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临汾地震监测中心站于2020年7月开始深井地电阻率观测系统建设,在施工过程中,发现观测场地地下具有较复杂的地质构造,存在大量裂隙,岩溶较为发育.应用高密度电法、钻井资料及建立井下视频系统场地三维地质模型,分析观测场地地质条件.结果表明,该场地地层岩性由上至下依次为黄土、砂砾层、灰岩层,灰岩层裂隙岩溶较发育,存在于地表下...  相似文献   

岩溶陷落柱是煤田开采中一种常见的地质灾害体.由于地质条件、区域构造不同,岩溶陷落柱发育具有随机性特点,单从地质上对其预测并不能从根本上解决现阶段的实际问题.为正确研究识别地震勘探手段所能探测的岩溶陷落柱及其尺寸,本文给定相同地层模型及探测条件,得到对应于不同规模岩溶陷落柱的同一时间叠加剖面和偏移剖面,通过对其波剖面比较以及地震响应分析,研究不同规模岩溶陷落柱在地震剖面上的变化规律,提出识别陷落柱的依据,对正确分辨和圈定陷落柱具有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

以某矿业公司岩溶地面塌陷勘查工程为例,利用高密度电法和地震映像结合的综合物探法对复杂岩溶地面塌陷地质灾害进行物探勘查,得出重点区域岩溶发育区探测结果;推测次重点区域测线剖面有相对明显的高低阻异常带的原因;对次重点区域各测线剖面的各反射波(组)进行原因分析.结果表明:地震映像法解释的岩溶发育区可看作是岩溶发育重点区;次重点区域测线剖面高低阻异常带明显的原因多样;次重点区域波组的起伏变化异常可能与岩溶空洞异常有直接关系,与地层变化有间接关系;证明综合物探法进行岩溶地质勘查的有效性,为塌陷区的圈定提供理论依据.  相似文献   

岩溶水电站坝基受岩体中发育的溶洞、溶蚀裂隙带及构造破碎带等岩体缺陷的控制,容易产生塌陷、渗漏,导致电站工程变形、失稳。岩溶发育与碳酸盐岩的岩体结构改变关系十分密切,因此,对水电站坝基岩体缺陷的准确诊断意义重大。本文利用孔间电磁波透视及CT成像技术,对地下隐伏碳酸盐岩岩体结构的非均匀性,溶蚀裂隙带分界面,裂隙结构体、裂隙充填物性质及几何空间形态等进行了数字描述和刻画。并结合广西某水电站坝基碳酸盐岩岩体结构的自然特性,岩体结构变化特征的实测数据,进一步分析在工程作用下应力分布状态,岩体变形破坏规律,预测和判定坝基渗漏和稳定性,进而合理制定有效处治措施。  相似文献   

查明煤层瓦斯富集区域,对可能的瓦斯突出点进行预报,是当前煤矿生产中亟待解决的重要课题.利用地震P波对裂缝性地层所表现出的方位各向异性特征和AV0特征,应用地震P波方位/角度信息评价煤层裂隙发育带.通过对阳泉新景煤矿三维地震资料的处理,获得4个方位的偏移数据体和8个方位/角度的偏移数据体,从中提取了3种对煤层裂隙响应灵敏的地震属性,综合利用3种地震属性计算出裂隙的发育密度.预测结果表明,利用P波方位/角度信息比仅利用P波方位信息评价煤层裂隙发育带更具有优势,它能同时利用煤层反射波的各向异性特征和AVO特征,更有利于进行煤层的岩性解释.  相似文献   

萍-乐坳陷带为江西省最主要的隐伏岩溶发育区带之一,岩溶地层发育,地表水、地下水循环交替强烈,地质构造复杂,为岩溶的发育、岩溶地下水的富集提供了良好的条件。查明岩溶发育规律及岩溶水的富集特征,可为地下水资源合理开发与地质环境保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

溶蚀孔洞是塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩的主要储渗空间,因此研究碳酸盐岩岩溶测井响应特征以弄清其发育规律具有重要意义.在分析研究区内的岩溶地质特征之后,根据钻井揭示的岩溶型储集层,对岩心、测井特征进行了对比和归纳梳理,进而提炼了奥陶系岩溶发育带的测井响应特征.结合前人对岩溶风化壳发育的控制因素和分布特征的研究,依托岩心和成像测井资料刻度的岩溶带常规测井响应特征,在垂向上将岩溶层划分为表生岩溶带、垂直渗流岩溶带和水平潜流岩溶带,并对其分布规律进行了研究.结果表明:研究区地表岩溶带较发育,且基本属于未充填-半充填,是有利储集层发育的层位;潜流岩溶带不甚发育,基本被充填.总体上看,自东南向西北,溶洞发育带的分布密度逐渐增大,表明古岩溶作用的强度向西北方向逐渐增强.  相似文献   

地震在广西造成的地质灾害相对严重,这与其特殊的岩溶地质条件密切相关。本文讨论了广西岩溶发育成带性特点,分析总结了主要的地震地质灾害类型,介绍了相应的岩溶工程场地处理方法。并结合目前我国岩溶工程的研究现状,展望了未来岩溶场地处理技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

肯吉亚克油田石炭系油藏属持低孔渗、异常高压碳酸盐岩油藏,它除了具有埋深大,非均质性强,油气成藏控制因素复杂等特点外,其上还覆盖巨厚盐丘,造成盐下地震反射时间和振幅畸变严重,地震成像差、信噪比低和分辨率低,给储层预测工作带来极大困难。如何正确预测油藏高产带分布规律是高效开发这类油藏的关键,本文研究从分析形成碳酸盐岩油藏高产带的主控因素入手,通过井震标定,优选反映碳酸盐岩岩相、岩溶、物性和裂缝的地震属性,结合地震、地质、测井、油藏工程和钻井资料,把盐下特低孔渗碳酸盐岩油藏高产带预测问题分解成构造解释、岩相预测、岩溶预测、物性预测、裂缝预测和综合评价等六个环节。宏观上,通过建立断裂、岩相、岩溶模式,定性预测储层分布有利区带;微观上,通过多参数储层特征反演和多属性综合分析,定量、半定量预测有利储层分布,有效解决盐下碳酸盐岩油藏高产带预测难题,基本搞清本区碳酸盐岩油藏高产带分布规律,为优选有利勘探和开发目标提供依据。文中提出的方法和技术对解决国内外碳酸盐岩油藏高产带预测和其他复杂储层预测问题有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

岩溶区地质条件复杂,采用土-结构动力相互作用的方法,探讨一些特殊的地质条件对上部结构的地震反应影响,对岩溶区的建筑抗震研究具有重要意义。研究表明:岩溶地基中土洞的发育会使土层对地震波的放大效应增强,导致上部结构位移和剪力增加;与垂向分布土洞的工况相比,当土洞水平分布时,岩溶地基上部框架结构地震反应更强,框架结构位移和剪力较大。  相似文献   

2D高密度电法在古墓葬勘探中应用较多,但二维剖面解释局限性愈发突出。以2D平行或等角度放射状测线为基础的拟3D高密度电法能够一定程度上给出三维信息,但对地表条件要求较高,灵活性稍差。3D高密度电法能够给出详细的3D探测信息,但施工效率偏低,且难以适应复杂地表环境。为解决复杂地表环境古墓葬探测问题,提出了一种多方位拟3D高密度电法技术,并在一个位于密集竹林中的大型古墓葬调查中进行了应用研究。结合地表条件布设多个方位的2D高密度电法测线,将多个方位的2D反演数据合并为拟3D数据体,进行可视化解释获得了内部结构的3D信息。结果表明,该技术能够适应复杂环境,拟三维数据不仅能补充二维解释缺失的信息,且与钻探结果基本吻合。   相似文献   

迭代法在三维网络模型最短路径射线追踪中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目前有许多基于二维网格模型的射线追踪算法,但应用与三维网格模型的射线追踪算法较少,主要是因为三维网格射线追踪算法在算法实现、编程以及图形显示方面都有一定难度.本文提出了一种适用于三维网格射线追踪的迭代算法,并应用于几种理论模型,同时实现了三维绘图显示,通过研究证明迭代算法能在一定程度上提高三维网格射线追踪的精度和速度.  相似文献   

Seismic migration can be formulated in terms of two consecutive downward extrapolation steps: refocusing the receivers and refocusing the sources. Applying only the first focusing step with an estimate of the focusing operators results in a common focal point (CFP) gather for each depth point at a reflecting boundary. The CFP gathers, in combination with the estimates of the focusing operators, can be used in an iterative procedure to obtain the correct operators. However, current 3D seismic data acquisition geometries do not contain the dense spatial sampling required for calculation of full 3D CFP gathers. We report on the construction of full 3D CFP gathers using a non‐full 3D acquisition geometry. The proposed method uses a reflector‐orientated data infill procedure based on the azimuthal redundancy of the reflection data. The results on 3D numerical data in this paper show that full 3D CFP gathers, which are kinematically and dynamically correct for the target event, can be obtained. These gathers can be used for iterative updating of the 3D focusing operators.  相似文献   

预测多次波的逆散射级数方法与SRME方法及比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
逆散射级数方法和SRME方法是典型的两类基于波动方程的无需地下结构信息的自由表面多次波预测方法,本文详细讨论了这两类方法的基本思想、方法原理和实现思路,并对2维逆散射级数方法进行了降维简化,推导给出了1.5维逆散射级数衰减自由表面多次波的方法,减少了计算量,并降低了对3维规则观测系统的要求.利用经典SMAART模型数据测试比较了2维逆散射级数方法、1.5维逆散射级数方法及2维SRME方法预测自由表面多次波的效果及优缺点,比较了三者在方法实现、并行计算效率及对数据要求上的异同,并结合分析比较结果,给出了实际应用中方法选择的建议.  相似文献   

当地表存在三维非均匀电导率分布时,区域大地电磁响应发生畸变. 以往对这种畸变研究多假设近地表为三维,区域构造为一维或二维. 对于更一般的三维/三维构造,为了分析并消除这种畸变影响,真实反映地下三维区域构造信息,本文实现了三维大地电磁相位张量积分方程数值算法,并研究在不同地质模型下相位张量响应. 结果表明,相位张量不仅可以反映一般三维构造信息,亦可有效反映复杂近地表构造下三维区域构造信息,而无须假设区域构造为一维或二维,证明相位张量具有较强抗近地表局部非均匀构造干扰能力,能够保持更为一般的三维区域构造信息. 为了加快正演计算,同时保持一定精度,算法采用了积分方程多网格法.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon exploration in the Papuan fold belt is made extremely difficult by mountainous terrain, equatorial jungle and thick karstified Miocene limestones at the surface. The high-velocity karstified limestones at or near the surface often render the seismic technique useless for imaging the subsurface. In such areas magnetotellurics (MT) provides a valuable capability for mapping subsurface structure. The main structural interface which can be mapped with MT, due to the large electrical contrast, is the contact between the resistive Darai limestone and the underlying conductive sediments of the Ieru Formation. In some areas the base of the Darai can be mapped with reasonable accuracy by fitting 1D models to the observed MT data. However, in many cases where 2D and 3D effects are severe, 1D interpretations can yield dramatically incorrect results. Numerical and field data examples are presented which demonstrate the severity of the 1D errors and the improvements in accuracy which can be achieved using a 2D inverse solution. Two MT lines over adjacent anticlines, both with well control and seismic data, are used to demonstrate the application of 1D and 2D inversions for structural models. In both cases the seismic data provide no aid in the interpretations. The example over the Hides anticline illustrates a situation where 1D inversion of either TE or TM mode provides essentially the same depth to base of Darai as 2D inversion of both TE and TM. Both models provide base Darai depth estimates which are within 10% of that measured in the well. The example over the Angore anticline illustrates the inadequacy of 1D inversion in structurally complex geology complicated by electrical statics. The TE mode fits a 1D Darai thickness of 800 metres while the TM mode fits a 1D Darai thickness of 3500 metres, bracketing the thickness of 2450 metres observed in the well. The final 2D inversion model provides a depth estimate of 2250 metres. Four MT lines along the Angore anticline have been interpreted using 2D inversion. A high degree of correlation exists between lineaments observed on an airborne radar image and zones of low resistivity within the high-resistivity material interpreted as Darai limestone. These low-resistivity zones are interpreted as fault zones. Three-dimensional modelling has been used to simulate 3D statics in an otherwise 2D earth. These data were used to test the Groom-Bailey (GB) decomposition for possible benefits in reducing static effects and estimating geoelectric strike in the Papua New Guinea (PNG) field data. It has been found that the GB decomposition can provide improved regional 2D strike estimates in 3D contaminated data. However, in situations such as PNG, where the regional 2D strike is well established and hence can be fixed, the GB decomposition provides apparent resistivities identical to those simply rotated to strike.  相似文献   

3D Kirchhoff migration (KM) smears a trace's time sample along a quasi-ellipsoid in the model space. This is a costly and sometimes noisy process as reflection energy is smeared far away from the actual reflector position, introducing far-field migration artefacts. As a reduced form of 3D KM, 3D wavepath migration (WM) smears a picked reflection arrival to a small Fresnel zone portion centred about the specular reflection point, leading to fewer migration artefacts and reduced computation time. Both the traveltime and the angle of incidence are required by WM for locating the specular reflection point. Our results with 3D prestack synthetic data show that WM generates fewer migration artefacts and can sometimes define complex structure better than KM. Our results with 3D prestack field data show that WM can mostly suppress migration artefacts and can sometimes resolve reflection interfaces better than KM. The CPU comparison shows that, for both the synthetic and field data examples, WM can be more than an order of magnitude faster than KM. The limitation with 3D WM is that the angle of incidence calculation is sensitive to the recording geometry and the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, which can lead to blurred images.  相似文献   

3D visualization technology is a new seismic interpretation technology that is completely different from traditional seismic data interpretation technologies. This method takes geologic bodies or any 3D region of interest as a unit and integrates the points, lines, and planes of the bodies to make a 3D visual interpretation. This technology can be integrated with the coherence technique to interpret complex faults. Spatial domain automatic horizon tracing can accurately determine structural features. Target sculpting can determine the spatial dimensions and depth extent of perspective 3D lithology bodies using inversion data. I applied this technology to the interpretation of the complex block structures in the Guanxi area of Dagang Oilfield and the prediction of subtle reservoirs in the western slope of the Qinan sag with good results. This study indicated that the visual interpretation technology can be widely and effectively applied in oil field development and to improve the exploration success ratio.  相似文献   

2.5D finite-difference solution of the acoustic wave equation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The finite‐difference method applied to the full 3D wave equation is a rather time‐consuming process. However, in the 2.5D case, we can take advantage of the medium symmetry. By taking the Fourier transform with respect to the out‐of‐plane direction (the symmetry axis), the 3D problem can be reduced to a repeated 2D problem. The third dimension is taken into account by a sum over the corresponding wave‐vector component. A criterion for where to end this theoretically infinite sum derives from the stability conditions of the finite‐difference schemes employed. In this way, the computation time of the finite‐difference calculations can be considerably reduced. The quality of the modelling results obtained with this 2.5D finite‐difference scheme is comparable to that obtained using a standard 3D finite‐difference scheme.  相似文献   

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