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临潼-长安断裂带古地震及地震危险性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长安二中探槽是在地面地质调查、浅层地震和钻探的基础上开挖的,探槽中有丰富的砂土液化现象,根据液化砂脉的切割关系,判断有4次古地震事件的发生。根据探槽中地层没有明显错动和临潼-长安断裂带在晚更新世晚期和全新世早期活动较弱,以及历史上无6级以上地震活动记录的特点,本文认为4次古地震事件与临潼-长安断裂带无关,该断裂未来发生强震的危险性不大。  相似文献   

山西断陷系交城断裂全新世古地震活动初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
断错地貌调查及探槽开挖表明,晋中盆地西界分布的黄土台地的前、后缘均存在断层,断层的最新活动位于地表陡坎的前缘,地表见到的断层最新活动断面的上升盘是早全新世地层。同时,新民探槽开挖表明,该断裂在早全新世以后曾发生三次古地震事件,最新一次活动接近距今2748a,另两期古地震事件的时间分别距今4037~5910a及8360~5910a。如果取后两次古地震事件时间跨度的中值,这三次古地震事件的间隔分别是2225a和2162a,平均2193a。  相似文献   

“5·12”汶川地震形成了3条地表同震破裂带,前人以此为线索在龙门山中央断裂中段、前山断裂中段以及小鱼洞断裂开展了系列古地震探槽研究,在古地震识别、年代控制、活动特征和大地震原地复发周期等方面取得了较好成果,但前山断裂中段中北部的探槽因古地震遗迹破坏较严重或未保存而效果不太理想,为补充前山断裂中段的古地震探槽研究基础数据,笔者在该断裂中部的汉旺镇群新村、北部的雎水镇月儿门村一带的Ⅱ级河流阶地上开挖了2条探槽,并进行了古地震研究工作。结果显示:(1)“5·12”汶川地震导致的地表垂向位移量在汉旺镇群新村白溪河南西岸为1.4~1.5 m,在雎水镇月儿门村雎水河东岸约0.53~0.6 m;(2)汉旺镇群新村探槽揭示了包括“5·12”汶川地震在内的至少2次大地震事件,且2次事件的垂向位移量相当,而雎水镇月儿门村探槽仅揭示了“5·12”汶川地震事件;(3)根据AMS14C年龄测定结果,汉旺镇群新村探槽记录的前一次古地震事件应发生在2003±38 cal BP之前,与前人在擂鼓、映秀、小鱼洞、白鹿等地探槽记录的前一次古地震为同一事件,结合前人在地貌、古地震探槽方面的研究及历史...  相似文献   

前人在山西交城断裂带上开挖过多个探槽,揭露出全新世3次古地震事件,但其研究结果尚不能确定该断裂带全新世活动段的北部边界.近期在该断裂带北端和中段又开挖了3个大型探槽,其中在阳曲县泥屯盆地西界开挖的龙王沟探槽,是一个由多个探槽组合成的大探槽,该探槽揭示的地层断错信息,将交城断裂带全新世活动的范围向北延伸了20km.另外2个大型探槽分别为交城断裂带中段瓦窑沟东侧台地前缘的瓦窑探槽与市儿口沟西侧T1阶地前缘的新民探槽.这3个大探槽均揭示出全新世中期(14C测年值为距今5 ~ 6ka)的垆土和淤泥层,以及多组平行分布的断面,所揭示的全新世3次古地震事件具有断错事件活动的同步性,可与前人探槽揭示的全新世断层活动事件相对比.3次断错活动时间分别距今3.06 ~3.53ka、5.32ka左右或6.14ka左右、8.36ka左右;3次事件的时间间隔分别为2.02 ~ 2.84ka和2.22 ~ 3.04ka.这些断错事件的同震垂直位移为1.5~4.7m,显示了7级以上地表破裂型的强震活动.最后讨论了探槽中14C测年样品的影响因素.  相似文献   

大凉山断裂带是中国大陆大型强震断裂带鲜水河-小江断裂系的重要组成部分,其中段的普雄断裂是断裂带中最长的1条次级断裂。该次级断裂的古地震活动情况对评价该区域地震活动水平和建立地震灾害预防措施具有重要意义。近年开展的活动断层填图和古地震探槽研究表明普雄断裂是1条晚更新世以来活动强烈的略向W倾的高角度左旋走滑断层。沿断裂开挖的2个探槽分别揭露了2次和3次古地震事件,分别发生在8206 BC—1172 AD、1084—1549 AD和17434—7557BC、1577—959 BC、927—1360 AD。结合探槽古地震结果和历史地震记载,进行建模分析得到断裂的离逝时间约为0.7ka,与距今倒数第2次事件的时间间隔约为2.3ka。同时,根据震级与地表破裂长度的经验公式估算古地震事件震级在7级以上。  相似文献   

断错地貌调查和探槽开挖是获取活动断裂多期活动重要的线索.介绍了龙门山中央断裂带北川县城及平武县平通镇的断层沟槽调查及龙门山前山断裂带绵竹县汉旺镇台地前缘探槽开挖获得的认识.调查结果表明,北川断层沟槽包括汶川地震在内至少存在3次断层活动事件;平通断层沟槽包括汶川地震在内至少存在两次以上断层活动事件;汉旺探槽揭示了2-3次古地震事件.在上述3个地点中,北川断层沟槽和汉旺探槽在汶川地震前的一次强震时间接近,分别为大于5.8ka和小于6.63ka,接近为6ka.由此也获取了在汶川地震前龙门山活动断裂带的一次强震活动中,中央断裂带和前山断裂带同时活动的证据.  相似文献   

利用高分辨率的遥感资料,获得了拉脊山断裂带的几何学特征,通过野外调查和开挖探槽,对拉脊山断裂带上古地震进行了研究。认为拉脊山断裂在大河家地区逆冲活动造成黄河阶地上形成断层陡坎,在陡坎位置开挖探槽,揭露出了3 700 a.BP以来至少发生过2次中强以上古地震事件,并造成了黄河阶地变形,最晚一次古地震事件发生在(3 136±51)a.BP左右,估算断层全新世中晚期以来的滑动速率为0.51 mm/a。形成于3 650~2750 a.BP前后的喇家遗址位于该探槽剖面6.4 km处,因此得出拉脊山断裂带上强烈的古地震事件与喇家文化的毁灭存在密切的联系。该研究对认识拉脊山断裂带的地震危险性和确定形成喇家遗址的古地震证据具有重要的科学价值。  相似文献   

阿尔金北缘断裂带东段活断层的初步考查与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1984年,作者对阿尔金北缘断裂带东段(甘肃省境内部分)进行了以古地震为主要内容的活断层考查和研究。野外工作历时两个半月,共测量断层崖剖面33个,釆得~(14)C样品20个,并且开挖了探槽,在古地震、断层几何、断层活动方式、活动强度以及滑动速率等方面获得  相似文献   

山西交城断裂带多个大探槽全新世古地震活动对比研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
介绍了沿交城断裂带5个地点开挖探槽揭示的古地震情况.这5个大探槽分别沿交城断裂带北、中、南段分布,其中北段和中段各有2个地点,南段1个地点,探槽之间相距 11~35km.位于该断裂带北段和中段的4个探槽出露了断错全新世地层的断面,在这4个探槽中,位于断裂带北段的西张探槽和位于断裂带中段的新民探槽揭示的全新世3次古地震事件可进行对比,具有活动的同步性.由此显示交城断裂带的中段和北段在距今3 060~3 740a、接近5 910a及8 530~8 560a期间,曾发生3次有地表破裂的古地震事件.位于断裂带北段的冶峪探槽,由于探槽位于台地内冲沟右旋扭曲处,断错的最新地层的年代距今10 730a,其它断面断错晚更新世地层.位于断裂带中段的上固驿探槽地处洪积扇,断层带宽70m,断层走向N58°~74°E,断错的最新地层距今11 570a,揭示了NEE向田庄断层晚更新世时期的活动.位于断裂带南段窑头探槽所在的原始地形受到人工改造影响,探槽剖面揭示全新统覆盖在显示距今 3.0~3.5万年期间受到断裂活动影响的地层之上.交城断裂带5个地点的探槽开挖结果显示,该断裂带全新世时期的活动自南向北迁移.  相似文献   

四川大凉山断裂带古地震研究初步结果   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
沿四川大凉山断裂带的 4条次级断裂开挖了 4个探槽 ,共揭露出 9次古地震事件。根据探槽中年龄样品的测试结果 ,分析了各次事件的距今年龄及其重复间隔。其中 ,有 3个探槽共揭露出4次全新世以来的古地震事件。 9次古地震的垂直位移量在 0 5~ 1 5m之间 ,与鲜水河 -小江断裂带历史地震所产生的垂直位移量进行对比 ,估计它们的震级都在 7级以上  相似文献   

色尔腾山山前断裂得令山以东段属全新世活动断裂。距今约 30ka以来 ,断裂上升盘的平均抬升速率为 :大佘太段 0 19mm/a ,乌兰忽洞段 0 2 0mm/a。探槽揭露 ,大佘太段 ,约 32kaBP以来 ,发生过 4次古地震事件 ,事件发生时间依次为 (316 90± 1770 ) ,(2 30 0 0± 132 0 ) ,(15 42 0± 870 ) ,(74 40± 4 40 )aBP ,相应的位移量分别为 2 6 ,1 6 ,2 2 ,1 4m ;乌兰忽洞段 ,约 2 5kaBP以来 ,也发生过4次古地震事件 ,事件发生时间依次为 (2 5 130± 14 30 ) ,(14 5 70± 82 0 ) ,(116 6 0± 6 5 0 ) ,(72 2 0± 4 0 0 )aBP ,相应的位移量分别为 2 6 ,1 8,1 3,1 2m。根据位移量限定法 ,两个活动段落的古地震活动历史是完整的  相似文献   

Paleoseismology, the study of past earthquakes based on their geological record in the stratigraphy and landscape, is a successful newly developing field of research. The application of fault trench studies in volcanic environments is one of the youngest branches of paleoseismology. In this paper, we present the results of the first exploratory trenches excavated at Mt. Etna in Sicily, the largest European volcano. Modern surface faulting at Etna is a very well known feature, which poses significant hazard to the local community, both in terms of ground displacement of essential lifelines and ground shacking from frequent damaging earthquakes. However, while the geomorphology and the seismicity of the active fault in the Etna region consistently show very high rates of tectonic activity, the Holocene cumulative throw and slip-rates, along with the nature (coseismic vs. creeping fault slip), dimension and timing of the displacement events, are still poorly constrained. For this purpose, we selected as a sample area the Moscarello fault, one of the most outstanding segment of the Timpe system of active normal faults in the volcano’s lower eastern flank. Displaced landforms and volcanic units at the Fondo Macchia basin, in the central sector of this fault, indicate some hundreds of meters of vertical offset in the last ca. 80 kyr, with a long-term slip-rate substantially higher than 1.5–2.0 mm/yr. According to the historical sources and instrumental observations, the Moscarello fault ruptured four times in the last 150 years during shallow (H < 5 km) and moderate magnitude (M < 4.8) earthquakes. These events were associated with severe damage in a narrow epicentral area (macroseismic intensities up to the IX–X grade of the MSK scale) and extensive surface faulting (end-to-end rupture length up to 6 km, vertical offsets up to 90 cm). This clearly indicates very high modern rates of deformation along this fault. We conducted trench investigations at the Fondo Macchia site, in a point where eyewitnesses observed ca. 20 cm of coseismic vertical displacement after the April 21, 1971, Ms=3.7, earthquake. The excavated sections provided direct stratigraphic evidence for a vertical slip-rate of 1.4–2.7 mm/yr in the last ca. 6 kyr. This should be regarded as a minimum slip-rate for the central section of the fault. We explored a single scarp at a single site, while we know from recent historical observations that several parallel scarps may rupture coseismically at Fondo Macchia. Thus, the relevant deformation rate documented for the modern period might be likely extended back in the past to a time-span of some thousands of years at least. As expected, for such a volcanic environment, the activity rates of the Moscarello fault are also significantly higher than for the Apennines normal faults, typically showing slip-rates lower than 1 mm/yr. The agriculturally reworked trench hangingwall stratigraphy did not allow to recognize individual displacement events. Nevertheless, the sedimentary structures observed in the trench footwall strongly suggest that, as for the last 150–200 years of detailed historical record, fault behavior at Fondo Macchia is governed by coseismic surface displacement rather than fault creep. This research confirms that paleoseismology techniques can be effectively applied also in active volcanic environments, typically characterized by rheology and, consequently, seismicity and fault dynamics very different from those of other tectonic environments in which paleoseismology has been firstly developed and is today extensively applied.  相似文献   

城市活断层探测中的浅层地震勘探方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对大量地震灾害的研究表明,地震发生时,位于地表活动断层上的房屋或构筑物的破坏最严重,尤其是20世纪90年代后期美国北岭地震,日本阪神地震和中国台湾集集大地震等的发生后,世界许多国家的政府和地震科学家都清楚地认识到城市活断层探测与研究的重要性和急迫性,城市活断层的探测对于城市规划,抗震设防,减轻地震对城市设施的破坏都具有重要的现实意义,浅层高分辨地震勘探是城市活断层探测手段中最有效,最可靠的方法之一,可以在地表探测到地下活断层的位置,埋深,产状和空间展布情况,但由于城市环境的强干扰背景和场地条件的复杂性,必须针对实际情况,在观测系统,震源,数据采集环境的强干扰背景和场地条件的复杂性,必须针对实际 情况,在观测系统,震源,数据采集和处理方法等环节中,采用一系列提高分辨率, 提高信噪比的有效方法,才能取得可靠的探测成果,本文对城市活断层探测中的浅层地震勘探方法的技术难点和相应的解决方法进行了讨论,并结合我们近几年来在城市开展浅层地震勘探的一些经验,介绍一些实用性的浅层地震勘探工作方法。  相似文献   

Active fault survey, which is one kind of fundamental researches for reducing disaster risk from earthquake, has been implemented by multiple governmental agencies since the early 1990s in China. Chinese government sponsored some active fault survey projects these years. These researches and projects use a series of thematic maps to describe their processes, results and achievement. Since geography information science was introduced in late 1990s and applied since 2000s to these active fault survey projects, seismologists and experts began to draw thematic maps by this new technology. A convenient and fast way for seismologists and experts to produce atlas of active fault survey products is an important accelerator to achieve these projects.This paper studies on the rapid methodology of producing active fault survey atlas, which is basically built on the processes and contents of active fault projects in recent years, and introduces the methodology on two aspects of standardization and software development. This study has been applied to the ongoing active fault survey projects, and resulted in more effective process, normative data and beautiful atlas. Thus these researches will be easier to be used in future application such as publication, internet sharing, and city development. This methodology has reference value to similar map-producing system in standardization and software development.  相似文献   

Remote sensing technology has brought great convenience to our understanding of the macroscopic geological features since its inception. Especially, great progress has been made in manufacturing techniques of remote sensing platforms and sensors since the mid 20th century, and a huge number of global remote sensing data have been acquired. The quality of the data has been greatly improved based on the sensor's development. This article briefly reviews the processes of development of the remote sensing technology, elaborates on several satellites' parameters which have important significance for active tectonics interpretation, such as Landsat, SPOT, QuickBird, etc., and systematically reviews the progress in optical image interpretation made with the improvement of image resolution. The paper also briefly introduces the latest optical imaging correlation techniques, the detailed geomorphological mapping techniques based high-resolution satellite images, and the perspective of application of the remote sensing technology to active tectonics research.  相似文献   

抚顺活断层浅层反射横波地震勘探资料解释与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用多种途径对抚顺目标区的浅层反射横波活断层勘探资料进行的解释与分析,证实了浑河断裂总体上为北倾、逆断的性质,且只是在采空区表现为新的活动段,本身不是由构造活动原因引起的活动断裂。在第四系埋深浅的地区,反射横波法是具有较强抗干扰能力的活断层探测技术,可靠程度及解释精度均较高。本文为抚顺市活断层的地震危险性评价工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Precariously balanced rocks (PBRs) are freestanding boulders that are precarious or fragile in the sense that they could be toppled by relatively low-amplitude earthquake ground motion. They are important in paleoseismology because their continued existence limits the amplitude of ground motion experienced at their location during their lifetime. In order to make quantitative use of PBRs for seismic hazard studies, one must determine when they attained their present state of fragility, that is, the point in time when the contact between the rocks and the pedestals on which they rest was exhumed from surrounding soil and the rock became vulnerable to earthquake ground motions. Cosmogenic-nuclide exposure dating can be used for this purpose, but is complicated because nuclide production occurs throughout exhumation of the PBR, so the apparent exposure age of any part of the rock surface exceeds the time that the rock has actually been precariously balanced. Here we describe a method for determining the length of time that a PBR has been fragile by measuring cosmogenic-nuclide concentrations at several locations on the PBR surface, and linking them together with a forward model that accounts for nuclide production before, during, and after exhumation of the PBR. Fitting model to data yields the rate and timing of rock exhumation and thus the length of time the rock has been fragile. We use this method to show that an example PBR in southern California has been fragile for 18.7 ± 2.8 ka.  相似文献   

The generation, abandonment and preservation of terraces formed in active tectonic areas are important to the analysis of the role of the tectonics and climate along the temporal variations, so it appears significant as how to use the effective quantitative methods to extract and accurately depict these terraces. The increasingly convenient acquisition of high-precision topographic data has greatly promoted the advancement of quantitative research in geoscience, making it possible to analyze mid-micro-geomorphic features on a large scale, especially by studying the temporal and spatial evolution of tectonic deformation through accurate capture of micro-geomorphic features. Over the past decade, the rapid development of LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging)technology has provided unprecedented opportunity to access high-precision topographic data(up to centimeter in vertical and horizontal directions). However, its relatively high cost and relatively complex data processing techniques limit its widespread application in the field of earth sciences. In recent years, with the continuous innovation and advancement of topographic measurement technology, the three-dimensional structure of motion reconstruction technology(Structure from Motion, SfM)has gradually been introduced into the field of digital topographic photogrammetry due to its rapid advantage in providing quick, convenient and cost-effective methods for obtaining high-density geospatial point data. This method thus shows great potential for providing high resolution topographic data with comparable resolution and precision. Therefore, with the acquisition of more and more high-resolution terrain data in recent years, it is an important development trend to explore automated or semi-automated quantitative geomorphological analysis methods. R language, as an excellent programming language, has not been used in the geology and geomorphology, although is widely applied in medicine and meteorology based on its powerful capability of statistician and graphic visualization. In this paper, we focus on the Yellow River multi-terraces formed to the east of the Mijia Shan, which belongs to the Jingtai-Hasi Shan segment of the Haiyuan Fault. With the analysis and visualization of the high-resolution topographic data collected from the SfM in the environment of the R language, we implement the semiautomatic classification and mapping of the Yellow River multi-terraces. The method identifies 20 terraces with different elevation. Our results also imply that the younger terraces have better continuity and elongation, and the older terraces have more deformation, which can be demonstrated from their gradually notable semi-parabolic shape. Besides this, it also suggests the diverse evolution stages of the Yellow River terraces. Our study indicates that R language is expected to become an efficient tool of statistics and visualization of the high-resolution topographic data.  相似文献   

高密度电法CT成像技术在活断层探测中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
高密度电法CT成像技术近年来在工程物探上得到了广泛应用,已成为工程物探的一种主要方法之一,本文在无棣一益都断裂的活动性研究中,运用该方法取得了良好效果。这一工程实例表明利用高密度CT成像技术,辅以地质钻探,可以较精确地探测断裂活动的具体空间形态等,为开展大城市活断层探测与研究,进行合理城市规划和抗震设防提供依据。  相似文献   

A series of NWW striking faults are obliquely intersected by the NEE striking Altyn Tagh fault zone in the western Qilian Mountains. These faults were mostly active in late Quaternary and play an important role in accommodating regional lateral extrusion by both reverse and sinistral slip. Detailed studies on late Quaternary activity, tectonic transformation, paleoseismology, and strain partitioning not only significantly affect our recognition on seismogenic mechanism and zones of potential large earthquakes, but also provide useful information for exploring tectonic deformation mechanism in the northern Tibetan plateau. The Danghenanshan Fault, Yemahe-Daxueshan fault, and Altyn Tagh Fault form a triplet junction point at southwest of Subei county. The Yemahe-Daxueshan fault is one important branch fault in the western Qilian Mountains that accommodated eastward decreasing slip of the Altyn Tagh Fault, which was active in late Holocene, with a length up to 170km. Based on geometry and late Quaternary activity, the Yemahe-Daxueshan fault was subdivided into 3 segments, i.e. the Subei fault, Yemahe fault and Daxueshan Fault. The Yemahe Fault has the most prominent appearance among them, and is dominated by left-lateral slip with a little normal component. The heights of fresh scarps on this fault are only several tens of centimeters. We dug 2 trenches at the Zhazhihu site, and cleaned and reinterpreted one trench of previous studies. Then we interpreted trench profiles and paleoseismic events, and collected 14C and Optical Stimulated Luminescence samples to constrain event ages. Finally, we determined 3 events on the Yemahe fault with ages(6 830±30) a BP-(6 280±40) a BP, (5 220±30) a BP, (2 010±30) a BP, respectively. The elapsed time of most recent earthquake is(2 010±30) years before present, which is very close to the recurrence interval, so the possibility of major earthquakes on the Yemahe fault is relatively large.  相似文献   

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