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非常规油气资源-致密油在中国有广泛分布,致密油储层孔隙类型多样、结构复杂。本文对12块致密油岩石样本开展了超声波实验测量,根据记录的纵波波形,利用谱比法估算了岩石在饱和不同流体时的衰减,结果显示大部分致密油样本在饱气状态下的纵波衰减强于饱水及饱油情况,并且,纵波衰减与岩石渗透率有较好的正相关性。基于扫描电镜分析结果,采用三重孔隙结构模型描述致密油岩石,正演模拟了致密油岩石的波传播特征。基于BIOT理论、BIOT-RAYLEIGH双重孔隙介质理论和三重孔隙模型对比讨论了致密油岩石的纵波速度频散和衰减规律,结果显示BIOT理论和BIOT-RAYLEIGH理论均无法解释该组致密油岩石样本的衰减特征规律,而采用三重孔隙结构模型的预测结果和实验结果能够达到很好的吻合。统计分析了致密油岩石的实验测量结果和模型参数,可推断在5-10%孔隙度范围内致密油岩石含更多的微裂隙,且在高孔隙度范围微裂隙尺寸更大。在不同孔隙度范围内,微裂隙和黏土包体体积比率相近,但微裂隙尺寸明显大于泥质尺寸,微裂隙体积模量低于泥质体积模量。  相似文献   

致密砂岩气藏具有裂缝发育和有效应力高的特征,研究不同有效压力下孔、裂隙介质地震波传播特征,有利于地震解释与地下储层的识别.但是前人的研究较少考虑岩石内部微观孔隙结构特征与孔隙、裂隙间流体流动的关系.本文首先通过选取四川盆地典型致密砂岩岩样,在不同有效压力下对岩石样本进行超声波实验测量.然后基于实验测得的纵、横波速度进行裂隙参数反演,得到不同有效压力下致密砂岩样本的裂隙孔隙度.再将裂隙孔隙度和样本岩石物理参数代入双重孔隙介质模型,模拟得到不同有效压力下饱水致密砂岩样本纵横波速度频散和衰减的变化规律.结果表明模型预测的速度频散曲线与纵波速度实验测量结果能够较好的吻合.最后统计分析了致密砂岩裂隙参数,得到了致密砂岩储层裂隙参数随有效压力及孔隙度变化特征.依据实际岩石物理参数建立模型,其裂隙参数三维拟合结果能够较好描述致密砂岩裂隙结构与孔隙度、应力的关联,可为实际地震勘探中预测储层裂缝性质提供基础依据.  相似文献   

多形态拓展孔隙、裂隙并存理论描述了介质中孔隙与多形态裂隙体之间的相互作用,现已被用于岩石的孔隙结构反演.利用实验室加压条件下干燥和流体饱和岩石的纵、横波速测量数据,联合反演了潜山储层岩石的孔隙纵横比谱.反演结果表明:随着有效压力的增加,裂隙元素的纵横比减小,小纵横比裂隙的闭合降低了裂隙密度,导致低压段的弹性波速度显著增大.同时,在双对数刻度下,孔隙度与孔隙纵横比之间存在幂函数关系,孔隙结构指数随总孔隙度单调增加,此关系可用于判别潜山储层的有效性.本文的研究不仅为潜山储层岩石孔隙结构分析方法提供了实验验证,而且给出了一种潜山储层有效性的辅助判别方法.  相似文献   

作为一种非常规油气资源,页岩油储量丰富、分布范围广,具有巨大的勘探开发潜力,是近年来油气产业关注的重点与热点.然而,页岩油储层具有岩石矿物组分多样、低孔低渗、孔隙结构复杂、非均质性强等特征,与常规油气资源存在明显差异.本研究选取鄂尔多斯盆地中生界延长组长7油层组的10块致密砂岩样本,基于X射线衍射分析得到各样本的矿物组分,开展不同围压和流体条件下的超声波实验观测,进而获得样本的纵、横波速度和纵波衰减逆品质因子.基于实验测量获得变压力条件下的孔隙度,结合线性外推的方法,估算各样本的裂隙孔隙度,代入EIAS(Equivalent Inclusion-Average Stress,等效嵌入体应力平均)模型,求取对应的裂隙纵横比和裂隙密度,分析页岩油储层孔隙-裂隙性质对纵波衰减的影响.结果显示相对于衰减,致密砂岩总孔隙度、裂隙纵横比、裂隙密度和衰减变化量(不同围压下的衰减观测值与最大围压下的衰减观测值的差)之间的相关性更加明显.基于薄片分析,结果显示致密样本存在孔内黏土包体、微裂隙包体和粒间孔的三重孔隙结构,因此本文引入三重孔隙结构模型,定量估算各样本的孔内黏土含量,进而分析孔内黏土含量及总黏...  相似文献   

部分饱和孔隙岩石中声波传播数值研究   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
利用基于Biot理论的孔隙弹性介质的高阶交错网格有限差分算法,模拟了具有随机分布特征的多种流体饱和岩石中声波在中心频率分别为25,50,75,100kHz时的声场特点. 对于一个由两种成分(气和水)饱和的岩石模型, 假设含不同流体的孔隙介质随机分布在不同的宏观区域,该区域尺度远小于计算的声波波长;组成模型的两种随机分布介质具有相同的固体骨架参数、渗透率和孔隙度,但分别被具有不同压缩性、密度和黏滞系数特性的水和气饱和. 计算和统计分析结果表明,在两种孔隙成分随机分布的部分饱和条件下纵波速度比较复杂,除骨架参数外,其变化主要依赖于中心频率、各种孔隙成分饱和度及饱和介质的速度. 比较该随机分布模型、Gassmann理论模型和White的“气包”模型,发现三种模型得到的纵波速度和衰减规律有较好的定性对应关系. 其次,按照这种随机计算模型的处理方法,本文还首次计算了一个三种流体成分充填饱和的例子,即岩石模型中的孔隙被水、油和气部分饱和,计算时保持模型含水饱和度不变而只改变含油和含气饱和度. 在这种计算条件下,纵波速度随中心频率呈增大的趋势但有起伏变化. 声场快照显示了各种转换波在多种孔隙成分充填(两种和三种孔隙成分)岩石中的声场特征,复杂的水-油-气界面的非均匀分布对声场有重要影响,纵波能量主要转换形成了较为复杂的多种慢纵波和横波.  相似文献   

周期性层状含孔隙、裂隙介质模型纵波衰减特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地震波在含孔隙、裂隙斑块饱和介质传播过程中会诱发多个尺度孔隙流体流动而产生衰减和速度频散.在含有宏观尺度“Biot流”和介观尺度“局域流”衰减诱导机制的周期性层状孔隙介质模型基础上,引入了微观尺度硬币型和尖灭型裂隙“喷射流”的影响,构建了周期性层状含孔隙、裂隙介质模型.利用双解耦弹性波动方程的方法数值计算了该模型地震频带的纵波衰减和速度频散并与周期性层状孔隙介质模型做了对比研究.分析了该模型在不同裂隙参数(裂隙密度、裂隙纵横比)及裂隙体积含量下的纵波衰减和频散特征,裂隙密度越高对于纵波衰减和频散的影响越大,裂隙纵横比越小,由裂隙引起的纵波衰减部分向高频段移动,裂隙体积含量越少,纵波衰减先降低后小幅增加再降低,频散速度增加,并逐渐接近于周期性层状孔隙介质模型的纵波衰减和频散速度曲线.最后研究了周期性层状含孔隙、裂隙介质模型有效平面波模量的高低频极限以及流固相对位移在该模型中的分布特征.  相似文献   

波场在含流体的孔隙介质中传播时会产生频散和衰减现象.波场的频散和衰减与孔隙介质的岩石物理属性有关,包括孔隙度、渗透率、流体属性等.现有的三维裂缝/软孔隙网络模型利用椭圆截面纵横比的变化模拟从扁裂缝、软孔隙到硬孔隙的多种情况,而未考虑同时包含孔隙和裂缝的全局性网络空间.为了更好地描述裂缝-孔隙空间,本文提出同时包含裂缝和孔隙的三维裂缝-孔隙网络模型,并给出渗透率的计算方法.通过体积平均法推导了三维裂缝/软孔隙网络模型和三维裂缝-孔隙网络模型的波动方程,利用平面波分析方法得到纵波频散/衰减曲线的表达式,同时应用数值模拟研究了总孔隙度、裂缝孔隙度、裂缝纵横比、裂缝数密度、孔隙流体黏度对纵波衰减和速度频散特征的影响.结果表明,在三维裂缝-孔隙网络模型下,总孔隙度、裂缝参数等对纵波频散衰减特征的影响与三维裂缝/软孔隙网络模型相似.具体表现为:纵波在高频段内出现频散和衰减现象.孔隙度的变化主要影响逆品质因子曲线峰值的大小;裂缝数密度主要控制速度显著变化的范围;裂缝纵横比对纵波速度和特征频率有显著影响.  相似文献   

为研究裂缝、裂隙介质中波致流引起的衰减,将裂缝看作背景孔隙岩石中非常薄且孔隙度非常高的层状介质,并等价成White周期层状模型.分别考虑不同类型的裂隙和孔隙之间的挤喷流影响,结合改进的Biot方程,推导得到裂缝裂隙介质的刚度与频率的关系.当缝隙中饱含流体时,介质的衰减和速度频散受裂缝、孔隙之间和裂隙、孔隙之间流体流动的显著影响.在低频极限下,裂缝裂隙介质的性质由各向异性Gassmann理论和挤喷流模型获得;而在非常高的频率时,由于缝隙中的压力来不及达到平衡,波致流的影响可忽略.分析表明,裂隙密度主要影响波的衰减,而裂隙纵横比主要控制优势衰减频率和速度显著变化的频率范围;由于不同裂隙的衰减机制不同,衰减和速度频散大小有所差异,但基本趋势相同.  相似文献   

在油、气储层的勘探和开发中观察到的一个现象是储层岩石中普遍存在孔隙和裂隙.随着近年来孔、裂隙介质弹性波动理论的进展,我们可以将此理论应用于测井技术,以此来指导从声波测井中测量孔、裂隙地层的声学参数.本文计算了孔、裂隙地层里充流体井眼中的多极子声场,分析了声场随裂隙介质的两个主要参数(即裂隙密度和裂隙纵横比)的变化特征.井孔声场的数值计算表明裂隙密度可以大幅度地降低井中声波纵、横波的波速和振幅.随着裂隙密度的增加,在测井频段内也可以看到纵、横波速的频散现象(这种频散在孔隙地层中一般是观察不到的).本文还研究了多极子模式波 (即单极的Stoneley波、伪瑞利波以及偶极的弯曲波)随裂隙参数的变化特征.结果表明,这些模式波的振幅激发和速度频散都受裂隙密度的影响.裂隙密度越高影响越大.此外,裂隙还对模式波的传播造成较大的衰减.相对裂隙密度而言,裂隙纵横比是一个频率控制参数,它控制裂隙对声场影响的频率区间.本文的分析结果对裂缝、孔隙型地层的声波测井具有指导意义.  相似文献   

岩石脆性直接影响储层压裂,是储层压裂改造之前必不可少的环节。本文对松辽盆地青山口组粉砂岩,分析岩石动、静态脆性特征。基于岩石力学实验获得的应力-应变的关系,调查岩石的脆塑性体特征,结果显示静态弹性参数获得的脆性指数与应力跌落系数呈现负相关性,其中脆性指数B_2(杨氏模量E和泊松比v归一化后的均值)与应力跌落系数相关性最好。分析矿物组分与脆性指数B_2、杨氏模量和泊松比的关系,认为相关层系石英、黄铁矿、碳酸盐岩类矿物可作为脆性矿物。基于B_2,在超声波实验中调查了孔隙流体、孔隙度对岩石动态脆性特征的影响,发现孔隙流体能够增强岩石的塑性,降低岩石脆性,且孔隙度越大,岩石脆性降低幅度越大。在饱含不同流体的岩石中,饱气粉砂岩的脆性最高,饱油次之,饱水最小,且饱油、饱水岩石脆性非常接近。对比岩石力学和超声波实验测量结果显示,整体上超声波实验获得的脆性指数比岩石力学实验获得的脆性指数大,不过,二者均随着孔隙度增大而降低,且差值随孔隙度增大而增大。原因在于超声波属于无损测试,而力学实验过程中导致了岩石内部的微裂缝、孔隙发生了改变。此外,低孔隙度岩石的脆性,主要与岩石内部微裂缝的发育程度有关。  相似文献   

孔隙纵横比是描述多孔岩石微观孔隙结构特征的重要参数,目前用于获取岩石完整孔隙纵横比分布的经典模型为David-Zimmerman(D-Z)孔隙结构模型,该模型假设岩石由固体矿物基质、一组纵横比相等的硬孔隙以及多组纵横比不等的微裂隙构成,并认为固体矿物基质和硬孔隙均不受压力影响,在此基础上,利用超声纵横波速度的压力依赖性反演岩石硬孔隙和各组微裂隙的孔隙纵横比及孔隙度.该方法的关键点在于以累积裂隙密度为桥梁,借助等效介质理论建立了岩石弹性模量和孔隙纵横比之间的内在联系.但在D-Z模型中,多重孔隙岩石累积裂隙密度的计算直接由单重孔隙裂隙密度公式实现,这种近似导致该模型在许多情况下难以获得良好的反演精度.为了完善经典D-Z模型,本文提出了一种基于虚拟降压的孔隙纵横比分布反演策略,通过多个假想降压过程实现累积裂隙密度的准确计算,并将基于DEM和MT的经典D-Z模型推广到KT和SCA中,结合四种等效介质理论建立了一套完整的反演流程.采用一系列砂岩和碳酸盐岩样品,测试了反演流程在实际岩芯孔隙纵横比提取中的应用效果,研究结果表明:与D-Z模型相比,本文方法的模拟结果与实际数据吻合更好,并同时适用于砂岩和碳酸盐岩;此外,通过分析四种等效介质理论的模拟结果发现,本文方法并不十分依赖于等效介质理论的选择,这些理论获得的孔隙结构参数随压力的变化趋势基本一致,数值上仅存在略微差异,且这种差异随着压力的增大逐渐消失.本文方法是经典D-Z孔隙结构模型的重要补充,对岩石孔隙结构表征、流体饱和岩石速度预测以及孔间喷射流效应的模拟具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

Differential effective medium theory has been applied to determine the elastic properties of porous media. The ordinary differential equations for bulk and shear moduli are coupled and it is more difficult to obtain accurate analytical formulae about the moduli of dry porous rock. In this paper, in order to decouple these equations we first substitute an analytical approximation for the dry‐rock modulus ratio into the differential equation and derive analytical solutions of the bulk and shear moduli for dry rock with three specific pore shapes: spherical pores, needle‐shaped pores and penny‐shaped cracks. Then, the validity of the analytical approximations is tested by integrating the full differential effective medium equation numerically. The analytical formulae give good estimates of the numerical results over the whole porosity range for the cases of the three given pore shapes. These analytical formulae can be further simplified under the assumption of small porosity. The simplified formulae for spherical pores are the same as Mackenzie's equations. The analytical formulae are relatively easy to analyse the relationship between the elastic moduli and porosity or pore shapes and can be used to invert some rock parameters such as porosity or pore aspect ratio. The predictions of the analytical formulae for experimental data show that the formulae for penny‐shaped cracks are suitable to estimate the elastic properties of micro‐crack rock such as granite, they can be used to estimate the crack aspect ratio while the crack porosity is known and also to estimate the crack porosity evolution with pressure if the crack aspect ratio is given.  相似文献   

Broad-band ultrasonic impulses and the attenuation spectral ratio technique have been used to investigate the characteristics of synthetic rocks for different saturants, by obtaining the attenuation coefficients in the frequency range of 0.1-1.0 MHz. The general trend of the data indicates that the experimental attenuation coefficient increases with an increase in the grain/pore size. Results show that large grains/pores can increase the attenuation coefficient in all mechanisms, and water-saturated synthetic sandstone rocks result in a higher attenuation coefficient than similar oil-saturated rocks.  相似文献   

储层砂岩微观孔隙结构特征不仅影响干燥岩石的弹性波传播速度,也决定了岩石介质中与流体流动相关的速度频散与衰减作用.依据储层砂岩微观结构特征及速度随有效压力变化的非线性特征,将其孔隙体系理想化为不同形状的硬孔隙(纵横比α0.01)与软孔隙(纵横比α0.01)的组合(双孔隙结构).基于孔弹性理论,给出软孔隙最小初始纵横比值(一定压力下所有未闭合软孔隙在零压力时的纵横比最小值)的解析表达式,并在此基础上利用岩石速度-压力实验观测结果给出求取介质中两类孔隙纵横比及其含量分布特征的方法.通过逐步迭代加入软孔隙的方法对基于特征纵横比的"喷射流"(squirt fluid)模型进行了扩展,以考虑复杂孔隙分布特征对岩石喷射流作用的影响及其可能引起的速度频散特征.相较于典型的喷射流作用速度频散模式,对于岩石中软孔隙纵横比及其对应含量在较宽的范围呈谱分布的一般情况,其速度频散曲线不存在明显的低频段和中间频段,速度随频率的增大呈递增趋势直至高频极限.这说明即使在地震频段,微观尺度下的喷射流作用仍起一定作用,同样会造成流体饱和岩石介质的地震速度与Gassmann方程预测结果有不可忽略的差异.本文是对现有喷射流模型的重要补充,也为利用实验数据建立不同频段间岩石弹性波传播速度的可能联系提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Poisson's ratio at high pore pressure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laboratory investigations suggest that a precise relationship exists between Poisson's ratio, pore pressure and fluid type. Values of Poisson's ratio for dry samples are significantly smaller than those for fluid-saturated samples. The values are anomalously high for high pore pressure, with the possibility of differentiating between gas-saturated, brine-saturated and oil-saturated porous rocks.
The present study considers two overpressure models, based on oil/gas conversion and disequilibrium compaction, to obtain Poisson's ratio versus differential pressure (confining pressure minus pore pressure). The model results are in good agreement with experiments. Poisson's ratio is approximately constant at high differential pressures and increases (decreases) for saturated (dry) rocks at low differential pressures. Fluid type can be determined at all differential pressures from Poisson's ratio. The analysis is extended to the anisotropic case by computing the three Poisson's ratios of a transversely isotropic rock versus differential pressure. While one of them is practically independent of effective pressure, the others increase with increasing pore pressure. Experiments performed on cores under different pressure conditions, and calibration of the models with these data, provide a tool for inverting pore pressure from seismic data.  相似文献   

An approach to determining the effective elastic moduli of rocks with double porosity is presented. The double‐porosity medium is considered to be a heterogeneous material composed of a homogeneous matrix with primary pores and inclusions that represent secondary pores. Fluid flows in the primary‐pore system and between primary and secondary pores are neglected because of the low permeability of the primary porosity. The prediction of the effective elastic moduli consists of two steps. Firstly, we calculate the effective elastic properties of the matrix with the primary small‐scale pores (matrix homogenization). The porous matrix is then treated as a homogeneous isotropic host in which the large‐scale secondary pores are embedded. To calculate the effective elastic moduli at each step, we use the differential effective medium (DEM) approach. The constituents of this composite medium – primary pores and secondary pores – are approximated by ellipsoidal or spheroidal inclusions with corresponding aspect ratios. We have applied this technique in order to compute the effective elastic properties for a model with randomly orientated inclusions (an isotropic medium) and aligned inclusions (a transversely isotropic medium). Using the special tensor basis, the solution of the one‐particle problem with transversely isotropic host was obtained in explicit form. The direct application of the DEM method for fluid‐saturated pores does not account for fluid displacement in pore systems, and corresponds to a model with isolated pores or the high‐frequency range of acoustic waves. For the interconnected secondary pores, we have calculated the elastic moduli for the dry inclusions and then applied Gassmann's tensor relationships. The simulation of the effective elastic characteristic demonstrated that the fluid flow between the connected secondary pores has a significant influence only in porous rocks containing cracks (flattened ellipsoids). For pore shapes that are close to spherical, the relative difference between the elastic velocities determined by the DEM method and by the DEM method with Gassmann's corrections does not exceed 2%. Examples of the calculation of elastic moduli for water‐saturated dolomite with both isolated and interconnected secondary pores are presented. The simulations were verified by comparison with published experimental data.  相似文献   

All theoretical expressions which relate the characteristics of saturated aligned cracks to the associated elastic anisotropy are restricted in some important way, for example to the case of stiff pore fluids, or of the absence of equant porosity, or of a moderately high frequency band. Because of these restrictions, previous theory is not suitable for application to the upper crust, where the pore fluid is brine (Kf? K820), the equant porosity is often substantial (φp > 0.1), and the frequency band is sonic to seismic. This work removes these particular restrictions, recognizing in the process an important mechanism of dispersion. A notable feature of these more general expressions is their insensitivity, at low frequency, to the aspect ratio of the cracks; only the crack density is critical. An important conclusion of this more general model is that many insights previously achieved, concerning the shear-wave splitting due to vertical aligned saturated cracks, are sustained. However, conclusions on crack orientation or crack aspect ratio, which were derived from P-wave data or from shear-wave‘critical angles’, may need to be reconsidered. Further, the non-linear coupling between pores and cracks, due to pressure equalization effects, means that the (linear) Schoenberg-Muir calculus may not be applied to such systems. The theory receives strong support from recent data by Rathore et al. on artificial samples with controlled crack geometry.  相似文献   

An effective medium model for the stress-dependent seismic properties of fractured reservoirs is developed here on the basis of a combination of a general theory of viscoelastic waves in rock-like composites with recently published formulae for deformation of communicating and interacting cavities (interconnected pores/cracks and fractures at finite concentration) under drained loading. The inclusion-based model operates with spheroidal cavities at two different length scales; namely, the microscopic scale of the pores and (grain-boundary) cracks, and the mesoscopic scale of the fractures (controlling the flow of fluid). The different cavity types can in principle have any orientation and aspect ratio, but the microscopic pores/cracks and mesoscopic fractures were here assumed to be randomly and vertically oriented, respectively. By using three different aspect ratios for the relatively round pores (representing the stiff part of the pore space) and a distribution of aspect ratios for the relatively flat cracks (representing the compliant part of the pore space), we obtained a good fit between theoretical predictions and ultrasonic laboratory measurements on an unfractured rock sample under dry conditions. By using a single aspect ratio for the mesoscopic fractures, we arrived at a higher-order microstructural model of fractured porous media which represents a generalization of the first-order model developed by Chapman et al. (2002,2003). The effect of cavity size was here modelled under the assumption that the characteristic time for wave-induced (squirt) flow at the scale of a particular cavity (pore/crack vs. fracture) is proportional with the relevant scale-size. In the modelling, we investigate the effect of a decreasing pore pressure with constant confining pressure (fixed depth), and hence, increasing effective pressure. The analysis shows that the attenuation-peak due to the mesoscopic fractures in the reservoir will move downward in frequency as the effective pressure increases. In the range of seismic frequencies, our modelling indicates that the P-wave velocities may change by more than 20% perpendicular to the fractures and close to 10% parallel to the fractures. In comparison, the vertical S-wave velocities change by only about 5% for both polarization directions (perpendicular and parallel to the fractures) when the effective pressure increases from 0 to 15 MPa. This change is mainly due to the overall change in porosity with pressure. The weak pressure dependence is a consequence of the fact that the S waves will only sense if the fractures are open or not, and since all the fractures have the same aspect ratio, they will close at the same effective pressure (which is outside the analysed interval). Approximate reflection coefficients were computed for a model consisting of the fractured reservoir embedded as a layer in an isotropic shale and analysed with respect to variations in Amplitude Versus Offset and aZimuth (AVOZ) properties at seismic frequencies for increasing effective pressure. For the P-P reflections at the top of the reservoir, it is found that there is a significant dependence on effective pressure, but that the variations with azimuth and offset are small. The lack of azimuthal dependence may be explained from the approximate reflection coefficient formula as a result of cancellation of terms related to the S-wave velocity and the Thomson’s anisotropy parameter δ. For the P-S reflection, the azimuthal dependence is larger, but the pressure dependence is weaker (due to a single aspect ratio for the fractures). Finally, using the effective stiffness tensor for the fractured reservoir model with a visco-elastic finite-difference code, synthetic seismograms and hodograms were computed. From the seismograms, attenuation changes in the P wave reflected at the bottom of the reservoir can be observed as the effective pressure increases. S waves are not much affected by the fractures with respect to attenuation, but azimuthal dependence is stronger than for P waves, and S-wave splitting in the bottom reservoir P-S reflection is clearly seen both in the seismograms and hodograms. From the hodograms, some variation in the P-S reflection with effective pressure can also be observed.  相似文献   

裂缝模型声波衰减系数的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
超声波数据是研究碳酸盐岩储层孔隙结构的重要资料,超声波响应可用来反演孔隙结构.本文从声波波动理论出发,以裂缝模型为研究对象,开展超声波数值模拟研究.结果表明:随着裂缝孔隙度的增加,岩石声波衰减系数总体呈上升趋势,但孔隙度增长方式不同,衰减系数的递增函数规律亦不同;随着裂缝延伸方向与声波激发方向的夹角增大,岩石声波的衰减系数线性增加;衰减系数随着裂缝密度增大呈幂函数规律递增;利用数值模拟的方法能避免人为误差、节约实验成本,为裂缝结构的岩石声波实验研究拓展了思路.  相似文献   

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