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The strong earthquakes in western Yunnan area, mainly occur along great interplate strike-slip faults and have a dominant depth-layer about 10–20 km; the seismic rupture is characterized by strike-slip rupture. Considering the Yunnan lithospheric structure and dynamic background, we think that earthquakes occurring at this area might have such a kind of nucleation process: because of the multi-layers and heterogeneities of lithospheric structure, a zone of concentrated shear strain or of slip might be formed at the moderate or deep portions of lithosphere, and spread upward along faulting boundary, toward the earth’s surface under the background field of tectonic movement of lithospheric plates. The slip front will encounter the maximum shear resistance zone on the fault surface in this process, be barried and blocked, and form a seismic gap. With the increase of tectonic load, this slip zone will continuously spread forward, traverse and lead to instable crack of the whole blocked zone, and cause a great earthquake. We have derived an approximate integral equation describing this seismic process; the numerical results show that the model has an instable nonlinear accelerating evolution period which might have important significance for the generation of earthquake precursors.  相似文献   

新疆及周缘构造破裂特征及地震序列类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
横亘新疆境内的天山及其周边的西昆仑、阿尔金和阿尔泰是中国大陆著名的强构造运动区和地震活动带。在对新疆构造区应力环境、动力过程、断层运动变形特征和地震序列分析讨论的基础上,对新疆及其周缘主要构造区地震破裂方式和序列类型进行研究,得出如下结论:(1)西昆仑构造区受来自青藏块体和塔里木块体NS和NW向水平压应力和垂向力的作用,构造运动呈现出走滑与逆冲特征,震源破裂以走滑型为主,数量较少的逆断型地震主要分布在西昆仑帕米尔一侧的深震挤压区,正断型地震主要出现在西昆仑与阿尔金交汇的拉张盆地及附近。该区主余型地震占63%,6级以上地震序列也存在多震类型。(2)阿尔金断裂带位于西昆仑北缘断裂和北祁连断裂过渡带,受青藏块体向北和向西的推挤,断裂本身的左旋位移量通过两端逆冲挤压而转化,使得青藏高原北边界不断向外扩展。在此力源下,阿尔金断裂带震源破裂以走滑为主,也有少量的逆冲型地震。地震序列中主余型和孤立型地震占比相同(占44%)。(3)在印度板块和亚欧大陆碰撞效应影响下,天山地区产生近NNE向水平压应力,构造运动显现出带旋性特征的逆冲和走滑,震源破裂方式与之相吻合。而天山构造大跨度的空间展布、扩展形式的多样性和地震破裂的两重性,又影响到地震序列类型的多样性,使得主余型、孤立型和多震型地震在不同构造部位呈现优势分布。(4)阿尔泰的构造运动可能受到了来自印度板块与亚欧板块碰撞的远程效应和西伯利亚块体南向运动的双向影响,形成NNE和SW向水平挤压力,主要大型发震断裂做右旋剪扭错动,而一些深断裂则以逆冲运动为主。震源破裂呈现出走滑(占64%)和部分的逆冲(占27%),6级以上地震序列主要为主余型,5级左右地震则多为孤立型。  相似文献   

2020年6月26日新疆于田西昆仑地区发生MS6.4地震, 这是继2008年MS7.3和2014年MS7.3两次于田地震后发生的又一次强震。 判定此次地震的发震构造是进行地震解剖需要解决的一个基本问题。 本文基于GIS平台与技术, 对构造地质、 高分遥感、 地貌地形、 地震、 GPS速度场、 震源机制等各种资料进行整合, 通过跨学科资料的综合分析, 对地震相关的动力学、 运动学机制进行了研究, 对发震构造进行了初步的判定。 此次于田地震的发生可能是2014年强震破裂段进一步向西南方向破裂的结果。 地震精定位结果显示震中位于琼木孜塔格峰附近。 高分遥感解译及构造地貌变形分析的结果表明极震区是一个典型的张性盆岭构造区, 发育有小型的断陷盆地和正断性质的控盆断裂。 震后高分卫星影像表明在震区未发现明显的地表破裂带以及地震次生灾害。 此次地震可能是由西昆仑地块与松潘—甘孜地块之间NE向构造带内张性构造体系的活动而引发的。 由于构造带两侧地块的斜向拉张运动, 使得正断层、 走滑断层在构造带内先后形成并且持续地、 同步地活动。 正断比走滑更主要一些, 其分别能够很好地适应并吸收张性纯剪切分量以及横向简单剪切分量, 从而使得构造带内正断型、 走滑型地震频发, 此次于田MS6.4地震就是在这种背景下发生的。 构造区范围内的地壳自地表向深部可能存在着多层次的张性构造体系, 各个体系之间可能不具有明显的关联性。 本次地震可能与地表张性构造体系关系不大, 推断是深层次张性构造体系活动的结果。  相似文献   

The 10 January 2018 MW7.5 Swan island, Honduras earthquake occurred on the Swan island fault, which is a transform plate boundary between the North American and Caribbean plates. Here we back-project the rupture process of the earthquake using dense seismic stations in Alaska, and find that the earthquake ruptured at least three faults (three stages) for a duration of ~40 s. The rupture speed for the longest fault (stage 3) is as fast as 5 km/s, which is much faster than the local shear wave velocity of ~4 km/s. Supershear rupture was incidentally observed on long and straight strike-slip faults. This study shows a supershear rupture that occured on a strike-slip fault with moderate length, implying that supershear rupture might commonly occur on large strike-slip earthquakes. The common occurrence of supershear rupture on strike-slip earthquakes will challenge present understanding of crack physics, as well as strong ground motion evaluation in earthquake engineering.  相似文献   

Because of the viscoelastic behaviour of the earth, accumulation of elastic strain energy by tectonic loading and release of such energy by earthquake fault slips at subduction zones may take place on different spatial scales. If the lithospheric plate is acted upon by distant tectonic forces, strain accumulation must occur in a broad region. However, an earthquake releases strain only in a region comparable to the size of the rupture area. A two-dimensional finite-element model of a subduction zone with viscoelastic rheology has been used to investigate the coupling of tectonic loading and earthquake fault slips. A fault lock-and-unlock technique is employed so that the amount of fault slip in an earthquake is not prescribed, but determined by the accumulated stress. The amount of earthquake fault slip as a fraction of the total relative plate motion depends on the relative sizes of the earthquake rupture area and the region of tectonic strain accumulation, as well as the rheology of the rock material. The larger the region of strain accumulation is compared to the earthquake rupture, the smaller is the earthquake fault slip. The reason for the limited earthquake fault slip is that the elastic shear stress in the asthenosphere induced by the earthquake resists the elastic rebound of the overlying plate. Since rapid permanent plate shortening is not observed at subduction zones, there must be either strain release over a large region or strain accumulation over a small region over earthquake cycles. The former can be achieved only by significant aseismic fault slip between large subduction earthquakes. The most likely mechanism for the latter is the accumulation of elastic strain around isolated locked asperities of the fault, which requires significant aseismic fault slip between asperities.  相似文献   

IntroductionThecrustaltectonicmovementisacomplicatedevolutionprocesswithtimeandspace.Spatially,themovementofcrustaltectoniciscloselyrelatedtotheinter-movementandinteractionofmulti-leveledcrustalblocksinacertainregionandtheirborderfaults.Temporally,themovementiscloselyrelatedtothatofmulti-leveledcrustalblocksandtimesequencedevelopmentofinteraction.Anearthquakeoccurrenceistheresultofsuddenruptureofcrustmediaundertheactionoftectonicstressfield,isalsoacomplicatedprocessinnercrust.Duetotheobviousi…  相似文献   

In seismological literature, there exist two competing theories (the so-calledW model andL model) treating earthquake scaling relations between mean slip and rupture dimension and between seismic moment and rupture dimension. The core of arguments differentiating the two theories is whether the mean slip should scale with the rupture width or with the rupture length for large earthquakes. In this paper, we apply the elastic theory of dislocation to clarify the controversy. Several static dislocation models are used to simulate strike-slip earthquakes. Our results show that the mean slip scales linearly with the rupture width for small earthquakes with a rupture length smaller than the thickness of the seismogenic layer. However, for large earthquakes with a rupture length larger than the thickness of the seismogenic layer, our models show a more complicated scaling relation between mean slip and rupture dimension. When the rupture length is smaller than a cross-over length, the mean slip scales nearly linearly with the rupture length. When the rupture length is larger than a cross-over length, the mean slip approaches asymptotically a constant value and scales approximately with the rupture width. The cross-over length is a function of the rupture width and is about 75 km for earthquakes with a saturated rupture width of 15 km. We compare our theoretical predictions with observed source parameters of some large strike-slip earthquakes, and they match up well. Our results also suggest that when large earthquakes have a fixed aspect ratio of rupture length to rupture width (which seems to be the case for most subduction earthquakes) the mean slip scales with the rupture dimension in the same way as small earthquakes.  相似文献   

GPS初步结果揭示的中国大陆水平应变场与构造变形   总被引:56,自引:14,他引:56       下载免费PDF全文
根据中国大陆不同来源的多个GPS区域监测网1991~1999年间的观测资料和“中国地壳运动观测网络”基本网1998~2000年的观测资料,联合处理得到中国大陆地壳水平运动速度场结果,通过最小二乘配置法建立中国大陆水平运动速度场模型,获得了基于连续介质假设的中国大陆水平应变场(或称为视应变场)初步结果. 分析了水平运动、应变场空间分布特征及其与强震的关系,并简要分析了2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级大地震的区域构造变形背景. 结果表明:中国大陆中西部构造变形强烈,应变速率值高,又以青藏块体及其边缘和新疆西部最为显著. 除川滇、新疆西部外,大部分地区的近东西向断裂存在左旋剪切变形,近南北向的断裂存在右旋剪切变形. 而东部地区构造变形相对较弱. 强震通常发生在剪切应变率的高值区及其边缘,尤其是与构造变形背景相一致的剪应变率高值区. 昆仑山口西8.1级地震发生在最显著的东西向左旋剪切应变率高值区,从该区域的应变状态分析,具备近东西向断裂产生巨型走滑破裂错动的构造变形背景.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日在四川芦山发生了M S7.0地震,震源运动学反演结果给出了此次地震的破裂过程和同震滑动分布.为了更好地理解造成芦山地震破裂过程的力学原因,本文综合野外地质调查、余震定位、深地震反射剖面等结果,构建芦山地震铲型断层模型,以震源运动学反演结果为约束,将震源参数与震源附近的构造应力场结合,建立断层面上滑动量和牵引力的时空分布关系,通过试错法给定震源动力学计算参数模拟芦山地震破裂传播的可能情况,进而分析讨论不同动力学计算参数对芦山地震破裂过程和同震滑动分布的影响.结果显示,初始应力是决定断层是否发生错动的关键;临界滑动弱化位移D c对破裂滑动速率有着很大的影响;成核区半径和初始应力主要影响破裂成核的快慢;局部不均匀破裂强度主要影响破裂行为和断层最终滑动量分布.利用边界积分方程法可以有效计算芦山地震铲型断层模型的动力学破裂过程,再现此次地震的主要特征.通过探究动力学参数对破裂过程影响,可解释运动学反演结果所揭示的破裂特征的力学原因,对于深入了解地震震源过程的物理本质和预测未来可能发生的地震的主要特征有着重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

文中根据南北地震带中段及附近区域1973年以来86次5.0级以上的地震序列统计结果,对地震序列类型和空间分布进行分析,结果表明:1)研究区域内的地震序列以主余型为主(51%),多震型次之(29%),孤立型最少(20%);同一序列类型中,随着地震震级增大,主余型地震所占的比例增加,多震型、孤立型逐渐减少,7.0级以上地震以主余型为主,无孤立型地震;对于不同破裂类型,逆冲型地震中主余型最多,多震型地震更可能为走滑和正断性质的地震。2)主余型和多震型地震序列的主震与最大余震震级的线性关系相对较好;绝大多数地震的最大余震多发生在震后20d内,主余型最大余震集中在震后3d内发生,多震型地震中次大地震集中在震后12d内发生,孤立型地震的最大余震多发生在地震当天。3)地震序列空间分布显示,主余型地震分布相对较广,多震型地震主要集中在川西巴塘—理塘、川东马边—昭通一带、川北松潘和滇西北云龙、姚安、龙陵及附近区域,甘孜-玉树断裂带、鲜水河断裂带NW段及四川盆地等地更易发生孤立型地震。4)地震序列类型的空间分布可能与本区域的地质构造和历史地震活动存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

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