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碳酸盐岩储集层已成为世界石油新发现储量的重要组成部分,识别该类储层对地震数据的信噪比、分辨率以及成像精度提出了更高的要求.本文从地震低频信号缺失的问题出发,首先研究了低频信号缺失对子波、合成地震记录和波阻抗反演的影响,其次分析了深层碳酸盐岩裂缝储层中弱信号低频缺失的特征.针对低频信号缺失问题,本文利用压缩感知理论,并结合反射系数的稀疏特性,提出了自适应计算L1范数权重因子的方法,同时构建了改进的宽带俞式低通整形滤波器,在不影响地震高频信号的同时对地震弱信号进行低频补偿.结果表明,缺失低频信号,会使子波旁瓣变大,合成记录出现假同相轴,厚层波阻抗反演畸变,深层碳酸盐岩裂缝储层弱信号难以识别;而本文方法有效地补偿了深层碳酸盐岩裂缝储层弱信号10Hz以下的频率成分,使得波组反射特征更加清晰,深层弱信号成像质量得到改善,为进一步有效识别深层碳酸盐岩裂缝储层建立了基础.  相似文献   

高速屏蔽层下广角地震波场分析及成像方法   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
在高速玄武岩屏蔽区进行勘探存在一定困难,本文以我国南 方典型靶区为例,提出了解决问题的方法. 首先从理论上探讨了广角地震信号存在的条件以 及在应用过程中所面临的问题. 利用正演理论模型分析了广角地震信号的运动学特征以及噪 声对广角反射的影响. 利用物理模型对广角地震的动力学特征、波场特征及动校拉伸现象进 行了分析. 在上述基础上,对广角地震数据作了精细处理,完成了玄武岩下的地震成像.  相似文献   

模型正演技术在兴城地区叠前深度偏移中的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
松辽盆地徐家围子断陷兴城地区火山岩埋藏较深,断层发育且倾角较大,构造极其复杂,常规时间域成像效果较差,且火山岩屏蔽作用明显影响到下伏地层成像精度,对构造解释造成了一定影响.针对这一问题,采用波动方程正演模拟技术,建立反映该区实际复杂构造的模型,进行正演模拟,然后将模拟的炮集记录进行常规处理和叠前偏移处理,重点是叠前深度偏移处理.模拟结果表明,将模型正演技术应用到实际地震资料的处理中,有助于指导实际地震资料中速度-深度模型的建立,并且对于提高复杂构造的成像质量具有非常重要的作用,而且有利于下一步验证构造解释方案是否合理.  相似文献   

油气勘探需要重新开发玄武岩下目的层的成像技术。我们今天遇到的最重要的问题之一是玄武岩下地震成像。近年来,由于利用长炮检距这个问题部分已经得到解决。然而,由于地表以及玄武岩的内部非均质性引起的复杂波形,近炮检距的资料仍然不能充分地被利用。影响玄武岩下成像的近垂直入射资料对于了解玄武岩层内部结构是十分有用的。对比较均匀的玄武岩目标层可选用转换波。这里我们利用几个合成模型例子重点描述了更接近现实的非均质玄武岩流引起的实际困难。模拟计算了全波地震记录以有助于了解玄武岩内沉积物对地震资料的影响。本文介绍了印度德干圈闭的一个研究实例。首先探讨了夹层沉积物对整个地震成像的影响。其次利用该区声测井资料以反射系数法计算全波场响应与实际地震资料对比, 通过一系列速度-深度剖面探讨了利用模式转换波(顶底玄武岩界面上的P波转化为S波或相反)对印度库奇地区玄武岩下成像的可行性。通过与野外资料相比较证明玄武岩中多个薄层的效应严重恶化我们所要解释和利用的图象的质量。  相似文献   

南海深水区某盆地受复杂地质条件与崎岖海底等因素的影响,地震资料信噪比低,中深层成像差.经多次重处理后,盆地内大部分地区基底成像依旧不理想,严重制约了该区勘探研究工作的深入.有效恢复地震反射信号的能量和频率信息,提高叠前资料的信噪比是改善中深层成像的基础.针对该盆地中深层成像问题,研究了两项新技术:(1)基于自动寻优的鬼波压制技术;(2)基于高速倾角预测的seislet变换去噪技术——恢复了中深层低频信息,有效提高了中深层信噪比.实际地震资料应用效果表明:在目前常规深水资料处理流程中加入两项针对性的新技术后,该盆地地震资料中深层的成像质量得到了显著改善,特别是基底成像更加清晰、连续,为盆地区域研究与目标评价工作提供了可靠保障.  相似文献   

三峡地区上地壳结构的远震虚震源反射地震成像   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
远震虚震源反射成像方法利用远震初至波在台网之下地表与地下界面间形成的反射波(PPdp震相)波形资料进行台网地区地震反射结构研究.此方法先用台网各台站的平均初至波形求取震源信号,再用该震源信号与各道地震记录作反褶积从而取得反射剖面.本文介绍了远震虚震源反射成像的基本原理和实现步骤,并以三峡地区的观测资料为例,得到三峡库首区上地壳的反射地震剖面.成像剖面中解释出的四川盆地和秭归盆地的底界面位置和形态与地表地质观测和大地构造背景吻合.为验证虚震源成像的能力,本文使用弹性波正演模拟合成地震数据,经过处理实际资料一样的步骤获得虚震源成像结果.正演模拟表明,叠加多个远震的反射地震剖面可以有效地改善成像的信噪比和连续性;虚震源成像需要选择特定的震源频率范围,以减轻高频噪音以及低频造成的成像问题.在研究上地壳结构时,建议在不适合主动源采集和缺乏低频信号的地区尝试远震虚震源方法.  相似文献   

高铁地震信号由高速行驶的高铁列车与铁轨挤压形变后产生,具有频带宽、低频强、重复性好等优点.如何利用高铁地震信号进行地下介质重构,尚处于前期探索阶段.全波形反演建模技术是目前地球物理领域建模精度较高的方法之一,但其需要低频数据才能保证结果的稳定收敛,因此利用全波形反演对高铁地震信号进行近地表建模及属性变化监测和灾害预警具有独特优势.本文通过对高铁地震信号的分析,研究了高铁地震的理论震源信号和基于桥墩的离散震源信号,并通过模型测试实现了利用高铁地震信号的全波形反演建模及属性变化监测.  相似文献   

基于常规地震干涉法和地震超越干涉法,提出了SI和BSI的结合方法SIBSI,即在SI被动源低频信息提取的基础上,重构主动源BSI地震数据,并利用BSI进行格林函数重构和面向目标的Marchenko成像.研究了基于频率优势的主动源低频重构方法,在完整保留了主动源信号高频信息的基础上,有效重构了低频信息,拓宽了地震数据的频带范围.讨论了含有自由表面多次波的地震数据在Marchenko成像中应用的方法.设计了一个含有高阻抗地层的模型,在该模型上使用SI低频信息重构BSI主动源地震数据,最后与纯主动源地震数据的格林函数重构和Marchenko成像进行了对比,证明了本文所提出方法的有效性、抗噪性以及在提高成像效果中的优势.  相似文献   

地震数据低频信号在地震勘探中有重要意义,低频信号能够提高分辨率与成像精度、改善反演质量,甚至用于油气检测,需对其进行有效保护与拓展.本文从地震数据中已存在低频的保护和缺失低频的拓展两方面出发,提出了基于图像特征转换的SVD自适应面波减去方法和基于压缩感知理论的低频拓展方法.经理论分析及实际资料验证,基于图像特征转换的SVD自适应面波减去方法能在降低对数据中低频信号损伤情况下有效压制面波,实现对有效低频信号的保护;基于压缩感知理论的低频拓展方法能够对损失掉的低频信号进行有效拓展,提高地震数据品质.在地震资料处理过程中应用低频信号的保护与拓展方法,能够为后续的全波形反演、叠前反演及精细解释工作提供包含丰富低频信号的数据体.  相似文献   

南黄海中部隆起带中、古生界地层具有良好的油气勘探潜力.但是,由于该区处于水深10~100 m的浅水环境,地震记录上多次波十分发育;且上覆新生界低速地层与下伏中、古生界高速地层速度反差可达2~3倍,形成了地震波能量屏蔽界面,下伏地层反射波能量弱,严重影响了地震反射波速度建模质量.而新生界地层与下伏中、古生界地层之间的速度大反差界面在地震记录上产生了稳定的、易于拾取的折射波,因此,我们将改进的散射积分走时层析成像方法结合多偏移距反演策略应用到南黄海中部隆起带折射波速度建模中.结果表明,折射波层析成像可重建2.5~3.0 km深度的高质量速度模型.对比该速度模型与叠加速度转换得到的速度模型逆时偏移成像的结果,发现用折射波速度模型偏移的地震剖面揭示中生界盆地轮廓、内部构造和断层更清晰,地震同相轴连续性强,且古生界陡倾角地层成像质量也显著提高.证明折射波走时层析成像在南黄海中部隆起带速度建模中是有效的,为南黄海浅、中层地震速度建模提供了一种可靠的解决方案.  相似文献   

基于中国地震科学探测台阵在鄂尔多斯及周边地区布设的461个地震台为期2年的地震观测资料,采用背景噪声层析成像方法,研究获得了鄂尔多斯及周边地区5—46 s周期、分辨率高达0.3°×0.3°的瑞雷面波相速度分布图像。与基于程函方程的地震面波成像结果对比看出,噪声层析成像在较短周期具有明显的优势(5—16 s),可以获得更高分辨率的成像结果。短周期(5—10 s)的相速度分布揭示,河套盆地、太原盆地和运城盆地等均表现为显著的低速异常,表明这些盆地的新生代沉积较厚,临汾盆地为弱低速异常,推测其沉积层相对较薄;鄂尔多斯地块内部浅层速度较低,与该地区中生代具有较厚的沉积相一致;大同火山区为高速异常,可能是由该地区分布的新生代玄武岩引起的。鄂尔多斯内部中上地壳存在明显的北东向高速异常带,推测很可能与鄂尔多斯地块的基底拼合有关。中长周期(20—44 s)的相速度成像结果显示,鄂尔多斯地块表现为明显的高速异常,该异常在灵石隆起和临汾盆地一带可向东延伸至太行山造山带,推测这一地区在华北克拉通破坏过程中属于破坏较轻的地区,保留了部分高速的岩石圈根。大同火山区及河套盆地地区具有明显的低速异常,随着周期的增加低速异常逐渐集中分布在大同火山区附近,推测河套盆地深部热作用可能源自其东部大同火山区附近的深部地幔。   相似文献   

In many areas of the world, the presence of shallow high velocity, highly heterogeneous layers complicate seismic imaging of deeper reflectors. Of particular economic interest are areas where potentially hydrocarbon-bearing strata are obscured by layers of basalt. Basalt layers are highly reflective and heterogeneous. Using reflection seismic, top basalt is typified by a high-amplitude, coherent reflector with poor resolution of reflectors below the basalt, and even bottom basalt. Here, we present a new approach to the imaging problem using the pattern recognition abilities of a back-propagation Artificial Neural Network (ANN). ANNs are computational systems that attempt to mimic natural biological neural networks. They have the ability to recognize patterns and develop their own generalizations about a given data set. Back-propagation neural networks are trained on data sets for which the solution is known and tested on the data that are not previously presented to the ANN in order to validate the network result. We show that Artificial Neural Networks, due to their pattern recognition capabilities, can invert the medium statistics based on the seismic character. We produce statistically defined models involving a basalt analogous layer, and calculate full wavefield finite difference synthetic seismograms. We vary basalt layer thickness and source frequency to generate a synthetic model that produces seismic that is similar to real sub-basalt seismic, i.e. high amplitude top basalt reflector and the absence of base basalt and sub-basalt events. Using synthetic shot gathers, generated in a synthetic representation of the sub-basalt case, we can invert the velocity medium standard deviation by using an ANN. By inverting the velocity medium standard deviation, we successfully identified the transition from basalt to sub-basalt on the synthetic shot gathers. We also show that ANNs are capable of identifying the basalt to sub-basalt transition in the presence of incoherent noise. This is important for any future applications of this technique to the real-world seismic data, as this data is never completely noise-free. There is always a certain level of residual (noise remaining after initial noise filtering) environmental/ambient noise present on the recorded seismics, hence, neural network training with noise-free synthetic seismic is less than optimal.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon exploration interests have renewed the need for developing new sub basalt imaging techniques. One of the most important problems encountered today is seismic imaging below basalt. In recent years, this problem appears to have been overcome partly by using long offset seismic data. However near offset data are yet to be fully utilised due to the complex waveform caused by the surface as well as internal heterogeneity of the basalts. The near normal incidence data, which influence the sub-basalt imaging, are highly useful to understand the internal structure within a basalt layer. The use of converted waves for such targets has been proposed as an alternative in a rather homogeneous basalt layer. With a few synthetic modelling exercises here we highlight the practical difficulties in dealing with more realistic and heterogeneous basalt flow. Full waveform seismograms are computed to understand the effects of intra-trappean sediments on the seismic data. A case study from the Deccan Traps of India is presented in this paper. First, we discuss the effects of intercalated sediments on the overall seismic image. Later, the sonic log data from the field are used to compute the full wave-field response using the reflectivity method and compared with the field data. The feasibility of using mode converted waves (P to S and vice-versa at the top and bottom basalt interfaces) for sub-basalt imaging in Kutch region is discussed through a series of velocity-depth profiles. By comparing with the field data we demonstrate that the effects of multiple thin layering within the basalt can strongly deteriorate the image we seek to interpret and exploit.  相似文献   

Introduction Head wave is one of the main phases of local seismic arrivals, and it is important in the study of the crustal structure and the physical characteristics of the transition-zone between the crust and the mantle. So far, the kinetic characteristics of head wave such as arrival time have been widely used, while the dynamic characteristics of head wave like amplitude were usually ignored al-though it includes more information of the structure. In this article, we shall investigate the…  相似文献   

垂向非均匀介质中首波特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
张坚  张海明  陈晓非 《地震学报》2002,24(6):559-568
利用合成理论地震图方法研究了存在高速层或低速层的地壳模型及壳-幔过渡带模型中首波等震相的动力学特征,指出首波的特征对于高速层的结构变化比较敏感.当高速层厚度与特征波长相比较小时,地震波的衍射现象明显,这种情况下高速层不能屏蔽在其下面一层的上界面传播的首波,且该首波震相的强度随高速层厚度或速度的增加而递减;当高速层厚度与特征波长相当时,高速层底面的反射波震相与首波震相到时接近,会因互相干涉而减弱;对于低速层,首波震相强度较弱且随低速层速度的减小而递减;在壳-幔间断处引入一定厚度和速度变化范围的过渡带,可以得到更加明显的视首波震相,强度随过渡带厚度或速度变化范围的增加而增大.   相似文献   

The problem of imaging sedimentary structure obscured by high-velocity layers, such as carbonate, basalt or salt, using conventional seismic techniques is well known. When this problem is encountered in offshore areas, marine electromagnetic data can provide valuable, alternative and complementary constraints on the structure. We concentrate on the use of marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) sounding in the frequency domain. The feasibility of mapping sub-basalt sedimentary structure using this technique is explored by means of modelling studies which mimic a type of survey which could readily be employed in practice. As a starting point the problem is addressed in terms of 1D resistivity structure. We show that sub-basalt sediments can be detected and their depth of burial quantified to within 200 m in the examples shown. The presence of small-scale inhomogeneities in the basalt (which cause much of the scattering in seismic data) is shown to have no appreciable effect on the ability of the CSEM data to detect the sediments. The modelling is then extended to 2.5 dimensions. Again the presence of sub-basalt sediments can be readily detected and their properties and geometry quantified, especially if the electromagnetic data are combined with constraints from complementary geophysical techniques.  相似文献   

Structural features of the typical continental paleorift in Panxiarea are revealed by seismic tomography. (1) In the profile along the minor axis of Panxi paleorift, we found alternating high and low-velocity strips existing at different depths in the crust, presenting itself as a "sandwich" structure. The existence of these high and low-velocity anomaly strips is related to the basal lithology in the rift area. (2) An addition layer with velocity values of 7.1-7.5 km/s and 7.8 km/s exists from the base of lower crust to uppermost mantle and its thickness is about 20 km. Some study results indicate that the addition layer results from the invasion of mantle material. (3) A lens-shaped high-velocity body surrounded by relatively low-velocity material is observed at depths of 110-160 km between Huaping and Huidong in the axis of the paleorift. This is the first time to discover it in the upper mantle of the paleorift. Based on the results of geology, petrology and geochemistry, we infer that the formation of the addition layer and the lens-shaped high-velocity body in the upper mantle are related to the deep geodynamic process of generation, development and termination of the rift. On the one hand, the upwelling of asthenosphere mantle caused partial melting, and then the basaltic magma from the partial melted material further resulted in underplating and formed the crustal addition layer. On the other hand, the high-density content of mineral facies was increased in the residual melted mass of intensely depleted upper mantle, formed by basalt withdrawing. The solid-melt medium in the depleted upper mantle was mainly an accumulation of garnet and peridotite because the heating effect of lithosphere was relatively weakened in the later riftogenesis, so that a lens-shaped high-density and high-velocity zone was produced in the upper mantle. The results indicate that the energy and material exchange between asthenosphere and lithosphere and remarkable underplating would have an important effect on the material state and propagation of seismic wave in the lower crust, crust-mantle interface, asthenosphere and lithosphere. This process possibly is an important mechanism on the growth of continental crust and the evolution of deep mantle.  相似文献   

Inferior reflection quality in the Gulf of Suez at the target depth interval is attributable in part to surficial multiple reflections. An excellent example of the latter is observed on a typical seismic line in the northern portion of the Gulf. An increase in prominence of the multiple reflections appears associated with decreasing depth to a dipping highvelocity layer. Inversion of a second-order polynomial time-distance function, fitted to the observed refraction onset time-distance values, gives the velocity-depth function for sediments between the water bottom and a high-velocity layer. Velocities thus determined increase non-linearly with depth from a value near water velocity at the water bottom. Depths to the high-velocity layer are obtained from the associated head-wave linear time-distance function and by ray tracing in the overlying sediments. As the high-velocity layer approaches the water bottom from sub-water depths exceeding 0.6 km to a depth of 56 m, intensity of the multiple reflections increases to the extent of completely dominating individual records to a time of at least 3 s. The estimated plane-wave normal-incident reflection coefficient at the top of the high-velocity layer increases with decreasing depth to this layer, approaching 0.5 at the shallowest depth. This strong reflection coefficient further substantiates the existence of multiple reflections between the high-velocity layer and water layer. However, existence of water-layer multiples cannot be ruled out. The estimated water-bottom reflection coefficient is approximately 0.3, a substantial value. Multiple reflections of considerably less intensity are apparent where the high-velocity layer is deepest, and it is likely that such are waterlayer multiple reflections. Unfortunately, water-layer multiple reflections and multiple reflections between the water surface and high-velocity layer cannot be separated by their coincidence with time-distance (normal moveout) curves, the configuration of each visibly matching the curves equally well.  相似文献   

We present a layer-stripping method of migration for irregularly layered media in which first-order velocity discontinuities separate regions of constant or smoothly varying velocity. We use the reverse-time method to migrate seismic data layer by layer, from the surface downwards. As part of the migration of a given layer, the bottom boundary of the layer is defined based on power in the migrated signal, and a seismic section is collected along it. This new section serves as the boundary condition for migration in the next layer. This procedure is repeated for each layer, with the final image formed from the individual layer images. Layer-stripping migration consists of three steps: (1) layer definition, (2) wavefield extrapolation and imaging, and (3) boundary determination. The migration scheme when used with reverse-time extrapolation is similar to datuming with an imaging condition. The reverse-time method uses an explicit fourth-order time, tenth-order space, finite-difference approximation to the scalar wave equation. The advantages of layer-stripping reverse-time migration are: (1) it preserves the benefits of the reverse-time method by handling strong velocity contrasts between layers and steeply dipping structures; (2) it reduces computer memory and saves computation time in high-velocity layers, and (3) it allows interpretational control of the image. Post-stack layer-stripping reverse-time migration is illustrated with a synthetic CMP data example. Prestack migration is illustrated with a synthetic data set and with a marine seismic reflection profile across the Santa Maria Basin and the Hosgri Fault in central California.  相似文献   

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