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岩溶流域含水系统的主要特征之一是连通地表的落水洞等垂直管道将近水平的地下暗河联系起来,降水及其形成的地表径流可以通过这些管道迅速地灌入地下河系,从而改变了水及其所携带的非点源污染物质在垂直与水平方向的传输速度与数量,使岩溶流域内地表-地下之间的物质交换与传输过程变得比较复杂;应用广泛的SWAT模型在模拟岩溶地区的水文、水质时会存在一些不足与局限.为此,本文针对岩溶水系统特征,引入落水洞、伏流、暗河的水文过程以及主要营养盐的输移过程,修正SWAT模型原有的水文循环过程及相关算法,改变其只适用于松散均匀介质流域非点源污染模拟的单一特征,并研究建立适合于岩溶流域的非点源污染模型和相应的模拟方法.选取横港河流域岩溶地区作为非点源污染的对象,应用修正后的模型通过控制性的模拟方法和敏感性性分析,定量评估落水洞、伏流、暗河等岩溶特征对氮、磷等主要非点源污染物质输移的影响及其带来的时空效应,并进一步探讨落水洞、伏流、暗河等对地表-地下水文与营养盐的交互作用及转换机理.结果表明,岩溶特征对流域的氮、磷负荷有增加作用,其中总磷的增加明显大于总氮的增加,总磷和总氮的增量分别为0.86%和2.12%;植被岩溶指数的增加会导致流域可溶性磷、有机磷的产出量增加,有机氮、地表产流中硝酸氮和沉积磷的产出量则居其次,落水洞改变了降雨的产流方式,增加了落水洞所在流域的有机磷和有机氮的产出,其增量变化在0~0.7和0~0.3 kg/hm2之间.  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的南四湖流域非点源氮磷污染模拟   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
李爽  张祖陆  孙媛媛 《湖泊科学》2013,25(2):236-242
本文利用SWAT模型结合实测数据,对南四湖流域2001-2010年年均非点源氮磷污染进行模拟,分析了南四湖流域非点源氮磷负荷空间分布特征,计算各河流流域对南四湖湖区污染的贡献率,并对非点源氮磷污染严重的关键区进行识别.研究表明:(1)先模拟湖东和湖西的两个典型小流域的非点源氮磷污染,并将模型推及整个南四湖流域,该方法不仅提高了计算效率,且得到了较好的模拟结果.通过对比发现,湖东的模拟效果要好于湖西,一定程度上说明SWAT模型在起伏较大的地区能取得更高的精度.(2)南四湖流域非点源氮磷污染严重,几乎所有区域的氮负荷超标,40%以上的区域磷负荷超标严重.湖东非点源氮磷污染较湖西严重,其中洸府河流域是南四湖湖区非点源氮磷污染的主要贡献者.(3)通过对径流量、泥沙负荷、氮负荷、磷负荷的相关分析可以得出,南四湖流域非点源氮负荷以溶解态为主,随径流进入水体;非点源磷负荷以吸附态为主,随泥沙进入水体.  相似文献   

太湖流域营养物质输移模拟评估的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
赖格英  于革  桂峰 《中国科学D辑》2005,35(Z2):121-130
基于以太湖流域作为研究区,利用分布式机理性模型SWAT,对1995~2002年太湖流域营养物质输移进行了初步的模拟.模拟综合考虑了地形、土壤、气象、土地利用等流域自然特征并结合流域内工业点源排放、农业化肥流失、城镇农村居民生活与牲畜养殖排污等因素作为边界条件.利用2001~2002年流域的水文水质实测资料对模型的有效性进行了验证.结果表明太湖流域入湖的营养负荷,总氮每年在40000t左右,总磷在2000t左右.湖西区是太湖营养物质的主要来源地.非点源(面源)污染是湖泊总氮总磷流域输入的主要形式,其入湖量分别占外源入湖的53%和56%左右.工业点源排放的总氮总磷分别占入湖总量的30%和16%;生活污水以点源和非点源的形式提供了总氮31%和总磷47%的外源输入.农业化肥流失和养殖排污是值得注意的非点源形式的营养来源.此外还表明,SWAT是流域尺度营养物质输移时空演化模拟和趋势评估的一个有效模型.  相似文献   

作物生长模型同化MODIS反射率方法提取作物叶面积指数   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
叶面积指数(LAI)是监测农作物生长的重要参数. 遥感提取LAI的方法之一是通过植被冠层辐射传输模型反演, 但多数模型反演方法都没有考虑作物LAI在不同生长阶段的变化关系. 本文在模型反演的基础上引入用作物生长模型描述的LAI随生长变化的关系, 将作物生长过程中LAI地面先验信息作为约束信息, 提取最优目标参数LAI. 要点是在耦合作物生长模型和辐射传输模型中通过变分算法在作物生长不同时刻序列同化多时相遥感观测和LAI先验知识; 在同化过程中用伴随方法求解代价函数. 采用北京昌平和顺义地区MODIS数据的同化结果显示时序遥感观测能够极大改善被提取LAI的不确定性, 对比MODIS LAI产品发现提取LAI廓线符合实际的作物生长规律, 因而比MODIS LAI产品更加可靠.  相似文献   

太湖西南部河流流域的营养盐排放   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以MONERIS河流系统模型为基础,建立了由农业土地营养盐平衡模型、流域营养盐排放模型及河道营养盐滞留模型3个模型组成的模型系统.该系统被用来计算太湖西南部河流流域的营养盐排放量.利用实测的河流系统的负荷数据,对模型系统进行验证.验证结果表明,N、P计算负荷与实测负荷的偏差分别在10%及30%以内.利用该系统,对1992-1996年及1997-2001年间的营养盐排放量进行计算.计算结果表明,1997-2001年间的氮的年平均排放量为5646 t/a,该排放量比前5年的年均排放量减少827 t/a.从磷的排放量来看,1997-2001年间的年排放量为554 t/a,比前5年的均值减少45 t/a.分析结果表明,与1992-1996年相比,1997-2001年间的点源排放量及农业土地营养盐剩余量的减少是流域营养盐排放量减少的主要原因.  相似文献   

不合理的灌溉、施肥和耕作是导致乌梁素海流域农业面源污染的主要根源,乌梁素海作为我国北方地区重要的生态安全屏障,多年来面临着湖泊水环境污染、水生态退化等问题,科学开展湖泊水环境综合治理首先要解决流域内农业面源污染问题. 研究通过修改土壤水平衡、溶质平衡、地下水平衡和作物生长等模块对SWAT 2012原始版本进行改进,并采用改进的SWAT模型构建了乌梁素海流域分布式水文模型,利用实测径流、硝态氮与总磷排放量、地下水埋深以及作物产量校正和验证模型. 基于现状情景,以玉米、葵花和小麦3种主要作物为研究对象,设置了削减灌水量、施肥量及调整耕作方式3种农田管理情景. 基于改进SWAT模型不同情景的模拟结果,计算分析各管理情景下的硝态氮与总磷负荷及对各作物产量的影响. 结果表明,改进SWAT模型具有良好的模拟效果. 不同作物削减5%夏灌水量增产最多达8.41%~10.32%,削减10%秋浇水量均明显减少硝态氮和总磷负荷. 不同作物营养物负荷均随着氮磷施肥削减比例的增大呈现逐渐降低的趋势,但下降曲线逐渐趋于平缓; 各作物产量随氮磷施肥削减比例的增加呈先增加后减少的趋势,其中玉米、小麦氮磷施肥削减比例达20%时产量开始下降,葵花氮磷施肥削减比例达25%时产量开始下降. 不同作物营养物负荷与小麦产量均随耕作方式混合深度与混合效率参数的增大逐渐减小,而玉米和葵花产量则随耕作参数增大逐渐增加. 综合分析,削减5%夏灌水量+削减20%氮磷施肥比例+模板犁耕作组合玉米产量增幅最大达36.5%;削减10%秋浇水量+削减25%氮磷施肥比例+模板犁耕作组合葵花硝态氮负荷降幅最大达42.1%;削减5%夏灌水量+削减20%氮磷施肥比例+免耕组合小麦产量增幅最大达29.1%;而削减5%秋浇水量+削减20%氮磷施肥比例+常规春耕组合小麦硝态氮负荷减少最大达27.2%,总磷负荷减少最大达18.5%. 本研究可为降低流域内面源污染、提高作物产量及减少乌梁素海营养物入湖负荷农业管理措施的实施提供理论依据.  相似文献   

以太湖上游西苕溪流域为研究对象,通过分布式水文模型HEC-HMS模拟次降雨洪水过程:采用可视化数据存储系统HEC-DSS建立水文气象数据库,利用Geodatabase地理数据库技术集成流域自然属性数据库,通过距离平方倒数法对雨量数据进行空间插值,SCS曲线数法计算水文损失,运动波法计算直接径流与河道洪水演进,选用基流指数退水法模拟流域基流,并对模型中水库模拟部分进行适当修正.经模型校验,模拟结果表明,计算流量与观测流量拟合较好,效率系数大于0.8,洪峰流量误差低于4%,峰现时间误差低于2 h,该模型在土地利用变化对洪水水文要素的影响研究方面有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

太湖地区西苕溪流域营养盐污染负荷结构分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
污染负荷研究是实施污染物总量控制、保护水质的基础,由于非点源污染一直是水环境研究的一个难题,致使河流污染负荷估算缺乏合理的估算方法.本项研究针对太湖的富营养化问题,选取太湖上游西苕溪流域,采用GIS的流域分析方法,选取单一土地利用类型的小流域,分析流域土地类型与径流量及流域出口浓度的统计关系,获取不同土地利用类型营养盐污染的产出率,合理估算了西苕溪流域的非点源营养盐污染负荷,并根据西苕溪流域社会经济统计数据及已有的污染产出率研究成果,估算了西苕溪的点源营养盐污染负荷,在此基础上估算了西苕溪流域的营养盐污染总负荷量,分析了不同污染源在总负荷量的比例.最后通过比较估算的总负荷量与实测负荷量,计算了西苕溪流域河网体系对营养盐的降解能力.研究得出, 林地产出径流浓度总氮0.715mg/L、总磷0.039mg/L,耕地产出径流浓度总氮为2.092mg/L, 总磷0.166mg/L,西苕溪流域总氮负荷量为3143.43t/a,非点源污染负荷量为1589.52t/a;总磷负荷量为226.32t/a,非点源为108.36t/a,西苕溪流域河网体系对总氮、总磷的年降解率分别为 35.39%、21.48%.  相似文献   

司伟  包为民  瞿思敏  石朋 《湖泊科学》2018,30(2):533-541
空间集总式水文模型的洪水预报精度会受到面平均雨量估计误差的严重影响.点雨量监测值的误差类型、误差大小以及流域的雨量站点密度和站点的空间分布都会影响到面平均雨量的计算.为提高实时洪水预报精度,本文提出了一种基于降雨系统响应曲线洪水预报误差修正方法.通过此方法估计降雨输入项的误差,从而提高洪水预报精度.此方法将水文模型做为输入和输出之间的响应系统,用实测流量和计算流量之间的差值做为信息,通过降雨系统响应曲线,使用最小二乘估计原理,对面平均雨量进行修正,再用修正后的面平均雨量重新计算出流过程.将此修正方法结合新安江模型使用理想案例进行检验,并应用于王家坝流域的16场历史洪水以及此流域不同雨量站密度的情况下,结果证明均有明显修正效果,且在雨量站密度较低时修正效果更加明显.该方法是一种结构简单且不增加模型参数和复杂度的实时洪水修正的新方法.  相似文献   

为考虑洪水预报误差的空间变化,提出一种基于微分响应的流域产流分单元修正方法.该方法建立了各单元流域产流与流域出口流量之间的微分响应关系,采用正则化最小二乘法结合逐步迫近进行反演求解,将产流误差估计量分配给相应单元流域实现流域产流分单元修正.将构建的方法应用于大坡岭流域和七里街流域进行新安江模型产流修正,比较分析了流域产流分单元修正、流域面平均产流修正和自回归修正的效果.结果表明:流域产流分单元修正效果优于流域面平均产流修正;随着预见期的增大,产流微分响应修正效果优于自回归修正.该方法通过汇流系统将流域出口断面流量信息进行分解用于修正各单元流域产流,有利于提高实时洪水预报精度.  相似文献   

东江流域典型子流域土地利用/覆被变化对地表径流影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杨宏伟  许崇育 《湖泊科学》2011,23(6):991-996
应用SWAT模型对东江上中下游典型流域的地表径流进行模拟,采用1977 - 1981年和1996-2000年胜前、顺天和九州三个出口控制站逐月实测径流资料进行模型校准和验证,确定模型的敏感性参数,采用相关系数R2和Nash-Suttclife模型效率系数ENS,对SWAT模型模拟结果进行评价,结果显示模拟精度较高,R2...  相似文献   

Hydrological models have long been used to study the interactions between land, surface and groundwater systems, and to predict and manage water quantity and quality. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT), a widely used hydrological model, can simulate various ecohydrological processes on land and subsequently route the water quality constituents through surface and subsurface waters. So far, in-stream solute transport algorithms of the SWAT model have only been minimally revised, even though it has been acknowledged that an improvement of in-stream process representation can contribute to better model performance with respect to water quality. In this study, we aim to incorporate a new and improved solute transport model into the SWAT model framework. The new process-based model was developed using in-stream process equations from two well established models—the One-dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage model and the Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model. The modified SWAT model (Mir-SWAT) was tested for water quality predictions in a study watershed in Germany. Compared to the standard SWAT model, Mir-SWAT improved dissolved oxygen (DO) predictions by removing extreme low values of DO (<6 mg/L) simulated by SWAT. Phosphate concentration peaks were reduced during high flows and a better match of daily predicted and measured values was attained using the Mir-SWAT model (R2 = 0.17, NSE = −0.65, RSR = 1.29 with SWAT; R2 = 0.28, NSE = −0.04, RSR = 1.02 with Mir-SWAT). In addition, Mir-SWAT performed better than the SWAT model in terms of Chlorophyll-a content particularly during winter months, improving the NSE and RSR for monthly average Chl-a by 74 and 42%, respectively. With the new model improvements, we aim to increase confidence in the stream solute transport component of the model, improve the understanding of nutrient dynamics in the stream, and to extend the applicability of SWAT for reach-scale analysis and management.  相似文献   

The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) has been widely used and thoroughly tested in many places in the world. The application of the SWAT model has pointed out that 2 of the major weaknesses of SWAT are related to the nonspatial reference of the hydrologic response unit concept and to the simplified groundwater concept, which contribute to its low performance in baseflow simulation and its inability to simulate regional groundwater flow. This study modified the groundwater module of SWAT to overcome the above limitations. The modified groundwater module has 2 aquifers. The local aquifer, which is the shallow aquifer in the original SWAT, represents a local groundwater flow system. The regional aquifer, which replaces the deep aquifer of the original SWAT, represents intermediate and regional groundwater flow systems. Groundwater recharge is partitioned into local and regional aquifer recharges. The regional aquifer is represented by a multicell aquifer (MCA) model. The regional aquifer is discretized into cells using the Thiessen polygon method, where centres of the cells are locations of groundwater observation wells. Groundwater flow between cells is modelled using Darcy's law. Return flow from cell to stream is conceptualized using a non‐linear storage–discharge relationship. The SWAT model with the modified aquifer module, the so‐called SWAT‐MCA, was tested in 2 basins (Wipperau and Neetze) with porous aquifers in a lowland area in Lower Saxony, Germany. Results from the Wipperau basin show that the SWAT‐MCA model is able (a) to simulate baseflow in a lowland area (where baseflow is a dominant source of streamflow) better than the original model and (b) to simulate regional groundwater flow, shown by the simulated groundwater levels in cells, quite well.  相似文献   

利用GIS定量评价太湖流域的非点源污染   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
崔广柏  扎黑尔  罗建 《湖泊科学》2003,15(3):236-244
利用流域地图和地理信息系统(Arcview)软件评估的不同土地利用状况下的基本污染负荷,以太湖流域的子流域——锡山流域为例定量评价了流域的非点源污染. 本文包括根据流域面积和污染物平均浓度模拟流域污染负荷,进而在设施流域最优管理措施的情况下评价非点源污染. 最优管理措施提供最有效的、最实用、最大成本效益的步骤减少流域的非点源污染. 结合流域边界和土地利用资料、营养物的平均浓度、及点源负荷资料,利用WATERSHEDS 3.0 软件的扩展的PLOAD GIS模型评价了非点源污染,并利用表格和图形对模型的模拟结果进行了评估.  相似文献   

Leave Area Index (LAI) is one of the most basic parameters to describe the geometric structure of plant canopies. It is also important input data for climatic model and interaction model between Earth surface and atmosphere, and some other things. The spatial scaling of retrieved LAI has been widely studied in recent years. Based on the new canopy reflectance model, the mechanism of the scaling effect of continuous canopy Leaf Area Index is studied, and the scaling transform formula among different scales is found. Both the numerical simulation and the field validation show that the scale transform formula is reliable. Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB714402) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40401036, 40734025 and 40401036)  相似文献   

Temporally weighted average curve number method for daily runoff simulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nam Won Kim  Jeongwoo Lee 《水文研究》2008,22(25):4936-4948
The modified Soil Conservation Service curve number (CN) method is widely used in long‐term continuous models to predict daily surface runoff. However, it has been shown that this method gives poor results in reproducing peak flows in high rainfall periods. This is because there is an inaccuracy stemming from the model algorithm as it adjusts the daily runoff curve number as a function of soil moisture content at the end of the previous day. This paper proposes an alternative daily based curve number technique that can provide better prediction of daily runoff during the high flow season. The proposed method uses the temporally weighted average curve number (TWA‐CN) to estimate daily surface runoff, while considering the effect of rainfall during a given day as well as the antecedent soil moisture condition. To test the applicability of the TWA‐CN method, it was incorporated with the long‐term, continuous simulation watershed models SWAT and SWAT‐G. Simulations were conducted for the Miho River watershed located in the middle of South Korea. The graphical displays and statistics of the determination coefficient (R2) and the Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) of the observed and simulated daily runoff indicated that the modified SWAT with the TWA‐CN method may provide better runoff prediction (R2 = 0·837, NSE = 0·833) than the original SWAT (R2 = 0·815, NSE = 0·824). Likewise, the determination coefficient (R2 = 0·816) and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE = 0·834) for the modified SWAT‐G are also higher than the original version (R2 = 0·782, NSE = 0·825). It is expected that the improved capability in predicting surface runoff using the suggested CN estimate method will provide a sound contribution to the accurate simulations of water yield. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vegetation dynamics and hydrological processes are major components of terrestrial ecosystems, and they interact strongly with each other. Studies of hydrological responses to vegetation dynamics are usually conducted on a long-term scale, whereas the hydrological responses within a single year have rarely been studied. In the present study, Poyang Lake runoff (PYL-R) model, a new hydrological model coupled with leaf area index (LAI) remote sensing products, was established and applied to simulate the runoff process in the Poyang Lake Watershed. The simulation results obtained in three sub-watersheds of the Poyang Lake Watershed (Ganjiang Watershed, Xinjiang Watershed, and Fuhe Watershed) agreed well with the observations (Nash efficiency coefficient values and R values exceeded 0.6 and 0.9, respectively). The PYL-R experiment (PYL-R-E) model was designed as a contrast model without considering the impact of LAI. The simulated monthly runoff results obtained using the PYL-R and PYL-R-E models were compared, and the within-year changes in the differences between the two results were analysed to evaluate and quantify the impact of vegetation dynamic on runoff. From January to July, when LAI values increased by around 2.6 m2 m−2, monthly runoff depth differences between PYL-R and PYL-R-E results increased by 35.25, 27.98, and 29.14 mm in the Ganjiang, Xinjiang, and Fuhe watersheds, respectively. Dense vegetation caused high interception and evapotranspiration during summer, which largely reduced runoff. By contrast, during winter, the effect of vegetation was weaker on runoff process whereas the impacts of other factors (e.g., precipitation) were higher. The sensitivity of monthly runoff to vegetation dynamics varied greatly throughout the whole year. In particular, during August and September, the LAI-caused runoff changes were very high, accounting for 28–42% of monthly runoff in the sub-watersheds. Our findings clarify the effects of changes in vegetation on hydrological processes over short time scales, thereby providing insights into the effects of scale on eco-hydrological processes.  相似文献   


Intermittent rivers have a specific hydrological behaviour which also influences water quality dynamics. The objective of this work was to model the flow and water quality dynamics of a coastal Mediterranean intermittent river using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT 2005). Flow, sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus transport were simulated on the Vène experimental catchment, France. The model was sequentially calibrated at sub-catchment scale and validated both at sub-catchment and catchment scales. A procedure for building the data records for the point sources is presented. The results indicate that, while the model produces good results for flow simulation, its performance for sediment transport is less satisfactory. This in turn impacts on the nutrient transport module. The reasons behind these shortcomings are analysed, taking into account the length of the data records, their distribution and the equations used in the SWAT model. The need for a thorough multi-objective model validation is illustrated.

Citation Chahinian, N., Tournoud, M.-G., Perrin, J.-L. & Picot, B. (2011) Flow and nutrient transport in intermittent rivers: a modelling case-study on the Vène River using SWAT 2005. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(2), 268–287.  相似文献   

Water resource scarcity and uneven distribution are 2 major environmental issues in China today. Forest structure is a dominant factor that influences hydrological processes, but the specific interactions remain uncertain due to the predominant use of individual or 1‐dimensional forest structure metrics in previous studies. In this study, forest structures in 8 run‐off plots on Mount Miaofeng in north China were parameterized by metrics of different dimensionalities. The relation between canopy interception and forest structure, shrub/litter interception, and forest structure as well as run‐off and forest structure were analysed by regression method and validated by leave‐one‐out cross test. The results showed that canopy interception rates ranged from less than 0.10 all the way to 0.80, affected by forest structure and precipitation, with interception rate decreasing logarithmically as precipitation increased. Forests with a larger canopy area (CA), leaf area index (LAI), and higher average height (H) had a narrow range of canopy interception rates, and forest with larger value of diameters at breath height (DBH), H, LAI, vertical heterogeneity coefficient (T), and structure complexity index (SCI) had higher interception rates. Forests with higher value of DBH, H, and horizontal heterogeneity coefficient (R) had higher shrub/litter interception rates on the forest floor. The run‐off coefficient was only significantly associated with LAI, T, and SCI. The validation test indicated that regression analysis of canopy interception rates and shrub interception are reliable and SCI is a key factor to influence the run‐off coefficient. However, the regression results of litter interception have a relatively large error. According to the results, to reduce the risks of the landslides and floods, forest managers should complicate the canopy and preserve trees with thicker stems and larger canopies. By contrast, to obtain more water resource from run‐off in arid regions, forest managers should harvest trees with large canopies and construct complex vertical structures by intermediate cutting.  相似文献   

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