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利用甘肃省区域台网提供的地震波形资料,计算甘肃南部地区2010年1月~2017年8月ML≥2.0地震的视应力,分析九寨沟地震前甘南地区视应力的时空演化特征,所得结果如下:①ML2.6~3.1、ML2.0~2.5震级段地震视应力的空间分布具有较好的一致性,九寨沟MS7.0地震前,距震中较近的川甘交界地区的舟曲、文县等地呈现出较为集中的视应力高值异常;②ML2.0~2.5、ML2.6~3.1地震的视应力在大区域范围内随时间的变化趋势有一定差异,ML2.6~3.1地震视应力变化更为明显,在较大区域范围内表现为震前显著升高,而ML2.0~2.5地震视应力则在震前一两年内开始下降;③随着区域划分范围向震中靠近,ML2.0~2.5、ML2.6~3.1地震视应力的变化逐渐趋于一致,至震中附近时,2个震级段视应力均表现为“震前几年长时间升高—临震前几个月下降”的同步变化。  相似文献   

分析了相邻井下、地表地震计记录的背景噪声及近震、远震波形特征,以及相关的振幅谱及近震、远震接收函数波形特征。结果表明,井下地震计记录的背景噪声比地表地震计小1个数量级,其近震、远震波形记录较清晰、简洁;井下、地表地震计记录的远震振幅谱和径向接收函数具有较好的一致性,但背景噪声、近震振幅谱、近震接收函数、远震切向接收函数波形存在一定差异;由地表地震计得到的近震震级比井下地震计的大0.12,地表地震计到井下地震计之间的P波速度约为2 km/s。  相似文献   

2017年8月9日新疆博尔塔拉州精河县发生MS6.6地震,震中44.3°N、82.9°E,震源深度11km,精河地震发生在库松木契克山前断裂附近,基于远震波形记录反演的震源机制为逆冲型,地质调查结果显示主震破裂未出露地表。利用地震精定位研究余震的空间分布,结果显示,余震展布与库松木契克山前断裂的走向基本吻合,且余震主要分布在主震西侧,单侧破裂特征明显,余震的深度集中在5~15km。基于M-t图分析序列的衰减特征发现,截至2017年8月20日,序列中ML2.0、ML3.0余震相对丰富,衰减基本正常。G-R关系给出的b值为0.54,外推最大余震震级为MS5.6,h值为2.17,均显示该序列为主-余型。MS≥4.0余震的等待时间与发生时间较好地满足双对数线性关系,同样为主-余型地震的特征。断层面上静态滑动量分布相对单一且集中,最大滑动位于沿倾向10km处附近,与地质调查主震断层未出露地表的结果一致,同时也表明主震破裂较充分。基于数字波形资料计算出的余震视应力与震级间很好地符合指数关系,扣除震级变化影响后的序列视应力未出现显著高值,也表明此次破裂的能量释放比较充分。  相似文献   

孙冬军  刘芳  毕波 《中国地震》2022,38(1):112-119
本文选取2013年芦山地震和2017年九寨沟地震波形,重新量取垂直向振幅,计算宽频带面波震级MS(BB),分析各台站实测震级出现方向性差异的原因。其中,通过572个宽频带台站实测芦山地震震级MS(BB)7.1,通过603个宽频带台站实测九寨沟地震震级MS(BB)6.9。芦山地震实测震级大于MS(BB)7.3的台站呈现WN-ES向分布,与断层倾向一致;实测震级小于MS(BB)7.0的台站呈现NE-WS向分布,与其所在断层走向一致。九寨沟地震实测震级大于MS(BB)7.0的台站分布呈现NE向分布,与断层倾向一致;实测震级小于MS(BB)6.8的台站总体分布较为离散,大体呈现NW-SE向分布,与树正断裂走向一致。实测震级偏大的台站方向性分布与多普勒效应和P波辐射花样联系不明显。对比分析芦山地震和九寨沟地震,去除场地响应和仪器自身影响,台站实测震级差异性仍然存在,因此,台站实测震级差异性是由于受到了多普勒效应、辐射花样、仪器和场地响应之外的因素影响。综合考虑地震震级涉及的影响因素,芦山地震和九寨沟地震的台站实测震级差异性可能与地震波的传播路径有关。  相似文献   

利用内蒙古地区测震台网记录到的地震波形数据,基于地震预警参数阈值(特征周期τc和位移幅值Pd)开展评估内蒙古地区中强地震潜在破坏区范围的研究。按照一定的筛选条件进行筛选后,拟合出适合内蒙古地区的τc与震级MLPdτc和震源距R的统计关系式;根据现有地震事件的最大震级,得到仪器烈度为Ⅳ度、震级ML=5.0时对应的参数阈值为Pd=0.1075cm和τc=0.686s。最后对近年来内蒙古境内2次中强地震开展线下模拟,结果表明该方法需要台网具有一定密度,如能均匀分布,效果更好,否则会出现结果仅由经验关系式决定、而实际观测值没有发挥作用的问题。  相似文献   

孙丽  梁建宏  徐志国  刘杰 《中国地震》2021,37(4):843-856
建设中国地震预警系统是国家地震烈度速报与预警工程的主要内容,国内外学者通过对预警系统中确定地震参数的方法研究,发现实时确定准确震级这一问题最具挑战性,亟需一种可用的震级实时测定方法用于建设中国的地震预警系统。本文简要介绍了虚拟地震学家(VS)方法,描述了VS方法在中国地震台网用于实时测定地震参数的软件的实现流程,剖析用该方法实时确定2019年6月17日四川长宁6.0级地震的MVS的过程。通过实时在线测定134个M≥3.0地震的MVS和回放事件波形测定24个M≥5.0地震的MVS,对VS方法进行测试,评估其可用性。结果表明,使用VS方法实时确定的MVS变化平稳,可用性较好。当3个台站的P波信息可用时,第一次测定MVS时偏差δ的平均值为0.32,δ≤0.5的占79%,平均用时为20s。随着时间的推移,更多可用台站及波形的使用可有效提升测定MVS准确度。该方法在中国地震台网的应用具有适用性和可行性,是一种可选的实时确定震级的方法,在地震预警中具有较好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

2022年1月8日青海省海北州门源县发生MS6.9地震,震中距离2016年1月21日门源MS6.4地震震中约33km,两次门源地震均发生在冷龙岭断裂附近,但在震源机制、主发震断层破裂过程及地震序列余震活动等方面显著不同。针对两次门源地震序列的比较分析,对研究冷龙岭断裂及其附近区域强震序列和余震衰减特征等具有重要研究意义。通过对比分析2022年门源MS6.9地震和2016年门源MS6.4地震余震的时空演化特征,发现二者在震源过程和断层破裂尺度上存在明显差异,前者发震断层破裂充分,震后能量释放充分,余震丰富且震级偏高;而后者发震断层未破裂至地表,余震震级水平偏低。综合分析两次门源地震序列表现出来的差异性,认为其可能与地震发震断层的破裂过程密切相关,且同时受到区域构造环境的影响。  相似文献   

分析了2009年至2012年巴塘台测定的ML≥3.0的近震共540个,计算出了它们与中国地震台网中心(CSN)发布的ML震级之间的偏差,找出了巴塘台弱S波出现的区域。用相同标准震级,相等震中距的方法,找出了正常波形记录与弱S波波形记录之间的振幅比,计算出了弱S波地震的震级偏差程度,发现该台记录到的弱S波的比例高达46.5%,弱S波的震级偏差达0.7,其结果有利于地震震级测定的准确性.  相似文献   

分析了相邻井下、地表地震计记录的背景噪声及近震、远震波形特征,以及相关的振幅谱及近震、远震接收函数波形特征.结果表明,井下地震计记录的背景噪声比地表地震计小1个数量级,其近震、远震波形记录较清晰、简洁;井下、地表地震计记录的远震振幅谱和径向接收函数具有较好的一致性,但背景噪声、近震振幅谱、近震接收函数、远震切向接收函数...  相似文献   

2018年9月4日新疆伽师发生MS5.5地震,震中处于塔里木地块西北缘,位于1997~1998年伽师强震群震区内。此次伽师地震前发生了MS4.7前震,截至9月30日最大余震震级为MS4.6(ML5.0),初步判定为前-主-余型地震序列。序列精定位结果显示,余震沿近NE向展布,主震震源深度与1997~1998年伽师强震主震基本一致,发震断层陡立。本文从区域的构造环境、地震震源机制解和余震分布特征等方面分析认为,地震发生在伽师隐伏断裂东南端部,为1997~1998年伽师强震群震区的一次新的构造活动。序列参数、视应力等计算结果显示,伽师MS5.5地震的预测最大余震震级与最大余震震级MS4.6接近,表明序列最大余震已经发生。  相似文献   

为了探索在高噪声干扰地区获取高信噪比地震信息的有效途径,本文分析了我国第一个超深井地震观测站江苏东海地壳活动国家野外科学观测研究站设置在地面与井下三个不同深度处的地震仪所记录的波形及其信噪比特征。结果显示:由于观测研究站周围强烈的噪声扰动,地面地震仪记录中无法识别ML0.8地方震波形,而深井地震仪可清晰地记录到该小震波形,且深井地震仪可观测到较地面地震仪更多的零级或负震级地震;井下三组不同深度地震仪所记录波形的信噪比均远高于地面地震仪,且不同深度地震波形信噪比的平均值随仪器深度的增大而增加。井下1 559.5 m处的地震仪的波形平均信噪比为69.20 dB,2 545.5 m处的信噪比达到74.15 dB,均达到高保真波形的信噪比值,这说明1 500 m深处地震仪所观测到的波形可以有效地避免地面干扰,因此深井地震观测能够提供高信噪比的波形资料,为研究震源过程和场地效应等提供真实可靠的基础资料,这也预示着深井观测将促进深井地震学的研究与发展。   相似文献   

为获取江苏省测震台网井下地震计精确方位角,架设地面参考地震计,将其精确指北,并与井下地震计检测结果进行对比,利用相关分析法计算22个深井台站精度较高的方位角。研究结果表明,受多因素制约,井下地震计检测结果普遍偏差较大,部分台站水平向分量几乎反向,如提井,需重新进行方位角检测;地面与井下地震计同频带有利于提高相关性,从而获取高精度检测结果;利用不同频带地震计进行井下地震计方位角检测时,对较宽频带地震计进行仿真处理尤为重要;溧阳2台站新建井下地震计检测结果表明相关分析法可应用于井下地震计方位角检测;尽可能选择台基噪声功率谱密度曲线具有明显波峰频段作为滤波频段,有利于提高地面与井下地震计观测数据相关性,提高方位角检测精度。  相似文献   

井下地震计方位角检测技术应用研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用波形相关分析法对井下地震计方位角检测精度及一致性进行分析研究.研究中在地表布设地震计进行不同距离、不同频带多套地震计方位角检测对比测试,并在四川泸州、宁夏灵武、陶乐、河南安阳、清丰、陕西定边等6个分别安装井下甚宽频带、宽频带、短周期地震计的台站,进行地表同台址不同频带多套地震计与井下地震计方位角检测及一致性对比测试.根据全球噪声模型1~10s之间存在明显的噪声峰值的特点,对测试数据进行0.2~0.3Hz带通滤波和仿真处理,通过分析得出,对于不同地震计组合,测试地震计方位角检测结果一致性较好,根据地表不同距离、不同频带地震计组合的检测精度和地脉动记录的特点,认为井下地震计方位角检测精度优于4°.  相似文献   

The regularities in the radiation and propagation of seismic waves within the Baikal Rift Zone in Buryatia are studied to estimate the ground motion parameters from the probable future strong earthquakes. The regional parameters of seismic radiation and propagation are estimated by the stochastic simulation (which provides the closest agreement between the calculations and observations) of the acceleration time histories of the earthquakes recorded by the Ulan-Ude seismic station. The acceleration time histories of the strongest earthquakes (M W ~ 3.4–4.8) that occurred in 2006–2011 at the epicentral distances of ~96–125 km and had source depths of ~8–12 km have been modeled. The calculations are conducted with estimates of the Q-factor which were previously obtained for the region. The frequency-dependent attenuation and geometrical spreading are estimated from the data on the deep structure of the crust and upper mantle (velocity sections) in the Ulan-Ude region, and the parameters determining the wave forms and duration of acceleration time histories are found by fitting. These parameters fairly well describe all the considered earthquakes. The Ulan-Ude station can be considered as the reference bedrock station with minimum local effects. The obtained estimates for the parameters of seismic radiation and propagation can be used for forecasting the ground motion from the future strong earthquakes and for constructing the seismic zoning maps for Buryatia.  相似文献   

Heavily populated by Beijing and Tianjin cities, Bohai basin is a seismically active Cenozoic basin suffering from huge lost by devastating earthquakes, such as Tangshan earthquake. The attenuation (QP and QS) of the surficial Quaternary sediment has not been studied at natural seismic frequency (1?10 Hz), which is crucial to earthquake hazards study. Borehole seismic records of micro earthquake provide us a good way to study the velocity and attenuation of the surficial structure (0?500 m). We found that there are two pulses well separated with simple waveforms on borehole seismic records from the 2006 MW4.9 Wen'an earthquake sequence. Then we performed waveform modeling with generalized ray theory (GRT) to confirm that the two pulses are direct wave and surface reflected wave, and found that the average vP and vS of the top 300 m in this region are about 1.8 km/s and 0.42 km/s, leading to high vP/vS ratio of 4.3. We also modeled surface reflected wave with propagating matrix method to constrain QS and the near surface velocity structure. Our modeling indicates that QS is at least 30, or probably up to 100, much larger than the typically assumed extremely low Q (~10), but consistent with QS modeling in Mississippi embayment. Also, the velocity gradient just beneath the free surface (0?50 m) is very large and velocity increases gradually at larger depth. Our modeling demonstrates the importance of borehole seismic records in resolving shallow velocity and attenuation structure, and hence may help in earthquake hazard simulation.  相似文献   

We studied broadband digital records of the M W = 7.6 Olyutorskii earthquake of April 20, 2006 and its aftershocks at local and regional distances. We have made a detailed analysis of data on peak ground motion velocities and accelerations due to aftershocks based on records of two digital seismic stations, Tilichiki (TLC) and Kamenskoe (KAM). The first step in this analysis was to find the station correction for soil effects at TLC station using coda spectra. The correction was applied to the data to convert them to the reference bedrock beneath the Kamenskoe station. The second step involved multiple linear regression to derive average relationshis of peak amplitude to local magnitude ML and distance R for the Koryak Upland conditions. The data scatter about the average relationshis is comparatively low (0.22–0.25 log units). The acceleration amplitudes for M L = 5, R = 25 km are lower by factors of 2–3 compared with those for eastern Kamchatka, the western US, or Japan. A likely cause of this anomaly could be lower stress drops for the aftershocks.  相似文献   

Following the increase in seismic activity which occurred near Isernia (Molise, Central Italy) in January 1986, a digital seismic network of four stations with three-component, short-period seismometers, was installed in the area by the Osservatorio Vesuviano. The temporary network had an average station spacing of about 8–10 km and, in combination with permanent local seismic stations, allowed the accurate determination of earthquake locations during an operating period of about one month. Among the 1517 detected earthquakes, 170 events were selected with standard errors on epicentre and depth not greater than respectively 0.5 and 1.5 km. The most frequent focal depths ranged between 4 and 8 km, while the epicentres distribution covered a small area NE of Isernia of about 10 km2. A main rupture zone could not be clearly identified from the spatial distribution of the earthquakes, suggesting a rupture mechanism involving heterogeneous materials. The activity was characterized by low energy levels, the largest earthquake, on January 18, 1986, havingM D =4.0. The time sequence of events and pattern of seismic energy release revealed a strong temporal clustering of events, similar to the behaviour commonly associated with seismic swarms.  相似文献   

Specially designed arrays of strong-motion seismographs near to the earthquake source are required for seismological and engineering studies of the generation and near-field properties of seismic waves. The first such large digital array, called SMART 1 (with radius 2 km and 37 accelerometers), to record substantial ground motion (up to 0·24g horizontal acceleration) became operational in late 1980 in a highly seismic region of Taiwan. During the first 6 months of operation, SMART 1 recorded nine earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from ML 3·8 to 6·9. Three were located directly below the array at focal depths of 59 to 76 km. The remaining six had shallow depths and epicentral distances from 7 to 193 km. Digital records from 27 three-component accelerographs were obtained from a magnitude 6·9 (ML) local earthquake on 29 January 1981. Representative measurements are described of seismic wave coherency and power spectrum as a function of wave number, frequency, azimuth of propagation and wave type. Acceleration waveforms varied significantly across the array for each event. On average, peak acceleration of horizontal components was about three times that of the vertical component. Relative spectral changes from earthquake to earthquake were large.  相似文献   

本文基于匹配滤波技术,通过SEPD(Seismic Events and Phase Detection)对2018年11月25日新疆博乐MS4.9地震序列进行检测,检测出遗漏地震32条,84.4%地震为ML0.0—1.0,9.4%地震小于ML0.0,较地震目录中原有15条地震多213%,检测出的遗漏地震事件使地震目录更加完整。检测后的最小完整性震级由检测前的ML1.6减至ML0.8,地震目录最小完整性震级的减小有利于地震工作者对区域地震活动性作出更准确全面的结论,并使地震危险性分析更可靠。  相似文献   

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