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唐山地区尾波Qc值研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
利用首都圈地震数字台网资料,计算了唐山地区不同尾波窗长的Qc值。尾波窗长为15~30s时,Qc(f)=53f1.1;尾波窗长为30~60s时,Qc(f)=256f0.8;尾波窗长为60~90s时,Qc(f)=304f0.72;尾波窗长为90~120s时,Qc(f)=2400.68。可以看出,同一地点的Q0值随尾波窗长的增加而增大,但尾波窗长为90~120s时,Q0反而减小。  相似文献   

基于单次散射模型,利用山东数字地震台网数字地震波形资料,计算了山东地区13个频段的Qc值.结果表明,在1.0-20Hz(短周期)或0.05-20Hz(宽频带)频率范围内,Qc值随频率的变化近似服从幂函数关系Qc=Q0fη,拟合得到山东地区尾波Qc值随频率的变化关系为Qc(f)=118.7±26.8f0.94±0.14,并且选取的流逝时间越长,即时间窗越靠后,Qc值一般也越大.  相似文献   

利用Sato单次散射模型,对黑龙江省大庆地区2002—2012年11个数字化测震台网记录的地震波形资料进行计算和分析。拟合尾波窗长60 s时尾波Qc值对频率的依赖关系,得到黑龙江大庆地区Qc值随频率的变化关系式为Qc=(24.57±6.05)f0.9937±0.0713。庆新台Q0值最高,朝阳沟台Q0值最低。研究区内地震台站表现为低Q0值,高η值,符合Q0值与频率的依赖关系,表明该地区地下介质非均匀程度高,构造活动强烈。  相似文献   

李琼  秦嘉政  钱晓东 《地震研究》2007,30(4):337-343
基于Aki和Chouet的地方震尾波单次散射模型,利用思茅台记录到的2007年云南宁洱6.4地震余震的数字化波形观测资料,测量了震源区尾波Qc(f)值。当中心频率为1.5Hz时,宁洱地区的尾波Qc值在51~147之间,平均值为79,尾波的振幅衰减率βc(f)在0.014~0.039之间,平均值为0.028;测量得到该地区尾波Qc值与频率f的关系为Qc(f)=53f0.88;尾波波源因子与震级成正比关系,满足关系lgA0=1.51ML-0.94;测量结果显示宁洱地震余震序列的尾波值Qc较低,表明宁洱震源区属于构造运动较为活跃区。  相似文献   

基于单次散射模型,利用山东数字地震台网数字地震波形资料,计算了山东地区13个频段的Qc值。结果表明,在1.0—20Hz(短周期)或0.05—20HIz(宽频带)频率范围内,Qc随频率的变化近似服从幂函数关系Qc^mQ0f^q,拟合得到山东地区尾波Qc值随频率的变化关系为Qc(f)=118.7±26.8f^0.94±0.14,并且选取的流逝时间越长,即时间窗越靠后,Q值一般也越大。  相似文献   

基于Sato单次散射模型,利用黑龙江省大庆数字化测震台网近场数字地震波形记录资料,分析计算2005年7月25日大庆林甸M5.1地震后地壳介质的尾波Qc值变化,拟合Qc值与频率之间的依赖关系,为Qc=36.58±8.67f(0.9787±0.0837)。对大庆地区2005年7月至2006年2月的余震序列尾波Qc值变化特征进行分析,结果表明,主震后该序列尾波Qc值发生显著变化。  相似文献   

利用磁县数字地震台记录到的近震波形资料,采用Aki尾波单次散射模型,计算1830年磁县7.5级大地震震源区50km范围内的尾波Qc值;经多地震拟合得出在尾波流逝时间为20s时,Qc=(70.2±29.3)f^(0.8054±0.1615);40s,时Qc=(96.6±25.3),f^(0.7772±0.1098)。结果表明,磁县震源区Q0值较低,震区地震波衰减比邢台、唐山震区快;η值表明Qc值对频率的依赖性弱于邢台和唐山震区。  相似文献   

基于Aki等(1975)的地方震尾波单次散射模型,利用文山地震台记录到2005年8月13日在云南文山县发生的5.3级地震余震序列的数字化波形观测资料,测量了震源区尾波Q(f)值。测量结果表明,当中心频率为1.5Hz时,文山地区的尾波Q值在52~155之间,平均值为91,尾波的振幅衰减率β(f)在0.013~0.039之间,平均值为0.024;测量得到该区尾波Qc值与频率f的关系为Qc(f)=62f^“0.87;尾波波源因子A0与震级ML成正比关系,满足关系lgA0=1.02ML-0.73。此次地震的发震构造为文山断裂带,地震波受到破碎带强烈的非弹性吸收,尾波Qc值明显降低。  相似文献   

采用Aki单次散射模型,用太原东山地震台记录到的ML2.0~5.0地震,计算得到Qc值随频率的变化结果。得出,随着尾波窗长增大,平均采样体深度增加,Q0值增大,η值减小。当尾波窗长取20 s时,Q0值为70.1,η值为1.03,是东山台附近地区最佳的研究结果。  相似文献   

浙江珊溪水库库区地震波衰减特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2002-2007年发生的珊溪水库地震事件是少震、弱震的浙江省区域显著的地震事件.搜集182次ML>2.0地震的近场台站数字地震波形,使用这些波形高信噪比的尾波时间域信号,根据计算尾波Qc(f)值的Sato模型,通过滤波及去除环境噪声,计算了地震波传播路径上的尾波Qc(f)值;拟合Qc(f)值与频率f之间的关系,分析了水库区域地震波衰减的时空特征.根据信噪比及计算要求,从近场9个台站的记录中挑选出641条三分向记录,计算尾波衰减参数,得到尾波Qc(f)与频率f的关系为:Qc(f)=52.19±7.11f0.9221±0.05.结果表明,本区域为低衰减区域.震群活动使区域介质对高频率波衰减趋势性增大.进一步对尾波衰减参数及尾波采样体之间的关系分析发现,该区域存在深部高衰减层.  相似文献   

—Numerical horizontal self-potential gradients obtained from self-potential data using filters of successive window lengths can be used to determine the depth and width of a 2-D plate. For a fixed window length the depth is determined iteratively using a simple formula for each half width value. The computed depths are plotted against the half width values representing a continuous window curve. The solution for the depth and the half width of the buried structure is read at the common intersection of the window curves. The method is applied to synthetic data with and without random errors.  相似文献   

选取了几种常见的小波母函数,分别提取了同一理论下的面波数据的群速度,并与理论群速度进行对比,结果表明Morlet小波提取面波群速度的效果最好.此外,将Morlet小波与常用的多重滤波提取群速度的结果进行了比较,结果表明: ① 多重滤波法非常依赖高斯滤波系数α的取值,α的取值应随面波周期的增大而减小;② 在α取值得当的前提下,在20—35 s周期范围内多重滤波法提取面波群速度的相对误差比Morlet小波小,在周期大于35 s时,两者相对误差相近; ③ 合适的α值的选取需在不同周期段耗费大量时间进行大量试验,这说明多重滤波法不具备自适应性;而采用小波变换分析短周期信号时,时间窗变窄,频率窗变长,当分析长周期信号时,时间窗变长,频率窗变窄,具有对信号的自适应性,这是小波变换相比多重滤波法的最大优点.   相似文献   

磁通门磁力仪的零位偏移量在卫星轨道上会因诸多因素而发生改变.为此,基于剪切阿尔芬波动不改变总磁场强度这一特征的Davis-Smith方法被提出用于计算磁力仪的零位补偿.实际上,行星际空间中没有纯粹的阿尔芬波动.本文采用数值模拟分析了存在小的压缩波动情况下,阿尔芬波动的幅度、周期和相位以及数据窗口时间长度等对Davis-Smith方法计算零位补偿的影响.我们发现,只有当阿尔芬波动的周期与压缩波动周期相同时,阿尔芬波动的性质会对零位补偿的计算产生不可忽视的误差.阿尔芬波动的幅度越大,零位补偿的误差越小.磁场各分量零位补偿的误差大小还会受到阿尔芬波动初始相位的影响.此外,数据窗口时间长度越长,则零位补偿误差趋于减小至真实值.  相似文献   

The estimation of carbon exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere suffers unavoidable data gaps in eddy-covariance technique, especially for short-living and fast-growing croplands. In this study we developed a modified gap-filling scheme introducing a leaf area index factor as the vegetation status information based on the conventional light response function for two East-Asian cropland sites (rice and potatoes). This scheme’s performance is comparable to the conventional time window scheme, but has the advantage when the gaps are large compared to the total length of the time series. To investigate how the time binning approach performs for fast-growing croplands, we tested different widths of the time window, showing that a four-day window for the potato field and an eight-day time window for the rice field perform the best. The insufficiency of the conventional temperature binning approach was explained as well as the influence of vapor pressure deficit. We found that vapor pressure deficit plays a minor role in both the potato and the rice fields under Asian monsoon weather conditions with the exception of the early pre-monsoon growing stage of the potatoes. Consequently, we recommend using the conventional time-window scheme together with our new leaf-light response function to fill data gaps of net ecosystem exchange in fast-growing croplands.  相似文献   

First arrival picking is a key factor which affects the precision of microseismic data analysis. Here, we propose a new method, which employs the maximum eigenvalue to constraint the Maeda-Akaike Information Criterion (Maeda-AIC) algorithm. First, aims at addressing the pick result affected by signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of microseismic data, maximum eigenvalue method based on polarization analysis is applied, and the maximum eigenvalue is calculated firstly, as for three component (3C) microseismic data, the maximum eigenvalue is calculated with corresponding covariance matrix, a time window need to be set in the process of building the covariance matrix, and it is the only time window set in the method proposed in this paper, so the method is called single window Maeda-AIC (SWM-AIC), to the single component (1C) microseismic data, the variance of the data is taken as the maximum eigenvalue. Then, to reduce the effect of time window and increase the automation of the algorithm, Maeda-AIC method which is a non-window-based first arrival picking method is applied. Maeda-AIC values in preliminary window are calculated, and the preliminary window is the sequence before the largest eigenvalue of the 3C or 1C data. We validate the developed method with both synthetic and field microseismic data, using a range of signal-to-noise ratios. The developed method is compared with some basic methods, specifically STA/LTA, Maeda-AIC, and the maximum eigenvalue method. The results demonstrate that the new method is much better at identifying first arrival times than basic methods when the data have a low signal-to-noise ratio, and is even faster than the STA/LTA method with 1C data. In contrast to other improved methods, threshold value is not required for this method, and the only time window used in this method is just for maximum eigenvalue calculation, through test in the paper, its length has almost no effect on the first arrival picking.  相似文献   

基于非因果滤波器的多次波匹配相减方法(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在常规多道匹配滤波方法中的滤波器是物理可实现的因果滤波器,只能实现地震信号序列延迟的滤波。本文提出了最小二乘意义下的非因果多道输入多道输出维纳滤波方法,通过比较多道匹配相减中因果和非因果滤波方法之间的差别,验证了方法的有效性,解决了模型数据滞后于实际数据的情况。而且,通过定义长度随偏移距和层速度变化的滑动时窗,解决了匹配时窗内同相轴数量随偏移距增大而增加的问题。并将上述方法应用到改进的扩展多道匹配相减去除多次波的方法中,利用Pluto1.5理论模拟数据,对非因果滤波器和变长度时窗的匹配相减方法进行测试,取得了很好的去除多次波后的地震数据。  相似文献   

目的:通过对肝门静脉、胃底静脉曲张及胃肾分流等的显示情况,评价能谱CT最佳单能量成像在胃底静脉曲张出血患者内镜术前的参考应用价值。方法:选取2016年9月至2021年1月期间收治的60例胃底静脉曲张出血患者,进行肝门静脉能谱CTA检查。比较最佳单能量、70keV及混合能量(QC)3组图像肝门静脉CT值、图像噪声(IN)、信噪比(SNR)、对比噪声比(CNR)及图像质量主观评分,将图像质量最佳组用于影像诊断。结果:最佳单能量、70keV、QC组肝门静脉平均CT值分别为273.12±25.48、168.70±20.16、164.92±20.74;IN分别为31.22±4.13、17.72±3.09、24.25±2.98;SNR分别为8.95±1.80、9.92±2.64、6.93±1.37;CNR分别为6.18±1.52、4.82±1.71、3.22±0.99;主观质量评分分别为4.57±0.63、3.10±0.98、2.47±0.93;除70keV、QC组肝门静脉平均CT值组间无统计学差异外,其余均有统计学差异;最佳单能量组图像质量最佳,并能清晰显示胃肾分流、胃底静脉曲张、肝门静脉血栓等征象。结论:肝门静脉能谱CT最佳单能量成像可优化图像质量,在胃底静脉曲张出血患者内镜术前具有较高的应用价值。   相似文献   

In this study, we present a particle batch smoother (PBS) to determine soil moisture profiles by assimilating soil temperatures at two depths (4 and 8 cm). The PBS can be considered as an extension of the standard particle filter (PF) in which soil moisture is updated within a window of fixed length using all observed soil temperatures in that window. This approach was developed with a view to assimilating temperature observations from distributed temperature sensing (DTS) observations, a technique which can provide temperature observations every meter or less along cables up to kilometers in length. Here, the PBS approach is tested using soil moisture and temperature, and meteorological data from an experimental site in Citra, Florida. Results demonstrate that the PBS provides a statistically significant improvement in estimated soil moisture compared to the PF, with only a marginal increase in computational expense ( < 3% of CPU time). This confirms that assimilating a sequence of temperature observations yields a better soil moisture estimate compared to sequential assimilation of individual temperature observations. The impact of observation interval was investigated for both PF and PBS, and the optimal window length was determined for the PBS. While increasing the observation interval is essential to maintain the spread of particle values in the PF, the PBS performance is best when all available observations are assimilated.  相似文献   

利用2004年8月16日——2008年5月11日双差精定位后的地震S波资料,采用衰减层析成像方法对紫坪铺水库区域地壳QS进行动态衰减成像,反演得到了该区的QS动态演化特征.以1个月为步长、1年为窗长,计算了紫坪铺水库地区不同大小区域按月滑动的平均QS值,统计了不同震级范围按月滑动的地震频次,并分别与水位进行了对比分析.研究结果表明,水位首次快速加载后,紫坪铺水库低QS值区域范围扩大,QS值下降,水库西南区、东北区、库区中段、东北岸QS值的变化较为明显.紫坪铺水库不同大小区域按月滑动的平均QS值随蓄水时间的增加、水位的升高而减小,库区中段QS值下降最为剧烈.水库蓄水增强了该区的地震活动性,对ML0.0——2.0的小震活动影响较为显著.   相似文献   

Seismic coda wave attenuation ( $ Q_{\text{c}}^{ - 1} $ ) characteristics in the Garhwal region, northwestern Himalaya is studied using 113 short-period, vertical component seismic observations from local events with hypocentral distance less than 250?km and magnitude range between 1.0 to 4.0. They are located mainly in the vicinity of the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Central Thrust (MCT), which are well-defined tectonic discontinuities in the Himalayas. Coda wave attenuation ( $ Q_{\text{c}}^{ - 1} $ ) is estimated using the single isotropic scattering method at central frequencies 1.5, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 28?Hz using several starting lapse times and coda window lengths for the analysis. Results show that the ( $ Q_{\text{c}}^{ - 1} $ ) values are frequency dependent in the considered frequency range, and they fit the frequency power law ( $ Q_{\text{c}}^{ - 1} \left( f \right) = Q_{0}^{ - 1} f^{ - n} $ ). The Q 0 (Q c at 1?Hz) estimates vary from about 50 for a 10?s lapse time and 10?s window length, to about 350 for a 60?s lapse time and 60?s window length combination. The exponent of the frequency dependence law, n ranges from 1.2 to 0.7; however, it is greater than 0.8, in general, which correlates well with the values obtained in other seismically and tectonically active and highly heterogeneous regions. The attenuation in the Garhwal region is found to be lower than the Q c ?1 values obtained for other seismically active regions of the world; however, it is comparable to other regions of India. The spatial variation of coda attenuation indicates that the level of heterogeneity decreases with increasing depth. The variation of coda attenuation has been estimated for different lapse time and window length combinations to observe the effect with depth and it indicates that the upper lithosphere is more active seismically as compared to the lower lithosphere and the heterogeneity decreases with increasing depth.  相似文献   

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