的压力场p可以用球调和函数plm(sinφ)cosmλ来表达.当取l=6,m=0时即可导出三圈环流.在经圈剖面(φ,r)上,地表的φ1=±56°和φ2=±28°左右,以及赤道是速度场的奇点,它们都是鞍点,说明在副热带是下沉运动,在中纬度是上升运动,这正是三圈环流中的Ferrel环流的特征.这样经向速度vφ和纬向速度vλ相联系,经向速度vφ又和垂直速度相联系,那么三圈环流的三维速度场就构成了一个整体.  相似文献   

地磁场长期变化速率的30年周期   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
地球主磁场B和它的长期变化都起源于地球外核的磁流体发电机过程,但是,它们的空间结构和时间演化特征却有很大差异. 本文采用全球平均的“无符号年变率”X〖DD(-*3〗〖KG*2/3〗·〖DD)〗〖DD(-*2〗〖KG*2/3〗—〖DD)〗、Y〖DD(-*3〗〖KG*2/3〗·〖DD)〗〖DD(-*2〗〖KG*2/3〗—〖DD)〗、Z〖DD(-*3〗〖KG*2/3〗·〖DD)〗〖DD(-*2〗〖KG*2/3〗—〖DD)〗、H〖DD(-*3〗〖KG*2/3〗·〖DD)〗〖DD(-*2〗〖KG*2/3〗—〖DD)〗和F〖DD(-*3〗〖KG*2/3〗·〖DD)〗〖DD(-*2〗〖KG*2/3〗—〖DD)〗来表征长期变化场〖WTHX〗〖AKB·〗〖WTBZ〗的总体强度,利用第9代国际参考地磁场模型IGRF 9,研究〖WTHX〗〖AKB·〗场的变化特征. 结果表明,在1900~2000年的100年当中,〖AKB·〗场经历了3幕变化,最大年变率分别发生在1910~1920、1940~1950、1970~1980年,显示出清晰的30年周期变化,而且,每一周期的上升段比其下降段短得多. 研究结果还表明,非偶极场对〖AKB·〗的贡献约为偶极场的2倍,因此,决定〖AKB·〗场周期特征的主要因素是非偶极场(特别是四极子场),而不是偶极子场. 这一特点与主磁场B〖WTBZ〗中偶极场占绝对优势的特点完全不同.  相似文献   

极性转换期间地球磁场形态学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对采自中国黄土高原西峰(35.7°N,107.6°E)和段家坡(34.2°N,109.2°E)两个剖面中黄土层L8和古土壤层S8的1281块定向古地磁样品做了详细的岩石磁学和古地磁学研究.证实了Matuyama-Brunhes(M-B)极性转换带位于L8的中下部.提出了下列观点:1.M-B极性转换过程与地球磁场方向变化相联系的持续时间为3600-4500a,而与地球磁场强度变化相联系的持续时间则为8000-9000a,即强度变化存在“超前和滞后” 效应;2.M-B转换场的形态是由三次快速倒转和一次不成功的倒转构成,或者说,转换场具有快速变换极性的振荡特征;3.M-B转换过程中地球磁场并不是以轴对称的非偶极子场为主,而是偶极子场至少与非偶极子场相当;4.中国黄土-古土壤沉积物所含磁性矿物的主要成分是磁铁矿,它是研究极性转换期间地球磁场详细结构的良好物质.  相似文献   

本文利用最大熵谱分析方法处理了电离层赤道异常北峰Okinawa站的f0F2行星波周期的振荡.比较同一期间相近经度链上的南北半球观测到的低热层中性大气运动,发现较短周期的2-5日波,尤其是在南北半球的夏季期间(北半球7-8月前后,南半球1-2月前后),其纬向风与赤道异常振荡强弱及周期变化具有良好的同步对应性.对于较长周期的中性风振荡,只要其幅度相当大,也会在赤道异常的振荡中有所对应.从而提供证据说明中性风的行星波振荡是赤道异常的行星波振荡的驱动源.  相似文献   

地磁场Sq的经度效应和UT变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
使用国际地球物理年(IGY)和国际地球物理合作年(IGC)期间全球地磁台网的资料和中国台站的同期地磁记录,对地磁场太阳日变化S的经度效应和UT变化进行了分析研究.将适用于瞬时全球磁场的球谐分析法与适用于平均场的双调和分析法相结合,提出了一种分析S磁场的新方案,得到了(θ,T,t)坐标系中组成S场的三个部分,即仅随地方时LT变化的部分SLT,仅随世界时UT变化的部分SUT以及既随LT变化又随UT变化的部分SLUT.从全球来看,在IGY/IGC期间,这三部分的强度之比分别为:X分量1.0:0.2:0.3,y分量1.0:0.1:0.6,Z分量1.0:0.4:1.0.S的经度效应和UT变化虽然表现了同一物理过程,但它们有不同的表达形式,其决定因素是地磁轴对地理轴的倾斜,地磁场的非偶极子成分(即区域性异常)和地球内部电性的横向不均匀性(包括海陆分布、地壳上地幔电导率的区域差异)  相似文献   

日食电离层效应   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析了1987年9月23日日环食期间,我国14个电离层站和1988年3月18日日全食期间两个站的垂测仪和偏振仪记录,并综合50年代以来历次日食电离层效应的观测结果,证实:1.E层和F1层光食效应明显,F2层动力学效应显著;2.f0F2存在日食日值大于、小于或等于控制日值三种典型情况;3.TEC食变曲线有凹陷和不凹陷两种典型情况,甚至出现日食日值大于控制日值的异常现象. 本文对F2层和外电离层的动力学特征作了定性讨论,认为:空间等离子体温度急剧下降和沿场扩散是F2层和外电离层日食效应的最主要因素;而磁赤道上空等离子体的沿场扩散、“喷泉”效应,热层风和全(环)食带方位是影响位于磁赤道异常区各电离层站日食电离层效应的主要因素.  相似文献   

A model of the reversing geodynamo based on the assumptions (1) that reversals start in a localized region of the core and (2) that upon its onset this reversed region extends, or “floods”, both north-south and east-west until the entire core is affected, has recently been shown to provide a generally successful simulation of existing paleomagnetic records of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition (Hoffman, 1979). In this paper the modelled solution is analyzed so as to reveal the behavior of the dominant Gauss coefficients during the transition. At the time of total axial dipole decay the controlling components are found to be a zonal octupole (g30) and a non-axisymmetric quadrupole (g21, h21). Given the distribution of sites corresponding to the available records of the Matuyama-Brunhes, the existence of a significant zonal quadrupole field component cannot be ruled out; however, the role of any equatorial dipole component can be neglected.Due to the presence of a significant low-order non-axisymmetric term in the analyzed transition field, the predicted minimum intensity experienced during the Matuyama-Brunhes is found to be dependent on both site latitude and longitude. In particular, over a mid-northern circle of latitude, the predicted minimum intensity is found to vary by more than a factor of three, averaging about 10% of the full polarity field strength.Although not a unique solution, the applicability of the findings from this analysis is not tied to the phenomenological model from which they were derived. More specifically, whether the above two-component non-dipole transitional field arises from assumed configurational changes of the reversing geodynamo (as is the case for the flooding model) or, alternatively, is considered to be a stationary (non-reversing) portion of the field during axial dipole decay and regeneration, has little effect on either the calculated path locality of the virtual geomagnetic pole or the minimum intensity experienced at a given site. These two possible situations, in principle, should be distinguishable given the future attainment of detailed paleomagnetic data corresponding to back-to-back (R → N and N → R) polarity transitions.  相似文献   

The relation of the Kp index of geomagnetic activity to the solar wind electric field (E SW) and the projection of this field onto the geomagnetic dipole has been estimated. An analysis indicated that the southward component of the IMF vector (B z < 0) is the main geoeffective parameter, as was repeatedly indicated by many researchers. The presence of this component in any combinations of the interplanetary medium parameters is responsible for a high correlation between such combinations and geomagnetic activity referred to by the authors of different studies. Precisely this field component also plays the main role in the relation between the Kp index and the relative orientation of E SW and the Earth’ magnetic moment.  相似文献   

A crucial step in the investigation of the energetics of motions in the Earth's core and the generation of the geomagnetic field by the hydromagnetic dynamo process is the estimation of the average strength B of the magnetic field B = Bp + BT in the core. Owing to the probability that the toroidal field BT in the core, which has no radial component, is a good deal stronger than the poloidal field Bp, direct downward extrapolation of the surface field to the core-mantle interface gives no more than an extreme lower limit to B. This paper outlines the indirect methods by which B can be estimated, arguing that B is probably about 10?2 T (100 Γ) but might be as low as 10?3 T (10 Γ) or as high as 5 × 10?2 T (500 Γ).  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation of geomagnetic storm effects in the equatorial and middle-low latitude F-region in the West Pacific sector during the intense geomagnetic storm on 13–17 April, 2006. The event, preceded by a minor storm, started at 2130 UT on April 13 while interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz component was ready to turn southward. From 14–17 the ionosphere was characterized by a large scale enhancement in critical frequency, foF2 (4~6 MHz) and total electron content (TEC) (~30TECU, 1TECU=1×1016el/m2) followed by a long-duration negative phase observed through the simultaneous ionospheric sounding measurements from 14 stations and GPS network along the meridian 120°E. A periodic wave structure, known as traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) was observed in the morning sector during the initial phase of the storm which should be associated with the impulsive magnetospheric energy injection to the auroral. In the afternoon and nighttime, the positive phase should be caused by the combination of equatorward winds and disturbed electric fields verified through the equatorial F-layer peak height variation and modeled upward drift of Fejer and Scherliess [1997. Empirical models of storm time equatorial electric fields. Journal of Geophysical Research 102, 24,047–24,056]. It is shown that the large positive storm effect was more pronounced in the Southern Hemisphere during the morning-noon sector on April 15 and negative phase reached to lower magnetic latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere which may be related to the asymmetry of the thermospheric condition during the storm.  相似文献   

In geodynamo simulations which simulate the generation of an axial dipolar magnetic field, the generation mechanism appears to be adequately described as an α2-dynamo with an anisotropic α-effect. The anisotropy in the α-effect favors an equatorial dipole field, however, which calls into question the interpretation in terms of an α2-dynamo. It is shown in this article with kinematic dynamo calculations and exemplary velocity fields with an anisotropic α-effect that both types of dipolar magnetic field can be generated. Two examples of working dynamos in a sphere with flows with zero α-effect are also provided.  相似文献   

A comparison between the modeled NmF2 and hmF2 and NmF2 and hmF2, which were observed by the Kokubunji, Okinawa, Manila, Vanimo, and Darwin ionospheric sounders and by the middle and upper (MU) atmosphere radar, have been used to study the time-dependent response of the low-latitude ionosphere to geomagnetic forcing during a time series of geomagnetic storms from 22 to 26 April 1990. The reasonable agreement between the model results and data requires the modified equatorial meridional E×B plasma drift, the modified HWM90 wind, and the modified NRLMSISE-00 neutral densities. We found that changes in a flux of plasma into the nighttime equatorial F2-region from higher L-shells to lower L-shells caused by the meridional component of the E×B plasma drift lead to enhancements in NmF2 close to the geomagnetic equator. The equatorward wind-induced plasma drift along magnetic field lines, which cross the Earth equatorward of about 20° geomagnetic latitude in the northern hemisphere and about −19° geomagnetic latitude in the southern hemisphere, contributes to the maintenance of the F2-layer close to the geomagnetic equator. The nighttime weakening of the equatorial zonal electric field (in comparison with that produced by the empirical model of Fejer and Scherliess [Fejer, B.G., Scherliess, L., 1997. Empirical models of storm time equatorial zonal electric fields. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 24047–24056] or Scherliess and Fejer [Scherliess, L., Fejer, B.G., 1999. Radar and satellite global equatorial F region vertical drift model. J. Geophys. Res. 104, 6829–6842) in combination with corrected equatorward nighttime wind-induced plasma drift along magnetic field lines in the both geomagnetic hemispheres are found to be the physical mechanism of the nighttime NmF2 enhancement formation close to the geomagnetic equator over Manila during 22–26 April 1990. The model crest-to-trough ratios of the equatorial anomaly are used to study the relative role of the main mechanisms of the equatorial anomaly suppression for the 22–26 April 1990 geomagnetic storms. During the most part of the studied time period, a total contribution from geomagnetic storm disturbances in the neutral temperature and densities to the equatorial anomaly changes is less than that from meridional neutral winds and variations in the E×B plasma drift. It is shown that the latitudinal positions of the crests are determined by the E×B drift velocity and the neutral wind velocity.  相似文献   

A rigorous singular perturbation theory is developed to estimate the electric field E produced in the mantle M by the core dynamo when the electrical conductivity σ in M depends only on radius r, and when |r?rln σ| ? 1 in most of M. It is assumed that σ has only one local minimum in M, either (a) at the Earth's surface ?V, or (b) at a radius b inside the mantle, or (c) at the core-mantle boundary ?K. In all three cases, the region where σ is no more than e times its minimum value constitutes a thin critical layer; in case (a), the radial electric field Er ≈ 0 there, while in cases (b) and (c), Er is very large there. Outside the critical layer, Er ≈ 0 in all three cases. In no case is the tangential electric field ES small, nearly toroidal, or nearly calculable from the magnetic vector potential A as ??tAS. The defects in Muth's (1979) argument which led him to contrary conclusions are identified. Benton (1979) cited Muth's work to argue that the core-fluid velocity u just below ?K can be estimated from measurements on ?V of the magnetic field B and its time derivative ?tB. A simple model for westward drift is discussed which shows that Benton's conclusion is also wrong.In case (a), it is shown that knowledge of σ in M is unnecessary for estimating ES on ?K with a relative error |r?r 1nσ|?1from measurements of ES on ?V and knowledge of ?tB in M (calculable from ?tB on ?V if σ is small). Then, in case (a), u just below ?K can be estimated as ?r×ES/Br. The method is impractical unless the contribution to ES on ?V from ocean currents can be removed.The perturbation theory appropriate when σ in M is small is considered briefly; smallness of σ and of |r?r ln σ|?1 a independent questions. It is found that as σ → 0, B approaches the vacuum field in M but E does not; the explanation lies in the hydromagnetic approximation, which is certainly valid in M but fails as σ → 0. It is also found that the singular perturbation theory for |r?r ln σ|?1 is a useful tool in the perturbation calculations for σ when both σ and |r?r ln σ|?1 are small.  相似文献   


Our intent is to provide a simple and quantitative understanding of the variability of the axial dipole component of the geomagnetic field on both short and long time scales. To this end we study the statistical properties of a prototype nonlinear mean field model. An azimuthal average is employed, so that (1) we address only the axisymmetric component of the field, and (2) the dynamo parameters have a random component that fluctuates on the (fast) eddy turnover time scale. Numerical solutions with a rapidly fluctuating α reproduce several features of the geomagnetic field: (1) a variable, dominantly dipolar field with additional fine structure due to excited overtones, and sudden reversals during which the field becomes almost quadrupolar, (2) aborted reversals and excursions, (3) intervals between reversals having a Poisson distribution. These properties are robust, and appear regardless of the type of nonlinearity and the model parameters. A technique is presented for analysing the statistical properties of dynamo models of this type. The Fokker-Planck equation for the amplitude a of the fundamental dipole mode shows that a behaves as the position of a heavily damped particle in a bistable potential ∝(1 ? a 2)2, subject to random forcing. The dipole amplitude oscillates near the bottom of one well and makes occasional jumps to the other. These reversals are induced solely by the overtones. Theoretical expressions are derived for the statistical distribution of the dipole amplitude, the variance of the dipole amplitude between reversals, and the mean reversal rate. The model explains why the reversal rate increases with increasing secular variation, as observed. Moreover, the present reversal rate of the geodynamo, once per (2?3) × 105 year, is shown to imply a secular variation of the axial dipole moment of ~ 15% (about the current value). The theoretical dipole amplitude distribution agrees well with the Sint-800 data.  相似文献   

Nonlinear disturbance of the dipole field by nonaxisymmetric plasma pressure distribution was analyzed under the assumption of magnetostatic equilibrium for finite values of the plasma parameter at the pressure maximum area. The distributions of isolines of the constant value of magnetic-field component B Z and the volume of magnetic flux tube in the equatorial plane were obtained. At a finite plasma pressure, local minima and maxima of the magnetic field are formed. The formation of these local maxima and minima leads to the formation of contours (not surrounding the Earth) B min = const, where B min is the minimum magnetic field on the magnetic field line. This changes the direction of the gradient of the volume of the magnetic flux tube. The configuration of appearing field-aligned currents was determined. The results obtained are discussed in terms of their use in explaining a number of effects observed in the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The physical mechanism by which the regions with increased or decreased total electron content, registered by measuring delays of GPS satellite signals before strong earthquakes, originate in the ionosphere has been proposed. Vertical plasma transfer in the ionospheric F 2 region under the action of the zonal electric field is the main disturbance formation factor. This field should be eastward, generating the upward component of plasma electromagnetic drift, in the cases of increased total electron content at midlatitudes and deepened minimum of the F 2 layer equatorial anomaly. Upward plasma drift increases electron density due to a decrease in the O+ ion loss rate at midlatitudes and decreases this density above the equator due to an enhancement of the fountain effect (plasma discharge into the equatorial anomaly crests). The pattern of the spatial distribution of the seismogenic electric field potential has been proposed. The eastward electric field can exist in the epicentral region only if positive and negative electric charges are located at the western and eastern boundaries of this region, respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed mechanism was studied by modeling the ionospheric response to the action of the electric field generated by such a charge configuration. The results of the numerical computations indicated that the total electron content before strong earthquakes at middle and low latitudes is in good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

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