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地震作用下结构的易损性分析是地震灾害损失预测方法的重要组成部分。本文针对多层砌体房屋结构、排架结构和多层钢筋混凝土结构等3种城市典型建筑,首先给出了该类单体建筑的地震结构易损性分析方法,然后对群体建筑的地震易损性分析方法,以及群体建筑的易损性分类方法进行了探讨,为城市典型建筑的地震灾害损失预测和评估提供参考,并为宁波市抗震防灾规划的地震损失预测提供基础。  相似文献   

在地震危险性分析及建筑物和生命等的易损性分析的基础上,预测未来地震造成自然和人工建筑环境的灾害及其损失,这是地震灾害及其损失研究的基本思路。本文基于宏观经济指标的地震灾害损失预测模型,以2000年全国不变价格计算的人均GDP作为地震宏观易损性的分类指标,以某市(A、B县)为例进行未来15年地震灾害损失预测。其预测结果包括两大部分:县行政区预测结果和网格预测结果,其预测结果可以为确定地震重点监视防御区提供参考依据。  相似文献   

城市典型建筑的地震损失预测方法Ⅰ: 结构易损性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
地震作用下结构的易损性分析是地震灾害损失预测方法的重要组成部分。本文针对多层砌体房屋结构、排架结构和多层钢筋混凝土结构等3种城市典型建筑,首先给出了该类单体建筑的地震结构易损性分析方法,然后对群体建筑的地震易损性分析方法,以及群体建筑的易损性分类方法进行了探讨,为城市典型建筑的地震灾害损失预测和评估提供参考,并为宁波市抗震防灾规划的地震损失预测提供基础。  相似文献   

李文俊    曲哲    孙海林  熊政辉   《世界地震工程》2021,(4):109-121
房屋建筑的地震易损性是地震损失评估和地震巨灾风险模型的基础。作为房屋建筑的重要组成部分,各类非结构构件的损失在现有的易损性模型中并未得到足够重视。本文以一栋典型钢筋混凝土框架结构教学楼为对象,通过将房屋建筑中的各类构件划分为具有不同地震损伤特性和损失后果的易损性组,考察建筑内的损失分布和非结构损失对房屋建筑地震易损性的影响。分析结果表明:由于许多非结构构件在中小地震作用下即可能发生较严重的破坏,房屋建筑在中小地震下的易损性主要受非结构损失控制;随着地震动强度等级的不断提高,结构损伤渐趋严重,结构损失对整体建筑易损性的影响不断增大;在结构进入震后不可修状态之前,建筑不同楼层的损失分布是评估建筑地震损失时不可忽略的因素。  相似文献   

复杂高层结构基于增量动力分析法的地震易损性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
增量动力分析法(Incremental Dynamic Analysis,IDA)是一种以动力弹塑性时程分析为基础的参数分析方法,计算结构在不同地震动强度作用下的响应,能够反映结构体系随地震动强度的变化,经历弹性、弹塑性直至倒塌的全过程性能.而建筑结构的地震易损性是指在不同强度地震作用下结构达到或超过某种极限状态的条件概率.因此,增量动力分析的结果提供了结构地震易损性分析所需的数据.本文在增量动力分析的基础上,结合地震易损性分析,提出基于IDA的地震易损性分析方法,并采用该方法对某复杂超限高层结构进行抗震性能评估,得出该结构在3个地震水准下,超越5个极限状态的概率.研究表明,基于增量动力分析的易损性分析结果,可为预测重大工程结构的地震破坏和损失提供有力的科学依据.  相似文献   

青海省农居地震灾害易损性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
青海省靠近我国南北地震带,是一个地震频发的省份,而农居相对于城市建筑的抗震性能而言较为薄弱,也是造成地震损失的重要因素。本文通过对青海省的地理状况、历史震灾情况、农居建筑结构等进行研究,总结出青海省各结构类型农居震灾破坏率,评估乡级空间尺度的农居震灾易损性并分级,最后简单分析造成易损性较高的因素并提出建议。  相似文献   

建筑结构在地震中的损坏程度是人员伤亡和经济损失预测的基础,也是城市地震经济损失的主要组成部分。本文结合某中等城市市区六种典型建筑在地震作用下的受力特点和破坏机理,分别采用了相应的易损性分析方法,建立了市区震害矩阵。预测结果真实可靠,为进一步进行抗震规划和统计震害损失提供依据。  相似文献   

本文在对西藏东南部各县的建筑类型、数量、易损性调查的基础上,对不同类型的建筑建立了模式类向量,使用三维图像模式识别技术估计了各类型建筑在西藏东南部各县市的数量分布,建立了不同建筑物的结构易损性和人口易损性模型,并且估算了西藏东南部各县在遭遇一次设定地震时的损失分布和基于危险性的未来50年可能的损失分布情况.本文研究表明,若曲松—桑日发生7.5级地震,可能造成拉萨、山南两市较重的人员伤亡,其中曲松县和乃东区伤亡最重.西藏东南部未来50年建筑地震风险最高的地区是拉萨市区、林芝市区和错那县,其中拉萨市区的建筑财产损失风险最高.  相似文献   

王盛泽 《华南地震》2010,30(1):82-91
从历史最大地震烈度分布图分析,可知揭阳、汕头、潮州三市位于Ⅶ~Ⅷ度高地震烈度区。该城市群地震灾害有以下特点:市区发生破坏性地震的潜在危险性大;地震时市区地震烈度高,地震灾害大,损失严重。采用宏观经济易损性的地震损失分析方法,重演该区的历史破坏性地震。分析表明:抓好该区的防震减灾工作是保持社会和经济建设持续发展的一项重要工作。  相似文献   

21世纪我国经济急速发展,人口也急剧增长,这也使得地震对人类生命和财产安全造成的威胁更大,结构抗震研究需求日益增加。地震易损性分析技术对于结构破坏和损失预测都有着非同一般的应用价值,因此受到了国内外土木工程抗震界的广泛关注和研究。首先介绍了地震易损性分析的基本概念,具体地论述了用于地震易损性分析的三种方法,同时总结出此三种方法各自的优缺点;其次以RC框架结构为例论述了国内外地震易损性分析领域的研究发展,从上个世纪90年代开始进行了系统的梳理和分析。说明了地震易损性分析在研究过程中由于不确定性的存在而导致对分析结果准确度的影响;最后指出要想得到更接近于真实的易损性分析结果,还需考量易损性分析中的不确定参数,揭示了地震易损性分析研究领域所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Vulnerability Analysis in Earthquake Loss Estimate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The adobes in Costa Rica have almost the same vulnerability as the old civil houses in China, which represent vulnerability in the worst case. On the other hand, the high quality buildings in Costa Rica have the same vulnerability as the reinforced concrete buildings in China due to the adoption of state-of-art techniques in design and construction, which represent the vulnerability of the best case. The macroeconomic vulnerability defined by Chen et al. falls in the middle of the two extreme cases of the inventory studied because the total macroscopic loss is the sum of losses of different types of buildings and facilities. Therefore the macroeconomic vulnerability must be greater than that of the best case and less than that of the worst. The use of macroscopic vulnerability in earthquake loss estimate is easy, simple and feasible. The vulnerability plots are preliminary in nature and should be refined with additional earthquake loss data.  相似文献   

结合天然地震推导水库地震的建筑物易损性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过类比的方法,选择有现场调查资料并有建筑物破坏比结果的天然地震,基于地震中建筑物震害表现的一致性,以震级、震源深度和极震区烈度为标准,聚类得到与水库地震震害相似的天然地震震例。考虑到宏观经济水平与地震经济损失已有的统计模型,采用了人口密度、人均GDP和三产比例等3个宏观经济指标来反映不同地区的建筑物总体抗震水平,以加权海明(Hamming)距离来定义已知矩阵与目标矩阵的近似度,最终的加权结果即为待求地区的易损性矩阵。通过实际检验,所得的建筑物易损性关系能够反映水库地震的破坏特点,较中强天然地震的易损性要高。这种工作思路也可以用于水库地震其它方面的研究中  相似文献   

For the insurance and reinsurance industries, earthquake loss estimation is crucial not only to adequately price its product but also to manage the accumulation risk in the face of the ever-increasing exposure in highly seismic regions. Changes in the built environment and a continuously evolving earthquake science make it a necessity for the industry to constantly refine earthquake loss estimation models. In particular, it has been recognized for a long time that the vulnerability of buildings to ground shaking is a key parameter in any earthquake risk model. Current methods tend either to rely on the limited historical damage and loss data or on the numerical simulation of the response of individual buildings to the ground-shaking produced by earthquakes. Although both methods have their advantages and pitfalls, we are proposing here a simple solution, using transparent input data, that can be realistically used for the needs of the insurance and reinsurance industry, whether detailed information about the insured structures is available or not. The resulting product is known as GEVES (Global Earthquake Vulnerability Estimation System). It is primarily intended for evaluating the mean damage ratio (MDR) suffered by a portfolio of buildings classified by use, under the action of a given earthquake scenario (i.e. an earthquake of given size at a given distance from the portfolio of buildings). A key assumption was that macroseismic intensity rather than spectral displacement would be the basis of loss estimation. The paper describes the model with emphasis on its structure and the justification for the assumptions made. In addition to a new set of earthquake vulnerability functions, the paper also provides recommendations on some aspects of the earthquake hazard, in particular about how to define macroseismic intensity at the site of interest, for a given earthquake scenario. This paper also discusses validation of the GEVES model against calculated vulnerability approaches, and the treatment of uncertainty within the model.  相似文献   

The degree and distribution of damage to buildings subjected to earthquakes is a concern of the Chinese Government and the public.Seismic damage data indicates that seismic capacities of different types of building structures in various regions throughout mainland of China are different.Furthermore,the seismic capacities of the same type of structure in different regions may vary.The contributions of this research are summarized as follows:1)Vulnerability matrices and earthquake damage matrices of masonry structures in mainland of China were chosen as research samples.The aim was to analyze the differences in seismic capacities of sample matrices and to present general rules for categorizing seismic resistance.2)Curves relating the percentage of damaged masonry structures with different seismic resistances subjected to seismic demand in different regions of seismic intensity(VI to X)have been developed.3)A method has been proposed to build vulnerability matrices of masonry structures.The damage ratio for masonry structures under high-intensity events such as the Ms 6.1 Panzhihua earthquake in Sichuan province on 30 August2008,was calculated to verify the applicability of this method.This research offers a significant theoretical basis for predicting seismic damage and direct loss assessment of groups of buildings,as well as for earthquake disaster insurance.  相似文献   

The degree and distribution of damage to buildings subjected to earthquakes is a concern of the Chinese Government and the public. Seismic damage data indicates that seismic capacities of different types of building structures in various regions throughout mainland China are different. Furthermore, the seismic capacities of the same type of structure in different regions may vary. The contributions of this research are summarized as follows: 1) Vulnerability matrices and earthquake damage matrices of masonry structures in mainland China were chosen as research samples. The aim was to analyze the differences in seismic capacities of sample matrices and to present general rules for categorizing seismic resistance. 2) Curves relating the percentage of damaged masonry structures with different seismic resistances subjected to seismic demand in different regions of seismic intensity (VI to X) have been developed. 3) A method has been proposed to build vulnerability matrices of masonry structures. The damage ratio for masonry structures under high-intensity events such as the Ms 6.1 Panzhihua earthquake in Sichuan province on 30 August 2008, was calculated to verify the applicability of this method. This research offers a significant theoretical basis for predicting seismic damage and direct loss assessment of groups of buildings, as well as for earthquake disaster insurance.  相似文献   

喀什及其周围地区农村房屋建筑易损性矩阵的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋立军  谢瑞民 《内陆地震》1999,13(3):233-237
在搜集喀什及其周围地区农村房屋震害资料的基础上,建立了农村分类房屋的地震易损性矩阵,将其与国内相研究结果进行了对比,认为结果的差异主要与研究区农村房屋质量和场地土条件有关,今后工作中应对城镇房屋建筑的易损性矩阵进行及时总结和研究。  相似文献   

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