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2011年10月12日,北京市石景山区(39.95° N,116.16° E)发生了一次ML2.1地震,震源深度约6.2 km.此次地震发生在北京市区内,尽管震级较小,但有感范围较大,曾受到广泛关注.本文即根据近场强震台加速度记录和首都圈宽频带台站记录数据,对此次地震加速度影响场进行计算分析,并与震源机制结果进行对比研究,以期为强震或较大地震发生后快速判定震害影响场提供参考依据.  相似文献   

陈祥熊  张弦 《地震学报》1990,12(3):223-234
使用DCS-302数字磁带记录地震仪组成的临时性流动台网,得到一批寻乌震群的中、小地震近场加速度记录.经过筛选对其中23次地震进行了精确定位,求得了综合断层面解,并将它与主震机制作了比较.测定了较大地震的峰值加速度及震源参数;对该震群的震源特征进行了分析.结果表明此次寻乌震群的震源破裂过程主要受北西向断裂的控制.   相似文献   

使用DCS-302数字磁带记录地震仪组成的临时性流动台网,得到一批寻乌震群的中、小地震近场加速度记录.经过筛选对其中23次地震进行了精确定位,求得了综合断层面解,并将它与主震机制作了比较.测定了较大地震的峰值加速度及震源参数;对该震群的震源特征进行了分析.结果表明此次寻乌震群的震源破裂过程主要受北西向断裂的控制.  相似文献   

将欧洲及其毗邻地区以及美国的部分近场强震记录按照震源机制进行分组,详细的分析了震源机制对水平和竖向分量地震动加速度反应谱放大系数以及竖向与水平向反应谱比值的影响.结果表明震源机制对震级不同的地震动以及地震动不同分量反应谱的影响程度不同;震源机制不仅影响反应谱峰值大小以及峰值位置,还在一定程度上影响反应谱的形状.  相似文献   

利用强震记录校正的芦山7.0级地震峰值加速度震动图   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
运用考虑场地效应的震动图快速生成方法,综合考虑震中地区地质构造背景、震源机制解结果及中国西部地区地震动参数衰减特征,估计了2013年4月20日芦山7.0级地震加速度分布图.利用地震后获得的强震记录计算了强震台站观测值与借助经验性衰减关系估计值之间的系统偏差,进一步修正了峰值加速度分布图.结果显示,由于芦山地震属于高角度逆冲型地震,加大了震区的震动程度,特别是震中附近30km范围内震动程度比校正前的结果更高.  相似文献   

本文以芦山地震为例,收集了70个该地震的强震波形记录,分析了峰值加速度随震中距的变化特征,讨论了空间加速度变化过程及相关波形传播特征,并运用计算获得的峰值加速度数据,根据经验加速度及烈度关系确定了芦山地震空间烈度分布,得出的最大烈度为Ⅸ度,地震灾害的重灾区位于芦山、宝兴区域,Ⅷ度以上烈度区主要分布在以芦山为中心及以宝兴、天全、雅安、名山等地的交汇区域,Ⅴ度以上烈度分布主要沿龙门山断裂带的灌县—安县断裂两侧呈NE向为长轴的分布特征,所得到的烈度结果与中国地震局给出的较相似.另外,研究结果认为本次地震的时段峰值记录表明其初始破裂是以近乎纯逆断层性质的地震,与哈佛大学给出的此次地震震源机制解较为一致;峰值加速度的高值分布特征显示出了断裂构造对峰值加速度有一定的影响.实践表明本方法具有一定的实用性和可靠性,可为快速抗震救灾提供参考.  相似文献   

"霍山窗"地区现代构造应力场研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用Snoke于2009年提出的利用P、SV和SH波的初动和振幅比联合计算震源机制解的方法,得到“霍山窗”地区1980年以来62次中小地震的震源机制解.基于大量的震源机制解资料,根据应力张量平均法反演得到“霍山窗”地区的平均构造应力场;结果表明,其与震源机制参数统计结果一致,表现为近EW向的水平挤压和近NS向的水平拉张作用.计算单个震源机制解力轴与平均应力场主应力轴的差异,即震源机制的一致性参数θ,进而分析θ随时间变化特征及其与华东地区中强震的关系;结果表明,“霍山窗”地区震源机制的一致性参数θ对华东地区相应中强震似有一定的指示意义.  相似文献   

本文对利用强震近场加速度记录确定时,空、强三个完整的震源参数。文中给出一种利用计算机自动识别地震记录的P波初动到时和S波震相到的算法。根据新近发表的Wood-Anderson地震仪器的最新参数,修牍正唐山地区量规函数。利用唐 山数字震观测台阵得到的近场加速度数据,计算了10次地震的震源位置和震级,并对定位误差进行了综合分析,将强震台网测定的震源参数与地震台  相似文献   

北京时间2009年03月20日14时48分,在吉林省四平市伊通满族自治县、公主岭市交界(北纬43.4°,东经124.9°)发生4.3级地震,震源深度约19公里.辽宁省强震动台网有6个强震台站记录到了地面运动,记录的最大加速度为57.68gal.本文对此次地震的强震记录进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

综合考虑震中地区地质构造背景、震源机制解结果、余震分布以及我国西部地区地震动参数衰减特征,运用考虑场地效应的震动图快速生成方法,将收集到的62组强震台站的峰值加速度作为插值使用,估计了2014年8月3日云南鲁甸MS6.5地震峰值加速度震动图. 利用地震后获得的强震记录计算了强震台站观测值与借助经验性衰减关系得到的估计值之间的系统偏差,校正了缺少台站地区借助经验性衰减关系得到的估计值,获得了校正后的峰值加速度分布图. 结果显示,鲁甸MS6.5地震的地震动峰值加速度随距离的衰减速度比前人对我国西部衰减统计的结果更快,对数偏差校正的结果更符合本次地震的衰减规律. 校正后的峰值加速度大于40 cm/s2的区域面积近8000 km2,比未经校正的峰值加速度大于40 cm/s2的面积减小了40%左右.   相似文献   

用确定性法和综合概率法给出沈阳低温核供热站厂址基岩地面运动峰值加速度和加速度反应谱,并和标定的RG1.60谱和HAF0101(1)谱及国家核规范谱作了对比,表明厂址谱整体上比RG1.60谱要低;概率法厂址谱在较短周期(小于0.3s)部分明显低,在较长周期(大于0.35s)部分略高。本文研究为类似地震地质条件区域的核电抗震设计积累了新经验,并作了有益探索。  相似文献   

Residuals of the peak horizontal acceleration for site-independent attenuation relations are shown to have weak positive correlation with the average observed peak horizontal/vertical acceleration ratio (q) at the recording site. This ratio systematically increases as the hardness of the soil decreases. Taking the average observed q at the recording station into account reduces the scatter of data slightly in fitting the assumed peak acceleration attenuation law. If the soil classification of the data is available, soil dependence is found to be weaker if the data are corrected for the effect of q prior to regression. This correction reduced the mean value of q = 1.85 for the Dinarides area to q = 1.52, which, on the average, is characteristic of rock sites.  相似文献   

震源深度对基岩地震动参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于安徽地区震源深度分布特征,选取典型场点构造不同震源深度分析模型,重点分析了震源深度的变异性对于基岩地震动参数的影响。研究结果表明:随着震源深度增加,基岩峰值加速度及加速度反应谱逐渐减小,且基岩峰值加速度减小幅度呈逐渐减弱的趋势;但水平向加速度反应谱特征周期随着震源深度增大而增大,同时震源深度对不同风险水平下基岩峰值加速度比值也产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

A simple calculation procedure for estimating absolute maximum slip displacement of a freestanding rigid body placed on the ground or floor of linear/nonlinear multi‐storey building during an earthquake is developed. The proposed procedure uses the displacement induced by the horizontal sinusoidal acceleration to approximate the absolute maximum slip displacement, i.e. the basic slip displacement. The amplitude of this horizontal sinusoidal acceleration is identical to either the peak horizontal ground acceleration or peak horizontal floor response acceleration. Its period meets the predominant period of the horizontal acceleration employed. The effects of vertical acceleration are considered to reduce the friction force monotonously. The root mean square value of the vertical acceleration at the peak horizontal acceleration is used. A mathematical solution of the basic slip displacement is presented. Employing over one hundred accelerograms, the absolute maximum slip displacements are computed and compared with the corresponding basic slip displacements. Their discrepancies are modelled by the logarithmic normal distribution regardless of the analytical conditions. The modification factor to the basic slip displacement is quantified based on the probability of the non‐exceedence of a certain threshold. Therefore, the product of the modification factor and the basic slip displacement gives the design slip displacement of the body as the maximum expected value. Since the place of the body and linear/nonlinear state of building make the modification factor slightly vary, ensuring it to suit the problem is essential to secure prediction accuracy. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

江西九江—瑞昌地震灾区抗震设防参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对江西九江-瑞昌邻近地区地震构造和地震活动性研究的基础上,对该地区的潜在震源区划分方案进行了调整,按第4代区划图的方法重新计算了九江-瑞昌地震灾区的地震动参数,结果表明,该地区仍属于地震动峰值加速度0.05g的分区,该地区一般建筑的抗震设防参数取为0.05g是合适的。  相似文献   

利用一维全粒子模拟得到的垂直无碰撞激波的位形,通过试验粒子方法研究了不同初始能量粒子的激波加速机制.将与激波相互作用的离子分成反射和直接穿过两类,发现只有被激波反射的离子可被激波明显加速,其中初始能量较小的反射离子通过激波冲浪机制加速,而初始能量较大的离子通过激波漂移加速机制加速.同时激波厚度还对离子被加速过程有重要影响.  相似文献   

利用2008年5月12日发生的汶川8·0级以及2008年8月30日凉山州会理县—攀枝花市间6·1级地震中获取的四川省境内的地震加速度记录数据,分析了有效峰值加速度(EPA)与加速度峰值(PGA)对比结果及加速度数据有效值与地震烈度的相关性。得出了有效峰值加速度(EPA)与烈度的相关性较之地震峰值加速度(PGA)与烈度的...  相似文献   

Pseudo-static analysis is commonly used to design earth structures. Most pseudo-static methods of analysis require a computer program. This paper presents a simple closed form solution of seismic stability analysis by extending Francais–Culmann's analysis. The analysis is valid for a slope with the most critical planar mechanism and under the influence of horizontal and vertical earthquake accelerations. The resulting permanent displacement is discussed and demonstrated using several real earthquake records. The simplicity of extended Francais–Culmann's solution allows it to be used for preliminary design and classroom instruction.  相似文献   

The 17 August 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey produced a majorsurface rupture. We traced this surface rupture from Gölcük toDüzce and located it accurately by using GPS. The closest distancefrom the surface rupture to the strong motion observation sites weredetermined. Then the attenuation characteristics of the observed peakground acceleration were compared with the attenuation relation given byFukushima and Tanaka (1992), which is suitable for the near-fault zone inJapan and gives results that closely match data recorded during the 1995Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake in Japan. Although this attenuation relationwas developed for Japan, we found that it agreed well with the KOCAELIearthquake. Furthermore, the observed spectral acceleration of 5%damping was compared with the building design code of Turkey and theobserved level was lower than the code.  相似文献   

Strong ground motions caused by earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 3.5 to 6.9 and hypocentral distances of up to 300 km were recorded by local broadband stations and three-component accelerograms within Georgia’s enhanced digital seismic network. Such data mixing is particularly effective in areas where strong ground motion data are lacking. The data were used to produce models based on ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs), one benefit of which is that they take into consideration information from waveforms across a wide range of frequencies. In this study, models were developed to predict ground motions for peak ground acceleration and 5%-damped pseudo-absolute-acceleration spectra for periods between 0.01 and 10 s. Short-period ground motions decayed faster than long-period motions, though decay was still in the order of approximately 1/r. Faulting mechanisms and local soil conditions greatly influence GMPEs. The spectral acceleration (SA) of thrust faults was higher than that for either strike-slip or normal faults but the influence of strike-slip faulting on SA was slightly greater than that for normal faults. Soft soils also caused significantly more amplification than rocky sites.  相似文献   

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